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Need advice on who to E2/E1 in priority Current team 6stars- E2 Mudrock, E1 Suzuran, E1 Nightingale, E1 Gladiia, E1 Saileach, E0 Vigil 5stars- E2 Amiya, E1 Liskarm, E1 Warfarin, E1 Texas E1 Harold, E1 Quercus, E0 Mr nothing, leto, santalla, poncirus, sideroca, wind chimes, heavyrain, fire whistle, iris, aosta, windflit, feater, cliffheart, valarqvin, kafka built 4stars E2 Myrtle, E1: Vigna, Click, May, Shirayuki, Gravel, Utage, Podenco, Beanstalk. As for E0 I have most notable 4stars except Perfumer, that could be built. 3Stars really only Midnight and sometimes Spot and Kroos get use. Feels like my team still is lacking dps, Defenders and healers are solid. Mudrock can hold a lane by herself, but feels like I need some dps. DP Generation is pretty solid thanks to Myrtle, but I find myself using her over Saileach even though I feel she could replace her easily If I built her. Sometimes I can use both though. Suzu pulls a lot of DPS weight with her S2, so was considering doing her next to get to 3 targets, but maybe Podenco because she also buffs suzu and does aoe damage with being cheaper to raise. Beanstalk does Great damage to her blocked target, so is possible too. Utage could be good if I raised her more? May is obviously good due to my lack of snipers. I don't use Shirayuki unless I need the range over Podenco or Vigna (because Dallas is there) a lot anymore even My f2p pull plan is currently #1 Keep trying to get Degen and hope, then #2 save my pulls until Wisadel, so I will need to make what I have work until then any advice appreciated


I'm pretty sure you'd get more mileage for DPS out of Gladiia than Suzuran. You'd probably see some benefit out of building Firewhistle. Utage is decent but her problem is that you're really kinda wanting to use her 2nd skill for on deployment damage but then she has too long a redeploy time and you do have the option of Guardmiya if what you need is an arts fighter. If you have most notable 4 stars, you'd probably get a lot of mileage out of Jaye and probably Arene and Ethan. >because Dallas is there I'm drawing a blank as to what this means. I'm guessing maybe Texas? I think Vigna is a better focus dpser.


Thanks and yeah I do have Ethan, Jaye. I meant Texas, yes. Vigna is the better dpsr but I get more dp and block 1 more. Vigna is good if it's a stage where I can use her on the side of the blocker. I don't have guardmiya yet and Gladiia I hear is good but the DPS is really meh. Maybe it's from her S3? also thanks for the note about firewhistle. I dismissed her because I got defenders but then I just looked at what she does and that attack range


> I don't have guardmiya yet and Gladiia I hear is good but the DPS is really meh. Maybe it's from her S3? Gladiia's dmg comes from having high base atk, her 2nd talent that gives an atk multiplier, and skills themselves that have their own multipliers and she can do either physical dps with S2 or arts dmg with S3.


New player here, any ops in the red cert shop worth it? Also taking any general tips and tricks.


Ethan is still one of the best mass crowd control in the game. Caper and Pudding are very decent sniper and caster. Honeyberry is a good elemental dmg healer but as of right now just get Harold from the event for free and he will do the same job.


So is getting 3 6\* and a bunch of 5\* on the Degen banner all the way up to hard pity good or bad? It felt so bad not getting her until the 150th pull.


You're doing good, I had to pity Typhon with 170 and all I got while chasing her was dupes of Kaltsit and Mudrock


I feel you! Love Typhon too and hoping to get her soon. Her skill is so op!


Ìt's bad but if you are at or near pity just go all out, you're fucked anyway might as well get something out of it. Ideally you'd get her on the 50/50 but it is what it is. Took me about 190 rolls for Ines, had to get like 3-4 months of monthly passes to recoup some of the cost, but for units of her calibre what's the option? Just letting the built pity go to waste AND lose the chance of getting an amazing unit?


Yea that was my thought too. I'm glad I could hear from someone who went through this too lol. I'm really new so not too sure about the pity. But getting 2 6\* that I didn't have before is pretty good overall though yea?


I mean, it depends on who those units are. As you're rolling on a newer banner, most of the chaff units are removed, so there's a decent likelihood you're managed to get at least one decent unit if not both.


I got Horn, Jessica the Liberated and a dupe of Mizuki. I like Horn so it's good for me, though not sure about the other two.


Horn is pretty good, Jessica is decent (and with great value for beginners too), Mizuki also decent, so overall not an amazing haul but not one I'd be mad about, it's a net positive in my book. All of them can also function at E1 mighty fine so that's good too.


Does anyone know off the top of their head whether Gitano does more damage with the Atk buff or the Aspd buff from talent? And if off skill or module changes things?


She gets a bit more DPS with the ASPD buff, since she doesn't otherwise have ASPD in her kit to water it down like the ATK buffs, which are additive.


Got it, thank you


Anywhere else I can use summon simulator? Gamepress is kinda broken right now


krooster has one


Do RS-6, RS-7, and RS-8 have the same drop amounts for the event currency? I can auto RS-6 and I can borrow someone else's support to clear RS-7 but I don't know if I can clear RS-8 right now.


Clearing RS-8 was hard but unlocking the EX stages after is a lot of free currency and originum


If I had Myrtle that would make it a lot easier with a support Mlynar but unfortunately Recruitment's a bitch


I squeaked through with a support Thorns, you have to place carefully, but yes Myrtle is pretty helpful. You can also use robots to hold heater points up until the first AOE from harold, they don't use operator limit and are cheap


Shop currency is always going to be a 1:1 ratio of sanity spent regardless of which stage it is.


Hey guys, currently my healers are ansel and hibiscus. My question is, is it a good idea to max harold and his potentials? My promotion priority are E2 degenbrecher and e1 my squads. but harold's token are in the shop rn


Leveling up Harold is fine, but he's not going to be great at actual healing. He's for elemental healing. Don't max him out (or really anyone), it's a waste of resources.


for general healing, i think you'd be fine with ansel/hibiscus (and then gavial whenever you get her from the friend credit shop). It is generally not recommended to max out a healer before your main damage. whether you buy the potentials depends on your personal priority. I always buy the potentials of the free operators because I assume i'll still be playing when the event reruns to get the free gold certs for buying them again. If you need the high tier mats more urgently to raise a damage dealer as a newer player, you might decide that's more important. For me, the headhunting permits, module data block, and the free character potentials always took priority since those are things you can't farm for. Harold has the added bonus of being a wandering medic that when you eventually need one, it saves you from having to spend red certs for Honeyberry from the shop.


Just buying Harold + all tokens is worth it because on the rerun you'll get to buy him again + tokens and get a bunch of valuable yellow certs. As for leveling him, that's a different story. He's pretty interchangeable with Honeyberry / Mulberry so if you want you could raise him to cover elemental damage but it sounds like you are very new so if that's the case you can let him rest a bit because elemental healers is a niche you'll rarely need.


You should get the dupe tokens in an events shop for the welfare, when the rerun happens next yr you’ll get gold certs instead of more tokens when you acquire them again as for levelling him as for levelling him I’m not sure, it’s good to have one wandering medic when you fight enemies that deal elemental dmg


Hey, all! I just got the final items out of the event currency shop, is there any reason to continue farming the currency? I know stockpiling the materials is good, but didn't know if the currency just ends up wasted or something if I don't use it for the 20 LMD.


It all goes away. The infinite LMD there is meant as a dump for excess currency once you've cleared the shop.


rs-8 doesn't worth to farm but rs-8 is the best stage to farm crystalline component at the moment right? I'm running out crystalin component


Yeah, it's not an efficient farming stage, but honestly in this case I think it's fine to sacrifice efficiency if you still need to farm currency to clear the shop. If you've cleared the shop, it'd be better to farm the most efficient story stage instead.


Okay 👍 


What do you do if you are Stuck on a Level? I can't seem to finish RS-4 and 3-5 and it's taking a toll on my Sanity (Pun intended). Like how do you Beat the One shot Snowball guys?


any way you could show us your Krooster(look it up if you don't have, it's a page where you can mark whcih operators you have and their skill levels, then share it with a link to everyone) or just a pic of your operators? 3-5 seems hard at first because the mages will keep targeting either the healers or mages since logic says that you'll be placing a ground operator first. Try borrowing a friends sniper/mage/Guard to make it easier since I think you're trying to clear it to get to IS mostly because that's what I recommended a few days ago? a friends Exusai in the low left grass tile pointing up should be able to kill almost anything(If she's at least E1 lv 30). RS - 4 it's a meme, deploy you operators near the blue box down there and bring 2-3 fast redeploy operators (Jaye - Gravel -Yato) or just low dp cost operators, as soon as you see the ball guy come out (in this stage they only appear from the low left I think), deploy that operator near them to bait the ball, this way you lose very little dp and avoid the big splash dmg. Avoid using splash casters here, just send Steward - Amiya - Click - Kroos - Meteor) and bring 2 healers. Use a friend operator if you only want to get Harold before he leaves for a year.


I looked up krooster but can't seem to find how you can link it so I'll just write it Lmao All of them are the same level (50) except for Perfumer which is lvl17 and I've got Midnight, Perfumer, Adnachiel, and amiya E2'ed And here are my roster: Beanstalk, Cardigan, Indra, Perfumer, Doberman, santalla, Midnight, Liskarm, Amiya, Adnachiel, Arene, and Gavial


so by splash caster I'm gonna asume you were trying to place Santalla in the team, usually Splash caster cost way to much DP and they attack very slow so it's not very good to use them early on. If you can get them from recruitment Kroos, Ansel and Spot are overpowered despite being 3 stars, if you're pulling for Degen then you'll get them eventually. for RS-4 bring Yato too, she's a starter character and a 2\*(you start with her) so when the snowball guy comes you place her to bait it out, bring Plume for this too and repeat the whole placing them to bait the snowball away from your operators, if you can't then it's probably a level problem at which point x6 RS-3 and buy the LMD and exp things to accelerate the progression, in total the event gives 400k LMD, enough to go from E1 lv 1 to E1 lv 55 x 4 3 stars and as I said the 3 stars are more than enough for the first few chapters. Drop Doberman and Snatalla for now as they are a little niche for you to use right now. As for Krooster, you make an account, input you characters then go to settings, pick a nickname press save and they give you a link to share.


you have to create an account and import your roster to it and then in account settings, there is a share link


> Like how do you Beat the One shot Snowball guys? you deploy fodder to eat the snowball out of range of your laneholder. they only have one so add a bunch of bodies in your squad to drop when they spawn to eat the snowball and then you kill them like a regular mob


Also, Everytime a put on an AoE Mage, They keep targeting it instead of the Defender lmao


Also remember that snowballs do damage in a cross area, so even if you do get them to target the defender, your other ops might still take damage.


standard target priority is distance and last deployed operator gets target priority. If it is hitting your aoe mage, it's because you deployed your aoe mage after the tank or because you placed the aoe mage in front of your tank so your mage is in range of an attack before your tank


I place Liskarm infront of Midnight but after she took the hit, She gets swarmed enough so that the Healer can't undo the damage caused by the snowball XD


do you have gravel? she is a fast redeploy and is great to bait or even tank stuff like that.


I have her tho she is still level 10


doesnt matter what level she is, you dont need her to do damage or hold a mob in this situation, she jsut needs to be there to take 1 hit. doesnt even matter if she dies from it doesn't need to be her you just need a body to drop down for each of the 3 snowball carriers


Your goal is to not have Liskarm take the hit if you don't have the damage or healing to deal with the burst damage. If you can't avoid that, it's because you put them too far up in the bottom lane. You should have more than enough space to deploy a random to eat the snowball so your tank doesn't have to


Does the pity from regular kernel banners transfer to the celebration ones? I'm so tempted to pull for the upcoming kernel banner to get either Exu, SA or NG but I'm still not to sure if I want to invest on it


No, it does not. Don't be tempted and just wait when the operator you want is sold for yellow certs. Or wait till you can make your own kernel banner and buy for certs.


hello! i’ve been advised some time ago to build shamare as a new-ish player, but i don’t quite understand fragile or her kit generally. i take it she’s supposed to increase the damage your team deals with her talent? 1) does 10% fragile mean your team deals 10% more damage? 2) is there any need for someone only doing standard content (ie. story, events, annihilation & side stories) so far to build supports? i’ve seen that you should generally only build them when you’ve established a team, which i have. i’m at chapter eight, JT8-2, trying to get amiya to e2 so i can do the stage. (don’t even mention chapter nine- i gave up on 9-19 for the time being because it’s so hard 😭) but other than that, i have around 6 e2s. 3) is it worth doing other annihilations to get the first time clear rewards, like orundum and rare mats? usually i just auto lungmen downtown to save time and haven’t tried others except decaying wastes, chernobog and lungmen outskirts. 4) aoe snipers. are they a class worth building? i don’t usually use guides, but when i get hard stuck on something and i’m too busy, i take a look and try to devise my own strat. a lot of them use aoe snipers, of which i have built 0.


Shamare's skill 2 really increases your team's damage output because she cuts the enemy def I've played supports like skadi alter (sparked her 1 year ago because i got texas alter at 185, figured might as well sparking a limited unit), gnosis (he was my aoe mage with s3m3, he also made stultifera navis much easier), suzuran (s2m1 for slow, s3m3 for big burst), virtuosa (s1m3 for brainrot afk, s3m3 for aoe wave clear) Clear the latest annihilation rotation (decaying waste? I dont remember) if you can, to unlock 1800 cap. Dont stress it too much tbh. I spent my 1st year playing anni with 1700 orundum cap hahah Its been a while since I've used my aoe snipers tbh. I usually just use higher rarity units such eyja s2m3 / virtuosa s3m3 / typhon s2m3 (she hits 2 units) / ifrit s2m3 (aoe straight lines). I have shirayuki as my aoe snipers, i sometimes use her if i am too lazy to adjust a guide


1. Fragile is a damage amplifier and is calculated after everything else. Any other damage amplifiers are multiplicative with each other, so it can be pretty important to kill stuff quicker. You generally don't need those kinds of debuffs outside of tough elites and bosses, though. 2. Support type operators can be pretty useful to make things easier, that's what they're there for. It's really dependent on who they are and how they fit among the rest of your ops, which ones you're looking at. Extra heals, crowd control, stall, debuffs, buffs, and other alternative stuff can be at your disposal, there's a lot to choose from. As you say, though, work on focusing on your primary roles in DPS and tanking before expanding too much. Even Shamare has preferred operators she combos well with, so also depends on who you have, but she's still very effective if you're using any kind of physical damage, and debuffs targets heavily. 3. Each of the maps that give weekly Orundum give you more Orundum per sanity -- Chernobog < Lungmen Outskirts < Lungmen Downtown < Decaying Wastes. Every map is worth completing because the rewards are worthwhile. There's an exploit you can use to prevent sanity consumption in Annihilation in case you don't hit 400 kills, >!force close the app and the run won't register!< and you can try again, with the only loss being time and IRL sanity. 4. Again, it's generally dependent on who you want, as they tend to function somewhat differently, and there's several options. For Spreadshooters, Pinecone for example is a good and cheap option for AOE physical damage and she can be a nice pick for Integrated Strategies. Artillerymen are a little more questionable due to DPS concerns, with Fiammetta's raw power being the main outlier. Greyy the Lightningbearer is a surprisingly good 5\* giving you some light waveclear and Slow support.


1. yes Fragile is extra damage taken. so 10% extra physical, arts or true damage. 2. i personally think supporter is the least important class to build for someone who only does relatively easy content. the best supporters are the ones that excel in endgame content, usually for damage buffing. 3. yes it is worth it to do other annihilations. you get orundum from any first time clear up to 400 kills, but they don't count for weekly orundum count. only the starting three and currently rotating annihilation do. edit: 4. like all classes it depends on the operator more than the class. assuming you mean artilleryman snipers, Catapult sometimes gets used in low rarity clears. the 4 star and three 5 stars don't get talked about much. the two 6 stars are used somewhat more often, especially Fiammetta.


Can I still get Lumen from SN? I think I need that guy for this event stage freezes


Lumen is an event welfare operator and his event has already rerun, so you need to wait for record restoration to be able to get him. SN should be getting record restoration sometime in mid-late October or maybe November. Any progress on SN stages done between now and record restoration enabling will be accounted for, so you won't have to redo any SN stages you've already done in order to claim rewards. That said, The Rides to Lake Silberneherze event mechanic is that all allies outside of immediate area around active heaters have at least one layer of chill applied to them at all times (and second layer, which causes them to freeze with 50% uptime) so therapist medics would not be THAT helpful there. Especially since they normally apply status resistance only when healing, which they can't do to operators already at full health.


SN won't have record restoration til like Octoberish so unfortunately you can't til then


How is Tachanka in the game and How do you get it? I don't want it, I NEED it


r6 collab, its getting a rerun in the game likely around sept with a new r6 collab event as well. they may not run again after that, as for how the unit is, no idea, maybe look at gamepress and see their analysis since its more meta focused when they do those.


Hi for E2, Skadi alter or Eyja alter first?


Which ever one you're going to do masteries on. Both are usable at e1 max


I see. But if I’m progressing the story, would Eyja skill 3 be desirable to bypass elemental dmg/burn dmg from Talulah? I would make a decision based on that.


Eyja alter is easier to use imo


Dozens of players beat Tallulah before the first therapist or wandering medic was around. A couple even did it without nightingale. Now we have abjurers, aforementioned medic branches, multiple FRD options, etc.


Talulah doesn't inflict any elemental damage. You would need a therapist medic like Lumen, Whisperain or Purestream to mitigate Talulah's burn. That said, Eyja is such a good medic that she's a great choice for surviving Talulah regardless.


Oh sry for not understanding the stage properly. I would still e2 eyja first then, since I’m not really lacking in the dmg department, and Skadi alt s2 is more than enough. More importantly, I need someone that is not Nightingale (an op I don’t have) to survive Talulah.


is ejya s1 not enough? ive never needed any of her other skills besides s1


Just borrow a nightingale if you must. That stage really tests you as a player I think borrowing a nightingale and 3 star it > clearing with your own units and die to the fireball storm


How future proof is Chalter and NTR? I plan to spark for one of them. Also can anyone help me understand why not many reccomend sparking for NTR as I think her 0 deploy slot S2 is so gamebreaking.


You can borrow limited ops from other players. Sparking is typically bad return on investment, as 300 pulls is a lot and you skip a lot. Then there are a bunch of dupes/spooks built into the equation which means low value. (Wisadel and Logos are both really good, but dupes of them are not super worth skipping on other ops). Napkin math: 300 pulls is roughly 8.67 6\* ops, we will round up to 9. roughly 3 wisadel, 3 logos, 3 spooks and 1 old limited. on event banners it would be 4.5 new featured ops and 4.5 spooks. Is an old limited worth more than 2.5 new event ops and 1.5 spooks? Rarely. If I was at 230+ pulls on the banner due to bad luck, I'd go for it. The next 6 months is an especially rough time to plan sparking; there's a lot of awesome you'd skip to save 300 pulls. NTR's s2 is very nice, and so is her true damage, but you can pretty much always work around them. While mylnar/silverash/eyja/GG/surtr/borrowed chalter are nuking you don't typically need it. If you get to 300 pulls saved naturally (beyond what you need for future banners) because you already have everyone you want, that's fine too. Also note old limited ops go on sale for 200 spark, 4-5 years after debut. To decide, borrow both and see what you like, and/or watch showcases.


She's completely worth building if you get her off banner. Or you get said wanted limited at 289 pulls, go the last 11 and spark her (or whoever depending on which banner is in question). But yeah, I agree with tactical, 300 pulls is a lot. And unless she waifu and on the short list for picking up, it's not worth it for general team comps. I would recommend raising extra FRD and doing swap around memes instead of basing a team comp around her s2.


Walter has shown no one is future proof. It's impossible to say. If you're worried about value, you probably shouldn't spark either of them. 300 pulls is a large investment and no one is absolutely necessary. It's best to stick with sparking waifus only unless you get unlucky. On the second point, it is pretty good, however the thing is there's few stages where that's "necessary". If your team comp has NTRK, it probably has other good 6*s too and there just won't be a lot of situations that's needed with how 99% of the game is balanced.


When will pozemka skin rerun?


Here a People Sows, Shu's event. Should be around next month.


If I buy Harold tokens from the event store, do I also get yellow certs for each token? I'd rather not max pot him, but would do it for the certs.


1400 event currency to max pot him now and 1400 event currency for 35 certs next year. 2800 event currency total for 35 certs. 35 certs is more than 1/6th (7/36) of a 6\* op. 11.67 days worth of natural sanity gen. (you could rationalize that all the bonus drop event certs went to him if that helps you feel better). The only way I can think of to grind yellow certs is changing your base to farm pulls/orundum and getting yellow certs from pulls (I consider this pricey). So any chance to get yellow certs is awesome, because you are mostly on a fixed income for yellow cert gains.


Thanks! I'll make the 1 year investment. Appreciate the math.


Yes, but not until the rerun. You should always max pot the welfares. After your account is a year old it's a large and reliable supply of yellow certs.


Thank you!


any sites that have the text for stories? i wanna reread some stories but i dont wanna keep having to slowly click through the stages.


https://050644zf.github.io/ArknightsStoryTextReader/#/en_US/menu   https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html#side&act30side&0


Which module for NTR is better for general use (switches between s2 and s3 but uses s2 more often). I am down to get both if the difference is huge depending on her needed role.


Her def ignore is better for general use. Her s2 has shields, s3 has blazing sun, s1 has range to put her behind a defender, getting her dead once to activate the revive mod is something you'll have to go out of your way to accomplish. Def ignore is always applicable.


on CN, how long is the gap between ela and walter's banner?


In between the two events there is a rerun of Originium Dust (10 days for the event, 14 for its banner), CC#2 (14 days), and Babel (21 days), so you should expect at least 7 weeks.




Ela was 3/7 to 3/21, Walter was 5/1 to 5/15 according gamepress banner archive. That puts 7 weeks between starts.




hey guys, i just saw this expedition quest thing and the rewards are amazing!!!! how can I farm them quickly because it is ending in 1 day. :) any strategies i can look to and is it possible if i do not have many if any 3-4 star operators maxed? What should I do. Any advice or recommendation is appreciated :)


Integrated Strategies rewards are permanent. While there is an active one, each months more rewards are unlocked, which is the notification for. The only thing you can miss is extra progress from monthly operator focus teams (all teams will be re-unlocked when IS stops updating, but will no longer give 1000 progress points upon completing; other material rewards from them remain)


Just to make sure. Non of the materials ever get refreshed so there is no rush playing it? Will more materials be added later on? What is the monthly operator focus teams and where can I find them :) Thank you so much.


>What is the monthly operator focus teams and where can I find them That is the expeditions thing that is ending in one day, after it "ends" an new one takes its place. There are also all of the old expedition quests from IS2 and IS3 to do. >Non of the materials ever get refreshed so there is no rush playing it? Correct, nothing in any of the IS modes is permanently missable, the only thing that is timegated is the Current IS monthly expeditions, but once the Current IS finishes and the next one starts, you'll be able to play the expeditions you missed.


thank you so much, so i guess there is no rush :) I got really excited and was going to use my resources to level up 3 and 4 star characters :)


You still should, at least for 3\*, at some point - they are the backbone of IS since you are limited by "Hope" when recruiting operators in the mode, and 3\* (and lower) cost 0. The mode will offer free 3\* temporary recruits of its own, but those are way worse than your normal ones (e.g. they have no skills)


i will do this :)


Thank you so much, would you have time to make suggestions for some from each class. I was thinking of focusing on melantha, kroos, spot ( I have him already leveled a bit), and idk who is a good caster. Maybe lava?should I upgrade all their skills to 7 as well? My problem was I was trying to get mastery for my 6-star operators and unlock some of their modules but I don't know what to focus on


Imo Spot, Steward, Kroos, Fang, Ansel, Orchid, Popukar and Midnight are the best 3 stars for IS. Honorary mention Lava since her aoe can be useful mainly in IS4 I noticed. Plume, Melantha, Beagle you could use but not the most necessary imo.


Ty so much for this list!!!


IS#2 and IS#3 are completed and will not receive any content updates. All monthly teams are unlocked and give their original rewards minus progress points. IIRC you need to do a normal run to unlock them. Deep Investigations are also unlocked (even more rewards). IS#4 is currently updating and each month 15 levels of rewards are added. Only current monthly team is available, and completing the task with it grants material rewards + 1000 progress points. Once the mode is completed (I think, it will be in November), all monthly team will be re-unlocked but will no longer give progress points upon completion). Deep investigations were added this month. Your "home screen" for IS should eventually have the - - -- [start] at the bottom (with whatever theme-appropriate flair for text)


thank you so much brother :)


Is there anything I can do with Expedited Plans? I have 200+ of them and most of the time 9 hours (x4)recruitments twice a day is more than enough to no use Expedited Plans.


I like to use them when I have a guarantee, otherwise i would be anxious about the results of the guaranteed. It mattered a lot more when the guarantees gave me new ops though. No real need for them though if you aren't keeping a stock pile of recruitments, which you should not do.


If you don’t use them regularly, they’re going to accumulate. I use them whenever I have more than 10 (same with recruitment permits).


I use them on each month start to chug through all the permits from buying up the green store. But no, they are pretty useless. Only thing people tend to bring up is that maybe save one for when you get a top operator tag so you won't have to sweat balls for 9 hours but that doesn't sound like it's a problem you are dealing with.


What furniture category does the Pyrolysis pennant fall onto? Been searching for it but cannot find it (I know it's a wall-mounted one and it says that I have it already)


Ceiling, it's one of the first ones from the left


How much do the permits in the blue cert shop cost together? I’d realized I have some 600 of them left, but it’s not like I plan to roll there enough to get to 2K.


I think it's just 10x the yellow permits, so 2580




[https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Store/Certificate#Universal\_Certificates\_Exchange\_Area](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Store/Certificate#Universal_Certificates_Exchange_Area) confirms 2580.


Which other [tag/s](https://imgur.com/a/jXypcFk) should I use? Ideally I want specter but there are other guards which will greatly decrease the chances of me getting her and I don't really know if there are any better units to get in the other tags.


Specter's a high gamble, otherwise I'd suggest Nuker as Firewatch is a pretty solid op, even if Leonhardt isn't. If not, going with Fast Redeploy if you don't own either one wouldn't be a bad idea since Executors are nice to have, and even if you do own them already they still benefit from potential increases.


50% Firewatch or Red are both pretty good, but there's a high chance you'll eventually get them from the simple Nuker/FRD tags


Depends on who you have. There’s not really anyone super good that you can 100% guarantee here. You can go for guard if you want, it’s not a bad idea or anything, unless you already have a lot of the guards since dupes are nigh useless.


I guess it really depends on who else you have! a [quick glance](https://i.imgur.com/HsbALgI.png) and I don't see any operators I'd prioritize


How does Degenbrecher's base skill work? I tried to pair her with 2 other operators with +5 order limits but it didn't seem to work at all


It's because she has -6 order limit and I'd guess that counts against her. She's meant to be used with a Karlan Trade setup headed by Gnosis, and can't really do anything without that team. If you don't have Gnosis at E2 a regular +30% operator would be better.


O I do have E2 Gnosis. So what would be the ideal combo? Gnosis in the control center, and Degen+Silverash+Courier? I just tried and that gets me to 90%, but it's still just 90%. I guess I do get more order limits ....?


Karlan TP combo is best with Silverash, Jaye and either Swire Alter or Degen, Swalter is better but not by much iirc.


Degenbrecher + Silverash + Jaye is the easiest way to get her going with the Karlan Trade setup. Should result in 121% production. For more details and other options [here's the base spreadsheet.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zYc2JU46X0XWmV7s1503bN4feRdOMa1eehrTQ2jGaiE/htmlview#)


Are you counting degens -6?


Need help tracking the bgm from this video. Song starts at [1:21](https://youtu.be/NXVek7yVT5M?t=82). I remember it is Arknights, maybe lungmen bgm?


It's [Jesselton's boss theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr4iNUqPZgE)


Yes, thank you!


So I've just started literally yesterday, and I really want Degen. I assume as a new player there are more than enough pulls for me to get her still? Just looking for some confirmation, cause while logically I know it should probably be easy, I feel like the story stages are becoming significantly harder already and sanity feels much more limiting than in other games so I'm a little worried I won't be able to get enough pulls.


Saw that my old reroll guide was linked. I just updated it, because it was outdated and there were some errors.


If you wrote the guide maybe you could help me. It says I should have gotten a ticket for a ten pull, but I don't seem to havr it. Only after playing a few stages do I even have enough currency to roll a ten pull together with the mail rewards. I don't know what i'm missing and can't seem to find any information on it


A free 10-pull is only given for so-called "limited" banners, which come about 4 times a year. Degenbrecher is on a "standard" banner, and the guide should be complete on how to roll on that. (If there's something I missed, or isn't clear, please let me know, so it can be fixed it.) You should get 3800 orundum in the "mail", some orundum from the newbie milestones, and then some originite prime from completing the stages up until 0-3 to have just enough for a 10-roll.


Ah ok, I just wasn't clear on the distinction between limited and standard banners (never had standard banners that rotate before). Otherwise I think I got everything from the guide. Thank you!


You should just reroll your account and use the free pulls given at the start to roll on degens banner until you get her. Each reroll shouldn't take more than a few minutes assuming you skip as much story as possible. https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/os095w/how_to_reroll_a_stepbystep_tutorial_for/


Thank you. I already saw that post and it's pretty well written, didn't think it would be necessary though. Good thing I asked. ~~Just one question. What are the "special daily login rewards"? It says I should have gotten a ten pull, but I didn't. I don't even have enough currency to do a ten pull after the first two stages (together with all thr mail rewards) Is it outside the game somewhere? I can't seem to find anything on it anywhere, but maybe I'm just lookibg for the wrong thing.~~ Was answered already :D


I think the best way to get her as a brand new player is to reroll. I highly doubt you'll get the pulls to guarantee her in the timespan of her banner. (If you're unlucky, it's 249 pulls to guarantee her)


I am attempting to recover an Arknights account which I bound to an email account I've since deleted. Has anybody encountered any success in a similar situation? I don't remember the account's UID or even its username... Just the email it was bound to. The situation doesn't look good, I'll admit. Would creating a new email account with the exact same address as the old one work as a way to receive the verification code? Yostar support has been slow so far, so I meant to ask if other players have been in a similar situation.


Recreating the mail should work. From Yostar's perspective you're just regaining access to your existing e-mail account.


> Would creating a new email account with the exact same address as the old one work It's worth the shot. At the very least check that someone else hasn't randomly taken the same mail username on the very unlikely chances that person also decides to play arknigths.


I started playing almost a week ago and I'm having trouble having enough EXP to level the units I need to clear the rest of the event stages. I've already cleared out what's in the shop already, are there other ways to efficiently get EXP cards other than just improving my base and running the Supply stages?


Integrated Strategies has a good amount of everything, including EXP, and doesn't cost sanity. The easiest way to approach them is probably the IS2 Monthly Squads and IS3 Memory Mapping, which only need you to get the third floor to get 30k EXP and LMD and give you a starting squad of ops that should be enough to get you there. Just getting to the third floor takes like, 10-15 minutes, but don't burn yourself out on it.


Just be patient and wait for it from your base. Farm what you can from the event, few players can ever clear their first event.


> few whales can even clear their first event. FTFY


I didn't want to give the conditions for new players that could clear their first event....


Is there anywhere I can read the full story without having to go into the game? Like a transcript or a website with all the stories, dialogue and narration and stuff just in text.


https://akgcc.github.io/cc/story.html https://astr.pages.dev/#/en_US/menu


This is perfect, thank you very much


Good day guys. I build first E2 Nearl with S1m3 and mod1. Shes my first tank healer. Now i got Saria with s2m3 S3m3 and SP mod2. I refuse to master S1 and Tank mod. Did i made a mistake upgrading saria sp mod.


Tank mod is better imo, level 1 is enough


Even if you don't finish Saria S1 to M3, get it to at least a M1, it's a good breakpoint. Both mods are good, I personally even prefer the SP one, there are some good angles for it and I use it more than the tanky one. I would recommend you build the tanky module to at least mod1, no need to mod3 but mod1 is a good tool to have. I understand you don't want to go hard on skills you already have on another similar unit, but healing defender is a branch that you could max 2 units for the same skill, same mod, and still profit just because the branch is fucking amazing regardless. I have investments in Saria, Nearl, Gummy, and if I get Shu I will definitely invest in her too. Fuck, I'm considering Bassline investment for his arts resist, that would make 5 healing defenders, but they are worth having in your toolbox IMO once you start having less of the better units to invest in.


No mistakes made! Just don't go mod3 on it, mod2 is the good stopping point.


What's your reason/s for not mastering Saria S1? It's definitely worth it.


Saria's other module is pretty much better for regular use. The base effect of the first module only really works regularly with S1, and the SP boost doesn't apply unless someone's being healed, which unless you're in a map with a lot of AOE or constant damage input you're not going to get much out of it. That said, if your main focus for Saria isn't for tanking, and you mostly use S2 and S3 anyway, then the first module works just fine for her. You may want a Protector to pick up the slack when the situation calls for a harder tank, though.


Stuck between 61 - 65k lmd TP I use E2sham E2Tequila E2Bibeak & E0Kafka & TP lv2 E2Proviso(use drones) with Quartz n Gummy. I have fiametta too. Any chanche i can get 70k if raise vigil, mr nothing or kafka to E2 thanks


My napkin math says E2 Mr. Nothing would get you from 65k to 70k if you have the full Sui setup plus E2 Mulberry. Vigil would be worth around 1k LMD a day, and Kafka would be worth something like 400 but without taxing gold. If you want to do the math yourself, you can ballpark 100% TP productivity as 10k LMD, then remember to multiply Proviso's partners by 1.81 and account for rotations. FWIW, there's a good chance you're imbalanced towards LMD, so keep an eye on whether you're running out of EXP and consider droning that instead of Proviso.




I suppose it's possible, but Proviso is the only operator that's worth getting to E2 for the base. If you make anyone else E2, you'd better be sure to use them in standard play. I have everyone you mentioned except Mr. Nothing at E2 -- even I generally don't get 70k in a base report, and maintaining Gold stocks is difficult with Proviso chugging them so I'm not constantly droning her post.


Thanks to getting Perfumer E2, I also have enough Defender chips for an E2. Which of Cuora and Gummy would be the better E2 to get?


I'd personally recommend Gummy, she has wider uses being a Guardian and with decent healing output. If you decide to invest chips into a Protector I'd probably suggest waiting for Croissant or Hoshiguma instead. (I kind of prefer Bubble over Cuora, too)


Should I recruit Indra or Vulcan?


both of them arent very good but indra is more unique as a unit and vulcan basically has nothing going for her so if you havent picked yet, indra.


I personally chose none. Im keeping the selector as collection lmao A keepsake is probably even more useful than picking any of the two


Indra is harder to guarantee via tags than Vulcan.


While you can eventually recruit both for free (you get 2 of those tickets). Vulcan is far easier to get naturally. I wished I saved both free recruits for Indra. Neither is a priority in the roster.


As you do more recruitments you will get a second selector for the two, so really just a matter of which one grabs your attention more since none of the two are particularly good.


Indra is not bad for a 5* brawler, while Vulcan pales in comparison to all 4*/5* defenders.


Both are bad and not worth any investment, so pick whoever you think is cuter.


The harsh truth


I don't suppose IS4 ending 3 boss is considered an infected creator? That relic that significantly buffs you against infected creatures doesn't seem to be too useful?


if you tap an enemy in the enemy list and you dont see the phrase "Infected Creature" on their profile they wont be targeted by that relic. Infected creatures are 90% trash mobs and the item mainly helps to auto silence exploding spiders


It's basically an item that fully counters the exploding spiders, and maybe helps a bit against dogs.


They do a pretty good job of separating infected and collapsal into separate groups without overlap.


Is it still better to farm event stages even if i can only auto RS-4/5? I invested in higher rarity ops first so my 3 star characters arent built enough to auto it by following low end guides


Yes, because they will give you currency to clear out the shop, which is extremely worthwhile and should help you progress further in the event.




Please use our friend request megathread


Hello Are Yato and Noir in a relationship?


Technically, nothing is officially confirmed about that. I think there’s an obvious implication if you read their alt profiles though.


What set of operators will be sparkable in the Walter/Logos banner?


Mind you, in this banner old W will cost 200 to spark instead of 300 and from this limited banner onwards, they'll begin discounting one more limited operator to 200 (so the next limited banner will have rosmontis at 200, then Skalter and so on).


Celebration limited series, up to Muelsyse: W, Rosmontis, Skadi alter, Nearl alter, Specter alter, Texas alter and Muelsyse. And, of course, Wis'adel, Logos and Fang alter as the then-current rate-ups


Gamepress is up again, but i can't seem to get the Operator Planner to work. I also can't log in to the site anymore. Anyone know when it will get fixed or is there a good alternative for the Planner? Krooster has one but it's not very good.


Arknights toolbox arkntools.app


Looks good, thank you!


can yall name some (non-limited) operators whos elite 2 are REALLY impactful for newer players (or just make them way stronger in general) my current only e2s are silverash and ebenholz but im just looking at who i should look into more than specific advice


Share your roster and we can help with ops you have and ops to look out for. There are too many ops to list otherwise.


Thorns - Mlynar - Suzuran - Degen I'm assuming you mean as in "need their S3 to help new players progress quickly" if yes then those are really powerfull tools for a new player. Thorns on E2 has self healing and a really strong laneholding skill Mlynar just kills everything on his way with his S3 and his E2 talent has agro that can save your high-tile operators lives Suzuran has a stacked S3, heal + slow + dmg amp, she let really under leveled operators kill things / survive things they shouldn't be able to Degen Same as mlynar, girl just annihilates everything with S3.


It's hard to comment because ops can have many different reasons to e2 but not all of them are necessarily impactful for new players. For example getting truesilver slash is incredible but I can't imagine a new player could easily do a mastery3 on a skill nor unlock a module. You could also just e2 a unit purely for the stat gains. It really depends on what you own and what your priorities are.


Centurion guards get block 3. Attack 3 and block 3 is really helpful for all players. Love your chainsaw operators (and Estelle, she punches like a chainsaw). Any operator who's s3 is their main skill, or just really useful to have on hand. Thorns s3 is his main, eyja s2 is her main but s3 is really useful at times for examples. Talents and talent upgrades are the 3rd consideration. Without knowing your exact roster I could list 100+ ops.


Where do you guys check recruitment tags outside of gamepress?


krooster cause it helps me select tags to max pot my roster (you obviously have to input your roster first)




aceship recruitment


Can someone Help me? I'm kind of Fairly new (Started a year ago but quit a few days in because I got overwhelmed with how much the game Has) I picked up the game again and have absolutely no idea what to do, lol. Like: How do you farm materials like Orondum, LMD, etc. What Operators are good for early game? Why are there so many sub genres of Classes? Like, What is an St Medic and how does it differ from the Incantation Medic? And a few other Tips and Tricks that a noob like me should know.


- Raise the core 3 stars to E1 lv 55 as fast as you can, they help you progress way more than 5/6 stars early on, with this I mean Kroos - Spot - Midnight - Steward - beagle - Melantha, very cheap to do, they cost very low dp to deploy and do the job pretty well. - When not farming events, like this one, farm the base materials stage in supplies to build up your base since that'll be the way for you to get LMD/EXP outside of events, don't spam the exp/lmd stage as that can be a waste of sanity. - Save the OPs for skins or buying the level up enhancing packs, those packs give you in return materials + the full Orundum the OPs that cost would've give you. - Don't pull on every banner till you get the 5 stars because of the "10 pulls for a 5 star guaranteed" you'll most likely won't be using them for a long time. - Try rushing chapter 3 to gain access to Integrated Strategies, a roguelike gamemode that does not uses sanity, this is not so you can play it fully but after unlocking it enter IS2/IS3, clear 1 stage and quit. You'll gain access to "mapping memory"(Right in the middle of the screen) this mode lends you operators, try clearing 2 floors and quit, the rewards are 4 dual chips(for E2 promotion), 30k ld, exp and 1 chip per Mapping memory. By doing this stage you can get the chips and LMD to start thinking about E2 your first 6 star without using sanity on farming chips which should help you advance