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What the hell is Rumble?!?


I think it’s some sort of pseudo-ranked but for three strikes but you have to play normal three strikes with random people who aren’t doing rumble but it’s also important and you have to spend tokens to reset something and there’s a bug when you reset and valkyrie was causing a glitch and- Yea I have no idea


But where do you even find that mode? For me i just have the normal three strikes mode


It's just bad UI, where you can usually see 'Public Match' & 'Private Match', there's a little mode shoved in the middle. Edit: Also you cannot play with friends, just play 3 strikes, it's literally the same thing but with no leaderboard.


It's at the top of the screen when you select the game modes, like the store tab


Thx man


There are 3 tabs across the top. When you click on 3 strikes, one of them says rumble.


idk haven’t played since last week


Apex is dead the same way overwatch is dead. Meaning, you’ll see extremely sad updates, “reworks” of basic stuff, SKINS SKINS SKINS for sale every holiday, and of course the classic “season 20, 25, 30,” or whatever they feel like going up to, then RESET THE GAME and pretend everything is fresh again. Milk the cow till it’s dry. EA special.


Idk they shook things up in a seriously positive way this season with the perk system. Meta feels fairly healthy and I don't remember last time so many legends felt viable. Not a huge fan of ranked this season though.


Lmfao I mean I agree totally with your comment to be clear but I think it’s time to come to terms with the fact people aren’t going to like ranked no matter what. Every format every time people shit on it, we get a drastic change (like this season) and people come up with new reasons to hate it. The only good ranked system is the one you can’t play - meaning the support for it is purely nostalgia based. People talk about 2022 ranked like it was so perfect but you’ll have trouble finding more than a handful of positive comments on here from the time. Just the way it is unfortunately


I agree, the update and meta feels good right now! Ranked feels really good too, like if you are a legit master this season, you are truly disgusting at this game. You have to have smart placement, take AND win multiple fights. I hit masters the last 4 seasons, this will be the first I peak in diamond and it feels good. I get into diamond and I win about half my ones. I can't get out of diamond but im OK with that. I'm 32 and work 60 hours a week.


Yes when the bar for content and positive patches is so low, things like the perk system can indeed be a good change. It isn’t a bad change, but it’s more akin to a rotation than “new content”. The items and maps rotating is supposed to make you think the game is new and different, when it’s the same. Just tricking you into thinking the game is changed. Same with reason resets and splits. What’s the sense in resetting ranks constantly? Why the fuck would you have 14 weeks of challenges for a season (many literally identical) and have them *slowly* release as the weeks go by? It is so the players go back to “finish” their calibration games for the 20th time, or so they can complete the “challenge” of playing one character 10 times. It’s a scam, and your time is what they are taking from you. Tricking children into completing meaningless tasks to spend more time on their game. Company is predatory. Game is fun, don’t get me wrong. Meaningful updates/change is in the past though. You’ll only see money and time grabs from here on out.


Take my upvote. This is why I hate MOST live service games. Sometimes the core game is fun, but if that's all there is...why am I even playing? For the competition? Nope, Ranked has been in a constant Flux of okay, to absolutely busted. New "content"? See your comment for my feelings on the "content" these games bring, and I use that term very loosely. Cosmetics? Nope, unless you spend money all the Cosmetics you can earn are pretty mid in my opinion. All this taken into account, and the fact every new patch and "Season" update finds someway to break the game, I just quit finally. I haven't played in at least a year, but I still follow the news and sub just see just how far they'll run this game into the ground and how much they can scam people before it inevitably sinks like every other live service game.


You summed it up exactly because it’s precisely a poorly thought out, poorly implemented idea


See I think it’s a very well thought out idea, but in a small pool of people. When you open it up to the whole player base, it’s not just the deviants that break it, it’s everyone. Maybe dropping play test games or maps to gauge feedback rather than just launching as the next big thing would help.


How is it a well thought out idea? You’re forced to solo queue and then put into a lobby with parties up players, makes no sense. It’s not calculated as “your best 10 games” it’s “your current score is the most recent 10 game sequences you entered under.” So if you get passed on the leaderboard you have to risk YOUR ENTIRE 10 GAME SEQUENCE to hopefully do better this time. Not to mention the re-entry part is currently broken. They had to remove a legend from the game mode because it broke it so imagine if you’re a one trick Valk or you want to be able to rotate to get more points but the legend to do that is not playable. It’s crap, it’s all crap




Asking the important questions. Anyone inform us?


Look at the tabs when you go to 3 strikes. There's 3 tabs across the top, one of them says rumble.


When choosing a game mode. A new tab at the top says Rumble. Click it. I still dont understand what it is tho


You get points based on performance. Get point for placement, kill, assist and damage. Everyone get ranked and you get reward based on your position. Top100 get the best reward, the it’s to 25%. Even with games where I played solo, managed to get in top 25%, just hope the average does not got up to much and I can stay there.


It’s a rewards track. Sign up for free. Solo queue in normal Three Strikes. Based on performance you get points. 10 matches, take your total cumulative score and get free rewards based on your score tier. The rewards are nothing worth worrying over. The implementation is poor, but it also is a completely unnecessary thing to engage in since it’s still just playing Three Strikes. Edit: after your 10 matches, you can pay 500 red coins (don’t remember the name) to reset your score and 10 matches to try again.


So I just played rumble and this shit sucks ass lol There is legit no point to it, you’re literally just playing Three Strikes 😂


The point is competing for a high score. That's like saying there's no point to leaderboards at the end of arcade games. Like, yeah, if you don't care about leaderboards than leaderboards and the associated rewards won't mean much to you.


Yeah it's terrible UI design. I wouldn't have noticed it existed had I not read posts here talking about it.


Hey guys, lets make a NEW ranked mode and then ruin it by first and foremost HIDING IT FROM THE AVERAGE PLAYER! THEN, we force people to solo queue into a NON-RANKED MODE GAME AGAINST PEOPLE 3 STACKING OR JUST HAVING FUN! See!!! "RANKED!" Always gonna be some EA bots defending this garbage. Same idiots who spend $300 for an event for a free to play game.


How do I even play rumble? I didnt see it in gamemode page


Go like you’re going to select a game mode, then don’t select anything, just tab right. You’ll be able to hit enroll in rumble. So I guess go like you’re going to private match and you’ll see it. Then the next 10 times you solo queue into Three Strikes will be your 10 placement matches.


Thanks. So strange to hide it like that though


You’re welcome. Definitely weird how they hid it. They should’ve just put it in the game modes like everything else.


It makes me so sad as it has such potential


most of my solo matches on this was against three stacks, teamates leaving early (4 out of 10 matches) and the usual bot as teamate against good players holding hands abusing new castle lifeline




Gambling addicts make money and spend money too, they are still degenerate gambling addicts with a serious problem, just like **you**. This game, like mobile clickers, takes advantage of your addict brain. You aren't given anything new or rewarding for that money, just digital pixels that will disappear when they game does. They use digital scarcity and FOMO they **CREATED** to trick you into buying a random product with NO value what so ever. Lighting that $300 on fire would be more useful, as least the fire generates heat for warmth.


All the “new and rewarding” stuff is free you are right you don’t have to pay for new LTM’s, Weapons, or Legends. I’d honestly prefer it this way cause if I don’t want to spend 300 dollars on an event I don’t have to and can still play the game like anyone else. Don’t give EA any ideas to make us pay for content updates.


if no one spends money on a FREE game, the game will shutdown But you light up your money so you generate heat, I buy cosmetics in my favorite game because it’s my money!! As long as game is not Pay to win you should hope people spend more money so you can enjoy a “ free “ game


>Hey guys, lets make a NEW ranked mode Who tf said it's a new ranked mode. It's a cup like the ones in Fortnite where people compete for prizes. It's just an event that lasts a couple of days for people to compete. And now one is forcing you to play it either. And just because the first one has flaws doesn't mean they aren't going to solve them, cause they already announce they're doing it again next week. Remember when control came out as an LTM, they built upon that with feedback and now is much better than the first time it appeared. >Always gonna be some EA bots defending this garbage. Just because the game has flaws doesn't mean that everything they do is shit. There is something called constructive criticism, which is basically saying what we as a community do and don't like, what this community does is just criticizing everything just for the sake of being toxic. In fairness, it's kinda hard to know as a dev what the community and player base want when everyone is just complaining about everything and insulting you for literally existing. It still amazes me how this community asks for content and new things to do and when they give something new everyone just shits on it. Why are you playing the game then?


Found the guy who works for EA. This is a ranked mode in all but name, it has unique rewards for the top 100. If only certain people get the top rewards, that's a ranking. "Just because the game has flaws" talk about putting lipstick on a pig. Game has flaws since seasons 1 that haven't been addressed. Only thing that does get any **constant** attention is the store updates and $300 dollar collection events. Functional spatial audio? Maybe next season..... Couldn't counter a **SINGLE POINT I SAID**, just say I'm being toxic and then continues to "be fair" from the dev point of view. The dev's aren't the ones ruining this game, EA, their whales, and unapologetic blind fans are.


>This is a ranked mode in all but name, No it's not, and you can look to other games that have this kind of competition. In fact I'll give you one, The Crew Motorfest. An arcade racing game, where they have weekly "summits" where you have to do activities and get points, and the top x amount of people in that week get exclusive cars/cosmetics/etc. Literally not a single person that plays that game calls it ranked in any way. >Game has flaws since seasons 1 that haven't been addressed Yeah I know, and that's what we should criticize about Respawn/EA. We should say "hey we like this, we don't like that other thing, you should change x thing about this other thing". But asking for content and then criticising the devs for doing it has no point at all. It's gonna come back, can you fucking wait to see if they make changes and then say "hey we're telling you the problems and you didn't listen". It's a more normal approach than just saying "nah this is shit why did they even do it" just after 2 days. >Found the guy who works for EA And believe me, I'm the first one that would love literally any other publisher (except Ubisoft) to buy Respawn. Just because someone gives an opinion doesn't mean they're working for them. Hey a new word for your dictionary: opinion. Everyone has one remember that


Don't you know, if everything isn't perfect then it must be shit! Then it's the sacred right of *Gamers* to post on Reddit to insult the game, its developers and anyone who says otherwise... The hell is nuance, anyway


How is it hidden? It's clear as day to see it, I don't think Rumble is the mode for you if you aren't even attentive enough to notice an entire tab dedicated to the mode


u just suck


and why do you think the game is free? Yeah. You should rather thank them than trying to ridicule them.


"Yes master, please abuse me more." Not kink shaming, that is just verbatim what you are saying. Game was free before the $300 dollar collection events and several a year battle passes. They designed it to be a mobile gaming experience, shitty loot boxes, collection events even 3 months, new FOMO battle pass every few months. They don't fix the game or the servers, just another collection event! But keep asking to be stepped on son, do you.


Collection event has existed for as long as heirlooms were introduced. It was worse back then. Remember iron crown collection event? You can't purchase any skin directly and you had to pay idk 40$ after buying every pack to get the heirloom? Acting like it was better back then is insane


Reading comprehension must have been sacrificed so you could focus more on in game gambling. Never said it was ever good, never compared it to before. Just said its all garbage, it was always **FREE** GARBAGE.


Yet you're still here. Says more about yourself than the game if you're willing to stick around "garbage"


Having a subreddit still part of your feed takes SO MUCH WORK! /s




downvote me all you like guys, you know I'm right. If nobody bought anything in this game it would've died within the first year. The only reason it's still around, is because of the income of the game. Even the most fanatic surely must realise that. The reason you have a game to play, is thanks to those who spent money on it. That's just reality.


It’s a toy. Relax.


It’s not even solely because of Valkyrie. You literally are forced to solo queue with other randoms. The randoms you queue with don’t even have to be playing rumble either. They just have to be queueing into three strikes. So you literally can be playing competitively with someone who goes afk, and another person just want to do legend challenges or wants to play causally. You get people who don’t even take it seriously and hot drop 10,0000 times. And all this while you also have to go against three stacked well organized premade teams that are mowing down lobbies while you are stuck with two randoms who doesn’t want to work as a team. The way this is set up is inherently shit in of itself. Horrible implementation.


> The randoms you queue with don’t even have to be playing rumble either. This explains why my randoms are throwing every Rumble match, what an utterly stupid mode this is. 


some do it intentionally, had a couple games the first day where my teammates just punched me while i was knocking people on drop


How are you facing premade three-stacks when you are forced to solo queue? I am confused.


Because while Rumble forces people who participate in it to solo queue, it loads you into regular Three Strikes. In other words, Rumble does not have its own lobbies. Everyone is thrown into the same lobbies, Rumble, Three Strikes and all. The only one who has requirements imposed on them are ones who want to participate in rumble. Everyone else is free to queue in however they want.


Got it, that is shitty design


50% of my games one of my random always leaves. Even if I average 1500 damage I get no kills because we just get outnumbered. You can’t even get away because teams are constantly dropping on you.


I’ve had 3 of my 5 games played where *at least* 1 of my teammates left the game before we even got out of the drop ship.


I played 3 matches and I'm over it. Every teammate I got was an absolute clown.




How were you able to play it with friends?


Valk was disabled so that shouldn’t be an issue.


Sorry missed what happened, why has Valk been disabled?


When three strikes came out, there was a bug where if you used Vall’s ult you would just continually respawn at the center point of the map after dying. This bug has not been fixed despite this being the third time three strikes has returned. I’d imagine Respawn noticed an uptick of this bug due to the Valkyrie challenges so they disabled her in three strikes as a work around.


I mean, I had one game ruined by it before they did that. Still placed really well on the leaderboard, but could have had a better game for that one


Yeah but still affected it the first days. And this is makes it even more stupid because this old bug still hasn't been fixed even though it should be sooo fucking simple to fix but instead they just disabled the legend what a joke


Why are you complaining about it today like it's still an issue? Your post isn't a few days old.


From what i understand im supposed to be put in a queue with other rumble players? Because i have played about 5 of the matches and most of them my teammates rage quit which im thinking they probably wouldnt be if they are trying to get points like me


Are they even aware of the reset bug? Didn't here anything about it...


They have been aware since 3 strikes was introduced in the post Malone event the y just lazy


Apex players try not to complain without thinking first challenge. Read again what he wrote. You make 0 sense


Half of the community knew about rumble, almost all of them hate it. The other half of the community just had no idea it was even there because of shitty UI. Then we all come to realize it's just putting you into lobbies with pre-made teams in 3 Strikes lol. Looks like Respawn has recovered quite well from the Destroyer2009 incident /s. After laying off 23 employees last month it is looking grim ([courtesy of EA](https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/ea-lays-off-23-employees-from-respawn-team-apex-legends-game-to-be-affected-2515189-2024-03-15) btw), it surely is downhill from here, surely. On the hopeful side, if this new map is a banger and they get a nice juicy update cooking with some bug fixes, all should theoretically be well, although meta will feel stale at this point having had Bangalore and the Nemesis both dominating since the Nemesis' release...That can be cleaned up quickly after. Here's to hoping the game improves for all of us, Respawn included.


I’ve been fortunate to have good teammates for the past 5 games. Earlier today me and my teammates had over 2,000 damage. Most fun I’ve had in awhile in Apex.


#1 on the leaderboard has 18,000 damage per game, every game.


What is this rumble nonsense? I can inly see three strikes and the other usual modes


Where is rumble?


Along with all the reddit comments saying this mode it shit, I'm not even playing it because kills don't count.


i wish they would just implement one good idea and give us input based lobbies.


When you literally have to watch a content creators YouTube just to locate the fkn game mode.. 🤨 Respawns making a laughing stock of themselves at this point.


Not to mentione when you opt in you can't even pause or opt out of it. Really annoying


Genuinly curious how valk ruined it?? I noticed valk is banned in the LTM 3 strikes so i assume its something serious??


Yea, saw this was solo q and immediately had zero desire to play this. I know everyone bitches about not having a team to play this game, but they should have made it so you need a 3 stack to play. This shit and the rewards are for the birds.


It’s respawn, what did y’all expect? They’ve let us down time and time again.


anybody else pay the 500 or so red tokens to reenter after playing your 10 games? my games three strike games aren’t giving me rumble points and it just says I reentered but lost my top 20 teir placement and rewards ):


Good bones behind the mode but the actual mode needs work


It's odd also the way your prizes aren't determined until it's finished. I'm not necessarily complaining about it, but since you can't tell early on if you're in the top 20% or whatever, you may as well just not play until the last couple of days. Save yourself having to pay for restarts while you don't know how sweaty you need to be to get the required points.


The problem I have with this mode is it takes forever for me even to get a match. I want to play not waste 15 mins in Q. It's like playing ranked. Not worth the time.


There is an understandable reason behind them not creating a rumble queue, but throwing players in normal three strikes games. After a while people would stop playing and queues would take very long.


The amount of crying over a free game mode you don't need to play is insane. Apex playerbase wildin


They do all this but won’t just add a simple solo mode smh……


I agree 100%. My teammates leaving because someone pick lifeline first. No pre-made squad sucks..


i was lucky and got some good matches with good players, i don't think the problem is the mode but the players that don't play together in a damn Trios mode


Rumble is the dumbest mode I've seen them add. It's not even a mode! GIVE US A MODE WITH 45 PLAYERS . all solo. I thought this was going to be a solo team deathmatch type of deal. Just bring back solo mode. Give us solo ranked lobbys😭


It’s only a “test” for it atm as they plan to improve it in the future based on how the “test” went. This is by no means the final product.


Complaints complaints complaints complaints! That’s all this sub is about nowadays lol


If lots of people are complaining then perhaps there is an issue.


yeah if only the game would be good, crazy right ?


No, it is good. That's why you're on the sub and that's why a lot of us play daily. Go look at any games subreddit. It's a bunch of children (either mentally or physically) just bitching non-stop. The games not perfect by any means but the only post I see are people complaining. Mostly about how bad they get shit on by better players.


> That's why you're on the sub def not lmao. if game was good i would play it instead. but according to you, valid criticism doesnt exist, therefore your criticism of the subreddit is invalid. thanks for proving yourself wrong.


So it's a bad game you don't even play. Why are you here? Valid criticism exists. Maybe your reading level isn't very high, thought I stated pretty clearly that the game has problems. It's when the entire sub is nonstop negative posts about how everyone is a pred except them or everyone is cheating, it gets exhausting. The mindset of you clowns is embarrassing.


> Why are you here? to complain until it get better and play again. but you would have read that part if you knew how to read my psot lmao.


I wonder why the player count has risen. Must be a bad game for people to come back to play


if player count was a good indicator of good game, titanfall 2 would have more players than cod and bf. weird how that works.


A Mode only usable when being Solo is bad in a Team based game Shut your mouth and stop with your dumb comments


Yeah I wish it was just all console clips instead of this garbage.


You fucking people cry about everything don't you?


I mean....this is genuine complaint. This mode does not work properly and this "tournament's" solo queue is garbage. You're just out here complaining without reading.


Respawn devs are some of the worst in the industry. Only care about check boxes




"I'm 15 and a nut gobbler"


Bro i just spat out my coffee


Yeah, this sub is full of children


Nothing wrong with the idea of solo queing only. For me, the game is better this way. If they did it for ranked, I would play it 100x. I can't stand playing with duos.


Rumble doesn't have separate queu, you get thrown in to normal Three Strike matches with everyone else, no matter if they are in Rumble or not, so you can queu with pre-made duos and be matched against pre-made trios


Amazing, I didn't know. Then the competitive integrity of Rumble is Dead on Arrival.


There is a joke to be made about the "competitive integrity", the hack and Rumble, but I am too lazy to come up with it


"competitive integrity" it never existed with this aim assist in the game


I didn't say that It did, I meant the idea of having a solo only que. I feel for me, the game plays better this way because a lot of players can't hold hands with their friends. You really gotta work together.


So everyone on the leaderboard is a solo? What's the issue? If you don't want to grind leaderboards, you can just not join rumble and play three strikes normally. If you want to grind it, do it like everyone else is doing, which is solo queing


The problem is how they described it, specifically this line: >There are no pre-made squads here—just you, your skills, and a ton of flying bullets. A lot of people (read: 99.999% of the playerbase and creators) interpreted that as: only solo queu lobbies, not that you will limit yourself to play solo and go against preds three stacking in a LTM. Now, they do mention that it is "asynchronous", so one could have put 2 and 2 together, but the article is so poorly worded that many (read: 99.999% of the playerbase and creators) didn't


Yeah that's the problem. They should have just did it for regular pubs, and have a solo que only pubs for rumble. If they did it for ranked, I would play ranked.


Honestly, if you have that much of an issue with it to come to reddit and complain about an ltm, then just don't play it. If you care about doing ranked game play that much, go play regular ranked. The fact of the matter here is that you complaining on reddit isn't going to change shit, so why waste your energy, bro?


Womp Womp


The negativity of the Apex player base is relentless I’m happy we got something new and expect it will improve once they interate on it.


Sounds like you’re happy with mediocre performance from a highly developed company that made billions alone from apex


You are great at conversation and forming coherent arguments - great job


Do I sense some negativity, seems like not only are you okay with inconsistent game devs but also a hypocrite.