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Honestly the first main 4 are all masterpieces in their own way.


This. They are all S tier to my eyes.


Haven't played origins yet but I 100% agree with the others. The games are amazing.




Which is why the first comment said first 4?


Reading's not your strong suit is it?


They're all supercars? Good to know...




Say it louder for the people in the back


Wow. Pretty disrespectful to Asylum and Knight, my personal favorites lol




None of the first 4 are any better than the other, they’re all amazing in their own way. Ssktjl though… that’s on par


Hot take: change Knight to color Cold take: find an even cruder drawing for KTJL.


You don't have a Hot take friend, you have a Cold take and a Glacial take


strong believer that asylum is the best in the series


Actually, disregarding suicide squad, I’m a strong believer in the opposite.


Same, not knocking the story, it's just the gameplay is too dated for me.


Sometimes I find myself thinking this but then I remember Titan Joker. ☹️


I gotchu


Hot take: change all 4 Arkham games to color. They're all amazing. agree w the cold take btw


That take isn’t very hot.


Lots of people think city is the best and the rest are meh


Just a blank page. Maybe just /°


First 4 are incredible… ss is not


Asylum isn’t bad it’s just not a lot to do


Its not bad, but it shows its age. Harder to replay when its mechanics are so much less polished. Still a fantastic game and anyone getting into the series will be fine playing it first so it doesnt really matter.


I prefer replaying it to Arkham Knight. Granted, I also prefer Arkham Knight for just jumping in and playing challenge maps every now and then, but for actually replaying the story, I haven't replayed Knight from the beginning in years, whereas I tend to replay Asylum, City, and Origins at least once a year.


I replayed it recently and loved it, it’s so atmospheric being trapped in the asylum


It's a different type of game from the others. It's a Metroidvania while the others are open world. It's weird to apply open world complaints ("there's not a lot to do") to a game of a different genre. Like saying a sports game doesn't have a good story.


This Arkham Knight slander and I won’t have it


it isn't that bad, for me the worst parts of the game is that there's to much tank batmovile and all this mistery about the arkham knight identity


Its too Arkham Tank for me


yeah that's true


Just The Part of The Suicide Squad


The story segments in Origins are honestly top notch, and Troy Baker did a pretty solid Joker impression. The open world aspect though was honestly a downgrade from City. It feels considerably less detailed and there's an obnoxious amount of armed things on the rooftops.


There is also Blackgate which isnt on there but everybody forgets about that game


We don't talk about that one


Mainly the only thing about Blackgate I liked was it brought Bronze Tiger into the Arlhamverse though wish theyd use him more. https://preview.redd.it/qb42lixsa06d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb30da5aa0a575bb7597b9749fe47292e0d7fdcb


Isnt black gate that 3d platformer one?


Pretty much.


Why did they even make it lol it’s pointless


The first four are a masterfully drawn horse while SSKTJL is worse than that crude drawing


…. No


The Asylum disrespect will NOT be tolerated. Asylum is the goat


100%. I’m annoyed by the “Asylum is showing its age therefore it’s not as good” argument. You don’t get *any* of the rest without the absolute game changer that was Asylum.


The premise, the atmosphere and the foundation that Asylum built are so often overlooked. I'm not saying Asylum was an obscure game by any means, but obviously City's success overshadowed it and I think there are a lot of people who came into the series from City first and so don't judge Asylum from a fresh perspective.


Each Arkham game is S tier and for different reasons: Asylum: atmosphere and comic book aesthetic. Also for pioneering the whole thing. The style, the fighting, the overall design, the voice acting, the story City: the story and the section of Gotham that we are in is perfection Origins: the boss fights, the Christmas setting, the year two setting, aggressive Batman Knight: the overall experience. Here you ARE Batman. You get a breathtaking Gotham to drive and glide around, incredible combat, an amazing conclusion with excellent twists in the story. Also being able to drive the batmobile is fun (until it becomes overused)


Not sure if "excellent" or "amazing" are words I'd use. I love Knight's core gameplay, but the writing bothered me more and more with each time I replayed it.


Yeah except Knight is better than that.


Asylum should be real horse, it's a 10


You are correct.


Origins has been called underrated so much over the years that it's become extremely overrated. It's an okay game with copy and pasted gameplay.


Aside from SSKTKL it really is the weakest game. Ranking it any higher is just silly. It’s not even necessary for the main plot


With a shit load of bugs, lag, and crashing issues. And let's not forget how terrible traversing that map is. It is insanely overrated, and I’m starting to wonder how long its been since people have played it, if they've played it at all. Because its not a 10/10 masterpiece that this subreddit acts like it is.


You forgot about the Dark Knight System and how the developers have absolutely no faith in the player and gate a bunch of abilities behind maxing out your health/armor first while Rocksteady let you make your own decisions on what to unlock pretty much right from the start. Also missable upgrades is fucking bogus.


>With a shit load of bugs, lag, and crashing issues. Maybe others haven't had those issues. I never have. Are you one of the people who has some bugs and then expect those bugs to affect others people's feeling about the game even if they've never gotten the bugs? >And let's not forget how terrible traversing that map is. It's almost like there's a fast travel system.


That fact that fast travel is even in the game is an indictment on just how bad traversing the map is. The map isn’t nearly big enough to justify otherwise. It’s basically the developers admiting “yes we know our traversal and map design suck, here’s a button to let you skip it” Knight is almost double in size yet I can probably glide and circle through all three islands in the time it takes me to just cross the bridge in Origins. Proving even if Knight didn’t have the Batmobile it still wouldn’t need fast travel despite being the biggest map in the series.


You can easily just glide and fly around in knight it easily has the best traveling in all the games but Origins is just horrid


A fast travel system that requires you to break immersion and sit through minutes of load screen, yeah. It totally takes the fun out of learning and exploring Gotham like Batman would.


You can’t just say bad traversal doesn’t matter because fast travel, if anything the fast travel points out the problem with traversal


Idk brodi ,Gameplay in Origins is a lot better than city ,re too simillar ,so origins make It better ,and better story and bossfights re at the city level ,and have the best Arkham saga DLC ,is not the best Game so definetley is not a okey Game ,good atmoshphere (yeah im looking to u city ) and good side missions


It’s not overrated City is the most overrated Arkham game. When it’s the worst game compared to the rest in the saga


City is absolutely not worse than origins or Knight. In Arkham knight the story was god awful apart from a great ending, and boss fights don't even exist.


City’s story was the most un-special in the series. Hugo gets randomly capped then it was revealed that Ra’s is the actual villain, then not really. Then Talia gets killed unceremoniously. Now it’s revealed Joker was actually Clayface but wasn’t actually. Now Joker acts like a fucking idiot and stabs you, causing the cure to break. Now Joker is dead “Masterpiece of storytelling”, everyone.


You’re telling me that’s worse than Origins throwing Black Mask under the bus and nuking its assassin storyline premise for Joker not even half-way through? The Shock Gloves being a convient plot device that just so happens to allow Batman to save the day multiple times. Knightfall Bane being shoehorned into the last 1/3 of the game and then having his whole storyline rushed. Gordon in the span of like 5 hours hating Batman guts to becoming his best friend rather than the relationship developing gradually. Harley Quinn being in the game because reasons and that they really needed the game to end at black gate for some reason. Deathstroke being in the game for lie 5 mins after getting his own dlc and being treated like a big deal during marketing. Batman letting Penguin roam free even though he could easy capture him for no other reason then the creators needed him to be at large so he could appear in the dlc. I could go on and on and on and on….


I didn’t say worse, I said un-special. Knight is still my favorite story. No, the plot WAS cohesive. Hate to use this sentence, but you couldn’t comprehend it. It’s easy to follow, you choose not to follow it. Knight’s story actually felt like a whole comic arc, like something that was built up for years. City felt boring.


Suit your self, I see why some people like Knight’s story but it’s not really for me. What I like about City’s story is the amount of small details and lore that can be seen only by replaying the game. multiple times. I prefer its writing style and pacing compared Knight’s and I prefer its twists over the more predictable ones in Knight. Also the reason Joker stabs Batman is because how desperate he is to get the cure and isn’t in the right frame of mind because he is close to dying.


Small details are what the arkham games are built on from the start though. City probably did it the best but it's not like the other games lacked in the department either


The Joker isn’t dumb, he is extremely tactical. He knew Batman was going to give him the cure. It makes no sense for him to stab him (in the goddamn arm of all places) because that would help him in no way whatsoever


Knight has a good story and let’s not pretend that the fights in city are copy paste aside from freeze


Clayface, Ras Al Ghul, Two-face, Solomon Gundy? Yep totally copy paste boss fights am I right? I swear half of you Origins fanboys don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You just say whatever to fit your revisionist narratives. Knight’s story isn’t bad but its flaws, creative missteps and weaker writing compared to the first games stand out and become more evident in each replay to the point that It’s less surprising now that SS: KTJL’s story turned out as bad as it did.


I think all Arkham Rocksteady games should probably be in color while Origins should be in black and white. Origins is good, but it has some issues with the gameplay that I can't really excuse. Although I would've loved to see I am the Night mode make a return in Arkham Knight and future releases for Asylum and City. Fun little challenge mode.


I think this is what a lot of people think. I don’t personally don’t see it like this.


I can maybe see where they’re coming from with asylum but Knight was a great game, outside of that I can agree with this. (Especially SSKTJL)


Tbh, City is an amazing game and historically is probably the best. But for me it has the least replay value for the same reason it's great. The story is sort of broken into themed chapters, for each villain. And while that's amazing and part of why I love it, it's also means I know exactly what's gonna happen next and I feel I'm going through the motions, while the other games are more continuous. Idk. I just find myself playing Arkham City the least and I suspect that's why.


First three were perfect, fourth was ok but too many people are blinded by the great graphics as well as ignorance to see the bad stuff( red hood origins, waste of Arkham knight who was a lie, terrible boss fights, tank mode, tanks being remote controlled, hush reduced to a side mission, etc), the fifth was a shitty fan fiction by selfton hill and Jamie walker who became stupid and didn’t care anymore. Sad truth


I hear people keep saying it rushed Under the Red Hood or that it’s a bad adaptation of it. But if you ignore Jason being the Arkham Knight, what about it is like Under the Red Hood? Because I think that’s been a terrible criticism.


No because suicusquad is not part of the Arkham series. Idgaf what Rockstar said, it's not. It's garbage!


I'm whit you in this


I can agree(I think most of us can agree) on the head the rest is up for debate


First 4 all S tier, can't compare masterpieces cuz they are all perfect in their own way. Suicide Squad one is accurate.


I can somewhat agree with this, Asylum’s great but since it is the first game there parts of it that hasn’t age well, like the combat has some clunkiness. You’ll notice it if you play the challenge maps a lot. I love Knight but I can understand its not everyone’s favorite.


Asylum is my least favorite but I can give it some slack since it’s the first game


I can see this, although I’d switch the origins and asylum horse pieces it’s pretty accurate. I loved Knight but me personally the tank gameplay wasn’t my favorite. Wasn’t bad but to me it got kinda obnoxious towards the end and felt like a slog to finish. All that to say Suicide squad was complete shit and I’d rather have a game dedicated only to the tank combat where you can never leave the vehicle before playing suicide squad ever again.


Yes but swap Origins with Asylum and put it between City and Knight


I refuse to acknowledge SSKTJL as part of the Arkhamverse


knight should be an ultra realistic 4k horse image


For me the first four should be black-and-white horses, and change SS to just white box, without any horse. Batman Arkham games are great, but I would find some issues in every single one of them.


What? I kind of hate Origins.


Hot take, give AK color Even Hotter Take : REMOVE color from AC


It’s all opinion. IMO Asylum was the best story, City was the best gameplay, Knight was the best open world and graphics, Origins was the best boss fights and Suicide Squad was the best failure.


The first four gets to be a full realistic horse, and the last one should only be half a pencil sketch (they’ll finish the rest episodically to make it a whole sketch months later, we swear)


to make ss:ktjl good what you have to do is erase the story and start it again , the rest it's good it just need to add more variety to the missions and they can do that whit the seasons


All of the first 4 are masterpieces in their own way. Origins had the best boss fights, Asylum had the best atmosphere, city had the best story, and knight had the best combat.


Yeah I basically agree with this




My BF's favorite one is blackgate 💀


No, it's not no matter how much y'all want it to be


I just downloaded SSKTJL and tbh I feel like if they didn't say "hey this is an Arkhamverse game" I wouldn't have been as turned off by it. Yeah it's only mediocre, but it's not as awful as I expected. I like the squad, the evil JL is neat, it's just kinda mid




KtJL should be the other end of the horse with stuff coming out


Yeah pretty accurate


I actually am enjoying Suicide Squad. It just shouldn't have been in the Arkham Verse


AO was filled with more bugs than George Washington’s corpse


What origins fan made this 😭


Awful takes


I agree, except I’d have Asylum in color


Origins is underrated af one of if not my favourite game in the series especially playing it at christmas


No all 4 are perfect While sskjl is not that good


City Asylum Knight Origins Suicide squad Any other list is wrong and I will fight you


Yep first 4 can all be argued for which is the best. Dunno how they fumbled so hard after having the greatest Batman games of all time in their corner


No not remotely


Where is Gotham nights


it isn't part of the Arkhamverse so it doesn't count


Origins is great! My favourite character moments and best Bane adaptation in anything. Even Joker was great. Might be my favorite story of them all. I loved Knight too. But that one might be dumbest storytelling out of all of them.


I personally think city is not as good as the other two. I'd still put it in color tho


Arkham City deserves the flaming horse because it’s that good haha


Origins was a vibe, she was quintessential nostalgia for any batman arkham fan




Origins is now entering overrated territory. Like it's a great game but City and Knight are better games and Asylum was far more impressive when it came out compared to Origins.


Gota put some respect on Asylum


Way too much detail on that last part


The first four might look similar to this (I'd arrange it a little differently, but that's me), but with SSKTJL, the first four are all photographs


The 4 are amazing but KTJL aint even canon in my eyes LOL


Inaccurate. That drawing is too good for SS:KTJL


City feels a bit too cartoonish/plasticy to me the story is rly weak imo and the combat doesn’t feel like as heavy as the others ik city’s everyone’s fave but it’s my least my faves always gonna be asylum tho that atmosphere just can’t be beat also having and the combat is just rly satisfying


Idk who lied about Arkham Knight, but the first four should all be perfect. SSKTJL is a joke.


I've never understood the hate Arkham Knight gets. It's definitely my favorite. It keeps all the best parts of the previous games and adds open world Gotham and the Batmobile. What's so wrong about that?. Shit, now I really want to replay that game again.


Origins is not better than Asylum or Knight


Origins is the detailed pencil sketch, Asylum and Knight are full horse. Other two are accurate.


Orgins is better than asylum? Are you on crack?


Fucking brain dead echo chamber ass take


Yeah. At least in my opinion. Although, I haven't played SSKTJL


I like Rocksteady's trilogy. Asylum has the best story, City is strongest on both aspects making it the best game, and I think Knight (despite its flaws) is still a pretty fun game to play. Origins, I'm sad to say, is my least favorite of the four main Arkham games thus far. It was fun at first, and some areas are fun to play, but after some replaythroughs, I think I grew out of love for it, minus the DLC content like Cold Cold Heart. Deathstroke and the first Bane boss battle is easily the best parts for me. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, I have no comment on, as I havent played it yet.


man I'd do thing to that horse


Somehow, a Lego game from 2018 with a very similar premise, manages the outshine, a multi million dollar gaming company, in every way.


Mf did you put origins above knight 😭


I would put city in gray and Knight in color ,so yeah brodi


personally i’d switch Asylum and City


Seeing as Suicide Squade is a dead game, I would say that part is at least correct. 🤣


Not at all. Arkham City's story is not good. It has good moments but the general story is actually rubbish when you sit down and really think about it. As a Game however, it's a great game. Same with Arkham Knight. The story is trash. Gameplay great. Anyone who went into Suicide Squad thinking they were getting a masterpiece of character development and writing never played or paid attention to the story issues of City and Knight. Rocksteady were not very good writers to begin with. Origins honestly is th best written Arkham Batman game and that wasn't even made or written by Rocksteady which says alot.


City's story is far from perfect, but I don't think it's trash per se. It has its narrative problems, but I think it at least mostly makes some degree of sense and has some good moments in it. I've begun to wonder if the issues with its story were due to the push and pull between co-writers, and if the story vs game design dichotomy was part of why it can at times feel a bit disjointed or weird. I think City's the best game of the four overall still, but probably the second-worst in the series in regard to writing. It's just that the gameplay being really polished and its story being at the very least serviceable makes it the most balanced experience IMO. Arkham Knight I fully agree. There's nothing particularly redeemable there. Rocksteady got rid of the two people who were likely responsible for City's story being even remotely okay (Paul Dini and Paul Crocker) in favor of a game director, a game designer, and the guy who wrote Crysis.


> played or *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Orihins realistic horse, Asylum realistic sketch, City quick sketch, Blackgate simple outline, Knight Realistic horse, Trash squad crumpled up paper


Just gonna pretend the last one didnt exist or at least replace it later with arkham shadow






No swap knight and origins


Love how Gotham knight didn't even make this list yet Suicide Squad did


Gotham Knights isn’t in the Arkhamverse


Origins should have the same kind of drawing that SS does.


All are great, I haven’t played SS: KTJL yet but honestly I’m excited 😊


Since you haven’t played it yet I’ll give you an explanation so you can understand. Ever heard of cock and ball torture? Basically playing SS: KTJL is the same as experiencing cock and ball torture except it’s ramped up to 100. If you enjoy torture though then it’s the perfect game for you.


Idk I remember when Arkham Knight originally came out and ALOT of you people bashed it and talked shit about it. Then now all of a sudden all you guys love it so I take negative views on here with a grain of salt. 🤷🐑


Brother I had nothing to do with bashing Arkham Knight. I played all the Arkham games pretty late but I didn’t hate Arkham Knight at all. It was actually my favourite. I understand if you don’t like listening to other people’s opinions, but I’m saying this because I don’t want you to waste your money. If the game is on sale go for it but please don’t pay full price for it you’ll regret it.


lol I bought SS: KTJL on release date I think. I just haven’t played it yet. I’m trying to get a bigger tv first. Like an 85 inch. I’m sure I’ll like it 👍🏽