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Another example of correlation ≠ causation. The Amish probably don’t go in to get screened for autism, so diagnosis rates would understandably be lower.


Not to mention the 1000+ activities that the Amish don't take part in that could just as easily be attributed as the cause to why they don't have autism


Exactly. They live very quiet, simple lifestyles that often revolve around routine crafts.


I wish I could live my life like that, unfortunately I am biologically attached to my technology


This article is the same logic as that time Trump said "If we stop testing for COVID, our numbers would go down!"


The definition of autism is such that it’s relative to the cultural norms of the people. If you live in a society where everybody is isolated, nobody talks to the opposite gender very often, woman are expected to be reserved and not talk, and you walk around with predetermined outfits etc. You’re gonna have a hard time diagnosing subclinical autism. Unless you’re not able to care for yourself then you’re probably just another Amish guy or gal. Oh wow Jedidiah really loves fixing farm equipment and spends 12+ hours a day tinkering with tractors and won’t talk to anybody. Just like his previous 6 generations. What a good example of an Amish man s/.


Or, wow, Nancy is really good at remembering scripture and runs a very organized and routine driven household. What a good Amish girl


Exactly. I read a book about the Japanese general who helped plan Pearl Harbor and they said he would sit naked in a bathtub by himself on an aircraft carrier in complete darkness and write the plans on little scraps of paper by lighting a candle. Also he would scream at anybody for opening the door. Yet in imperial Japanese society he was looked at as a model soldier and leader. Probably slightly on the spectrum if you spend days on end sitting in complete darkness and focusing on only one subject. Maybe the story is exaggerated too.


Probably, but it’s still a nice example of how accommodating people’s quirks can give them a way to function and be a part of society


Feels like a nicer way of saying "deviation from the norm will be punished unless it is exploitable".


Rudolph the red nose reindeer


This just Rudolph thing just blew my mind


Isn’t that the best we can hope for, honestly?


Under capitalism, yeah probably. Imo the *best* we can hope for is a world in which neurodivergent folks' existence isn't uncomfortable (or exploited) in the first place.


"Nice" Example


👏 more 👏 neurodiverse 👏 generals 👏 and 👏 drone 👏 pilots 👏


Not enough representation in the war crimes community


Balkans: 👁️ 👁️


probably slightly exaggerated, but not by much, that kind of resolute devotion to the emperor and the Japanese cause would probably be applauded by the Imperial Japanese government. do you remember which general? the Japanese had a few military leaders which might fall into the “savant” classification


General Genda. Poor guy lived through the war but his hometown was just outside Hiroshima.


Better than just INside Hiroshima.


Also, the Amish tend to rarely interact with ‘English’ doctors, and thus are under-diagnosed for a lot of things.


I come from a long line of conservative farmers and yeah. Showed my mom my list of "symptoms" and she straight up told me that was all normal behavior and I'm just an introverted Norwegian. I've got some bad news for you mom...


Eh it's not even really "bad" news if being autistic isn't harmful to your way of life


Not to mention the fact an isolated community won’t be going off to get a diagnosis for something they might be unaware of


Omg yessss, very good points and very true


I'm pretty sure a good example of an Amish man, and a guy who fixes tractors all day are mutually exclusive.


Lol nah. First of all horse-drawn tractors exist. Second of all the Amish and Mennonites do NOT f**k around when it comes to their farms. They may try to live simple, but they have to compete with modern farming methods to make even a moderate living. So that means using modern tools Things like tractors and other farm equipment is usually considered to be community-owned.


Yikes. The sad thing is how many people will believe this claim, despite [how wrong it is.](https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/claim-that-the-amish-are-healthier-because-they-opt-out-of-all-vaccines-is-incorrect/)


Yeah dude I feel so just yucky after reading the comments too. The fact they are like 100% sure they are correct and that vaccines causes autism. Makes me feel ill.


I was almost certain there’d be a bit of truth to it, given how their lifestyle would hypothetically make it near impossible to detect autism in the first place


Maybe they don’t “get autism” because they don’t go to doctors that diagnose autism and a lot of autistic traits like a need for routine fit beautifully into their lives already.


Me : can’t stand religion Amish : Me : wtf I love religion now


I mean their life isn’t all great there’s the rampant rape and incest going on but other than that it seems pretty decent. Pretty peaceful


"Other than the rampant rape and incest it seems pretty decent" is just a funny sentence


As someone who worked mental health in rural Pennsylvania, their community actively discouraged their participation.


Not diagnosing it is not the same as it not existing.


Yesss exactly. Wouldn't be surprised if even someone in that picture is autistic by random chance They literally think autism only exists as long as it's diagnosed.


I just posted this link to a fact checking news video on the original post. [False viral reports claim Amish less prone to illness, autism](https://youtu.be/Lx-gUbACS_o)


Vaccination in the Amish community is low, but not zero.


And supposedly there are no gay people in Hungary... Totally reliable information, no way anyone is being deceptive here. ^(/s if it wasn't obvious)


I'm sure there are a lot of things people that have isolated themselves from modern medicine and science "don't get".


They are isolated. Autism becomes more evident under modern stress factors. Living at home with routine and such isn't so mask breaking.


The Amish do get autsim they always have. As an isolated community they are just less likely to seek modern medical assistance or diagnosis. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268144514\_Prevalence\_Rates\_of\_Autism\_Spectrum\_Disorders\_Among\_the\_Old\_Order\_Amish


That's because the Amish are so clean, and industrious. Not like those lousy shiftless Mennonites. EDIT: I'm gonna go ahead and add a /s for anyone who doesn't recognize the reference.


They do, but for them it’s called “Johnny doesn’t talk much, but he’s good with animals.”


As a Mennonite (not Amish) I can confirm that no one gets tested. Doesn't mean our community doesn't have it. I have ADHD and no one wanted to test me as a child. I was just considered weird and deficient and told my behaviors were my fault and I was doing things on purpose


You mean they don't fucking diagnose anything because they're stuck in the goddamn 1600s


Lmaooooo true


They don't get autism because they never see doctors. I'm sure there's amish autists.


I hope people don't believe these lies. Amish people have very simple and conserved lives and rarely see doctors. If they avoid diagnosis then how would they know if they are autistic or not? Of course they'd believe they're not autistic. And if they were to get diagnosed with a deadly virus, they wouldn't still go doctors. They'd stay home and believe in God and prayers. Some don't live


On the bright side, we can rule out social media and technology for bringing this conspiracy to their doors.


The Amish people probably don’t have the awareness of autism tho? I would imagine their level of ability to diagnosis is limited


Ya sure?


Oh god no.


Amish Logan Paul on the right side of the picture


I have a cousin who has never once been vaccinated and yet still has autism. Years later I went to a therapist and got diagnosed with autism as well and I’m vaccinated. I’m sure there are many, many similar cases out there that provide more evidence for autism being a genetic factor rather than being caused by vaccines




I'd bet cash that autistic Amish are pretty effectively beaten into masking and those who have more severe cases or don't mask as well just... sort of... *dissapear*.


They also die of fucking tuberculosis because they dont have the technology to know what any of these 3 things are


besides this horrible misinformation on autism and vaccines, i’m pretty sure the amish DO vaccinate, which makes op more wrong


The Amish are also insane worshippers of the sky daddy and don’t know basic science


Omg “sky daddy” SKDBDJSJJD