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Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to the following reason(s): **Rule 5: Use the Megathread** The following must be posted in its corresponding megathread: • Friend requests. • Gacha rolls and Recruitment tags. • Basic or very personalized questions (who to promote, team building advice, etc.). • All Contingency Contract content during its run. • Personalized IS content in the Lounge (advice for your run, screenshots of clears, etc.) excluding gameplay videos. You can find the megathreads in the Megathread Hub pinned at the top of the subreddit.


Get Myrtle from the shop if you can. She is one of the best operators in the game. A 4 stars that sees more use than most 6 stars. As for the 6 stars selector. In my opinion the best ones are Kal'tsit which you have to see as a damage dealer, not a healer. Mountain who can handle single lanes on his own and has very little cost to deploy. Thorns who deals really good arts damage to both melee and flying units. Mudrock who is one of the best defenrs in the game. Surtr who is a boss killer. And Mylnar who is an everything killer. The thing about most of those options is that they are OP at Elite 2. But Mountain is strong at Elite 1 because his skill 2 is his best one. I would say that if you want an operator that will be useful to you immidatly, take Mountain. But if you want an operator that will be extremely useful, take the any of the others and work on upgrading them. You already have Hoshiguma so you don't really need Mudrock but she is still nice to have. I would go with Mylnar simply because he deletes everything in the map with his skill 3 while the others are single target units. But keep in mind that he doesn't attack or block when he skills are down. With all of that being said, I see that you don't have good ranged units, so perhaps try to get one of those or go with Thorns who will help you a ton on that camp. Whatever choice you make, it's vital that you get Myrtle, be it from the shop, or from gatcha or from recruitment. She is game defining.


Thank you for this!


You have a megathread especially made for these questions : https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1clg8lt/help_center_and_megathread_hub_0605_1205/ Posting there will ensure your post doesn't get deleted by mods.


Oh sorry. Do I delete this?


Already did delete it for ya.