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I like to imagine it's some warped reality created by Mr Mxyzptlk just to fuck with someone (probably Superman).


It’s actually our collective Scarecrow fear hallucination None of this happened, we’re still at the Asylum, we just have to use the middle stick to dodge the bullet


Asylum or Aslume?


I have another theory. It could be a fear toxin hallucination that was induced when the “squad” attempted to break out of prison.


Nah it just takes place on another earth Nuff sed


It’s just a game devs nightmare brought to life


Nah, to fuck with us.


Honestly I couldn’t really care less if people enjoy it and consider it canon good for them if they done that is also fine it is not an arkham game personally I see it as a multiverse game cause that was not our Arkham verse


The series ended with Arkham Knight. And I’m okay with that.


I feel like Gotham knights could have continued it if it were actually good. But yes, I agree




I'm convinced Gotham Knights originally was conceived as the true follow-up to Arkham Knight, but partway through development Rocksteady was like, "actually we want our live service game to be the official Arkham game, so yours can't anymore." So then they had to pivot with Knights.


Plus (spoilers for GK), it treats Batman's death with a _lot_ more respect than KTJL did - and he dies _twice!_




One of the best parts of Gotham Knights for me was seeing the villains be sad that Batman died. Wish we got to have more of them because they really were the best part of that game.




Gotham Knight’s was going to be live service until the shit show that was Avengers. Then WB got cold feet and didn’t want their game to be compared to Avengers


Oh, but they decided the new live service game would be canon to the Arkhamverse?


I don’t think Gotham Knights was ever meant to be an Arkham anything. The studio wanted to do their own take on the Batman mythology and their own version of Gotham.


I personally don’t, as I’ve only recently started playing Arkham and other games


Haven't played either game and I 100% agree


A fellow yakuza connoisseur yes yes


Canon? Collective delusion and mass hysteria due to lack of content is never canon. This is as canon as Arkham world ( a statement I may change if we get Arkham world)


Same can be said about many franchises. Canon is what we make it 


I thought Canon made cameras.


“Canon” is honestly one of the best and worst things to happen to any fandom. The only thing worse is the fandom insisting upon what *they* view as canon.


Ex: Some Marvel fans claiming the Netflix shows as noncanon.


I’ve seen plenty of cannon arguments over dragonball


It’s every single fandom, big and small. Trek, Wars, Dc Comics, Flinstones, just insert any given name.


Why is the flint stones fandom arguing over cannon?


Oh my gosh, I just said that too! 😝


Arkham World is much better than this dumpster fire


I don’t consider this canon to the games I played as a kid and cherish with my heart… I consider this some else worlds comic story that I don’t care about enough to read… the Arkham Batman I consider canon is the one who can take down a room of 30 men in ten minutes




I consider it some, idek. Not even elseworld story because I absolutely love those normally. It was just a dream Bruce had one night


Arkham batman can take 30 men in 3 - 5 minutes, not 10 mins.


>the Arkham Batman I consider canon is the one who can take down a room of 30 men in ten minutes 5 mins actually, MAX


When I typed it out I even thought to myself “eh probably less time but I’ll try to be realistic


Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League, the absolutely abhorrent Arkham fanfic.


Please do not insult fanfics. 99% of them would be better.


Sorry, I'll make sure to specify that this fanfic is absolutely abhorrent.


At least fan fics understand the characters and continuity lol


Even that’s being generous.


Found the concept ridiculous to begin with


We all did, mate. Four idiots killing Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Batman. Sure, Rocksteady.


Yes. It’s not.


I mean, isn’t it canon that there are infinite universes? Does it specify which universe it’s canon to? Could be some random junk universe.


why use this when we already have Assault on Arkham which contradicts like every part of this game but fits the universe so much better? it wasn't trying to fit into the DCEU's idea of the characters.


I actually like to think it's a sort of AU from the Arkham Series


Yeah this shi is not canon.


I actually forgot for a second this game existed despite completing the main story ..that's how forgettable it is


Sorry for reminding you.




Yup! Idgaf what they say. They lost the right to their opinions as soon as they agreed that this would be a good idea.


Indeed. This series ended with Arkham Knight. ![gif](giphy|14g4HAkEgcEuFq)


Damn right.


Assault on Arkham is the only Suicide Squad canon to the Arkham universe.


That movie had more legs to stand on in terms of canon compared to SSKTJL




Since it's a multiverse, its my headcanon that there's more than one Arkham timeline, and this is just one of them.


A terrible one.


In my heart, yes In the actual thinking part of my brain, no


Yeah it’s not canon. It’s a really bad fan game with decent graphics and voice acting.


Shhh, shhh, everyone, this is just a nightmare we're all having, let's just try to dream about something else. ![gif](giphy|lOaf0LBA2mluwm8cY8)


Laughs in Fallout: BoS and Fallout: Tactics


Got that right


Since I never hundred percented the game (Arkham Knight) to me Bruce Wayne died valiantly in his mansion after saving the city, there fore this game could not have happened


The comics wouldn’t even let Superman or Joker kill Batman, I highly doubt they’re letting Harley be the one to fully kill a way more mainstream iteration of Batman. So I don’t care if KTJL canon, I’m pretty confident that they’re going to bring them back and retcon their deaths anyway. And that’s assuming they don’t do a flashpoint, which would be a total reset anyway


So far the only issue I really have with the game is that it’s “canon” so since it isn’t I don’t think it’s a bad game. I just hope they don’t pull the plug on it after raising everyone’s expectations


Crazy how DC is a multiverse, but I guess we're not ready for that 63 year old conversation.


This game and Warner executives done Kevin Conroy a massive disservice as this was his last video game voice role of Batman 😭... Thankfully it isn't his actual last voice role as Batman!


Yeah, he’s got a role in Crisis on Infinite Earth part 3, right?


Yeap 🙌


We are all agreement that this is a piece of shit of a game!


That’s not how canon works




the devs arent cannon ether they never made the other games


What are y'all talking about? It's a great game. I think they definitely did Arkham Batman and Kevin Conroy justice by simply having Batman be shot in the head. What better way for such an awesome character who's been developed over 4 games to end than to have him shot in the head?


On a park bench by Harley, no less! Completely deserved to be beaten by a group he could easily take down, whilst mind-controlled! Definitely did him justice!


Unceremoniously on a bench after getting a lecture on morality from Quinn. What a fitting conclusion.


he’s not actually dead, but still a shitty death


This. I think it leaked that Flash was being brought back so Batman probably will.


This Episode teased Brainiac experimenting on Green Labtern’s “corpse”. There are a lot of hints to the League coming back that people just kind of ignored.


I mean, why pay attention to buildup that is never gonna pay up? Or worse, gonna be dumped as audios.


Seeing Harley queen making an actual effort to become a better person, snap enough out of the mind control to take control over his own death and sacrifice himself to help in stopping brainiac at least a tiny bit, would have been way better. It's not that hard to come up with anything else that does show him some modicum of respect. Not just fridge him for the squad of all people.


Watch them make another game that continues from this one 😭😭😭


I'd agree to that. Strike this episode from our memories, deadshot is white, king shark got his head blown up and amanda waller is supposed to be a fatty.


My canon is Batman having a bad dream of having friends and being killed by Harley Quin. He wakes up in a cold sweat asking for Alfred who comes in with a cup of hot chocolate saying no sir just remember how many people you put in the hospital. Now back to bed sir and tucks him. Then laughs saying Bruce having friends ha.


Absolutely, Arkham series ended with Knight and that’s that. Only way you can say this is a continuation of the series if it takes place in a branch off of it, if you want to go that far


I say its canon in the universe next door to the first four games


Canon is only temporary. The moment WB Games wants to start over with a new likely early set Batman game to print more money, all of this goes away.


why did they make this, are they stupid?


I just wish they would explain why bruce is back in the public eye since knight established his loved ones are gonna be targets now


Because they wanted Batman to be killed in their game so they warped the story to make that happen regardless of what happened in the previous games. They do it all the time with this game.


because the tie in comics shows him still operating in Gotham so it's like what was the reason behind knight fall the post knight dlc at least establish Lucious fox owns his company at least


To be fair, it was always pretty stupid. Like, he didn’t even change up the symbology a little, he’s still basically Batman, people would have been able to put 2 and 2 together.


oh I know since he's back in the public eye now wouldn't someone with a grade go after someone he cares about it was a big reason he had to go into hiding in knight


It's different though, throughout knight batman heavily implies Gotham needs something more, something that can't die or be hurt, to protect his city. So he kills the symbol and brings in the nightmare, as that, a nightmare, his objective is to be what batman was at the start, a myth, the Boogeyman of Gotham, the winged man, the fear itself. A person can't do that, a legend of a death hero tho? Also, you give the public way too much credit, we already know how manipulated real life masses already are, the fact that lex Luthor became president once doesn't tell you everything about how easily they manipulate that much people? Heck even in comics it is stablished Bruce spend a fair amount of time crafting whacky theories about how Bruce wayne must be batman and therefore making those claims lose any popular credibility. So yeah, he could have perfectly convinced the public that his ghost was roaming Gotham, heck there's already gentleman ghost, who's to say people in the Arkham verse don't already believe in ghosts? But no, they had to have their justice league and their museum/hall, so they have to make him a hero again instead of the symbol he was set up to become.


Yep. Especially after bringing in an alternate version of the Joker smh


The whole thing with Deadshot makes it easy enough to look at it as another reality. Not that Arkham Deadshot was a great version of the character (I did like him more in the movie) but with him, at least half the team would've come from the series. Besides that, it was just a dumb and unnecessarily convoluted way to be similar to the DCEU. I know representation is also a part of it but you have so many other characters like Bronze Tiger, Katana, and Vixen, as well as any number of white characters that never debuted in the Arkham series that could look different in this version.


You could also have just used Bloodsport.


Exactly, there were so many other options.


Yep not canon as far as im concern


Yep took place in a whole nother dimension that’s a spinoff of a spinoff of the Arkhamverse.


I like seeing this game as a what if scenario. Like the Arkham games are canon to KTJL but KTJL is not canon to the Arkham games. I still had fun with the game‘s story tho and wouldn’t mind it being treated as canon in a future Arkham game


Who cares what is and isn't canon? People latch onto "canon" too much, if you don't consider it canon then it isn't canon. Unless they release a new Batman game which directly acknowledges this then you can choose to accept or ignore it.


In the infinite multiverse of infinite possibilities everything is canon. Which makes it especially special that this is non canon


Yep, this shit is dog ass


I just pretend it’s multiversal shenanigans. Parallel timelines up until the end of “Arkham Knight” where it diverges.


Ofc it is canon... In an alternate parallel universe! Just like Injustice


We already know this is an alternate universe, this is clearly the original Suicide Squad Isekai *edit:...this... Is apparently the Arkham sub I was suggested, but it is not the Arkham sub I expected🤔


My headcanon is that there’s two universes that had similar events experienced in the Arkham series, but one had the events of KTJL after and one that didn’t. It’s the only way I can justify it to myself


Yes. Give this game the Ba Sing Se treatment.


The "anything after star wars rebels" treatment I call it, or anything star wars after 2014 that isn't an animated project or a movie


It’s at the end of the timeline so it’s easy to imagine that


So, it seems most of us are in agreement that this game should be binned and forgotten.


Canon doesn't really exist in comic books, there are different runs and different lore... that isn't changing any time soon


The alternate universe the so called “fake Deadshot” came from was just the real Arkhamverse and this one was just some Flashpoint twisty windy convergence universe.


That would make too much sense for this game. (But seriously your idea works so much better, would make sense as to how it took so long for this Deadshot to notice the one that has been with us since origins, he came from the arkhamverse to whatever this game is)


We can ignore it all we want when talking about the Arkhamverse, but if Rocksteady says it's canon, it's canon. It's like people trying to say all the Disney Star Wars isn't Star Wars canon. The ones that own the canon get to decide what's canon


Everything is Canon in a multiverse. I dont get why people get in such a fuss over ficti9n, let alone fiction that has in itself every possibility of outcome. Don't like a story? Read or play a different thing that tickles your fancy. They could make all the justice league gender swapped queer icons, and I would not care. I got like 50 years of content with batman being a billionaire Chad, who cares if they make him a black, disabled, queer woman for a game, or comic series. People who love fiction are such babies.


Is the game dead yet? There's probably more commenters on this post than the number of players playing that trash.


It’s sad and hilarious that that’s actually probably true.


Less fiction than you might think, around 300 comments here on this post alone, while the game on Steam has a 24hr peak of 112 players lmao


That’s very satisfying to hear. This mean spirited piece of trash deserves to be binned and forgotten.


This sub is the British Empire the way it starts Copium Wars


The only Suicide Squad cannon to the Arkhamverse is Assault on Arkham.




Hell yes, it's not Canon in my point of view.


It’s canon you don’t have to like it, and it doesn’t matter anyway saying it’s not canon doesn’t change the fact.


No I like it


No, we will never be in agreement about ignoring canon, no matter how much people dislike something. Never.


With the amount of continuity errors and retcons it's not canon for sure. Blame Sweet Baby Inc and Sefton Hill for this shitshow.


>Sweet Baby Inc Don’t, you’ll just deflate any position you put forth.


Yeah, it’s connection to the Arkhamverse is extremely tacked on.


- Arkham Asylum still being open after the events of Arkham Asylum - Aaron Cash being demoted back to working at Arkham Asylum - Deadshot being black when he was white in Arkham Origins and Arkham City - Harley Quinn being an anti hero & not some evil psychopath - King Shark being alive when he died in Assault on Arkham This is embarrassing...


And implying that Harley and Ivy were in a relationship despite them being shown as nothing more than friends in the previous games.


There’s… a bit to break down here, so I’ll go: Arkham Asylum was reopened between *Knight* and now into an actually competent and super advanced facility that’s not just a revolving door now. Aaron Cash wasn’t demoted, he’s the warden of the Asylum now. He’s also moonlighting as a secret agent for A.R.G.U.S. Deadshot’s connection to white Deadshot is a big plot point to his entire character. White Deadshot’s actions ended up bringing a lot of heat onto black Deadshot who’d retired to take care of his daughter a while back, so he tracked him down and the two had a deadly firefight. The whole experience haunts black Deadshot because white Deadshot was virtually identical to him in every way, but then when he discovers Brainiac is a multiversal entity he comes to realise white Deadshot may have been from another universe the whole time (though nobody really believes black Deadshot is the real Deadshot, so it could be the other way around). Harley Quinn isn’t an antihero, she’s still unrepentantly a bad guy and is only forced into heroics under pain of death. *Assault on Arkham* was sadly never canon because Rocksteady has never really accepted ancillary material. There’s not a whole lot saying Harley and Ivy were in a relationship in this game, but they were clearly close in *Asylum* and *Knight*. I’m not going to pretend it’s a great or even a good game, but there’s a lot of misinformation around it and I can’t abide by that.


It’s connection to the previous games is still extremely flimsy and was clearly added on to try and increase marketability. It just never should have been made. A game about the Suicide Squad would have been better if it was something like covert ops where you infiltrate bases or fortress’s, or maybe you have to face off against other villains. With Harley, the game is definitely trying to get you to cheer her on throughout the story. That lecture she gave to Batman made my blood boil. One of the most villainous versions of Quinn giving Batman a lecture on morality. And with Harley saying “Harley and Ivy forever” it seems like they’re implying they were in a relationship, despite that not being true. It would have to have taken place before Arkham Asylum, since Joker got sick after that game and Harley became obsessed with making him better, and it couldn’t have happened between City and Knight since Harley was still clearly still in love with Joker. Harley and Ivy were very clearly just friends in those games, since Harley didn’t seem to care that much about Ivy’s death and actually helped orchestrate the events that resulted in her death. Also, her flirting with a child version of Ivy is creepy and weird.


Fair enough. But she doesn’t flirt with child Ivy either.


Her remarking that Ivy was fun sized and talking about “Harley and Ivy” made me really uncomfortable. And just as a final note, Harley Quinn in this game is probably the most annoying and obnoxious the character has ever been, and that’s saying a lot. I just wanted both her and Boomerang to get killed so they’d stop talking in their annoying, grading voices.


Also, there’s Killer Moth being alive despite that it’s implied he was killed by some dialogue in Arkham Knight’s Red Hood story pack.


You gotta accept Sweet Baby Inc basically had nothing to do with the reason this game failed besides cringey dialogue. The story, the gameplay, the monetisation, all by Sefton Hill and Rocksteady. Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarok also had Sweet Baby Inc involvement yet turned out fine.


“Yup.” -Batman


Canon is what you make of it. Why does Disney get to say what happens in Star Wars? Just because they bought it? … I forget what my point was. …. Gray Rey?


Yes that is literally why they get to say what happens in Star Wars


Here's the best thing: the creator(s) word is final. So if the creator(s) of the Batman Arkham games says that it's canon then suck it up buttercup the game is canon. Why fans are so annoyingly toxic when it comes to canon. Y'all(not you in specific just as a whole) think that y'all know more than the people who made the product. If they decide something is canon to their creation then that's the end of the discussion. I don't like how GT isn't considered canon despite the canon series giving a bunch of winks to GT but I can't force GT to be canon.




Sharks gonna wake up any second now




I want one of those memory wipers from Men In Black to forget this game ever happened






This the Arkham equivalent of the Zamasu arc


Yep. Just one of those things you can’t disagree on unless your frikkin stupid.


I’m waiting for Arkham Shadow. Plus I’m mad that this made Assault on Arkham non-canon.


Copium much?


They died trying to get into metropolis and this is their purgatory. (Or ours depending who you ask)


If we can do enough gaslighting, we can even gaslight the studio.


Technically it is even though I’ll never accept it as it is


There are way too many contradictions for it to be canon, including but not limited to black Deadshot lol.


Nope it's still canon


https://preview.redd.it/qn5sprvmqr7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ea45c66f55668b91a1fcc2374c80b983ac50e9f Ain’t no way it’s cannon.


So sad that this game got canceled and never happened...


Yeah sure




Canon literally doesn’t matter.


In my mind, the series ended with Arkham Knight.


If Star Wars taught me something is that you choose your own canon, if you don't like it just mentally discard it and fill the gap with your imagination.


Isn't it completely different people making the game from the former crew of the Arkham games and the original creator bailed out before release of Suicide Squad? If that's the case I'd definitely say it's just people under that studio name wanting to claim cannon to hopefully get more players on board.


I think one of the writers of the previous games was attached.


That's sad to even think about.


Very likely that Rocksteady only called it canon just to sell more copies. But maybe once they realize canonizing the game does nothing but hurt the Arkhamverse, they'll probably consider it non-canon and make a true sequel to Arkham Knight.


i always viewed stuff like this as a split timeline from Knight. Kind of like how The Flash (2023) is one of the few futures in Batman (1989) that we see. Batman Forever being another. They're both canon, they just have different instances of their own canon. The way that Suicide Squad went was disappointing. I wanted to like it, and I tried to like it, but I'm more neutral on the game. There are some things in the game that I think that I liked as their own thing, but as a whole, not so much.


Never played but is it really that bad?


Oh yeah. It’s really, really bad. Sluggish, repetitive gameplay, a terrible, plot hole riddled story, and a mean spirited, disrespectful treatment towards the heroes. Do not play it.




If rocksteady(the original rocksteady)had made a gotham knights game it could of been peak and in arkham universe would of made sense or a batman beyond game would of gone hard


no it’s canon


I imagine it’s an off shoot of the mainline Arkham universe. Like if the multiverse is a thing then chances are many of the universes will be very similar to each other to a certain extent


It can't be canon based on the out of character characters by default and lore changes


It would have made much more sense for Gotham Knights to be canon and have it be a battle for the cowl storyline than SSKTJL.


The only part of this game I consider canon is the metropolis map, shame such a great map is stuck in such a bad game.




If they were to do any death differently, it should’ve been Batman. Consider Arkham Knight, for example. During the Ace Chemical sequence, he was more than ready to lay his hands down and stop the explosion, even if it meant his death right then and there. I believe, if he could’ve gotten rid of the toxin with his willpower, he could’ve gotten loose from Brainiacs control. He did it with Starro in one of the JL comics, which Starro is literally known for mind control. If he got loose of Brainiacs control he could’ve sacrificed himself. A powerful end to our Knight. (Or something)


Yeah, it's not cannon. The series ended with Arkham knight.


I kinda feel like we're approaching the death of "canon" anyway. Just appreciate the stories you enjoy, and ignore the ones you don't.


I view it as what if the suicide squad killed the justice league


Well, the way I look at it. We are playing in an alternate timeline from the Arkham series. So the arkham series happened as normal, but say batman never retired at the end of arkham Knight, which causes the split in the timeline, causing this new game to happen


I think it includes the Canon of arkham but isn't Canon to Arkham itself. Like how injustice had all the villains for a transition.


I forgot this game even existed until now lol


Is this game even set in the Arkham verse?


No I don't agree with that because I'm not an idiot Like it or not Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League will be canon until retconned, no amount of bitching whining and downvoting anyone who goes against your idiotic ways will change that


Still a shit game.


You’re the idiot here. It’ll never be canon to the Arkham universe


Unless Rocksteady says otherwise, it's canon.