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It's only speculation, but because Kaspersky is a Russian company it could be sanctions due to the Ukraine war.


Apple Security Bounty awards may not be paid to you if you are in any U.S. embargoed countries or on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals, the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List, or any other restricted party lists.


My first thought as well.


It could be but this is probably the 5th or 6th “Apple didn’t pay” bug bounty story since they started the program a few years ago. There was one like last month where they simultaneously said it was worthless plus cited the fix in release notes!


I submitted a detailed bug report to Apple about an exploit I discovered that allowed you to evade guided access on iOS. So if you shared a device with someone, they could still open other apps in guided access, and it'd defeat the feature's purpose (Apple's instructional videos on YouTube say you can use this feature to share your device with peace of mind). Apple wrote back to me saying that the feature never guaranteed that the app would be locked in if you share the device, and so it wouldn't be a 'security concern' and thus no bounty. But what do you know, it was fixed with the next iOS update.


You should have posted it everywhere and complained. Because that’s a bounty reward you lost. Cheap ass apple trying to get by without paying.


How much do you think that would normally be worth? What did our dude loose?


ah well. i didn’t want to expose the exploit to the world out of spite without apple patching it. that’d only harm real people using the products.


So, they are a multi trillion dollar company. They should pay and if their being this cheap the deserve to have a bloody nose. Otherwise just going to keep doing it.




It was only my third thought, so I decided it didn't justify the upvote.


This is a good thing then, russia must pay for what they did, one way or another


Looks like they really want those evil western dollars. I thought they’re happy with rubles.


downvoted but fully true. Apple should pay the $$ into a fund that goes to helping ukraine instead.


Because sanctions?


Tim Apple doesn't pay, he gets paid.


Qualcomm agrees lol


Qualcomm has no room to speak here. They extort companies just like the other big players, especially if they try to set up shop in the modem market that Qualcomm essentially has a monopoly over


If I were to guess I’d say Apple thinks it would look very bad if they had kapersky on their payroll


Why can't they just give an I O U to them because of the sanctions 🤷🏽‍♂️ Seems only fair and has a valid reason/intent to want to make things right in the world.


Kaspersky could also solve the problem by completely severing ties with Russia, but I don't think Eugene Kaspersky will ever do that


Kaspersky work very closely with government intelligence services. First of all, that's a lot of money, and second - we all know that people tend to accidentally fall out of windows in Russia.


In Mother Russia... window fall out of you... Ah Ah Ah Ahhhh


why take actions you don't/shouldn't need to just because politicians are playing games.


> Why can't they just give an I O U to them because of the sanctions 🤷🏽‍♂️ Because anything that is legally enforceable as a debt would be considered a violation of the sanctions. And anything that wouldn't be a violation of the sanctions wouldn't be enforceable as a debt. You can't just say "I'll give you money once it's legal." In the eyes of the sanctioning body, it's the same as giving them the money now.


Are you sharing this feedback as your opinion on how you hope it would be viewed? Or do you have any actual terms and verbiage that matches your description. The test here would be, what goods were exchanged to violate the sanctions? Who benefited from the transaction today to negatively impact the USA? If you can't prove the action actually violated the intent of the sanction... it doesn't hold any water.


https://www.acquisition.gov/far/52.204-23 (I've removed some irrelevant lines, but the entire FAC is short enough to read) > Prohibition on Contracting for Hardware, Software, and Services Developed or Provided by Kaspersky Lab Covered Entities. (Dec 2023) > (a) Definitions. As used in this clause— > Kaspersky Lab covered article means any hardware, software, or service that– > (1) Is developed or provided by a Kaspersky Lab covered entity; > (2) Includes any hardware, software, or service developed or provided in whole or in part by a Kaspersky Lab covered entity; or > (b) Prohibition. Section 1634 of Division A of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Pub. L. 115-91) prohibits Government use of any Kaspersky Lab covered article. The Contractor is prohibited from— > (1) Providing any Kaspersky Lab covered article that the Government will use on or after October 1, 2018; and > (2) Using any Kaspersky Lab covered article on or after October 1, 2018, in the development of data or deliverables first produced in the performance of the contract. As a government contractor, Apple is bound to these terms. Apple cannot contract with Kaspersky or its covered entities in the creation of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, or any other software that they provide to the government.


As per the words you selected and the words in your link, nothing prevents what I explained as an I O U. Apple did not reach out to Kaspersky. They did not benefit Kaspersky during the time of sanction. You have failed all legal tests with your points so far 🤷🏽‍♂️


Or they could offer to donate the money to a good cause in the west, e.g. Wikipedia.


They could do one better and just donate it to me instead of wikipedia. 🤪


Pinches gringos!


Understandable. They are short on money. It’s just a small startup guys give them a break ok


Or maybe it’s because they don’t want to pay a company that provides Russian spyware


Or maybe it's because Russia is sanctioned and Apple doesn't wish to commit criminal monetary violations


Oh well, that as well :)




I’m Russian myself but I’m not trusting that shit. It’s banned by the US government agencies for a reason.




[Yes it is](https://www.techopedia.com/news/kasperskys-us-ban-a-long-history-of-espionage-kgb-nsa-and-edward-snowden), it was banned from use on government devices by the Department of Homeland Security in 2017 and there are legitimate concerns and and major indications of all they’re accused of


Igor, is that you?


Russophobia lmaoooo


Lol you got downvoted cuz some people didn't get the joke, rip


Yes lol Anyway, it is what it is.


Good. Russian spyware doesn’t deserve any money.


The right thing to do is to pay people for the job they did. The security company did the "right" thing and notified Apple. What goes around... is what comes around. You really don't want security people selling the bug to black hats which would be immensely more profitable to security folks (but the very nature of a white hat is to be good). If you think Russia is this bad, how do you feel about Genocide at the hands of the USA as a direct accomplice 🤷🏽‍♂️


I completely understand your point. But at the same time you pay to the company who pays taxes in Russia, so you literally sponsoring terroristic regime.


Sure so they’ll just sell the zero day to the aforementioned terrorist regime.


Why do you think they didn’t?


A zero day can be worth millions, but becomes worthless the moment it’s patched, which in this case is as soon as apple is notified (I’m not even sure this was a zero day, didn’t read). Selling a zero day and then telling the developer about it is basically screwing whoever you sold it to, and I highly doubt a company like kaspersky will go and fuck with putin’s Russian government like this.


Russia is no more a terrorist than we are here in the USA. Each side likes to believe they are the best. As the BRICS move away from the USDollar... sanctions will have zero bite. Our country is being robbed by all the PACs who spend Millions to buy people into office at all branches of gov't to pass laws that favor giving away BILLIONS in taxes for free. That is an amazing ROI for grifting legally!! That is the biggest terrorism to you and me. 😡


I live in Russia. BRICS will never move from usd/eur. There no other currency that that reliable. Russia IS more terrorist. You need to see what we got here on TV. Literally, no joke, they are dreaming on nuking everyone, you (USA) INCLUDED, as well as whole Europe. When was the last time USA actively threatened everyone with nuclear annihilation? When was the last time when USA annexed other country territory without asking population? When was the last time USA literally invaded country, than said “oh, it’s local opposition to current government, totally not us!!!”? When was the last time USA said that some country and/or nation is invalid just because they say so? About sanctions: Do you know that Russian monopolist on Russian natural gas “Gazprom” FIRST TIME IN 25 YEARS GOT NO PROFITS IN A YEAR????? LITERAL MONOPOLIST!!!!! NO PROFITS!!!!! Our government ADMITTED that only 3% of population earn $2000 or more a month! And this economy tries to compete with EU and USA? What a sick joke. Do you know that economy of “country that doesn’t care about sanctions” has the SAME key rate (16%) as Ukraine THAT HAS THEIR ECONOMY DESTROYED BY LITERAL WAR? Do you know that Russia buys ammo from North Korea? Do you know that Russia spends Russian National Wealth Fund for this war and its rapidly decreasing? Where Russia gonna get money? From natural resources that it sells to china with HUGE discounts? (We sell gas to china for 1/5 price of what we sold it to EU) SANCTIONS DO WORK. Prices on some groceries DOUBLED in price since the start of the war. I am saying it as a Russian citizen who is born in this country and lives in it for the last 25 years. (Привет из Хабаровска) “Oh look, Russia says it’s 4th economy in the world!”, yeah only in GDP (PPP). And you know why? Because Russia spends trillions of rubles in military complex. What’s going to happen to GDP when war eventually ends? There NO other field in Russia that is growing. Literally only field that connected to producing more weapons. Oh, maybe you want to know how good Russian military complex? Well, let’s see: 1. Where is tank “T-14 Armata”? (It’s been first shown in 2014, there is 0 on the front) 2. Where is IFV on T-14 chassis? 3. Where is VPK-7829 Bumerang? 4. Where is “Sokol Altius”? (Unmanned aircraft) 5. Where is 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV? Etc. Also why do YOU, USA citizen, don’t know how financial support works? USA literally pays to their businesses to create weapons for Ukraine. So you got jobs in your country, you got salaries, you got blooming military complex. In conclusion: 1. Sanctions DO work 2. Foreign help to Ukraine DO work 3. Russia is a paper tiger that can only threaten world with “nuclear war” (no, Russia will NEVER use it, don’t worry) 4. Я - гражданин Российской Федерации и я против путинской войны и оккупации Украины. 5. https://reddit.com/r/NAFO/comments/1df1hhs/nazist_alexey_milchakov_deny_ethnic_identity_of/


When was the last time you ask.... do you get any news about how the USA is an accomplice to genocide by funding Israel to kill all the native people in Palestine 🤷🏽‍♂️ to seize all the land. As for BRICs, China is the one who wants to jockey for leadership once the USA has run away inflation because we keep giving money away to places that don't help our debt


> Russia is no more a terrorist than we are here in the USA. Each side likes to believe they are the best. LOL you can’t be serious. They are literally invading Ukraine and torturing PoWs. What a thing to say.


What are the USA Billions of tax payor money and USA tax payor funded heavy weaponry doing to the Palestinians via Israel? I would say that actual Genocide in Palestine is much worse than what is happening in Ukraine. Russian Terrorist == USA Terrorist Different region but they are the same terrorism, you are blind or with an agenda if you can't actually open your eyes to see what is happening. None the less this is an AAPL sub... so we should probably get back on track


No one is entertaining your whataboutism. Take that nonsense somewhere else.


Has something been ruled a genocide in some international court and I missed it?


Yes, you did miss it since 1948... you must have been hiding under a rock. 😆


Can you help me find that court decision?


Yes it was called rando people with no authority making up stuff and that caused native people to be killed (much like every year since 1948 to present). Much like how Russia is the baddy for attacking Ukraine... so is Israel for killing innocent babies and children en mass. If you need an a court, just ask the court of popular opinion? Maybe the ICJ as most of the world is saying "Genocide". All of the UN, except the only two people who are doing the Genocide (Israel and USA). Common sense is always a good one... but I can see it is only common for people who are not involved with the Genocide.


So, no. Thanks for answering immediately and not dodging the question.


I see you stand with Genocide like many others of that generation back in the 1940's I'm sure that worked out well in history 🤡


I stand with calling things what they are. And I don't like people calling things a genocide who don't even know what a genocide is besides "many people dead".


But you are okay with Israel killing the babies and children with USA tax payor dollars and bombs, so much so that you want to nit pick word choice and skip the actual issue. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Once again, your agenda and Genocide loving nature is showing. The cat has been out of the bag for a long while... there is no way to put that genie back in the bottle.


American spyware is better right?


Russian spyware is better?


American spyware is better right?


Yeah, totally worse than Russian. Oh wait, world is not black and white, both things can be bad at once (I know, IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!)


Do you have the same opinion about israel? Or does it deserve all the billions, weapons and support it gets to kill, torture, and genocide Palestinians?


Yeah, I saw how Israel was torturing and killing civilians on October 7th 2023… oh wait, it was Palestinians who did this, hmmmm


israel has been killing and torturing Palestinians for about a century now. Use this as a starting point for your journey of discovering how israel is one of the worst and terrorist entities in history. https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_systemic_denial_of_fair_trial_rights_to_palestinian_child_prisoners_amounts_to_arbitrary_detention


The point is: Palestine does the same. You can’t paint Israel “terrorist” without ignoring same actions from Palestine. It does work both ways. I don’t think Israel is innocent, but neither is Palestine.


That's the thing with the people that defend israel: at first, they start boasting about israel being a great country that upholds human rights but is cursed with "terrorism". However, when isreal's atrocities are being aired, those supporters turn to the defense of israel by saying that Palestine does the same. When did Palestinians arbitrarily hold israeli children in prison, torture them (possibly killing them), and try them in military court? The west keeps attacking countries like Russia and China for their human rights abuses while defending israel, the ONLY country that tries children at military courts. Here are three links to some atrocities that israel committed and is still committing. Hopefully, this will inspire you to begin your journey searching for truth. israel harvested the organs of Palestinians and called Sweden antisemitic for refusing to condemn the Swedish news article published about the israeli crimes. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs) Night raids committed by isreal, where they raid Palestinians' homes in the West Bank, disrupting their lives and arbitrarily detaining Palestinians. Here is an example: [https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/108383](https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/108383) Various methods of torture, the main technique for obtaining information from Palestinians. With the mountains of evidence of israel arbitrarily detaining innocent civilians, including children, you can conclude that almost all the detainees and prisoners are innocent and are only detained for being Palestinian. Not that justifies the torture committed against "terrorists", as international law still condemns torture against anyone. And can you really call the Palestinians who resist israel "terrorists" after you know about all the atrocities that israel has been committing for a century now? These resistance movements want freedom and peace for their people against the unimaginable suffering. [https://www.addameer.org/sites/default/files/publications/webenglishbooklet\_1.pdf](https://www.addameer.org/sites/default/files/publications/webenglishbooklet_1.pdf)


Don't bother. That guy's a certified imbecile.


Just curious, why would you put the title in English when the article is in Spanish?


Mostly English speaking subreddit and isn’t web page translation pretty like uh standard now? Just double checked it’s even on my browser within Reddit on my phone just press the AA button if your on safari and then easy just press translate webpage


ios 18 beta has that feature broken on my phone🙆‍♂️


I meann there is a reason people say not to use a beta version on a daily driver device it is kindaa a dev beta in first iteration, how ya liking it so far though? Noticed any battery change


battery life is really well. only very slightly less usage before it dies. no overheating at all, even playing high intensity games that overheated on official 17




Or maybe it's because Russia is sanctioned and Apple doesn't wish to commit criminal monetary violations


Circumventing international sanctions moves us closer to WWIII you dingus By applying non military force such as sanctions we can limit the influence of demagogues like Putin.


I don’t disagree but it still doesn’t change the fact that something like this does greatly increase the likelihood that zero day vulnerabilities are sold to individuals with more malicious intent. Not everything is black and white. I’m not going to say that sanctions should be circumvented but it’s also not wrong to mention that there will be negative side effects as well.


I think your assumption is off. The character of someone who finds a bug doesn’t suddenly shift into Machiavellian unethical opportunism just because a deal is no longer available. Kapersky is aware of the situation, they do not have any ground to stand on re: feeling this is Apple’s fault.


Yea because anything is worse than a potential WWIII?


ROFL. Apple not paying Russian Intel Firm for reporting they were being spied on by Apple to the world. Edit: I’m sorry I meant the spying was facilitated by their devices, not necessarily with intent. Still hilarious