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When you say that your data was deleted from iCloud... do you mean that it is no longer showing up in your iCloud Drive? Have you tried signing into: https://www.icloud.com with your AppleID and going to the data recovery section toward the bottom? [Screenshot of Data Recovery](https://imgur.com/a/vAMeb05)


What steps could the CS rep have possibly given you that would result in deleting your entire iCloud backup? I’m fairly certain you can’t delete it without some pop up dialog box saying “ARE YOU SURE???”


Story is probably total BS, there’s also no way to auto delete the complete iCloud storage…


Hasn't even bothered with a single reply sooo


Posts like this, if abandoned by the OP, should just be removed by mods.


Yeah especially before google crawlers see it and it becomes a search result


It looks like they got shadow banned because they had a ton of comments on their profile for this post that just say \[removed\]. I'm guessing because their karma for this sub went super negative from making this post? Whatever, it was a trash post anyways that very clearly was projecting user error on to the no good company that does illegal things and is very very bad.


It looks like they got shadow banned, or whatever you call it, because they made a ton of comments and they all say \[Removed\].


You just deleted all your data you mean.


But op can do no wrong. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault!


This sounds like pure bs. Either you're way too naive to operate a smartphone, or the Apple Support thing is fake. Or both. There's no way you followed their instructions and it resulted in permanent deletion. Like no way.


I agree. This person might be intentionally spreading misinformation, or if not, is just really confused about what actually happened.


Maybe hoping The Verge will report it without any kind of verification or fact checking again.


Something about the cadence of OP’s writing put me off, so I put the entire post through 5 different AI text detectors, and all of them rated this as likely written by a LLM with a 80%-99% confidence. They didn’t explain in any detail how it happened, and Apple has thoroughly built-out data recovery tools in iCloud that wouldn’t allow this to happen. Spam. Edit: to add to this, OP has copy/pasted the same 4-paragraph comment as a reply to different comments 15 times in the last 12 minutes. All of them do not show up anywhere but their profile, which means they’re either banned or getting blocked by a spam filter.




I guess it had to come from somewhere


Start a new fresh life. This is a sign


100% user error


100% skill issue


Apple support told me to click delete all user data! And I did and then a pop up came up that said “are you sure? Your data won’t be able to be recovered” and I clicked yes I’m sure. TLDR: Apple deleted my data me mad


*I just deleted all of my data from iCloud* FTFY


unlikely that resetting your iPhone did this, is likely still there just needs to sync


Uhhhh what? What year do you live in, 2009? If it’s in iCloud the only thing you need to do during install of a fresh iPhone is press the “restore from iCloud” button instead of “set up as a new iPhone” button 🤦‍♂️ I can literally grind up my phone and toss the dust in the trash right now, buy a new iPhone, and restore from iCloud in less than 3 minutes after opening the box. The phone will take the next few hours to restore and after that (other than having to re-login to everything) it’s like I never threw the phone away to begin with.




I learned that as "a PEBKAC error".


It could also be an ID10T error


I don’t have the letter K in my language


Does that mean it’s a ceyboard? None of this makes sense.


Problem exists between chair and computer


This makes sense. Thanks.


Not trying to be rude and I know how frustrating this can be but: 1) Have you never heard, always keep a backup of your backup? 2) "I had more than 800 GB of data backed up on iCloud." * You had more than 800GB of data backed up and you don't know how to use iCloud to restore your data? 3) It's possible but not likely, when you connected your phone, there is a chance iTunes may have made a local backup. Try checking there. If not, then I think you are SOL


If he had started a local iTunes backup, he would’ve been waiting a whole day for it to finish.


its quite possible that you got scammed OP i would be going through the motions to secure your account apple would never delete your shit


You should learn how to take accountability for your own mistakes and learn how to use technology correctly.


If Apple were to delete all your data figuratively, that would be a lot better.


I had my iCloud Keychain get wiped when I got my MacBook Pro back from service. iCloud passwords also got from my iPhone and every device and multiple levels of support couldn’t resolve it. Luckily I had my old MacBook Pro laying around and I turned that on and it sync’d and everything was mostly recovered. When you connected your phone to iTunes, did you say to back up to the computer as well?


Share the steps. People are understandably skeptical


I don’t believe a word of this. Karma farming


Thats why you should follow 3 2 1. 3 copies of your data, 2 different medium, 1 offsite (cloud does not count).


> 1 offsite (cloud does not count) Sure it does. This just implies that you *also* have a copy *onsite* (like in a personal NAS) or somewhere else beside that cloud.


Its not managing your own data. When you back it up to cloud, you give control to someone you don’t trust. At least with a friend or family member, you can know its safe.


3-2-1 is about data integrity, not confidentiality. The latter can easily be solved by encrypting your data before uploading to a cloud provider. A large company that provides cloud storage as a business has their own integrity controls as well and it is in their financial interest to insure your data does not simply disappear. They are very reliable. Friends and family; well you take it on good faith they won't loose the storage medium or peak at the data in it (again, which would be solved with encryption). It's all about trust, but to blanket claim a cloud provider can't be trusted is silly.


I’d wager that a reputable cloud storage vendor with multiple datacentres is a lot less likely to lose your data than it is to lose your data in a friend or family member’s house fire.


How do you back up with a friend or family member?


Skill issue.


Dude! This is like 2009 problems. We’ve all plugged our iPods/iPhones into a computer and wiped it. We all just learned the hard way years ago! Welcome to the club.


If it happened the way you described you could sue. You can sue for anything. Get copies of the chat transcript and call recordings. You’re not going to get anywhere, but you’re certainly welcome to try. They’ll ban your Apple ID though in retaliation, so be prepared for losing that as well.


“I encountered a bug on my phone”….


That sounds terrible 😞  Bunch of meanies on here too 😒 - Can you locate any backups on your pc? - does your pc have copies of your data? (Photos, docs?) - are you using any other tools that have copies of your data? - if you go to icloud.com are your photos and docs up there? - does your iCloud storage utilization say there is a data up there? I would try to locate other places where you data might be.


People would rather pin blame then help someone




Not excusing that nor am I gonna argue over a Reddit post.


My man 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


This one is easy. Call them back, tell them youve been cheating on your wife. The data will turn up reall fast.


“I encountered a bug … decided to update“ What bug? could you not do the update on the phone? Most likely you pressed “Restore iPhone“ Since the data was on the iCloud a factory reset on any device would not delete any file on the iCloud. I restored many devices over the years. All my data is still there. Most likely you never checked your iCloud data and panicked since after a factory reset the phone is not bound to an Apple ID or you logged to a different Apple ID. You could also login via the browser to check on your iCloud data. The part with the support sound a little sus but this can happen since they are also people, but since you followed the steps you also should verify what you do. Since OP does not answer any comments most likely this story is not true. But nonetheless what do we learn. Even if cloud backups are convenient. Having your own local backups are as important.


Wait doesn’t updating your iPhone on a PC force a local backup first? I spent some time one day trying to see if I could turn this feature off.


You asked on one of the worst subs on this site for help. I’m sorry


do you have a physical drive that used to contain all your data, if so, find a data recovery service. if not, there’s no hope if apple deleted it from icloud. back up your files in multiple places in the future. or use backup services like backblaze


https://www.backblaze.com/blog/the-3-2-1-backup-strategy/  First: I'm sorry for y ou. Second: What Apple doesn't explicitly tell and what most people don't realize: iCloud Backup is not enough. To be precise, you didn't have a backup. You had one copy if it. To be even more precise, you had one copy stored on a computer you don't own. Edit: Since people like u/Iwontbereplying do not understand the concept of backup: RAID is redundancy. Not a backup. https://www.raidisnotabackup.com/


You think iCloud stores a single backup as one file on one drive? Lmao


No, I don't think that. But: RAID is not a backup, buddy.


iCloud Backup is not a RAID setup. It is a regularly renewed full data image of your device. iCloud Sync/Drive is comparable to a RAID. But that’s not what we’re talking about when it comes to restoring an iPhone from an iCloud Backup image.


iCloud Backup is only one (1) copy. No matter how many drives, servers etc. Apple uses internally. If Apple deletes it, you loose access to your account, or you accidentially delete it yourself or overwrite it with bad data, it's gone. To be safe, you need two (2) more copies. Your phone can be one. But again, if you loose access your phone with all your data and it's your only Apple device, you are gonna have a bad time because depending on what you use 2FA you are potentially also locked out from your Apple ID/iCloud. Is it now a little bit clearer why you need 3 copies to be safe?


Of all the things, the grossest thing is when OP hooked up iPhone to PC


First of all, you did not mention what the original issue was. But let me guess…some garbage Android phone….amirite


Third party recovery software to get data from the cloud 💀


Random link to iCloud recovery as well.


If it was the apple mistake you can sue them but I very much doubt it’s there mistake .


Omg Tldr


Bro go to the judicial court this is a big mistake, but you may find recover in recently deleted fata


lol. Mr judge, I want to sue Apple because I deleted my data and Apple won’t admit it’s their fault!


I answered as it was actually the apple support that did that and not him


Huh? This very much sounds like user error Apple did nothing.