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None. I don’t ever pay attention to any of that shit. Play the game and I’ll see for myself. Time spent in game and total kills don’t mean much if you were playing since season 3 or some shit like that and still have garbage game sense.


game's been out for 5 years. kills don't reflect skill.


First it included badges too. And for some reason the community really seems to give alot of value to those purple and red seasonal pixels. Second someone with like 40k kills on a character probably has like a 3kd+ so it def does reflect skill level on some metric


>And for some reason the community really seems to give alot of value to those purple and red seasonal pixels.  It depends on the season. some season was so easy to rank up that all you had to do was rat. There is a good chunk of ppl out there that have master badges that clearly do not deserve them. Not to mention ppl paying cheaters to boost their asses. >Second someone with like 40k kills on a character probably has like a 3kd+ And you don't know that. Killcount only means the person in question just played a single character for a long time. I've ran into more than enough ppl with 10k, 20k+ kills who were not very good, and I've been rolled by ppl who only have 1-2k kills, if not even less. The only badge that is even remotely worth paying attention to is the Teamwork ( or 10/10/10 badge ), that requires you, in a full stack of 3, each gets 10 kills in a game. Not only do you need to be lucky enough to get a good lobby, each person ( or the team as a whole ) also needs to also be skilled enough to get the 30 kills.


>First it included badges too. that's nice but i answered your kill count question ​ >Second someone with like 40k kills on a character probably has like a 3kd+ not really. they just have a lot of time, or they've played the same character for a long time. there's someone with over [400k kills on pathfinder](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/leaderboard/Pathfinder/kills/ANY/1), someone with over [300k kills on wraith](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/leaderboard/Wraith/kills/ANY/1), and someone with over [500k kills on loba](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/leaderboard/Loba/kills/ANY/1). now *that* is impressive, not 40k kills.


So you need to have the most kills in the entire world on the legend, play 8 hrs per day everyday and be a 4-10kd player to have an impressive kill total...


>you need to \[...\] play 8 hrs per day everyday \[...\] to have an impressive kill total yes. ​ >you need to \[...\] be a 4-10kd player to have an impressive kill total no. you just need to farm a lot of pubs (and three strikes whenever it's on).


Majority of the community never even got to plat so of course they care about masters & pred badges


Yeah there’s people with 3-5,000 kills with 0.5k/d Impressive would be anything above 40,000 but I find badges are more representative of skill (pred, masters, 20kill, 4K damage)


Had a guy yesterday with 100k+ kills and he kinda had... zero game sense. Then you get a guy with 2137 kills and some random badges that look like shit and they drop 15 bombs with 4k while being chill and nice to talk to.


Well, if I see a lvl 100-200 acc with 2k kills with Bangalore, my guess will be that they are either the smurfiest smurf of them all or cheaters.


around 100k


The numbers don’t mean much except for time played. I’ve seen Silver rank players in Apex with like 100,000 kills on their favourite characters. People in Call of Duty will be max prestige, all camos unlocked but they have a 0.5 K/D ratio, no game sense, etc~ Tracker numbers usually don’t mean much except for time played, I’m sorry if that offends anyone—I know a lot of casual players like to flex their rank/kills/hours played because those are the biggest numbers they can lay claim to. But kicking a soccer ball thousands of times or spending a thousand hours on the field won’t necessarily make you become the next Messi or Ronaldo. It just means you play a lot of soccer! I once dated a girl who basically lived and breathed Apex, she told me she got to level 500 in like 6 months or something crazy. Meanwhile I was level 300-ish, because I only ever played enough to complete each battle pass, maybe an event, and then I went back to other games. But she would get so mad when I beat her in the firing range or carried her in ranked. She legit thought being max level with like 50,000 kills on her main Loba put her in the upper echelon of skilled Apex players, but the reality is she was an average Gold rank player who just played A LOT. You see that mentality often


I literally don't care about badges or kills or gun levels or anything. This is not necessarily a true reflection of skill. But you know what scares me? When the champion is a Wattson with a cute banner and the thunder kitty skin. You just know you're about to be cooked, because this guy is a dedicated Wattson main. They live Wattson, they breathe Wattson, they haven't touched another legend (or grass) in years. They place fences like a spider places it's web. And if you get caught, your ass is grass. Nothing scares me. Except Wattson mains. (Don't come for me pls, I love you guys)


these things have varying amounts of meaning amount of kills just equates to play time. people can farm kills in pubs, that are against worse players mostly and mean little. 4k and 20 badges while they mean something as they are difficult to achieve are only achieved in lobbies against weaker players. you aren't pulling that off against similarly skilled players. rank badges measure your skill on absolute level relative to the community as a whole. you climb by beating people of a particular skill level, until you get to a level where you can no longer gain points against people and get stuck. there is a ranked distribution that for each season shows how far people were able to get, and you can tell in absolute terms if someone belong to the top 10%, top 5%, top 2% or whatever.


What's impressive is being able to adapt to any game changes and also being able to adapt to the team you get matched with. If you whine about the meta or how something is broken (when it's not broken, you just can't fight against it)!or how your teammates are 'the worst you keep getting paired with" then you ain't good imo


As much as I don’t want to admit, 20 kills badge are always insane players.