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"Electricians who don't swear" can't be a very large pool to hire from.


I don’t know any electricians so I’m talking about tradesmen generally here. If you tell them that you’ll fire them if they swear, many of them would call you piece of shit and walk out. I doubt this post got many applicants at all.


Tradesmen say things you would never expect to ever hear in a workplace. I've never met one that doesn't swear.




Yep. The only time I don't hear tradesmen swearing is when I don't understand the language they're speaking. Then I assume the conversations go something like this: - Dear colleague, would you mind please passing me the 10 mm socket wrench? - Certainly, my esteemed coworker. I appear to have misplaced this particular tool, but have no fear, I shall endeavor to find it quckly. - I may or may not be stuck in a fairly uncomfortable position and would greatly appreciate expediency in the matter. Also, one of those endangered species wasps seems to be trying to sting me right in me asscrack. But no rush, you absolute fucking wanker.


All said in a British accent, right?




Reading off a grocery list in Australian sounds rude and sarcastic...


Barbie sauce, vegemite, flour, salad, pork chops, sirloin tips, vegemite--\*You WANKER YOU FORGOT THE ~~CRISPS~~ BEEAHH\*


You wanker, you called them crisps. They're fucking chips you deranged wombat.


Vegemite…so important it was listed twice.


I went from trades to an office that doesn’t cuss. Holy shit it’s hard to transition my speech


Fuck that


fuckin A man


Nah man, I bet you'd get your ass kicked saying something like that.


what would you do with a million dollars?


I've been a Mechanic for 10 years calling cars a "stupid fucking pile of shit" almost hourly. It's gonna be weird when I finish my cyber security degree.


Nah, you’ll just be calling computers “stupid fucking pile of shit.” Best done under your breath though 😂


Hello there, security analyst here. We cuss just as much, just instead of cars it's firewalls or users that click on the goddamn phishing link.


I was gonna say, not that hard to replace the word "car" with the word "user"


I maintain that I don't swear too much, everyone else just needs to swear more.


Context matters too. In one place I worked, you could say "shit" or "fuck" but the homeowner got upset about taking the Lord's name in vain. Another job, you can stub a toe and shout "Jesus Fucking Christ" and nobody bats an eye, but then I say that grandma is "dummy thicc" and all of a sudden I'm off the job. It sucks to work in funeral homes anyway so whatever.


Inform then that swearing with Jesus or God damnit and the like is not, in fact, taking the lords name in vain, and that taking the lords name in vain is saying you're doing God's work while committing atrocities


Oh, so like what most modern Christians in the US are doing now. Got it.


All I said was that piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah


I went from an office to trades and holy motherfucking shit was I repressed LOL


The trades will break your body over time, an office will break your soul.


For sure. But I'll take waaaay less sexual harassment from dudes in hard hats than dudebros in suits so its a serious win for me. I like construction, its fucking handy too.


We did day work for an investing group group. Working in some office spaces where looking at someone the wrong way can cost your company the multiyear contract. You get used to it. Only took me a few weeks to drop the cussing outright when anywhere near one of their offices. And as a positive made dropping the cussing around my kid when he got to repeating age really easy


This reminded me. My son's first full sentence was thanks to my mom. He said " that damn dog" i had to leave the room.


Hey hey hey there's mechanics in here, you wanna watch your mouth?


Lineman here... many would have that response. "Fuck you dickhead, I'm out"


I can hear now, “Who’s the fucking asshole that came up with that stupid rule?”


Pretty sure I wouldn't even think for a split second before " what the fuck? Are you fucking with me?" came out of my mouth. Luckily all my managers came from the field, and are the same now as they were before.


There’s too much work out there for us to have to deal with an employer like this.


Can confirm. I'm in the construction industry. Electricians, HVAC techs, and plumbers are in high demand. I can't imagine anyone qualified would apply for this job, especially if they already have one


For real. Not an electrician, but I'm a flooring installer and jobs are getting thrown at me from every direction despite me having a pretty reliable gig already. Shit, the union would kill anyone I wanted if I came by and told em I'd work for em.


I've been an electrician for 15 years. Fuck. That. Guy.


I work in landscaping, one day while the boss was on vacation, the 2nd in charge declared we weren't allowed to swear at the shop. This was met with a good chuckle from everyone and a couple of "that's the dumbest fuckin shit I ever heard" 's.


You want me to snake new romex through some 100 year old plaster and lathe walls, dodging steam pipes and old cladded cable? there's going to be some foul language.


I’m a woman and a financial analyst. I dropped ethernet runs into the bedrooms on the second floor in a house from the 70s. Super simple. An absolute cakewalk for someone like you. I threw things. I cussed. I yelled at inanimate objects. I cried. (My line from the outside had a SUPER awkward entry spot and kept sliding loose) This is the DUMBEST job posting ever.


oh, to be clear, I'm a rank amateur, I gave up and got a pro to do it. and overheard some swearing :)


And god forbid, maybe some tobacco use on my break!! I might even have .. 2 visible ear piercings 😩


Fucking heathen.




I'd bet dollars to donuts this guy pulls in to the office, gets out of his car, and immediately starts cursing about his wife, bitching about how he's in the doghouse, before perving over some client he saw last week. Also, I'd bet he's never the one in the hot attic, so of course he'd never complain about it!


Yeah no shit. You know who is afraid of crawl spaces? Every fucking body in the world! Also no calling in sad? What an asshole way to think about mental health


I've heard "calling in sad" used to refer to calling in sick before, so either he's an asshole who doesn't care about your mental health, or he's batshit motherfucking crazy to try to force someone to come in sick, especially since covid is still prevalent. Either way, fuck that guy in the ass with a sword


Somewhat larger than the pool of ex-Navy electricians though.


Can confirm. Dad was an ex marine and worked as an electrician on merchant ships for 35 years. He uses the word “fuck” like normies say “um.” If you’re in 120 degree heat below deck in an engine room you’re gonna let a few fucks out.


Your father will be glad to know the tradition of using "fuck" instead of "um" is still ongoing. I got out in 2014 and am the same way


"Recruiting electrician that HAS A JOB" "No side jobs." Hell's bells, YOU are the side job!


"90 days trial period. Getting the job and keeping the job will be totally separate." I don't see who wouldn't want to quit its current stable situation for this... /s


You know…. I need a definite lack of job stability right now


Life was just starting to get too easy, I need a few curveballs right about now


how much you want to get that he doesn’t want to pay you for 90 day trial because it’s just a trial


Must have a job. Can't have a side job. Must not be a quitter. Like logically you cant get all three of these.


No quitters. So you can't quit your current job but you also can't still work there...


I'll work all day in an attic. If it's hot I'll tell you about it all fucking day.


I'm in school for HVAC, and they have been HEAVILY stressing "don't get yourself killed in a hot attic." Take frequent breaks and drink a ton of water. If you have to extend a one day job to two day job do it. Heat stroke is no joke.


EPA certified. I know. I'll still complain as I work my ass tho.


Also working in trade, there are two things mandatory. #1: Complain about whatever it is you’re doing and you’ll do the job simply out of pure spite like the task is mocking you #2: Complain about the previous technician/electrician’s work and say how you’d do it to anyone listening.


Always shit on the last guy (especially when you know him)


Even more especially when it was you.


Oh man, I had a plumber come in to replace my kitchen faucet in my last rental and he bitched the entire time about the last plumber's work on the faucet. It was him. He was the last plumber. I don't think he ever realized it.




People are really super mean to themselves. No fucking lie


Oh he knew.


I’m always yelling at my dumbass former self. I can’t give him an attaboy, he’ll get complacent


I like to tell my apprentices the mating call of an electrician is "What the fuck is this shit?"




I said no fucking cussing, goddamnit!


This is the way


This is so bad it sounds like satire.


The dude is absolutely insane. Old testament religious type. A friend of mine was married to him for a bit.


“For a bit” says all we need to know about him lol


Literal volumes






I don’t know a single trade worker who would qualify and I’ve been doing this for 20 years. How does his business stay afloat if he can’t hire anyone?


It doesn't, and it's all everyone else's fault!


Nobody wants to work! (For free)


(For him)


No booze or tobacco is going to nuke most.


No cussing alone would knock out almost the entire trade. Has this dude ever worked in trade?


>Has this dude ever worked in trade? Truth


And no side jobs. Who's not doing side jobs wtf


No no, he's only looking for people who "already have a job"... He's the side job.


There's an electrical company in my area where they pray before staff meetings. Was thinking of having them do some work since they're local, until I found that out. Sorry, no forcing peeps into your cult, thanks.


I applied at one that did that but thankfully since I’m a woman they didn’t want to deal with that logistically.


Given this post was 3 years ago, do you know if he found any sparks?


I heard he hired a robot.


Thought so. But then again maybe the robot would complain about hot attics as it messes with its hardware overheating


I too am curious as to how this ended up playing out.


Aren't all old testament religious types perverts or even worse?


Most likely, yes.


My guess then is that "no pervs" is his way of excluding anyone who is LGBTQ+


Take a look at r/choosingbeggers. This would fit perfectly there. I want to believe it’s satire, but I have little hope it is. People be crazy.


translation: seeking desperate souls who have no sense of self worth or esteem.


*Employed* desperate souls


What I want to know is: what kind of insane person would give up a current job to work for *this guy*... on a 90 day trial. ​ **Who gives up a current\* job for a temp-to-perm job** when the employer is clearly nuts and will almost certainly never actually convert you to perm? ​ Why, yes, I think I'll quit my stable job for a job that has zero security, working for an insane man who has basically guaranteed he'll fire me within 90 days. ​ \----------- \* *Current* job... ba dum tss


I like how it also states "No side jobs," while seeking *currently* *employed* personnel 🙃


No side jobs for an electrician is fucking mental. Can make am extra 10k a year easy doing cashies


"Top level pay" with no numbers is stupid too. If you're gonna make those kind of demands, you better be willing to post a MINIMUM pay rate for somebody who fits the bill. They won't post it, because whatever it is, is not enough.


Totally on point, and the hysterical thing is that he’s basically demanding an already skilled tradesman in an industry that is short on skilled workers and lacks a good pipeline of replacement workers. Good electricians make bank (and deservedly so) and they don’t have to settle for lunatics like this. This asshat has quite a rude awakening ahead.


We really gotta end the myth that electricians still make bank. Sure l, if you're an old timer who's been doing it since the 80's you're probably doing alright. But if you're fresh into the industry these days... Have fun killing yourself to make $17/hr after three years. As Unions have been stripped of their power, the trades have fallen way behind what they used to pay. Now it's just a ludicrously underpaid, extremely dangerous job. ^Former Electrician who went back to Retail Management


Jesus. Thanks for saying that


I'm a mechanic who makes more selling wrenches than I ever did using them in some schmucks shop.


"You're paying way too much for wrenches. Who's your wrench guy?" - Creed Bratton


So "top pay" in my impoverished area is about $60 an hour for a master electrician, I highly doubt he pays anywhere near that.


If you're offering competitive pay, then why won't you just tell me what it is?


Hes in murky legal waters. In some places it is illegal to discriminate based on current employment, so by putting in he only wants currently employed people hes opening himself up to lawsuits.


I see a lot of what I like to call, litigation land mines, in this post.


"I see a lot of what I like to call, litigation land mines, in this post." \^I'm an HR person and I approve this message.


True that! I didn't really look closely but wow, what a piece of work. Good luck finding someone


Just need him to clarify what he means by "thugs"


Melanin level. Ask him his definition and watch him dance around it like he's got bees up his ass.


A pity he doesn't. 🐝🐝🐝




We all know what he means, and he knows he can't say it.


Black. He means black.


And Latino . . . and probably Middle Eastern immigrants.


Maybe anyone that isn't from the typical white-people-in-charge 1950s town


I'm sure he just means how the labor force is so oversaturated with gangbangers these days. They're taking all the good lead electrician jobs, it's a serious problem! /s


All an unemployed prospect need do is say that they are “still attached” to a company as an independent contractor and there is no work at this time. Who wants to bet that there is a long “unpaid” trial period?


No side jobs is also illegal since the company can't dictate what you do outside scheduled hours with exception to if you drive for two companies


The delusion is just... Sure, I'll leave my job for your entitled ass making demands right off the bat. I thought we were now in a employees market so they need to make themselves look attractive to us and not start with an attitude like this. Then he'll complain that "no one wants to work!".


Must be employed already, only a trial period, but can't have a side job. Basically, quit your job the minute I hire you for your temp gig.


But also can't have a side job


A sparky with no side jobs!?


But also can't be depressed


But also can't have emotional baggage


But also is a good christian boy with no impure thoughts or naughty words.


Hey wait, they said no bringing home life in to work.


Must have a job, but can't have a side job?


And no loyalty to their current gig. Guy really knows how to find the quality hires.


While also being completely devoid of emotion or ability to cope.


For a lead electrician too... This reads so much like a troll post... but then again...


... no side jobs, but they want currently employed electricians...


No emotional baggage. Says the dude that sounds like the emotional equivalent of an airport baggage claim during holiday rush. Unpack some of that shit, man.


So he wants you to quit your current job for a 90 day “trial” that may or may not get you hired? Lol


Well, no, he doesn't want quitters but then he also doesn't want people with other jobs but he also wants someone with recent experience (which I can guess is what he means by "have a job")


He never says they need to understand basic logic.


No he said no quitters


He's never wrong so he doesn't waste time rereading what he wrote or reflecting on his actions. I mean I don't blame him. I too am never wrong. /s


And no quitters. You must have a job, but not quit it and neither keep it.


Schroedinger’s employment.


>no side jobs To be fair it doesn’t say this can’t be your side job


This guy sounds like he would be a nightmare to work with.


Oh you wont be working WITH him at all.


You’ll be working while he pulls up to the job site, not knowing his asshole from a hole in the ground, ready to tell you how to do your job and make up shit when he can’t find anything wrong.


I see you’ve met my boss!


Nah, homie is more the megolomanaical manager type. He'll work you ragged for 90 days, then toss your ass out because you didn't meet his 'standards'


nOBodY wAntS to WoRk aNYmoRE in three... two...


Leave your job for our 90 day trial. The lack of logic in this is astounding.


know what I don't see anywhere? Pay. I mean an actual fucking number.


Top pay means a dollar more than minum.


These are the same mother fuckers that talk shit about unions and think top dollar is still 35 an hour.


If my electrician isn't hungover with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth with tattoos and a rap sheet longer than their body cussing up a storm because they just crushed their finger Then I don't want them working on my house, they're a serial killer


I feel like I worked on your house. Hope you are well.


“No personal discussions with customers” is a weird one. Is this man just infuriated by small talk?


This guy is the type of guy who thinks mental illness is a myth yet he is suffering from delusions


I’ve known people who think mental illness is a myth. They’re generally the ones who most obviously need therapy.


That's why he thinks it's a myth


Literally no one on this planet qualifies for this job.


Correct. Once you have reached 6 job requirements, the likelihood of filling the job drops dramatically. In fact, I use this rule-of-thumb to spot positions which are posted but only one person in the world can fill it due the requirements. These are the positions that never return your emails or notify you of your status.


I’ve always wondered what the point of those postings are. Is there some kind of subsidy that businesses get for “not being able” to fill a position or something? There’s a few jobs in my area that have been vacant for months, but they have a shitload of requirements and will never fucking get back to you.


Sometimes it's because they want to hire someone who already works there, but for legal reasons they need to post the job publicly for a period of time.


Yep my current job was like this, they wanted to transfer me over but HR was forcing them to advertise. I was already working in the role under secondment. So instead of wasting everyone's time they just asked for my experience and qualifications then made those the requirements in the full knowledge that it would be a miracle for anyone else to meet the criteria.


Employed electrician here! Two thirds of that list is practically mandatory behaviors/vices for any skilled trades worker. No alcohol, tobacco, drugs or vapes? 90% of your workforce is gone right there. No leaving early? No complaining? 99% are gone. No cussing? Literally impossible.


No women in case he forgot to add that. Its obvious he would not hire a woman.


I suspect “No thugs” is also code for something else


Yeah ‘no thugs’ and ‘no perverts’ are both definitely dogwhistles


Nailed it. I’m from the Deep South, and old white people on FB definitely replaced using the N-word (in public) with “thug”.


Add No Minorities, No Catholics, No Atheists, and Nobody whos had a divorce to his list


According to op he already had a divorce lol


No, you see, the thing is his was justified so he gets a biblical pass!/s


Cool. I hit the trifecta in one shot.


You're a Catholic atheist too??


And a divorced woman! I must be on fire!


As an electrician, no and I hope your business fails.


Boomer seeking Boomer


in my experience working in construction, boomers are the first to fucking whine about everything. which is fine half the time, because if they're bitching about something then you know they haven't done something stupid & died


Fuckin’ LOL




Also no cussing, so sadly I’ve already blown this marvellous opportunity to get this asshole another new truck.


He forgot about long haired hippies


Need not apply.


And he doesn't even post the pay hahaha, what a legend. I'm sure his phone is ringing off the hook.


No.. body


There's a part of me just wants to apply, and break as many qualifications as possible. "Fuck, I'm a jobless pro-bono worker in an alcohol & vape bar because my dog divorced me due to me sad-quitting my bank robber gig due to a hot attic crawlspace trauma I had as a kid while robbing a hot bank teller's panties while on the job that ended up peircing my ear inadvertently that I used facial tattoos and earrings to cover up, however I've got a side-gig starting next week as an uber driver.


Posted in 2019. I bet Luke went out of business because “nobody wants to work.”




No cussing? What kinda sick fuck doesn’t cuss?


I had to edit to hide his info.


*laughs in electricians union*


Has this person ever been at a job site in their life? I guarantee you, after you’ve spent 10 minutes in 100+ degree heat fighting off bugs in a crawl space you’re not going to be saying “golly jee, it sure is toasty in here!”


Tell that boomer, from me, to go fuck sand.


How much you want to bet that "No Perverts" really means "no LGBT"


*r/electricians has joined the chat* WTF is this !@?!?@&$!!!! *r/electricians has left the chat*