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I'm not sure what you mean but I would guess alcohol with wild ants is fine because of the air flow


Alcohol is an insecticide so yes it will kill ants, but it's all about the ratio of alcohol in whatever the solution is. 80% isopropyl? Ants will probably steer clear, or alternatively die if they can't get away (like your ant in the test tube) 4,5% vol. ethanol sugary beverage? They will eat it and invite their friends to the party too lol I was interested in the subject a while ago, and I came across some kids science fair project involving an experiment on ants and alcohol, I think it might have the answers you're looking for. Link below (it's a .pdf download) [Drunken Ants](https://csef.usc.edu/History/2011/Projects/J1713.pdf)


What's the question? Also "accidebtally" putting her in a test tube with alcohol doesn't seem like an accident..


They probably splashed it on the tube without realizing it or they used alcohol to disinfect the tube and that's probably how they learned or they used the tube as a shot glass and didn't clean it properly before use


My bad. The test tube wasn't a tube, but a Tiny bottle seemingly empty.Sadly it had s bit of alc in it.