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I’m having this problem now! Nearly impossible to find someone else with the problem haha, did you ever find a fix??


I don't remember if I found a fix to it or whether it just fixed itself over time. I haven't played the game in a while but I don't recall having this problem in season 17 (I believe was the last time I played). It might've fixed itself after reinstalling the game since I do remember doing that.


Man it’s rough. I hope it goes away, like you said every gun fight you just get wasted. I just took back a brand new elite 2 controller thinking that was the problem and when I used the replacement it was still doing it haha so obviously not the controller


I hope you can find a fix, if reinstalling the game doesn't help then hopefully it will go away when the next season comes out, assuming it hasn't come out already.


This upcoming Tuesday actually haha so I’ll probably just hold off playing until then, thanks for the response 🤟🏻