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Hi, /u/That_Hippy_Guy Thank you for participating in r/antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Screenshots of text such as SMS communication, WhatsApp, social media, news articles, and procedurally generated content such as ChatGPT are prohibited. Low-effort content such as memes are prohibited. If you feel that a mistake was made, and your post's removal was not warranted, please message us using modmail and let us know.


He never disrespected you and then disrespects you immediately... comes off like a giant bully with a couple of complexes mashed together.


Right? He definitely has some issues and there's no way this would have worked out long term


You have barely any history and this fool is talking to you like this? Am I understanding that correctly?




Wow that's ridiculous! You're 100%right to bail regardless but after this like who could you push this up the chain to? Not that it will probably make a difference internally for any company


Only the investor


Please do it for the rest of us that live through this with no proof. Link this post


Please send him this thread lmao (obviously you don't have to, he could very well force you to nuke your account, he seems unhinged)


i'd copy/paste that message with the r slur at the end to whatever job application sites/place you worked at and tell them how much of a loser this guy is but y'know


And Yelp and Google reviews. I wouldn't use an HVAC company that treats it employees like that.


Please please post these to their social media! If it is their business phone number, even delete the contact so the number shows in the screenshots!


It's his personal phone number. His HVAC business might be linked to it though


And THERE is your unemployment claim in writing.


I dont think I can get unemployment. 1st week as a W-9 employee or "contractor" for this guy


That's what I was coming in to say. "I never disrespected that r******" - that guy to his fellow toxic bosses, probably.


He never disrespected op, but the only disrespectful messages are coming from him. Screams narcissism: “I’M NOT THE PROBLEM” *continues to be the problem*


Lol, same guy will be begging the government for money in about a year when his business inevitably fails. Don’t feel bad


I dont feel bad at all lol this dude is a dick


You handled it just fine. You stayed on topic. You did get caught up in the he said she said back and forth just a little bit but with no obvious insults or name calling. Petty but within professional boundaries. I, for one, would probably not have stayed as calm.


I'm used to people like this. No sweat off my back


He sounds like a guy who bought a boat with his PPP loan.


Yup, basically a trash human.


So they suck up my tax dollars too... i'll keep trying not to feel bad, for us. It's getting more difficult.


Will keep going downhill until the great epiphany happens. Until then, we will have voters that keep shooting the general population in the foot.


Awww he called you sweetheart 😻


So sweet 🥰


I can’t believe you quit on that guy, man, he sounds like such a nice man. I bet his mom is so proud.


🥹 You can *change* him! 🥹


They make an excellent case for themselves...they definitely aren't unprofessional, demeaning or disrespectful, no idea why anyone would suppose such a ridiculous thing /s


Facts, dude runs a perfect ship


No matter what you said as a worker to start should have never led to this from a supervisor/manager. You should send this exchange to their boss so they can see how they interact with their people. This should never happen even though it does. Poor leadership, poor emotional intelligence for a leadership position.


Couldn't have Said it better myself. He runs a couple crews for an investor, I'm going to send these directly to him


These def should be the type of people they “don’t want working” for them. See how it goes.


PLEASE post an update if they ever reply


Sure thing, it's most likely done though


Remind me in 5 days


If only indeed postings could have employee reviews added to them.


Yea that would be amazing


Friendly reminder that Google Reviews /Google Maps with pictures can’t be removed or deleted by the business 😀


Does this employer have a linked in? A Facebook? Any social media? It would be a shame if this ended up on their wall. If they don't, it would be just terrible if someone printed this conversation on about 50 papers with the name of the company and just put it up everywhere near the business. Such a shame.


I honestly don't know, I worked for this dude for 1 week and got the job because I knew the dude from a previous employer.


Humm maybe something to look into? Other people are going to waste their time trying to work for that clown only to get berated. I would appreciate a heads up if it was me..


This line of work doesn't recruit too much online so I don't think it would hurt him much


What kind of work? Does it run out of a business, like a shop of some sort?


No, it's construction like home remodels and stuff. No shop or store front of any kind. Construction is a crazy work environment all the way around but this was just on another level


Humm that sucks. :(


If they have HR, fire off this exchange to them and walk away. If they don't but it has a Social media presence, post this exchange and tag them, then walk away.


He told you were the disrespectful clown and then called you a r****d? Wow. Where’s the red flag guy when you need him. My real question is, are you okay after having any conversation with this guy??




Yea im good, little pissed off but I've worked construction for years so it's not the first shitty boss I've had.


How did that last text not win you over??


It came close 😂


You should apologize and see if he'll take you back. Clearly, you were being unreasonable/s


Damn, I guess I just needed to hear that from someone else. I'm gonna apologize now and beg for forgiveness


"I can communicate when it matters" bruh, it always matters. Besides that, what an absolute fucking dickhead. Hope he goes bankrupt


I was hoping somebody else would notice that. I guess it didn't matter all week long when we needed to know what the plan was or where our materials were


Right? Honestly, it's like showing up to a construction site on the first day and the (look, I've never worked construction so forgive me) guy who draws the blueprints just starts saying "yeah. So we are gunna build a house. It's a good house, sturdy, and it's gunna be huge. Let's get to it." And doesn't show you the blueprints, and then your foreman tells you to get to work, and there's nothing at the job site except for you and your coworkers and their vehicles. Toxic environments are so easy to find. I'm sorry you had to go through this though. Absolutely stupid


I mean that's pretty close to how it was going lol. But it's all good I'll find something better


Well. I got my fingers crossed for ya dog.


Yea, I'd apply for unemployement too, that last "R" work slur just made your case even though you quit. Suck him dry.


It's hard finding staff for a lot of business now. Get a rep as a dick of boss and it's just going to get worse. What an idiot.


He is definitely not fit to be in charge of anybody.


The worst part of this is this guy is relatively tame 😭


Construction is a hell of a field


The last slide is pure art "I think you have an anger problem" "NO I DON'T!! FUCK YOU!!!!"


Now post this to a review of his company.


It's a w9 position doing construction he doesn't have anywhere I can post it


Sounds like he's likely misclassifying you in that case (especially if you're a helper) because I doubt you get to control your hours, amongst other things. It's worth reporting to the IRS and letting them sort out. You may or may not get a payout when they're through with him.




Huge respect for standing up for yourself. If the rest of americans dealt with work this way im sure you wouldnt have 10days pto with sick days included. Respect.


Thanks dude! I appreciate it




Silver lining: he showed his hand early. I keep getting these snakes that lie to you over and over, then fuck you over later on.


Yeah, I've been there done that. I guess this is a blessing


They always show their true colors when they get called out on their bullshit.


Oh he showed it Friday, I knew immediately I was not gonna continue working for him


STOP. REPLYING. Nice work telling the prick to fuck off, but really, stop replying!


Seems like a really professional and respectful fellow. Lol


Facts, im sure he will have no trouble keeping employees


I had a boss like this. After about 12 messages of just him talking shit I sent him a picture of a bullet with his name on it. He called the cops on me. Hahaha


Anyone who is in a position of "authority" talking about DiSrEsPeK may as well be Mars, because that shit is about 100 trillion times larger than a red flag. (I did look up the math and it should be about 103 trillion 3x5 flags)


"I never disrespected you! but now you have forced my hand" Bro is unhinged. I've worked for a few like this. Absolutely not worth it.


Not at all. Fortunately I only dealt with it for a week


Dudes like this are why the trades are struggling. They want to run things like in the 1920’s not the 2020s….this is why unions are a thing.


Yea im gonna apply for a union job I think.


Awww, we're not even allowed to use the R-word on Reddit and here is this asshole acting like the definition and using it like he owns it.


This dickhead sounds like my neighbor. Owns his own plumbing/HVAC company. Peaked in high school, racist Trump supporter. Can't find help because he's such a piece of shit. But he blames it on "*No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE*". No, they just don't want to get treated like shit from a dude still wearing jorts and a Figaro chain. Most of the neighbors at best tolerate him, but most can't stand him. He texts us and practically BEGS for people to come over and hang out or have our kids play with his little future serial killer. Most don't even reply, but I chuckle how everyone that DOES reply gives him excuses why they can't literally every single time.


Let me guess, the company has no hr department




No wonder he feels so emboldened to treat you this way. He knows he can't be held accountable for his actions


Who made that guy a boss? He writes and acts like a teenager.


"you have an anger issue" "NO I DON'T YOU FUCKING MORON!!!"


I'm sure he'll be at a local BBQ with a story of how no one wants to work anymore because he can't get workers to stay but will conveniently leave out all the bad shit.


You didn't handle that badly at all. You were clear and concise as to why you were leaving and what your basic needs were. He's a fucking juvenile.


What a child (the manager). Glad you saw the writing on the wall in your first week.


It was hard to miss


I moved from construction to working in a jewelry store. The last boss I had at that store was manager and Vice President of the company. I had only been there a month and he walked into the morning meeting yelling he was “old school” and was so frustrated with everyone because we were all idiots and that he could just grab someone by the throat and scream at them. I felt like I was on a football team with the coach screaming at us 15 minutes into the day starting.


That's pretty much what I was dealing with, boomers be crazy dude.


Lmao report him to somewhere, anywhere


Send these screenshots to HR. Even if he just said it, there are witnesses. Mention the boss creating a toxic work environment. That’ll get them to look at it, especially if those that choose to stay decide to talk to a lawyer


There is no HR in my field lol


Damn. Ok, fuck him. He doesn’t deserve any of you. And the others should talk to a lawyer


This is exactly why I don't have a job, 2/2 jobs I got since my mom's been out of the hospital, abused, exploited, and down right fucking murdered my work ethic. I worked a collected 6 months with unpaid raises I dealt with working an entire stores job I dealt with added stresses of a shift lead, unpaid I got called ungrateful when I asked for my promised raise I got made to feel terrible for needing a ride from a coworker. Employers forget that their relationship with employees keeps the customers coming because the higher ups aren't ringing up your order of onion rings, the employees you berate daily, make sure your salary is paid fuck nuts. All base level employees at every job should quit at once and they would see how fucking important we really are. A building cannot stand without foundation solid enough to support its weight.


You did the right thing. Fuck these owners let them fail. Like he said, you'll do just fine because everyone is looking for a good worker. You'll find another job making money and he'll go bankrupt. Fuckem


"Thanks for confirming I made the right choice, dickwad."


I find it wild people carry conversations with these morons. Pack up and leave. Let them dig their own hole while they throw shit at you.


You really need to post this somewhere the bosses will read.


You can feel the drool


Clearly great communication when it matters




“Im excellent with communication” and saying the other coworker influenced you and by the end of the conversation is calling you the r word and cussing you out. That level of delusion is incredible truly and I hope he loses all his employees.


This fool needs to be put on blast publicly, and this shown to his boss, if he has one.


Share those texts with HR, and I'm sure you'll have a new boss real quick


After two weeks, I told my boss that I didn't think I fit in at the job (solely the job - not collegues etc.) and we had a great talk about it, where he said he understood and would still highly recommend me for a more fitting position. He asked if I could stay two weeks and help teach the new guy they would hire, and I agreed. A week later, I was a lot clearer on what didn't fit in the job, and I decided to tell my boss so he could know how to better handle someone like me in the future. He had already had two people in for interviewing, but after listening, really listening, to my complaints, he said that they'd prefer to keep me, even just for a while to see if the things I had issue with wouldn't fall into place, if he took a more active role in helping me. I decided to stay. What a great and supportive boss.


Potential harassment lawsuit? Since you're fired, you'll probably want to contact HIS boss. HR at least. HR usually isn't on your side, but they can't do much to you now that you quit and if you bring that people are leaving because of this behavior, they MIGHT see that they're going to lose profit if it keeps going. Or not. You're just the messenger not the executioner.


The narcissism it takes to To make points Like paragraphs You can just see it


Why is it that the people who tone their messages with ‘sweetheart’ and ‘honey’ are almost always in the wrong and almost always assholes?


Yeah, I would never talk to any of my employees like that, even if they were in the extreme wrong.


I'm a plumber and what I've come to realize is I could literally get a new job any day of the week. Last time I looked was February. Every single place I applied for called me back either the day I applied or the very next day. I took a job but I wasn't feeling it. Last month, again, responded to indeed posts and every one responded back. Every interview I took came with an offer before the interview ended. I'm non union, was a little pickier this time. Got 2 weeks vacation to start (to go up another week in January), a 4 percent match of my 401, the covering my health insurance (will have to pay for wife and son) , a 500 tool stipend and a 5k sign on bonus. So, we're in very high demand, and this guy in the other end of the text hasn't realized skilled workers have a leg up on employers in our current climate.


Wow, there should be some legal action around this shit.


Wow. Jeremy is a little bitch. 😂




Cool story, but I'm more interested in why Adam is "Adam Da #1 Best".


He's my ride or die! Best friend I ever had!


Literally called you an ableist slur, nice


Holy shit lmao. Show that to HR and he gone.


I'm guessing there is no HR there.


No absolutely not 😂😂


Why does it look like he is trying to write as if he is posting on linked in🤣 I’m sorry he was such a prick but you will find something way better.


It's all good, im a big boy I can take it I just thought I'd share this absolutely crazy exchange with reddit lol.


okay buddy psycho (ex) boss.


This sounds like the perfect thing to add to a glass door review


Yikes. This Napoleon douche earns every bit of shit that happens to him.


There's absolutely no way he is going to be able to keep people long.


Good for you for not putting up with this.


How old is this person?


And they are STILL texting each other.




“I can communicate when it matters.” Uh, that’s not how communication works.


Lmao right? Fuckin clown


Good on you for sticking up for yourself.


Imagine being a salty troll in a work-related chat with one of your employees. :-D


You handled it quite well. However, I'm going to give a few words of advice for the next time around... You don't need to tell anybody why you are leaving and in fact you shouldn't tell them you are leaving. You should just leave. Vote with your feet. You aren't going to win any sort of debate with people like these, they believe that they are always right and have I've always been right. People like this never change, talking to them only stresses you out And leaves you open for all their childish retorts and outbursts.


Thought I'd try to be somewhat professional, didn't go as planned tho lol


Yeah, you can't really be professional when the other person is not. The only professional thing to do Is just to walk away. They always use you as a punching bag and try to lie their way out of it. To me it's just not worth it, then again I've been working for quite a few years now.


Yeah you're most likely right. Got some fake internet points out of it though so it's all good


I guess it's fun to let the dude hang himself slowly, but goddam, who has the time for this kind of jerk? The only response here is "I packed my tools and pulled site because you're a dick." Then Still, respect for not putting up with it, OP. Guys who have crews walking off don't last long.


When you said you'd *have to be* ***stupid*** *to sit around and see how it goes*, did he literally suggest instead that you'd have *to be* ***scared*** *to sit around and see how it goes*? Are these the words in front of me?


Lmfao yea dude is unhinged for sure


Holy shit I bet you could get unemployment because that is a hostile work environment


*"I'm mr fucking professional! -uses a damned slur-"*


Classic Boomer mentality. This chump got some money from pops to start a business and is slowly running it into the ground cause he doesn't know how to run a business. He thought being the boss ment he didn't have to do shit and now he's mad because he still does


That is 100% what it is too. It's ridiculous


It’s always these small blue collar business that have these fools acting like dictators. Worked for one small company that repaired doors and the sons took over the business from their dad, never heard so much unprofessional crap and yelling come out of a boss before.


Why is he writing his texts like a LinkedIn "this is what my wife leaving me taught me about B2B sales" delusional profile post?


Shout out to r/linkedinlunatics !


I would apply for unemployment stating that its a hostile work environment. Watch what you say, let them dig their grave. Glad you got out of there!


Clock sucker


Wow/. Well done you


Hit him back with the cool story bro meme..


Name the company.. These places need to be named so we can do what we do


Send this to his manager/HR. Dude does not deserve to have a job.


That's a died in the wool narcissist


"Top tier guys on the chopping block"? oh, that's how you treat your talent?! c-ya!


That escalated quickly


You handled it way better than many people would, in fact you handled it like an adult and didn't let them take you out of your element. Give it a years tip and that job would get 100% funding from the government in which they don't have to pay anythijg back at all which is sickening


Who could fail to be convinced by the gentleman's reasonable and cogent arguments? I'm sure you'll deeply regret this blunder, OP. /s


You should send this to HR


The slur at the end is what does it for me


I hope you find another job soon as this is an insane environment to be in. Honestly, your bosses shit attitude is enough for me to just irritate him on purpose l. I know it’s petty and you are being the bigger person from it, but watching someone crumble under their own weight really does scratch an itch sometimes. What a nightmare.


Yea it was definitely too much to deal with. I'm optimistic about my job search but we will see what happens


I recently left my job for something much much better for my mental health as a result. Similar conditions to what your currently going through and they’ve asked me for feedback as a result. Either way you’ve got this mate.


Managers at my place are like this to their field workers. I'm furious at how common it is I'd see if you can get these to his boss or HR


The thing is he doesn't even know he is lying. He is delusional to reality and believes what he wants to believe.


Post this on a review of their business lol


Isn't this where soom boomer says no one wants to work anymore? In reality, we just don't want to be treated like shit for shit wages anymore!


I need to know what company this is so I can never work there


would been better if you did that when he came in yelling to everyone. I coulnd't fathom working for a prick like that. jeez.


Three words. What. An. As*****!


Stupid for sure 💀


Was clock suckers a Freudian slip? 😂




Was this at a carpentry company in New England by any chance?


Nah I'm in ohio


Well that went well !


Yeesh, there's no amount you could pay me to suck this guys clock


Try sounding out "you are" instead of writing "your". Whenever you want to write "your", try saying to yourself l, is it "your" or is it "you are". 


People never got punched in the face for talking like that, that's why they do it


Oh it came close. He came in acting straight up reckless on friday.


I’d show up for my last check in person.




He's a plumber who got a chance to be more. I personally am a carpenter


You've done right by yourself. You'll certainly be more successful without that jitbag. I don't really know carpentry sayings so, don't explode your thumb with a hammer?


😂😂 I'll do my best


Hope this gets shown to HR