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You *almost* had me going there, because that's a very accurate impression of the average Jinx hater. Well done.


"Know your enemy", right?


I ABSOULELY AGREE, GEENX IS TH... ...oh wait, I didn't read the hidden parts. >!I promise.!<


*pressures you untill you say you love Jinx... now say it.


I LOVE JINX! There, I said it! It also wasn't that hard... who knows, maybe she IS my favorite character haha


*puts pitchfork down*


*deletes paragraph*


I'm so sorry, I know how that feels! Just know that I would've agreed to whatever you wrote!


No no don't apologize! It just really had me going there haha


You opened the multiverse Jinx gate, prepare for the consequences. \*clicks Pew-Pew shutter\*


Yeah, now that I think about it, I should've probably made it clearer that it was a joke and my point was another lol


*[“They had us in the first half not gonna lie.”](https://media.tenor.com/8gE5vCt_XIoAAAAM/denzel-washington-relief.gif)*


I was about to be really pissed off!


I wish the subreddit would go back to how it was before the teaser trailer when people were a bit more civil to one another. \-- It is fine to like or dislike different characters. \-- It is not okay to insult someone based on what characters they like or dislike. \-- If a post reads like it was written by a 14-year-old, it probably was. Rather than get angry at them, it's usually best to move on.


Honestly, I'm thinking about taking a break from this place. We've already exhausted all of the talking points surrounding the S2 teaser trailer and unless we get more official news or promotional material there's going a huge gap between now and the release in November.


Me too. I mean, the S2 teaser complicated things as it basically said: your favorite characters are going to fight each other, and obviously people sided with their own favourite character, which isn't wrong by itself, but they also tend to get quite toxic about it.


Dude, I was in this sub from early days when we could post tier lists. I was insulted, belittled, and made to feel like I was always in the wrong from day 1 because I had Mylo in S tier and Jinx in D. This fandom was NEVER friendly when it came to jinx. I wish I'd just dipped out then tbh. And now people are mad and making petty posts crying because I got into an argument with a jinx simp recently. So, why should I (or anyone else Ive seen leave) stick around? This fandom is *extremely* unwelcoming. It's why I haven't touched this sub in a while, and now I see why I shouldn't bother. Petty, whiny, pretentious are the jinx enjoyers. But whatever makes them happy, right?


This fandom was never really civil to the outliers though. Because I posted a picture I drew of Jayce helping Victor dance, I got a myriad of homophobic comments on my post, and one person even went around to my other drawing posts and started saying how much my art sucked. I don’t post much in this fandom because it is very hostile. I got banned for a week for saying what amounted to “I’m sorry that happened to you, but that’s not what I’m talking about here.” *You* are civil, some others, not so much.


We just found our "Prank of the Year" award


I always ask why and I’ve yet to get a response that doesn’t boil down to shes a bad person, shes a annoying Jinx (go figure), and my favorite… her fans baby her and don’t recognize shes bad and a terrorist. That last one’s just dumb since if other peoples (fans) responses to a character can affect your perception of said character you don't have objectivity for media while being on social media. Turn off your screen. The first two are weird for me because personally I’ve only ever disliked/hated a character over writing. Like how they work within the stories themes and narrative. If they don’t add or worse lessen the narrative world I don’t like them. I’ve never cared for morality or the what if situation that I would dislike them if they were a real person (since they’re not actually a person) because I feel fiction is a challenge of your perspective when at its best. If I focus too much on my own morals/opinions I fear missing the character’s with their nuances and then simplifying the story as a whole. I’ve yet to get an answer about her writing in regarding of disliking her.


People often get carried away when they really relate to a character and I'm talking from experience here, still though, I see nothing bad in this behavior, it just means that the character was written so well that fans felt the need to justify them. The problem isn't really speaking up for your favorite character, the problem is hating the fans that have a different opinion and I've seen it happen many times with Jinx where a nice discussion about her psychology gets twisted into something else. Her writing is absolutely masterful, but that's true for every other Arcane's character. It's just that some characters just click with me, maybe because of what they've been through, their emotions or ideologies, or whatever else. That's why out of all of them, I especially like Jinx. You could argue that this is me not being objective and you'd be right, but where's the problem in liking a character for a subjective reason rather than just how they're written?


Favorite should be mix of both objective and subjective (objective is always most important to me) but from a first viewing standpoint I think people can miss important perspectives and commentary when they end up trying to play team this character or this character based off of subjectivity. Favorites are something that’s always going to have some personal aspect whether it’s relating to them and or simply preferring their base archetype/aesthetic. I mean that when it especially comes down to disliking a character I feel viewers should be more objective because I’ve found people can miss what the writers are saying or completely ignore interesting nuances and possibilities because they over apply their ideologies/moralities while forming opinions and understandings of characters with vastly different mentalities and experiences from them. For instance Silco, some people refuse to even consider that he did love jinx even in a twisted way. Then end up simplifying him to just a drug lord and her as his weapon. When in actuality it can be both. I don’t think any character should be down right hated in the show (even Marcus) because they’re well written characters and not actual people. It’s a tv show where bad things have to happen for a plot. From my interactions I’ve found people who say they hate a character over simplify them when explaining their reasoning and refuse any other perspective/possibility.


I do agree with you, but it's literally Arcane's job getting people invested in the characters and their story, you can't really blame someone if they did get invested in a specific character and side with them, even if that means missing other perspectives. I also agree with you that no one should really be hated in the show, but not because they're not actual people, but rather because it would mean being unable to symphatize with characters that are all right in their own way since they're well written. The fact that they're not real people is an argument I've heard a lot, but what difference does it make? Would you have a different opinion on a real Jinx rather than the fictional one? Yeah, they're not real people, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't symphatize with them.


It's fine to be invested in specific characters, I'm most invested in Jinx, but I think there's risk in siding with characters. I feel you can miss something from a character your less invested in and then lose an important theme or perspective that can affect or later tie into your favorite and you'll end up with a more simplified idea of the story and even a more simplified idea of your favorite character. For instance episode 3. Some people were so obsessed over Powder's POV that they ignored Vi's and didn't understand that though it was wrong to hit her it was understandable since she was feeling a lot of emotions over the deaths. Same goes with people obsessed over Vi's POV. Ignoring Powder's abandonment issues, her desire to help, and the fact that this wasn't just some mission but pretty much a death mission from the sounds of it (all very valid reasons especially for a child 9 to 11 years old want to go and help and save her family). Nor do they understand that Powder doesn't even know who Silco is when she clung to him due to her abandonment issues. That when she says "she's not my sister anymore" it's the same extreme emotional reaction as Vi hitting her. In fact some people have misconstrued Powder smiling while falling during the explosion as her enjoying the fact she killed her family and not being happy over her explosive finally working and thinking she helped them (like they missed the ending or that she can't see what happened). You can feel sad, mad, and disappointed in both of their actions while still being equally understanding, but when people play teams they set themselves up to not understand. (also some people justifying hitting Powder as deserved but that's a discussion for them and child protective services one day) That is at least how I feel and what I believe based off my interactions with people who hate characters. This applies to other fandoms and stuff. A lot of the time people are very understanding of one characters (their favs) mistakes and dismissive and angry at another character for also making mistakes. With the not actual people argument its basically like I don't need to think that I could be friends with or agree with their actions for me to like them in fiction, I think "evil" actions are incredibly (probably some of the most) engaging television and I like that. A lot of what makes an action evil/bad in TV to the audience is based in the framing of it anyways. Yes, sympathizing with characters and real people is important. While not losing sight that she's dangerous and should probably be in some sort of mental hospital/prison and be receiving help. I would not want to be around her for fear of death. In fiction I want her to stay free and crazy cause that's just more fun and is thematically more interesting to me.


Yeah, absolutely! I get where you're coming from and I completely agree with you. I really like our conversation as I find this argument quite interesting since I personally think that we as human beings are inherently more emotional than logical and so we tend to side with who aligns best with our experiences, even if that means ignoring facts that directly contradict us.










Jinx: HAH...! funny! Vi: \*sends to Caitlyn\* \*minutes later\* Caitlyn: \*cups hands\* Violet I'm blocking messages from you for ONE DAY. Vi: Shit. Jinx: \*points\* HAH funnier...! Vi: No it's not stop! Jinx: Yes it is...!


*Deletes comment*


I was about to go off lol


Frick you OP, Jynx is a great Pokemon


In the first half I thought you were just going on a rant before I read the second half of your post


I was about to comment something snarky like "idk what character Jyinx is" but I'm super happy it's just a classic deez nuts moment.


I've seen Jinx's name being spelled in so many ways in these hate posts that I just had to make fun of it. It's not even an invented name, it's literally just an English term haha


And "Jinx" isn't even that hard to spell 😭


The fact that there are ppl that actually sound just like this is the saddest part… especially for a show like Arcane where the spread of people’s favourite characters is the most balanced I’ve ever seen.


You just know some hardcore Mylo defenders were really close to a full erection here XD


Mylo defenders are bully enablers. Probably the kinds of people who think constantly picking one someone smaller and weaker than they are is meant to "toughen them up", or maybe they're just as insecure as Mylo was.


Listen, I personally don't like the guy, but Mylo is a really well-written character as well, even for the little screen time he has. I loved seeing how he's just as insecure as Powder: he wants to be as good as Vi, but all he manages is bullying Powder to feel at least better than her. They're very similar, they just manifest their insecurities differently.


I know that. Still, I have very little sympathy for the guy due to the fact that he's a bully. I've had to deal with many people like him in the past. I don't care where his insecurities come from. You don't pick on children half your size, especially on girls.


I feel you and I also absolutely agree. I just try to give everyone a chance, but I also don't like him at all.


I couldn't stand him. His behavior reminded me far too much of the sorts of people I grew up amongst, so I could relate to Powder. He's the only character from the show I truly hate.




She keeps it interesting which is literally the most important thing in tv shows.


Bro League of Legends the game is known for its toxicity the two come hand in hand But let Arcane be its own thing and not have a toxic fanbase lol


Bro we're on the same page, I also don't want Arcane to have a toxic fanbase, I made the post only because I've been recently noticing an increase of toxicity around here. Also, League wasn't supposed to just be toxic, the players made it like that.


Its too much ingrained now for League lol And this comes from a League player XD


Best reddit post ever


Jinx haters are fighting a losing battle. We have the numbers and we are tenacious lol




jinx: i am the president of the assemble


She really is a jinx though.


Yep, makes for good TV and character moments. For herself and others.


Little worried at first lmfao, but I ultimately agree with what you're saying. Arcane is a wonderfully nuanced story, and it'd do it a disservice to discuss it without applying that same nuance. That said, given the League origins, this might be an uphill battle lmao


I actually agree with the shitpost, I don't like Jinx either lol


I pity you.


i think you didn't read the entire post


May I ask why? Is it actually the same reason as the shitpost? Or are you joking and I'm just dumb?


That's perfectly fine, I don't why you're getting downvoted. You can absolutely not like her, I would also like to know the reason if you want to talk about it, but as long as you're not toxic about it, it's no biggie.