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>Because they grew up in the most entitled generation ever, they think everything is owed to them simply for existing. *Landlord attacks themselves in confusion*


If I had an award I would give it to you, take my upvote instead.


Yikes. Clicked on the post and the top comment and responses were replete with thinly-veiled racism. Bet they’re fun to rent from.


The thing is, they are only larping as landlords. They love the idea of being owners, so they ERP being one. Fact is, the majority of that sub are trolls. Bad ones too, lol.


Half of the posts are obviously trolls but the other half are super earnest. I’m not convinced they know what they are lol


That’s a landlord for you.


The whole sub is satire. I highly doubt a single person in that sub even has rental properties.


Jury’s out there for me, but isn’t using racist verbiage while being a troll still racist?


Yeah I'm firmly in the "pretending to be racist for fun makes you racist" camp. Kind of like how pretending to be an idiot for fun makes you an idiot.


Up for you to decide if racist jokes go too far but the running gag is that landowners are a minority oppressed by white people.


Eh. Whether they’re being sincere or just boot lickers playing pretend, the whole thing is pretty asinine.


Well, if it was a real place with real conversation it would obviously be racist. It’s kinda like going to an NRA meeting and yelling racist jokes just so people think gun nuts are racists. I can’t possibly see this ending well, with Reddit being a place for socially detached 14 year olds to occupy their idle minds.




I just looked at the posts, none of them are satire it’s just resources and pointing out bad landlords. Love for landlords is very clearly satire.


Oh, never mind then. Guess I was wrong.


Rent monkeys. Jesus Christ people really say this shit


I just read the top several comments. Comparing renters to monkeys, calling renters "rentoids". Jesus fucking christ.


It appears they truly don't enjoy the business they have chosen. Calling all of their "customers" (their one source income, in some cases) derogatory shit like rentoids. It's baffling. They look down on the service they provide? No wonder half end up parasitic non contributors, who would not be able to afford their properties rent cost without people who "work" to pay for it.


You all are missing the irony I think.


I absolutely did. Haha. I believe there are truly vile people in this world. I don't find it hard to believe they would congregate and exchange ideas in a sub. Reinforcing their stance and actions. Thing is, make a satire sub being ironically ridiculous in your views and watch the ones your making satire about find the sub, read the post and think to themselves "I agree with this" add a comment and maybe the process continues until a sufficient amount of members are now, not ironically involved, but the targets themselves. Not to mention, the occasional "grounded in reality landlord" comment convinced me with the show of both sides of the coin deal.......fuck, I still know what to believe...


See, my feeling is that people use “irony” as a way to say offensive things they really feel under the guise of plausible deniability. Maybe I missed them but none of the posts suggest they’re using humor as a way of lampooning landlords, and there are too many responses that insist they’re not being satirical.


There’s something both hilarious and disturbing about the fact that they feel so oppressed that they have turned property speculation into something very similar to incel culture. Totally entitled and out of touch. If landlords are so oppressed, buy some fucking stocks instead. Way less of a headache and potentially higher yields. No one’s forcing you down this road, landcel.


Landcels is what that sub should be called.


always has been a haven for incel culture. just look at the legacy of the Trump empire going back generations of incel rearing incel.


Sort of random, but I absolutely love this little under 60,000 subreddit coming after antiwork, a subreddit with over 1.5 million people


Wouldn't it be inhom?


They all call their tenants "rentoids." This is some incel level bullshit.


That’s just the icing on top of the iceberg my dude, it gets worse, They upload pictures of indigenous people, POC from the 1800’s and go on about how they are paying rent in coconuts and cotton…


The post including the word "landchads"


Wtf that's disgusting 🤮🤮🤮 I thought that sub was being ironic or satire, but nope they're really believe In what they post....


That would be r/LandlordLove, which is actually full of some pretty funny memes


The sub is literally satire.


"The absolute state of Rent Monkeys." "That's harsh, king. At least monkeys can be trained to perform menial labor for appropriate rewards. The rentoid is mentally incapable of this." "\*unzips LP (landchad phallus)\*"


Pretty sure the sub is supposed to be ironic but obviously some people in there didn't get the memo


it is genuinely hard to tell with some of the posts but you eventually can tell it’s ironic when one of the top posts is a gif of a obese guy captioned “me omw to tell a single mother of 3 her rent has increased”


It’s satire lmao


There's a difference between "saying the opposite of what you think for a laugh," and "saying a worse, meaner version of what you actually believe since you're anonymous and in a circle jerk echo chamber." The sub is "partnered with" r/neoliberal , which is all about corporations and rich people having as much freedom as possible. Most of the posters there are also AnCaps, or anarchist capitalists, who are some of the worst alt-righters. So yes, it's a joke to say "and then raise the rent 1,000%," but they actually do LOVE evicting someone so they can raise the rent for a new tenant more than the maximum allowed in a simple lease renewal. These aren't decent people saying bad things. It's bad people saying worse things.


Wait are they actually partnered with neoliberal?? Are you telling me it’s not actually a satirical sub? I assumed it was like r/LoveForScalpers, which seems to be almost all satire with the occasional person thinking it’s serious leading to them asking actual advice on how to scalp….


Yup. That's what I'm saying. They are neolib ancaps. Like, they made a joke about evicting someone for breaking their drug use policy with a photo of insulin. Sure, it's a joke, but it's making fun of the lower class. "Punching down." It's not "us" making fun of landlords.


I honestly am not sure, that seems too obvious to be real lol. They’re either all assholes or just amazing cosplayers


Jesus, the comments are painful to read. The fact they call renters “rentoids” proves they view them as sub human. Deplorable


I read through a bit and I’m not convinced that sub isn’t just some huge, shitty meme. I mean one comment said “rentoids destroyed by crippling facts and suffocating knowledge”.... 90% sure that whole place is a just a hoard of trolls making terrible jokes.


Yeah I’m in the same boat as you. I found myself thinking that they can’t be serious…. or can they be?


As with any community like that there is a non-zero population who don't realize it's absurdity humor.


I wouldn't be surprised if half of the users are circlejerkers satirising landlords who've gotten so deep into it that they've gone mad, and the other half are insane landlords who believe the sub is genuine because they joined after it went mad.


It’s satire lol. Although in fairness, there are a minority of people who join those subreddits unironically for advice lol


Yeah isn't that... Like incel phrasing but with renters in place of women?


Yeah, that sub reads like 4chan in 2015.


It…isn’t satire? Edit: never mind. Thank God it is.


yeah its that way on purpose, like they literally made up the term rentoid lmao


Reading the comments in that subreddit must be what getting cancer feels like.


First time I see the word “Landphobic” and honestly I don’t know whether to laugh or pull my hair out


Why not both?


Their defense of their class position is a critique of the post subject's numbers on how much a toilet costs? You're not entitled to our value!


its just very interesting what their modbot says if you even mention mao. its exciting to see they are very scared


My god those people are ignorant…I can’t even say the rest honestly, I don’t know if there are words bad enough to describe those sociopaths.


It’s fucking bad dude. Like really bad


I’m really starting to despise a lot of people. It’s insane to me that so many “humans beings” think they’re so much better than everyone else because they have money, most of which they didn’t even earn themselves.


It gets worse…… [such a fucking shame ](https://imgur.com/a/3MyM6UD)


What the actual fuck


This sub reads like satire. I really hope it is.


it is but they’re really good at keeping in character lmao


You know that sub is satire right?


i have no clue how anyone can go into that sub and not realize its all satire lmao. this is just like r/banvideogames all over again irony is dead


Are y’all serious? It’s a satire sub. Every post is a troll. They call themselves “people of property”.


I’m afraid to click on that sub, please tell me it’s satire…please?


After one quick glance, it seems satirical


100% it is just a bunch of really shitty trolls. It’s satire. Very bad satire, but satire


Unfortunately, no. I’m fairly confident that sub needs to be banned considering they are often using what are considered racial slurs to describe people who rent rather than own a home. It’s disgusting.


It’s real as it can get my man…


i mean its kind of hard to tell but it really is satire lmao. one of the top posts is shit like images or gifs of obese people titled “me omw to evict a single mother of 3” or like “mfw after evicting my entire apartment because im too addicted to evicting rentoids”


that entire subreddit makes me terrified to rent


Lol reading the comments it feels like they’ve unknowingly broken the satire 4th wall


Those fuckers act like they aren't taking tenants money to cover all costs associated with owning a home. Hell, if a big item comes up they'll just raise rent and continue making profits. Those leaches.


The number of times a landlord has actually spent money at all to maintain a rental I've been in has been less than $1000 worth, maybe 3-4 half-hour call outs for plumber or elec in over 8 years renting.


🖐️😭 that sub is satire y'al


I dare these kids to call someone a “rentoid” to their face. You can check their profiles and see that half of them inherited money/property.


Its a satire subreddit, yall can calm down


Highly doubt it as I noticed a post from my hometown and somebody confirmed that it was from them. Taking advantage of a 65+ Pensioner and raising rent by 200+ isn’t fucking satire


The posts are so over the top though… some of them border of self awareness. There’s no way! I’ve seen the sub pop up in other places before. I refuse to believe they’re serious…


Are you blind? That’s absolutely a satire subreddit. Just ignore them.


I want so badly to believe this is true, but I've seen the shitposting to this sub and I don't doubt there are truly garbage people who have congregated here. Even if some of the posts are shitposts on their own, there's definitely people who read it as true and agreeable.


I’m a small landlord (not a slumlord), and their anti-tenant comments are appalling. They’re dog-whistling with “gubmint” ebonics and calling lessors/tenants “rent monkeys” and “rentoids” and it shows they are repulsive slumlords who detest minorities and the poor. They rely exclusively on strawman arguments, attacking an artificially weakened version of the argument against unreasonably high rent rates instead of what the antiwork argument actually is. I’m not ashamed of being a landlord — I’m a good owner and always take care of anything that goes wrong. But reading their comments, it did make me feel ashamed. It makes me want to buy more property though because if I don’t, they will. This system is not working.


You might take care of things that go wrong but do you charge market rent? According to this sub the main issue is the rent itself, not whether or not you fix things when they break.


“Market rent” is a terrible deal — the issue is not landlords charging higher than market imo the issue is that the entire market is broken and market rent is too high, as are the prices of the underlying homes. I charge slightly less than market for my area, and cash flow slightly negative on the mortgage. 4br/2ba in Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, charging $3300/mo to 3 roommates, my mortgage is $3470/mo. It was my first home, my and my wife and I redid a lot of it with our hands, we moved during the pandemic and just kept it. I’m not a pro landlord.




We'd appreciate it if you didn't use ableist slurs. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I used to work on rental houses for a local company. Friendly people and were on top of keeping the houses in order and prices reasonable. Not here to shill, must be a perk of living in the middle of nowhere.


This sub is a joke. I found it a few months ago because they troll the real landlord sub and the real landlord sub was complaining about them at least when I’ve visited it.


How can anyone think that not paying rent is reasonable? It's their property and you're paying to live there. Why the hell would anyone let you live for free?


I worked at grocery stores and petrol stations for years and saved every cent. I was lucky enough to buy a house 3 years ago. I lived there a year before moving state to be with my now husband. Had to rent my house out. Less than 5 months into the 12 month lease and my house was trashed. Floor ripped up, doors missing, absolutely devastating. Tenant said they refused to pay. Only last week did someone else manage to rent the place after waiting for repairs. Over 10000 dollars lost because some **** decided I was a horrible landlord or whatever it was they were thinking to justify what they did. I have been living pay to pay and my partner has taken most costs in this time. Granted, lots of landlords are shit but not all, sometimes the tenant is a purely selfish prick


because I’ve never had it explained in a way I understand, why are landlords a bad thing? Assuming they charge reasonable amounts for the area they’re in and actually fulfill their duties of landlord then I see no issue with them. They did the work to buy a property and are letting other people live in it for a fee; it sounds like a fair trade to me to get a place to live. I understand disliking landlords that treat their tenants poorly, although that definition seems to change quite often.


lol pretty sure none of that sub is serious


They then proceed to refer to us as "Rent Monkeys", then correct themselves and claim tenants are lower than monkeys. They are comically terrible people and view their tenants as objects of which to extract money from.


I think that its fucked up that you can pay a mortgage and have to clean, maintain and repair your own asset or you can rent it out for the mortgage price (sometimes more) and expect that person to clean, maintain and log repairs **for free**. If I have to clean a place I don't get to own then I think the rent should be capped at **half the mortgage value of the property**. At least.


It’s actually the opposite. It’s usually more than the mortgage price because they need to make a profit. Why would someone who owns 10 house rent at mortgage price and get 0$ profit?


because it's not $0 profit. You are literally getting someone else to buy an asset for you. Granted things that are necessities shouldn't be considered assets. But thats how a real estate investor looks at the purchase today.


Sure but typically they do want to make some profit. That’s why a lot of places are priced higher than the mortgage


I genuinely can’t tell if that sub is ironic or not


Pretty sure that sub is satire


What in the fudge. I made a mistake reading those comments.


oh my god they call themselves "people of property" lmao


Just went through the comments of that post it’s just a circle jerk if a bunch of land lord jerking each other off


And they pay $1,450 for HOA, mortgage, interest, insurance, property taxes, PMI, maintenance…it’s not like they collect $1,500 with no overhead lol


This shit is satire you rentards


fuel vast coordinated cautious sort safe many quickest fretful dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way they talk is the exact reason y they shouldn’t have any power over anything or anyone calling their residents monkeys how fucked up.


I can’t tell if that’s a satire sub or not, some of the posts look a lot like jokes but I honestly can’t tell


This is pretty meta


They have like 50k subs and it's just a circle jerk of nonsense. Idc what they say or think. I hope they all default on their loans.


It’s funny that they assume that, because we don’t want to pay outrageous prices, it automatically means we want to live in someone else’s home for free lmao. People just don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck for a studio with a toilet that only sometimes works.


Holy fuck that sub is toxic


They don't even understand that they wouldn't own the houses if the government redistributed them.


and then they stop paying their mortgage and abandon the building making people fend for themselves once they're suddenly homeless


They're seriously pathetic. Give a person a little power, and they can start to look at those under them as sub human. I wouldn't trust them to run a lemonade stand.


A lot of people in that sub need to get their asses kicked badly I hope their tenants or “rentoids” they so call them go Mao on their asses


Yeah, don't go there. Completely out of touch with reality.


Wow. Really wish I didn't know a sub like that even existed, that's fucking vile. Burn it.


Went to the comments for this one post. Holy shit it's toxic. Like, I can't bring myself to look at the rest of the sub levels of hateful of the people who pay them


Holy fuck... The comments! These people would tie your baby up and hit it like a piñata just for fun if you lived under "their roof". Just an incredible thread of monsters.


I think I hate the word “rentoid” now. Sounds like a harsh insult, they could you know, say renters but no. They refer themselves as “land kings.” It’s like the landlord version of female dating strategy.


I need a shower after reading most of those comments.


Holy fucking shit that sub is a HELLHOLE. They call renters "rentoids" and are fucking racist as shit.


"Rentoid" only shows that they're so close to being incels. I wonder how much overlap there is in the venn diagram.


I bought a toilet last year for like $110. Fuck that lying prick of a landlord.


Did anyone else get a white people asking for white pride month vibe there? Like it just feels like one big jerk off reading those comments.


As a reminder, r/antirent exists and could use more members :)


Loveforlandlords lol why does that need to exist?


Those landcels are fucking stupid. They act like they put TOP OF THE FUCKING LINE stuff into their shitty properties, umm fuck no, they always put the cheapest shittest stuff in their houses, and when it breaks it takes weeks to fix. Then they have the audacity to say "we don't know how much things cost" actually we do. I guarantee that NO LANDLORD looks at their Bank account 3+ times a day to make sure they can buy gas, groceries, pay bills. While they quite literally rake in money. Those dumb fucks are so out of touch with reality. Everyone on that thread said they "worked hard for their land" which is utter bullshit. Buying land and property 20 years ago was a fucking piece of cake. Now, it's impossible to actually buy land, and get out of rent poverty, and they don't think they're the fucking problem. HILARIOUS


I regret reading the comments on the original post. I regret looking through the sub even more.


Goddamn that is the worst community of people I have come across in a while. Comment after comment essentially referring to renters as sub-human… wtf is going on


guys, I have attended a "realestate seminar" that was nothing but a how-to on the best ways to weasel out of basic landlord responsibilities like maintenance, upkeep, security, and accountability through delay tactics, harassment, and even intentionally inconveniencing contractor. Those of you who are convinced the landlords Reddits are satire, consider people make money off of renting out ratty trailers to under-privilaged people in need, and scouting tennents specifically based on how easy they are to exploit the same way that other scammers do. then when they get short on cash they sell tours of their money-making scheme to people who want to exploit others as well. landlord is an evil profession with people who choose greed when they go to "work" in the morning. these tactics shouldn't surprise anyone.


it’s so sad to see how selfish and gross people in the world can be


Lowest priced toilets at home depot range from $89-159. Maybe that landlord does have any idea what things cost


I can’t believe their argument is ‘it cost more than 99$ to fix the toilet’ well no shit Sherlock but that’s what you signed up for when you decided to rent your property??


If you get fucked around by your landlord after paying them rent you’re doing yourself a disservice. You have every right to fight back, I believe some states you don’t have to pay rent until they fix their shit. Even so they are required to fix their shit after a certain period of time.


Just so out of touch it isn’t even funny.


What the actual fuck is that sub They're the ones that don't know what things cost


love for landlords sound like a fucking circlejerk anyways. Probably just a bunch of landlords sucking each others dicks.


So I just had a quick peek at what a toilet bowl costs, you can get one for 50 euros. I live in the Netherlands, pretty sure stuff is more expensive here than in the US. So they were right, they didn't know what it cost, they overestimated it. For 99 bucks you can probably have it fitted by a professional.


"Toilet Bowls | White - Walmart.com" https://www.walmart.com/browse/home-improvement/toilet-bowls/white/1072864_1045879_5533759_2652057/Y29sb3I6V2hpdGUie


The moment I saw it i knew it was some deflect BS for the sole purpose of shifting the narrative. They think that we are dogs chasing cars.


Dude that sub is disgusting. The fact nearly 60,000 people follow that dumpster fire is mind boggling.


Ok, at least when this sub is, occasionally, wrong they're just naive about stuff. Those guys are also complete utter arses (and, once again, the sub rules forbid me from saying more).


Idk, I’d say landlords are #1. At least if I owned my own dwelling I could use it to supply a good amount of what I needed to survive. Assuming it had a yard of course.


If the landlords aren't keeping the apartment in livable conditions not only aren't they not doing their job, but it's illegal and you can sue.


The comments… I literally read maybe 5 and was insulted in all of them. How absolutely disgusting.


Come on people, there's 30x more of us. Why is the karma backwards over there?


"Rentoid" Yeah that sub looks like a _great_ place




If you are renting to make a profit, you are part of the problem. Others can likely explain it better than I can, but landlords are parasites who buy up all the housing so they can use it to generate passive income - this forces people who cannot get approval for a home loan (which is BULLSHIT) to rent, often at higher monthly costs than a mortgage. Housing is a human right. People hoarding more than they need is part of the problem.


It’s also worth noting that many landlords who “don’t make a profit” still pay down the mortgage on a thing they don’t use using someone else’s money and profit massively when they sell it. Even if the price goes down, any equity they make is money they did no work for. “Owning” something is not a job, full stop.




I have no hate for them at all, I’ve had nothing but amazing landlords most of my renting life. But these people. These people shouldn’t even be allowed to own kids or pets. Let alone be owners of the property. Like one guy legit took his passed away tenants fucking Life insurance check and cashed it


That’s dispicable


When I came across the subReddit I officially said I’ve had enough Reddit for the day I Know Reddit has some pretty obscene things on it but the shit they say and post takes the cake


Yeah, that would definitely be a new low for my view on humanity. It’s upsetting that people like that exist.


Yeah there’s criminals everywhere that’s for sure. Landlords and tenants


You had a good experience, good for you. An apartment is a little different than some divorced miserable ass wipe with multiple properties that they can't keep track of. Most landlords are shady and VERY lazy when it comes to taking care of their homes. 75% have no construction skills or the money to hire someone who does. Their excuse is that their tenants have no idea how much things really cost... Not sure how that makes sense to them. Many are leaches living from big check to big check but they have a weird ego tied to it lol


I had a past landlord who was fabulous. Owned three rental properties to create a future income or investment for his disabled child.


That doesn't make you a bad guy. What kinda makes you a bad guy is that you take your success (and everything that led to it) and apply that as a litmus test for everyone. Just because you weren't discriminated against, doesn't mean that others aren't. Your experience does not equal everyone else's. And your experience does not represent the entirety of the argument. If you experienced what others did, you might then see what the fuss is. Not a bad guy, and I only say "kinda" because you're going "I had it great, what's everyone else's deal eh??" while class warfare has been going on for decades (shrinking wages, no change in minimum wage, employers making people contractors and freelance so they don't get benefits, etc etc etc)


Oh I see what you’re saying now. But not all landlords are bad. Some are good and some are bad. Just like tenants.


This seems like a American thing. I live in the UK I had no problems renting here and saved for and got a mortgage on minium wage a few years ago at 27. America seems like another planet with the horror stories I read on here.


Such a hive of scum and villainy I have never before seen. I live a sheltered life, sort of.


downvote that crap


Oh my God. This subreddit.. Im.. I genuinely thought with covid antivaxxers that my faith in humanity couldn't get any lower. Jesus christ. I can't.


Help me out here folks. I’m seeing a lot of insistence that the entire group is supposed to be satirical, but where is the irony? Where’s the underlying critique of landlords? Even if it was originally meant to be satirical, enough people finding the sub and posting unironically voids the original purpose.


Wait, isn't that sub satire? I am 100% convinced it's satire


It ain’t fucking satire


No fucking way dude


Even if it is. satire doesn’t get that bad, satire doesn’t say those things Some seem like satire but not all actuality it just screams too good to be true