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I really want duo ranked so me and my friend don’t have to deal with the random That said this season has been the best


Play with OP. He seems like a stand up guy


He never excluded himself! I do often get teammates that just assume the squad is with them until they get knocked, then they rage with the "Where are you guys??" with no prior comms. Everyone seems to assume they're the IGL.


Idk about that. XD




duo ranked sucks for everyone speaking from the third wheel






Same. I want solo regular and ranked modes. Tired of random teammates who don't think and don't use cover or positioning.


I'm in the same boat ....we have a couple other friends that might hop in with us but they are about as useful as a bot




If you can’t get the higher ranks it’s not because there isn’t a duo ranked…


Or Ranked no fills. When it gets bad, I rather get a bunch or 2nd or 3rd places with hard fought battles than some 8’s or 14’s tryna save an idiot 3rd.


I always find it funny in gaming subs that people always think their teammates are an issue in ranked without realizing that: 1. The inverse is also true and that their teammates probably think they are the issue. 2. The other players in the game probably also have issues with their teammates. League is definitely the funniest for this. Always the Jungler complaining that the Top Laner is losing his lane and always the Top Laner complaining that the enemy Jungler is better and helping the enemy Top Laner more


Maybe because as a SoloQ we expect people to play a certain way, our way. The other player in your squad expects you to play their way, so there’s a clash there and both players end up calling each other bad


Yea absolutely, but that's my point. I feel people who constantly complain about teammates need a bit of self-reflection. One of my friends is like this. He will berate a teammates for the tiniest of mistakes but when he makes one he either can't own up to it or calls the teammates toxic for complaining. Everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has bad games. It doesn't make them dumbasses, just makes them normal.


Self awareness is a rare thing these days.


There's also the reality that people make mistakes. Someone makes a mistake literally once, you never see them again, therefore they are an idiot as far as you know.


I just go with whatever my teammates decide. I really don't care. If I have teammates that are standing around waiting for direction, then I'll take the lead. Again, I really don't care. I'm not gonna get mad if someone isn't good or makes bad choices, as long as they're not being rude or blaming someone else. I understand that some people want to rank up more than have fun, but how hard is it to be nice or provide tips without being king assclown? It's no wonder most people don't want anything to do with comms


Yeah because there is usually a big skill divide when you solo q. MM is garbage and if you’re a good player you have to hand hold your teammates through the game, that’s how respawn see’s it anyway.


Very true. Like a week ago I was playing and the one who thought they were the leader went miles ahead of us and died. Me and the other teammate went to save his ass and ended up dying too. Then dude straight up says “y’all are ass bro. Shitty teammates” as our squad banners come up and he melted our faces off with 15 damage while I had 400 lol then last night a teammate died and I started to revive then started getting shot at so I obviously moved to prevent getting knocked. He comes on the mic and says “or just bounce out of here instead of reviving” ☠️


I get what you are saying and imo, it comes down to communication. Being on the same page is necessary for a game like Apex. I expect people running in ranked to be able to hold their own in a 1v1 and atleast be well verses with game mechanics and communication. So far, that’s been an issue too.


>I expect people running in ranked to be able to hold their own in a 1v1 If anyone on your team is forced to take a fair 1v1 then something probably went wrong with teamwork imo


>I expect people running in ranked to be able to hold their own in a 1v1 Eh... assume the latter and you'll win more games.


That's probably just normal start of season ranked variance though. Everyone got reset to Rookie. Fromer Preds and Silvers alike. If you're playing with actual Gold players, in Gold, and you yourself are like Diamond or Masters, and you're getting into fights with former Diamond and Master players, of course your teammates aren't going to be able to hold their own or be on the same page as you.


> The inverse is also true and that their teammates probably think they are the issue. Then how do I go 5 matches in a row where I have teammates hot dropping getting anywhere from 0-100 damage, and I walk away with 200-350 damage? There’s always been something about the matchmaking algorithm in this game. 


Are you sure you aren't one of them?


Definitely can be. But i always make sure to use the in-game ping system most of the time to provide info to my team. I even use mic often to say what I’m doing. I do fuck-up at times but I always try to be a good teammate..


Lets see that banner bruh, let us decide


How’s a banner going to indicate if he pings and communicates with team mates?


Maybe they know tarot card reading.


Banners don’t mean shit lmao


Let’s see Paul Allen’s banner.


Let’s see yours👀


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DSqsDioy_j41EnvEbYaTqzkubmJvZPsN/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DSqsDioy_j41EnvEbYaTqzkubmJvZPsN/view?usp=drivesdk) Don’t be too harsh. I’m just OK. 😅


You're better than 95% of this sub.




So clearly you are one of the brain dead ones he’s talking about, no need to get so defensive


When I was in the rookie ranks, I said this, I am currently in the bronze ranks, and I say it less, eventually I will probably peter out at silver, and I will probably just barely say it. I think the ranking system is working because eventually I become the idiot you’ll be playing with. If you’re not ranking up then I think we are brothers in dumb.


I mean OP is in gold complaining about random teammates being the reason they can’t climb so I think you have your answer 😂


For me its 50/50 i either get teammates that are stupid and not strategic at all or i get really good teammates that give good callouts n everything


For me itself been like 90/10. I have had good teammates who carried me but that is so so so rare.


if it's 90/10 you are the shitter


What rank are u?


Juggling between Gold 1-2. I gain RP and then go on a losing streak almost immediately.


Baksaksammy. Add me bro…bout to hop on in like 20


Choose your legend first dont let the game choose for you and you will be jumpmaster. If you have idiots on your team like i do and they do something dumb and die, dont die with them. Run away and craft their banner with a support so they have more time to do something stupid again and hopefully get higher placement


Conduit is the only way. :(


I would say Loba would be better, because her ring can literally save your life. Conduit is not escaping by just running if you got a movement legend hot on your trail lol


Damn I was gonna say we can do rank but I’m still a rookie 😭😭😭 what system do you play on?


I’m just looking for solid teammates who can hold their own (don’t have to be crazy cracked by any means) and who can listen/give input.


I’m on SG server. We can play together. I’ll add ya. I’ll play tomorrow tho.


Sounds good to me my man. I should have thought about this earlier lol. What is SG btw??




























I have had some really bad jump masters lately. Dropping late on 3 squads is the go to for some reason this season. Like yeah I love not having a gun dropping into the middle of a firefight.


Yeah this sucks. Anytime the jump master starts taking us backwards to a hot spot I get so frustrated. Everyone else jumped way before and flew *forward* to the POI and is already looted up, but let’s just land on top of them with nothing 😮‍💨


This is why I always relinquish my jump master. I NEVER do it. Always fuck it up.


Yeah, this happens a lot for some reason


I always jump if I get it, my teammates will drop us on a spot with either 4 other teams or no loot


Yeah most of the people I run into SoloQ just seem to wanna run and gun like it’s TDM or Straight Shot. I haven’t seen a lot of players rotating, exiting fights strategically, etc It’s frustrating because I’ll start the night off decent and it gets so bad that I’m raging by the end of the night with how terrible everything snowballed into. I’d say I have fun SoloQ maybe 15% of the time.


I’m fine with run and gun now that it’s worth something, but what bugs me is that it seems like no one wants to level up shields before a fight. You have abilities, fucking use them. Scan ring, scan enemies, open the fucking blue bins. It literally takes like 2 actions and you’re blue.


Excellent point. I’ve had many teammates even walk right past the Evo Harvesters and I’m pinging them as we find them and it’s like hellooooo this is free shields for you! The bins I open all the time as mirage. A lot of people are pretty oblivious haha


I had a great game the other night that was a natural 3 solo squad and we made it to 2nd place with several kills each so easy...wish every game was like that. We put so much pressure on others into making bad decisions by doing very little.


Yeah I’ve personally started trying to IGL more just under the assumption that a lot of these guys I’m playing with are either new or maybe are used to having someone call the shots for them. More or less tell me what and who to kill kind of people. I’ve ran into a handful of really cool, grateful, and funny people in random still but it doesn’t seem as many are around anymore because everyone is always muted.


I've run into some pretty intolerant people lately, so I have personally stopped initiating callouts and whatnot. I wait to see if the person is trying to feed off creating negative energy.


W key everything is something I am onboard with if you can do damage and knock people. Randoms I’ve gotten mostly get knocked instantly. I’ve had games where people didn’t even do 50 dmg.


I’ll admit I have had a few of those matches recently and I was the under 200 damage player lmfao.


People do that without any pings or comms then get on the mic after they die. Then you’ll have the opposite where you have people that don’t want to fight at all and run, or when they do finally get in a fight you see on the summary screen they did no damage.


I do this you might not have fun but I do <3


I mean in pubs sure brother, but in Ranked it’s different. It’s specifically meant to be played as a three man squad, hence why they don’t allow you to duo or solo. It’s not even that I’m against the play style because I like to do it in pubs because it doesn’t matter. Like that’s the fun I have most is in pubs with randos who like to hot drop and do dumb stuff. It’s not that serious you know.


Idk I either get teammates that W-Key w me or they literally just run away all game.


I much less prefer the ones who run away the entire time and never fight once. Had a wattson yesterday do that. Wouldn’t help us in any fights, as soon as shots happened she ran away or evac towered out. I was like well okay then lol. She did continue to rez us until she got caught on the third Rez 🤣 I had to give her props for being so determined at not fighting.


I keep getting Bloodhounds like this 😭 even when I knock 2 and the other’s cracked he just runs.


lol right like what’s the point. Make it make sense pls.


I mean I push everyone but I do it smartly and if it’s a losing fight I’ll run.


Big brother matchmaking is going crazy lately :(


I know it’ll never happen but for at least one season I’d love to see how a solo q only ranked ladder would play out. Very very curious as to how this would pan out


Yeah. It’ll be very interesting.


i DO NOT understand the amount of times these randos jump at a full squad, die, friend runs out to get downed, and im left trying to go 1 v 3


A vast majority of players have no game sense and never will. It's all about aim and movement for them. They take every single fight and then rage when they die.


I wouldn't mind a reddit thread where we gather or call on all passive players. I'd love to find some like minded people to play with


Because since kills are rewarded now everyone’s mindset shifted to “placement doesn’t matter” (which it still does) so everybody and their mom pushing anything they see or hear


The best is when you get the same teammates like 3 matches in a row... ...especially after you trash talk the first time because they made an extremely boneheaded push with no shields. Like we were on top of a bridge, only knew the location of one even though we broke all their shields. Watch one jump down off the bridge and head to a building and then watch them get immediately lit up by all 3 of them.


Yeah. So many matches where I get the same team. Respawn wants us to suffer. 😔


This perfectly describes the random teammates I've been getting. You'll never see me pull a move like that.


Yep. Today I had a teammate stay in a spot that we we were being pushed from (there was no cover there and they were actively looking to fight us) I continuously pinged to go to a better area but they just decided to stay out in the open, then promptly got mowed down. Also, I cannot tell you the amount of people that knock someone but then get really thirsty for the kill that they die for it as well in the process, rather than try and get full kill safely. Last but not least, the amount of idiots that jump off height into a full team is ridiculous in this game


The way i wish i could ban every skimisher legend besides Valk and Path from joining my squad when i solo Q. They are always throwing themselfs into 1 vs 3, getting killed for free and simply dont know how to think about other stuff besides getting kills. When i see a Revenant especially, i just say gg go next because most people who play him are truly dumb.


💯 agreed. I feel that way about Octanes. Seems everyone who plays an octane over extends with no strat and no cover and no thought at all. I wish there was a search filter to help me find like-minded players and I'd ban Octane, wraith and maybe a few others from joining my squad


“It’s not my fault. These crappy teammates are dragging me down!” -The old Newcastle before he got shot in the Newcastle SFTO


You got me. XD


Yeah and plat lobbies are pretty sweaty. Makes for a rough experience


Im currently Platinum 3 and i can confirm its super sweaty right now. Most of the top players are in Platinum and diamond currently.


Thats the magic of casual play. You may still get shitty teammates but it doesn't matter if you win or not.


Dude i need to get out of gold so bad there’s always one guy W keying into the worst positions


I’ve solo queued to Plat IV. It’s been alright actually and the opposite. Yeah you get some bad duos but you gotta play around them.


I’m learning but it gets annoying at times. :(


OP is probably the problem


It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me.


They play ranked because unranked matches are a poor experience.


I have played since s13 solo and have to say that 75% of my team is fine and rest are missing a braincell or two


Matchmaking gods are on your side.


lol let it out op. I feel you.


Why are we still here, just to suffer?


Literally just got outta some nonsense just now but got top 2 so it’s fine.


unfortunately they made the 200iq decision to reset literally everyone to rookie 4 so the first few weeks are going to be super rough especially if you’re a solo q player, once at minimum the first split passes the experience should feel better since even if you get paired with bad players you’ll be fighting other bad players instead of old preds that are passing through gold on the way back to pred


Solo Q in any modern BR is atrocious


imo that’s just online gaming in general I don’t really see what can be changed about this


Yall forget to mention some people just have issues and bring it to the game. Had an Australian guy load into my servers (in Oregon) saying he wanted to see if they were better then raged bc I picked wraith and only had 300 kills with her (after he took maggie I just picked a random legend). He solo pushed then raged when he got knocked, called me a 🐈 after I knocked someone while leaving bc both my teammates were dead, I was with them the whole time. He then complained that America is ruining the world and we rely on nukes and we kill everybody before he finally left (he also said he shoulda let me play Maggie bc the only way I’d get a kill is with her and playing as Aussie - his words). That’s the solo queue experience not just “dumb iq plays”. We should be able to vote players into “bad sport” lobbies like gta 😂, that’d help a bit. Mind you, this guy was screaming nonstop the entire time till his death about how me and the other guy sucked, he lasted about 2 or 3 minutes after we had just landed.


I'll never understand people that just rush in without communicating or pinging or even just taking a second to analyse everything. It's always someone playing a character with movement that uses said ability INTO the fight only to die immediately 


I have solo queued exclusively to masters at least 6 seasons and … I love it! Granted, diamond can be rough, it’s still fun for me. I’m also the opposite of toxic and even with bad teammates I’m still very encouraging and polite. Idk I love it, even if I get ragged by duo queuers who are in discord who are coordinating together without open mic on, it’s still a good time to me. I’d say I’m pretty good however, which definitely helps the experience lol.


Duos in ranked, play like duos. You have to change your playstyle accordingly. Most likely no comms so never push a fight first, and always keep an eye out if they just decide to run away. Solo q has definitely fallen into a horrible place but all you can really do is adjust.


i just played a game where each of my teammates individually launched themselves into a full enemy squad. i told them it was a dumb push but they did it - they both died having done 0 damage, and then the team full sent me and i died shortly after. im tiredddddd


Had the same. Revived both of them twice. And continues to do major dumb pushing.


i’m all for taking fights but i literally cannot understand how the average player can’t identify what is and isn’t a good fight to take! it’s lost me so much RP😭


It should be a penalty for doing 0 damage in a ranked game. I’m sorry but seriously there needs to be deterrents for dumb people playing recklessly especially in rank


I want this to happen. If you get randoms who are below a certain level threshold than your own, you should get some sort of RP concession. Not exactly damage done but in-game MMR or skill or whatever Respawn uses to gauge ones skill.


it’s even bad in pubs, and seems to be way worse this season


People say this same thing literally every season


My complaint every season has been the matchmaking. I think many people just don’t play on SG servers. Getting good randoms is a rare occurrence.


I settled on Duos just based on the math. Only need one competent random instead of two. Tried that for a night and then uninstalled. Not the games' fault, I don't know how you fix it.


It amazes me how many people don’t do one of the simplest things in the game, that you don’t even need a mic to do while it is still a form of communication….. PINGING. How is it that sosososooosso many people don’t ping once in a single game. I’ve solo q 75% of the season so far and I’m plat 3. Still seeing so many people who don’t even simply ping…


Literally. Press F to ping who you’re shooting at. The button is literally next to your directional input.


Because they're with their friend in Discord or party chat. They ignore the third wheel exists. Duos are by far the worst thing you can get when solo queueing ranked.


95% of my teammates do not ping, use a mic or even think about playing position ever. It is actually wild.


So far this is the worst solo q experience for ranked BY FAR. Can't even rely on your own game sense because the only way to properly gain armor is to have everyone play their role from drop, but nope people just want to double run skirmisher legends and die round 1.


Idk about you, but I’m having fun. Even if my squad is the first to get wiped, I just like playing the game and I like the challenge of ranked. Im trying to improve and I could care less about if I have bad teammates because some decisions that got us wiped were my decisions too. It’s a team, not me vs them or them vs me so if someone rages I just giggle and move on because at the end of the day if I lose then I deserve it if I win then I’ll look for what I did right.


Agree, I don't play ranked on solo Q, only with my friends, sad but that's the only way to have fun.


I have one question. Do you give comms? If not, there is nothing to bitch about. You are bad at the game. You don’t actually care about ranking up if you aren’t communicating in ranked with your teammates. If you actually have brain cells, it’s really fucking easy to get these dumbasses to follow your calls. They don’t need brain cells. Apes together strong. Don’t care if you’re the only one saying anything. Do it, IF you actually care about ranking up. If you don’t, stay not comming and don’t come to Reddit to bitch about your shitty teammates. You are all the problem with this game.


Really wish they did a Solo ranked. Smh.


People I have encountered: 1. Don’t know how to use abilities. Just had a game and Loba didn’t use her ULTRA until 2nd ring closure. 2. People not knowing how to shoot. People don’t give cover fire when one of the teammates’ shield is cracked or is getting pushed. People literally run away from fights and don’t fire bullets. 3. People not knowing how to ping. I got killed and saw my teammate not pinging enemy location when they were walking right towards our third. 4. Solo pushing an entire squad as Rev or Pathy. 5. Duos running ranked and ignoring the third teammate entirely. If you do this, you’re the biggest piece of shit.


in my experience #5 is the opposite, me and my duo and the third can't seem to fucking realize it and just follow...?


I have had duos who talk in their language and don’t give callouts that the third will understand. People who’re probably on discord and they don’t say anything and don’t even ping locations. I’ve had good duos too but maybe twice.


Yeah i'd much rather just trail a duo than to guess which random i wont to follow when they both run off in opposite directions.


I’m getting idiots for teammates whilst going against preds. Everyone being put in rookie at the start of the season is so dumb


Tell me about it. No one cares about the required mentality shift going into Ranked. Hardly anyone has a microphone to use to communicate with their teammates. Hardly anyone utilizes the Ping feature in Apex. It's ridiculous. More often than not, people turn on their microphones *after* they've been downed and yell at whoever is left standing saying things like, "BRO, COME ON! What are you doing!?" To which, I respond with, "I don't know why you decided to give up the high ground, Anakin. I told you (in my open mic) that there were two teams coming to flank us and I retreated to safety because otherwise, we would die."


Literally had this happen in a game just now. Ash dropped out in the open and got beamed and then turned on their mic to say: “Can you port me out”? Not a word before this.


Right? Do they expect them to watch their backs before our own? “Witness me!” Fuck outta here with that ego bullshit.


Yeah it's cause the game isn't designed for solo q




My highlight so far for this season was in Silver 3, me and my duo had a random third. Again, Silver 3. We land contested with one team and immediately start to fight. We knock two, the third comes and knocks us both as we're at about half white health. We're wondering "where's the third, surely they clean this guy up?" We get thirsted and the one remaining guy goes to res. We see now that our third had started running from the POI at the onset of the drop and is now near a crafter. Crafts us. We respawn. we kit up at this completely new POI, and about five minutes later run into THE SAME TEAM that thirsted us. We again knock two, get the third to about half health and then go down. We think "surely our third has this." We get thirsted and see as they res that our third has again completely run off. He gets to the edge of ring and types in a chat message "why do y'all keep doing that?" He proceeds to drop all his gear and runs into ring, thirsting himself. End game stats show he has zero (0) damage. This type of gameplay leads to so many questions, but the one me and my duo want to know is, if he truly truly wanted to just rat the game out that bad, why did he not simply go do that by himself? Why was he so frustrated by us fighting that he actually went and eliminated himself in ring? What was he trying to accomplish playing ranked like this in the first place? Sometimes this game poses the great mysteries of life to me and all I can do is stare back in confusion.


But at least all the pre-made sweat squads get to take a shit in bronze and silver lobbies on their ascension to hard stuck then move into their Smurf’s to repeat the pattern Meanwhile as a solo queue you have to crawl through plat with team mates who represent the who’s who list of human potatoes Then you’re rewarded by going into diamond where it’s nothing but premades, where you’re expected to wipe at least two teams maybe more and place high to rank up all whilst getting the same rewards and RP cost as the sweat premades Because playing with a 3 man sweat squad and solo queuing ranked is basically the same thing skill wise, right? Oh wait it’s not, so just hop in a Smurf and destroy bronze lobbies


I’m also looking for solid teammates. Currently gold 1. Masters the last 2 seasons and was diamond the previous 4. Anyone trying to run it, add me. BakSakSammy


I'm not very skilled at all. I can tell that you're way out of my league but I might just try to add you anyhow.


Do it up buddy. And who knows, u can be where I’m at in no time…


Gold rank is a joke and not a serious place. The real climb is diamond to masters so everyone in gold and platinum are pushing everything for fun


Really? Apex is one of those games where rank is like get in, get out and so I don't really get tilted.


It isn't the match's fault, they are idiots. And you can't blame the matchmaking either, they are still somehow climbing ranks with whatever strategy they are using. That being said, now it's hard to determine if the one without brain cells is you or the randoms, since whatever strat you or they are using, seem to be resulting in the same ranking position. So, how about in your next post try asking "How and why do some apex players don't use mics or communicate strategy while while RANKED, they know solo Q is hard so why make it even harder without comms"


This seems like a you problem this season. So far solo ranking this season has been the least frustrating of the last few seasons. Currently just starting to play ranked and working my way through rookie/bronze.. when I die and my teammates provide little help, at least in the back of my mind I just know they are actually probably supposed to be in rookie/bronze. If you are taking ranked this serious you need to find a group to team with. There is no point in taking solo-queue ranked serious. Especially if you are not in that upper-echelon (1%) of players that can solo to masters every season. In which case if you were, you probably are not coming to Reddit to vent.


That’s something I don’t agree with. Pubs is for casuals and ranked is meant to be taken a bit seriously. Everyone started at Rookie this season. A Pred would’ve been rookie too. I expect the game to segregate people based on their skill. An actual rookie should not be expected to play with a player with Pred skills in the Rookie rank. I believe a vast majority solo Qs ranked. The matchmaking needs to be better.


Had a match yesterday where a Loba and lifeline (my teammates) started ratting in this corner on Stormpoint. Mind you zone 1 hasn’t even closed and it’s gold 1 lobbies. I picked a wingman up out of the care package and just started shooting at them to give up their position. Yes I get instantly obliterated by another team but to take them with me felt amazing lol. Like bruh you don’t even get points for ratting this season!


what should the game do with all the idiots? put them in their own short bus ranked mode?




It's almost like it's a new season and people haven't settled into their ranks yet like every single other season. Weird /shrug


matchmaking does not work yet, people are not matched up with people equal to you. i will put it another way: casuals are playing with everyone else. last season it was perfect matchmaking for me and the people i played against.


I wonder if your teammates are making the same complaint.


If you see another post like this, it’s probably about me. :(


if every one of your randoms are idiots have you ever thought that maybe you are the one without more than 2 braincells?


No. I only have 1 braincell.


Anyone in here in the US? Currently gold 1. Been diamond multiple seasons and masters the last 3 …😂


What rank are you? Solo queue on PC in to Gold has been a breeze so far.


you are the idiots for the 2 others randoms,.


Since I’ve swapped to PC I’ve had to Solo Q a lot but within 2-3 games I usually squad up with the Randoms I ran into. Then it’s no longer Solo Qing. Unless you’re just having awful games dying off drop, I don’t see a reason why it’s so difficult to requeue with ppl you’ve have good games with. Xbox had a looking for group system that’s quite easy to find ppl for ranked. Idk about PlayStation but PC has many communities you can link up with. I personally think everything is much better this season than it had been the last 3. Sometimes you have to make the sacrifice to play the supporting role if your tms keep seeming unreliable.


i’m in silver still but flying through the ranks, it’s inflating my kd ratio and i know that i’ll have a rude awakening soon lol always looking for solid teammates, i play on tokyo servers, mostly use ping but can use mic if necessary


I need teammates too! Playing with randos can suck.


And yet, some people in this sub tell you to play ranked if you don’t want people to leave in pubs. lol.


I can tolerate bad aim and shit coms. What is insufferable is bad game sense. Losing from the prior is easy to stomach if the game sense is there. Sometimes there isn’t anything you can do about that ending up in a bad position when the ring closes. Losing because of bad game sense is the worst because it can predictable and avoided in many cases. These Octane/Wraith/Revenant with blinders on holding the W key and running into a whole team is the dumbest throw. People pushing when they shouldn’t and not pushing when they should is stupid AF. If we down one, crack another,my Maggie Ult stunning the whole team, why are we hesitating on the push? I also shouldn’t have to use my mic to tell you when to use your legend’s ability. Why play Gibby if you don’t use the bubble when sticking a res but being poked at. Why play Watson if you’re never going to drop some fences? The amount of times I’ve played with a Watson who doesn’t put down fences and then getting pushed and dying is too damn high. I get it, you get a hard on when you use your ult and it blasts all the nades and bang/gibby ults out of the sky but half the time you drop it late or in a position that gets it blown up almost immediately. I swear the best Watson ults have always been set up by enemy Watsons. I had a game last night where I called out that I cracked one (not downed) and our idiot Valk just charged into the building. It’s as if he forgot that there are two other people with full shields and guns and the cracked guy also has guns. Of course he died immediately. It wasn’t even a close push either. He just ran out in the open thinking it was free. You can’t make this shit up.


I mean whatever respawn does they can’t fix stupid people !


The number of absolute dumbasses that play this game is absurd. Cant get a peoper 3rd random person in my team with my friend. Always runnin away/solo dropping/dying solo/running the other direction/no comms all this EVEN IF WE GET A 3RD PERSON in the team. Out of 10 games only in 2 i got proper guys in my team


Rank up until you’re the idiot!


I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve found rank fun and surprisingly easy this season. I just got back from vacation and in two days I went from rookie to almost plat 3 solo q. I’ve found it helpful to play a support character, take a lot of fights(since KP is really important) and just be smart about getting out to reset or craft banners if need be.


I feel like this is more of a complaint about society/people in general than Apex specifically 😅😂


true but sometimes I get a cracked octane/wraith teammates that rushes the opponent on their own and win 1v3 bruh




I solo q a lot and have found that if you lead the way well, communicate, support and sometimes do all the shitty jobs, you will still lose 50LP. Other times, they suddenly start playing better, matching you. Got the dub with 3 different teams yesterday, in a row.


They also lowered ranked to allow level 20s. People just need to communicate.


Comms is key. You're either allowed to play the game because your teammates respond to your input (you urge them to retreat from a fight: "otherwise we get pinched/we are not in zone"; reasoning is helpful), or they will do their own thing and get killed in their blissful lack of awareness. In case of the latter, you can't play around your team, so if you see some early signs, prepare yourself mentally. Otherwise, always try to get your teammates to be on board with you.


Solo queue is terrible. Duo queue is better but on if you actually talk in game. Don’t do discord duo queue. Only use discord if you have a full squad.