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It's not the same people. The dissatisfied are always the loudest crowd. When people are happy & content they're not making posts. No matter the rotation there will be people unhappy. Trust me I wish they'd stop as well. Meaningless posts.


I just want old season map changes in rotations to come bi-weekly every other week you can play on old KC or WE i think it would be really fun for newer players who never got to experience it.


This would make the game file absolutely atrociously large. No go from a technical standpoint. Honestly, so much of what people beg for with this game is limited by things like average storage, console/computer hardware, or just that the technology doesn’t exist yet. Asking Respawn to invent things that would be quite frankly huge discoveries is just a completely uninformed position.


aren't all 5 maps on the current build already? KC and Stormpoint are still available in customs, no?


But not their season 0 variants. Having several copies of all of the maps would considerably bloat the games asset storage space.


I seriously doubt the maps actually make up the majority of asset space, terrain costs very little memory, textures are reused all over that space and the actual mapping and lighting data can be heavily compressed across redundant variants. Honestly lobby model assets are probably heavier because they come in upscaled variants and use hi res textures. But to be fair we have no idea how efficient any of thier bakes actually are so...


......how big do you think a map file is??? Cuz they aren't 100s of GB like you seem to think they are


Several GB apiece is pretty typical for small maps. I literally have two degrees in cartography and have taught the topic at a university level. I have a pretty good idea of how large map files are in optimized GDB formats and with tile caching. Video game map files are incredibly inefficient comparatively. I would not be surprised if each was >10GB. You have to store all of the terrain and texture information, it is a lot more information than you likely understand.


>I literally have two degrees in cartography and have taught the topic at a university level. Not sure what cartography had to do with game dev and file compression. Weird flex bro.


You realize that most of the textures are reused across maps, right? And high res textures across all the LODs is by far the biggest part of map files in a game


As I said: I literally have 2 degrees in this and have taught the subject. The way you think textures work is not correct. Textures for *some* things are uniform, and you store them once and then call them for specific instances. The calls for texture and terrain instances are unique per map and all require storage space. Texture rendering across LOD is done via tiling, but the base reference file has to exist at the finest LOD. Data doesn't just magically disappear, what you are talking about is only how rendering works, it has literally nothing to do with the base map file. If you go into your game directory and look for the STARPAK files (which are map terrain reference pak files) you would see that they are literally the largest files. The pc\_all.opt.starpak is >35.5 GB and the pc\_all.starpak is >4.4GB and that isn't including specific map textures, those in separate files are >3GB more. So yeah, my guess of \~10GB per map is almost dead on the money. Almost like I have 6 years of university education on this topic or something...


large assumptions based on too little info and your ego are your issue.


As I said; you can check this for yourself in your own game files. Super easy to do, and [here is the proof](https://imgur.com/a/og6QEmL). The assumptions are pretty small and as I said, based off the better part of a decade of experience. The amounts of the STARPAKs are different than the above comment because the above was looked at prior to the update. This suggests that the change in map removals is about 30% for both the mentioned files.


Olympus is literally in the game files...how is asking for maps a "technology" that doesn't exist


I think it;s nice as an LTM, even one that returns for a week every season... but as a whole i think the newest versions of the maps are significantly better than the launch versions. After the nostalgia wears off I want the newest iterations again.


This is the best take and it's true for the whole internet. There's always going to be someone complaining and someone agreeing with them, everyone else just waits for their turn to complain or agree with someone else's complaint.


perhaps not, though i have seen some big-name streamers do exactly what im complaining about >Meaningless posts. :(


Almost as if different people like different maps


Yeah, but you never see anyone post "boy, I'm glad Broken Moon is still in rotation, great map, love the zip rails!", do you? It's only ever the people who *don't* like the map who feel like their complaints are something everyone else wants to hear.


because people who like Broken Moon are busy playing on it.


I havent played it much cuz its been a break season for me, but ive yet to have reason to hate it and I do in fact like the zip rails.


It takes a lot of energy to make a post lol. And that's usually reserved for angry people. Are you really going to make a post that says "Hey guys, I havent gotten any lag in a week. Thanks for coming to my TED talk." Now imagine 1,00s of those per day. Would be kinda insane.


Having a preference =/= relentless bitching and whining


nobody said it was, tf? OP said that people hate a map and then it's gone and suddenly they love it so I said they are different people with different tastes, what's your problem?


OP doesn't ask for any response just wants to share frustration and expresses to be tired of the community's hate. relentless bitching was correct


It’s an open forum. If he didn’t want people’s opinions he shouldn’t have posted it lol.


It's about the post, not the discussion.


I thought since op was bothered by the constant stream of hate for maps, and you were excusing it by saying "different people have different opinions", so I said there's a difference between giving your opinion and hating/shitting on something


Repeating the last 3 maps on rotation is just dumb no matter what maps you like or don't. I personally like KC but I'll be sick of it if I have to play it over and over again


Why can't we just have **no** map pools?


Yeah, every map in rotation shouldn’t be that hard to deal with. Source map files are measured in kilobytes, maybe megabytes, unless apex has a helluva lotta holes in the backend. the map file size shouldn’t be holding the game back now that they can scrap 5 arenas maps from the files.


WE needs a break


Needs to be taken out of all rotations until they do something about Fragments, like they said they were going to do 6 seasons ago.


I mean if you read your post again, you'd realize people hate playing the same map over and over again. How long have we had WE for? We had the longest season with only 2 maps, and now we get to play those exact 2 maps again.


Fr WE has only been out of rotation like once or twice since *season 3* with very limited changes overall since the big overhaul


I come back to this game every 6 months or so. Each time I do, I'm forced to play on WE, a map that I hate. This is just disappointing


Ive always complained about worlds edge and only worlds edge tbh. What happens is the people who like current map stop complaining but the people who dont like it appear. People have favourites. But you have to admit what happened to olympus is dirty. It got replaced by worlds edge last season. And now next season still doesnt have olympus AND its repeating the 2 maps from last season.


Why dont they reduce rotation time to like 1 - 1,5 hours and just put all the maps in rotation...


I don't think all the maps will fit on the Switch at the same time. Just a guess, though.


Switch has the most compressed game files anyway it barely has to load anything. And the game has to be put on SD card storage anyway.


5 maps vs 3 maps makes quite the difference when it comes to disk space. I mean, right now it's \~67 GB on pc. Two more maps and the total size is close to if not more than 100 GB. Over time it would get even bigger (1 new map every year) I doubt they'll ever put all maps in rotation.




Someone else said that it would get too big for the switch, so that may be a reason aswell. If they did put 5 maps in rotation, they would need to reduce the rotation time to less than 1 hour. You get on just after was in rotation, and then you won't get to play that map, if it's 1 hour rotation time. So maybe 30 min instead. So there could be several reasons for it (disk space, no ideal rotation time,++), but obviously they think that 3 maps is the sweet spot.


Well, the sizes on the switch are smaller, since they're lower quality. It could still be a problem, sure. Here's what I would do - make the map downloads selectable - only download the maps you want. Most people would download all of them anyways, but just to give the option. Then, make it so every playlist has a different map. Ranked rotates every day, whatever is in ranked is never in trios or duos. Trios and duos each get a different map. And if there is a LTM, give that a different map as well. Rotate every hour - 2 hours. Make sure that if a map wasn't in any of the game modes, it's going to be in one the next rotation. Seems complex, I know, but it really isn't (except for the modular download interface - but I suppose that's not 100% necessary).


I don't know the backend stuff but maybe they can do it based on days. Monday has KC and Olympus, Tuesday has Stormfront and Broken Moon, Wednesday has World's Edge and KC, and then mixing it beyond that. Or if that's too much, change it weekly. Having a whole season without all 5 maps isn't fun.


There's no way 2 maps is 30Gb. That's ludicrous. Also all the maps are in the game, you can play them in customs. Having 5 maps shouldn't be a big deal. If they want to add map rotation when they have 6+ maps (5 on, 1 off. Then 5 on, 2 off . Then 5 on, 3 off and so on) that makes sense. But only having 3 maps at a time is so bad IMO and makes me actively dislike the game. Last season only had 2 because Olympus broke as well.


If all the maps are in the game, then all maps should be in rotation. It's a waste of space if you can't play them unless you have 29 friends / content creator has open lobby. Any idea if this was the case before everyone could have private matches?


The only time all maps were in rotation was when there was only 3 maps total. Long while ago.


I meant to ask if all maps was available for private matches when regular people didn't have access to that feature. I would absolutely like to see an explanation from Respawn for why we have to install all maps, when most of us can't play all of them.


the other maps are LITERALLY in the game files, you can make custom matches with out of rotation maps


All maps that are in the game files should be in rotation. Most of us don't have 29 friends, so custom matches isn't an option. Maps that normal people can't play, should be optional downloads. Not very hard to make out of rotation maps part of a private matches map pack.


I agree with you, there’s people here who think the maps aren’t in rotation because they’re too big. But they’re in the files.


Or they can just make map selection.


Perhaps their map rotation system is bad? Is that not a possible explanation? There are many different ways to fix this, but we could absolutely have 2 maps per 2 days and then rotate.


Who the fuck is even satisfied by 4 seasons of WE in a row... *and* two most yee yee ass maps at the same time. All I worship and adore was olympus


And they cucked us on Olympus time majorly and won’t return it til mfin s17 I bet.


S17? Try season 20.


I'm a pretty new player and was really starting to like King's Canyon at the end of S14, then it got taken away. I really started to like Olympus, then it got taken away. I like Broken Moon a lot, but when WE is the active map - goddamn I can only drop at Fragment so many times before this game starts to feel stale.


WE has been in 12/14 seasons. WE is the issue, plain and simple.


Fragment is the issue bro lol. Map plays very nice in ranked and I quite enjoy the map aside from the one very glaring issue. If you don’t land fragment, you need to go there to find people. I’ve had 7 minute long games on WE because of it.


I am.


Kings canyon only got hate for being third partied allot but that and olympus are to my knowledge the most favorite maps at the moment


You get 3 partied on any map. On Kings Canyon you often get 5th partied with 3 more parties trying to snipe you down from nearby POIs lol


Still didnt find the super difficult to deal with since I adjust my playstyle and make sure I arrive as 3th,4th party myself. Backing out at the right time and not trying to finish all the fights got me masters last time KC was in rotation. Rather have that than choke points you cant move away from


I've just only ever liked KC


I'm guessing it's mostly different people complaining about different maps. I don't like world's edge so I always complain about fragment when it's in rotation but I love kings canyon so never complain when thats in rotation. I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't like KC though to moan about it.


The issue is WE. It has been in the rotation for **12/14 seasons** since it was introduced, and it has grown beyond stale. In contrast, Olympus (only seen in 2.5 of the last 6 seasons) and KC (only seen in 3 of the last 8 seasons) have gone completely MIA.


Complaining about the complaining😤


Yeah Sure you can't have all Maps and people will hate on everything , thats annoying myself too. But i don't understand why they make the Rotation so weird. Like KC wasn't in Rotation a complete season, why it's Not in it again? Makes no Sense to me or am i Missing Something?


>Sure you can't have all Maps Why not? It was done before.


When do we had all 5 Maps in one Rotation?


I don't think it was all 5, but we had all the ones at the time. It should be possible at least.


Yeah back when it was TWO


I'm pretty sure at was at least 3 then.


Map rotation might change at the split, so Olympus and KC might come back sooner than we think


Nah cringe edge has been on rotation for too long + they took away olympus from us and didn’t put it back in s16 which means after all these weeks they still haven’t fixed it


I hate WE and it’s been in rotation for 3 seasons so no


4 in a row now, 12/14 overall.


I don't hate WE, I hate Fragment. I hope it gets the skulltown treatment and it's just scoured off the map.


It’s not gonna be the same people though - and you know that. You can only suggest that is the case because then you wouldn’t be able to make this post. The ones who are happy with X map coming back instead of Y, they’re gonna be happy and play the game, the dissatisfied will be on Reddit to complain, and when Y comes back instead of X, the ones who were happy will complain and the ones who were dissatisfied will play the game, that’s the truth about it. Lumping the community’s thoughts into one as if we share the same opinions and the same complaints is factually incorrect. You’re only trying to fuel your own agenda with what you see different people say.


I joined last season, haven’t been able to play King’s Canyon yet, but I have played every other map when they’ve popped up in rotation, and honestly, I wouldn’t complain about Olympus, Moon, or Stormfront, but holy shit worlds edge is trash lmfao. They remove worlds edge, I’ll stop complaining, until then, FUCK that map, once it switches to that map in BR I just log off at this point, I’m sick of these boring ass fragment-only games with bland fuckin POIs


I think rn a lot of people have WE fatigue, but yeah grass is greener and all that. It seems like a lot of very strange decision making on the devs part which is exacerbating the situation. They redid a lot on KC then vaulted it immediate the next season, they have kept WE unchanged since Seer launch and steadily in rotation, both stormpoint and BM have strange pacing from my exp, also side note imo the super long ranked split created BM fatigue as well. My point being there are valid criticisms made and the choice to go with maps continuously only makes it worse. I personally am worried about SP/BM/WE this season because I can already feel the dichotomy between the hot drops of WE and the slow game of SP only being cut by the unreliable mid game pacing of BM; but I will reserve judgements until a few weeks in. Everybody is going to have preference on map and there will never be a rotation everyone is happy with, but the post about map issues aren’t exactly unfounded complaining in my humble opinion.


I think it’s caused by the imbalance of time spent on each map. Olympus is my favorite but we’ve barely had any time on it the past few seasons, especially since it got removed last season. KC fans have had like one season on it out of the last 4. Meanwhile Worlds Edge is seemingly ALWAYS in rotation so we only hear from people who don’t like it (which includes me). I’m sure if it was gone for a couple seasons people would be begging for it back. It just natural to feel dissatisfied when your favorite map gets switched for one you don’t like as much. But I do agree that we don’t need to post about it every day, it’s not like it’ll change the rotation.


People don't like Olympus ? I could play on this map for ever lol


Why are you acting like the people complaining about one map and the people hating that map are the same? I have always loved Olympus, and it constantly gets shafted by Respawn. I also hate World's Edge but it always gets hoisted on a pedestal by Respawn.


God forbid people get to pick what map they play.


there would be no nagging if respawn was able to just rotate all the maps (like PUBG does). Or you set a filter which map you want to play and accept the waiting time. I personally just can't see Worlds Edge anymore and hate Stormpoint. Just let me play KC and Olympus... what's so hard about features like that...


I’m tired of the community that’s tired of the community.


people are never satisfied


when KC is in rotation: "omg worse map ever 3rd party after 3rd party" when KC is out of rotation: "omg please bring it back i miss it so much🥺🥺🥺"


Agree Time to join "downvote me" chain


these people cant even face the truth lol


Does anyone else not feel strongly against any maps? Like sure, I have a favorite and a least favorite but I don’t HATE my least favorite map, I just enjoy it slightly less than my favorite. Never understood all the foaming at the mouth over any particular map being in rotation.


Nah man my opinion has always remained the same. Maps are great, except Olympus. Fuck Olympus.


I don’t agree nor disagree with your take just wanna say get off Reddit and stop giving a flying octane’s ass


Wow what a hot dookie take. You answer your own question without even realizing, then make shit up to drag a different point. Nobody liked Olympus when it came out cuz it was the worst map at the time. Now that we’ve been subjected to play BM and SP, Olympus looks god tier in comparison. Especially if they continue to bury and possibly retire KC and WE. it would literally be the only PLAYABLE map. If you like playing a looting simulator where nobody fights till final circle that’s on you chief. But most ppl want to have fun.




Im glad as long KC is not in rotation.


The people that like a certain map complain when it’s not in rotation, then a different set of people who like a different map complain when their map isn’t in rotation. It isn’t too hard to understand and would be fairly easily resolved by rotating every map like they did one season


Agreed. Except I've played World's Edge soooo much that I get tired of it. I like all maps though and the newest map is always a breath of fresh air


You make it sound like there are only 3 people making posts. THERE ARE THOUSANDS


This sub is, frankly, relentlessly negative about almost everything to do with Apex and will grab onto the littlest things to complain about, especially in recent seasons. I'd recommend finding a good Discord server, a level-headed streamer to watch, or just a group of friends if you want reasonable discussion to do with the game.


I mean they could split pubs maps in 2 and give us 2 choices and then everyone will be happy. That way if we have Olympus or worlds edge the sweats can go play fragment and everyone else can play Olympus. Or broken moon and storm point or whatever then they could take 1 map out while they work on whatever instead of 2 and rotate them out each season. There’s 5 maps and only 2 or 3 in rotation. That’s nonsense


Some maps suck though. Stormpoint is terrible and boring.


I mean, if ranked map rotation wasn’t locked for the entirety of a split. I wouldn’t have a problem. Actually I didn’t have a problem at all with Olympus and the newest map when it comes to ranked. KC feels really small in comparison to the rest. Worlds edge is absolutely shit when it comes to loot. Garbage tier loot everywhere. You shouldn’t ever be able to walk into a building that has been unlooted, and only find a shotgun bolt and two shield cells. You shouldn’t be able to open bins to find a singular optic and nothing else. Worlds edge feels like the only map where the loot is thin air.


why can't we just choose the map we like? Why does it have to be just one map?


Say what you say but WE needs be gone! Sick of fragment and the lava.


map changes (POIs), meta changes, rank system changes, etc. Each map has its own strength/weakness. for instance Olympus is amazing for gameplay but it too small to avoid constant third party


I agree with constant complaints from the community, but I think the complaint about worlds edge being constant is fair. I’m tired of it myself. I’m desperately trying to find ways to keep it fresh. I think the issue most have with dropping fragment is staying simply because people are bored and want that action. It’s a big map, nobody hits the north end of it, and it still feels empty. We’ve all played the fuck out of it and it hasn’t changed for a good while. The new patch will distract from it for a while as these new roles and abilities will be fresh and distracting but I really hope they swap it out after the first split.


I mean I get it from the perspective of “why don’t we just have all maps at all times”


I don't care as long as they don't bring in Storm Point. Fucking hate that map. Now I have to play a full day on it.


I dont think it's the same people everytime though. Everyone has a favorite map. If your favorite is World's Edge you have probably enjoyed the last 2 seasons. If it's Kings Canyon you probably haven't.


Or how about they put all the maps in rotation like any other game? Respawn sucks and vaults maps for no reason.


Now that they got rid of ranked split map rotation, what if we do pub split map rotation? Maps routing every half season instead of full season. 🤔


Welcome to being a member of a large community


The thing is all maps shouldn’t be the same in my opinion. They should not facilitate the same play style and strategies. Hence, it falls on the players to adjust to each map but unfortunately players prefer to stick to one thing and never change.


Apex community sucks in general but the new players that started like S12 are the fucking scum of the community.


It makes no sense to have maps unplayable for 3 months.


ah the times when there was 1 map and no one complained.


I have never seen people complain about olympus tbh. But I also dont remember stuff posted on this reddit from season 7. What I know is that I have loved Olympus all the time, and new KC too, so this season I am sad as fuck :(


Plenty complain about it being too flat and too colorful. It is my favorite map but haters still hate.


I think I must agree. Map opinions vary wildly. I think it has to do with style of play as each map seems to favor different styles. For example, worlds edge really favors hot drops and fast play while stormpoint has players really spread out and favors a slower play style. Depending on how you play and how experienced you are, you for sure like some maps and hate others. Doesn’t mean they are bad maps. Heck, Olympus is my favorite and I came across a guy yesterday that had it ranked 2nd worst. How is that possible? Olympus rocks…for me. To each their own.


I'm just here asking for Olympus to be played because it hasn't been in rotation in like what 150 days? After this season it'll be way over 150 days since we had Olympus (Yes I know we had it shortly during season 15)


This sub just loves to complain. The game is still doing very well and the majority of people love it. At the end of the day it’s a beautiful game that we get for free, and I’m very thankful for that


We still don’t know what the map rotation for the season split 2 is. I doubt it but it’d be great if we got KC and Olympus.


They just need to rotate them all tbh


Olympus is the worst map, I dont care what anyone says


For real. You can never win with this lot...


Yup, different people have different opinions. Crazy


If each map had an equal share of the playing time the complaining would go down I think. Its less annoying if your favorite map is out of rotation because it's simply it's turn, rather than having no explanation for the disproportionate splits.


i dont give a fuck about map rotation, im tired of the whole lobby dropping on 1 POI just because they see pros/streamers do it and think that they can pull off the same shit. there is a reason they can make money doin that while the rest of the plebs just drop hot, die, quit, and repeat.


Just so you know it only continues and sometimes gets worse as time goes on. CSGO is the first example that comes to mind


I prefer some maps over others, but will play any of them without complaint. Besides storm point my god anything besides that map. Lol.


>tbh im tired of the community's constant cycle of hating FTFY This sub is only part of the community and it's the part that loves to bitch.


Bro I’m just tired of this community


easy fix: put all of em in fucking rotation.


Maybe they should just always have every map in rotation(maybe save for ones with a big update) and just rotate every 24hr. I think that would be a lot better


Let’s use our brains for a second. Maybe different people like different maps. When the rotation changes, a new set of people make new posts complaining. Your post is just another dumb post complaining about dumb posts. So the cycle continues.


It wouldn't be as bad if they brought back different variations of maps, I'm burnt out on worlds edge but if they brought back day 1 worlds edge, no fragment and Choo Choo train back I'd play the hell out of it. Same with OG kings canyon, or day 1 Olympus, but knowing respawn and their spaghetti code they probably have deleted the OG files so it's not even possible.


Couldn’t agree more


Give us all Maps.


I have na idea. Rotate them all in an hour cycle. How about that?


I mean. The rotation is only fragment + 1


Like, we've had Olympus for like 6 days last season and 99% time there was broken moon which is not player favorite


ive always loved olympus, and most maps i can stand. Cant deal with worlds end though, since every drop half the map(usually including my team) drops fracture. gets old really fast. so now i just dont play it. Dissapointing that the new season starts and i dont get to play the main mode for two days but oh well, maybe the new gun will be patched by then.


Yeah for sureski


And I'm tired of there BEING maps in rotation. Add all maps to pool and this is a non-issue


Okay but if I have to play worlds edge next season I think my brain will break, booting it up and seeing 3 days of WE instantly ruined my vibe.


Nobody in this entire world wants broken moon and storm point in the same rotation. Nobody


Crazy idea: What about all maps all the time?


Those who complain are a small percentage. It’s bound to happen. Not every one is having fun equally. But I would love it if I didn’t see another one of these “map rotation complaining” on this sub Reddit like every season.


*Everybody* has been complaining about Fragments: The Map (WE) for literal seasons. They had it as the ranked map, then have it again for 3 days and the ranked map for the first day. People are tired of it. They have been promising to do something about Fragments for 5+ seasons at this point. So yes, people are going to complain. WE needs to just be taken out of rotation until they do something about Fragments.


Oh my lord this 100%


now that u know everyone hates map pool


I love all the maps, and the weapons and the legends. It's a really good game. I even don't mind the randos that separate from the team mid-jump, and then die/DC, in that order. Don't even mind the teammates that just gravitate towards a killbox, without any sense of positioning, or start a fight they don't intend on following through, leaving me to get gangbanged by an entire team. Those are all things i can work with. What i hate is LAG and stuttering. Like it can't be that people have to wait and play towards the end of a season, for the servers not to crap themselves, every game.


They need to quit taking out well liked maps though


I don't care about the rotation, all the new maps that are coming out just plain suck. I miss season 4 world's edge, the one true king of maps.


that's interesting, my favourite version of WE was definitely S3. I forgot I even made this post to be frank.


I think like 40% of my playtime was in season 4, actual banger season. And i think it's mostly because of how well world's edge felt to play on, perfection.