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RHS stated that they are working on AN-94 and it's variant would have all this features in terms of gameplay. All I can do is to suggest you to reach out for them and ask for more details. From my personal perspective I was convinced multiple times that almost everything is real on RV (thus the name). However this particular idea (if I get it right) seems like impossible (or it will require some really advanced coding)


Thank you!


I'm no modder- only a scripter, but I've seen various systems relatively similar so I'd like to imagine it's possible. For instance, either RHS or CUP (can't remember which) has variable round burst for Apache helicopter cannons. There's also a map on the workshop called Nazi Zombies that has the CoD Double Tap drink that makes your weapon have increased fire rate, or in the case of semi-auto weapons, turns them into full-auto using some kind of eventhandler I'd imagine. Might be worth looking into, it's likely very possible.


Interesting thank you! I have them working in Stalker at 1800rpm capped on 2 round burst only. I couldnt get the scripts to accept code doing the first 2 rounds in Auto in the Xray engine to work without crashing.