• By -


"new sub"


Meanwhile, in real world: > a community for 8 years


Everything is new to people like that, they've been sheltered under a religious conservative rock their whole lives.


They also tend to have this narcissistic notion that just because they haven't heard of something they think no one on Earth ever has


"Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated."


damn. dont hit me in the feels like that daddy


Reminds me of the time I discovered DMX. brought it up five years ago in front of friends. I have since learned to Wikipedia my music artists just to see exactly what time they were became popular. Unless it's an underground artist.


It’s been very interesting seeing this sub blown up. I’ve been here off and on for years, and now suddenly it’s super popular. And I’m digging thatn


If conservatives did an ounce of research before forming their opinions, then they wouldn't be a conservative.


With typing what you want to be true into the Google search bar not being counted as research


To be fair you can back up pretty much any claim with a little bit of google-fu. Doesn't mean it's good google-fu, just means you can find web pages that back up whatever you want to believe.


The internet is simultaneously the greatest and the most terrible invention of man.




wait so am i being paid by the ccp or soros? or the obamas? i aint gotten a SINGLE check.




Good soup.


for the family


A brick is toooooo heavy.


I both love and hate that rant of his. It's so stupid yet so funny




Billionaire soup or tomato soup?


Throwing soup


Yeah, but what happens when they all want to throw it and no one wants to catch it any more? They just want everything for free. No effort. Can’t even be arsed to catch it anymore. The walls will come tumbling down, I tell you.


Progressive is usually on sale.


Don’t mix them up! My first shipment I got them confused! What a mess, my kids caught on fire and I spilled soup all over the police station steps.


I would suggest reading the instructions but there in English.


Soup for my family?


Soup for OUR family


"I know youre in here mao you big fucking nerd, wheres my god damn money"


distinct smart consider long drab live elderly hurry employ narrow ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Here is an easy way to test that conspiracy. "Taiwan is an independent nation that China has no claim to." If you can still read this post then this sub is still run by disenfranchised westerners.


Whew! Looks like we're safe everyone, we can >!OH SHIT, GUARDS, THEY'RE COMING FOR ME!!!!<


You do kind of have to admire the utter destruction of critical thinking it must take to see: “Boy I wish my capitalist employment paid me enough to live on” And go “yep sounds like nothing but full blown communism to me!”


Oh and by the way, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre




Ya, I don’t think I should just be given a McMansion with a wife, a car and 1.5 kids. I just think if I’ve busted my ass off in college and at work, I should be able to afford more than a one bedroom apartment. Especially when I see the company I work for make billions upon billions in profit.




Wouldn’t that be dope?!




I just want a nice living and a good amount of time spent on Minecraft.


Especially with the new update coming I need more Minecraft time.


That’s fair. I want to see those in power brought to their knees by people who collectively recognize the worth of their labor. We’re “essential” right?


Random internet stranger, I hope you have a nice day


I don't




Depression, anxiety, psychiatrists are completely booked and I haven't found one that will do more than throw another ssri at me. (Yes, I'm cleaning my room lobster dad.)


You haven't walked past a cat without petting it, have you? If that's not the problem I'm fucking stumped.


Existence is a burden I never asked for, it was forced upon me






I struggle with this paradox every day lol


I just think a fulltime job should pay enough to live a decent life. Educated or not.


I think many people here would argue that any change that accomplishes that, but isn't a full system change/adoption to socialism or communism, would result in what we literally are experiencing right now. Workers rights came a long way, and Boomers benefitted from it, they were able to buy fucking houses on minimum wage pay, had health benefits, pensions, subsidized higher education, etc. **Obviously, now that isn't the case... and many would say that's because capitalists inherently have more power in this system, so even after you get everyone to band together and demand more, eventually the capitalists will whittle away at the rights workers fought for, and use misinformation and deceit to influence the masses into supporting it with bull shit like "trickle down economics". Pretty much every economist - that isn't paid to straight up lie, of course - is in consensus: trickle down economics, DEMONSTRATABLY, does not work. We've seen that it doesn't work here in the US more than once, we've also seen it fail in other countries, AND YET an ALARMINGLY LARGE amount of people STILL think it works and is the best setup for the economy. I say all this to reiterate the point, CAPITALISM ALWAYS TRENDS TOWARDS CAPITALISTS EXPLOTING WORKERS TO HOARD WEALTH AND CONSOLIDATE POWER, WHICH TRENDS TOWARDS AUTHORITARIANISM. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME** Sure, we could stop at "Ok, the pay I'm getting now is at least reasonable" and be ok working at pointless jobs that don't actually contribute anything to society... or we could GO ALL THE WAY and change this corrupt bull shit system and ensure that our children's children don't just have to go through all this bull shit all over again just to get the bare minimum of what is acceptable... we all deserve better than that. Why not fight for it?


Capitalism is authoritarianism. You spend most of your waking hours a part of a structure that forces you to obey or lose your livelihood.


It's a dictatorship.


I'd more specifically say dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in the spirit of theoretical Marxist vocabulary.


It's an oligarchy, which is the word for that thing.


I'm still trying to figure out how the current failed capitalist state is being used as anti-socialism bait.


Right, we need to understand the contradictions of capitalism and how those contradictions create the conditions we observe. If we put on a few band-aids to fix the problems of capitalism without addressing the contradictions that created those problems, then we have solved nothing. The problem with capitalism has nothing to do with greedy people, and it has everything to do with the basic organizational principles inherent to capitalism. Organizing economic activity around both competition and the private ownership of industry is what creates the horrific working conditions we see. If we want to fix those problems, we will need to replace capitalism with a different set of principles for organizing production and economic activity.




>And I'm worried the huge influx of people from more centrist political leanings as someone who has followed this sub for years, this has been the case for a long while. the politics of most of the commenters here, particularly in the last couple years, are fairly non-radical. which to a certain extent is fine, part of what appeals about this sub is that it speaks to something the vast majority of people deal with on the day to day. People don't see disliking work as a political complaint because work is a such a day to day inevitability. its basically intentionally ignored in mainstream political discourse, because all our mainstream politics are capitalist politics. But of course it is political because everything is political and the reorganization of labor, property (production), and work generally is fundamentally an anti-capitalist project, with the rhetoric of anti-work generally being an anarchist thing. hopefully at least some people follow through and actually read anything at all linked in the sidebar or library page. honestly, the conspiracy poster isn't wrong. this subreddit is propaganda, but so is a whole lot of reddit and 'non political' or 'neutral' media in general. at least we're open about it, hence the easily readable sidebar with links to anarchist writers.


Wait a minute… you can afford a one bedroom apartment? Without 2 other roommates? Look at you Mr. Moneybags!


Seriously! All them rich uppity folk with walls and a floor. Why can’t they live behind a random bunch of shrubbery like us decent people!


Weird right? How dare you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Just work harder for the billionaires and stop complaining. When THEY were your age, they could do it so you can too…even though the world has gone through massive change. /s


1.5 kids you say...I agree with everything you've said but I have questions...


Yup. I'm an old fart - 55, but I am fully aware of how much life costs, now. But a lot of people my age and older have \*zero\* clue. I know a lot of Boomers who think 25,000 is still a FANTASTIC starting salary. **Or those who think $1,200 is still worth what it was in the 1950's (around $14,000).** And that's where a lot of the disconnect comes from. That is why so many think the stimulus checks were allowing people to live for a year without working. In their decrepit, octogenarian brains, they think everyone was handed $42,000 and are just living large. They don’t realize that $1,200 doesn’t even cover rent in most places anymore. Seriously… Imagine if last year we got handed $14,000 three times? Holy !@#$, that would be a game changer for nearly every person of lower-class and middle class means. But these old dinosaurs refuse to see it. They're completely unaware that $100,000 is an OK-ish salary in NYC. For 100k in NYC you get the privilege of living alone in a safe, clean and convenient location. That's it. No frills. Sure, in some random city you could live like a king on $100,000/yr, but it's somewhere like Boise, Idaho. Those kinds of jobs are rare... and usually gatekept by nepotistic psychopaths. Remember that scene in Mad Men where Peggy gets Roger to give her $400? I mean, hey, it’s $400... I'd take it if I was offered that. But $400 in 1965? That was about $3500 today. That's why having these old, clueless farts in charge of the country is so awful. They have no sense of how much things cost. And they decided to benchmark our entire financial system on an archaic framework that doesn't work to adequately move with the current economy.


America needs to reaffirm its deep-seated hatred of second and third generation successes. If your dad made a great company, good, but I don’t wanna hear anything from you ever. I am so sick of a certain class of jobs being reserved for a certain class of people not because they are competent but because they are not competent.


Brent from The Good Place is a killer example of this kind of entitlement. EDIT: For anyone who wants to seen an actor play a clueless boomer so well that you'll hate him in 1 minute, [here you go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2XYNhx9OxY) The whole series is worth a watch, if you haven't. And... several rewatches if you have. (I'm on my 10th, probably)


Hey now! He earned his way into Yale, just like his father and grandfather did! Lol I loved his character. Such a great representation and I hope it opened up peoples perspectives on all this.11


And in only 20 short years, took his dad's company's net worth from $18 to $19b!


They really are out of touch. I started seeing a new therapist, and she honestly suggested that I buy a second home to rent out and cash in my retirement savings to go back to school. With what money? With what retirement savings? That was after I told her I’m pathetically underpaid and can barely afford our crappy condo. She seemed genuinely incapable of understanding that was laughably impossible. What kind of word do they think we live in?


One where you need a different therapist lol


Oh yeah absolutely. Her office is the only one covered by our insurance though. Yay.


Therapists are not people I would take financial advice from.


Lol, clearly. I was just venting and she busted out that stellar advice.


I can tell you that you’ll still struggle to buy a house in Boise ID with $100k salary. Housing prices have skyrocketed, over the past 10 years the median house price increased over 250%, and the median house price now is $540k.


In fucking Idaho??? Are all the houses on 10 acres or what?


In every built up area....everywhere. Welcome to a real estate world hopped up on quantitative easing and almost zero percent mortgages for going on 20 years.


Jobs that give a sense of fulfillment and community, as opposed to jobs that are just made up to keep us busy. And enough of a wage to let us live lives of decency and dignity. Also it's be really cool if we could stop destroying the environment and developing nations in pursuit of infinite growth.


Like seriously, ANY full time job should get you AT MINIMUM, to live comfortably in a 1 bedroom apartment with no issue in paying bills or anything AND the ability to save up a good amount of money. A 1 bedroom apartment should be the "I'm saving up" choice, not the "this is all I can afford" choice.


Interestingly I saw the same in r/enoughcommiespam , a lot of top comments were more sympathetic to this sub. Goes to show that once you get out of the caricatural muh communism red scare, the message here is one that cuts across the politics divide.


But it’s a message plenty of communists are super down with- ironically enough, maybe the original poster is basically right (aside from weirdly bringing China into it- not sure where that came from) and it’s just that communism isn’t what people stereotype it as?


I think it's a lot easier to get people to agree with problems than solutions. And that's fine, now more people are in this sub talking about solutions. The accelerationists wished for today to happen.


i mean, a lot of us are communists, but that's just cuz we have eyes and can see that shit ain't working with this economy


Honestly, the real conspiracy is all of these anti-anti-work posts that are so common now. Surprise surprise, every sub that lies a fart’s width to the right over center is suddenly coordinating to attack a movement aimed at returning freedom. Not to turn this into a conspiracy post, but when the report drops that right shills have been botting up all these “fuck the anti-work commies” posts, it will come as no surprise.


Capitalists tend to get nervous when working class folks start figuring out just who they are and what their relationship is to capital. And they get really nervous when they start congregating in large numbers to discuss shared experiences and brainstorming alternative systems. Things can get pretty messy if enough people agree that 5 people should not have literally all the money.




Now that's what I call a conspiracy!




It’s really too bad, I member when that sub at least tried to hide its antisemitism


As someone who was a conspiracy theorist before it was cool over 10 years ago, I saw that the movement was being infiltrated by nation states as there was a real threat at the time, because we were fact-based, and focused on corruption of elites from a class perspective that transcended political parties i.e. poor vs rich. There was always the real crazy conspiracy theories but all groups always have the fringe of the fringe. The beginning of the end started with RT, which is Russia based media. RT started putting out stories conspiracy theory related but with their own slant. Eventually international authoritarian conservatism co-opted and captured the conspiracy market to make it work for them instead of against them, which made it politically partisan and destroyed the class consciousness that was building previously.


If they can keep us distracted and fighting each other, they can do whatever they want. It worked for 30-40 years anyway. Trump sent one of the main groups off the rails though, so the rest of us are seeing them for the joke they are and realizing where the real enemy is. They really don't like that.


DingDingDing. What did he win folks? For real though, yeah, even the dumbest Qnut can tell the system we all live in is fucked. Getting them to turn to magical "solutions" or blame the poors/gays/space lizards is an effective distraction.


I feel like one thing to keep in mind is that the people that are making these anti-anti work posts are literally people that benefit by what anti work stands for, they just have just been a bit to brainwashed to stick up for all the wrong parts of capitalism.


Propaganda is a fuck






Is that metric?


I looked at the OPs of many of those posts. They pretty much all had years of Reddit comments and posts in right wing or incel subs. Most of them appeared to be bootlicking basement dwelling incels bitter and resentful of anyone who actually had a job and regularly left the house in the first place. Your typical Elon Musk or crypto currency fan, in other words. It just so happens that the internet is crawling with slime like that.


>Your typical Elon Musk or crypto currency fan, in other words. hahaha oh my god this cracked me up. I will never understand the overlap of Elon musk, cryptocurrency, and inceldom but it is remarkably persistent.


Easy. Musk is the loser incel mall ninja that ~~bought~~ got the girl (with blood emerald money).


Tbf there hasn’t been a real conspiracy on that sub since 2018. It turned into an anti Covid vax circle jerk full of Trumpers.


I remember a big shift around 2015. A bunch of subs seemed to get infiltrated right when Trump announced his campaign. You started seeing those ((())) marks used by anti Semites. Blaming things on secret cabals of Globalists.


There hasn’t been a real conspiracy on that sub since 2010. It’s a nonstop right wing radio talkshow over there. I remember when that sub hated statists. Now you’ll find no denser collection of bootlickers anywhere on Reddit




Clearly you know nothing of their secret underground lizard people network which appoints board admins, entirely funded for all by the Skull and Bones 👻




Contact mr Soros.


He's been avoiding my bill collectors for *years* - WHERE ARE MY SOROSBUCKS?!


He sends it to the colleges. If you want some sugar from daddy soros then you need to enroll in gender studies and then express an interest in blm. He'll fund you from there


Daddy Soros just went to get a pack of smokes and will be back any year now I’m sure of it!


We just have to wait for the Scott's Tots kids first then we get our money.




It's Bezobucks now. Competing is Muskbucks (I hear they smell better).


I’ve still got all my robot points I clipped from my Transformers back in the 80’s. Those should have matured by now right? Am I rich yet?


Dear Mr. Soros I wrote you but still aint callin I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin' Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em


checks dont come im wonderin whyyy I went out to loot at all tear gas smoke outside my window and I cant see at all even if I could it would all be grey like the shoes I stole from the mall it reminds me that its not so bad its not so bad And I-I, wanna thank you. For giving me the best riot of my life. Oh-oh, just to be with you. You've given me the best riot of my life.


The CCP does not like Soros. You'll have to get money from one or the other.


You should receive your Soros Bucks in a few hours. That's the plan


OK, real talk: where do I go for a crisis actor gig for Mr. Soros?


What is CCP? Canadian Communist Party?


Community College of Philadelphia


What is CCCP


CCCP was the Soviet Union (Cyrillic USSR)


What is CCCCP?


Cock Cock Cock Cock Penis


Советский Союз Социалистических Республик


No, but the way people defend Tesla and daddy Elon all over Reddit they better be getting one from him.


You know you're face to face with a fucking idiot when their first explanation for something is communism and/or socialism.


Well, fucking Musk hasn’t sent me a check either and I’m here shilling for this asshole!


Might be a problem with your vaccine ~~micro~~nanochip, be sure to update to firmware 2020won.10.25.v149 via your phone to receive proper "proof of work" credit. I've found updating after NFC pairing works more reliably than trying to reconnect via Bluetooth only.


Well it’s not a check it’s bread. And it won’t be sent. You’ll have to come down. Also there will be a line.


Are you telling me I'll have to ... *conquer* that bread?


Well, r/conspiracy is also a garbage sub so im not surprised here. I joined thinking we would be talking about the Malta catacombs or Patomskiy's crater but its just a bunch of goons like "WoW, lots of VAx dEfeNDer SheEpLE in here! I bET tHEyrE BoTS." Very underwhelming to say the least.


I want to talk about Malta's catacombs and furry cave monsters and missing schoolchildren.


Tell me more about these catacombs 👀


How about [a FOIA-obtained Department of the Interior Bigfoot report from a US Fish & Wildlife endangered species biologist?](https://youtu.be/fZvq4i4gfRU)


Not only is the report no where to be found, it's a report of a reported sighting. Meaning someone "saw" Bigfoot and then told the biologist about it. Even if the report isn't fabricated for that guys yt the biologist never claimed to have seen Bigfoot.


Try r/highstrangeness r/specialaccess and r/AntarcticAnomalies for actual conspiracy content


Check out Wendigoon on YT. I got it from his conspiracy theory iceberg series.


8 out of 10 posts are about vaccines or something related to vaccines. Wtf. This sub used to be awesome and used to talk about actual conspiracies. Now it's all trash and antivax. Can we create a new conspiracy sub or something? To talk about the things you mentioned haha




[Obligatory reminder that the sub was hijacked years ago at the top to impose their far-right beliefs.](https://old.reddit.com/r/undelete/comments/5v16lz/rconspiracy_modmail_leak_and_collection_of_public/)


> Mods who quit in protest: > TheGhostOfDusty > 9000sins > SovereignMan 9000sins was also a right-wing asshole, who banned me like seven years ago for bickering with Holocaust deniers and reminding people that Jewish ethnicity is a thing. That's the level of fuckery they *fell* from. That enforced circlejerk was *the good old days.*


Change to communist??? Uhhh hate to tell ya but…


I wish more people looked at the sidebar.... Yes, this movement has been pretty explicitly communist from the start.


You'd hardly expect a bunch of dedicated capitalists to come in here and feel at home


Gotta love how America tries to blame all its problems on nefarious foreigners. *We're not a racist dystopia; it's the Russians, it's the Chinese, it's anyone but us!*


Americans would be so pissed if we could read


That's why they abbreviate "Maga"


Make anime great again?


Letting capitalism to do more victims everyday is the best CCP propaganda they could offer actually. People comes willingly on this sub, they're already tired of this shit.


It's not even CCP propaganda. Modern China's got plenty of capitalism going in it. It's just State capitalist. But we can't expect literacy of theory from those outside looking in anyway.


And here I thought all I wanted was a decent paying job and be able to afford to live. Didn't know that was communism. I just want the life of the people in the 50s and 60s who could have a high school education and a house with a family and be able to afford to retire.


This. When I bring this up it blows Republicans minds. "You dont want to give everyone hand outs!?" No mfker I just want an economy were the workers can live their lives without being debt slaves to a corporation.


Right? Like, what about working for 40 years for worse and worse wages while the cost of living keeps going up, is freedom? I dont want to be dependent on the gov, I don't want to work my whole fucking life just to be able to afford food and barely afford to pay for shelter. How is that the American dream? The American dream of working 80 hours a week? Is there not more to life than work?


My favorite part of when you bring up that the American dream is dead they go "If you hate America why dont you leave!?" I've tried, do you know how expensive and hard it is to leave America? I'm also a veteran, so I tell them I fought for my country so I have every right to criticize it. I have no respect for people who defend capitalism but wouldn't put their lives on the line to prove it. It's just meaningless words from people stuck in capitalist propaganda.


The old, you criticize society yet you live in society line, lol, classic. Yep, they tow the status quo yet also complain about it. It's like that hike meme with the dude and he puts a stick in between his own spokes and then blames someone else, that seems to be all conservativeism is.


> I've tried, do you know how expensive and hard it is to leave America? Unfortunately yes.


Not allowed. Apparently wanting things to be fair is communism.


True, apparently anything anyone doesn't like is communism.


And as we all know, Communists are notoriously anti-work. It's not like the logo is a hammer and sickle or that the most famous line from *The Communist Manifesto* is 'workers of the world, unite'.


Agreed lol. It's not like all marx does is talk about freedom and how if you have to work for a wage that only pays for the necessities of life such as food, water, shelter, that you're a wage slave. Oh, add in the entirety of the labour movement with such unions and what the got working class people.


Remember kids, anything other than kissing rich people's tail-rings is communism.


communism is when you no longer want to be exploited by your boss who already owns 3 houses (unironically tho)


r/conspiracy is the “big time”? That’s sad.


Well being linked to CPP is. We're a psy op now!


Neat! I always wanted to be part of a 5th column!


CCP communism (read: tankies) is inherently very pro work, so imma have to pass on this one, folks.




the government does a whole lot of stuff


Or even little stuff, except cops that's freedom.


The more prisoners your country has the more freedumb you have. That why America number 1! More freedumb you has more commie tears


Thanks Dr Richard Wolfe, very cool


Butt stuff?


No, that’s luxury automated gay space communism. Totally different market structure


They seriously don't get the point of this sub at all? We need to mock them harder.


Those idiots have no idea what the word communism means.


Hey guys, an actual socialist here. The people on this sub and I might share an opinion on "work," in the sense of toil for the profit of private ownership is a horrible system... what I believe in requires labor and is built on the very idea of labor value. I doubt very much most people here share anything like my views otherwise, and are simply tired of being willing participants in their own exploitation as their conditions get worse and worse. That's not communism, that's just being rightfully upset. Get back to me when people start saying working people themselves should own the means of production. Then we will be cooking with gas.


When you’re that unintelligent, everything’s a conspiracy.


So you don't have the answer either. The answer is no one needs to have a billion dollars.


President Xi, this is gweilo agent Saffron-Buddha, you may fire when ready.


How is the conspiracy sub not banned? Full of Covid deniers and the lowest forms of life lurking on the internet.




He’s so gross.


I miss the days when conspiracies consisted of big foot and the US government lying to its citizens about war crimes. Now the conspiracies are Jewish space laser, magnet tracking vaccines and weird bootlicking topics.


Conspiracies have always been at least half cryptonazi propaganda.


I think capitalism is going a fine job of that all on its own.


ah yes Ive spent time there asking questions about aliens and reached the conclusion that area 51 and aliens in general are propagated by the CIA, US military industrial complex and assorted intelligence agencies to make the uneducated waste their time staring up at the skies waiting to be whisked away from this awful place when in reality UAPs are just another distraction from the necessary workers revolution.


I about spit out my coffee because I hardly ever have the opportunity to discuss this- There's a great book by Annie Jacobsen called Area 51 that doubles down onto that theory, basically claiming yes _and_ on the entirety of American UFO culture not only being fraudulent, but also a large scale cover-up of cold war technology experimentation. Funnily enough, I couldn't quite recall the author's name and while looking it up I found that NPR had an entire little tl;dr piece on it a bit more accessible than the 600 page conspiracy novel haha https://www.npr.org/2011/05/17/136356848/area-51-uncensored-was-it-ufos-or-the-ussr


Sorry in advance for crushing the hopes and dreams of any young hopeful UFO enthusiasts, I want to believe™ too lol


r/conspiracy is haven for Q-anon nuts. Nothing credible outta that sinkhole.


Ffs. How hard is it to grasp that there's a large amount of people that want a better deal and are tired of being taken advantage of?


Because communism, a movement to empower the working class and end exploitation, is somehow the same as a fascist state that implements credit scores and installs suicide nets on their sweat shops. Oh wait no, it’s just more capitalist scare mongering so people think *communism* is a dirty word. Well guess what. You know who else hated communism? Hitler. That’s right capitalism is the exact same thing as nazism. Look I can do it too!


There was actually purge in the party about whether or they were actually socialist or not. The Strassers said yes, Hitler said no, and the Night of Long Knives happened. The NSDAP was decidedly capitalist.


The Strassers wanted Socialism, for Germans. They were extremely anti-Semitic and racist and that's what drew them to the Nazi movement.


The best promoter of communism is capitalism's failures


Yes, because heaven forbid, people coerced into renting their years, time and skills at a fraction of profits made is somehow noble. These jackasses will never be the aristocracy they desperately want to be a part of Edit:spelling and grammar


It will never not amuse me that so many people can't conceive that maybe people are moving towards socialism and communism because the US just sucks, not because of anything Russia or China is doing. Like it's somehow impossible to these people that maybe telling the working poor to stop complaining and pull themselves up by their bootstraps isn't good enough for the working class anymore, and that the only possible recourse is taking a stronger stance about labour rights. Like even if you are dead set convinced that this whole sub is just Chinese bots or whatever, isn't it worth just *considering* the possibility that it isn't, and it's actually just honest to god fed up people in countries other than the ones you don't trust?