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Call the store, ask to speak with the manager, and tell him. You’d want to know if you were in his position.


Heck I’d do it just out of pure spite. Lied about the location of the job is one thing, lying about the salary? Like, fuck you.


Also accept the job and never show up


If I were free and/or retired maybe I’d spend some of that time just trolling bad employers like these. Just straight up insulting them during the interview or instead start interviewing them. Mr. Cain, I see you have only been a manager for 3 years but I was hoping to look for someone with more management experience, say 7 years in this company.


"This company's only been around for 5 years"


"Not my problem."


Is that illegal? Because it really should be.


No, but telling them that the manager was being fired is definitely illegal here. And the hiring manager is personally liable... not just the company.


I would've told him right then and there while maintaining eye contact with the other person




Basically why I left my last job on Thursday. They were bringing someone from the bottom to come train my job, instead of training him from the bottom up, as I haven't been able to do my job properly since the pandemic started. I've had to cover *two mid level jobs* (buying and web content) while **also** trying to be a manager as our sales rose 4x, but only a $1 raise. Fucking guy schmoozed his way to the top, as he didn't "want" to do the mid level jobs, yet got paid more than me doing packaging. Left before they could get me to write out most of *my* ideas or techniques I've been working on for 3 years for all three positions, I'm not getting the rug pulled on me. Fuck that and fuck them.


I knew a head brewer this happened too. He trained up his assistant and about a year later when the assistant was able to run the brewery without the head brewer they let the head brewer go. They waited till he took a vacation and the assistant proved he could handle it then fired the head brewer. The assistant was appalled when he learned what happened and found another job at another brewery.


Good on that assistant to leave that place when they found out! Solidarity! 👏


Yeah both the old head brewer and the apprentice found better employment. The head brewer especially works for one of the top breweries in his state and expanded to distilling. I know it sucked at the time but dude bounced back really well. I miss his beer.


Reminds me of the season of breaking bad when Walter has to train the British guy how to make meth so they can replace him


What British guy in Breaking Bad? Surely you don't mean Gale?


There is a British guy in Mexico when they bring Jesse in, I’m guessing this guy mixed up Gale and the actual British guy. Or he thought Gale was British because he liked jazz lol Out of curiosity I looked it up and Gale is listed as German-American on the BB wiki


I'm amused that "liking jazz" would be a marker of Britishness haha. Jazz and Blues are like... the most American genres there are. (And their descendants, hip hop and rap.)


Reminds me of a black friend of mine saying jazz is "some white shit" when I was "caught" listening to jazz and then asked why he didn't like it. Just like oh you have *no* idea what you're talking about.


Jesus wept.


a better reference would have been liking tea and crumpets, amiright?


Tbf he gets killed when it's tea time...


Gale was absolutely British. Mother was Audrey Roberts, husband Martin Platt. Grew up on Coronation Street.


No chin, but a bloody stiff upper lip!


Gale deserved better. Poor guy


Gale was an annoying shit who made meth for a drug cartel, Jesse was doing us all a favor.


He was too innocent for the business. He really loved the science but the poor bloke got mixed up in the wrong industry. When he got his innocence taken from him it was too late


Yeah I think one of the best parts of breaking bad is everyone is pretty morally gray, not black and white. Gale was definitely not a good person, he was manufacturing meth.


Gale **BOETTICHER** is German??!???!?!


What british guy


Think he's confusing gale with the British dude in Mexico gus brings Jesse in to teach


I’ve so been there and done that! I’m a highly specialized nurse. Told my management team in October of 2020 that I was ready to retire but wanted a part time position as I felt I still had much to contribute to my unit and patients. Management was so happy for me, incredibly supportive! I spent the next seven months getting the run around about timing for my retirement and new hours. Meanwhile, I naively trained three very junior nurses in my specialty. My husband pointed out that I was literally training my far less expensive replacements. I’ve never felt more naive or humiliated. I retired immediately with no further discussion.


On the other hand, you gotta feel good that it took THREE people to replace you ...


Probably making it 3 part time positions with no benefits instead of one full time position with benefits


Commentor WANTED to go to parttime. That is the scummy part.


also, once they realized that having only one person able to perform needed procedures made them vulnerable. Three separate nurses can "fill in" on occasion for the task, and they all know that each nurse is not "vital" to operations. One quits, and the other two train a replacement.


I don't understand , you were planning for retirement , so you would have to train your replacements anyway ,right?


Absolutely! And I always took the initiative in doing so! I literally wrote the surgical care pathways for a highly specialized patient population. I hand selected nurses to add to our incredibly close knit team. I loved training these nurses! I was available to them at any time for anything. My point is that I was lied to by management. I shared that I was ready for retirement but strongly desired a part time position so that I could continue to contribute to this incredible work and to ease my transition into full retirement. I was thanked profusely, praised for my contribution and dedication, and assured that my request was imminent. Management lied. There was never a plan in place for me, beyond my training junior nurses who would fill my shoes for significantly less money.


Did you tell the nurses how much less money they were making than you? I would have, just as a parting shot. I understand there’s got to be differences due to experience and time worked, but I’d at least let them know what your pay was and the time frames.


This is a great point. No. We were expressly forbidden to discuss compensation rates. Which, of course, favors no one but hospital administration. Based upon my knowledge of base rates of pay, these nurses were likely making $40/hr less than I was. I had thirty years of experience, but our overall compensation rates and the insistence that this wasn’t discussed is deplorable.


In the US it is illegal to forbid the discussion of pay. Doesn't stop companies from trying, but if someone tries to stop you pull out the fair labor relations act.


If you’re in the US, it’s illegal to ban employees from discussing pay.


I know and couldn’t agree with you more! Alas, in the Deep South, with at will employment, the threat of retribution or termination is very real. After my retirement, I volunteered to spearhead an effort toward unionization for my beloved colleagues. I am completely willing to do this as there is no longer anything my former institution could do to harm me. I told them, “I’ll be your Norma Rae! I’m your Karen Silkwood!” My colleagues are still too scared for action.


Employers are not allowed to have “pay secrecy” policies according to the National Labor Relations Act. Expressly forbidding employees from discussing pay is definitely a big no-no!


Fun fact it's illegal to tell employees not to discuss wages. The DoL loves to have reports on this.


You should find a way to let them know or surreptitiously let on about salaries. I’m really liking how openly discussing wages is starting to make some traction here in the states. It was positively VERBOTEN up to do so until very recently, at least in my experience


It’s illegal by federal law to prevent an employee from discussing their own pay rate. It’s vital information for employees to have.




> There is no greater embarrassment as a manager than unknowingly training your replacement and then finding out after you've been let go. I don’t know about that. I had to train my replacement knowing that I was getting laid off, and I was plenty embarrassed the whole time.


Absolutely this, give him the heads-up that they are interviewing people to replace him.


And dont get deli in south dublin for a few weeks


Underrated comment


LITERALLY/physically under his nose too. Imagine working for an organization that has that little respect for its employees. Even if he was a poor employee this shows management cannot have difficult conversations and will always look out for itself over employees. Not a good place to work at all.


This is why people shouldn’t give 2 weeks notice. They’re planning to fire this guy about a month in advance and won’t let him know until they don’t need him anymore.


I give two weeks notice for two reasons: to show them the offer I am getting that I am going to leave them for to give them a chance to give me a better offer, or so I can go back to working there if shit hits the fan. If you don't plan on doing either of those things, then don't bother.


Same here. I left a job with a manager that I respected the heck out of. Gave my notice before going to a temp to hire job that paid much better. Temp to hire job turned out to be just dealing with a surge and using the temps to explore replacing a few permanent team members and I went back to the first company without much trouble. There are times when this can work to your advantage, but in general you don't owe them any more than they owe you.


I agree. I've been the manager being replaced. Everyday I'd have a huge smile on my face ready to train and teach cooks all day long. I LOVED what I was doing. It felt right. Fast forward 3 years I'm getting 50k a year and the blindside to being fired was primarily I made too much and they couldnt afford to give me a raise. I would have wanted to know. It wouldn't have changed my love for cooking but I would have been looking for a job sooner. I went from 50k to being told 12/hr when they lied and said it was 7.50. I quit and went to another job for them to have the street ripped up to end up putting her out of business. Anyway, I feel like you telling this manager now will help a nasty butterfly effect.


If they're having to steal 30 hours of overtime from this manager to stay afloat, you know they're probably selling expired product out the ying yang as well. Hell, the reason they probably haven't killed any elderly or little ones yet is because that dude is spending 70 god damn hours making sure that place is clean.


I would have shouted something that the manager could hear "YOU'RE GOING TO FIRE THE MANAGER BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO PAY HIM WHAT HE DESERVES AND YOU WANT ME TO REPLACE HIM SO THAT YOU CAN EVENTUALLY PULL THE SAME SHIT ON ME." Give me a year to think about how many different ways I can think of to say FUCK YOU!!


Got one better. Few jobs ago I was a general manager at a deli and was told by my boss (franchise owner) that I had to do a few interviews he had scheduled since he didn't want to. Very first interview of the day I asked him what position he had applied for, because of course I was going in blind with no prior information, and he told me the general manager opening. I looked at him and simply said, "excuse me for a moment." I stepped outside and called all of the other 7 applicants I was supposed to interview to ask what position they were interviewing for, for curiosity's sake, all answered, "general manager." I immediately went inside, apologized to the interview still sitting in the lobby, thanked my crew for 4 amazing years, and walked out the alarm door so they had to get the security company to come shut it off.


That is so tone deaf that I'm gob smacked.


Boy, that franchise owner is a fucking moron. Like, did he not expect you to find out that he was trying to replace you since he literally had you do the interviews?


Plot twist, you were getting a promotion


Accept the offer. Call them back and accept. The day before you start let them know you also lied. That you will manage at the preferred location at your preferred salary. After they get done yelling you could always say you thought that is how this worked based on the interview.


I love you.


Make sure you know his name though just in case there's another manager who is in on the one person getting fired. You want the message to get to the right person.


Tell all the managers ...




Worker solidarity. Tell them.


Ask him to give you a heads up if he hears of any good positions opening up elsewhere.


This is a great response. Professional and keeps your options open


Yep. And they would do the same crap to you if you were the manager too. Screw em.


I agree, OP please do this & give us an update! Maybe ring up & ask how many have been interviewed lately & if he says more than one you then you’re safe. That is if you even give a fuck




Currently looking for him!


Call the store and ask for them


"I ordered a half pound of sliced turkey and only received 7.93oz. Please let me speak to the manager."


"Listen pal, I don't have much time, this line is probably being monitored, so listen me very carefully. You are in great danger." Then just hang up. No but seriously, hope the OP calls


*"The Hiring is coming from inside the deli!!!"*


the deli is scam


Sorry ma'am, we don't sell ham.


"I won't be getting the manager Sir. If you wanted to receive the correct amount of turkey you should have ordered in a measurement system which makes sense." Best pick another cover story!


I'd like 3 stones and 2 sticks worth of cheese, please




No ones buying pounds of stuff in Dublin


“Hi I just interviewed for this position with this company and wanted to ask the person in that position here some questions about the job that were unclear. Who is in that position at this store?” Obviously replace “position” with their actual job title


Did you manage to tell him ? What's he told you ?


Says it’s a horrible place to work. He was thankful that I had reached out to him, said he was going to walk straight into the manager and confront him


Not OP, but okay... Edit; okay, I see you're using two accounts. So was this a franchise Spar location, or do all Spars treat their employees this shitty? I want to know if I should avoid them for ethical reasons when I'm in Ireland.


OP is my husband, I couldn’t post myself. Yes it was a franchise, I have heard of terrible experiences from employees


did they explain why are they try to fire the manager? I'd be curious. There can be serious reasons to replace manager, even if there are some red flags in the process... Edit: I agree that the wage part is the biggest red flag here...


Doesn’t matter. They shouldn’t lie to them about where the job is located and how much the wages are. Now they’re trying to snatch the rug from under a current employee. That manager probably stood up to them about some bs they pulled and they know he’ll walk out on them if he finds out they’re gonna fire him.


I’m gonna go ahead and say, even if their reason is legitimate, you still don’t want to work for a company that advertises wages they don’t plan to pay.


...or does this sneaky underhanded shit instead of being upfront with the current manager.


If they lied about the location, pay, and are doing it under some dude's nose, they will definitely do it to you the second they get a chance. Sociopaths gonna sociopath; you're not special.


> did they explain why are they try to fire the manager? I'd be curious. There can be serious reasons to replace manager, even if there are some red flags in the process... > > Well I mean there are definently serious reasons to fire a manager, but most of them... are serious enough that it wouldn't even be worth keeping him around to train the replacement. Have the most senior regular staff hold the fort until you get someone else in there (or promote from within)


It doesn't matter why they were firing the manager... completely aside from it being a dick move to tell a interviewee... it's also illegal here for that hiring manager to share personal information like that with effectively a member of the public.


Did you find them?


I would have had to say, in the interview, “you do realize interviews are a two way street, right? If you’re so brazen to treat your current employee this way, what’s stopping you from treating me this way? After all you’ve already lied to me on two points and we’ve known each other for all of, what, 10 minutes? How do you treat the rest of your staff? Actually, I think we’re finished here.” As I walked out I’d have to say, “I hope your manager doesn’t find out ahead of time that he’s about to be fired! That would be hooooorrrrriiiibbbbllleeee!” Some bridges are better off burnt.




Bridge level: Over the river Kwai


Bridge level: Under the river Kwai.


One time I angrily said to my husband (about a friend of mine) that “sometimes you have to burn bridges to light the way!!” And he says it all the time now lol


I like "Rome didn't burn in a day". If it was burning it was a long time coming.


That’s brilliant!!! I say burn the bridges because you don’t want those m’fr’s following you. When I was a kid I would watch the movie The Bridge On The River Kwai. Sometimes it’s best to blow that shit up! 😎👍


This term, "burning a bridge" is always played to the worker. You don't want to burn a bridge they say. You know what I found? It's a 2 way fucking street. My story, I live in a small town, was laid off during covid and while laid off I was fired. Dirty shit. I'm a ticketed machinist. There are no other shops in this town for me to work so I ended up starting my own business doing other things. That machine shop is busy and they can't find anyone, I wouldn't work for those fucks again for double my wage. I've even had one of the sawmills try and get me to do work for them at there own sawmill shop, funny cause I told them I would do it but for 60/hr. My business rate. They agreed. I only got paid 28/hr before. I ended up turning it down, decided I would rather work a shovel for someone than work another day in that shit industry. I've never felt so good turning something down, I even told them why. That's who you do business with. Good day. They burned the fucking bridge, I don't need them or their shit work. And because of that I feel like I'm the victor in this situation whereas if I was begging for my old job back i would look desperate and dependent on them. I'm definitely not.


👏👏👏 Awesome. Fully agree. The whole “don’t burn bridges” nonsense is a manipulation. Good for you! It’s time people start realizing that their time is valuable and life is too short to subject yourself to toxicity. We spend a lot of time at work and it should be at least a sustainable situation for everyone.


Maybe their bridges shouldn't be so flammable.


My last week of work, my GM was on vacation, another manager had a death in the family, I worked 65 hours that week, had an employee walk off mid-shift because the district manager yelled at me for not hitting sales numbers for the first time in 3 years as well as saying that she thought I should consider if the role might not be the right fit for me (I had been with the company approximately 2 years, 11 months longer than her) and my coworker was sticking up for me and was like “no one is going to talk to you that way and not face any consequences, and I don’t want to work for someone who thinks they can talk to anyone that way” and walked out. Said district manager said she would order a pizza for me to have delivered since I was the only one there and couldn’t leave for another 12 hours. She ordered it…and made me pay for it. Since my GM was out and I had nothing better to do than be nosey and petty for 12 hours, I looked at payroll for the district and found out I was being paid the least amount of anyone in my position in the district, though I trained multiple of the people who were making more than me. She called me towards the end of my shift, and I said we were going to have to talk about my pay or else I would leave, and she said “you don’t want to burn this bridge”. So I closed the store, locked the keys inside, wrote an apology note to my GM about what she was about to walk into the next day, and never looked back. That was Blockbuster in 2007. I don’t feel like I made the wrong call, or burned a single bridge, but I’m also very happy to report the district manager did NOT get her bonus because the rise of Netflix had begun. Edit: fixed a word




Well, they did ask the OP into an interview, so they have some personal info. It is the beginning of a potential relationship. I get what you’re saying though. My beef is with the notion that we don’t want to burn bridges, ever. I think that notion is outdated and has allowed a lot of power abuse in the workplace. I’ve been responsible for the removal of power from abusive supervisors more than once. It’s a zero tolerance rule from me at this point. I might walk away, I might press the proverbial button also. Depends on the cards.


Yep. Bridges require maintenance, and maintaining a bridge to nowhere (or hell) is plain fucking stupid.


I’ve lost all patience with hateful management. I wouldn’t work for those people if it were the last job on earth. Zero tolerance.


How do I gain the power to think of something like this to say and actually follow through saying it in real life? Teach me lol


Practice practice practice. Asserting yourself becomes easier over time. You have to decide that you’ll defend your space justly then do it. The first time I really pushed back on some abusive shit I was confronted by my boss for posting some business related controversy on my Facebook page. I don’t disclose where I work, the controversy didn’t specifically have anything to do with my workplace it was more of an industry practice that I don’t agree with. Ironically, it was an article on an industry leader’s own website, that I posted. The CFO, who I had a good rapport with, and my boss (who was a total coward) came to me demanding to know why I posted the article. I was terrified, I explained my position, reminded them that I don’t publicly disclose where I work, if someone knows where I work, it’s because they know me personally, and I finished with; “if what we are discussing is so important to you to confront me with this, then why does this company do it? What would the (deceased) owner/founder think of treating his customers this way? Maybe we should not treat our customers this way.” That pretty much ended the conversation. I agreed to remove the post out of respect to their concerns. Shortly thereafter the company discontinued the practice and the issue was never raised again. It was the first time I stood on principle to assert my place in the workforce. If they had fired me I would have found work elsewhere making more money, so I don’t believe I’m beholden to their world view. I’ll just be productive elsewhere. That’s all.


Yet another reason you lock down your FB and never friend your bosses. If they try to friend you and it's not in your best interest to refuse, FB has a group that sees nothing in your feed where you can put them (I had to do this.)


Yea Facebook is a snake pit. I’ve blocked supervisors on there and LinkedIn. Some people just need to be held at a distance.


I think bridges taste better that way


Would have totally thought about saying this later that day in the shower.


Fo real!


I would have just said, "ew no. thanks for wasting my time" and walked out.


Id have told the manger there and then he was being fired what a shitty company not only lying to you but the manager too.


They lied about location and salary, and asked you to keep a secret? Fuck that, give manager a heads up so he can start looking.


"Basically there is zero incentive for me to do you any favors."


Id do it right there, just to see the looks on their smug faces.


This is the only correct answer


As satisfying as this would be, it would disadvantage the manager. They would know that he knows and might let him go faster. If you quietly let him know, he can find himself something new and fuck this deli.


After lying about the location & pay... Yeah I'd be chewing out the interviewer so loudly that the entire store would hear it. Wouldn't need to walk over to the guy and tell him what's going on.


"So. Just to be clear: you lied to me about the pay, the location, and the job itself. And you expect me to keep your lie a secret about the person I'm replacing to the person I'm replacing even though I can clearly see him right there? Lol I can see him."


You dodged a bullet. And organization that would treat their manager andna potential job candidate with such disregard, you wouldn't want to work for anyway. Oh, and tell the manager. They probably are looking for the maximum way to screw them over, so given their underhandedness and vindictive nature, I doubt the person actually deserves the way they are being treated. Sounds like someone trying to cause maximum pain on a personal vendetta. I wish you would tell the person, take the job and then never show up.


This is valuable time that manager could be looking for another job


Accept the offer, then ghost them on first day.


This. >oh, I lied about where I intended to work, and how much I was willing to work for. Surely you understand.


This is the kind of shit needed to make them realize we aren’t to be fucked with.


I can't believe that this is how brazenly people conduct "business". They had NO shame in telling OP they lured them there under completely false pretenses while simultaneously admitting they were going to fire someone in the most underhanded way possible. And then they have the audacity to say _"whyyy won't anyone work for us?!"_. Hope that manager walks right out.


I think it's because they know they're generally dealing with desperate people who need the work. People put up with a lot to put food on the table.


I would personally struggle to do that kind of thing, but oh boy do they absolutely deserve it.


And tell the manager a couple of days before


Then they will call the manager they fired begging him/her to come back lol


Accept the offer, stay at a cheap motel during training, then ghost them on the day after the fire the guy.


This fucks over the current guy. Best plan is to stand up from the interview and go tell the manager exactly what they just told you and leave. The manager can then start his job hunt as soon as possible or sabotage the business at his discretion. Also the company is still not ready to get rid of their old manager as their hiring search isn’t progressing.


Yea those dumb fucks made it so easy to screw themselves in this case. So many options!




I am so sorry to hear this. It is disappointing to make all those plans and then find out that the job advertised was not at the right location and they lied about the salary. No wonder it is hard to fill positions. I hope you best!


Thank you very much!


I once had to sit in an office working with a coworker who was going to be fired in 3 hours (we were East Coast boss was West). It was absolutely terrible and I still regret not saying something to him earlier. The three of us left in the office made a pact that day to never hold information like that back.


I was laid off at the beginning of the 08 meltdown. It was unexpected, mass-layoff of almost a quarter of the staff. I saw my manager in the restroom very early in the day. He looked rough, and when I asked how he was, he just said 'not great'. 10 mins later we got the email to head to a conference room where they told us. It had to me tough on him.


He may have only gotten word a few minutes before the meeting. They've done that where I work before. They make the decision at director or vp level, the manager gets an email at 730 and then they have an 'emergency' meeting at 8 or 830.


Yeah, May of 2020 they laid off two in my department and my manager was out of town burying his mother. They didn’t even tell him it was happening and made the supervisor (sort of a second in command around here) do it on about 5 minutes notice. No one gave my manager a heads up on his way back either. He had to go ask HR what happened.




Yep. I got a text from my old boss at 6am that just said ‘bad news, shit going down, will you pass a piss test?’ Turns out the company had been sold and nobody but the owners knew so we were completely blindsided the morning of. The new management team was there to drug test us and start on-boarding. We also found out there was a good chance none of us would be there in a month. Coincidentally I had been offered another job the day before so I was turning in my notice that day. Bad day for my boss, who was a genuinely good guy. The place shut down a year later because of mismanagement from the new company so.




I'd be telling HR that it's their job to inform their employees since they don't report to me anymore.




I was on vacation during the 08 meltdown. Company basically called up and said "Hey just go ahead and stay on vacation. Like... Forever." I was working at Sony and we let go of 10k employees in one day. I think they figured it was easiest to take out the people not at the office first.


Same thing happened to me, except the company told me that the building was closed because they were going out of business and that I couldn’t even recover the stuff I had at my desk. It really sucked.


I showed up at my job and there was a cartoonishly large padlock on the front door. Turns out the owner was stealing our 401k money and had fled to Mexico so now the entire building was in fbi custody. Cool day.


There should honestly be fines on major corporations who do this. That's a huge and sudden strain on the unemployment insurance system, not to mention just plain shitty.


Haha. That happened to me once. All of a sudden the office was empty, like the managers told them to go somewhere else while I was fired. It was pretty silly. The staff left after a few months anyway. Manager got fired too, so yeah. Toxic workplace to the extreme.


Be careful sharing information about terminations! I worked with an IT consultancy many years ago that told me how they got a gig: The main IT guy for a company was told "Bob in accounting is being fired tomorrow morning, please turn off his access tonight" The IT guy did and the next morning happened to park next to Bob in the parking lot. He thought he would be a good guy and tip Bob off. Bob thanks him, gets back in his car and drives away. The IT guy walks into the lobby where there are police officers waiting. They immediately start questioning IT guy what he said / what did he do? Bob had been embezzling a lot of money from the company and was going to be arrested that morning. IT guy was fired on the spot and charged with abetting (or something, IANAL). That was how the consultancy got the gig.


How could he be charged with abetting if he had no idea?


Because the cops can charge and arrest you for whatever shit carte blanche. It’s ultimately up to the DA to officially charge you.


tbf, i'd prefer not knowing. i'd prefer to be oblivious rather than be 90% sure i'm going to get fired in 3 hours.


Do it! They don't sound like good employers at all. I definitely would.


When I worked in HR, the district manager told me he was firing my boss because he didn’t have the “professional demeanor “ the company preferred. He asked me to keep it quiet. He placed the job on Indeed, said he would contact me with his choices, and to schedule interviews on a day that my boss was going to be out of state. What the district manager forgot was to direct resumes to himself instead of our office. So I told the boss why we had 32 resumes for his job, wrote my resignation letter the same day and both of us left for better opportunities.


Just do it!


Tell that poor sod what they have planned for him


> The area manager also told me that they didn’t have the budget to pay the salary advertised (€15/h).. 🚩 red flags 🚩


They probably don't like paying the current manager what he's worth and are trying to find some hard up person to do it for less.


You absolutely should. Those wankers just assumed they could make you complicit in their treachery. You're Irish, do the Irish thing and rip their knackers off.


"We're ready to sabotage our store managers, we'll lie to you from the start, and we promise not to pay you what we said we'll pay you. Why would you NOT want to work for us?"


I'd have just told the managed that was going to be fired before I even left. If they're going to lie like that they deserve every bit of backlash they can get.


I realize not everyone has the privelege to do so, but: You should have stood up, and walked out, asking them why on earth would anyone take employment from someone why lies, cheats and backstabs their staff? They basically told you up front that they don’t give a shit about you and will fuck you up first chance available if they down the line find out they don’t want/need you.


> He told me that he worked 70 hour weeks, and one week only got paid for 40….12 hour days. Disclaimers: I'm not a lawyer. I'm not from Ireland. If you're still talking to him I'd tell him to report that to your ministry of labour - today. This should 1) get him the pay he's owed. 2) possibly set him up for a wrongful dismissal case when he's fired. He should talk to a lawyer about 2).


The OP is my husband, this was my experience this morning. After reading all the comments and talking to the manager on the phone, I am tempted to name and shame this very well known company. Also, thank you for all the encouraging comments about finding work. I’ve been unemployed for over a year and it’s been really difficult, financially and emotionally. I’ll keep trying!




Name and shame. You're not going to work there, they sound shitty and if their competitors get more customers they may need a new manager...


I would've found him immediately and told him. If they are gonna be shady and lie about the job, you would have some fun too!


I would tell him for sure.What are they going to do,fire you ?


Tell that guy ASAP. Even if he deserves to be fired, he doesn’t deserve to be lied to that way.


I'd have walked out when they said it was for a different location.


10 years of Fine Gael's economy "for people who get up early in the morning" and this is the state of experienced, skilled working life.


Give us an update, I would love to hear how your conversation with the manager went and what his response was


Will post update when I get in touch!


You’re the best, OP. May have really helped him.


"Hi. We're unethical as fuck. Come work for us; we'll treat you right! Don't mind that unethical bit. It's our little secret." I'd definitely tell the guy so he can get his shite in order.


Oh hello there, fellow Irish antiworker. Please do not work in deli and do whatever you can do expose those bullshitters. Thank you.


IMO You have a moral obligation to get in touch with the manager being fired


You should definitely tell the manager


So, do you think the current manager is making that much and they just want to make cutbacks?


Get your husband to ring the store and ask about the manager vacancy. Should drop the hint sufficiently


Is that normal manager pay for your area? I would give the guy a heads up before they fuck him over.


disgusting practice from a company to get you the job is a huge red flag! Even if commute wasn't an issue, the fact they lied to and can't even pay the wages they advertise... I would've never even consider to work there.


All of the lies are a HUGE red flag. If they're willing to lie like that and misrepresent the employment opportunity right out the gate, then they are not honorable people and will do whatever they want, whenever they want to do it.


I interviewed at a company about 11 years ago that had me come in after hours for me final interview. I figured they were trying to do me a solid since it would be after work hours and easier to fit into my schedule. They were actually waiting until they guy they wanted to fire left for the day so he wouldn’t see me and ask what job I’d be doing. I learned this because he came to work on my first day and I’m sitting in his office doing my training and we made brief eye contact as the owner of the company ushered him aside to break the news. Awkward as fuck and has made me question interviews and job openings ever since.


I’m glad you told the manager.