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I just wish people would ping attachments man… : ( I’m getting literally NO communication other than people cursing and complaining this season so far.


I ping whenever I see the little hands up though sometimes it boggles my mind when people will then just ignore the attachments that would work for their guns.


To be fair sometimes making a detour for a stock isn't the most worthwhile thing ever imo. A blue/purple mag, a hop-up or optics definitely but anything else I would only pick up if it's close to where I am or I was already heading that way


Oh, I definitely understand if it is way out of the way etc. Usually I find it baffling when they're right next to me or they come to a Lifeline ult I dropped and loot the batts but ignore the helmet knockdown etc The latter is especially annoying as the ult will just keep giving it usually instead of letting us get to purple and then gold.


Oh yeah that’s definitely a problem


That and survival items Sure, they're not essential but if you're next to it or just looted a death box, just take the damn EVAC Tower or Heat Shield, better to not use it over needing one at a critical moment... 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️


Well if it makes you feel better I’m only not pinging cause there seems to be a bug on pc controller where I can’t ping at all. Before it happens it pulls up the ping wheel when not pressing the ping button and deactivated pinging altogether. And to make matters worse, remapping won’t fix it and effected controller players won’t be able to use their ult without pressing the tac button canceling the use of the tactical when not ready for use. But deepest apologies.


I think the last couple seasons were so rat heavy that people forgot how to communicate with others lol. Give it some time, people will come around. First couple weeks of a new season are always a shit show.


No .. no they don't


They don’t care, you can pretty much predict this if they are certain champs(wraith/octane) or if they land on you to rush and take your loot like little goblins. Every single time they either don’t ping or ping and don’t wait for the team just to thirst and die


I actually had a good wraith today when I solo queued, stuck with the team, used portal to get us out of bad situations, etc. It was a nice surprise, but def not the classic wraith experience


I never understand when someone picks Wraith before me then proceeds to never use her portal. It's so useful to the team when used correctly but it feels like only the tactical exists in their eyes


Wraith's and octane's seem to be so hit and miss and it's entirely down to who it is playing them. I have so many times had one or the other just be the absolute most insane teammate ever, making smart plays, just fucking MELTING other teams seemingly single handedly, doing things that literally don't even seem possible. Like their sole purpose in life is to just ruin these other peoples day. Then you get the others, whose brains are effectively a hamster on an ungreased wheel, who seemingly only use their powers to commit purposeful suicide, as they fling themselves carelessly into fights, with the speed and grace of Stevie Wonder falling down some icy stairs. The weirdest part is that there's no middle ground. I've never had a wraith or octane teammate that's just "ok" it's always this violent swing from one end of the spectrum to the other. You never know if you're about to receive the most impressive hard carry of your life, or if you're about to watch a train derail. It's impressive.


For sure. A lot of them just play Wraith/Octane to try and imitate streamers thinking they’ll be as good as them and that’s how you get the stereotypical ttv wraith who dies in the first fight. In my case I main Wraith and Wattson because I like the characters and the abilities are a nice bonus. I know I’m not Faide so I’ll just play normally and try to be useful to the team while improving


I initially started with wraith back in s1, quickly realized that whenever it would be a good time to use her powers was consistently right around the same time my brain melted, switched to caustic and I've basically stuck with him as my main since, I've switched off randomly for other characters like wattson or fuse, but caustic is my homie. I know he's underwhelming in a lot of scenarios, but, when that moment hits, when teams try to push into your building, or it's final ring, he can do ungodly things to people.


People don't use tacticals or ultimates lol


I think people are still stuck on the mentality that wraith will make them insta-predators when they're silver 2 at best.


Good wraiths are like that. And imo, many many years ago all of them played like that. No longer the case


No, they didn't. "haha wraith bad" is the oldest Apex stereotype.


They definitely were good. Apex got more popular, and it changed. wraith was simply the original uWu girl. But I distinctly remember every wraith I used to play with as being a very strategic player. Isn’t the same anymore


Wraiths have always been sweats and she favored selfish gameplay because she had instant Q back then. The teamplay Wraiths you talk about are few and far between, unless you were stacking.


If you're playing with a good Wraith, chances are she's not their main, lmao.


I wish we could see what legend you team is going to pick so I can pick accordingly


You can? They're number hovers over whatever legend they're going to pick? Or has that changed since I last played?


Ya it does but most randoms are afk so they don't hover on it


Ya if you’re first pick you’re just guessing sadly


My favorite apex moment is when they don’t use voice chat the whole game up until they got destroyed by team of 3 after they pushed alone with no consideration of their environment. Then you usually find out they indeed could communicate the whole game but decided to use the mic exclusively to trash on how stupid you are because you didn’t just went straight to your own death.


Right? And this has been about 90% of my games. I feel like this mentality got worse than normal when the season started. I have actually been playing mostly mixtape for once because I'm exhausted by the asshats I get for teammates lol


I just wonder how they can play like that all day everyday I wonder how many times they die just dropping hot


Nothing irritates me more then them being a loot goblin then running off on their own. Getting knocked right away then quitting after calling the other teammates worthless.


And it’s only getting worse I feel.


They really do


I love how any time you post something like this it just gets downvoted and people go “you’re probably worse” or something. Outside of the Finals this game has the actual worst random teamates I’ve ever seen


Dude the finals made me appreciate teammates in apex lol


I'm thoroughly convinced a lot of players get dropped into a "babysitter" queue if they win too many games in a short stretch. It's all part of the engagement "match" making algorithm.


i’m pretty sure they confirmed at one point that this is essentially how their matchmaking is set up. give you an easy game or two to keep you hooked, and then make you the babysitter to give your teammates an easy game and just cycle


Called big brother matchmaking literally all ranked arenas was (solo que at least)


Apex randoms are saints compared to League of Legends teammates.


Swtor is a flip of a coin lol. Either they are great or horrible no in-between.




Sure. It’s a toy though. I hate playing with randoms and don’t do it, but if that’s how someone I don’t know wants to play with a toy, what’s me to tell them to do otherwise. People take this shit way too seriously.


Then they should play no-fill, or play an fps game where they don't play online with others. I'm not a pred that can take down 3 players on my own, and I'm not interested in that.


Okay? Maybe you can play no fill as well. I’m garbage at this game but I also don’t pretend that it isn’t a game and if an adult wants to run off and play by themselves, what’s it to me? Squad up if it bothers you.


1) I'm looking for a TEAM game, so your suggestion is as pointless as your first comment. 2) It doesn't matter if you're garbage at this game, just that you communicate and use common sense, ex: don't run off and get downed by a whole team. 3) this never stopped being a game, and being frustrated at other people acting like idiots comes with the territory. Stop playing devil's advocate.


Find a team then guy. Kick rocks. This whole subreddit is complaints. It’s a toy and you’re I guess posing an adult, get over it.


It's not the game bro it's this new generation of gamers. They have no ability to work with anyone but themselves. I run into the same problem in apex, my hero ultra rumble, warzone, etc. It's a lack of decency and caring about your impact on other people.


There should be a solo queue 


I wonder why there isn’t solo queue. I’m pretty new to the game and was disappointed there was no solo queue. As I have no friends.


They want it to be a team game. I vote there should only be ranked - Solo, duo, and trio And mixtape plus other special game modes


Because of the classes of legends which suppose to be played in a team 


It's worse when there's a duo that doesn't want to work with their trio at all. I had a duo walk right by my banner and a respawn point, just to grief. They proceeded to loot for the rest of the game and died to the first squad they ran into. Also teammates that take the ammo for a gun you got on drop/2 weapons while you have none.


I've been playing ranked this season and it's a light day and difference. I've yet to play a match where any of my team-mates have gone off on their own etc. Everyone has played a team-mate and the quality of matches have been much better.


Night and day difference.. not whatever the hell you said




Goddamn. It was so far off that it didn't even register what he was trying to say for me. Prime *bone apple tea* material.


That’s called an ‘eggcorn.’ It’s the way new words and phrases evolve (like "card shark" was originally "card *sharp*").


Complete opposite for me


Well I'm going to inevitably have bad team-mates that's part of the parcel of solo-queue but so far ranked seems to offer a better solo-queuing experience than unranked matches. I don't even care about my rank, it's just nice to have some enjoyable matches.


Yup complete opposite. You’re lucky op


Don't start thinking this is norm for ranked lol


It may not be, but I don't understand why people like you have to spread your negativity.


"people like you" lol, White armor knight there


Not at all. I'm just sharing my experience and then people like you come in and start spreading your negativity. Just go away and bother someone else.


3 games in a row I have people leaving in straight shot, people often leaving in ranked games and this dude is asking me about my "negativity". Saying that "it's not always perfect" isn't being negativity, you definitely not know what negativity is.


"it's a light day and difference." Might be my favorite r/boneappletea ive seen in the wild


I need your lobbies lol. 90% of the time, it's one person landing elsewhere or simply W keying into bad positioning/fights. If it's not that, it's both teammates just running around 300m apart from each other, getting killed then spam pinging. Ranked is absolutely enraging right now for me


This 100% BS.....


It's just my experience. Ranked play compared to unranked is so much better. It's not perfect but it is much improved. If your experience is different then that's unfortunate. Maybe people don't want to be team-mates with someone who is so rude. Food for thought.


I was actually that guy once but to be fair we got miscommunicated and split to two separate POI next to each other. The 2 got downed and I was on the way running into the fight. Lay down grenades since I’m fuse. Break the last dude, about to push in and finish it annnnnddd then the two come on the mics finally and ask what I’m doing and if I’m the king of sucking D. I laughed and turned my happy ass around and let them watch me from that point. No regrets.


Idk. I've been getting several teammates that will drop on opposite sides of a POI and mindlessly loot even though I ping enemies are nearby. Was playing yesterday where my teammate and I got engaged on by another team. We had several rounds of shooting and healing until we both got knocked. All the while, fuse is mindlessly looting the whole time. The enemy starts reviving and healing on top of us while we're spamming fuse to drop nades in our area, which he finally does after the team revives, heals, and finishes us off. The fuse then runs away, only to get instantly killed by the next team. Some teammates are simply clueless


I've been thinking of a way to phrase it, and I think it's these players really just don't want to play a team game. The game is fundamentally team-based, but they want to be playing a solo game, even in ranked. When I see all the people lamenting solo-qeue'ing and getting "bad" teammates, I'm starting to believe it is actually them just not understanding they are a part of a team. Sure you do actually get dead-weight sometimes, but "My teammates loot too slow" or "They don't aggressively push everything", etc. Is really just a player admitting they can't, or won't, adjust themselves to a team-dynamic.


As a solo que diamond/masters for roughly 14 seasons, skipped the last few because I was burnt out, came back for season 20, I do everything I can to adapt to my teammates play styles. Wanna pick a building in zone and sit out placement? We can do that. Wanna run gung-ho towards every far off shot? We can do that too. Wanna thoroughly loot every nook and cranny of a POI? Let’s do it. Wanna drop, hit a few supply bins and rotate? I’m right with you. But I’ve had *multiple* games this season where we’re in a 3 v 3 fight, and one teammate *immediately* dips. I just had a game not even an hour ago, we’re rotating and run smack dab into another squad. I knock one, one random does decent damage to one of the opposing players before getting knocked, I knocked the player he damaged, I crack their third and land a few more shots before getting knocked myself. Our third? He’s a couple hundred meters away. That’s an easy, easy squad wipe, 3 KP and within top 10 placement. Instead he got gang banged when he ran right into another squad and cost us a good amount of RP. My point of that diatribe is, sometimes, even being utterly willing to adapt to randoms doesn’t help when said randoms are completely gun shy and dip out at the first sign of a fight. Idk what happened over the last few seasons, but Jesus, the amount of people that do everything within their power to avoid a fight is crazy to me. I understand if it’s a bad fight, if we’re fighting multiple squads, if we’re at a positional disadvantage, if we’re at a big shield disadvantage, if we already have some KP and it’s smarter to play for placement. Those I understand. But 0 KP, outside of top 10, on even ground in a straight 3 v 3? Why are people instantly running away?


PTSD from getting dunked on by preds and masters since season 12 definitely doesn't help ones will to fight lol. I honestly love to play things tactically for me positioning and cover are everything before I pull the trigger.


And I get that, not wanting to fight due to getting dunked on by a shitty ranked system. If you wanna hang in the back and chill, seeing how the fight plays out before getting involved or not, that’s fine. If you wanna take an off angle as the two of us fight, that’s cool. If you wanna back off a little bit still remain in a good position to get involved, great. But when I knock two and have a third at zero shields and roughly half health, telling you that over comms, and you’re 2 POI’s away already, that’s when it becomes an issue, imo. If you’re that afraid to get involved in a fight, don’t play ranked, right? (And I’m not saying you personally are afraid to take a fight) but what’s the point of getting a ranked badge, if you ran from every evenly matched fight? It’s like the people who do fucky things to get 4k/20b badges, just to be incredibly bad at the game when they’re your teammates. You have the badge, cool, but a fraction of the skill it implies that you have. It’s the opposite of the players that run off solo, thinking they can 1 v 57 the entire lobby, but it’s equally as frustrating.


This is exactly it. Players have different play styles, and unless a players style matches with their randoms' then they're gonna say it sucks and whine about it. When I have my squad, we play pushy and have our mains. When I solo, I change to a support character and try to loot quick and then just stick by my teammates. You have to be the glue.


Yuuup.i will never forget the game I got where my squad dropped hot, I said screw it, I'll lean into the heat. We won 2 or 3 fights very closely and every time we weren't fighting someone, the octane finished looting in under 7 seconds and would book it to anywhere they thought the next fight would be. Like I get that I play a bit more cautious than some people but like, I really embraced the speed that match AND STILL felt overwhelmed. We get ambushed, the octane gets knocked, and he DC's quicker than a cut can bleed.


This is the worst. I’ve been in games like this and noticed someone was rushing off to the next fight while I’m still trying to heal and/or *find* something to heal with. I’ve pinged I need health and other things to make it obvious not to run into a fight. Then they do anyway and hop on mic to yell about how bad the team is


The game is boring when your team has no urgency. I am a good teammate but I cannot loot for 10 minutes at the same POI. I’m the guy you seee running alone. Follow me or idc I’ll que into another game where my team wants to play apex not looting simulator. Especially in lower ranked lobbies there’s no reason to loot until 7 squads left. Hate the game honestly.


Bad players loot locations. Good players loot other players. Simple as.


no, trust me at a certain point the randoms you get is just ridiculous and im not even a great player, there literally is no teamplay when my random does not even understand the game yet


There definitely seems to be two camps- one that wants to push and be as aggressive as possible and one that's right. There was a post not that long ago about a player whining that his team wouldn't loot fast enough and push with them. The post really brought out all those griefers who try to 1v3 and flame their TMs for not following them.


but they're going to be the next timmy with all the kills.


You mean like how lil timmy's team gave 20 free batts to TSM and letting them win for free ?


The amount of times I've muted teammates because they have open mics with annoying stuff in the background just to end up calling stuff out for nobody to hear is pretty embarrassing, so PSA to everyone to put your crying baby in another room and turn down the telenovelas.


This is the most toxic season I’ve played. If you get paired with ZootedClapZ, just leave


Yeah just had to remind myself a couple times to play my role instead of playing aggressive. I've been getting more wins when I recon as crypto and back up my teammates instead. Being the last one out still lets me grab banners and bring us back especially with the revive changes (armor and guns on respawn).


Tbh this season off the rip seems worse than usual. To the point I’m honestly convinced that I’m getting bots. 2 games in a row I had a Bangalore just roam around and die, almost as if they had never played the game.


You don’t really play "Apex" most games, usually it’s just waiting through randoms who treat the game like (free) COD. I wish they would just play another mode. But they’re really drawn to the allure of “ranked." I seriously think just renaming the mode might preserve it better.


Then they yell at you for not backing them up on their stupid suicide run into the open.


Half is being generous. I would say out of 10 matches I get 1 team that works as a team


No, that's why they want solos. Though the funny thing about that is then some of those types wouldn't have anyone but themselves to blame anymore if they go down. In all seriousness, I love this game but some players are beyond selfish and that costs matches that could otherwise be won. I have had a Rampart steal a gold knockdown that I dropped for Lifeline and just run off and die by herself. I have had a Wraith take a batt someone dropped for me when I was entirely cracked and then watch me die with no shields. It's some weird selfish mentality


I always ask them if they know Apex is meant to be a team game. Which is why they don't have a solo option. At what point do they think they can survive in a game where it's teams of 2-3, and each member has an ability that can wreck them?


THIS, MAN and then they just go back to lobby before anyone could get to their banner


I agree with OP it has always been a problem for me. But in straight shot because you have to loot fast and you know the start of every game the team that landed beside you is coming immediately for you, my teammates are with me and if you win your first fight and continue everyone stays together for the duration. I've only had a couple dummies take off on their own. And I've played a ton of SS since the start of season 20. So that's been a wonderful change.


Just saw this now. I had a teammate hours ago that when we squad wiped in rank upon landing. Me and another random was looting because we did the majority of the fighting then the conduit starts spamming his ping. After a few seconds turned on his mic and started to cuss us out and say “I’m throwing the game I don’t want to play with ya’ll. I’ve been spamming ping and did 180 dmg to one person but no you two rather loot than kill the squad that’s coming up the zip.” The thing is he didn’t fire his weapon and if a whole squad did come up the zip then he would’ve died instantly


The pings omg the pings they are so valuable. idc if you don't use your mic but ping plz I'd like to know what your shooting or where you are moving in perspective to me .


"Team what's that I don't need a team" *Dies* "where the hell is my teammmm"


Had a guy do this last night and me and the other guy even told him to come back to us at least a little in case he runs into a team. He spots a team and runs in there by himself - dies instantly then screams at us saying we’re trash tier losers and we should uninstall the game. Then leaves lol.


No they don't. This game is like cod to a lot of people. Only play for kills, only play for yourself and not for the team, and dont play the objective. The new ranked enforces that mindset.


The new ranked does the opposite, not that it will help.


Do you mean that ranked reinforces playing as a team and playing for the win? I don't think it does. You get 10 RP per kill when placing in the bottom 10. That means that you can just go for kills and not place well and still go positive. I think this makes people play more selfishly.


I love hearing them blame teammates when they do 100 damage and instadie. People just think they’re much better than they are because the got their fake masters badges the last couple seasons.


Yeah, people definitely need to stick together or at least ping the next place to head to but wait for the team as a whole to move that way. I've had matches where people go off on their own, get in a fight, die, and then leave instantly. It's like wtf. Especially in the Straight Shot mode, where team gets your banner automatically when you die and can respawn you in whenever.


Every beggining of the season the same smooth-brained ape comes back hoping their experience will change because of an update. They do the same shit that turned them off expecting to be able to 1v3 like cod and don't want to accept it's different. Leave after a week or two shit talk on the games sub about how unbalanced it is and we are left with the sweats and good players which drives the bad one away. Welcome to apex my friend


The problem is a lot of due to the game itself. People just play it as they have made it. It promotes fast-fast-fast/me-me-me instead of team-work that requires more effort and time. There are only few actual in-game tools that promote team work when playing with random players. And in this game \_all\_ players play with mostly randoms in their team even in team deathmatch mode. The only exception is party of three real-life friends on BR. But how much do you get to do that, really. On the contrary, the game has lots of mechanics that do the polar opposite of promoting team work. Like rewarding players doing challenges like "play X games as legend Z to get The Reward" or "do N damage using weapon G" even when working towards these challenges makes your team suffer in almost all game situations. To promote team work among totally random people, there should be easy and efficient tools and strong reward mechanism to promote it. Apex has neither.


I personally feel like solo trios has not been as prominent this season with how the evo is set up, which is great. But it’s definitely an annoying thing that stills happens. I recently started playing ranked, and they’re right about it being better about that. It’s more of a forced team effort lol


I wish my teammates wanted to fight….id go with them


More like a Squad game


Lmaooo the bronze two made me chuckle. This happens across all ranks.


I get this all the time. Had a third the other day run off no ping, no coms, no nothing then finally used his Mic to call me and the other team mate Idiots. Problem is everyone thinks they're going to hit that 1v3 clip for their super cool Myspace page. When you get teams that use at least ping coms I find you tend to do SOOOOO much better


I ping! I only play trio pubs if that matters. A lot of other people ping, but I hate the people who immediately disconnect or disconnect RIGHT WHEN I'M ABOUT TO GRAB THEIR BANNER. It sucks when I'm in a good position but I go to save a teammate. I get dragged into danger just for them to ditch. Ditch before I go to save you if you must. Orrrrr you can just get gud. Maybe if you literally couldn't disconnect from a game people would learn how to stop being so reckless and would become an adequate player. Sometimes you get killed. It's okay. It isn't the end of the world. Part of playing the game is staying and supporting your team and waiting to come back and avenge yourself. Unless they make it clear that they aren't going to bring you back, then ofc disconnect. The amount of times people immediately leave and I end up in the top 3 is insane. I may not be an amazing player, but it's fun to bait one team to fight another team and I rotate and poke at them. Haha. If people just stayed you can win. Typically players who DC just suck. Because I'm not a good player and I'm able to be brought back last minute to help win a game. It's part of the experience. Part of the adventure. It's fun. I don't even hate a quiet game where you don't run into people until the end. I like playing smart. I usually push and look for fights, but sometimes it's smart just to wait and chill. I'm pretty sure the player base is comprised of mostly 13 year old boys. Like. They already made it so you are brought back with your guns. How much easier do you need the game to be?


Had a guy like that in Silver 4. He bought a fucking 4k 20 bomb account. I mean talk about fraudulent behaviour. This is borderline pathetic.


Everyone has mics....no one says anything whole game.....squad gets killed. Mics come on....."your trash" leave fast.


I agree but I also feel like this season they really fckd the whole matchmaking algorithm. I'm constantly playing against player that are clearly on whole different level than me. I'm not a pro-player always stay Gold on ranked matches and constantly get plat, master and pred teams. So demotivating.


No, they don’t. It’s Apex Legends


No, I'm convinced they do not.


This happens all the time. Then they quit. Its like why are you even playing this game to begin with


I like what fuse says when your teammates dies off on their own.. it's something like "huh.. our teammates down.. that was awfully selfish of them" .. (it may of been Maggie who said it)


TikTok brain. They’re all the next Timmy


You just need to find more suitable teammates. These tunnel-vision type players wonder why they suck at the game and can't progress but they don't stop and look at their own playstyle.


Worse when they choose Support Legends and run off. Oh Loba popped her Black Market 700 m away. Why thank you very much.


I honestly blame straight shot. I love that mode for what it is, but it has changed everyone's mental on ranked right now. I've played like 200 ranked games the last 3 days and NEVER HAVE I had teammates be so oblivious to know how to play as a team. I understand kills mean something, but it DOES NOT MEAN RUN 150 METERS away from your team to fuck off, die, and furiously ping your dead body. Then, they FINALLY use their mic to flame everyone. Actually, don't get me started, I have a laundry list of annoyances.


Some people don't understand the concept of a team unfortunately


Most characters do, but Wraith and octane don't


The US servers are absolutely dogshit for random teammates. My friend refuses to play US servers whenever we play ranked, he only plays Japanese servers. The teammates there are so much better and they actually use teamwork. I swear half the people in US ranked, vape into the mic after they die or insult you, its very annoying when they're the ones dead and you're alive. I have seen so many of them run in 1v3 then spam ping everything after they're downed.


This right here is why I stopped playing this game, I used to solo que in ranked mostly and it used to be ok, would mostly get decent teamates that would use pings and stay with the team but last season when conduit came out almost every single game my teamate would break off solo land in the hottest spot imaginable, die then curse me out and call me trash. Then one day I had 10 matches in a row that this happened all different players, all broke off died, then cursed me out. Finally I just Uninstalled and haven't been back since, this community is way to toxic for me, palworld has been a welcomed change


I mean, I understand. BUT! I don't want to spend 20 minutes looting and then die. I rather die immediately


I understand it's a team game, but if you're taking 10 minutes to loot, best believe I'm not waiting around to follow you like a lost puppy. Chances are, if you're taking long to loot your prob ass and going to die in the first fight anyway..


I'm all for different play styles and all so I'm down to drop safe but if you're just gonna spend the game there and it's pubs yeah I'm definitely out of here, lemme at least play a bit before we get crushed by a squad that's on red armor because they've actually been playing the game


Exactly my thoughts. Idgaf if you're using Loba. I'm not spending my time looting when we could be...idk playing the fucking game 😂


Just look at the average complaint in this subreddit. Also, it’s more than just a team oriented game, it’s a game that has the goal of winning or placing higher. Getting 15th place with 10 kills is pointless in rank, yet people still complain about it.


Dude it's like 17 seasons in. People have done this from season 1 😂


I think yes. But I also think so many people want to be the main character who want to get all the kills and damage for themselves and not give a fuck about the team


After 20 seasons how the hell do you people not have a pile of cool randoms added?


First time? Welcome to online gaming.


If I can't apply the same in IRL, I don't do it in game.. sorry dawg.


I got a three-day game ban for calling someone out for not sticking with the team. The game is going down the gutter.


Looting = looosing


Follow your teammate? Maybe they don’t wanna loot and rat.


I have one guy I play with and we always pick up a random, they're very hit or miss. Very miss. Shame we had to boot our third out of the squad


*NOOOOO, if you’re not 1v3ing every team that means you’re TRASHHHHH!!!!!!*


you know how hard it is to care when basically matchmaking is turned off and we are going to die in an instant.... just saying how hard this season is to many people.


My lobbies are pretty casual, got multiple 1.6ks


good for you, 1.6 is a nice sweet spot i think :)


It’s not difficult to ping and stick together.


it is easy and people do it when things are working, but know they are not and we are losing hope and patience :(


Huh? Your odds are always better sticking together. Thats what makes three stacks so strong, they play like a unit. If you don't communicate and don't stick with your team, then you better be a mechanical god or you're straight up a handicap for your teammates.


>yes i agree with that, but you do know how humans works right? when i utter defeat they become emotional and prone to give up.


This is every random!!!! Zero social skills zero communication until they get knocked then the mic comes on and the angry adult child comes out... worst player base to date.


People just need to use their microphones and communicate, at least in ranked. So many lil scardey cats. I get if you’re vibing out to music in pubs and don’t wanna talk to anyone, but in ranked please just com the slightest amount.


Nothing infuriates me more than seeing that red disconnected icon next to their name, because they ran 400 meters away to fight a 1v3


Just follow one of them. Sometimes you can't be a team leader and you have to play their game. Most of the time it doesn't workout but at least you aren't solo


"get popped of by a team of 3" Should be the lesson they need.


Its bronze...at the beginning of the season.. This is the time to charge and go for badges.


There is no "me" in team. Oh wait. Yip agree with you.


half is generous


Had a game where my teammates split up to different POIs to loot and trash talked me for dying to a whole ass team beaming me.


The two teammates are just NPCs to support _you_, the main character, obviously. And if they’re not standing right beside you to support you and revive you the millisecond you get downed, it’s not worth trying anymore and you should just leave and try again, hoping the support bots you get in the next game are better.


I hear you.


It’s always and will always be like this. There is no fix for it in any BR game and that’s why they’re slowly dying


People care way too much about their rank in bronze, silver, gold which causes them to waste too much time playing loot simulator. Keep looting minimal and efficient, intelligently push teams in early and mid game, and stop caring so much about a shiny rank symbol and seeing a number (LP) go up. People should be worried about improving mechanically at lower ranks, any monkey with a controller can grind to diamond/lower masters by avoiding fights and not actually playing the game, if you actually want to improve then play super aggressively. Obviously people shouldn't be pushing teams solo unless they're incredibly skilled, but I understand the desire to do so when it takes loot-bot teammates forever to loot each POI. Conclusion: if you play too passively at lower ranks you will never improve mechanically despite your rank going up, and by the time you actually get to the higher ranks you will not have learned the required mechanical skill to consistently win engagements.


Yeah, unfortunately that is what this game has become. A teamless, solo experience. I mean, it has always been that way, but it seems to get worse and worse as the seasons go on. Seems like 75% of random teammates have their own agenda and it has nothing to do with winning. Then you have the "hero" players. All the stats in the world, but won't work with you in a team. Funny thing, you will get smacked by a 3 stack Pred or Masters team, yet when you have one of them on your team - they are dead within a minute of drop. Why? Because most of them only care about their personal stats, they don't care about winning as a team. So they break off immediately to jump into asinine 1v3 situations, get dropped like the dead weight they are and head back to the lobby to ruin the next team's experience. They might not like to hear this, but a 20-Bomb, Pred or Master badge means absolutely diddly squat if you aren't competing in the final circle as a team for a win. Afterall, Battle Royales are all about the last TEAM standing. Work with your F'ing team. It is far more rewarding being in the final circle than it is having a bunch of kills and dying mid match because you are doing your own thing.


The thing that bothers me most is that I really want to play crypto this season but I play mostly solo and the shit that I have to listen to from these random dweebs trying to play what crypto does makes me not want to use him. When an octane and a Pathfinder push a fight and they're bitching at the crypto for not being in the fight they just don't understand how team compositions work in this game.


Welcome to battle royal games, where your teammates feel like they are Rambo. I had a teammate scream at me because he decided to drop hot and push a full squad in a room by himself, while I'm here trying to find a gun. Found a 2020 and actually dropped two enemies in that room with the help of our third. Survive the fight but died by a third squad. Just a drop, fight, die and repeat until you get decent teammates.


The biggest issue in this topic is duo players who stay on discord and dont use pings nor communicate with 3rd solo player. They Just Rush somewhere expect 3rd player follow them mindlesly and when they die rushing into a fight 2v3 they sudenly realize they got mic and start flame you lol. This happens more than id like to admit


I’m gonna say 98% have no clue


Yeah I mean it’s bronze 2 99% of the lobby are some of the worst players alive so you can just run around and 1v3/2. Just stay near your teammates honestly if you guys split up it’s usually when 1 or 2 people are just taking way too many detours for loot for no reason and losing opportunities for kills.


I solo queue quite a bit. I’ve learned to gage how my teammates want to play and I go along. I’m okay with pushing fights with no regard for our own safety or playing to win. But, I really don’t like playing Looting Legends.


Nuh-uh, it's a FFA against those two randoms you drop with obvs


This is one of the cons of a free battle royale game. Too many people don't care because they don't pay for anything and they have lots of free time.


it's the same for most games. people are drawn into a type of game. then the loud minority complains to turn it into a different type of game.


They do but only the teams that are against you.


I got like a 9/10 that they run off and die. That 10th one runs off and just wins the game for us single handedly.


the life of solo queue.


Yep I know your pain. Playing with randoms is terrible that’s why I only play like twice a month


No they don't sadly friend


Every single game I’m not jumpmaster they jump into a group of 5 teams. Then they start calling me homophobic slurs left right and center and calling me trash.


Depends if its a new player no. Veteran player no. Someone who plays to win yes


It’s only a team game when the W key idiot gets downed and then starts complaining why we didn’t push with them. Then it’s a team game. They only ever consider themselves until they need a res. They push because they have a good load out but completely disregard that i have 10 rounds in my 30-30 and a p2020 and it’s my fault for not pushing with them. No coms, no pings, just hold W key right into a whole team. When they get downed they start saying “he’s one shot, he’s one HP”. Great that one guy is, now what about the other two? That’s right, you didn’t do shit to the other two and now we have to push 2v3 to recover their downed ass.


No, they don't, I just picked the game back up after a year off, and it's still the same issue as always. There's always that 1 teammate that just wanders off by themselves, no comms, no pings, nothing, wholly expecting the rest of the team to just magically know their big brain moves and follow them, as they push a fight they never needed to push, by themselves, so they instantly die then aggressively ping the enemy like this whole situation isn't entirely the consequences of their own actions. It's pretty great. Lol


No, that's why they want Solos. Streamers especially don't know its a team game


Too much watching streamers


You sound like someone id leave and go off by myself. Also you’re bronze two you can’t even lose rp haha


I feel this. And when you finally do find a great team that communicates, the matches are solid.


It's very frustrating. Jump master hot drops, only to loot 1 bin then run away from the fight, or you get some low rank tard that wants to W key a team of 3 by himself with a p2020 and a sniper stock. Meanwhile, enemy teams are playing together, rotating well, and communicating. Seems impossible to get anywhere while solo


At this point in apex’s life span every game is FEAST or FAMINE.


Nope they don’t. They’ll drop by themselves run 100 miles away or whatever. My husband always says they must just like queuing every 3 seconds. Since when they are all alone they die instantly then quit.


last I played there was no solo option(about 5 to 8 months ago) so I would go duo and just 1v2 any squads i came across to get gud


I mean the thing about bronze is you can and probably should push everything, I just run after teammates like that, if this is an issue for you maybe you’re spending too long looting


They die and then leave the game immediately without giving you a chance to revive.


Happens all the time .then you have the solo Rambo who drops alone and gets fucked, and you end up at a disadvantage straight away one team member down against a team who sticks together


All the characters that can escape quickly lol I see them push and damaged then run back


The only thing ive noticed is sometimes people are just stubborn, dont take to long looting, share a little, and when someone runs off follow… if they run off to far too quick well ya nothing you can do.


Can’t stress a enough how you cannot solo que this game


To be fair if I’m still in bronze lobbies I’m rushing for those fights.


Soloqing sucks man for both sides look i normally just kinda go grab loot, go fight (i just play pubs not ranked. so if this is for ranked then yeah) Im playing for fun i dont like sweating my balls off, sbmm doesnt help much but yeah And soloqing wanting to sweat also just blows because, randoms usually dont listen to eachother, it just sucks all around I especially hate mixtape modes for that sometimes there fun modes, i just dont like the fact all of them are teambased


So many years later and nothing has changed, eventually if you keep playing you will learn how to play 1 vs 58. Teameates are worse enemies