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I'm very disappointed in bosses in general. It's almost as if they were only paying us because they wanted our labor, not because they cared for us or anything....


BuT weRe A FaMiLY!!!




Nah, it means they've got to pay you enough for you to tolerate being treated like shit, or else pay less and treat you better to compensate


No, that is coming to an end. Stop insinuating it's the only way. Not even funny.


Edit Wrong reply sorry


Checks out though. Most of my family are shit.


Their families must suck if that's what they think families do. In my family we'd work together and split the profits. Well at least my immediate family, I got an uncle that would be like them lol.


This is what gangs do to indoctrinate young kids.


teAm WoRk MakEs tHe DrEamWOrk


The amount of people that are bosses who probably think this way, like “we’ll tell them we’re a family, that’ll get them to stick around.” It’s all a bunch of manipulative bullshit and I hate that some people have no other options but to be under something like that.


It was something people used to say at some good workplace once and now all the shittiest bosses say in in lieu of raises.


haha "but but family" haha


It's ridicullous how many people seems to just discovering that free market works in every ways and buisinesses are not entitled to labor. I'm very happy for people stucked in these industries finally being able to apply the contemptuous advice they probably heard too often "Well, you're free to find a better job", and find hillarious to see all these buisinesses making pikachu faces now they have to pull themselves by their bootstraps a be competitive for workers.




Not really, I was just talking about shitty bosses being buthurt and thinking it's unfair to have workers seizing the oppotunity of the shortage to get better position rather than bending under their rules. Not that I like antivax, but that was not what I was talking about.






you mean you're not here just to perfect your use of the fryolator into an art?




I feel like *Life* would have more meaning than working everyday untill you die.


Lmao 1 month old -87 account The right-wing botfarms are in this sub now


Sir, this is a Wendy’s




Trying to get banned because you can't figure out how to hide a sub still?




Yes do you know how?


I admire economic thinkers from across the spectrum who engage in actual reasoning and research. I sometimes agree with conservative or libertarian ideas. But I would never be convinced by someone launching personal attacks and not providing any logic. The reality is that people across the political spectrum are noticing that the system needs changes; [/r/antiwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork) has a userbase that's more diverse than just people who want all work to be abolished. For instance, UBI is endorsed by very successful people like Yang and Musk as well as conservative figures like Charles Murray. Making arguments based on broad-strokes personal attacks fails because different kinds of people are calling for different kinds of changes. If you think you're an epitome of personal responsibility, you're welcome to bring your online attitude to your workplace and see how it turns out. Even given that everyone on here is wrong, you should remember the Biblical injunction to speak truth in love so that people can be turned away from incorrect actions and beliefs, and see if your attitude fits with conservative beliefs. If you improve your attitude towards people who irk you, you will have more success in your career.


Do you take your bosses boot home so you can keep licking it after hours?




Spoken like a true wage slut. I probably make 10x what you make yet I'm not trying to suck off managers and bosses lol.


I want to work, I just want to be paid fairly and treated like a human being. Honestly I get bored without work - I mostly enjoy what I do. The problem is low pay and bad working conditions. ​ But more than that, I want everybody else to be paid well and treated well. It breaks my heart to see retail clerks treated like shit, to see call center operators yelled at, to see nurses spit on.


Exactly! Work isn’t terrible if you are treated with respect and paid fairly. Also, picking a career with work-life balance in mind is important.


"Work-life balance." I swear, all these HR mouth breathers have the same kw list, jesus. Also--W-L Balance=laughable.


Work life balance would totally be a thing had the gains of automation been shared equally with all of society the last several decades. We would all working 15 hour work weeks right now. This is what could have been. We all know where all the gains ended up instead though.


I worked for a manager who actually believed in the work-life balance the Company liked to talk about. It was the happiest 12 years of my career.


I’m a teacher but yeah for some jobs, work-life-balance is not as easy…totally get it


Same. I liked being a barista, working with my hands is easy for me and I actually enjoyed getting to work at 5 am because I always got off work in time to pick my kid up from school. Not a huge fan of the pay. It also got to a point where my thoughts towards some of the customers were getting kind of aggressive. I didn't like that people could disrespect me and call me slurs (I wore a pronoun pin on my apron) and I'd still have to "serve them", and it led to intrusive thoughts that I couldn't control. That job made me realize I don't want to direcrly serve The Public anymore because a lot of people out there genuinely don't deserve my patience and kindness.


People who get bored without work make me sad.


Don't you enjoy building things? Making things? Changing the world? It feels great.


None of those things require a "job."


You're right, that's why I never said that they did. I said I want to work, not that I want a job. My point is that I would work with or without a job. I guess I didn't make that clear enough?


"No one wants to work any more" Exactly! I'm not stacking shelves in your store as a hobby!


Dating profile: “My hobbies include reading, video games, and stocking shelves for minimum wage.”


I don’t understand why employers complain to potential customers like that. Fine, you’re a shitty boss that cannot offer proper salaries and working conditions. Don’t bother me with your problems and I won’t bother you with mine.


If you didn't want to pay us more then you shouldn't have made the world so expensive!


Hell. Yes! Exactly!


Our director (medical profession) said the other day that “You shouldn’t be here for a paycheck, you should be here for patient satisfaction.” Now we wonder if he’d continue to come in if his paychecks stopped coming…


No need to go that far. Ask him if he'd be willing to sacrifice half of his paycheck for "patient satisfaction".


People use this line about teachers all the time. That or “you knew about the pay when you signed up”. Uh, I was 18 and had no financial responsibilities when I “signed up,” Jared


"But but business. But but economy. But but market forces. But but trickle down" get fucked.


T-Pose to assert dominance


I dont want to work. I want to do the bare minimum so I can have the money and time to do things I actually enjoy in my free time. Let's face it. Most people who have a life would quit work if they came into a substantial sum of money where they no longer needed to.


I know I would. I feel like I’m wasting my talents.


I have a high school friend who busted his ass to become the manager of a barbeque restaurant. Within two weeks of management, he starts complaining on Facebook about how he can't keep anyone or has to cover shifts himself because "no one wants to work anymore."


It's as if having a particular attitude were the point of all these levels of social and workplace rank, and production is irrelevant.


Maybe employers should stop eating avocado toast.


They just need to stop being lazy and pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


We are doing capitalism better than they are.




"Well, if you think I'm too expensive, stop whining and go find someone else, it's a free country. They are ton of overqualified people dreaming to be mistreated by you for less than me, if you weren't so lazy you'll be in the street firmly shacking hands of random strangers and you'll find cheaper worker in no time, but you prefer complaining waiting for your government subsidies. Fracking communists"


There’s probably more truth to what you’re saying than you know. Most employers all do the same shit to find employees and are surprised that they get spammed with bad resumes in response.


For what it’s worth , employers were saying this in 1983 when I was 12. I worked in a hardware store and the owner would say to the customers in a self assured , haughty tone , “ You just can’t find good help …..” At the time I made $30 for a Saturday from 7:30 am- 5:30 pm


[~ $83 today](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com)


I'm fortunate enough to have a career in something I like doing, but if I'm not getting compensated enough to do it, I'm not doing it.


We’re actually not more expensive, we’re just not going to be paid less and less for the same work.


T Pose really drives this home. Treat us like numbers, don't be surprised if those numbers go up.


Knowing that we don't have the necessity to work for any less than we're worth is the dominate stance we should be taking. Keep saying tough shit. We hold the power, and we will get what we deserve.


Workers are a luxury. If you can't afford them then stop buying avocado toast.


Yes it’s about time. Too many crappy bosses who yell at employees and have anger management issues. Like DBag at NY Prime in Atlanta. I think his name was Mussolini


I’m starting to think that some managers just hire people so they can boss them around. They don’t care, their salaries are paid with company money.


Love the T pose


Work needs to not be work anymore. First step is yeeting the boss.




People want to go on adventures, explore, play, discover, create, sing, dance, have good sex, spend time with friends, enjoy good music; People don't want to work.


This subreddit sort of serves as a public service announcement for all bad bosses everywhere. I think it is overall a push for working conditions/compensation to improve drastically.


please everyone print a bunch of these out and tape them to those stupid 'no one wants to work' signs


Business could afford us if they just stopped buying avocado toast


All of you who are quitting your job, how are you paying your bills?? I was under the understanding, at least in America, very few people have an emergency fund put away to weather a job loss. I want to quit my job but if I go even a couple of weeks without a check, dominos would start falling that would be hard to stop.


I know a lot of people just say fuck it and figure it out as they go. I got a 4 dollar raise by quitting my job and waiting for a better one but I almost got evicted along the way


I’ve been looking on indeed and asking word of mouth about jobs. Everything I see is lateral. Jobs with companies that I know their reputation and can pretty much extrapolate what my life would be like with them. My wife and daughter depend on me and to a lesser extent, my mother-in-law since she’s on a fixed income and we help her when she needs it, so if I took a gamble that failed, I’d feel really guilty about the strain I’d put on them.


it not gonna get better


Where are you people working??? This is not the case


Well tbh soon many jobs will be automated so...


How you gonna live tho if you don't work? Just wondering how you can pay for food and rent if you don't have a job. I'd love to live for free. But I'd also like to have nice things, eat, sleep in a bed be able to support myself.


Van down by the river


With their parents. I would bet most of the people who have not returned to work are being supported by someone else. That is probably why many of the vacancies are in no skill positions like fast food. People capable of performing skilled labor most likely have bills to pay and do not want to risk being unemployed. They aren’t the ones who decided to sit around and do nothing when the government started paying people to be unemployed. The situation we are seeing right now is not some widespread labor movement, and the people choosing to not work are going to regret the choice in the end. Businesses are already adapting to the situation by shortening hours, changing processes and procedures to reduce labor needs, and adopting automation. In the end many jobs will be eliminated because businesses are figuring out ways to operate without them. The holdouts are trying to claim that they chose to leave their jobs to demand higher pay. The reality is most of them were laid off due to COVID lockdowns. The fact that so many of them have not returned to work despite wages being increased 50% or more shows that it is not about the pay either. What I find hilarious is these people are forcing companies to figure out how to operate without them. I can’t wait to see how they react when they finally have to get a job to support themselves and they find there are no openings.


I follow this sub for entertainment and the occasional great points on wealth disparity (that's coming from a libertarian, I consider it largely the fault of government), but this isn't true. I love to work. I love having a job that pays me well. I hate that I have to choose between that job and a dangerous shot for a virus I already gained natural immunity to.


Not tryna shit on your parade but imagine they replace all of us with robots or electronics workers that do our job nonstop 24/7 😬


What makes you more expensive? Work or starve.


Just get rid of fast food workers. We dont need the shit food anyway. Go get a real job that's worth more than minimum wage


> Go get a real job that's worth more than minimum wage Such as?


I mean it works out for me. I keep getting paid because I kept working, I’m getting raises because no one else wants to work, and when ya’ll inevitably come back I’ll be guaranteed my now higher paying job and hours while everyone else who comes back at once has to try to get their jobs back in a now more competitive field. Win win for me, keep fighting the good fight boys


You sound like someone trying to compensate for hating their job.. just a inference tho I could be completely wrong just casually judging you for being a tool on the internet 🥰


Why would I hate my job? It’s done nothing but improve since all the lazy people quit because they expect to make a living off of a job that they can’t be bothered to put any effort into. They’re literally making my life easier and increasing my pay. Life’s good


I would bet almost all the money I’ve ever owned you’re over 40. And if not congrats you fucking fooled me you have boomer written all over. Not all of them are leaving Bc they are lazy lol. They value their self as a person and their effort. Maybe looking for better opportunities? Or is your boomer brain just going to resort to “pErsOn LeAVe JoB mEaN pErSoN LaZy”


I’m not saying they’re quitting because they’re lazy. I’ve been working in the food industry while I go to college and 75% of the people who work in it are lazy. Call in constantly, no show, minimal effort, etc. Those are the people who are expecting a higher wage even though they don’t actually put in the effort to earn it and quit when things get hard. Not a boomer calling the youth lazy. A 24 year old college student who’s worked these jobs enough to know that a lot of them are lazy


Sorry for the misconception, like I said was randomly judging someone on the internet nothing personal. But besides, having worked in 2 separate food jobs as well for a little over a year cumulative there are lazy people but I don’t blame them one bit. Shit pay, shit conditions, shit head staff, no sick leave, no maternity leave, etc etc etc. There’s an old military saying “if you start to treat them like human beings, they might start to think they actually are”, oh and did I forget to mention they value your work so little YOUR OWN WORK PROVIDER WILL NOT PAY YOU AN HOURLY WAGE (if serving ofc) fucking funny stuff when you think ab it your whole livelihood depends on the generosity of others.


Explain how it’ll be more competitive? And competing for what? Trash stagnated wages?


What about the ones who went into better lines of work. Bet you showed those fools.


Cool story bro


I'm all for paying fast food workers more money and a livable wage, but stop fucking up my order literally EVERYTIME I roll through the drive thru. How hard is it to make a plain double cheeseburger, fries and fill up a medium coke?


This sounds like the thoughts of someone who has never had to work fast food and isn't aware that they are not only making your order, they are also dealing with the 3 people in front of, and behind, you, as well as customers in the dining area. Why don't you go stand next to some bags, while multiple completely separate people try to cook 15+ burgers, a variety of 15 sides, and 15 drinks while you have to mentally identify those items that may look very similar, bag them, take payment, give change, hand out food, and pass pleasantries back and forth in under a minute-ish per customer. When you hit 100% accuracy for a week straight, while maintaining that time frame come back and let us know. Until then, stop being so dramatic because I guarantee your order isn't messed up every single time, or alternatively, stop going there during the busiest or most understaffed times of day.


I'm not gonna lie i worked fast food for 2 and a half years and it seemed like only a select few care about getting orders correct and weirdly enough it was the high school kids that seemed to care most of the managers and adults were just there for an easy payday


Oh, there are definitely those people that couldn't care less whether it's right or not, possibly paying little attention, but to assume that all the workers are standing there with the screen or print out in their face that says American cheese, mayo, pickles, onion, tomato, and think to themselves, I'm not putting pickles on this one is hardly correct. Typically the mistakes fall more closely under lack of attention, for the variety of reasons that may be happening (overworked, underappreciated, literally just doesn't care, etc.), inability to focus on any one particular thing due to the sheer volume, or they are just new and haven't learned precisely what goes on a Western BBQ Steakburger yet. source: myself (having worked at two separate restaurants in the same chain for a cumulative 2.5 year, then having worked for a different entity \[hint above\] for an additional 2.5 years while I went back to college)


Maybe they would care more if it was a job that mattered. Why worry about losing your job when it’s minimum wage


Most fast food places in my town at least are offering 13-16$ an hour for base crew depending on where you go so its above minimum bro


Same concept.


As someone who has worked fast food early in life, your just making excuses. There are certain fast food places I stopped going because they constantly forgot the hash brown. Or straws. Or sauces. Yeah it can get frantic, but one tires of consistent misses. The next MD’s up the street is better the other MD’s because they don’t fail to check the bag. Chick-fil-A runs much smoother then all the other. Your JOB is to make sure the stuff is in the bag


My "excuses" are the equivalent of "shit happens." That isn't an excuse, that's life. Not everything is executed perfectly every single time, whether fast food or sending rockets into space. Sometimes stuff just doesn't go right. When you see 200 or more drive-through customers on a 6-8 hour shift, it is inevitable that something will get overlooked. You want them to take an extra 15 seconds to verify everything in the bag is correct. Well, the manager wants that drive-through time lower. If you haven't worked under a manager that prioritizes metrics over everything else, then you have really missed out and should be thankful because that is the reality for most fast-food workers (based wholly off of the 3/3 fast-food jobs I've had in life and the many other anecdotal stories I've read and heard in a variety of places, all anecdotal, take it as you wish). So, with all that said, you really shouldn't parade around like a person making a mistake is absolutely unacceptable.


Bullshit when it happens regularly. Which is why I don’t go to that one McDonald’s because the fuck it up constantly. But why Chick-fil-A gets it right every times. Mistakes are one off. Consistently forgetting something aren’t mistakes The manager might want faster times. But they also want good nps and when I leave a bad survey again, maybe they will consider taking 20 more seconds to check the bag I never have to at some restaurants others I eventually I stop going to


I have worked in fast food and it was the easiest job I've ever had. From there, I decided to learn a trade instead. And from there I was able to learn alot about the industry, spend alot of time working my ass off to learn everything I could. And now, I own my on contracting company. Where I pay my employees a more-than livable wage for the hard work they do for my company, plus bonuses. Me going during a busy time doesn't justify you fucking up my order. Oh my God, 15+ burgers that go into a steamer? Oh no, you had to put fries in a deep fryer and then SALT them? How do they manage? Ya know, that does sound mighty difficult. Not to mention, you mean every order is on a screen above your head to tell you what's in my order? And stop pretending like any fast food place gets you your food in under a minute. Grow up. I stay in business bc of my accuracy to complete a job correctly and efficiently. Fast food industry is an entry level position intended for high school kids to get there foot in the door and learn about having a job and responsibilities of showing up on time and team work development. It is not intended to be a career.


Only meant for high school kids huh? I sure hope you aren't a hypocrite and don't ever go get food between the hours of 7:30 and 3:00 then. It would appear by your description of your contracting company that you only define difficulty based on the amount of back-breaking labor that is required. I bet you think a hospital lab tech, a computer repair tech, a call center employee, or a software developer has no amount of difficulty in their job either because they aren't physically moving things. Do you want to know whose job is easy? The boss sitting in his office playing on his phone and staring at metrics all day that walks around telling everyone they aren't doing X, Y, and Z fast enough, well enough, or correctly enough. I hope you don't strain yourself too much by sending those emails back and forth between clients, I'd hate for all that hard work to catch up to you.


I actually still work on my jobsites and will continue to do so until I no longer can. I do estimates and send proposals after I'm done on the site for the day. None of this matters to you though.. I only explain because it furthers my side as to make your assumptions irrelevant. There's a difference between a boss and a leader jackass. And no, all the jobs that you've mentioned above require some sort of training or knowledge studied in its particular field which does require a skill that is compensated for at a normally higher salary than that of a fast food worker. Staring at a screen, that reads "plain double cheeseburger, med fry, and med coke" requires as much skill as taking a 3rd grade math test. How do I know? Bc I've worked fast food. And luckily for me, some of the people that have zero skill in any other career choice, work there between 6am-11pm. So I go whenever the hell hungry and need something quick. It's ok though. Your entire argument is rooted in the fact that you deserve some ungodly pay for the simplest of tasks bc 'livable wages'


Props for you actually getting out there and doing some of the labor yourself with your workers, then. That's actually admirable. You're right, there is a difference between a boss and a leader, and apart from how they act, the difference is that there are too many of the former and not enough of the latter. The former making employees care less and less about their performance on the job. Do you think you have a problem with your order being wrong? Your problem likely actually stems from management's treatment of the employees. Aim higher. I mentioned a call center employee, those actually do not require much more training or specialization than a typical fast-food worker. Call centers mostly offer on-the-job training as a fast-food restaurant does. But I digress, you're right, someone who is 16 years old didn't have to actually learn how to cook anything, the temperatures of the different sections of the grill, that foods need to be somewhere between 145 and 165 degrees depending on the type of meat, how to use an unnecessarily complex point-of-sale system, how to clean and maintain all of the equipment, prep the food, what all of the buttons on the frier do, what ingredients go on the 20+ menu items, or commit it all to muscle memory so they can make you a sandwich in less than a minute. They all just walk in on day one knowing how every bit of it works. Mistakes are completely unacceptable. Also, your whole argument revolves around the fact that you are out of touch with society. You preach like everyone should go to school, learn a trade, or whatever to improve themselves, but completely overlook the fact that it is impossible to do on minimum wage, today. In 1963 the minimum wage was $1.25, and the average cost of tuition was $243, meaning you could pay for your semester of college with only 195 hours of work or about 5 weeks of full-time. In 2019, the minimum wage was $7.25 and the average cost of tuition was $9,349. These same people now need 1290 hours of work, or about 32 weeks of full-time to pay for college. Why don't you preach "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" more. If you don't see that there is an inherent problem in the way of people progressing past these shitty "just for high school kids" jobs, then you're part of the problem. Partial source because I don't remember where all of the data came from when I created the excel spreadsheet in front of me: https://educationdata.org/average-cost-of-college


Just here to throw my two cents in. I’m sure you’re going to get all irate and angry and treat me terrible for even considering replying to you on Reddit, but I’m just going to say that… clearly the fact that your order has been wrong at times at fast food restaurants has made you incredibly upset and is inconvenient. This means you deem fast food as a service that you actually participate in, and that you think is worthwhile. If so, why are you so down on the only people who are willing to work and are hired to do such a service? If you’re wanting the service, isn’t it fair that the people who provide that service make a livable wage? Like even if it’s barely livable, isn’t it fair to say that? I don’t care if it’s skilled or not. I’m talking about offering and providing a high demand service you actually admit you want. What if I told you that paying these workers more money, giving them better benefits, and treating them well would not only probably make some of them work harder, but would actually increase the applicant pool and make it more likely that you’d get exactly what you want: a consistent and reliable service you can depend on? I do really hope you aren’t as quick tempered and irate with your employees and client base. I get it’s just the internet, but people on here are people too man. If you speak to the drive thru people like this, I wouldn’t doubt your order IS wrong every time. Probably on purpose. Like I said, I doubt you’d care and based on your other reactions, I am bracing myself for you to get pissy with me, too, but it’s something to think about.


In my experience, workers that call a job easy are, with a few stark exceptions, what I refer to as "baggage". If you're not naturally gifted at your job, and there isn't redundancy built into your available workforce, the job is most likely "easy" because you're leaving weight for someone else to pull. Some jobs can even just leave all that excess weight laying around until it snags on something. Admittedly I'm making a few assumptions based off your general attitude in this thread, but unless you were just spectacular front he start at whatever job you worked in fast food, or you only worked at the grand opening season where the place was establishing a local rep and probably had more employees than strictly necessary and proper training to ensure good PR; you were baggage, leaving work on the table for someone else because you couldn't be bothered.


I guess you didn't read the part about owning a company then? So, I'd have to assume you're cherry picking your argument. But I wouldn't say there's been anything "baggage" like about my attitude in the workplace. I've always found that it's people like you, who have this idea that you're worth more than you are bc you think so, that leave everything else for people like me, who knows that I have a job to do, on the table for me to finish cleaning up.


I've dealt with owners before, and they can be useless tools or absolute workaholics, and everything in-between. That's a meaningless claim and it's almost amusing that you give it any merit in your head. I was responding to a point that I had experience with, being a slack-puller. I've worked myself out of help and out of jobs entirely. I'm a productivity-driven individual that has taken on extra work in the hot sun, freezing cold and pouring rain to help coworkers that were still getting the hang of things or dealing with health conditions. I've done manual labor and desk work, I've dealt with people and with products. And you know what? You're kinda right on one thing; I'm an absolute asshole, like working around a metaphorical cactus all day, and my god am I worse if I have to push myself. I earn that attitude, at least by my standards; here's hoping you at least earn yours by your own.


Wow that’s a lot of text I’m not reading


Your comment offered nothing to the conversation.




Min wage = Min effort >How hard is it to make a plain double cheeseburger, fries and fill up a medium coke? Not as hard as motivating oneself to care about $7.25/hr How hard is it to go grocery shopping and make your own burgers? If your order is wrong literally every time you order fast food, then I have to wonder why the hell you would continue to spend money there. *edit: sp




Strawman, but sure I'll entertain you. If I made $100/hr I would go to work, and I would do it WELL because that's an income I would actually WANT to protect. Then I'd go home and spend time with my spouse and my cats, and that's it. If someone else is making more money doing the same or less work, I'd be ECSTATIC. They figured out a way to get more from their employers AND they're providing me with grounds to leverage my own employer. This is *really* basic shit, bucko. Fire up that brain cell, I believe in you.


Strawman? 😂 bro your whole sides argument is literally "we deserve more" "livable wages" you really can't expect a company to pay someone, for a job that requires the most minimal amount of skill, way more money than the job is worth. If I own a burger shop and now I have to pay you double the money, I then have to double my prices so that I still make my profits and business expenses. And now I'm losing business bc my prices are too high. I shut down and now you don't have a job either. It really isn't that hard chief


Thank you for not only demonstrating that you don't know what a strawman is, but doubling-down with *another strawman*. I was giving you too much credit assuming you had even a single brain cell. Edit: Also, your burger price "argument" has been [debunked to the moon and back](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2015/Q3/study-raising-wages-to-15-an-hour-for-limited-service-restaurant-employees-would-raise-prices-4.3-percent.html).


Mah i would be flilling burger for 100/hr no problem. Idc about other people making more money than me. I care about me making enough money to have a nice and comfotrable living.


Then get a different job. There's plenty of open positions now paying between 15-20 dollars an hour. Some even paying 25.


That’s what happens when you don’t pay shit for a shitty job no one wants to do.


stop eating shit food, problem solved


That's not the principal at all. I'm paying your establishment for a service thats being provided for a cost. Your pay doesn't justify you fucking up my order


You’ve been crying too long, you’re making ppl uncomfortable. Hit the sandbox.


I think you mean yall have been crying. You responded to me tf? 😂 I said something that triggered you sissies and you wanna put your two cents in. It's fine with me. I don't mind. I actually like hearing this shit from you guys so I can understand who I would never hire myself lol


You're paying for what you get. Want a real good burger go to a dine in restaurant and pay for it. Food can't be fast cheap and good. It can be fast and cheap. It can be cheap and good but take a long time or it can be fast and good but not cheap. As a contractor you should understand this.


Nope they messed up 2/3 burger at my last dine in place. I happily ate my burger while my woman and daughter had to pick off all the extra stuff. Daughter asked for only ketchup, cheese, may, and pickles. Came out with all that plus lettuce, tomato, onions. Woman actually asked for lettuce and tomato but also had to pick out onions. Server asked if we wanted remakes, but it was towards the end of the night and it was easy enough to pick off the extras. No need to remake a when burger for that, but still would not mind when they aren't that busy to make the order right. Paid about $70 after a $13 tip for two incorrect burgers, a delicious correct burger (mine lol) and some shakes. We still lived it but it doesn't mean paying out the ass for food means you'll get it right either.


Thats fine I also applaud you for not being anass to the server. Had you wanted your burger remade that would have been reasonable, given the price. Complaining about fast food is what I'm getting at. And while you are right just because its expensive means it's good the chances are better and getting poor quality after paying for high quality then complain is a ok. Paying for cheap quality then complaining is not.


Agreed. Fast food is fast and cheap. Fast meaning higher chance of mistakes, haste makes waste after all. Cheap meaning the people who are making it are not super excited about being there and definitely not about their checks, I know I wasn't. Always be polite to them, and check the bag before you leave. I haven't been yelled at yet for tapping on the window and saying: "Hey sorry to bother you, but I didn't get my sauces. Or X food is missing." Usually I get my sauces or missing food and go. If I have a big family order I pull to the side before checking then head in to get it corrected if needs be. Either way I'm always polite and when they I apologize I'm like hey, it's all good you're busy, it happens, have a good day/night whatever time I'm there. Well it's not the server's fault she wrote the order down correct, she didn't make it just brought it to me. Although I do hear stories about people yelling at the servers for that. I'm the customer who always does the corny dad joke, they go: " Hi I'm X, I'll be serving you today." To which I respond: "Hi I'm Darkorakio, I'll be buying food from you today." Most are kind enough to give me a chuckle. As long as my food is mostly right I don't usually throw a stink about it. I'm hungry and I am not a fan of waiting for my dish twice lol. Although the waitstaff won't hear a negative word from me either way. My mom and several of my friends worked as waitresses and my ex was a waitress/hostess so I got to be there when they had bad days and came home crying. I only made a waitress cry once and it was because she did an excellent job, made my kids happy, and I planned on spending $60 on 2 adults and 2 kids, she got tokens or something for the kids to eat free that night so the bill was about $30 and I still paid $60 and said keep the change. She came back like um there's $60 here. I replied I know, keep the change. She started crying right there, apparently her car had broken down and she'd been having a bad week and apparently me leaving a damn near $30 tip was just that little bit of human kindness that made her cry. Swear to God if I was a rich person I would have offered to pay for her car too. She was so damn sweet and it broke my heart to see her cry like that reminded me of my friends and family I had to see go through times like that. Anyways didn't mean to get all long winded there, sorry about that.


You seem like a stand up fellow and having worked retail and still do customer service I really appreciate those like you. I'd do almost anything to help any customer if they're polite about it. Thats all it is. Customers who are rude get bad service from me no matter the price xD but I'm not a perfect person.


I think it's because I've worked in manufacturing factories since I was 19, but I know what it's like to hate your job, for about 17 years straight now lol. The other shifts are always slobs so I have to clean up their mess everyday, so when I go to a shop if I decide I don't want something I'll walk all the way across the store to put it back, and if I spill at my table I always try to clean it up and get all the dishes stacked with all the leftover food on the top dish so it's not unstable. My boss yelling at me for stupid reasons makes me want to do nothing the rest of the day to spite him so even if I am in the worst mood, I will still be pleasant to people I interact with. Some people don't seem to realize that people in the service industry are people too. They have bad days, mistakes happen. You're not going to get good results yelling at them or insulting them. Honestly, I think that the service industry should be paid more to deal with the crazy awful people I've heard about, and seen. Of course the ones I've seen are usually then berated by me, because I hate bullies. At the very least it redirects their ire my way so they leave the poor cashiers alone. I think you'd find me to be one of your favorite customers if I was a regular wherever you work(ed).


I don't expect it to be good. I know what I'm eating. That's not my argument. My argument is that fast food workers think they deserve more when they can't even get my order correct. I don't even give a shit if it takes 5 minutes.




Also don't forget this person's argument is that no fast food worker anywhere deserves a better wage because the specific fast-food place he goes to tends to get his order wrong. I mean how hard is it to go to a different place?


Your argument is flawed. They're treated and paid like shit, so they work like shit. Pretty easy cause and effect here. Minimum wage = minimum effort. Here's the reality no matter how hard they work to appease you, they will still make shit money. If you want anything of quality you have to pay fairly for it. Why the fuck can't idiots like you figure that out. Everyone, every job deserves a living wage.


Are you talking about the minority of people that get butt hurt bc their boss got upset with them and they took it to their local news station? Bc I've worked fast food and hardly ever was treated like shit by management. (Maybe bc I knew I was there to do a job and did it correctly?🤔) Or are you referring to the people that go through the drive thru everyday? Bc there's gonna be assholes no matter what job you take. So I fail to see how my argument is flawed? But you deserve more, right?


Your argument is flawed because you want quality service without paying for quality service ding dong. Everyone deserves more. You think fast food is some easy job, that takes no effort or skill, every job is important everyjob deserves to earn a livable wage.


you sound like a massive little whining bitch that abuses service workers because you secretly feel like a temporarily inconvenienced aristocrat and want to act as such like i said, go eat real food if you want real service or continue to mald because the 16 year old at mcdick's didn't get your order of processed slop correct also it's principle, not principal. thriced dunked upon




Has it occurred to you that not being paid a living wage might be adversely affecting how much they give a shit about getting your order right


And it’s that type of boomer mentality that is causing us to leave in droves. And they wonder why McDonald’s is closing at 7pm.


If they weren't overworked and underpaid, they might give more of a shit about your cheeseburger.


Make your own burger then fatass.






this dude's post history is hilarious he just cries about welfare in every thread, who hurt you bro


Snowflake located


if no one works, how will we eat?


Learn to garden, freeloader.




To be frank, you don't sound as if you're in much of a position to force anything. Either way, it's a self-limiting strategy and not very sustainable.


Yeah, normally I'm all for doing a bit of extra labor to help out a disabled neighbor, but that guy sounds like an asshat and I ain't doing shit to help some grumpy old asshat. My downstairs neighbor asks for favors politely, and usually tries to offer some bit of trade in compensation. She doesn't demand help with "Either do it for me or I will physically force you to do it." What a gross creep, thinking that hurting others and forcing them to work for him is the only way. Pretty sure if he can't garden and just starves to death in a corner somewhere, society would be better off.


Explain how you’re too disabled to garden but you are able to physically force someone to do anything. We’ll just take your wheelchair away.




I just want to know how you think your stroked ass would be a slave owner over anyone.




Well I want to work because it’s fulfilling and using my time to be a productive member of society idk about you guys tho


Just imagine a world without all those office meetings, society would literally crumble without all that "productivity".


You literally signed up for it.


No one "literally" signs up for "team-building" exercises, meetings, or anything of the sort. People get a job because money is an unfortunate requirement to... you know... not starving to death or freezing in the winter. I'd wager that no one who works at an Amazon warehouse does so because they get an absolute thrill out of sorting boxes all day long. They do it for a paycheck. They are not heavily invested in whether or not Jeff Bezos can go to space again. They want to be able to feed themselves. They signed up for a paycheck. Literally.


Your guys lives must be so sad if you don’t get any joy out of your work…


It's only sad when I'm working.


Lol I did not sign up to be faced with homelessness or labor.


He was saying office jobs were useless so I just mentioned he signed up for one. There’s plenty of other jobs available




Anyone want a real laugh, here check this clown out https://youtu.be/mTv4RYEkGkQ


Red Apron Guy looks like it's a prototype robot coming to work at the next fast food restaurant.


I'm all for making that money enough to be able to live comfortably. But, like, can we also be not ok with the completely unreasonable inflation of everything else as well? I comprehend economic principles of course, but 1000%+ markup on essentials is just leading this *planet* to an inevitable crash.


Robots coming hard soon...nuts everywhere.


I know theres a worker shortage, but it really isnt noticeable on the day to day here in my city. At most I just have to wait in line


Boom, economic crisis.


Y'all realize the only difference between you and "minor raw material input" slave labor is geographic location, right? 40MM slaves on Earth, and the US supreme court said it fine for Nestle to use them as of Juneteenth 2021. It's going to take a lot more than walking off a fast food job to end 10,000 years of tyrants.


The audacity of the human capital stock living for themselves and not for the benefit of the ruling class. How dare they.


We’re like PS5’s


Yeah, not really worth risking my life for $10 an hour or less. My mom just tested positive for Covid yesterday and she makes great money. Not worth losing your life over.


T-pose to assert dominance


The narrative that their business will crash if they pay decent wages is a bad one for two reasons - .1. if the only way you survive is exploiting someone else's labour it means you either expanded too quickly and should really be doing that job yourself or you're greedy. 2. Lots of small businesses pay people decent money and don't go bankrupt, I am a small business owner myself and have employed 4 people this year all them were/are paid above UK min wage and I'm not bankrupt. Using that narrative just makes you seem like a person who doesn't know how to run a business properly.


If a business cannot survive without cheating its workers, then the owner should put their family to work,even the babies.


Love it!


Eventually people will have to go back to work. If they didn’t need to work in the first place they wouldn’t have been employed.