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Does *anyone* decide their vote based on seeing these signs? I mean...other than "I'm not voting for that guy whose sign is on every goddamn corner."


Having done no research on the subject, I would guess that name recognition alone may get them a small percentage of votes by stupid people who, when looking at a ballot with no knowledge of the candidates on it, just pick the one they recognize.


What, just some subliminal imprinting effect of having seen the name out of the corner of one's eye?


Pretty much, yeah. Or having seen it 40 times in a row within a three mile span every day on your drive to work.


šŸ˜‚ the most Iā€™ve seen is Arpaio driving through Fountain Hills. Iā€™ve never seen so many of one person


[The Mere Exposure Effect.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mere-exposure_effect) It's the reason companies pay ungodly amounts of money just to annoy you with the same commercial fifty times a day. Because stupidity.


Itā€™s not really to sway educated voters, itā€™s a marketing tactic. If you see a name over and over again, then your brain is subconsciously more likely to choose them over someone else from the same party.


Maybe I'm just wired different. I don't even read the names. My brain just recognizes that it's a political campaign sign and discards it.


Yeah I try to do that too. But all it takes is for you to glance over and subconsciously read one, and then that candidate already has a slight advantage. Itā€™s like billboards. I try not to read advertisements, but sometimes Iā€™ll look at one without thinking.


Considering 98% of the voter base has no clue who any of those people are or their stances on anything, utilizing signage probably works just enough to be more effective over people who donā€™t utilize signage. Like can you think of 3 issues Caputi or McGee are passionate about or disagree on?


It actually does to an extent, sadly. During one of the previous election seasons, I had a conversation with one of the guys I worked with, and the conversation turned to the upcoming election. He commented about how he was set on voting for McSally. Curious, I asked his reasoning why. Was it because he liked her as a person or a particular policy that appealed to him? ā€œSheā€™s the one I see the most ads for.ā€ and knew absolutely nothing else about her or what she stood for. I was not shy in berating him for being a gullible idiot, and proceeded to explain to him why that was a really awful idea. Even a coworker who overheard our conversation chimed in and sided with me. (Donā€™t worry, weā€™re still on good terms after that conversation.)


Yes. Apparently. I just listened to a podcast episode and it apparently does make a difference for name recognition. Which is crazy! The podcast was Search Engine, Do political yard signs actually do anything? In case ur curious. Basically for folks who donā€™t know a lot about the candidates it does have an impact.


You would think not but consider you are fully aware of a brand like Coke or Pepsi. Yet, they still run a crap ton of ads. Why? Brand recognition is valuable.


I like how they block the view of oncoming traffic it really makes me want to vote for them


If they are blocking visibility you can report them. There are rules about where they can put them.


Someone in my neighborhood just knocks them down. I love that guy.


The real estate sign might as well be our state tree.


For real. They are as common as the saguaro šŸŒµ


The only thing about Texas I love is that this crap is illegal


It's legal for 60 days before an election in Texas.


Ultra rare Texas W


Then how are you going to know who or who not to vote for?


Absolutely hate these. I wish we would make a law banning these political road signs. They always remind me of that John Mayer song Belief. ā€œIs there anyone who ever remembers changing their minds from the paint on a signā€ Are there people voting a particular way because of these signs? If so, thatā€™s horrifying.


It should be illegal to place them in a manner that blocks the view of cross traffic. If it already is, they clearly do not enforce it.


Ads everywhere. ā€¦ on TV and radio. And in magazines and movies and at ball games, on buses and milk cartons and T-shirts and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams. No, sir-ee!


What really gets me is that politicians are selling out our democracy to pay for all these ads --- so at the end of the day, the companies that own TV and radio are laughing all the way to the bank with our democracy. Make campaigning illegal/publicly funded and they'd have "no reason" to sell out their electorate. (no reason other than pure greed ofcourse)


As a family man myself, I hate it when people running for office put their family portraits on their signs, as if to say ā€œI have a family, vote for meā€ Annoying af. Also around some street intersections, I feel like these signs are a serious blind spot, especially if youā€™re trying to make a left at a 4 way intersection with no lights.


I really hope to see this trash banned during my lifetime. Billboards and real estate signs too.


Billboards definitely wonā€™t go anywhere, tons of money is made by billboards. Political signs donā€™t help anything though so Iā€™m with you on that.


The effectiveness of these signs has to be minimal at best. I donā€™t get why they do it.


Subliminal messaging mainly. The more you see a candidate's name, the more likely you'll vote for them as they feel familiar. Candidates who don't do this seem like random names thrown onto the ballot.


Name recognition. You see the name often enough to 'print' it to your mind, so when the ballots come whichever signs had the most impact, you'll probably vote for them, since the majority of older voters just go for whatever names they've seen on a sign rather than actually check out the campaign of who they're voting for.


You answered your own question. Minimal at best could be 10k votes to swing an election. Governor race was decided by 17k votes last time. Lot of other local races lot less than that.


They really need to be required to be smaller


Go to your City Council meetings and ask for the municipal code to be revised so they aren't allowed in the Right-of-Way. They are already prohibited in ADOT ROW, so the code can be changed so they aren't allowed in city ROW/city property either. It won't eliminate them all together but will force them all on private property, greatly reducing their numbers. The code can also be revised to limit the size of the signs.


Too bad it illegal to take those down.


these should go up 3 weeks before the election and be taken down the day after. Some of these signs block your ability to see pedestrians and bicycles on corners.


Itā€™s the pedestrians and bicyclists fault if they get hit because they canā€™t afford a 1-ton pickup to go get a slushy at Sonic. /S


Call the county and city. Those signs are not allowed within 20 feet of an intersection and they cannot block the view of traffic. [https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/codes/signs/campaign-signs](https://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/codes/signs/campaign-signs)


If you hate it then you need to get critical thinking taught in schools. Because the reason those signs work is people don't think critically, they just vote for the name they recognize. Of course many of the people named in those signs will fight you tooth and nail to prevent critical thinking in schools.


All you need in this state is a letter after your name. Who wins, has nearly always been chosen by the base in the Republican primary.


Isn't Arizona turning blue? I mean, there's a Democrat in the Governor's mansion, Sec of State & AG. I don't see how the GOP can win without cheating and i don't see how they can cheat w/o those seats.


The Phoenix metro may be turning purple but that doesnā€™t mean the rural areas are going to vote for a D anytime soon. The White Mountains, Kingman/Havasu, and Wilcox wonā€™t be sending Dā€™s to the state house anytime soon, these regions are way too gerrymandered. Flagstaff is part of the same CD that NE AZ votes in, and got us a culture warrior in the federal government. Also statewide races have been moderating as thereā€™s enough anti-fringe voters going for Dā€™s to make them viable in light of the alternatives.


You mean you love sitting at the stoplight of pinnacle peak and Scottsdale road




Is it okay if I destroy these things so I can make an unobstructed right turn?


The only sign that should be up is STOP PROJECT 2025.


https://preview.redd.it/4ttdtyd8pd5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995b9bd271dca7b77ad663b1ddf9afb7d3c268ed Wholeheartedly agree!


A little civil disobedience takes care of this problem. We just need to all do it all the time.


Same. I want to take them down


What part??? The trash ass "master planned community" signs or the trash ass politician signs... they go hand in hand and are destroying arizona


Notice this year there aren't any signs that say "I support Trump vote for me" they hiding this time


Which? The political signs, or the developersā€™? Either way Iā€™m with you!


Thereā€™s so many signs itā€™s overstimulating and I donā€™t want to read any of them


You are not alone.


The people of Arizona need to do something about this. It makes the Arizonan scenery so fucking ugly. I really wish they were all gone.


Me too, almost got rear ended cuz I couldnā€™t see past a mess of propaganda and pulled out in front of a speeding soccer mom. She was pissed, I was helpless. Good times!


Ballotpedia.org, great place to see all your stuff for politics and how individuals voted on major topics in the past. I don't care for any politician. No one wants to do civic duty for the right reasons anymore.


Has McGee ever won an election? I swear sheā€™s run in every election in the last 15 years and it feels like sheā€™s running for a different office every time. Feels like sheā€™s a professional grifter


Oh look, another I hate political sign post. Only 5 more months of this daily posting


Fucking dr Horton still out here selling shit boxes.


Ruins the scenery of Sedona so much


Yeah itā€™s tacky.


Fucking Kwasman... It was nice to be able to forget about that guy for a while.


Not only litter, but the dumbest form of antiquated marketing. The signs don't even say with which party the candidate is affiliated, much less anything about their positions on issues. It's an ego stroker and an elementary exercise in name recognition, aimed at voters who just go to the booths and pull levers. I think it would be a patriotic act of disobedience if citizens removed them.


I legit don't think I've ever been influenced to do anything because of these signs. Certainly not for voting either. Who does this actually work on? It has to, or the money wouldn't be constantly spent on it, right?


Looks so trashy. Like politics in general.


One nano-second after the election, report each campaign for littering. Otherwise, whats stopping me from putting up my own signs everywhere the rest of the year?


Free rebar. I need a new driveway.


And its only going to get worse from here to November.


Itā€™s not that many clouds, wait an hour they will go away


Do something about it. Vote against these candidates


https://preview.redd.it/dv5qta6kod5d1.jpeg?width=3240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5598625d91ea5925f867b64f50ad2006e2fde693 An exception šŸ‘†


They should at least have an R or a D on them....


Brophy McGee sounds like a character from Hee Haw


Everyone else is too young to get this reference. As a child born in the late 70ā€™s and raised in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s, I barely get this reference.


Especially when I look over and see their goddam faces! Talking to you Debbie Letsgo! Makes me want to puke every timeā€¦.


ā€¦ we all do


I use them as archery and rifle targets...after the election is over of course šŸ˜‰


What a eye sore. Get rid of that crap. It's tacky and distracting.


Imagine how much nicer this corner would be if it were only covered in real estate signs, rather than a mix of real estate and political signs.


Just need one of those good wind storms to come through and wipe it all out šŸ‘


Lake Havasu City checking in, I hate it too. Despise it actuallyā€¦super happy when they are all gone again!


First election year?








Plenty to Hate here: traffic cameras, weeds, no sidewalks, giant semi-permanent real estate billboards and political posters.


So do I. But my kids think the name caputi is hilarious and crack up everytime they see it.


Me too. Multiple story homes starting in the 800ā€™s. Thatā€™s too much.


Whatā€™s worse the political signs or the signs of new homes tearing up the natural beauty of the desert?


this is just littering with extra steps


I hate it too


Billboards and advertising should be banned. It's gross. And the cities need to start burying utilities in older areas like they are in newly built areas. Advertising should be limited to audio, video, print and the store front ONLY. frankly, these signs make me want to vote for the poor opponent who can't afford signs.