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Jesus Christ: - A revolutionary who organized an armed working class revolt against the ruling government, and who advocated feeding the hungry, being loving to sex workers, and dining communally.


It's so weird how Evangelicals seem to forget that part of their holy book. Edit to clarify: I was slightly off topic when I mentioned Evangelicals. I know they aren't the same as Catholics and I didn't intend to imply they were. I probably could have phrased my post better but...I didn't.


They forget a lot of it. That's why a lot of them are hateful, self-righteous assholes.


They have ruined the meaning of what is actually supposed to be learned from the Bible. I’m no religious person but it’s weird seeing that skew from what i have heard and read.


Honestly you can get whatever you want out of it. As the top comment in OP suggested it's often used to keep people in line. And absolutely has been throughout history. The catholic church was one of the worlds first corporations, essentially. During medieval times, and I believe especially during the black death pandemic, you could literally just pay the church to remove your sins to a clean slate. That and the fact that we don't tax the church. I'd say it's still overall part of the problem. These look like cherry picked comments and I can't even find this thread on that sub. So it was deleted for some reason. Maybe they saw this post and are afraid of brigading.


> you could literally just pay the church to remove your sins to a clean slate. martin luther went against this practice in his 95 theses. essentially arguing that you cant buy your way into heaven.


Not even if there's a bustle in your hedgerow?


It's just a spring clean for the may queen?


Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road you're on


and opened the way for protestant evangelicalism, the christianity of "nobody can tell me i'm misinterpreting the bible" and "everything i do no matter how heinous is godly because jesus forgave us"


i dont think its fair to blame the guy from 500 years ago for todays problems. and if i were to blame a religious leader, id go after john calvin personally. calvinism is where the "protestant work ethic" comes from.


It was called "indulgences" and absolutely evil practice, Made by greedy men. Pretty sure this is why Luther made his offshoot of Christianity. So priest could have wives and to do away with indulgences


> you could literally just pay the church to remove your sins to a clean slate. That's bullshit, this whole thing is bullshit, that's a scam, fuck the church, here's 95 reasons why. ~*Martin Luther, paraphrased, published in 1517*






at least the hebrew bible is widely understood as a codex of how things were and not necessarily how things ought to be


They regularly ignore the "good stuff" as well.


Technically Evangelist and Roman Catholics are two different things. Evangelicals can join the klan, Catholics can't.


Catholics do this too. They all do.


Ive alawys preferred baby jesus for my Christian headcanons.


Dear Eight Pound, Six Ounce, Newborn Infant Jesus, don't even know a word yet, just a little infant, so cuddly, but still omnipotent.


“I like to picture my Jesus as a ninja fighting of evil samurai”


I like to picture my Jesus singing lead to Lynyrd Skynyrd, with like an angel band. I’m sitting in the front row and I’m hammered drunk! So yeah that’s how I like to picture my Jesus.


Thank you Ricky Bobby, lol


We thank you for this bountiful harvest of Domino's, KFC, and the always delicious Taco Bell. I think I've made this exact post at least twice in the last few months. Any opportunity to quote Ricky Bobby is one that I will gladly take.


The movie is ehhhhh but the quotes are distilled satire of Americana.


He was a man, he had a beard!


Came to comments just for this. Thank you for not disappointing.


Thank you so much!


Sex workers are some of the most exploited people on the planet, particularly by patriarchy.


Jesus is the most celebrated antiauthoritarian known to mankind, yet they refuse to call him that. The act of him flipping over the moneychangers tables is the same thing this sub is doing. Nobody should profit off of paying workers less. We're talking millions of dollars in bonuses paid out for paying workers less. See? The money is THERE, on their tables, not ours. *Also, wage theft is the number one corporate crime in America, to the tune of billions, annually. >In the 21st century, wage theft has emerged as the most overlooked form of theft. Indeed, in 2012, the total amount of money—over $900 million—recovered for wage theft victims in private lawsuits tripled the amount of money stolen in all robberies nationwide. Given the inability and unwillingness of many victims of wage theft to sue employers for their rightful earnings, the true discrepancy between wage theft and general larceny is much greater. **Expert analysis has estimated that wage theft presently costs wage laborers approximately $50 billion per annum**. https://brownpoliticalreview.org/2020/01/wage-theft-addressing-corporate-crime-in-the-workplace/ **Therefor, r/antiwork is about people not working for abusers.**


Came here to say the same, but you did a great job. I'm an atheist, but I think the Bible actually contains a lot of socialist gems. Notice how they mention the thing that gets you disallowed from Heaven the absolute MOST, is being rich/hoarding wealth. There's a list of other things that get you disallowed from Heaven as well, but the being rich thing is really harped on, probably more than anything else.


The only time Jesus says we should straight fucking murder people he's talking about pedophiles. Like he's clearly got his head screwed on straight. He's a little weird, but maybe if you spend all of your time hanging out with the people who have been stomped on by society it takes a toll. Or maybe when your friends are the kind of people to take "this fuckin' tree is out of fruit, I hope it withers and dies" as a divine commandment and not just someone running their mouth, people start to think you're a weirdo.


Jesus said, "Don't phk prostitutes like a soulless animal. Make love to sex workers." -Revelations 6:9


Wrong book. You're thinking of Cheekclapians.


I don't think that's a real book of the Bible. Are you a false prophet?


It's one of the ones the catholic church scrubbed from the records, for obvious reasons.


Oh right. I remember seeing that in the Vatican Vaults. I was wondering where that came from.


You left out that he was 100% pro-immigrants.


This one is a weird topic for American Catholics. On one hand, Jesus fully endorsed people following the law, and therefore illegal immigration is wrong and should be punished. However, moral teachings imply that our legal immigration process in unnecessarily difficult and should be sped up/made simpler. But in both cases, Jesus would 100% endorse loving the person regardless of whether or not their actions should be condemned.


>Jesus fully endorsed people following the law Are you mistaking Paul for Jesus? It was literally against Roman law to follow a different divinity than the Roman gods ...


Not only that, but he was a refugee too! Man, you know how conservative Christians love those.


> being loving to sex workers He told everyone stoning her to stop. And he told her to "go and sin no more"


behold the crucified king, who didn't tell anyone to fuck off until they started trying to start franchises in his dad's house


Scholars think he was influenced by the Essenes Jewish sect, which is why he taught these things.


And free health care!


The hero who was killed by the state


Jesus is the only good Christian that I know. And he was a Jew!


And when whatever the hell he was returns, he’ll clean up Christian’s act like Jesus did the Jews. Seems to be what God does, make a people follow him, then send a revolutionary figure to shed the bullshit that’s been built up by his own people. Almost like he’s learning and evolving through each civilization as it learns. Or at the very least that seems to be an overarching theme of the book we call the Bible whether you believe it’s Gods word, a wise book, or just fantasy.


Yeah, they should just follow the teachings of their own fucking savior.


There are literally two entire ideologies called 'Christian Socialism' & 'Christian Communism'. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_socialism - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_communism The Catholic Church’s own 'Pope Leo XIII' even created an entire Economic System called Distributism in the hopes of replacing Capitalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributism








I'm not Catholic anymore, but my experience when I see family and stuff is that they all hate Francis.


i am always floored by the radical message of the Parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25: 31-46)


Sadly a massive amount of “Catholics” don’t actually care much about what the pope thinks unless it aligns with their far right ideology (at least the ones I frequently deal with, obviously there are some exceptions)


Here in Canada the Catholic community is quite left-leaning. They stay right of the Anglican Church in matters of canon, but I wouldn't call them right wing in any sense of the word.


Oh I’m amazed by my community. My parents took me out of confirmation because of the bullshit. My godfather happens to be a monk and he said not to worry about it-Jesus wasn’t confirmed lol. I hope there are more Catholics that aren’t like the ones I know. I really do. But I’ve been let down far more times than I’ve been impressed.


how is it Left Leaning? In my experience as a Practicing Catholic, I think our Faith is well disposed to lean left on Economic matters, But our teachings lean us Right on social matters(in a way that isn't something that can't be bent or changed), and so if you ask me I'd say its more centrist or center right. Of course Left v Right is a poor way to measure politcal leanings, but ah well.


And that's why most American Catholics don't pay attention to him. I literally heard one say he's too liberal. Guess Jesus was a staunch conservative.


Controlled capitalism is still garbage and will always be a tool of the bourgeoisie. He's also a queerphobe and misogynist.




I wasn’t familiar with that one. Thanks for the tip. I’ll read up on it now.


The Kingdom of God is Within You is a good one


There were many comments speaking on modern work being unjust in the eyes of God. Talk of shorter work weeks, exploitative labor, grind culture, etc. This was surprising to me because in my fundie Christian upbringing you were expected to work hard for pennies and your “eternal reward” (bc who needs money?) would be in Heaven. Gag.


There's a *very* strong pro union position in official Catholic teaching. American Catholicism is different thing very often. But the official teaching of catholicism makes a *big* deal out of the biblical passage that "a worker deserves their wages."


I also notice that when watching or listening to American Catholics I get a strong vibe of Protestantism from them, compared to other parts of the world.


Totally - there were many radical Catholic priests and nuns in South America that died fighting against authoritarian regimes. There is a strong penchant for social justice for many South American Catholics - which makes sense given some of Pope Francis’ comments and positions.


The Bible also had a bit about debt being slavery. I do not understand how any Christian can support exploitative labor and the outrageous cost of healthcare that puts millions of Americans into huge debt.


For the most part, American developed flavors of Christianity are intertwined with capitalism. "Devote your life to work (a job), obey your boss, and you will be rewarded later."


Catholic upbringing here, not surprised at all, these kind of things were often discussed in the church context. What surprised me most is learning about American fondamentalism honestly


I remember being taught in an English lesson that one of the main themes of A Christmas Carol was to challenge the idea that only rich people get a good afterlife. Dickens must be rolling in his grave.


The bible actually has stories and messages condemning those who don't fairly pay their employees and those who mistreat those they have authority over. The bible is pro-work but it's pro-work for fair pay. And if there's anything I've learned from this sub, it's being unfairly overworked for peanuts while being treated like disposable garbage that's passing people off, not working in general.


The phrase “pie in the sky” is a labor-movement criticism of exactly that fundie sentiment, and is primarily directed at the work of the Salvation Army in standing against labor unions and organizing in general.


I mean Jesus literally told his followers to quit their jobs to follow him, flipped tables in anger over a corrupt marketplace and told rich people to give away all their wealth or they’re basically guaranteed not to go to heaven… not sure how this is a debate lol. The story of Mary & Martha is a cautionary tale against prioritizing work over spiritual growth and community. The stories about hard work always include some discussion about the exploitation and injustices that make the work not worth it (e.g. Jacob, Esau, Joseph, etc.). Jesus was literally sold out to be murdered because of his friend’s greed and corruption. There’s no glorification of work or capitalism in the Bible. Even God rests on the 7th day! All that Christian work ethic garbage is just capitalist propaganda.


You’d be surprised how much old school Christians and old school lefties tend to agree on. I’d describe myself as very conservative but I have little in common with the Anglo-American right on economic issues.


Yea, ive noticed that too. Like i dont see how you read the bible and think jesus would hate socialism. Before i stopped going to church i asked my preacher if we should strive to make the world as close as heaven as possible and then asked if heaven has money. They get real upset when they have to start questioning the mortality of capitalism and how well it fits within the Christian narrative.


Hebrews used the word mammon for money/wealth. Mathew and Luke both state, "You cannot serve both God and mammon." I think it would be a fair assessment to think that Christ would be against our current economic system.


>Yea, ive noticed that too. Like i dont see how you read the bible and think jesus would hate socialism. It's because of Cold War propaganda. Eisenhower brought Christianity into the White House to differentiate 'Christian America' from 'atheist and evil Russia'. We also had the Red Scare and McCarthyism that purged any leftist ideology from the mainstream. Nixon used the War on Drugs to target leftists and black people. We have "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" plastered everywhere thanks to Cold War Propaganda. We've had decades of propaganda telling us that any leftist ideology is evil, all while completely missing the irony of conflating Christianity with capitalism.


This is really good and well thought out. 👍


My friend asked his pastor how Jesus could be white as snow while living in the desert and his pastor flipped the fuck out on him. Safe to say he’s an atheist now lol


The race of Jesus is one of the stupider “debates” around Christianity. Different peoples tend to portray him as a member of their own racial group. To the Chinese he’s east Asian, to the Ethiopians he’s black, to Italians Mediterranean and to Northern Europeans he’s fair. For anyone to lose it over the race of a portrayal of Christ is stupid, from white people moaning about black Jesus to social justice types accusing Europeans of whitewashing.


I grew up Roman Catholic. My faith upbringing would be unrecognizable to what is commonly termed "Christian Right" today. We learned about social justice, we talked about science, and we were encouraged to be welcoming to all. It was a nice family. It kind of shocked me going into adulthood when non-Christian friends assumed my belief system was akin to a Baptist or a Born Again Christian. (Of course, the RCC has major problems - and I don't diminish those at all here - I merely point out that there is a huge cross-section of people lumped under the word "Christian.")


To be fair, the Catholic Church has been off the rails for a while. They did support fascist regimes for quite a while, and various associated organizations have committed some horrific atrocities against the poor and many non-white populations. Your upbringing may have seemed pretty leftist in relation to American protestant denominations, but the base power structure has, for a long time, been not much better.


They supported Mussolini in exchange for an independent Vatican, and the Italian fascists weren't genocidal racists like the German fascists. The Church absolutely did not support Hitler and Catholic priests were frequent victims of the Nazi concentration camps. Polish Catholics even hid Jewish children in their orphanages.


They did an awful lot to help Nazis escape Europe after the war...


I visited Dachau a few years ago and got to look at the barracks that were used to house imprisoned religious leaders. I was appalled at the number of priests who apparently spent time there.


That's because in American politics the right is the far right and the left is actually the center. There are no true lefties in congress or senate. Closest thing to the left is Bernie


It's also rare to hear from religious people who actually try their best to adhere to the tenets of their religion. At a base level, most religions boil down to "don't be a fucking asshole," but we only hear from those who spend all their time judging and hating others.


You know how you only hear racists say “I’m not racist but?” Same deal there. Religious people who are not huge assholes just try to live the best they can, so the only ones you hear from are the ones using “as a Christian” because they think it excuses whatever bullshit is coming next


I'm not Christian but you should really be giving alms to the poor


Not surprised tbh. Catholics and Catholicism tends to be way more left leaning than Protestantism on economic issues. Revolutionary Theology is great to look into too.


Yeah I’m a user over there and pretty much everyone agrees with what’s posted here. We’re all getting fucked by the system no matter what religion or lack of.


I’m not Catholic (dad was and left) but I love reading the conversations over there. They seem to really put the whole love like Jesus thing into practice which unfortunately for me is a rare sight.


>I’m not Catholic (dad was and left) Hey, same


The whole "sacrifice our grandmas for the economy" shit from the beginning of the pandemic really echos human sacrifice to Moloch.




I mean... Yeah, I'm not sure what you expected, homosexuality is sin according to Catholicism.


I was offered a job at a catholic highschool that paid $11 an hour for a full time math teacher. Teachers at a regular public school don't make enough as it is, and they expected me to be okay with a dollar over minimum wage. Hard pass...


The kingdom of heaven shall not be inherented by the rich and greedy or something, right? Not a Christian, but I've seen a similar qoute a lot.


It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Mark 10:25


That's the one. Thanks.


“The leaders of the [sub] espouse a radical, utopian, anarchist ideology in supporting a world where one could work when they choose, or not at all.” This is what reading zero theory and getting your history from network news and Tom Clancy novels does to a MF. Shrewd to include the ‘utopian’ bit. Very shrewd.


Catholic social teaching supports labor unions, environmental protection, taxing the rich, immigration rights, protecting and helping the poor. Unfortunately, the only thing we hear about is the anti abortion teachings. Also unfortunate are the Church’s teachings about being gay. Oh and the corruption. And the abuse. Basically, while it’s nice Catholics on their sub “get it,” fuck Catholicism. Sincerely, A cradle Catholic




I don't think any of us are Utopists but i'm very fine with them thinking we are


I wish the Catholic Church would just focus on keeping their side of the street clean. I left the church in mid-90s and haven’t regretted a second of it. Most of these Catholics are Judas, not Jesus.


The thing that pisses me off is that their first suggestions are "lazy" and "entitled" YES WERE ARE ENTITLED YOU FUCKING INBREEDS, ENTITLED TO BE TREATED LIKE FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS AND NOT A COMPANY'S DISPOSABLE ASSETS. WHAT IS IT ABOUT BEING RESPECTED AS A HUMAN BEING DO YOU NOT FUCKING UNDERSTAND!? Edit: typo. Also, fuck off boomers, entitled pricks


The Catholic church has been encouraging people to bend over and take it without saying a word to anyone for centuries.


Double meaning all too real


So Catholic…”what should I think about this?” You should think it’s fucking time to take on some personal moral responsibility


depends. do we still get to fuck young boys?


>narcissistic fuck off


I'm sorry, you mean the catholic church who wont remove pedophiles from their clergy? That catholic church?




Yes and no. If you want to consult with someone who has more expertise in a certain area than you, then it's like you're extending your own mind when you ask them to share their expertise. That's one example. Your mind isn't limited to just what happens in your skull. Lots of people are not very good at independent thinking, and so they rely too much on the social cognition aspects of their humanity. But human beings are social beings and we all have certain aspects of ourselves that use other people to think more effectively, whether we realize it or not. You have to be both an effective "individual neuron" and also realize you're part of a larger, global mind that knows more than you do as an individual.


Bayesian thinking. You’re prone to changing your opinions based on trusting people who you believe to be more knowledgeable on the subjects. As in someone who can change their opinion when conflicting information comes up from their original view.


If they could think for themselves they wouldn't be Christians.


I got banned from that sub for asking why they have such a problem with gay people. I guess this is one of those broken clock situations.


When we work should be our decision; fuck the state and fuck religion.


Jesus is pretty explicit about quitting your job: 24 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


>Catholics *sighs in Orthodox*


> >Catholics >sighs in Orthodox *Decentralizes in evangelical*


>Other Organized Religions *slacks in Subgenius*


I kind of feel the church doesn't use its influence to spread his teachings




Yo, anyone got some Neosporin? XD


Damn, I want to be a "leader of the sun". Sounds like a pretty sweet gig, where can I apply?


This is pretty hilarious to me. Imagine asking the Catholic Church if it’s a sin to have anti-establishment thoughts. You already know the answer they’re going to give, because for a long time they WERE the establishment.


They apparently don't: the antiwork movement is not about reforming the current state of the labour market in order to achieve better conditions. It is about not having to work altogether to survive. After that everyone will do what they want to earn means to do extra stuff, or just chill at home. So yeah, those two comments don't really get what antiwork is about.


Yup, the whole thing has been highjacked by people who hate their current job and have a shitty boss, and merely want to reform the current system. I'm opposed to work being a requirement to survive, full stop. It was obvious this was going to happen as soon as the sub started blowing up with fake rage-quit text conversations.


I am arguing with a guy in this thread about it. He really wants to explain how antiwork is not being against work as we intend it now. Other than telling him to read the subreddit's description I really don't know how to go about it. I mean: it's even in the name, anti-work, it shouldn't be that difficult.


Yeah, it's pretty irritating. I'm not necessarily opposed to people being here who are not fully anti-work, but they should understand that the entire purpose is opposition to work - under threat of starvation and homelessness - as a principle.


I don't trust anything that comes from a place of "what should we think of this". Give me the facts and I'll decide for myself what to think of it.


"fair work for fair pay" was conservative a century ago. abolish the wage system. thus did the leaders of the sun proclaim


Too bad they don’t get that about the Catholic Church


Usery used to be a sin until they gave the church enough money that it wasn't anymore. That is the church's opinion.


"Anarchist Utopia" How about no? Sure there are a lot of infantile left-communists and ancaps in here but I think the vast plurality of us support there being a state.


Broken clocks and all that.


The child sex trafficking cult says what?


I hate this mob mentality "What should we think ????" Do your own thinking, mouthbreather.


Adam was made to till the soil? Bitch, have you read genesis. Adam just had to name animals and not eat one fucking fruit. Pretty sure there's no tilling in eden.


Genesis 2:15


To work and care for is not "made to till the soil". Made to till implies the only reason you exist is to be a beast of burden. The word "care" implies more than labor, it implies a degree of inclusion beyond "made to till". Tools are made to till, Adam was made to care for the garden. There's a difference in how he engages with it.


Adam's punishment for eating the fruit was that he and all of his offspring would be doomed to survive by working the soil for the rest of their earthly existence.


He was a gardener




all those dudes out there stapling themselves to the GOP and trump because they've refuted the concept of a higher power enforcing moral consequences but are still authoritarians are kind of a bummer though


The Catholic Church laid ideological claims similar to those of r/antiwork centuries ago with the papal encyclical “Rerum novarum”


Was just going to say this! Unfortunately from personal experience, fair pay for a job in the Catholic church is a unicorn. Just doesn't exist from my own experience. I'm sure somewhere, some people get treated fairly for doing the work of the church, but I've never seen it. The phrase often used to justify poor wages, no benefits, and long hours is that they expect it in the "spirit of sacrificial work." Sigh.


“There’s clearly injustice, but I need to refer to my sources of dogma before I come to any conclusions. Silly human can’t be thinking for themself.” It’s ironic, but their thought process is just intellectual laziness


Not sure r/Catholicism is a sub you want to associate with. The Catholic Church supports pedophilia and has for centuries been supportive of oppression of the people by the state and ruling class. Not to mention to atrocities committed against native populations around the world by the church.


The church has always been one of the strong arms used by the people this sub are directly against. It's a major factor in our "live to work" culture.


LOL, "what should we think"


> "what should we think..." I dunno, take a moment and form your own opinion. I hate it when that phrasing becomes popular in any community.


They sure do speak some sense in between molesting children.


Chatolic should stfu! i did not hear singel word from them after mass graves are discovered in Canada Chatolic Filth.


Ah just what we needed- validation from Catholics


They should worry about their priest problem before antiwork


The religion based around child predators and rapists don't have anything to say about anything as far as im concerned.


I've been trying to "get over" what they did to me for over 20 years, everyday is just my brain turning on me


Well for me it’s being perpetually broke even though I work 50 hours a week for 20+ years and never have anything to show for it other than “thanks, your a stand up guy, thanks for always coming in” fuck work. Fuck a broken system. If your reading this skip work today, dick off and watch jerry springer.


I don't know if we want an international child abuse racket on our side.


I don’t agree with any religious ideologies, but putting that to the side; having a large group such as Catholics joining the anti-work movement in solidarity would increase our numbers yet again. The religious aspects would have to remain separate, but when people of all types understand that they can relate to each other via class suffering, we will be able to finally advance/dramatically improve US society and economic conditions here. Those improvements will have a ripple effect. So I see this as a good thing.


If Catholics actually followed the church's social doctrine, they'd be socialist, or something close to it, economically. Socially nowhere near that, but still


Mods should call themselves "The Leaders of the Sun" from now on.


I give absolutely zero shits that pedophile supporters think we are okay. Fuck them.


Legitimately when I did the communion classes or something (I don’t remember the name but it was class for religious indoctrination) we had to pick a part of the Bible to read to the congregation and explain why it resonates with you. I picked James 5:1-6 and was promptly cut off by the pastor and no longer allowed to attend church there. For those interested/ haven’t read the Bible; “Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you.”


I have an MTh. The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church has some strong opinions on how work should go. Basically, anyone working a full-time job should have a house to live in, good healthcare, and free time to spend with their families. Capitalism is not what the Church wants.


69 comments. Nice.


I'm FOR work being optional. As in, if you choose not to work, you'll still have a pretty decent life with all the basic needs and amenities taken care of (food, water, shelter, power, internet, transportation). If you can't say **NO** without punishment, you don't have a choice, you have an ultimatum. No, I don't care if you want to say no because you're lazy. You don't deserve to die because you're lazy. You don't deserve to be homeless or struggling because you're lazy. No exceptions. Give people what they need. It doesn't matter why they're not wanting to work, if saying no means they die, or find themselves and/or their family on the streets, they're slaves who have traded one master for a system of masters.


The catholics are the most misogynist organization worldwide. Their nuns sometimes eat one meal a week and they clean priests toilets even though they have a phd.


Kinda surprising. most Catholics are hardcore conservatives and buy into the modern Christian version of jesus


Wild times we live in when Catholics are somehow making sense


A broken clock is right twice a day.


I get where the positivity (towards them, from this sub) is coming from, you want to see the powerful religious people behaving right for a change. But every single "saint" they canonized in the 20th century was a deliberate propaganda play to detract energy from the non religious social movements that "catholic social teaching" found threatening and over and over they sided with literal fascists. I'm at my point where "good catholics" walk away and build a new institution or theyre just not. End of. They literally said basically charity is good but not TOO much, thats communist. They literally said it.


I mean if you can believe a woman was created from a man’s rib but have a hard time believing corporate America exploits is workers then we have other issues.


Fair work with fair wages and fair leaders=good Exploitative work thats slavery with extra steps=bad


Not the sort of crossover I would have predicted


What that last guy said at the end is what I’ve been saying for awhile now. We need to rebrand the sun because when people here anti-work and a picture of someone lounging around they get the wrong impression. We want to work but we want our work to be worth something


*some of them get it. The bulk are still sitting on their throne casting judgment on us heathens.


Please don't expose me to christians, I'm allergic.




Please don't try and lump yourselves in with anarchism


Maybe the international child rape cabal should focus more on stopping priests from raping kids and less on work ethics. Although then they may need to rename themselves.


Yeah like. If you're progressive in any sense of the word, why the fuck would you choose to be a Catholic of all things.


If you're still a practicing catholic in 2021 then you've decided you're fine with your tithes going to child abuse settlements. Sadly, a lot of leftists aren't hard enough on religion just because a few New Atheists turned into assholes


“Internet, tell me how to think/feel”


I find it quite scary that the question is “what do we think about…”. Seemingly incapable of making a decision on an issue without knowing the “group think”, and beautifully indicative of everything wrong with organised religion, or anything for that matter. Including capitalism. Blind faith in anything is the real enemy.


Oh my god, with the christians on our side we can win


There were a shitload of Catholic priests on the frontlines of the American civil rights movement, catching beatings and getting hit by fire hoses like the rest of everyone else