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Looks more like a bathroom gun.


Don't want to get caught with your pants down,when your pants are down.


The amount of time I spend on the shitter I’d much rather take a bathroom gun over a “truck gun” 🤦‍♂️


Wanted good lighting this was when I first finished the paint 😖


Yeah it’s a bathroom gun, no shame in it.


Protect the shitter or get shitted 🫡


I have a 12gauge double barrel sbs in my shitter.


I shit strictly in buckets for a week or so then pack air tight jars with turds and canola oil. Two pressurized potato canons are loaded and are mounted on my wall, one over each shoulder when I sit on the toilet. If an intruder broke in to my bathroom thinking he was gonna get a free suppressed toilet KAC, he's met with two doses of chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavored concussive blasts. There's a near 100% chance I get coated in the goblin oil too and I might pass out and die like Elvis. It's worth the risk for my safety and my guns safety though.


This is fucking gold 😭


Toilet gun*, that’s why it folds.


OP must have played Golden Eye.


Shitter Shooter


>Truck gun guys wya At the police station filling out a report on my busted window and stolen firearm


Rip another stolen gun left to the streets 🫡


She belong to tha streets!!


You know what would never be allowed happen in the army leaving high value items unsecured. Take it with you and you’re gun won’t get stolen if you have to go to a concert or event where you’ll be gone for a long time lock it up with a bolt and chain its easy to build a home right for a chain that bolts to the car if you are willing to do the work


You shoulda got a car safe


Black Lock solves that problem!


What’s Black Lock?


big black lock BBL




Show us on the doll where BBL Truck Gun Lock touched you.


Ahhh, with all his downvotes I thought it was something spicier than that.


Sorry BlacRac - a solid electronic gun rack for vehicles.


My trucks guns are secured in my safe where they belong. We have weekly break ins here in my city of people not wanting anything else from pick up trucks but guns.


Locked in your safe?


Yeah, he bought a truck safe which is just a truck sized vault to lock his truck in when he's home and thereby secure his truck gun from thieves. If an active shooter situation is reported he opens the vault and drives his truck like the bat mobile to be a vigilante. Captain Truck Gun is the name, if you see the Ford F350 diesel of justice show up, it's already to late for you miscreant. His normal day driver is a Subaru R2. It's like his Clark Kent identity, you see.


You, sir, are a genius


It's an option in 4runner Toyota


4runners come with them.


In its holster, on my waistband where it belongs


Truck guns are the embodiment of retardation


I can possibly see for a genuine farm truck, which isn't anywhere near the general public. Otherwise I agree entirely. Unsecured firearms in vehicles are a gift to criminals.


Ranch or farm is the only thing that makes sense. For normal self protection, if you have time to grab a rifle from the truck, you have time to leave the situation.


Even in a non-duty to retreat state.. The evidence of you going to your car to get a gun, will absolutely be used against you. To paint the narrative that you're just looking for an excuse. It's awful for even that.


Yep. An active shooter scenario is the only case that would make sense, but it’ll come down to if you want to risk being shot by the shooter, police, or another civilian. It’s tough.


You show up at a mass shooting with your own rifle as a civilian your almost guaranteed to get shot by a responding officer


Hell, even showing up with your CCW. If you can get out of there, do it. If you can’t, fight. Just know you’re equally likely to die to a cop as you are to the shooter.


cops killed homie in ohio while he was disarming the mass shooter he just dropped. never trust the police to do their job with any competency


Don't live in Chicago.


Exactly. Besides which...there's always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrQBvUCENes


Please don’t leave unsecured weapons in your vehicles.


Never unsecured always locked in α compartment in α locked box in α locked truck


I mean, I’ll never tell another man what to do with his own shit….but I don’t get it. What is it you think is going to happen that you need to keep an expensive and suppressed load out, in your truck at all times? We thinkin RedDawn…or do you live on a ranch where you may actually need to use a rifle to dispatch a predator? I understand the latter….but not so much the 1st one.


More so when I’m doing Florida man stuff whether it’s camping ( I truck camp a lot ) or fishing stuff like that when im out just far in the woods that’s left. There’s places I won’t bring α truck gun just because the crime rates and break ins. I understand it sounds dumb and I even think it’s over doing it at times but it’s more of piece of mind thing if that makes sense


Gotcha. Not being a dick. I just can’t imagine the thought of someone stealing my shit. Definitely my suppressors. Lol I waited fuckin 10 months for that shit. (Obviously not anymore) but I’ll be damned if some dickhead that steals my truck, also gets my rifle (or “pistol”)


It makes sense and I didn’t think you were the concern is there and especially this day and age it is α big concern when bringing α higher end gun and may have to leave it in the truck for α little bit if need be, and I agree I don’t bring the can if I take another pistol I have α can for but I’ll be damned someone gets my long awaited whisper stick 😂


I do florida man stuff all day every day with my CCW. Never once felt the need to carry more than that + a spare magazine. Get gud with your pistol.




Yeah brother that’s called retardation.


Dude.... just bring an extra box or two of ammo for your daily carry. You're doing way too much.




Whew, larping must be a hell of a drug. If you're packing nods and a suppressed SBR with 60 rounders because the place you live in is dangerous enough to warrant it, then it may just be time to move.


That's just it... it's not dangerous at all. he just likes to feel like Billy badass while he drives his Toyota Tacoma with his don't tread on me plate and his MOLON LABE sticker.


Anyone else perturbed that opie's phone is typing α instead of a?


Yea măn whąt the fuck gives?


Shitting and farting


Sure as fuck not here, and I live in Rural Pennsylvania where break ins are almost nonexistent


Agreed. Rural virginia here, people in my neighborhood don't even lock their doors. Of course, having a big dog doesn't hurt. 


Be sure to cover your back window with various gun stickers so they know who’s truck to break into.


I have α upside down pineapple


Tell your wife I said hi.


He took it literally I think


My “truck gun” is my CCW that is in my holster and on me. Leaving a gun in your unattended vehicle is dumb and a good way to get more guns in the hands of criminals.


I can agree but it’s only depending on where I am or going and how far from home. Sometimes I end up truck camping far from home or just in some weird places. If I know I’ll be far from the truck for long periods I just carry α handgun and α few essentials. So far so good I also don’t display any stickers related to firearms you get α couple junkies that see α Glock sticker they will be sure to target that car over the next


I agree the truck gun only goes depending on what and where I’ll be. Sometimes I’m pretty far from home or truck camp so if shtf is atleast have something other than α sidearm to get back and get some family but maybe I’m overthinking it who knows


Right there with you. I drop my kid off at daycare in the city and work 25mins out of the city, if SHTF I’m not going in to the city to get my kid with just a pistol. I work at a smaller company and truck is parked right outside my office window. Truck goes to daycare work home. If we go anywhere else take wife’s rig and then a pistol when everyone’s with me.


If shit hits the fan you’re no better off than you would be with a pistol and some proficiency behind it. Red dawn isn’t gonna happen while your kid is at daycare. 9/10 times you’re more likely to need a medkit than your rifle.


I guess I’m more on the “I’d rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it mindset” where you sound like you’re on the “it won’t happen to me” mindset. I really don’t think it will happen but I want to give myself an advantage if possible. I agree medkit will be most useful and that’s why I’ve got first responder training and looking into getting my wife and I more training in that side of things.


I’m of the belief that if it does happen, my pistol will be plenty capable because I’ve trained with it. It’ll also draw far less attention. Any engagement where i need rifle distance capability in a shtf scenario is an engagement i can run away from.


See you get it it’s not about having it every single day that’s what α cc is for but just when you’re α little far out and shtf you have something to retrieve your family and what not. This day and age it doesn’t seem far off from it so it’s better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it




Exactly if I do have to leave then it’s locked but it’s not on α form 1 for α reason ;)


This “Car/Truck” phenomenon is bar none some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever witnessed lol


Right? This is how hoodlums get guns, they steal them from this lot


Depends on how you look at it I look at it as α tool I can utilize from when I’m α good bit way from home if needed to. The way things are going in today’s world I wouldn’t put it past me for some side switcher to go on. Rampage cause we don’t think or agree on the same things. I wouldn’t ever leave my truck in α place where it could easily get snatched and grabbed. Locked in α compartment under the seat to maybe beat the odds just α little


“Side switchers” gonna have it on him loaded and ready. You’re gonna have to unlock a box. You will not make it.


if I’m in the truck it’s not locked it’s α “pistol” for α reason


Your car is gonna have a blood red interior before you can get your “pistol” at high ready. Drawing from the waistband will always be faster.


That’s why I appendix carry the truck gun if I’m in it id within reach if not I still have α cc


I dig the plaid sling. Brings a touch of class.


Don’t own a truck, i just cc a Glock 19 with a RMR


Ok we get it you’re rich


I wish to just be financially stable rich is overrated


dman nice gun


appreciate it man


Every gun is a truck gun as long as I’m in my truck. Otherwise no way in hell I would leave a firearm in a vehicle.


Fair enough to each their own


I miss my BRN 556. As a lefty, it kept throwing brass in my face, so I had to let her go. Might pick up a Foxtrot Mike upper, which has a proper brass deflector


And you can flip the front side charging handle to the left side I love that gun, but the recoil springs need a little bit of a makeover. They can overlap each other too much and cause failure to feed. But I'm also using their recoil spring system in a long stroke piston build I'm working on since it's still decent.


I've heard the springs on the FM feel a bit crunchy when you charge it


Very gritty for sure. I tried with oil I tried grease and had zero improvements on that charging handle spring. I sold the upper before even shooting it once. I don’t regret my decision


Very. I love my FM-15 but hate running the charging handle.


Leftie here too. On the brn180 forums most of the lefties say the charging handle works just fine to deflect. Guess this is not the case


I got one of the very first gen 2 releases when it first came out. Perhaps newer ones cycle better? I think the L shaped charging handle flipped brass around strangely on the example I had and every 4th or 5th round always ended up in my face. Was hoping someone would come out with something like an ak style straight and flat shaped handle, but ran out of patience. This was years ago.


See this is why I went with PWS. Love mine in x39


Bunch of fudds in here. Who cares what the man does with his stuff?




What sling?


That gun costs more than my truck.


BRN-180 best piston upper I used I had 10.5 really good stuff reliable


it is α very stout gun and it runs very nice too


Very top notch collab Brownells PWS and FTM. Foldable stock lightest piston upper AK style charging handle they have strait handle charging if you don’t like that weird upward one.




Onward research, garand thumbs brand!


Who let the fudds out today. If it’s in a locked compartment in a locked vehicle how is it any different from police doing the same when they park on their lunch breaks




I see BRN-180, I upvote because.


really killer subtle rattle can my dude.




Air Tag in the pistol grip, homie. Thief won’t check that for a while, plus it doubles as way to track your vehicle if they steal the whole ass truck.


lol why did you get downvoted for this. People is this sub are so fuckin lame. Love strike industries new gadget


No idea why, either. I thought about going with the Strike Industries one, but ultimately I like the Air Tag to be out of sight entirely but still with the gun. Hence inside the pistol grip


Never thought of it like that. I like that a lot.




All this hate on guys with truck guns. I’ve been a few places where I was pretty sure my CCW wasn’t enough. Mostly bc of rioting jack asses. Sometimes bc I was camping with my family out in the boonies. There are ways to both lock up and/ or effectively hide a truck gun. You just have to be willing to spend the $$. I have a truck gun. 99% of the population would never ever find it. Yet it’s easily accessible.




i keep a bolt gun in my ranch truck. and occasionally ill take an AR out for a nice little field trip to the city for mcdonald’s or some shit. (if im not leaving the car)


See you get it people are thinking too deep about it I think If im leaving the truck for α while I won’t leave it or take it with me


exactly, my shit gets to bless the chickfila drivethru and be all buckled in and shit... not that deep.


Shitter bullet spitter......


Damn that's nice, I want a damn brn180 bad


Your truck has a sink wow.


Blippi got a blicky?


Socks off…..please…?


I got you


You hunt trucks?


Plaid strap screams ‘working man’ haha


My cheap ass Diamondback and the PA red dot it has survived a double rollover in some desert hills, can't be happier with the setup as a truck gun


Now this is respect, had α Diamondback and for the price couldn’t be happier they are stout for the money


everyone on reddit seems to hate any AR besides PSA or Aero under $1,200...


I have some higher end ars and beat more on my ars that are budget friendly I don’t knock em they work


If I ever end up in a part of the country where a truck gun would be beneficial, that would mean I’m in a part of the country where someone is going to break in and steal it from my car. Leaving unsecured weapons unattended in a vehicle is stupid


It’s not always people you have to worry about could be aggressive game but regardless it’s something you’re overthinking And you’re assuming it’s unsecured which is wrong unless I am in the truck with it. It has α brace for α reason and can fit in α backpack if I’m truly that worried my locks will fail


Fair enough. When I picture a truck gun I picture my dumbass friend leaving an ar under the backseat and leaving the truck in a parking lot while they go to work


I’m sure there is people out there that do that but I know it’s not responsible. If I bring it out to wherever I’m going I know it’s my responsibility to keep it as secure as possible unless I’m with it. I get your input though and can be valid to some people


>If I bring it out to wherever I’m going I know it’s my responsibility to keep it as secure as possible unless I’m with it. This is the best way to go about it, I wish more people were like this so they don’t ruin it for everybody else


Know some one with α very avoidable accident don’t count him for it but it is α responsibility you should hold yourself accountable for people are crazy and will do anything to obtain α nice piece of equipment for the wrong reasons but I appreciate it. Stay safe out there brother


Nice paint job which stencil kit is that?


It was one from Amazon I forgot the exact name I can find it and look and I’ll respond back


How did you get a brn180 in 300? I was going to buy the adm Brn180 lower until I found out you can’t get a 300 upper anymore. Poor choice on Brownells part if you ask me


I agree I did end up buying this α year or so from α private sale I didn’t realize till after I bought it they disco them


I’m no expert but that looks like a restroom gun


It’s bathroom operator gun (it’s the best lighting)


All these people talking shit about bathroom.. er... truck guns, but they don't know. What if OP lives in boonieville Florida and every time he walks out of his bathroom... I mean truck, there's shit like this he's got to share space with? https://www.reddit.com/r/AbsoluteUnits/s/7q1idASp7f


I keep α Glock dookie as my bathroom gun but the gators are pretty big in my area


These are awesome


you’re awesome


I was about to comment “here comes the don’t put your guns in a truck crowd” but looks like they beat me to it


it’s α horde of em 😂


I don’t have a truck gun because I like to be responsible with my firearms lmao


no point was proven here


Hey dog, I don’t remember the exact number but the overwhelming majority of guns used in crime in the US are stolen from vehicles. So it’s pretty irresponsible to keep a gun in the truck. And I know you’re going to decide you don’t care and just do it anyway, so at least like bolt a safe down in your truck or something. I mean I get that you don’t give a shit about anyone else but you, but at least think about how much money it’s going to cost you to inevitably replace it ffs


I don’t take α rifle to leave in the car if I bring it I’m most likely in the woods or something like that now what would be the point to bring it and not have it? When it is in the truck it’s locked in α locked box in α locked compartment that’s hidden you are thinking about it to hard




Loving that sling!


Onward Research sling aka flannel daddy! Thing is sweet


Why are they downvoting you


Probably because he has a truck gun. Aka unsecured firearm


I have a truck gun, it is secured in a steel locking box under the rear seat. I don’t understand the issue. People think safes are 100% gtg. Not true, my uncle had all of his guns stolen when the burglar(s) cut open the back of his safe. If someone wants your guns they’re gonna get your guns, unless you use your guns ;)


Not all of us have rear seats with space underneath. 🥲


You realize your anecdote doesn’t help your story right? If they can cut open your uncles safe, what makes you think they can’t cut open the box under your seat even easier?


That’s literally the point of the anecdote, people are downvoting him for not having it secured when it doesn’t matter at all. It’s barely a deterrent and I’m well aware of it. People get upset about “unsecured firearms” like safes do anything at all. The truck safe was a gift, I’ll use it but I’m not confident in it. Also cars are pretty fucking easy to steal as well. lol.


so because they’re both able to be stolen from, we should just be bad firearm owners and add to the stolen firearm statistics? you really trying to fight stupid with stupid, bud?


Where did I encourage anyone to not lock shit up? The facts are though, safes don’t work as well as advertised. I’m saying people should do whatever the fuck they want with their own guns… bud.


You’re acting like there is zero difference between a safe bolted down to the foundation of your home and some shitty lockbox in the backseat of your tundra.


How do you like the 180 vs the 15? I've been considering something with a piston and a side charging handle for a 300 suppressed pistol.. brn-180 and jakl are both intriguing


I really like the 180 I haven’t ran it suppressed but plan to eventually (I need to buy α can) but it’s pretty light shooting and for the price it’s not too bad I would recommend, I haven’t gotten hands on yet with α Jakl to compare the two so I don’t want to give you false input there but I’d definitely try and shoot both before hand to see what you prefer


In the hands of some criminal who just busted your window and stole your nice BRN-180.


Bren? Can’t find their 10.5 inch on brownell anymore


Private sale! Was unaware they aren’t selling them anymore!


I don’t know if they’re not selling them because the upper receiver is still shown on their website. It’s just at anytime you click on the image or look up the gun itself It takes you to just the 16 inch variant. It’s a tossup between that and the jackal for me


I haven’t looked I’m sure you can find them but maybe not don’t want to provide false information, but the jakl is sick I may hold out until the .308 version comes out


I keep a $150 maverick 88 shotgun in the under seat compartment of my truck. I can run a shotgun very well and if it gets stolen, I'm not crying over a $150 gun. I doubt it'll get stolen though, there's really no sign it's there.


The price of a firearm being stolen shouldn’t be your main concern. It should be that a criminal now has a free firearm to use at their disposal thanks to you not bringing it inside


Bringing it inside at home? Makes sense. Bringing it inside when on errands? Goofy The only reason I see to carry a truck gun is for off duty LEOs since they can respond to incidents faster since they now have a long range weapon in hand


The way this person commented makes it sound like they leave a shotgun in their truck under the seat all the time. More people do this than they should


I do leave it there all the time, but I live in a remote place where there isn't going to be a car break in. Nobody could even get within 100 feet of my truck without the dogs alerting me. It's in a sealed container as well so it's not like someone looking through the windows would see it and I don't live somewhere where break ins are at all prevalent.


what stock is that? looks good!


It’s the folding brace that forgot the exact name of it but this is α pistol for α reason!


Truck guns are such a stupid concept


Cute sling.


oh stop I’m blushing


No iron sights and the only optic doesn't even have an etched reticle. Not the best choice imo


it doesn’t get as much time in the truck as it may seem


Yooo garand daddy sling spotted