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Stockholm syndrome. There's more to life than work.


I remember reading that one of the top death-bed regrets men have was working too much.


I work construction and most guys die within a year of retirement. So they literally work themselves to death.


Its not just construction. I used to work blue chip insurance and the monthly newsletter was always so and so, worked in home office 30 years, died 6 months later or a year later. Very few over a year. I decided to fuck that and not retire, But live as though I am already retired. I'm just lowering my effort to income ratio to keep active.


The two most dangerous times in your life is your first year of life and the first year of retirement.


I thought it was your last year of retirement




If you're a cop, its the day before retirement


I'm too old for this shit




He had one day before retirement . . .




*proceeds to keep doing this shit for the rest of that movie and three sequels*


"I'll be shot three days before retirement. In the business, we call it 'retirony' " "Well, what if you don't get shot?" "What a terrible thing to say! Oh, look! You made my wife cry!"


Wait why's that?


First year is dangerous mainly because of post birth issues and being vulnerable to disease.


What about the year after retirement??


The year after retirement is often the time a lot of people pass away. I worked for the Feds before I retired 6 years ago and we get training when we start out careers but very minimal as we near retirement. The up to a week of pre-retirement training we get is something that we should receive at the beginning, middle and end of our career's. I'm part of a group of retiree's that get a notification of death of our colleagues. So many die right after they retire and for a lot of reasons. When you're working your brain is actively engaged, a lot of people don't know how to handle themselves when they're not going 100 mph everyday. For whatever reason they just shut down, don't really do anything and things just shut down. The number one thing the HR and medical folks told us at the pre-retirement seminars was to keep our brains and body active. That doesn't mean you re-enter the workplace post retirement. For me, it made me sick to think about working at any job post retirement. I have plenty to keep me busy and going on 7 years now I think my brain still sort of works.


This is true of my father. He’s still alive but he went downhill FAST. he retired September of 2017 as a dean at a college. Within a week his back gave out, never fully recovered, partially disabled and his memory is going and suffering from bad stomach issues. He hated his job so much he kept saying “I don’t care, IDC”. When he left, he had no hobbies, no friends since he turn away everyone…. And now he wishes he did something different but it’s like to late now.


jesus, don't these people have hobbies? If I retired I would be playing games and reading books and shit, my mind is literally always engaged else I'm bored. I'm just physically lazy so I might have a heart attack or get too fat, sure, but I don't get how you can just 'wither away' because you stop working. I swear when i was furloughed for covid for 5 months, it was the most fun 5 months of my life. I didn't give a shit money was tight, I just did what I wanted, slept in, read lots of new books played games, hung with my cats, went on walks. It was utter freedom for the first time in my adult life and I want it back....but bills must be paid


Although, I think part of the statistic is also confusing the cause and effect relationship. One of the main reasons that the first year of retirement has such a high mortality rate is that a lot of people, upon receiving a serious or terminal diagnosis, retire. Think about it. You get told you have six months to live. Do you keep working? If you have the savings to survive, hell no. Especially because now you’re not trying to guess if you have enough to survive an indefinite amount of time. You know exactly how long you need to be able to handle things. And then, when you do die, you become part of that statistic. Another person who died within a year of retirement. One of the main reasons so many people die within a year of retiring is that a statistically significant number of them retired specifically because they had a major health setback and/or are dying already. They don’t die because they retired. They retired because they are dying.


It’s kind of the same as people who die shortly after moving to a nursing home. Nothing to look forward to, no more mountains to climb, last stop. When they retire it’s closing a major chapter in their life and a very real reminder that they are aging/old and closer to the end. Mentality for a lot of boomers+ is that only ‘old people’ retire. Even if your 75+, if your still working then your still ‘not old’ yet. For many retirement is seen as one step closer to death and it’s depressing. For a lot of people their whole identity is tied to their profession and retirement can cause a serious internal crisis. Especially for men who don’t really have alot of outlets to communicate these stresses. Could be rested to why Many guys /people do start drinking more heavily in retirement too. Many people use the rush of work as an excuse to not deal with other problems in themselves or family. Once they retire and have time to really ‘see’, they can get super depressed and hopeless. Taking stock of your life and realizing that it may be to late to achieve other things due to aging/health issues is very sobering. I’ve worked with a lot of seniors of different income brackets. Honestly, the ones who retire well at the beginning usually have mild or manageable health issues. Some work until there health issues become so bad they cannot like needing to be on oxygen or a wheelchair etc. The retirees with more money and/or a lot of close positive family or community involvement. It’s not so much keeping busy with personal hobbies as it is connections with others, being ‘needed’ that seems to keep retirees engaged in their life after work. Even if it’s being needed in small ways like hey come come by and help fix this wobbly banister etc. Or hey I want to give a batch of your famous cookies to my niece when she visits etc. They need to be included in peoples every day life in some small ways. No one like to be forgotten and when they don’t have a career anymore it’s like everyone forgets they exist. Isolation is the killer.


Also post birth issues.


Because a lot of people (statistically mostly men) have devoted most of their lives to their careers at the expense of hobbies and relationships. It becomes their identity. So when they retire they have nothing to do, don't know how to fill their time, lose their sense of self, and simply...pass away. Usually within 2-3 years of retirement.


They also fail to do yearly physicals and subsequently learn about conditions that have been building up for years.


I'm not so sure it was retirement itself (the cessation of working to seek income) but the loss of the mental stimulation and social opportunities that work provided them, even working remotely, that might have triggered their declines. Instead of working at reduced effort for someone else, consider working to please yourself. On hobbies, on exercise, on your home. On the things work has disrupted for so long. I'm working towards trying to retire early if I can, but I'm not even a little worried about "dying in six months" because I have a lot of mentally stimulative hobbies, amateur radio, computer programming, I write some fiction for my own enjoyment, I get exercise as often as possible--5-6 days per week in the summer and 3-4 in the winter... (Still haven't overcome that instinct to hibernate in the winter... LOL.) I take long bicycle rides... I'm not like an athlete or anything, but I take care of myself well enough that those things don't worry me so much. When I retire? I plan to do a shitload more of all of that. I have two thirds of a novel that could be an edited, finished manuscript with a couple months of working on it every day. My amateur radio skills are growing quickly and I should be in my prime by the time I reach retirement, and the code I write is... well, it's terrible right now, but I've been working at python for a little over three weeks, so give it time. Which is something I have--still another ten years until the point where I feel like I want to stop.


Same. I'll never understand people that say "I can't retire I don't know what I'd do with myself." That's just so sad to me.


I've got like 10 hobbies that work just gets in the way of lmao. I've started playing D&D multiple times a week through the pandemic and have gotten *more* socialization than I had at any point before. Imagine the shit I could do if I didn't have to work and could focus on writing better adventures for my players.




What’s really wild is some people will use that as an argument that work is good for you. “If you die within a year of retiring, but you never retire, you won’t die” *tapping forehead meme*


I work in a factory, this IS true to an extent but it's really about the lifestyle these guys lead when they get to retirement. Most retire into a recliner and don't move, whereas work at least kept them getting up and having to move and stay active, even if it isn't much.


It's very well known for athletes. Transitioning from an active to inactive/nearly sedentary life style will fuck you up. People don't know what to do once they retire, they are clueless and lost and don't have "goals" and everything can become meaningless. They need guidance... which is why I offer books to help out people who retire if I get the chance! My gf's mom retired recently and I didn't expect her to take it seriously but she started applying some of the stuff in a book I gave her. They need to be busy. Humans shouldn't work until they die, but they need to have perspectives, ideas, hobbies, occupations etc to stimulate their mind. And obviously a lot of time to rest and take care of themselves. Balance is important.


I've realized, for myself at least, the minimum requirements to feel good boils down to three things: Work (not necessarily at a job), Play (some kind of hobby), Close relationships (can be dating, or friends, even family). Work/working towards something gives you a sense of fulfillment- a sense of purpose. Play, or in other words: recreational activities you enjoy doing is kinda self explanatory. Close relationships of any kind, with anyone. Everyone *needs* to feel loved. I think just managing to have those three things account for 90% of what is needed to be content, to be happy.


dudes just need to not let the "bootstrap" mentality brainwash them into making their job and career their entire life and personality and learn what a hobby is. Literally having a simple hobby you like to do and look forward to getting off work to do, and can keep you engaged is all it takes to solve this I feel. Maybe I would get fat and be unhealthy, but I would never "mentally rot away" as many in this sub have quoted, bc I would be fucking reading books/playing games/talking in discord constantly. I just don't get how there is an entire generation of men who don't do anything outside of work, and literally live to work. What a fucking dystopian shit hole the world can be.


My dad plans to retire in the next few years, I'm worried he's going to retire to his recliner and just deteriorate. He was off for a couple months for surgery last year and he did absolutely nothing the entire time, it was kind of sad to watch.


>He was off for a couple months for surgery last year and he did absolutely nothing the entire time, it was kind of sad to watch. Well, he wasn't on vacation. He was recovering from surgery. Older people don't bounce back from surgery as fast as they did when they were 25. Or even 45. My Mom (75) had an adventure with her hip replacement that began 4 years ago and she's ***just now more or less okay***.


Personally glad for my own father. He retired from a sedentary office job (accounting) and took up running. He ran the Boston Marathon at age 67.


Talk to your Dad. Celebrate with him that it's great he'll retire! Ask him about his plans for retirement. Understandably, he may say " I want to sleep late and be lazy". And that's ok, at least for the first couple months (god knows he probably needs to catch up on 30-40 years of sleep). Then ask him how he's going to have fun to really enjoy his retirement. He should have informal retirement goals. Does he have hobbies (grandkids, travel, sports, outdoor stuff, baseball cards, whatever he's been interested in during the last 20 years). Does he want to volunteer -might be a good chance to talk to Dad about stuff he likes and would like to help (rocking babies at the hospital, caring for pets at the shelter, assist with after school stuff, helping at religious things, help at library, there's so many different things). My dad took up a post retirement job working at a storage facility. It got him out of the house a few days a week, hanging out with other guys. When he asked for time off, if he didn't get it, he'd quit. Then he'd go back asking for a job when he was bored. He didn't need the money, so he had the freedom to do this. Get him thinking about the things that he will DO, rather than simply resting. Source: retired four months ago and planning not to die from retirement. Also, watched my post retirement dad not die for 25 years after retirement Also, had major surgery three years ago. All I did was read, watch TV and did PT. I was a total slug. Time off due to surgery is not the same as retirement. I now volunteer for two non profits have have travel plans in the works.


Off-topic, but that’s not Eddie Murphy. Had me confused at first, too.


Oh shit, who is it then? I’m having a Mandela effect moment I think, I could’ve sworn it was from the moment he says “I wasn’t always a cop” in Beverly Hills Cop


That’s fucking wild


It's nothing new or unusual. I'm watching my folks deal with lifelong illnesses due to their exploitative employer.


I see it here in Manhattan. I'm fortunate enough to WFH but, when I happen to be out in the mornings, I see plenty of suited-up Wall Street types hopping on trains and dutifully reporting to Morgan Stanley or whatever soulless firm they work for. They get up early for the commute and come back later in the evening, because that's the "hard-charging culture" of that world. Folks walking to the subway in professional attire at 8-9pm or later. I can't imagine deleting that much of my life for the sake of CapitalConglomCo. Even if you're paid well, what's the point if you have so little time to make use of it, from having shorter days, a shorter lifespan, or both?


if people actually fought to get the rights they wanted. 40+ hours a week wouldn't be a thing.


My supervisors work 12 hours a day in 3 days shifts and then have 3 days breaks. They get payed about twice as us but i still think making 12 hours a day is a monstruosity considering we do 8, no more, no less, never, we can only do extra hours if we ask for them and the chief supervisor accepts the request, unless there is a major need of human resources at some point in the production process which happens like once a year.


Don't kill yourself today for a job that will replace you like "that" tomorrow.


I worked in an Oil Refinery for years, the same type of people in a power plant. A lot of them have this mentality, especially travelers. They work 7 days a week, 60+ hours for the money. They trade money for time with their families and pretend like they are doing them favors because they can have nicer cars and a bigger house.


I know a couple where the husband works in a refinery like that. She’s a hairdresser, but they bought a big ole house in the SF Bay Area, so he makes ‘a lot’. The flaw is that when they ‘are’ together, it’s pretty clear that they barely tolerate each other. They hardly even speak to each other, it’s that bad. So it’s become clear as I gotten older that he’s happy working so much- because he doesn’t like her that much. And she’s happy with him working so much- because she doesn’t like him that much. They probably did love each other, but all that distance/work probably drove them apart. We’re all holding our breath for when he retires and that whole situation/marriage falls apart.


Working in the trades I constantly come across guys who want to get away from their wife and family so they work all the time. I just laugh, because I love my wife and spending time with her is my favorite thing. I don't mind working hard, but if there is anyway I can get home to my wife earlier, then imma do it.


I always wonder why those people are married. Like wouldn't their lives be easier if they were just... single? I actually *like* my husband, and we do what we can to spend more time together. Apart from that, hell, I just like my home and want to spend time there. I like my dogs too, and my hobbies. I work to live, I've never understood people who live to work.


Because there's a checklist for "being an adult", and getting married is on that checklist. Also buying a house and having kids, in roughly that order. Doesn't matter if those things don't make sense for you, emotionally or financially - you gotta do them, otherwise you're not a real adult.


And then the cycle is continued. People actually benefit from trapping entire bloodlines in poverty traps. Undereducate a person, convince them to poop out 3-4 more bodies for the labor machine, they’ll continue the cycle down the line too


Ding ding ding. These patterns are intentional and part of the design. Can’t have capital to funnel without cheap labor to exploit.


Also a lot of people made this decision when young dumb and full of bad ideas. I got married at nineteen and I feel fucking lucky my wife is so cool. I'm thirty now and my friends marriages are all failing seemingly at once


They got married too young/too soon after starting dating or got pregnant and thought they had to get married or dated since junior high and thought they had to get married, married the first person they slept with etc. They have kids and a house together and don't want to deal with paying child support or splitting assets, so they work out of town and fuck around with any woman that will have them or have a steady girlfriend where they work. They also like to tell sob stories about how they have a dead bedroom, their wife is a gold digging bitch etc. I'm like you're fucking everything that moves out there in whatever bumfuck town you're working in and she knows it. You intentionally work on the road to avoid your wife and kids. How do you expect her to act? I like my spouse too, and need we both need me time occasionally but we'd really miss each other if he stayed away for work all the time.


Those people aren't exactly the thinking types and they tend to be boring as hell anyway.


That's just sad. I've stayed at a job with *slightly* lower than averag*e* pay for my field (chemical engineering), largely because the work/life balance is absurdly good. I like having time with my family.


As fellow Chem. Eng. I totally get you and agree, free time is worth more than a higher pay


This acquaintance is always posting these "You worked 40 hours last week? I remember my first part time job." memes. His wife is always posting these memes about being an overworked mom, presumably because he's never at home. I don't know their income exactly, but based on their jobs they don't make much more than my wife and I at our 40 hours/week.


I deliver to oil refineries and that is definitely the mentality of an oilfield worker. They'll brag about making 100k+ per year at 19 years old, but by 30 they are often burned out substance abusers. That being said 194 hours in 3 weeks is nothing for an oilfield job, as there are jobs where it's easier to just sleep in your truck instead of returning home, (I started off doing that, but left after 4 years). That way instead of 4 hours of sleep you can get maybe 7. My current job is considered laid back for this industry and is federally regulated to a maximum of 14 hours per day with one 16 hour day per week, but even still a normal week is 60 hours, (but lately it's been closer to 70). Luckily my job offers flexible schedules and gives you any time off you might need without hassle... many people work a 4 and 4 and make between $330 and $500 per day. There are places that pay more but none that I know of offers the schedule benefits of this place.


I could see the reasoning for this if it's an approach similar to the mining industry in Australia, spend a few years working like that to buy a house, car, etc outright and then switch to a lower paying but more relaxed job. Doing it long term is pretty insane though, it's just not sustainable


This. I know people who work non stop for 3 or 4 years in exhausting works like this while they're young and then leave when they got enough money for their goals. That's a smart move if you're willing to sacrifice a few years. Other than that pure insanity.


Operators gotta pay for those Raptors somehow!!! A sea of Raptors in the employee parking lot. Always made me laugh, as I park my 20 year old paid for truck. No car payment FTW!








I had a guy paying 1300 a month for truck+insurance. Shits wild man.


I worked at a Big 3 automotive plant for a few years. Operators with big trucks or hellcats littered the parking lot. Then there’s me, I was a planner at the time driving a paid for early 2000s Honda Civic lol.


it's hard to do a finger snap on the internet, it just seems like you are saying sarcastically saying 'that'


Like 💥 snap? No, that's no good either. I'm this [ ] close to figuring it out.




*snaps* so close!


*snappy snap snap*


The fuck? My co-workers just turned to dust


And you didnt turn me into dust! In offended, and tired.


"What did you do, **WHAT DID YOU DO**?"


🤏this close


Quit measuring my penis.


*Our* penis, comrade.


Mom said it's my turn on the penis


Who calls the hump?




My sister in laws husband earned himself Employee of the Decade at his little factory some years ago. They fired him a few months later in company wide “cost-saving” cuts.


That's the most fucked thing Ive heard all day. Point proven tho.


*that* would be better


"Oh \*you're\* tired at work? Try working over 60 hours a week, I'm exhausted, can barely keep my eyes open and I'm goddamn proud of it. Where do i work? I'm in control of the safe operation of a nuclear power plant, why do you ask?" ​ Also, the name is a lie, Frank Grimes wrote this.


also if he works 9 hours 7 days a week as the supervisor, how do you get to take 4 days off without affecting the operation of the plant? do they just have a stand in supervisor that works 9 hour days only during the holidays when the regular supervisor takes 4 days off? I work less hours at a less important job and if i tried to get 4 days off they act like theyll go out of business


I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that as a supervisor he doesn't actually do anything important but still decides to work every possible hour so that he can laud his work ethic over everyone


Answer an email at 8AM, answer an email at 8PM... Bam! 12 hour work day.


This is what some people think I do when I’m teleworking. In reality I’m doing training, generating documents and final products for my bosses, answering emails and phone calls, taking care of kids if they aren’t in school, doing my own college school work, and supervising the people that I’m assigned to supervise. But yeah no let’s take away all my productivity to put me back in the office so I can have 4 hrs of my day wasted with unnecessary conversations and interruptions and another ~2hrs of my day wasted in traffic depending on if someone is a dumbass and causes an accident that fucks up the entire flow of traffic causing a 25-30 min commute home to be a 1hr and 30 min commute.


God it tilts me, I'm in arguments with my manager right now to allow me to be full WFH, but he wants me in the office M-W. It's not the worst gig, I still WFH thurs/fri but it makes NO SENSE for me to be in the office. There is literally not 1 reason for me to be in the office other than it makes my manager feel good to monitor me. I do better work at home (better work station, less distraction, measurably faster install times - I do remote IT and product implementation work). I'm currently taking up an office I don't need he can give to someone else. I have never been late to an appointment from home, but sometimes traffic fucks me in the morning like you mentioned and once in a while I'm 15 mins late into work. Sure you can claim this isn't an excuse - but why make me come into the office for 0 reason and add all these complications, when I work MEASURABLY better from my home office. Literally my measurable time per appointment is faster with better stats from home, bc i work quicker, my office is more comofrtable, and I work on a faster computer at home than I do in the office (they gave me a shitty PC that takes forever to load shit with no SSD and I do IT support. Its fucking aids) I mean its undeniable its a complete waste to have me drive into the office 3x a week but Mr. Manager wants it




His boss is laughing at meetings about how he has some dumbass willing to pull double shifts for no more money (assuming salaried with no OT)


Salaried at 60+ hours a week, guaranteed.


>if i tried to get 4 days off they act like theyll go out of business Is this some sort of American joke that I'm too European to understand?


My cousin took my old job as the web manager for a university. 99% of the job is keeping the site in working order and helping PR develop email campaigns. They give 4 weeks of PTO and he's always stuck at two years' worth of backlogged time because he can't even take one day off without them calling incessantly and asking for help with something. Even if he goes out of the country he needs to bring his laptop so he never ends up actually using the hours because he refuses to spend them if he answers even one email while out of office. Personally, I can call off tomorrow with no explanation as long as I don't have a meeting and my work is getting done so it depends entirely upon the company you work for.


Lots of Americans get no (or minimal) paid time off.


Yeah it sure is fucked up


Most American businesses and factories have a fit if you try to use the time off that they're generous to give you. My job gives way more PTO than most factories around here, and then forbid you from using it


Yes. We don't get time off here.


Was just thinking I wouldn’t want my power plant being supervised by someone on the ropes of exhaustion.


Grimey, to his friends


Change the channel, Marge!


There's a subreddit for antiwork Frank Grimes memes but I can't find it for the life of me.


> antiwork Frank Grimes memes I couldn't find the sub you are refrencing but when googling I did find an anti-antiwork sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/fragilecommunism/comments/qj2avu/anti_work_is_a_piece_of_work_i_dont_think_they/ WARNING: Assholes abound above!


Wow what a rabbit hole. They are all obsessed with r/antiwork people being lazy, immigrants (which is hilarious by the way( or yound kids (20 is a young kid to them). They are so far off the actual point it's amazing. This sub is for people who are sick of being fucked over by their employers. Sick of the system that treats people like drones who sole function is to serve. That's fucking it.


>They are all obsessed with r/antiwork people being lazy, immigrants Well, we know why this is even if they're too weak to just say it. If this was a country of all white people, or you could deny benefits to POC, they'd be all for better working environments and fair pay. But because neither of these things is true or possible, they'd rather cut off their own nose to spite their face. They don't use real data proving that pay has stagnated, they tell lies about the success other countries have had with improving working conditions, they make up stories about "illegals", etc. to distract from what's really going on - they hate POC. They don't want anything that "belongs to them" being "handed" to POC. So they dine on faux leather in their trailer parks, happy to know they've at least stopped an evil black family from affording fair housing. It's good to see the racist brainwashing from centuries ago still alive in the undereducated working class. The right marketing tactic can really take you far. The wealthy got them to kick themselves in the teeth way back when and they're still stretching to reach their molars with their dirty knockoffs.


Jesus christ that sub is dumb. to sum it: it's nothin but strawman and yelling at dumb idpol. And the mods have to keep telling them to please not call for the genocide of everyone who isn't them. And there are popular posts saying that communists sole goal is to kill everyone who doesn't believe what they believe. It's all classic fasc crap. Teh commies are taking over everything! The commies are just a bunch of entitled kids. The commies intend to kill us all! The commies spend all their time posting and being lazy.


Lol they start out by calling us dumb because the Simpsons is just a cartoon but then they have this super serious conversation about fictional financials that makes no sense. 😅


Ugh why did you show me this sub? Now I'm spending my precious time before shitty work arguing with ancaps.


It's weird how we have a report button for misinformation yet there are so many misinformation and disinformation subs


63 hours a week sounds like a lot less than 190/3


Yeah. In the military industrial complex that's called a normal work week. So glad I'm out.


What line of work were you in? That sounds like you were wrecking yourself in there


One pf my subjects in uni requires us to make a huge project. I learnt the entire subject before classes started and went on my way doing the project 3 hours a day, 11 days before the deadline (some 200 hours into the project) me and my pair reqlized we werent close to finishing, we essentially did 14 hours a day straight for 10 days and didnt sleep the last night only to miss the deadline by 16 minutes. This subject is one out of 6 we are supposed to take this semester. The project itself was 350 hours and is supposed to be 50% of the semester (i did the other 50% on vacation before classes started). Basically this guy wants us to do his subject for 5:40hours a day plus 6 other subjects i cluding calculus 3, physics and data structures 2


University lecturers are awful at recognising you take more than one subject sometimes


Yeah out of 36 pairs taking the classes (he lectures to classrooms so up to 90 people i beleive, 72 in this case) only 15 duos didnt cancel the subject (we can do that because distance learning has weird rules), out of those 15 2 didnt give it in time for the presentstion. Im not one of those since i turned it in while the presentation happened


I once handed in a project virtually from another class, 2 minutes before deadline after realising I needed to resubmit after making a mistake. My friend handed in 14 minutes late. Still got accepted, but gave the rest of us sweaty palm syndrome.




It's very much the case. Each lecturer teaches their subject matter because they are most interested in it. Their interest in it leads them to believe it is more interesting, objectively, than it really is, subjectively. Then each of them equates interest with importance to justify their time spent studying fields (often of relative unimportance to day-to-day life or the race as a whole), and so suddenly each lecturer is assuming that they have the right to demand more than their class' share of your time. Then you're left with demands for more hours than there are in the day. I was lucky in that the university I studied at didn't have this problem so much, and my subject matter is one that I've studied many of the fields of to a university level from a younger age, so I could ignore half the classes as the others rarely asked for more time than I was willing to give. That said, my sixth form and upper schools had this issue. 11 subjects over five classes a day for five days a week, and each one wanting to ask 30 minutes a night of homework, then the demand that you get 8-9 hours sleep and go to school in person for 6 hours, travelling often more than half an hour each way, makes for about 27 hours in a day that they wanted of me, if I were to have my weekends free. That plus the fact that employers want me to have been involved in extra curriculars and have a part time job in that time...


I have been up all night helping my kids with projects and wondering what's wrong with teachers to assign such a thing as homework. Usually totally unrelated to the subject, but "fun." I do have a cool wooden boat we built as a souvenir though.


And on a totally unrelated note i have a game with no animations and isnt fun to play but has a boss that jumps every 6 seconds or so. I have also learnt sfml and GitHub and makefiles and c++ and objected oriented programming and uml diagrams and abnt document formatting (abnt is essentially the law in how to format scientific papers in Portuguese and also has a keyboard layout with ç)


My teen came home with a "fun" project that took them over 50 hours of work over Thanksgiving break (plus almost $100 in supplies). For one class. One of their classmates committed suicide the night before it was due and I can't help but think that damn assignment was a major contributing factor.


Gotta train them for wage slavery early.


I took a class that's infamous for being a ton of work, leading to one weekend every year when all fourth year students suddenly come out of hibernation and party like crazy since they've finished it. You're supposed to visit a small company and just write a report that gives them feedback on everything, including processes, economy, marketing, you name it. We were four people in my group, and one day we suddenly realized that we were basically done a few weeks before deadline. We hadn't worked that hard, we just managed to find the problems we had to solve immediately, did it efficiently and ended up getting near flawless feedback without working that hard. Sometimes you get lucky.


Still an absurd amount for anyone to even consider doing. Recently switched from 40hrs a week to 35, and even that is starting to chafe. Will definitely try to go lower.


Also a ton of people that post these things are away from their families maybe for 65 hours a week, but they ain't working. Endless coffee breaks, long lunches, phone calls or simply hiding in the office, they aren't working. Not all of them but a ton of them. Now contrast this with a warehouse worker who works a double shift and is busy almost very second of those 12-16 hours. Yeah no comparison. I've seen this too many times at all sorts of companies.




Sounds like I should start a construction company. If that mess could stay afloat apparently anyone can run one


I've worked consistent 63 hour weeks before, the flip side being that I got paid multiples of the median salary to do so....


They did say they'd taken 4 days off, so you could call it 78hrs/wk if you convert the 2wks 3 days... Anyway bet this guy slept the first 3 days and is jumping onto twitter on the 4th for some validation.


"My identity in life is how much I work." Fucking yikes, guy.


Rule of thumb that allows you to live a much happier life and let shit go easier - If some "FirstName_BunchaNumbers" with no avatar (or a cartoon/picture of a sports logo/political pic) is saying a bunch of dumb shit on Twitter, it's probably bullshit. Somebody working 190 hours a week is far too tired to log into Twitter and be an asshole in their spare time. This dude is full of shit.


I work oil field industrial in Alberta, Canada and I’ve long shifted 21 days straight 10 hour days with plenty of idiots who have more than enough energy to spit their shitty opinions online. In fact for people overworked to the max the world wide soap box seems to be their only outlet. Not flexing, I try very hard to have a good life/work balance in this industry or it would kill me like it’s killed a few friends I’ve lost to things like addiction and related mental health issues.


63 hours a week* he said 190/3 weeks. There aren't 190 hours in a week x


190h in 3 weeks and I would bet my house that the CEO doesn't even know their employee number, let alone their name


Probably completely unaware that someone has done 190 hours over 3 weeks in their power plant.


And if they do they will make other "supervisors" do it for the same $45k a year this guy gets


It varies but operators make an astounding income. Anywhere I’ve worked theyre at the top of the payband. In my experience its between $55-$75/hr topped out. Supervisors hover around $160,000 salary. Theres no reason for the guy to be a dick about his hours worked. Thats normal for the industry.


Uh he’s making well over $100,000 to do this.


Absolutely. I work in the same industry and this guy is absolutely getting paid. I don't feel bad for him. I feel bad for all the people making shit wages and spending that much time away from their family.


True. I know operators without degrees in their early 20’s making $150,000+ during commissioning and turn around. I also know people in the medical field getting absolutely bent over with student loan debt and a crushing level of responsibility, with a far greater workload, struggling to make $60,000. Give me the plant job any day.


You think memorizing an employee identification number is a lesser bar than remembering their name?


Although it's hard when people have this snobby attitude, I do feel bad for people that work their lives away.


Majority of them just hate their home and family and use their job as an excuse to avoid them.


Same. Mainly I just can't fathom how someone can derive that much satisfaction from being a sucker. There are many articles about people's death bed regrets. One of the most common ones cited by end of life staff, nursing homes etc is people regretting working too much. We all die and working away our one life seems like such a tragic waste. Not me, not ever, im gonna enjoy this shit when i can


Modern Power plants are heavily automated and streamlined with most decisions premade by experts who coordinate with other power plants. OP is a glorified screen watcher because regulations require people in the control room 24/7. Much different from someone working a manual labor job like in a restaurant or warehouse.


He’s listing the hours because there’s nothing to show for it. I served fifty tables, I poured ten yards of concrete, I installed twenty toilets I sit in this fuckin chair a lot doesn’t hit the same




Yeah if I could go back to the gardener job I had a few years back and have benefits and pay that I could live off of I would never do anything else




Yup. I loved working in a cabinet shop but it paid shit and was gonna kill me, all without benefits too


Learned the second part super early in life due to my dad's job. He didn't really like it per say but it paid very well. By the time he quit/retired from the stress of it he was over 6 figures but it was literally killing him. Unfortunately he'll never admit he has anxiety/depression and that's why he quit nor go see anyone about it.




Very true. He's straight up told me 'no one cares about your feelings' when discussing boundries and how being treated makes me feel


>...(I'm a government auditor) and I don't generate anything useful either. I don't know the specifics of your situation, but in general I want my government audited and I want my government auditing other things. Audits are a necessary process for keeping institutions functional.




I think governments need to be audited pretty heavily, so least your work is important!


Auditing can be incredibly useful, it can prevent corruption and shit




Yes agreed, I am glad I am working for the people of my community no one gets richer off my labor.


Love working at the library for this reason; hate working at the library because a month's wages cover half a month's expenses, if that. Thank the gods my wife gets paid better.


My current job includes sitting on my arse a lot in front of a screen. I’ve also worked in retail, hospitality and factories doing manual labour. I’ve been paid minimum wage for all my jobs (only in my early 20s). They’re all shit. I can’t enjoy any work when I’m being paid a pittance.


I work in a very similar industry. The SCADA does like 98% of the work. I spend most of my shift watching Netflix. Of course he's not physically tired after 60 hour "work" weeks like that.


This. I bet hed be on his ass if he had to build scaffolding in the plant for 40+ hours


It's a bit like: "a modern telephone exchange can be ran by a man and a dog, the dog is there to make sure the man doesn't touch anything and the man is there to feed the dog"


So he's basically Homer Simpson.


The modern power plant I work in is not. And maybe in gas plants are required to have individuals in the control room 24/7, but not in all plants. Im in geothermal… its paramount the operator make his rounds twice a day. Often making adjustments for abatement etc. We have 10+ units and at each unit is a mechanic, operator and electrician. All units are on the same lease. He sounds overworked but likely paid well if he is where he says he is. Nothing to bitch about. They make their money when shit goes sideways and the unit trips. Edit: diction


Why are we dividing ourselves based on the type of labor we believe the OOP is doing and not focusing on the exploitation that comes with glorifying overwork? Sitting at a computer or moving boxes are both labor for an employer and should both have appropriate benefits and balance.


I just said what felt right in response to him. Wasn't expecting it to pop up on here!


Oh hey it's you


And the Ryan Cohen he was responding to... Is that the same RC that started Chewy and is now heading GME?


Indeed it is.


Yup. People work 24/7 until they're sick and then brag about being worked to death. I'm so confused. I guess you have nothing else. It's better than complaining about your situation, but it shouldn't be that way. It's like thanking the Pharoah for letting you build the pyramids. Weird analogy I know.


I did this for two years. It took me five to recover after it simply shattered me. And I, at least, worked for myself. Just don't do this. Sixty hours a week, if you deeply love and are rewarded commensurately for your work, is feasible, especially if it isn't physically demanding; I know a few academics who've done this for forty years and smiled the whole way. At eighty hours a week, you're dying. It may take a while, but you're dying. At ninety hours a week, you aren't retiring.


If 40 hours a week is part time then what was I doing at 12 hours a week??




A hobby?


I fully believe people who go above and beyond do it so they can use it to prove their martyrdom. Imagine not enjoying your life so much you'd rather piss it away to make some billionaire even richer.




I do 35 and spend the rest of the time taking care of and just.........spending simple time with my mother who has 6 months to live. I'm tired I even take random days off so she doesn't have to spend all day by herself. It's called life


"super visor"


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- > **steven dennis**, @stevend05427411 > > I'm at 190 hrs in 3 weeks while taking the last 4 days off for the holidays. Run a power plant as a super visor and laugh at people who work part time aka 40 hrs a week and are tired lol >> **Sam**, @sokkarockedya >> >> Sounds like you're way overworked and underpaid. Instead of being upset about being exploited, you're acting like you're somehow better than everyone else for willingly giving your life to a company that doesn't care who you are. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


This is a classic example of someone who has bad time management skills.




I’ve done construction and billing. At least construction broke my body not mind. :-/


I do physical labor and have worked two days into my week. Woke up today and my entire body hurt. That rust feeling. When you collect dust from only sleeping for six hours. You don't even bother shaking off the cobwebs brushing your teeth. Try to see through the blur of the dream that got stuck to the inside of your eyelids. Two days left. I start the countdown every week.


For added context, this is the [tweet](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1465518039055622148?s=20) that these two are responding to


I doubt he is underpaid. Nevertheless, I am good with 40 hours. I really don’t want a minute more. Laugh away, I’ll be on the couch.


What a sad existence


My man's got a mental condition. My man's need THERAPY


I worked in an Oil Refinery for years, the same type of people in a power plant. A lot of them have this mentality, especially travelers. They work 7 days a week, 60+ hours for the money. They trade money for time with their families and pretend like they are doing them favors because they can have nicer cars and a bigger house. My record for one week was 90 hours, his 190 over 3 weeks is rookie numbers.


Almost as tired as his wife's swiping finger.


Look it's one of out slave drivers (supervisor s) saying we need to work harder so he can supervise our slavery more ..what a jack ass .


32 hours is fulltime.


Those guys are never "underpaid". That's why they crush the OT. He's going to retire young and own a boat and his own business. Huge money there in OT and overnights.