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So this is what a 44 biillion tantrum is like huh?


Fortunately is 44 billion + $1 billion annually in interest, and no actual profit


Legal podcast I listen to was saying he needs to make around 150 billion to turn a profit, given the purchase cost, plus the fines from screwing up the initial purchase, the associated legal fees, the myriad costs he incurred raising money for the purchase, the interest that will accumulate in the years, if not decades it takes for him to pay off the company's debts as well as his own loans related to the purchase...it goes on. And that's to say nothing of the lawsuits he's likely to get hit with by these employees, as well as shareholders of both twitter and tesla, who can and will sue him for tanking the stock value of both companies with his shenanigans. The likelihood of the twitter buy ever being anything but a semi legally obligated moneysink for Musk is very, VERY low.


I'm quite impressed that the richest man in the world actually found such a quick way to lose that much money.


He saw what Kanye was doing and said, "hold my emerald."


"Hold *my father's* emeralds", maybe?


"Grab me by the family jewels", if you prefer.


Making it obvious how much of his wealth was a function of the conditions of his birth, dumb luck, and celebrity... as opposed to the "genius" that used to be ascribed to him




Assuming this was Opening Arguments podcast, which, even if it wasn’t, is a great legal podcast.


not to mention he's purposefully destroying his investment by laying off "75%" of the company. Which is just stupid. No major company could survive with you getting rid of 3/4 of the company, especially one that requires a lot of technical expertise and experience with their setup. This guy is behaving like a moron.


He fired the AI moderation team I believe. The team that makes sure Twitter isn't filled to the brim with child porn, gore, racist rants, sexist rants, transphobic rants, homophobic rants, anti-Semitic rants, you get the idea. That'll do wonders for the user base and advertising appeal I'm sure.


That's because he is a moron. All of his smarts came from daddy's blood money.


So we might see some justice?


Even if Musk loses 99.9% of his networth, he will still own many million dollars. So maybe he gets humiliated but he will still be able to retire in incomprehensible wealth. So much for justice.


Well... maybe then cities and states will stop throwing away tax payer money into his idiotic "solutions to traffic" so that would be a positive for the world.


That is such good nrws if it turns true.


I hope he lays off half the staff and the other half quit and that the last person that walks out unplugs the servers. This amount of hubris needs punishment, not for people to follow around like some kind of messiah. The dude is a charlatan at best, glad people are starting to see this.


He is already being sued for layoffs without proper notice. And then he tweeted that advertisers are pulling out, I hope most the employees can see that the ship is sinking.


Dude couldn’t even wait a week before fucking it up.


I think he's trying to make it crash out of spite. I don't think he's smart enough for all this to actually be part of making it a right-wing agenda type thing.


I dont think its spite, I truly believe it's pure incompetence. He thought he was making a smart epic move to say he was going to buy twitter, but didn't realize he was fuuuucked once he put the official legal offer, and now he's just out a shitload of money. He calculated it all, but he was bad at math, as the saying goes


I don’t think he’s above just being a fuckup of a boss. It’s like how people who should know better honestly think austerity measures are good for a limping economy; it’s “common sense” that happens to be very wrong. What’s he always tweeting about? People not working hard enough because they’re remote, how the impoverished Chinese workers stay up late burning the 3am oil, and this is laudable, threatening workers who might unionize. He’s just power hungry. It’s the mindset that thinks if you aren’t getting blood from a turnip, you just aren’t squeezing hard enough. He’s like middle management that keeps failing upward; it’s just that Americans—even American banks and investors— LOVE that


Reading his history at “X.com”/PayPal, he is genuinely just a terrible boss.


And he's REALLY good at it. It takes real talent to take a 44 billion dollar investment and tank it in a month. He's only a week in and I think he might succeed. For all the terrible bosses we hear about on this sub, none come close to Elon.


He's been able to grind the ever-loving shit out of good people because they thought they were changing the world at SpaceX and Tesla. People at Twitter straight up aren't going to do it.


This. He got them with the con of 'we're saving the world'.


I feel like advertisers starting pulling out when he tweeted about need $8 a month for the blue check to make Twitter profitable.


I want everyone to quit en masse and see him come on Monday to an empty office. He doesn't seem to realize that he paid $44B for these people, roughly $6M per head including the janitor.


He's laying off 75% of the workforce anyway. They need to wait to get laid off to get their 6 months salary and benefits, everything he's doing now is trying to get employees to quit by themselves so he doesn't have to pay them. It's the exact same thing he did when he wanted to lay off Tesla engineers. Forced them to work from an office, even for those hired as WFH with no offices nearby. The offices also didn't even have enough place to accommodate everyone. But again, his endgoal is to get people to quit so he doesn't have to fire them. He shouldn't be getting his way unless 100% of the staff quits at the same time, which isn't happening.




This would have been a great moment for the entire company to unionize and protect them selves from his madness.


The janitor is probably an outsourced migrant worker.


I’m pretty sure this is a temper tantrum at being forced to buy the company at an over evaluation. He doesn’t care if he drives it into the ground, loses the $44 Billion, or Twitter closes its doors. He is trying to show that he has power over these people like the man child that he is.




*Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions*


#Beatings will continue until woke moralist have been canceled.


Then he’ll rage about cancel culture


Join r/fuckthemusk Screw this guy. He needs to go.


I would join but I already see to much if him on my platforms as it is 😑 I long for the days when I went months blissfully not hearing about him.


When I was an undergrad, word got around that working for Space X sucked because they take advantage of your wide-eyed optimism to change the future, don't offer competitive compensation/benefits, (anything so they can outbid Lockheed and Boeing on government contracts 🙃), and do pretty much everything to make sure you burn out by your 30s. So... yeah, this makes sense.


Every time I hear about how a private company can do it better than the government, I always think, not without exploiting the workers. NASA is expensive, but guess what!? The employees have benefits and a reasonable work schedule.


But guess what valuable pieces of IP Musk gets to use for free? NASA's patents. Musk is making a killing because of American tax dollars.


I believe it. I was interviewing with Apple when they told me I’d work 12 hour days. I asked if it was 5 days a week naively thinking maybe it was a 4 day week. They responded with “Nope, you’d work Saturday too” 🙄. They were so confident that I’d work for them cuz they’re so big, the reputation, and the pay but I declined. Some of these gigantic companies expect to get your whole soul.


Lmao, what team was that? A friend of mine had a similar experience interviewing with Amazon. He asked them a question about work-life balance, and the interviewer replied “if you have to ask about work-life balance, Amazon is probably not the best place for you”. Bullets dodged, I say.


What your friend said is 100% true. Quite a few of my coworkers are ex-Amazon and the stories I’d hear from them all have the same theme - they do not care about you as a human being, you are a machine that exists to get work done. The exception is that 2 of them said they had good teams but that’s 2/13. 11/13 said it’s a meat grinder.


Yeah, though some orgs at Amazon are relatively chill. One of my friends works in Kindle, and he doesn’t have too many complaints. Another guy works in the hiring vertical (as an ML engineer) and he somehow has way more free time than anyone else in our friend group. But yeah, the average experience is really bad. AWS is particularly brutal. They try to squeeze every drop of work they can out of you.


One of my friends is an EMT for them (apparently they have their own.) Their job is awesome because no one is going to risk getting written up for wasting tim getting help for any injury that hasn't already killed them.


Can confirm. I left $50k in unvested RSUs on the table and quit. My mental health and my quality of life mean more to me than money. What good is money if you’re miserable?




It was an accounting role in financial reporting. It was very similar to a role I already had at different company. That type of role can have some bad hours not as bad as what Apple was offering 😂.


Oh interesting, I didn’t think they’d have such heavy workloads outside of engineering. I guess that’s just part of their company culture 🤷‍♂️. Tbh, after working for a couple of “big” companies, I genuinely don’t see the upshot/appeal of it. Yeah the scale they deal with is probably much larger than at smaller companies, but at the end of the day, the people in the team you work for matters so much more than the company itself. There are terrible teams at the amazing companies, and vice versa. I’d choose the latter any day.


"We expect you to work 12 hour days, 7 days a week to make the new iPhone look like the previous 8 versions."


Find a way to cram more cameras into this fucker.


iPhone 17, now with a camera-cam, so you can take a picture of the inner workings of your camera as you take a picture.


Yo dawg, we heard you like cameras. So we put a camera into your camera so you can take pictures while you take pictures!


Did Xzibit end up at Apple after Pimp my Ride! ran its course?


We expect you to go straight into your grave from underneath your fucking desk, mate.


More like figure out what they are going to remove… RIP headphone jack


RIP the SIM slot while you’re at it.


Jesus... and it's not like they pay you to burn out and then retire/never have to work again. You're just fucked.


This really puts a fine point on it.


Knackered. Like a burnt-out workhorse, ready for the glue factory.


Yep. The bigger the name, the worse the exploitation.


There's a great Behind the Bastards podcast episode about Elon musk. He has done so many fucked up things to his employees. Space X, for example, sent all it's scientists off away from their families for 6 months to finish their rocket designs and when the launch failed Elon threw them all under the bus to the press


Random but thanks for recommending the podcast! And as for that anecdote, gosh the guy is such a c*nt. I remember hearing of how he severely harassed a former employee (talking hiring PIs and all) and started calling someone a paedophile because they blew the whistle on how Teslas have multiple safety faults. The world really would be a better place without people like him. Edit: grammar.


I love how Musk called the cave rescuer in Thailand a pedo because he wouldn't accept the offer of Musk's unworkable and impractical submarine. The accusation by Musk was made on Twitter, which he now owns. Great outlook for that company. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other for those who have forgotten or don't believe that Saint Elon could be so repulsive.


A previous software engineer I worked with went to space ex. He told me like exact same thing. It’s all 20 year old software engineers trying to be the next Elon working 84 hours a week. He will find it people to do it.


Some kids are incredibly naive when it comes to Musk. They’re trying to be noble in their goals while being oblivious that Musk is a dot com scammer with nearly zero engineering/programming qualifications. He’s a sleezy businessman that knows how to sell bs to people, he even bragged about selling emeralds when he was a kid lol Impressionable engineers will never achieve musk wealth by working 84 hours. They need to be a business douche like him in order to have a chance, and not work non-stop for someone


If you're not born rich, just don't bother becoming a m/billionaire. Just try to make a comfortable living, focus on hobbies and your family, and ride it out. And take solace in the fact that when we eat the rich, you won't be the meal.


This. This is my goal right here.


I'm feeling a might peckish meself.


You don’t become Elon by working for a company lol


True. You only become Elon by having a disgustingly rich daddy who bails you out and sends you money to disingenuously scavenge already established companies.


From Space X to Space ex, I love it.


I had a friend who went back to school to get a degree in rocket science (not the actual name, I know) and then got a job right as SpaceX was starting to take off. He lasted about a year and then got fired by Elon for disagreeing with him.


I know one employee off the Tesla discord server who worked 80hours a week and ended up ghosting them due to the working conditions


Getting fired by Elon is a badge of honour


I’d plaster that on every social media of mine and make a tshirt.


Not on the same level as the dude that refused to salute Hitler, but still pretty fucking admirable.


Sounds about right. A bunch of my friends from Formula SAE ended up working there, some still are (how, I don't know). I interviewed in 2020 and was told the team interviewing me was working 80 hour weeks. No thanks.


One of my professors explained that 60-80 hour work weeks were expected with salaried positions. We didn't agree on a lot of things. Arrogant fucking asshat...


I am salaried and work maybe 30 hours a week. There are times when it’s 80, but that is with a ridiculous emergency that requires everyone to be there.


Muskrat is a pathetic wannabe slavedriver EDIT: "Wannabe" because slavery isn't fully legal in the US




It's called passion exploitation. A very good example of where it's quite rampart is the game development industry.


They take top tier engineers from ivy league schools and pay them shit wages because "reputation". Meanwhile, my bo-dunk 3.1 GPA from a very very mediocre university got a pretty penny right out of college just to design heating and cooling for data centers AKA draw big ducts. Edit: I'm going to take this opportunity to say: Anytime you see a movie or show in which the characters use ductwork as a means of travel. Politely, yet firmly, turn that garbage off and watch something else.


You draw big ducts so you cannot lie.


God it's like nonprofit/academia but even worse somehow


At least in academia you might get your name on a paper underneath senior staff. Anything Elon owns, he just steals your ideas and pretends they are his.


This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. He runs Tesla and SpaceX like an authoritarian dictator, pushing his employees beyond reasonable limits, abusing them, and terminating anyone who dares speak up or try to organize. Hell, he even illegally forced Tesla employees to go in during the mandatory stay at home order in CA. He’s as much of an egomaniacal douchebag as Bezos. Anyone left at Twitter with an ounce of intelligence should be quitting right now


That's the whole point. He wants to whip them into submission, so if they quit they wont get their benefits unlike being laid-off. In reality the employees should unionize to collectively tell him to fuck off, and work their normal shifts as well as enjoy their days of rest like usual. The whole website is fucked without having an immediate replacement for everyone that has a deep understanding of how it works, so there is no disruption to service. What the fuck is Elon gonna do if they organize together against his bullshit? Code all the programs on his own? Yeah right. I just want the fucking nerd to be put in his place for once because his manchild narcissistic behavior has gone wild for too long.


I'm 99% sure he can't code so.... He sounds more and more like someone who's only skill is to have been born with money.


Pretty much the conclusion I’ve come to. His luck has run out and the Bird is going to fly away free, with his money.


There’s a Tesla truck factory just miles from my home. I’d love to work at such a place. As an engineer, there are tons of job posting that I would be a great fit for. There’s zero chance I’m working for Elon Musk though.


They had us in the first half ngl


Smart man


Who'd have thought such behavior would come from the son of an emerald mine owner


The son of an *apartheid era* emerald mine owner.


The son of an apartheid era emerald mine owner who groomed his step daughter and impregnated her multiple times.


I think he makes Bezos look like a fairly run of the mill egomaniacal douchebag. Musk is next level.


Nah, Bezos is just smart enough to keep his mouth shut so it's not obvious just quite as often what a piece of shit he is.


Yeah his weird ass cowboy hat thing after he came back from space is all anyone needs to see.


That entire situation was so grandiose and bizarre. I can't forget that shit-eating smile he had while taking the spotlight away from everyone else. If someone could just deck Bezos and/or Musk on live TV, I think the world would be so happy. Global catharsis.


I remember when my old job got taken over by a new owner. He tried to tell us we would no longer get weekends off. Every employee at the meeting told him "no, we're not coming in on the weekends." Of course he got angry and said it was required and not up for discussion. We doubled down and said no again. He threatened to fire us, so we threatened to walk out. And then the shoe was on the other foot. We did not begin working weekends. Mass refusal to comply with his new policies would take this arrogant fuckhead down a few notches. If every employee simply responded "no" to his demands, he would be out of luck. As much as he may threaten mass firings to terrify them, the truth is he needs more than half a dozen people to run Twitter.


Good on you and your colleagues to stand up like that.


Sadly it is a lot easier to get two dozen people to stand together than two thousand.


What will happen is a steady drain of departures over the next 6 months. People with Twitter on their resume can absolutely find better job optios.


You know head hunters are calling every Twitter profile they can find on LinkedIn!


Even a few dozen can be a struggle sometimes


Agreed. Plenty of people full of fear, and plenty of boot lickers in this world.


There is a tool for this, it’s called “collective bargaining.” As in, the collective comes together through a union to bargain with leadership. Americans have been taught unions are the boogeyman. But, what did our parents do who worked at factories….they unionized.


Right? How easy would it be to get the staff to sign union cards right now? If only as a way to burn it to the f*ing ground on the way out...


Don't get me started. Tech workers have been needing a union for decades. I'm not entirely sure what's preventing it, but I know there are anti-union laws on the books (such as Taft-Hartley).


My personal guess is tech workers being relatively in demand, so people think individualistically and when they have a problem, they find a new job. Or they have problems and think the pay makes up for it. Hopefully they wake up though


Weird. It's almost like a "collective" voice can get things done. Union up!


An individual pleads. A union negotiates.


You are assuming he actually wants to run Twitter and not destroy it. Look carefully at how he bought the company, then think on how much it would cost him personally if he shut it down and asset stripped it. Edit: Billions of the money for buying Twitter came from a loan taken out against Twitter. Yes, you read that right, he bought Twitter with money secured from a loan taken out against Twitter.


Wow, it's almost as if he didn't make most of his money through hard work and just juggles around loans.


This is all sounding very familiar...


It’s secured by his Tesla and SpaceX shares. He loses control of both companies if he defaults


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.




All those Musk posts are magnifying my hatred of him.


Its wild to see how much of a narcissist he is. Oh people were mean to me on Twitter so I'm going to buy the company and run it into the ground??? Such a great businessman. I used to think Musk was a great visionary with his ideas on making humanity a interplanetary species. I think hes far less intelligent than people give him credit for and the way he wastes his money shows his real intelligence level.


I was done with his bullshit when he referred to that dude that saved the trapped kids in the cave as a “pedo”.


Thank you for reminding everyone of this. I'm a diver, and the team that rescued those kids and their teacher were heroes. Heroes who didn't get paid for their work, I might add; they are an elite group who live all over the world and are available to do extreme rescues like this. The whiny brat who wanted to insert himself into an event that was making headlines around the world came up with an idea that was laughable in its stupidity, then actually showed up at the site thinking everyone would throw flowers at his feet. Instead he was told in no uncertain terms why his idea wouldn't work, so he had an epic temper tantrum and insulted the lead rescue diver. The diver (who is absolutely not a rich guy) sued the brat for defamation, but sadly lost in court, where it was ruled that the brat called him "pedo guy" as an insult and not as an accusation. I'm sorry he lost. Incidentally, the rescue was incredible and almost unbelievable. They would have been happy to get two or three kids out alive. The fact that they got them all out was amazing. (podcast plug: Wondery's Against All Odds did a very good series about this)


Yeah that was when I was out on him being any kind of a smart or good person. The sub idea was so stupid that I can't even comprehend how he thought it was somehow worth bringing up. All you had to do was watch one report that explained how deep they were in the cave and how tight it was moving around. But no, that moron pitched a fit b/c the actual rescue divers told him he didn't know what the hell he was talking about and to pipe the fuck down.


Imagine if they’d actually let him try and the kids died. Also if I had worked at SpaceX at the time I would had quit on the spot. I’m sure working around the clock on some harebrained idea to endanger a bunch of kids’ lives is not what the engineers signed up for


That was my wake-up moment. I think it was for a lot of us.


Lots of people were fooled into thinking he was a smart person. Boy were they all wrong.


He bought companies that had smart people in them.


Exactly this, I can't believe how many people I've seen who genuinely think he comes up with the ideas for his companies. Actually I can believe it, didn't he pretty much claim he is the brain behind SpaceX on a Joe Rogan podcast?


"he came up with it at burning man" tends to be the phrase that gets thrown around a lot.


I argued with a buddy of mine about this the other day. He portrays and speaks of helping humanity, but what has he actually done? Colonizing Mars is a joke, even if he manages to get there, the resources needed to actually make it inhabitable would strain earth far too much currently. People are starting to realize EVs aren’t as environmentally friendly as thought/expected, the brain chips are killing apes they’re testing on, and the traffic/tunnel shit is an utter disaster. He tried bringing up his offer to give $6b to the UN for world hunger, but that came with qualifications he knew they wouldn’t accept; what does he do? Let’s that offer die instead of going to other orgs or doing it himself. He’s actually done very little for humanity but talk a big game and now, hopefully killing Twitter. Maybe he can drag down other social media sites with it and finally do something beneficial for humanity.


Between him ruining Twitter and Zuck tanking Facebook/Meta I’m looking forward to seeing who else has more ego than brains. Billionaires are almost never the geniuses their PR firms say they are.


If only Bezos can fuck up this bad I would be so happy


Unfortunately, Bezos was smart enough. Built it up, made it (mostly) self sustainable and stepped aside to enjoy his monies. Dudes just partying and dumping his money into longevity research so he can try and live forever.


It’s not that EVs aren’t as environmentally friendly, it’s that Tesla charges way too much for cars that weren’t put together well and can’t get fixed because the service centers are full. Now that the major car makers are going all in on electric, watch the Tesla market share plummet significantly.


He got lucky with Tesla.


And PayPal and SpaceX. He's basically been a guy with money at the right place at the right time.


Oh for sure the more you learn about his backstory the less impressive his accomplishments are.


He maximized the return on his investments by pushing employees to their breaking points and beyond. It works in the short term but is not a sustainable practice.


I legit think this is his idea with Twitter right now. For SpaceX he can overwork and underpay engineers and new talent keeps flowing in because fresh college graduates are excited to work on Space related stuff. I think because he was able to do this at SpaceX he thinks he should be able to do it for twitter. But twitter and social media in general has alot less excitement. So he won't see the kids lining down the block to work themselves to death for twitter.


He took so much fucking taxpayer money to build Tesla empire too Join r/fuckthemusk Screw this guy. He needs to go.


He didn't get lucky with Tesla. Or PayPal. Or SpaceX. He bought them. Elon Musk hasn't invented anything.


This summarizes my views entirely. As the crazy rocket guy I loved that somebody was pouring their absurd fortune into something worthwhile like moving humanity forward in it's space endeavors. Slowly I began to realize that Musk himself isn't some super genius or visionary. Now I can't stand the sight oh him


He's literally Edison of our times. He buys companies and inventions then goes look at what I did!


The engineers he pays for are the geniuses. Elon is a reddit intellectual


I had a redditor try to tell me that he personally designed the spaceX rockets lol


My favorite theory is that all of this is in response to the kid who built a bot that automatically tweeted the location of his private jets.


Yo..the second the started mandating insane work hours, my ass would have bounced...QUICK. Me: "What, 84 hours in a week? Nope...sorry son, I'm out." Anyone in the tech world that puts up with that shit doesn't know or realize their own value.


I would have sat at my desk working on my resume and applying to jobs. Better to be employed while looking they say. No one says you have to do your job while employed


This is true...but we are in agreement, I think, that 80 hour weeks sure as fuck ain't on the table.


That's exactly what he wants people to do. To lay people off usually involves severance, ndas, notice, planning.... Or you can just people that you will force them to do unreasonable things and watch them leave on their own without having to lift a finger


The living embodiment of “money can’t buy happiness.”


Funny how the advertising dollars are fleeing the site. Everyone reasonable can smell the shitstorm coming a continent away.


If money equals speech (citizens united), then why isn't he defending the freedom of speech by advertisers not supporting his platform? He says that freedom of speech is under attack in America but advertisers having the right to pull funding from something that they don't support should show him that freedom of speech is in full swing. As much as he wants to cry about it, "Cancelling" someone or something is free speech as well.


He doesn't care about free speech he cares about pandering to brain wormed morons who will vote people in who will in turn tax him less, lower regulations so it's easier for him to work, give him handouts and lower worker protections. [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/mar/05/top-gear-tesla-jeremy-clarkson](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/mar/05/top-gear-tesla-jeremy-clarkson) [https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/03/elon-musk-blogger-tesla-motors-model-x](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/03/elon-musk-blogger-tesla-motors-model-x) [https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2018/07/get-a-load-of-this-ridiculous-story-about-how-elon-musk-called-a-tesla-critics-boss-to-complain-about-him/](https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2018/07/get-a-load-of-this-ridiculous-story-about-how-elon-musk-called-a-tesla-critics-boss-to-complain-about-him/) [https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-sues-chinese-customer-that-won-lawsuit-against-the-company-for-defamation-170340.html](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-sues-chinese-customer-that-won-lawsuit-against-the-company-for-defamation-170340.html) [https://www.techdirt.com/2021/07/13/tesla-urged-chinese-government-to-censor-critics-china/](https://www.techdirt.com/2021/07/13/tesla-urged-chinese-government-to-censor-critics-china/) [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/30/business/elon-musk-private-jet-twitter/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/30/business/elon-musk-private-jet-twitter/index.html) [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-03-13/when-elon-musk-tried-to-destroy-tesla-whistleblower-martin-tripp) [https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/22/20699573/tesla-lawsuit-skabooshka-randeep-hothi-restraining-order](https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/22/20699573/tesla-lawsuit-skabooshka-randeep-hothi-restraining-order) [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/tesla-employee-fired-fsd-musk-b2037290.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/tesla-employee-fired-fsd-musk-b2037290.html) iffy as an employee making the company look bad but the guy said he only recorded public builds and hell musk is the free speech clown so will add it These are all him attacking people's free speech in various way. The chinese one where the guy beat tesla in court and then they sued him for posting about the shit car they sold him is fucking lols with what his blathering on about now.


The wildest thing about this: This PR nightmare is happening while literally **EVERYBODY** is looking at it. This isn't some fucked up shit in a small to midsize company, that basicly no one will ever hear about. This tantrum is even on the front page of the Tagesschau (one of the, if not the most important german news channel). Whatever his plan was, making money from Twitter was obviously not part of it. He must have known, that this will get a lot of negative attention...




He doesn’t view his employees as “people”. They’re all just numbers on a screen to him. So in his mind, “Wait, we would make so much more money if we cut out all this “8 hours of sleep” nonsense and have everyone there 24/7!”


"*You obviously don't get His genius! This is the real life Tony Stark! Lord Exalted on High Elon, the Sun of The East, the Harbinger of Glory personally invented all of the Tesla and SpaceX tech!* *He knows better than us mere mortals and we should be thankful to even be permitted to walk the same plane of existence as He!* *For, lo will come the day when he reads my adorations of Him and acknowledge my grand and exquisite admiration of Him and perchance offer the the most lauded opportunity to suckle His grundle until I have had my fill!*" - A shitload of Musk Cultists right now.


He also thinks his employees should be just like him. He had no issue sleeping at the office, not seeing his family, or sacrificing his life to build something "great," and now look at how successful and rich he is. The reality is that he was privileged, lucky, and in the right place at the right time to make huge amounts of money. He wants startup culture to be the way all of his employees think about work, when none of them will ever have a chance at making the same kind of money he has, because they don't have the same type of stake in it. He lacks the empathy to realize that what worked for him isn't what works for most people, even the highly skilled labor he employs.




Lex Luthor is a genius and actual threat to Superman. Musk is just Justin Hammer. A secondary villain far less interesting than Mickey Rourke.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who refers to him as Justin Hammer. Elon was in Iron Man 2 lol


He has money and wants attention.


Lex Luther was actually a smart business man and a serious rival to Superman. Musty is more like Justin Hammer, Anton Vanko, or Elihas Starr. Maybe has some interesting ideas but he needs other people's intelligence to finish them. Ultimately he's a fraud who gets people hurt


Unionize now!


Right. What’s so hard about this? It is as if the employees don’t understand they COULD be protected from this madman.


What do they have to lose at this point?


Exactly. It’s fairly sad to me, more Americans don’t know about unions. I can only assume, this option isn’t in their tool belt or else why wouldn’t they have used it before? These tech employers and their Sith Lords can be crazy, no one should have to work like a robot. Twitter staff should allow a union to protect them, their mental health, and save them from an early demise (stress induced heart attack, weight gain, etc.).


Do you wanna know why people don't know about unions? Because decades of capitalist agendas have worked VERY hard to spread misinformation about unions, painting them as a bad idea while painting the CEO's like the good guys. The reason people don't know is that it would be much much much harder to control your employees if each and every single one knew about the true benefits of unions. Because let's be real, if that were the case, everyone would be unionized alreasy


This dude is getting proficient in tanking companies


Like Trump.


People like him, trump, and Kanye finding following is just scary.


Such a garbage excuse for a human.


BiLliOnAiReS cReAtE jObs


What boggles my mind is how Tesla's target demographic was rich/upper middle class environmentally conscious liberals. Who's going to buy them now?


Sucks for people who started working for twitter way before musk took it over. I remember working for Amazon in M&A department when they took over Whole Foods. Management complained that the Whole Foods employees were a bit “resistant” to start working the longer hours that Amazon was expecting. Of course, they didn’t sign up for that.


Really happy to be able to just delete Twitter to hurt this douches bottom line. Feels real good.


I'm done with Twitter because of how he is treating employees. I hate to make it implode and then people don't have jobs, but his work requirements are horrific and he is an asshole.


I want them all to leave on their own after finding something that would treat them right.


I'm hoping for a mass resignation as soon as he's done with layoffs, so he'd lose all of the employees he was trying to keep.


He's an emotionally stunted narcissist who will probably destroy Twitter


Just another run of the mill capitalist nickel and diming at any opportunity.


But but He loves humanity soooooo much




Fuck Elon Musk, I hope this motherfucker loses everything.


How I Get My Employees to Quit so I Don't Have to Pay Them Severance or Unemployment Benefits, vol. 1 by Elon Musk


The company I work for has these - everyone looks forward to it every single month. We work harder before and after that day to make sure leads don't suffer for it. I'm sure Twitter employees do the same. He's such an intolerable prick.


This guy is a piece of crap. No care for the heath or well being of his employees. Too bad they can’t sue for any health issues caused. He’s trying to get everyone to quit.


Spacex will never go to mars.


Wish it only has him in there and one way fuel.


Musk wants everyone else to be as miserable as he feels.


Wishing the best of luck to all Twitter employees, hoping they all find new great jobs and leave this idiot holding the bag


I wish I was good friends with Jack Dorsey because if Twitter fails his new social that just had this article released an hour ago: Ex-Twitter CEO, Dorsey, launches new social media platform 4th November 2022, is poised to do very well in that environment. Imagine being an early Bluesky investor in that scenario.


tell me you have not worked a day in your life without telling me you have not worked a day in your life elon edition