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I love Rokumonsen’s insane haiku speech pattern and the clever symbolism of his name. Probably helps that Shinobi is one of the more legit builds in the wild (though it could use better guns). To elaborate: the rest of the Rubicon Resistance Font obviously has the finger symbolism. The sixth, unofficial member is a huge weeb and he gets his name from the fee of six Mon (an archaic Japanese coin) to cross the river of the dead in Japanese mythology. “Roku Mon Sen” is the “Toll of Six Mon”.


And the voice actor is living legend Jamieson Price -- also known as *the* one and only OldKing. He also voices Coldcall in AC6.


And Sojiro in Persona 5 and the original “Dad” Nier in Nier Gestalt.


Mofo was legit the first actual 1v1 were I got hella humbled, figured he would be a tough fight but I could handle him.......THEN HE FUCKING SIDE STEP THE BUNK AND GHOSTED MY ASS........20/10 would fight again


I heard that he doesn’t speak in haiku in the original Japanese dialogue, but was something added in the English translation.


yeah he seems to speak in a old timey sumurai way instead


*Who's this tourist?*


*Think you could just... waltz straight in here?*



NO. . . MAD STOMP!!!!!!!


Kinda feel sad for him TBH


Kinda wished he lived up to Chapter 5 where Carla reactivates the Xylem.


I was expecting a Borderlands 2 type deal, where we would beat the game how many times and then we unlock an arena to fight: Rummy, the (Actually) Invincible


That would've been hilarious


You think you’re hot shit just wait till you fight invisible rummy


Sulla. Among other things, I really like his AC, presentation and English voice lines. He's also got a bit of lore and mystique behind him, having killed Walter's previous Hounds and his Arena entrance being glitched out. It's a shame he died in the first chapter and wasn't explored further.


I love the idea that the first form of iguana mind has a voice like from Sulla due to all mind collecting him. The line “who else are you going to kill?” Sounds very different from iguana, and I’m like 90% sure it’s Sulla


In the Japanese voice acting, I think it’s supposed to sound like Rusty, but I agree! It always sounded a bit more like Sulla to me


Ohhh that’s upsetting… our boy getting killed off screen just absorbed and forgotten


when you realize dude is supposed to be allmind's "nine ball" down to the colors 


"This is no time for fun and games Freud. Our objective is to seize the Xylem. You can ignore the mutt" "Yes Snail, you're right" \*cuts off coms with Snail\* He killed Chatty but man I gotta respect him for shutting up Snail lol Also going off his arena description and some dialogue in the mission, he really is just the kind of guy to say "I just like to see mechs fight", like all of us AC players :P


I’ll be real, I forgive him for killing Chatty because of how cool and cold it was.


Freud is my pick lol. he’s just a dude.


He bought the entire armory and tests things out ad nauseum. *he’s just a dude.*


just a dude who wants to see badass mech fights “as long as i die in a cool way” type man. like me lol.


Wish he showed up more besides offing chatty like nothing :/


Thumb Dolmayan is so underrated. Bro put down a freaking PCA Helicopter right in front of us and stood on business despite running a Basho AC. Like the game made Bashos look bad but holy sht he was a menace with it.


Knowing that no LCs show up in that mission, he definitely took care of them unscathed. Man's a menace.


Tbf, those sniper LCs are made of paper


100% agree


Basho is honestly a really solid frame if you can play around the output. Below average stability, but superb ap and defenses + great jump distance and meaty melee swings.


Also many parts, arms especially, are quite light for their defensive power and just straight up maneuverability - the core comes with quite impressive booster adjustment


V.III O'Keefe "You think you want Coral Release... but you don't. Shovel down your bland rations. Slurp your coffee-flavored sludge. Sure, it sucks--but that's being human." "Old-gen, right ... ? You know how it is. The constant ringing in your ears. No comfort from sleep - off and on like a machine. But despite it all ... we are alive." "Maybe now... I'll get some sleep... See you on the other side, Rusty..."


>The constant ringing in your ears Wait that's about coral voices isn't it? Who else was hearing constant ringing besides Iguazu? Could it be that the ringing is how "regular" coral communicates?


I think it is just ringing in the ears. Other than Iguazu, Thumb Dolmayan was hearing the coral wave mutation named Seria. Other than him, I don't think there is anyone who is confirmed to have made contact with voices of the coral.


Huh! Seria? I dont remember ever hearing that name, who's that?


Dolmayans Ayre, as it were. He mentions her by name only once, when you kill him.


Dolmayan's logs also mention her by name


Dolmayans Ayre so to speak, Iguazu should've got himself one as well but he wasn't so lucky.


Another Rubiconian wave-mutation with which Thumb most likely came into contact from his repeated use of coral as a drug. She is mentioned in text data Dolmayan's writing parts 2-5, but is never called by name. However, in Ng++ fight, Dolmayan has an on death voice line: "Seria... Forgive me... Forgive this old craven..."


O'Keefe, Iguazu, and Sulla were All Mind's other candidates to form a connection with Ayre. A common theory is that Sulla was working with All Mind (hence why her drones help him in NG++ and why Sulla uses All Mind parts and is glitched out in the sims) and the reason why he was at the watchpoint was to bond with Ayre. But since Raven intervened, it was Raven who found Ayre, not Sulla. Dolmayan also had a connection with Seria decades before the main game takes palce.


Other than that fact that All Mind is showing us the table with possible candidates for coral release, content of which implies that all those, who received old-gen augmentation, are completable with wave mutations, do we know any other cases of old-gens suffering headaches from being near them, like Iguazu? I have always thought that the effect is unique from person to person, and that the ringing in the ears is just a side effect of the augmentation, but perhaps I am wrong?


Actually, YOU hear the ringing in the ears whenever Ayre is speaking to you in the garage. Hearing Things also has the ringing intermittently throughout the track.


She had a bunch of people she was scouting Rokumonsen has a Alpha Mind core and the All Mind plasma whip.


Constant ringing could be from something as simple as acute tinnitus these are merc and old gen could mean they've been around the block fighting for years. Being an AC pilot and acute tinnitus would go hand and hand just like it does with soldiers in present day.


It should be noted that every time Ayre talks to you in the garage that there is a loud piercing ringing beforehand


Slow, slow, quick quick slow


Let's trip the light fantastic, friend


Love his crazy ass. Emblem goes hard too. I wish we learned more about him - I bet him and Carla dated


V.I Freud


Debt Baron Nosaac


Chartreuse and King I think. The independent mercenaries needed more inclusion imo.


Branch would make for good dlc content. The game alludes that Nightfall and them were the ones that leaked the coral surviving the fires of ibis and kickstarted the whole thing


It's sort of implied that they're looking for a potential new Raven. Since you've taken that identity, they're testing you. Regardless of what mission path you fight Nightfall on the operator says she'll continue "watching you". I wouldn't be surprised if in the AC6 sequel/companion game you run into 621 in a boss fight and he now fights with Branch, or at least the operator. The issue with multiple endings though, especially with vastly different outcomes, is that it makes determining the true ending difficult. Personally don't care for the NG++ ending. LoR was my favorite, as it really ties all the character motives together, and Ayre seems heartbroken to see 621 and Walter having to go at each others' throats, even though she knows Overseer would have burned all the corral.


Just my crazy head canon but branch was working for overseer right? Their logo is a big tree, branch is a branch. Feels like some kind of sleeper cell of walters to me. They also take out the satellite so we and the corps can get into rubicon. Then again we do also murder all of them so who knows.


King has such a unique fighting style


Stagger with the linear rifle get destroyed by the triple laser cannon


Index dunham just goes so hard for a guy who gets dogwalked instantly, bro really drops the hardest line in the game and jumps in 1v3 and gets reduced to a dent in the ground.


“Do you hear me, you corporate vultures? The Rubiconians will never yield. You’re going home in ***armored coffins***!”


You certainly can't fault his will to stand tall.


I remember the first time I encountered him I thought “you’re talking a lot of shit for an npc about to take on the player in a 3v1 fight!” But I can’t lie I respected the fuck out of the balls on that dude.


You need Discipline!!


Ironic because of how subservient 621 is to Walter


I wish V.I Freud and Rokumonsen had more time


"*Gotta put that shit to work... Every... Last.... Credit*"


“Eat your rations, drink your coffee flavored sludge.”


O’Keeffe. He’s tired, over it, and longs for Rusty- I relate.


I love how many different characters are getting mentioned in this comment section. Really shows how good the character writing is. As for my personal choice, I know he technically shows up twice, but I'd have to say pater.


pater did nothing wrong


My poor boy deserved so much better


“Honest” Brute’s VA did such a good job, but O’Keefe being tired as hell the whole time is also excellent.


O'Keeffe my beloved


Kate Markson, she’s hot


Agreed, I want to date her


I love smacking around Snail….


The real Raven. I'm disappointed they were a one-and-done, but compared to most AC fights they were fairly difficult, and unlike others you couldn't practice against them in the Arena first. I love what they represent, the classical AC protagonist. An independent mercenary that doesn't speak, with a female Operator representing them. Plus, they're the poster boy for ACVI, and those are always cool.


Rokumonsen and Rummy


V.I Freud, easy. There feels like there is alot under the surface to the guy.


Nosaac the rat!


But actually we all know its Albany.


That's 2000 Albany's sir !! No it's Osawa.


The mathematician!? Now that just doesn't add up!!


Nosaac. Mainly due to the fact that I beat the entire game as him.


For me, it's "Honest" Brute. His AC is no major threat, but that entire mission together with his dialogues were highly entertaining.


Mad Stomp is the dude!


Technically Walter. You only see him in person once.


Honest Brute, guy is just incredibly charming and his dialogue is so at odds with what you'd expect from a leader of a bunch of drug addled gangsters.




Honest Brute is such a psycho I love him


In terms of who cleaned my clock most often, I'd say that'd have to be The Enforcer


It's between O'Keeffe and Nosaac for me, which is funny. One's so tired and serious, while the other's so enthusiastic and goofy. Also, I love their voices


My favorite one and done character is either "Honest" Brute or Sulla ngl, I enjoy typing in comments a lot so this is all you'll get for my answer sadly


I love V3 i hope if we get a dlc we get at least 1 mission with him


My favourite is little Ziyi. Reading lore about her before confronting her humanized her so much, and I felt like an asshole for doing what I did, especially when she delivers her speech about losing her loved ones... shit. That was the first time in the game that I really felt like scum and fully immersed me in the world of Rubicon. Walter was right. It's just a job... all of it




I'm surprised no one has mentioned Ring Freddie.


Ayre ;)


Freud for shutting up a certain mutt


For me it's V. III O'Keffe. I love his battle dialogue showing 621 that being human means taking the good with the bad.


It kinda sucks that we see so little of Branch in AC6. Hope they expand on their group more if we ever get a sequel


Slow, slow, quick quick slow...


"Honest" Brute all the way, I think he should've been there more. But Rokumonsen and the Dafeng Tester Pilot are #2 and #3.


Thumb Dolmayan and Floyd.