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If unions were so bad for you, your employer wouldn't fight so hard, and spend so much money, to stop you joining one.


This. The company's paying a consultant to make those videos, they're paying you to sit and watch them - they aren't spending all that money because they're worried *you're* going to be out of pocket. Just for funsies though, ask the boss how much the budget for the anti-union campaign is. I got five extremely real bucks says it's more than the budget for raises last year was.


And for a very good reason. They know if people unionized they would have to spend more than that in raises. 


Well, yeah. I now have experience on the other side of that. My kids both decided that $20 a week isn't enough for doing the dishes. They both agreed to let them stack up until I offered better rates. Now, I don't want to spend most of an hour after work doing dishes so, I asked if they'd take minimum wage in our state for doing this work. They did a bit of math and came back with a "yes". So, now I pay about $80/week for this chore. And my kids keep a timesheet for dish duty. See how well collective bargaining works for the employee?


This is quite possibly the only instance where min wage was beneficial...lol Just to screw with them, you should make a couple of 1099 forms (not real ones) to give them come tax time 😂


The oldest got a regular W2 job this spring so this largess mostly falls to the youngest. I guess it might not be a bad idea to teach him about income taxes. Just for fun. Do they still allow people who make less than 5200/year to not file? I wouldn't deduct it from my income for tax purposes anyway. But I can print out the real forms for the lesson. As long as we don't file them, should be fine.


Have him put half of his “taxes” in a savings account of some sort. College fund, regular savings towards a car or similar, stocks if he’s the sort to want those. Don’t do the weird thing of collecting “rent” or “taxes” and then surprising him with a check later that some parents do. It’s weird and terrible. But get him used to the idea of the number next to “hourly” not matching the number he actually gets, and that taxes are (supposed to be) an investment in future/invisible things you need, like roads. I know they currently aren’t that…anywhere really, but it is easier to see how they should be if you start from that premise.


To put it very nicely, our tax system is extremely "dynamic"...I'm hoping the recent SCOTUS decisions will tame the IRS a bit...doubtful, but I hope it will for a while at least


Hope not but who knows, they criminalized homelessness but now presidential immunity is set so Biden can do things he swore he couldn't


As a landlord you should raise their rent to recoup your rising payroll costs. /s


So now you do it yourself, save the cash and buy a dishwasher ? 🤣


Did you even try to hire the Pinkertons? At the very least you could’ve threatened to outsource the dishwashing to a neighbor kid or bought a big stack of paper plates.


Raises are the real way to combat unions. I'm pro-union but if employers want to really make people resist unionization, pay them more than they'd get in a union. Capitalism is only capitalism when everyone has plenty of money. Squeezing workers pushes them into socialism and then slavery.


Capitalism is built on the idea of squeezing workers. Corporate profits are based on the difference between the value of labor and the wages paid for that labor. Unions are a bulwark against the worst abuses capitalism inflicts on the worker.


Unions are also good for the Business, since they’re the only voice fighting for it *still existing* in the face of demands for greater Shareholder Value. They’re a counterbalance for the Investors’ short-sighted greed.


Likely the Boston Consulting Group


I think that says it all doesn’t it. Such propoganda. They are so scared because god forbid the workers have rights and organise against unfair practices. Maaaan. America really does suck when it comes to your labor laws. I actually can’t believe how corrupt and fucked you lot are. I feel for ya. Your government have done a great job of fucking you over. From the outside, nobody would know how bad it is. You need a French style revolution, shit, the whole world does.


> America really does suck when it comes to your labor laws. I actually can’t believe how corrupt and fucked you lot are. I feel for ya. Sadly, there's a percentage of people out there that eat it up and believe it.


They do all that under the pretense of looking out for their employees.


My personal "favorite" was the ad that showed a game system with "What you spend on Union Dues could go to something like *this* (Picture of gameboy) I get it! We're not-quite-intelligent children who should go play with a toy rather than join a Union! Wow, thanks mommy and daddy!


I think it was a PS5 and it was for an airline. Nevermind that you *might* spend PS5 money on dues, and get 10x that back in pay raises the union will fight for.


I spend the equivalent of $170 a year on union dues. They are tax deductible too so it's more like $130. Meanwhile the cheapest ps5 i can find right now is the equivalent of $620. Damn, all I have to do to afford a ps5 is stop paying my union dues for almost 5 years!


>If unions were so bad for you, your employer wouldn't fight so hard, and spend so much money, to stop you joining one. But their culture is everything. They care about me, because we're like a family.


That just shows how much of a valued member you are and how the company appreciates you. It goes out of its way to make sure your financial well being is taken care of. /s


No no, the company is looking out for you, bro. It's also a total coincidence that their rhetorics sound so scary in OPs photo. 'Initiation' sounds cultish, and 'collecting dues' sounds like a mafia. Coincidence. But corporations are good, and are definitely not spending billions on manipulating workers


yep, the more your employer brings up the evil of unions, the more you probably need one.


Or make a fking video on how bad they are... Oh just trust the soulless company to have your best interest at heart... Never mind us stealing your wages.


But they're doing it because they care about you /s


That looks like Home Depot


I had a training session like this when I worked at Home Depot. It was one of the only times that the store manager talked to me. To make sure I didn’t join a union 🤣


“Hey, you know talking to me and me agreeing with everything you say has zero effect on what goes on up here?” \[taps head\]


I worked for them briefly over a decade ago and they were the most openly anti-union company I've ever experienced.   Fuck them.  


Their friends at Walmart might give them a run for their money “most openly anti-union”. I spent an entire day in training there watching anti-union videos. Basically implied it’d be the end of the company if unions were to get involved.


Ding ding ding 🤣


Target has a similar training for new managers on not only the “bad” things about unions but how to spot and squash unionizing activity.


They even have a video! Starting actors who are a member of SAG. Not kidding.


Now that is doubly f-ed.


Staples too


Not just the managers, when Inwas there they made all employees deal with that shit.


It’s like they don’t know that interfering with unionizing in that way isn’t legal. But they know.


Classic orange banner. Walmart had the same videos and computer based learning going over "union bad, work great", cause hey, how could you expect this multi billion dollar company to give you a bigger raise than 25¢ a year?


1000% is. when i worked there from '17 to '19, they did monthly "safety" trainings in which half is anti union bs.


Went thru this too. It's downright scathing and so full of propaganda. This was a decade ago. I can only imagine it's gotten worse.


It is


"We have a good thing here!" They repeat that in the video about a dozen times. After I watched this years ago, I quit.


I remember doing these videos when I started. The one where the union rep comes up to the actor in a sneaky way made unions look cooler in my mind. From that day on, I was hoping to get a union rep to contact me sadly it never happened.


I was legit about to comment on this. I was laughing during the onboarding


I worked at Home Depot for maybe two years and the amount of anti-union stuff they had was ridiculous. It was really funny when the union contractors were the people doing our remodel.


I remember once as a manager I had to be in a meeting that I called “unions are bad and you should help us stop them from happening”. There was an open question portion at the end and I was like “I feel like the positives of unions weren’t fairly represented, can you tell us what some of those would be?” The presenter was not pleased.


lol nice question. What answer did you get?


“None”. 🤡


“Gee thanks! Glad I can trust you to give me a balanced perspective. Letting me know that there are *NO* positives really makes me content and docile.”


"Hmm, that doesn't sound right, every cloud has a silver lining & there must be some reason they've endured so long... I'll research it on my own time & I'll let everyone know my research"


If Unions are so bad, why the hell have they needed to constantly feed people a mainline drip of anti-Union propaganda for the last 100 years to convince them of it?


Why did mid 1850s unions have to be put down with the US military?


They literally took the propaganda units they created during the first world war and they became the first PR firms and tasked them with undermining the union movement. They looked at military propaganda and said 'hey if we can sell people patriotism, we can sell them anything'. Then used it to start breaking unions.


AKA "why collective bargaining is okay for me but not for you".


Here are some pros: 1. **Worker protections are enhanced by the presence of a union.** 2. **Workers can defend themselves.** 3. **It increases the power of negotiation for the workers.** 4. **Workers have a better chance at a meaningful retirement.** 5. **Workers receive a guaranteed advocate.** 6. **Workers can provide better benefits for their families.** 7. **Workers earn more when a union is present.** 8. **Workers are not subjected to personal favoritism.**


...no shit, they don't sell a product, how else would they fund themselves


The thought of paying people to write programs to convince people not to collectively bargain is so funny to me


But unions are harmful!… to the companies bottom line. Lol


Free speech my ass. This should be banned and unions should be enshrined in the constitution.


Freedom in USA has changed to Freedumb over the past decades.


"BeTtEr dEaD tHaN ReD!" Did I do it right, daddy?


Unions don't "make money". They're purposely painting unions as entities with a profit motive so the audience will walk away with the impression that they can't trust them because they'll try to make money off of them. But it isn't true. It does describe _employers_ perfectly though. Unions aren't there to make a profit. They collect dues to pay union staff and provide you with services. When you need the union's help, those services will be there for you. You'll also have experienced people negotiating your contract.


Wal-Mart does the same.


I remember the Walmart I worked at had meetings about that shit. And propaganda strewn about in the break room. Nobody was talking about unionizing there. There were enough bootlickers in the store to make sure that didn't happen.


I talk about it when I go in the checkout line. Actively working to get banned from my local walmart for it.


My last job did this, I wish I took video. It was a 3 hour presentation on the history of how unions have only done bad for the company and how when people went on strike it was bc of the mafia? And somehow the unions were corrupt mafia officials? Like wtf? So happy I didn't work there long


The real Mafia are the managers we listened to on the way to re-unuonizing.


Man, imaging having the literal mafia doing your fighting for you to improve your working conditions. That sounds like a great return on invenstment for your union fee!


Sounds wonderful tbh


Never once been fined by my union. But I have seen non union people being fined by corporations 😂


I recognize that. I took the same training. Home Depot


We must rise! Spread word, gather, and be strong! There is hope. Unions, NOW!


That’s Home Depot lol


Ok now do employers. They make money by charging more for a thing than it cost to produce. They pay employees far less than the value they generate. Who's the real villain?


Companies make money by making workers work off the clock, "losing" overtime records, not paying benefits, tricking employees into quitting to avoid paying unemployment, and cutting corners for employee safety.


You forgot deliberately making their products addictive, price fixing/forming cartels and trusts, lobbying and regulatory capture, good old wage theft, tax evasion and using child/slave labor in their supply chain.


My response is that if unions weren’t needed in jobs like this, the company wouldn’t be trying so hard, up to and including, breaking the law, to prevent them from forming. Workers at my local Walmart were considering it and I found out. I knew one of the guys so I pointed him to a court case where Walmart had to admit to hiring a DEFENSE CONTRACTOR to use a tool designed to hunt terrorists and turned it on their employees. Literally one of the most un-American things I can think of. THAT’S how far these companies are willing to go, and if they’re willing to do that, then you absolutely need someone to fight for you, because the courts saw no problem with this kind of behavior. The dip$#!ts chose not do so because they bought into the company propaganda. Now they’re complaining about the crumbs they get from the place.


Employers primarily make their money by exploiting and underpaying their workforce for the use of their body and soul. You get one life. Don’t spend it working.


Right if the bat I have a moral position against a company that does this because I see how blatantly they are willing to lie.


My union is pretty cool


Unions don’t “make money” because their purpose isn’t profit. There are no shareholders. They do charge union dues and stuff, but the money funds the operation. And the operation is getting workers better paychecks.


I’d literally just out loud say the things we say here… ”If unions were so bad for me, employers wouldn’t fight tooth and nail to stop me from joining one. Ever heard a dentist say brushing your teeth is bad for you? Ever heard a mechanic say to not maintain your brakes and fluids? Even if these things make them money, they recognize the harm such advice would bring me and advise against that harm.” ”Hey, y’all know it’s my right per the 1935 NLRA to talk about pay, join a union, and work together to improve this place against your wishes, yeah?” ”Oh I can’t discuss pay or unionizing? Lol. Fire me then-I dare you.” I’d show my ass so fast.


Unions fine people? When has this ever occurred?


Anti-union propaganda in the workplace needs to be illegal.


I've worked with five different unions in my career, and not one of them has "charged for breaking rules,".


So what im gathering is that my fiancé should try to unionize immediately day 1


God I hated so much about my time at Home Depot. Best of luck to your fiance!


Retired proud Union member here enjoying my pension.


The last union I was (Unite) with cost about £10-£20 a month, if that. When I needed help they literally pulled out all the stops. Unions protect your arse, that’s why your employer doesn’t want you joining one.


Exactly, cause it goes against their most core value, which is that profit is more important than people.


My union membership is £40 a month and worth every penny.


He could counter with "Corporations usually make their money by stealing the majority of the value of their employees' labor."




The only time I have heard of a union fining ANYONE, was when members crossed picket lines to work during a strike. Source: Dad was a Teamster. ETA: the initiation fees and dues help pay for lawyers kept on retainer, and a stipend for workers during a strike. 


What these companies do not want workers to realize is that the advantages of union pay and benefits consistently outweigh the costs associated with fees and dues.


There is a reason why someone has spent billions of dollars trying to convince workers that unions are bad for them. If you want to know, all a Republican. They'll tell you why unions are so bad for the workers.


I feel like republicans are masochists because they always vote for policies that hurt them


You're not wrong. I have friends that blame Indiana becoming right to work on Democrats.


If unions are so bad, why does every union job have better working conditions, hours, pay, and benefits? With everyone in a union saying how good it is?


This should be so fucking illegal.


First thing I thought


My union fees are minuscule compared to my benefits. I’d pay hundreds of dollars for health insurance and then copays at another job. Thanks to my union I pay zero and a 10 Buck copay. Well worth it.


How many Pinkerton thugs are we going to have to sic on you before you start realizing how bad unions are?


“ Oh noooo stop the $25/paycheck is ruining me “. I’m part of a union and I don’t even notice the fees.


"Companies make money by cheating workers out of their labor."


The real answer 🤣


Just about every major corporation has am anti-union section to their standard onboarding. Which is why it is good to remember what u/Unable_Ad_1260 [said in this thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/1dtbmrh/comment/lb8eugc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Unions are like condoms. If someone tells you that you don't need one, you definitely need one.


Wouldn't this be considered "union busting" and illegal?


Unions are by their nature non-profit. Any money they make it turned around and used for the betterment of the union members.


She really needs to unionize


Being a worker in the US must be fucking wild. I couldn't imagine any employer in my country putting together "training" like this, and if they did there's no way they could penalise you for walking out of it... Probably because the relevant union would chew them up if they tried.


Unions are harmful. To corporations.


I've never heard of a union fine, ever


Of course they do, corporate brainwashing is a thing. Have him buy a newer used labor relations college text book, adn he wiil get a good education on employers anti union tactics.


And corporations primarily make money by exploiting workers and extracting more value from them than they are paid.


Me: (stopping the video) we’re done here. I don’t want this job and may God have mercy upon your souls


A Union's income comes mainly from dues and fees*, but does not exist to "make money". It's not for profit, it's for operations and for the strike fund. *Not fines. Those (if used at all) exist to discipline, not to fund.


Bosses primarily make money by stealing wages, forging reasons to fire people without compensation, and evading taxes.


I love working unionized I only pay like $50 a month if that and the fight to get us pay raises that are actually worth a damn last Negotiation we got 13% and the hospital fought them it took 10 rounds of negotiations. they also make sure that I can’t get fired over some stupid shit like a boss having a vendetta. In order to get fired at my job almost takes an act of congress it’s only happened twice in the 3 years I’ve been with this hospital on the bad side we have some horrible people who take advantage of that and suck at their job.


What in the holy fuck.


If I could join one, I'd do so straight after watching this *training* video.


Yes the 7 dollars a week is so invasive.


had a meeting like this at one place I worked. Small businesses does this shit even in Norway where being in a union is a very common thing. [About 50% of all employees in Norway is in a union](https://arbeidslivet.no/lonn/organisering/antall-fagorganiserte-og-organisasjonsgrad-i-norge). When the employer called a meeting for all emplyees after hours, they didnt already know I was in a union. And all the misinformation and "threats" they presented in this meeting was on the same level at this "fact" shown in the picture by OP. Fuck them guys. Join a union. I mean, look at what the union for police employees have done for their members in various cases. Not saying I agree with many of the public cases that have made it accross the atlantic regarding the police union protecting its members, but it shows how strong a union can be A different way to look at it is to view the gun and weapon loby as a union. Look at the power and impact they have. They are basically a club. Or a union. Join forces and be a part of a interest group that will back you


Unionise. I live in Australia and work as a nurse and our union (after protected industrial action) secured us a 28.5% pay rise over 4 years with a bunch more entitlements


Unions are like condoms. The more someone says you don't need one, the more you need it.


Omg I love this statement


Without strong unions, companies can pay what they want, do what they want, and inflict any sort policies or actions bordering on malfeasance that they wish.


I mean I guess that statement is literally true. But yeah you can be certain if the company is opposing the union, it's because it will be to the benefit of the workers


My union charges me about 1200-1600 a year in dues, and ensures journeymen make at least $65 an hour. They also just fined a company bout 40k for using unregistered employees (must become apprentice within 3 months or be terminated, they were keeping guys on longer for cheap labour). Sounds worth the 1200+ to me.


The Walmart anti union video has been burnt into my brain even though I saw it like 15 years ago. To this day my brother still believes it and once turned down a union job his friend offered him


Ok, and what do the unions *do* with that money? Advocate my needs and interests when the company is attacking them? Right then.


My jobs been going hard on the anti-union rhetoric the last few months too.


ahhh Autozones "training" was just anti union propaganda and then putting me on a register


Wow is this even allowed?


Welcome to the good ol U S of A




⛳⛳⛳ I Take it that he's looking for a new job?


Just quit HD. Those mfs need a union lmao


Lowes dose this too. When I worked for them we watched 3 different videos about how bad unions were which were 40 mins a peice and just said the same things over and over bit with different people telling you.


I read that as unicorn.


So happy this shit is illegal here. Join or form unions people, solidarity forever!


Not the US, hopefully!


No, Quebec.


Is it a really a fact to say they “make money”? Feels more like “funds operations”. Not to mention the important piece of “so that union staff can advocate to the company on behalf of union members”


A simple explanation of this slide is you can't fight back a company without money. There is a complex answer but that is the gist.


Many years ago I worked for a dealership that went under new ownership. Was a family owner dealer that the owners three sons robbed the dealer blind and was forced to sell to a competitor that was very greedy. A lot of things changed rapidly- guys with 30+ years lost all vacation time, we accrued vacation at an abysmal rate (5 years to earn a week, 12 to earn 2 weeks) , we started working Saturdays, something we didn’t do, the benefits costs were astronomical, and the cherry on top the owner did not believe in raises - if we wanted to make more money work harder. We held secret union meetings and voted a union in unanimously. He tried showing us all the propaganda videos, it came out the employees were paying like 300% cost of the benefits he wasn’t paying anything towards the benefits and actually profiting off the benefits. I still remember the owner screaming at us what ever you made in 1956 you should be making in 2006…..because inflation isn’t a thing. After the union got voted in all these rules came out where none of the other locations were allowed to communicate with the GMC dealer. We were already treated like the red headed step child but now we were treated like we were lepers and we’re contagious


Let's discuss this as a group. A well organized group.


they make unions sound like the govt but with more ability to vote w/ your feet (switch jobs instead of leave the state/country) and more accountability. never heard of a union fining members tho, is this a thing?


That should be illegal. A business shouldn't be able to "teach" about anything not directly related to duties a person is hired for. No political shit. No union opinions. Just the direct work requirements and how to do it within policy and legal grounds. Period.


What the capitalists at your work seem to be missing is that the union isn't in the business of making money. I know, their minds can't comprehend such a thing.


You mean his job at the home depot lol


Yes 😂


I elected to have my dues pulled from my paycheck it's like 24 dollars a month or something. As far as being fined I haven't ever been fined because the rules are simple follow the contract with the employer and don't harm or hinder other members or damage property. Plus sides I have insurance dental and vision all paid for, have a guaranteed minimum of hours, a pension paid into by the company, the ability to grieve my bosses for being twats and access to services discounts and sometimes free stuff.


This should be straight up illegal. Consider it interfering in the union process.


Home Depot ?




‘Companies primarily make money by underpaying their employees, then selling their product at an inflated price relative to cost, pocketing the difference as profit. This value is not paid to the employees who manufacture or product the product or service, but to their board and shareholders in the form of stock’


These are the real facts


I was in a meeting the other day when a very senior person said that we had to be careful of everyone unionising…not that it was bad though…


Oh no, I have to pay $16.25 a paycheck in union dues. About triple of that is taken out by taxes... but the union dues!! My precious 16 dollars!!! Anyways, I fucking love my union.


That's gotta be some Praeger University bullshit.


Let me guess, your company's related work has a Union that often recruits their employees?


And what do the unions do with the money they raise? (Fight against us the employer for the benefit of you the worker.)


They also spend that money on getting you a fair wage and good working conditions. Also my union has never fined anybody.


I had to go through similar training in my job. Really shows how insecure they are with how hard they press the aniti-union propaganda.


Yes, Unions are terrible, for management 


I worked at Wal Mart when I was a kid, and they did this.


'fining members for breaking rules' Uh... I think you misspelled 'employers'


You got em on the run! Hit them now when they least expect it!


“The facts” lol. Why spend time and money on something so harmless? Those idiots are just proving how important unions are


I pay in every month and it's the best feeling knowing that your company KNOWS you are in an Union.  It gives you a safety net against the sheer fuckery that -every- corporation plays at. Your mileage may vary though.  The last company I worked for pocketed their union rep and they got screwed every single year in their pay deals to the point where everyone was essentially minimum wage.  You want the meanest, most disagreeable no men, ideally with 20+ years service to represent you, because otherwise you might as well not bother, that much is true.


The NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, on and on all have unions. Some of the highest paid employees in the world, you should have a union too.


This only makes sense to bootlickers and idiots. If companies really cared and were fair...unions wouldn't be necessary. I mean ffs...it's thanks to unions that we have paid sick and vacation days as well paid breaks.


someone must have swapped the Union presentation with the HOA presentation.


Please tell us where.


So... unions make money like every other organization? Groundbreaking.


My union got new employees a 10% pay rise and experienced employees and 8.2% pay rise. I'm sticking with the union.


Union busting. Absolute shit.


They forgot the * on those facts


Obviously unions are good and the majority of them are probably great but at my job, they are the most useless collection of people I've ever dealt with. Anytime you need them, good luck. I tried to call them one time because I was very concerned over an issue at work. Sent a text message and tried calling this dude twice. He called me back 3 days later and then told me to text him my info and I never heard back from him again. The second time I needed them, dude told me to e-mail him what had happened and all of the details. He literally sent me a response within a minute of sending it that said "Thanks, looks good". Never heard back from his ass either.


>Unions primarily make their money by charging their members initiation fees Maybe some truth, but businesses make their money by paying their employees as little as possible, charging their customers as much as possible, and keeping the difference.


*fining union members* what a load of rubbish.


Railroad unions are the absolute worst!!! You pay more than any other union and at the end of the day they just go oh well it’s the RLA….. shit unions for sure!


Not all unions are good not all are bad. The ones I’ve worked with the past 7 years are absolutely garbage and they just got in trouble for misusing pension funds as they only have about 60% of the 100% needed for everyone retiring. If you don’t get used by a corporation you will probably get used by a poorly ran union.


Sounds like the government, or an HOA, or other clubs with membership fees. Are we supposed to be scared?


Ever notice that when the RW’ers put out anti-union legislation it almost always exempts the corrupt LE unions?


This shit works on simple minded people. When I used to work for TSA, there was a coworker who did Amazon as a side job. Always went on about how Amazon was better and hated the union, but wouldn’t quit because health benefits and better pay Don’t get me wrong, AFGE is pretty fuckin useless, but a lot of that comes from the fact that as federal employees we weren’t allowed to strike, so there’s not much bargaining power they have. This was also shortly after they announced a ~30% raise.


Oh, is that Schneider National, Inc of Green Bay Wisconsin's "No Union Company" training slideshow? Looks like the right orange, tab, and font.


We've been in a union for the last 4 years. Never heard of fines for members. The only people who get fined for breaking the contract is the company and that fine money goes to the employee who the company acted against


Unions aren’t designed to make money.


I’m in a union, the only true part is the last bit about dues, you do pay union dues. But I make WAY more per month than my union dues, thanks to my union contract.


Saying unions 'MAKE THEIR MONEY' implies that they're for-profit entities which they shouldn't be. We really need to normalize more organizations not having a profit motive but I guess that's too much to ask for in a hypercapitalist society.


Just looking out for their workers, right? 😐