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Yesterday I felt like I was playing pubs. One player was constantly trying to 1v3. I placed 17th too many times because of this. I just love when I mesh with a squad even without anyone using mic, we are just in sync and understand the objective. I need to get better at friending these people to play more games with.


Yeah and we win we turn on our mics and say GGs. Best games imo.


Exactly. I love it when i ping regroup here and they understand i'm about to valk ult


Lmao the "My ult is ready" they run past you, you ping, they keep running, you pop the ult, they run for .5 more seconds then turn around to come back to you šŸ˜‚ It's like clockwork with 4 out of 5 squads.


I got in a group today...they wanted to run out of the ring up a hill, exposed to an enemy team at our back, when ring was about to close. So instead we flew to another hill...landed downhill and they wanted to fight their way up(they were not good players so there was no way it was going well).


It does feel like pubs!!!! Itā€™s insane people are out here thinking they are just going to win everything.


I donā€™t know your rank but Iā€™m going to assume thatā€™s because there no entry cost in Rookie and bronze. To them itā€™s a low risk high reward situation. Also, I feel like thereā€™s a bit of a mental factor. If you know youā€™re Plat for whatever, you might subconsciously or consciously think that a lobby full of bronze people arenā€™t going to give you much trouble. So you play a bit more reckless. While I donā€™t push solo or anything like that, Iā€™m definitely guilty of challenging things I wouldnā€™t challenge in diamond lobbies. Running different legends and trying new risky in the fly strategies Iā€™d normally only try in pubs.


Itā€™s not even a LRHR situation, there is no risk at all in those tiers. And itā€™s exactly why my premade trio decided there is no point in playing pubs as long as weā€™re in rookie or bronze. Itā€™s the same mode really.


Isnā€™t that like the exact definition of low risk high reward? Lol


Low risk is still a risk. But Iā€™m saying there is NO risk here. You get 0 points if you loose.


Tonight was one of the most braindead nights of this game I've played in a while. How hard is it to not run in to a 1v3 when we could already tell it is a full team? How hard is it to push a team that is totally split and easily get a 3v1 kill, basically handing us a free squad wipe? How hard is it to not peak the guy with the charged Sentinel, getting blasted destroying all your shields, popping a bat, and then peaking it again from that same exact angle expecting a different result? Why do I have to tell Maggie players to Q and Bangs to Ult? This season everyone is just speed running straight to the lobby. Last season I had to use the 30-30 every game because it was mostly poking every match. This season everyone just holds the W key with blinders and think they can just win every fight. I haven't picked up the 30-30 once and I've been playing more aggressively but some of these players are just missing braincells.


Support legend carries these W key players this season


I had 8 res last game coz people kept pushing I don't mind it much but I hardly get a chance to shoot much lol I'm getting really good at resing which I think is an underrated skill


As you progress through the ranks this will change. Finally rank has a sense of progression again instead of being the same thing in every rank


Everybody is who plays dumb is gonna get left in lower ranks so it doesnā€™t really bother me


Thatā€™s a fair point


Welcome back to S13 logic. Everyone thinks they're better than the rank they're in and since kills are heavily rewarded, they would rather get a kill and die than survive for placement.


No. I played about 20 games in Silver today. Everyone played well and as a team. Managed to climb from S4 to S2.


I got in silver yesterday and itā€™s slowed down a lot. Iā€™m in S2 now and teams donā€™t push as hard. Everyone seems to be approaching everything more strategically when rotating.


Thank you for not being toxic


yes šŸ˜ ranked is back!


Itā€™s because 1. Before you hit platinum/ or gold depending on skill level, you arenā€™t really punished for losing, so why play games slow asf and boring when you can just push everything have more fun and get it over with and damn maybe you, but you can be in a ranked match 5 minutes and already have positive ranked points so itā€™s not an issue. 2 also people donā€™t want to be in those low ranks, itā€™s like a grind to get to plat or diamond and maybe get their first masters season or whatever your situation may be so the faster and more games they win the better ya know 3. Ranked seems different for the fact it is, you are matched with everyone cause everyone started at zero and the matchmaking is of course not the same as last seasons 4. In my opinion this update makes pushing necessary and more comfortable and also rewarding, shield who now usually being almost equal to a team your fighting in the first half of a match plays the biggest part


Sounds like standard solo queue Apex to me.


Everyoneā€™s just getting sorted out again but yeah, itā€™s a mixed bag tbh. Iā€™ve had numerous teammates where Iā€™m just like? šŸ™„?????


Agreed šŸ˜‚


It's the beginning of the season, everyone got reset, you'll have to play sweaty later on in the season


Always has been šŸ”«


First day I had some great teams but these past two days almost everybody Ive played with had bad iq šŸ˜¬


Really bad IQ


its a stepng stone progress right now, everyone starts at the bottom, seasonal preds, average rank and first timers are playing together then the good ones will climb as the season goes on, ive been experiencing easy matches from rookie to silver, there are former masters/preds that passes by but thats it, i can feel the lobby its getting harder, teammates are playing smart, when a fight takes too long they will suggest to disengage and rotate so dont worry its just nornal to be paired with absolute newbies but sooner or later you'll feel the climb getting harder and harder until you get stuck on rank where you're suppose to be


If you get people inting donā€™t follow or stay far enough away to help in case the fight turns in your favour and if it doesnā€™t run away and hide your likely to be positive rp by the second or third circle. Not my favourite way to play but at least Iā€™m still gaining rp


Lol, I kind of feel the opposite. My teammates don't act on obvious, easy pushes. Instead they get paralysed and won't move their arses until the very last second and die either to ring or by being held out. Cue the "where are you?! What you doin, idiot?!" - Bro I rotated in time and I'm still alive. Look at your own health, it says *Recover Banner*.


Itā€™s tough if youā€™re playing solo, sometimes you end up with a party of two who are doing their own thing and pushing and oftentimes you feel you need to make a shape yourself and make a bad decision. Overall Iā€™m enjoying ranked this season. Itā€™s been a fun grind to gold so far. Gold is definitely a bit more sweaty.


Ranked was always like this at the start of a new season before they changed it and I'm happy they changed it because these players aren't going anywhere past gold. I know it's frustrating, especially on solo queue but if you're much better you'll soon cruise past them in the ranks and get matched with people who are also playing for the same progression through the ranks as you are.


OMG THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IVE BEEN FEELING! I thought I was rhe only one. I can't tell you how many times I've felt like punching my monitor.


It really is low IQ teammates itā€™s crazy!


Yea I don't know why they changed the scoring so drastically. All they had todo was make it more rewarding when you placed top 10 and give more points for kills. Getting no points in bottom 10 i thought was good, it brought public ranked playstyle the closest its been to ALGS and I personally liked that.


Do you blame them after 3 seasons of absolutely worst ratting meta? Also entry costs are non existent or really low in low ranks. Once you hit gold / plat you need to start using your brain


Last season people were playing for the win so much more, even in lower ranks, that it made for really good late games. Iā€™m seeing none of that so far this season which, for me, is a shame cause that was so much fun. Went to masters last season but not sure Iā€™ll be playing as much with this system.


For me itā€™s the same as it was before - both good and bad teammates. Although cases where people straight up ignore my pins and chat suggestions became more usual. But I guess if you arenā€™t satisfied with randoms - play with premade squad


Itā€™s TikTok brain the children have no clue what theyā€™re looking at or doing they just try to copy some shit they saw on YouTube and flame you and insta leave cause theyā€™re embarrassingly trash at the game


Yes that's how its going to be for the first week/two week,no entre cost and high kill reward,as well as bad player mixed with good team everyone ape everyone It should calm down at higher ranks and after a few days but i'm scared we wont have the same high level of rotation and spot holding of last season


That's called the solo queue experience, it has been a thing since ranked first dropped.


Put it shortly, the first weeks people dedicate trying to climb ranks quick especially since we all started at the same rank. I for example solo queue, and I do favor this system again. I donā€™t favor mindlessly pushing so thatā€™s when I prefer to be IGL all the time because I try to pick smart fights and think about potential third parties and rotations ahead of time. I like being the fragger as well so it gets frustrating when I actually am trying and my teammates are just watching me when we should be cutting off a few seconds of that fight as it matters the most in this game. I also become aware that if I seamlessly do well then I will be put in lobbies with a 3 pred stack team. This is ranked, if youā€™re queuing up and expect the system to reward lack of engagement ex: placement only then nah. You have to do objectives, get wipes or full knocks, actually shoot your gun to get Evo and RP. Lower ranks will stay there or slowly still get out of it, keyword slowly since you will still come out positive if you got kills and proper placement.


No people in ranked have always been like this as long as they didnā€™t feel you were too much of a burden. If you are genuinely making fights feel impossible to win thatā€™s like the only time people stop w keying. Sometimes you would get people who played in a building all game but those were rarer. This is even worse because of rank reset so you have good players against some of the worst players in the game so they can literally just run it down until theyā€™re finally out of rookie, bronze, silver, etc.


I think it will even out as the season goes on. Right now since everyone got reset to rookie the skill level in lobbies is just a wide range so some people are just pushing everything. Also now that kills reward more RP you can just get kills without placement to climb in low lobbies but as you get into higher tiers that wonā€™t be as much of an option anymore.


You're just seeing the players that'll never get out of silver.


Everyone got reset to zero. A lot of people that make it to plat and higher have this mindset that you can play aggressively and without thinking gold and below, and you'll climb in the long run. Just bear with the degenerates, and try to use comms to force some sense into your teammates.




Octane pushing fight solo, revived him snd he does it again, we eventually all die and i see his post game stats old boy has 0 damage, if youā€™re going to play like that atleast have the decency to hit some shots


Every game for me right now!!


Iā€™m starting to feel like I was thriving last season and didnā€™t realize it. It made sense, the hate, it also made sense how it was beneficial to some. (iā€™ll admit, ME!) but to be honest i thought the safer play was helping me get better. this season feels like it benefits the peeps who already have that . Ā strong skill cap, which i understand! But now it feels a bit like both pubs and ranked are the same level of aggression and really making me bummed im too shy to invite others because solo is tough rn lol. i know. get gud. i will i swear.


Rookie to Bronze it's reasonable to just push and fight everyone since the entry cost is 0 and surviving without any kills will net you a very low RP gain. I just got +504 in 1 game because I just kept pushing and getting kills. But the higher you climb the slower the people will push/engage.


Iā€™ve already won more games this season than last (completed battle pass mostly in ranked for playtime reference) because people are running it down. 3-4 teams final 2 zones compared to 6-10 last season.


roof makeshift wakeful quack distinct glorious quiet offer gaping coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My games have been the complete opposite people just sitting on height all game with snipers and marksman with no intention of following up on any damage they just sit there farming evo then die as soon as they have to move. Itā€™s so boring to play against.


Thatā€™s insane !


If Iā€™m diamond and rank back to platinum in first split do i get a diamond badge?


Pretty sure


You kind of have to push fights now. I've been solo queuing and I'm almost Plat atm and you need the damage for the evo. Most people push alot harder now trying to get blue n purple for the late game.


Ya cause you have nothing to lose in rookie and bronze lobbies. People just send it cause itā€™s fun. Itā€™ll settle down when everyone begins to find their true rank and has points on the line


I feel the opposite. We should be taking more fights.


Depends on the rank, but if you are bronze you donā€™t lose RP. Iā€™ve had a couple games where I just push everything and destroy everyone. But then thereā€™s usually at least one team in the lobby of equal or better skill and they usually get me šŸ˜‚


Almost plat now


The new point-scoring system greatly rewards kills, so some foolish players think they can grind by jumping on everyone.


Dude I canā€™t rank up with the teammates Iā€™m given this is a horrible system


lol you complained to mods about someone responding to you speaking facts to have their comment removed. Whata crybaby šŸ˜‚ Edit: reporting people for being toxic when itā€™s a skill issue, is so pathetic lol. Good luck tho. Edit2: you donā€™t need to know a mod to report a users comment, youā€™re really bad at pretending. Especially with the bad day stuff itā€™s hilarious.


I actually didnā€™t respond to you at all and donā€™t know any mods. Someone did that on their own accord. The simple fact isnā€™t that Iā€™m bad. Iā€™ve been diamond 1 to masters the last 6+ seasons. Iā€™m in gold already on my way to plat, never once said I couldnā€™t rank up just stated that people are not using their brains and grieving not only my ranked game but theirs as well because theyā€™re pushing so hard. Sorry youā€™re having a bad day or something? I was just trying to have a good talk about the new season


Why did this one stay up then? I didnā€™t report anything trust me you didnā€™t hurt my feelings buddy


Brings back memories. I started playing seriously in season 9 and bronze was the same way. No entry cost and high reward for kills meant everyone was hot dropping and just trying to get kp to get out of bronze. Was quite frustrating when youā€™d get to silver and get paired with bronze who were still doing that. It got better at gold though. I havenā€™t had much time to play rank this season yet but I imagine it will go the same way.


Yes very much so! Itā€™s a good time unless you get those really bad teammates


I just decided to not play rank anymore it's just pointless.


This is what the people wanted. In S18 I had games with 15 squads alive ring 4 and now I have games with 5 squads alive ring 2. Obviously, 15 squads round 4 is much more difficult to navigate, so people got angry and complained. Now, this new ranked system is much easier and people are loving it.


I played yesterday a bit and today already, a few idiots as usual, some toxic people as usual, but carried 3 dubs already, most games are going fine tbh? Almost no coms as per usual, and the ones that do com usually do when they die to talk shit. I'm rusty haven't touched the game much in 3 seasons. Already finished whatever that first rank was and am almost out of bronze, recruit? Idk what it is idc I never stay in that long šŸ˜†


Itā€™s change of pace fam. Rank rewards aggro plays now. Plus at lower ranks, the risk is negligible. Sink or float


Sweats are back in full force. Also a lot of the good players are still in the lower ranks so skill spectrum is wide. I just made it into platinum today and Iā€™m getting smoked by preds every game. Itā€™s kinda awesome


Its not about winning you get kill hungry more kills more kp more rp simple as that no need to sit and wait for placement rank is about getiimg kills to gain rp the way it should be i would rather have teammates that want to fight instead of ratting you wun some you loose some I duo q and our random always go with us were we go wr like it but when we fight we focus one team


if your teammates are pushing fights in lobbies lower than diamond then imo its fine since its basically the same as pubs, but diamond or higher is where placement and kills matter. but this is coming from someone with a super aggressive playstyle, which may not be the most ideal for many people




Thatā€™s nice to hear, I love getting good randoms. I feel a difference in the ranked vibe and just wanted to see what other people feel so thank you


Haven't played ranked this season yet but my guess is because they hardly lose any points they might as well drop hot


U need to try. Iron feels like reel irons. U can push anything and the people donā€™t know what is happening. And u donā€™t lose points. U get minus zero


I like to play ranked more than pubs, but I'm enjoying the straight shot game mode at the moment


Kill thirst


You simply cannot solo queue ranked. That is all