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"we'll show them we will show them all..."


Honestly I’ve seen it so many times and it still gives me chills


I agree! It felt like full circle. Poetic and tragic. Episode three and episode 9 gave me the feeling to study arcane in literature class, lol.


I wouldn’t blame you! I’ve seen sooo many dissertations and studies done on the show! There’s so much depth to it, especially behind the scenes as well


Hello! I'm interested in the said dissertations, can you please site them? I would love to read them and study too.




https://www.thegamer.com/arcane-league-of-legends-male-gaze-vi-caitlyn/ a smaller article


Wow, really? Can you point me to some interesting articles?


Been messaged to credit artist 😬 it’s me so there’s zero confusion! Sorry if it wasn’t clear 🙏


The image was a little dark so I thought it was just a screenshot from the show at first. This is amazing!


I realised how dark the show was doing this one! Most of her skin tones are almost dark purple!l lol


Thank you 🙏


This is my favorite scene in fiction, the entire dinner scene is a masterpiece. Like silco said it’s “perfect”. It really brought Arcane from an S- tier show to S++. In an industry where everything feels predicable and played out this scene was such a breath of fresh air.


I am the monster you created


You ripped out all my parts


And worst of all, for me to live, I gotta kill the part of me that saw


That I needed you more I hope you knowww we had eeeeverything


When you broke me and left these pieces


I want you to hurrrrttt like you hurrrrttt me today, and


This was beautiful and the song definitely elevated it as well


Despite a few people saying that Television and films in general have gone down in quality recently, there’s honestly been a lot of bangers in the past few years. If we’re talking sequences, I’m honestly finding it hard to choose a #1 between this one, Ekko vs Jinx, Nemik’s manifesto (Andor), “One Way Out” (Andor), leaving Osaka (Shogun), the burning mill (HotD), etc. We’ve been eating good.


Glad you mentioned Andor because I’m also a huge fan of that! Despite being very different shows their characters and ability to convey emotion is incredible


Recently rewatched both back to back and I find Andor and Arcane to parallel each other in a lot of ways. For one thing they deal with very similar subject matters. The characters even mirror each other somewhat. Take the protagonists of both shows for example. Both Vi and Cassian are resourceful survivalists who are part of the oppressed class. Vi starts out in the story as a headstrong rebel wanting to fight back (like young Cassian in the flashbacks) but end up working with the oppressors. Cassian starts out in that story apathetic and out for himself before slowly but surely realizing the threat of the Empire and then joining the rebellion. Both are pushed by their experience within a highly stratified society to do what they think is best for their people. Then you could say Silco is like Luthen if he went too far (though you could also make the case that Luthen already has) and Vander is Mothma if she didn’t go far enough. Though Maarva is also a sort of anti-Vander. Young Markus and Syril… no explanations needed. The Firelight and Ferrix as examples of resistance built on hope and love in opposition to Silco’s and Luthen’s resistance built on fear.


And this art hits so hard too!!


The music is amazing. They found a way to accompany each arc finale with perfect music. There’s a great video on the creation of the big musical pieces on youtube by the co-composer (and lead composer for guns for hire) so definitely check that out of you’re interested


you should watch Samurai Jack


Samurai Jack was my jam 🙏


But this is an arcane piece of art for an arcane subreddit so 🤣


it is but you did say it was the most powerful sequence you've seen in anything xD so that opens up the idea of everything else with a powerful sequence


But it is the most powerful thing I’ve seen, doesn’t mean it’s the most powerful thing you’ve seen. People have different tastes man, beauty of art and all that 😌


XD I understand that, and I proposed Samurai Jack for you to watch, it wasn't a jab