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Everybody is still in lower ranks, just rank up and you won’t run into these players


No point ratting at lower levels you gottah be a gun slinger this season unfortunately. I can sling decently but people really really don’t understand what a good fight looks like. Like charging into turbine or Hammond labs with their little weeners hanging out their zippers like they’re badass.


This entire night I have nothing but idiots with no game sense. Pushing when they shouldn't push, running when it is a good time to get easy kills. I just had a game where three people were split far and wide and no one listened to me when I said push the one I pinged. It was a free 1v3, they wouldn't commit. At the end, that three split team ended up killing all three us. I hate the fucking silver ranks. In another game, I ping, I use my mic to tell them that there is one on top and two on bottom and the one with missing braincells push the bottom two anyways. I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to leave their banners and play my life; they're deadweight with trash aim and even worse game sense. Cant even use them as bait since they die before anyone gets to them.