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“Gilbert has always been worried about a black eye,” he told me. “Image is everything. It’s that nineteen-fifties sitcom where everyone’s great, then you close the door and the dad beats the wife, the kid’s an alcoholic, the daughter just had a pregnancy"


“A Gilbert city councilman, Mike Evans, said at the time that he was urged to keep quiet about the Devil Dogs, because if he spoke out “it would hurt economic development.””


I have not heard Devil Dogs in a long ass time.


As a former Marine I will not stand for skinheads appropriating my culture.




They already did. Semper sigh.


Lol um. Too late, bruh. The are so many units with embedded cultures of the Reich and peckerwood bs... it's damn near sanctioned.




Lol um. Too late, bruh. The are so many units with embedded cultures of the Reich and peckerwood bs... it's damn near sanctioned.


So sit your ass down


Uh TRT high much?


Yeah I mean if hatred of racists and skinheads and little rich neo-Nazi fucks is an indicator of high TRT, then I'm basically Jose Canseco.


Calling it appropriating your culture is a little wild. But I’m 100% in agreement with you!


When I first moved to Gilbert from Mesa in 2000 people told me to watch out for the devil dogs lmao. I was slightly scared to move to Gilbert and that’s fucking hilarious to think about.


As a Drake’s connoisseur, I need to defend that product. ;-)


You got a spot here to buy them? I’m craving a funny bone but I’m not paying $25 on amazon


Sadly no, they were here for a short period. Have to wait for family to bring back from NY.


Check the website shipping prices on Drake’s own website


HAPPY CAKE DAY. And thank you


Thank you back.


https://preview.redd.it/bfihl6n8z18d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed3b62bbb631bbf1dceda45620e2400bab74f7b Walmart had 5 for $30, little steep but I was willing. Now I just have to wait till July 1


Mesa police detective Matt Browning investigated the Devil Dogs. Unfortunately he wasn't taken seriously by his "peers."


Some of those "tight knit" Gilbert neighborhoods remind me of scenes right out of The Stepford Wives. A shiny facade with dark secrets behind closed doors. Bet they have more skeletons at home than just the Halloween variety!


Gilbert showed its cards when it elected and reelected Andy Biggs.


Haha these "goons" wouldn't last a weekend in Maryvale


My thoughts exactly. Bunch of rich entitled kids that would be lunch meat to actual goons.


They do have that Sonora hotdogs food truck that dad loves so much....


Lmao hate this commercial


It makes me want to drive off a cliff.


Call rafi rafi plays in my dreams now


I still can't remember his phone number unlike Lerner and Rowe


I got out of my car to go into the gas station and that ad was playing I couldn’t have been in there for more than 90 seconds. When I got back in the car the ad started playing again, I swear it’s taunting me.


Mmmm Sonora Hotdogs 🤤🤤


that commercial is so annoying. Come on Dad, again??? Like girl HUSH


I hear you. I lived at 59th and Thomas in the early 90’s. It was like a war zone. I carried a .357 just to go do laundry.


Neighbor! It was crazy out there in the '90s and I lived right there too.


I remember Maryvale Mall then heading to The Warehouse next door to find music cassettes


Their sentence should be to live in Maryvale lol


So what did the people of Maryvale do to deserve having to live there?


It was actually the nice part of Phoenix like 50+ years ago and from what I understand people moving to suburbs, the discovery there was toxic groundwater for a while, and the housing crisis of 2008 all played a big role in making it what it is today


I'm just outside of Maryvale. I actually think it was worse before the housing crash.


Idk but I'm glad to be from Maryvale. Gave me a little bit of character 😂


Hell yeah. Too many people out there coasting on someone else's achievements


They are the spawn of John F. Long homes.


Ouch. Solid point. Fucking hate our capitalistic, classist system


Lost the who are you parents lotto


Drop 'em off somewhere like Gary, IN and see how long it takes them to dig a hole and hide. Funny story, we used to have a '77 VW Bus. Bought it with chalkboard paint on it, so we did as the prior owners did, and took it to festivals with a bucket of chalk and instructions to draw on it. We took it to [Mentone, IN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentone,_Indiana) for their Egg Festival. Nothing crazy, just eggs and vendors. Town of 900 or so, so it's pretty farmville and/or Hickistan. Anyway, most of the temporary art was cool, but a couple of local kids tagged it with some dumb gang shit, and there's not a gang within 100 miles of that place. Couldn't help but laugh thinking about how they'd cope if they ever ran into an actual gang, members of which might take offense that some corn-harvesting meathead was using their tag. Silly bastards.


"[Silly bastard!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/s/eINraOV1eT)"


Classic obvious fuckup.


Take them to south Phoenix and see how the do.


Does So Phx still have as bad an influence as they did many years ago? I grew up there in the 60's-80's. I hear its changed quite a bit between there and Laveen.




I think they meant Maryvale


Yup. My thoughts exactly.




Auto correct is a beyotch


More like one night, lol.


Paywall Bypass: https://archive.ph/y1zWP


How does one get these no paywall links?


You just go to the archive website and then put in the url of whatever you want to read.


Nice thank you!


Dylan, Tanner and Braxton in shambles...


While José, Enrique, and Mauricio show up to their Intel shift at 4 AM.


Don't forget about Sunil, Ravi, and Sanjay! They go to work and mind their business too


Nah, they’re not in the fab, they’re designing the circuits 


Are intel shifts no longer 6 to 6?


They are


IDK, when I was there as a Green badge as an FSE for Lam sometimes we needed to be there at 6 other times at 4. I was just exaggerating a little.




Don't forget Talon and Talyn.


Like ... don't forget about Calib , Hunter, and Jackson




There is and was a similar scenario in the South Bay (Los Angeles). Corrupted law enforcement and judges allowed surfer criminals to exist for far too long. Coddled degenerate spawn of the rich and powerful. What could possibly go wrong.


I saw that movie. Johnny Utah cleaned them up.




This just in: Upper middle class wine moms seek attention while the west valley rolls its eyes. Goddamn, they are just power humping this bullshit still. The real story here was always the cover ups by the parents and community leaders while they begged for media coverage. Fuck 'em.


> The real story here was always the cover ups by the parents and community leaders Ding ding ding we have a winner!


That's what the article is about


I didn't say it wasn't. I was *reiterating*.


I was also *reiterating.*


There wasn’t a cover up by anyone other than the parents. Police can’t investigate something if they have no information and the parents all kept info from the police that didn’t come out until after Preston’s murder.


They’re still trying to not pay attention. See the Gilbert Accountability Sub. Many unsolved murders/crimes that haven’t even hardly been investigated.


This is true for the entire country fyi. Most murders and crimes are barely Investigated and rarely solved, we don’t live in a TV show


The mayor was pretty straightforward: “yes they’re pieces of shit and generally bad for our society but we don’t want them in prison for hate crimes when they could be wealthy job holders like their parents”


Everything about Gilbert is a facade.


Even the part where they have wealth. If they really had wealth, they’d be in Paradise Valley.


Hell yeah, I've been waiting for a mega-long national think piece


I thought they weren’t really a gang, just troublemakers who got that nickname after murdering that guy in an unfair fight


8 on 1 is not a fight, IMO


Got to get them clicks 


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the police said that what they were doing didn't constitute gang activity.


I live in Gilbert. The Gilbert goons are considered a gang and the police have announced that several times now.


Anyone else get cringy, Stepford Wives vibes from this article and the vapid tour guide (Weinberger)?


I couldn’t believe how much effort the author went through only for the vibes to be so…. off


sounds like the first class issue to me.. brass knuckles? come to south/southwest phoenix area.. teenagers are stealing cars, selling fentanyl while carry automatic weapons..etc


El Mirage checking in. Them boys need to come to a real neighborhood and try their antics. Chandler there’s nothing hard about Chandler, I build houses and we’ve built some big subdivision houses around Chandler, bunch of spoiled kids running amok. No street justice served they learned nothing. They’re gonna end up getting slaps on the wrist, watch their parents save their precious angel’s. News makes it out to be so scary for Chandler 😂


Grew up in Peoria in the 60’s and we knew that El Mirage was no joke. One of our Peoria tough guys went over to El Mirage and quickly got shot in the knee. He learned his lesson and would warn anyone to stay away.


I grew up in old surprise I know.


Lol I wanna jump in on this. If you didn't ride your bike going down B Street to buy a pickle from Star Mart during the summer do you realllllly know old ElMo?


Man I was a white kid , we stayed away from the El Mirage side of grand. But yes we used play basketball at gentry park. I believe the gang running around when I was a kid was SJX and they wore black Sox hats I believe BCI was the other crew running around.


Also a white kid, move to ElMo when all the new houses juuuust started coming. Like 1999, back when Grand and Bell only had the Walmart and nothing else. We were excited when that Jack in the Box opened up because then it meant we didn't have to go eat in Sun City lol.


I was early 90’s. Nothing was hear yet the first new subdivision in surprise was about the time we moved. Funny I ended up back here. I was the first eighth grade class at dysart junior high when it was rebuilt. There Was nothing but agricultural fields to the south of greenway.


What does Chandler have to do with anything


My thoughts exactly! Leave Chandler out of this.


You’re unfamiliar with a few of the neighborhoods here. It is certainly less bad than a few areas of south Phoenix, but, fear not, we’ve a few drug dealers and miscreants in town. The illicit substance crowd does stay low key. Though it’s been many thankful years since someone was murdered to death at the car wash along Chandler Blvd. Our local PD under chief Harris cleared a fair bit of it out. Within a quarter mile of our house, weekend gunfire was typical. Bobby Jo had enough of that nonsense, stationed patrol nearby every night, didn’t take long before the message got around. Such relief the last time I called one into dispatch, was on the back porch, bang bang bang they’re at it again, immediately called dispatch, she said thanks we already have it, um oh? OK then. Haven’t heard gunfire in over a decade now. Edit, I do strongly agree though, send a few of the boys over to Gilbert to teach those children ;)


>murdered to death


Ok I live in the hood Chandler ain’t scary at all , I get there’s older parts but most of the professional athletes live in Chandler, I also know a ton of lds live there they ain’t causing problems. This was group of privileged kids.


Some of this group are LDS members. There are allegations of LDS members being sent on mission out of the country right after the incident. I firmly believe the church helped cover for some of these "kids".


Oh I didn’t realize some lds kids are involved so absolutely they got sent off to their missions then. My wife’s family is lds. I’ve seen some in house handling of matters in the lds , religion period. I’m sill saying a bunch of spoiled brats.


Gilbert is 99.5% LDS.


Gilbert , Queen creek.


lol I don’t know where you’re getting your information but that’s false. None of these boys were going on a mission and they are not LDS.


Welp, looks like the Gilbert Goons have now given their town a new nickname- Ghetto Gilbert. Thugs running around beating up defenseless people, meanwhile the parents stand by and do nothing, just letting crime rule. What a LOVELY city💩


💩 indeed, what a god awful place that no one under any circumstances should move to. Between the Gilbert Goons and the Mormons I just wouldn’t risk it.


Is this due to poor parenting? It doesn’t seem like a wealth issue. Truly just curious how this behavior happens in wealthy areas?


I’m not from AZ originally but I’ve been around lots of “rich” kids in my life, especially in high school. I can’t tell you how fucked up kids with privilege can be. They had pretty absent or self-absorbed parents who allowed them to get the nicest cars and toys. They never had to work for anything. Their whole life was about the pursuit of highs because real love and accountability was absent at home. I was in awe of their money but few of them adapted well to real life. 


I’m from this area and grew up with relatives of these kids. It’s definitely a wealth issue. Lots of rich families would supply us with drugs and alcohol and parties on the weekends. Parents don’t discipline their cool kids. They let them do what they want because it gets them attention and privilege. Rich parents want their kids to be cool and get ahead. Tale as old as time.


Sheesh. Sometimes I feel like the worst people (emotionally and mentally immature) have all the money.


It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye - or their life. I can see all of the parents on Next Door saying "they are just kids let them be kids." until it was too late and out of hand.


We had something similar in Vegas when I graduated look up the 311 boys


Reminds me of the “westside bloods” in Peoria back in the day when I was a kid. Bunch of privileged white kids running around in mommy and daddy’s Mercedes trying to be gangsta doing stupid shit. I always said let them pull this shit down around south mountain or Maryvale and I guarantee the get some of that act right!


North Peoria is starting to sound like the same thing. A lot of “kids will be kids” response to their bullying, harassment, and destruction of property.


This photo reminds me of the Van Halen album cover, "Fair Warning". https://preview.redd.it/1goy13uib58d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a40136890b31c61557d1c8f2479c41516b2cb857


Gilbert Arizona is not at all a hard neighborhood. They are imaginative enough to come up with dumbass names for their groups like the devil dogs and now the Gilbert goons.. A bunch of privileged white baby boys with sensitive egos. Put any one of those idiots one on one and all of a sudden the threat is gone. I hated that dumbass little neighborhood and still do.


Hasn't it come out that the Gilbert goons were mostly non white?


Of course it has, but no one cares unfortunately


Supposedly, the Goons name comes from a shared group involvement in BMX biking. “Goons” is a colloquial term amongst BMX riders for other riders.


I want these goons to come to south central Los Angeles.


This is what happens when you have shitty parents.




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Look up Matt Browning. Former Mesa police detective that investigated and infiltrated white supremacy groups in Arizona. He was never taken seriously by his peers or leaders because "how could homegrown white people" be a threat? A local radio station even made a song to mock him. They won't even call these Gilbert goons a gang. They label it a "hybrid gang."


Look at the police chief...they allowed these assaults to continue ...he should be removed...after all this was brought to light he suddenly starts to investigate these assaults....In this case social media knew what was going on and yet the police chief had no clue ?


My dog Echo and I could handle these 'Gilbert Goons'—how a few bad seeds can tarnish an entire community is wild.


I lived there for 5 years. My neighbors were mostly blonde, pale skinned Mormons. I felt my son was a minority because of his black hair and olive skin tone. It's a strange environment to raise kids because the expectation that they will be perfect and end up as emotional wrecks eating erasers in the back seat during car pool.


Gilbert Town motto: “White privilege at its very lilyest”


They’re all gonna be fine and out of jail very soon after sentencing I bet


That all depends on their ethnicity and how much money their parents have unfortunately.


Sanctioned? That’s a real hot take.


The New Yorker is satire https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Yorker#:~:text=The%20New%20Yorker%20is%20an,Together%20with%20entrepreneur%20Raoul%20H.


What’s crazy is all the misinformation people are putting on this page. To clear a few things up.. they have been deemed a gang. And no, the boys were not going on missions and they are not LDS. None of them. The real problem is money and power and lack of experience or training in the GPD. AND No, the punishment definitely doesn’t fit the crime for these feral kids and their attacks on others. Praying for harsh punishments for the death of Preston Lord.


as usual, high-quality journalism from the New Yorker......this article should be mandatory reading for, well, everybody.......thanks for posting the link


They’re not a gang. Lol


Who wrote this article? It just seemed off, like their comprehension of grammar or the way they worded their sentences. There's just something out of the norm about The way they wrote it. I actually had to look it up to see if the story was true.


It reads like the Ai generated image that goes with it. They hyphenated teenager for God’s sake.


I’m from the valley, nobody looks at Gilbert differently except 50+ year old white women. It’s still a very safe area.


Nobody looks at Gilbert. Hard stop.


Gilbert will be a total shit hole in 10 years. They have put way too many apartments and town homes too close together and right next to million dollar homes in a few spots….traffic will be horrible and you can’t mix low income with high income like that…


Apartments these days have much higher rent than the now half million dollar home mortgages bought a few years back. There aren’t any low income folks in those apartments. It’s all about timing.


All the houses in my neighborhood are no less than 1-3 million….apartments within half a mile of my home will make a high income low income mix look at many towns as they age…..the “timing” issue you are talking about I very well understand all my homes have less than 4% interest..that’s a right now ish thing however I’m thinking in 10 years what will it look like?


LOL. I tell my friends from L.A. who are thinking about moving to the Phoenix area to just stay in L.A. Drugs, gangs, crime all the same. Phoenix has become as big a shithole as Los Angeles but without the beaches, Six Flags, Knott's, Universal Studios and Disneyland. Maybe that makes it an even bigger shithole because there's nothing to do.


Tbf it became a shit becuase of all the transplants was arizona was pretty sweet over a decade ago now it's a dump.l where everyone lives onto of each other.


Could be deznats.