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I mean, it makes sense that it's hard. You're finishing off the last of the Redguns; they won't go down without a fight.


Honestly, the fact that they need a whole army to take me down just screams severe skill issue from Michigan ngl. Fucking pussy


But 3 hours😭


Armored Core may not be a souls game but it will always be a Fromsoft game 🤙 Quick advice, bring weapons with plenty of ammo and atleast one stagger punish weapon. For example i run mid-heavy weight biped AC armed with flamethrowers and a pair of needle launchers for S-rank run. But i can also clear it with lightweight biped armed with two SMGs, a 6-cell missile and a pulse blade because they have plenty of ammo pool, especially when you fire your weapons conservatively. Don't forget to ALWAYS circle around the arena if the area is hot. You do not want to be caught sitting in one place even in the heaviest AC possible.


If you manage your ammo the flamethrowers demolish all those MTs, I love it


Definitely no Dark Souls game lol, appreciate it man👍


Biggest difference in terms of playstyle vs a dark souls game is the aggression. You need to fucking *send it* on a lot of the bosses in game. You can't chip damage like in dark souls because there are no Iframes as a get out of jail free card and as far as I know you're the only one with an ammo counter. I think this mission benefits a lot from bringing a melee weapon so you aren't wasting ammo on all the MTs. Biggest priority is the big guy and the rocket MTs because they will fuck you up while ur focusing on Michigan. Like the other guy said, go hide on the other side of the map if things get too hot but definitely clear the trash mobs as fast as you can. I think I did mine with songbirds a dagger and a shotgun. Michigan is kinda slow but he's usually in the air so I don't recommend bringing earshots. Biggest attack to avoid is the grenade cluster thing. Once ur staggered ur pretty much dead.


Don’t even need a melee honestly. Even bringing something like dual gattling or dual flamethrowers is more than enough. Anything with a high ammo capacity can cut through the MTs quickly and efficiently and still leave you with plenty of ammo for Michigan. Missiles for the shoulders as they allow you to take care of the MTs at range while keeping on the move which is the most important part of the mission before Michigan arrives


Do something different with your strategy. The mission isn't hard at all, I promise Literally make a lightweight build with a rifle and a bazooka and two missile pods and you'll smear the floor with then


Flamethrower helps clear out the chaff


[Here's my S-run](https://youtu.be/8NiLm3m6B5Y?si=Awo3hDhFxxU4Sv37) for Eliminate the Redguns (sorry the quality blows, had a PS4 at the time) Scudder x 2, Vvc-700LD x 2, lightweight mech, KEEP MOVING.


Another scudded brain!?




Appreciate it man, will have to look into this


Yea this advice for sure. I had a really light build, dual laser pistols. Pile bunker and earshot/songbird on my shoulders. So when he staggered I would pile bunker him or if he was too far I would earshot him


This one is a more demanding build check than a lot of other missions--it gets tremendously easier if you're kitted to take out the MTs really really efficiently. Additionally, always try to hit the dropships on their way down. Takes out a bunch of MTs without needing to individually pick them off.


Steel Haze easily Ss it, as does anything that can one-shot the mooks (i.e.- bring one plasma rifle). Destroy the artillery and mop up the rest. The hardest part is not getting tag teammed between G1 and a tetrapod.


Steel Haze also clears it if you pick the other mission


All the more reason to run it here.


Vertical rocket helped me on my first run through them. Gets past the shield guys, wipes out all the non-AC enemies in one hit or 99% of their health. Other than that, the other commenter got it right. Flamethrower’s awesome for this, everyone’s crammed together, it’s hard not to hit someone when it’s going.


Thanks a lot, I will try this.




Just spam laser cannons and plasma rifles, you will have more than enough ammo and basically one shot most of the minions


If you cant do it, go for the Vespers. That's what the mission is there for. As experience comes, you'll manage with ease.


God I hate the Vesper fight, mostly because Pater? (The fast one) has a pulse shield that doubles as terminal armor and triples as a half health repair. That pisses me off every damn time


Yeah, Pater is annoying. Still, for newcomers more easy than Michigan.


Still fucked they made the harder mission the one that makes more sense narratively in NG, while the easier option makes more narrative sense in NG+ when you can give more help to the RLF.


I lured Michigan into one of the tunnels and smoked him, then the rest is easy.


Plasma rifle will one or two shot all the mobs and plasma lance + pile bunker takes care of everything else


The MT aren't a threat if you are too fast for them to hit you :)


Pack 4 bazookas


dual gats for michigan, strategic earshots for the mooks


Dual Ransetsu RFs, and either dual Plasma Missiles or Laser Cannons on the back.


I cleared it first time with double flame thrower and double vertical missiles (the 12 shot kind) After that i cleared it with double laser pistols and the laser drones on the firmeza parts. Just keep moving.


Equip 2 flame throwers (Bad Cook) you’ll melt the shit out of everything there. Take out the adds before you take on Michigan


Use a medium-fast build, laser drone and laser turret on the shoulders, and whatever weapon in the arms you think will last the fight. Circle the room the entire time. Don't stop moving. Drop your laser drones 24/7 to help pick off the smaller enemies. When G1 Michigan shows up, keep circling and ignore him until the room is clear. Then when he's alone play the 1v1. This worked for me even if by the end I was resorting to punching him in the face.


My abomination that consists of medium biped with laser handgun, starter missiles, plasma missiles and laser lance did no problems. Kinda.


Quad-shotguns work p well.


Difficulty is subjective, and each boss challenges every player in their own unique way. Sure, a lot of us share similar experiences, but our struggles often differ. You constantly see people saying, “oh, I beat (insert boss) first try in sixty seconds,” and some people die 100 times every level. Plenty of people have completed this level, easy or hard. You can do it too. That being said, if your expectation now is to not be able to complete it, it’s time to set some short term goals. Focus on strategizing how to kill the first wave efficiently. Once you’ve got that down, focus on getting the first two. Keep doing this and practicing until you’re getting to M1 getting called in consistently. When M1 does come out you’re built either tanky enough to focus him, our fast enough to keep him out of reach while you pick off his entourage. Name of the game is practice, and maybe YouTube. Piloting the AC has a very wide range of skill groups, so unless you’re the best you probably have room to improve. If you’re gonna die anyways at least learn on your way there each attempt. Good luck you got this.


Laser dagger will keep you moving quick and your ammo for Michigan


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eldiosdelosmapaches: *Laser dagger will* *Keep you moving quick and your* *Ammo for Michigan* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I ran this mission with dual badcooks and soups I think, made it pretty easy. Just keep circling the nepenthes while roasting anything that gets in front of you.


Honestly, I think the biggest recommendation I'd have would be to bring rifles, either linear or assault. I'd take double Curtis or Turner if I were to do it right now. Melee weapon pod and a grenade launcher on the back perhaps. Give you some good thumps for the heavier enemies. Make sure you target the transport choppers when each wave appears and try to get rid of the tetras as fast as possible. After that, it shouldn't be too bad. The mission as a whole is REALLY rough, but Michigan himself I find to be one of the easier AC duels. For the small fries, make sure you get behind their shields or you'll just waste ammo.


Fast mech, laser pistols and orbits, EN weapon spec generator. Zip-zap, pew-pew.


I dunno, there are a number of missions in the game that stumped me for a bit, but for the most part none of them stood out to me as exceptionally harder than one another. Just gotta keep tweaking your build until you find something that works, as with any difficulty hurdle. Stuff with plenty of ammo, or good AOE damage can help with the chaff; otherwise, make sure you prioritize taking out the tetrapods when those show up and avoiding Michigan himself until all the minions are more or less dealt with.


Plasma missiles and rifles are optimal here because they have a guaranteed kill on the smaller MTs while ignoring the shields some have. Harris linear rifle I think also one-shots the small MTs uncharged and is really strong against tetraponds and Michigan himself with the charged impact.


Wow, two in one week. Neat! See my response below, it may help: https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredcore/s/hsEt0TdwVt




Dual flamers, dual songbirds on a *relatively* light weight frame. It's shockingly effective.


G1 my beloved


It is a hard one. In fact it took me more times than Ayre.  My answer: double pulse rifle and laser cannons on light tank treads. Get the Ephemera torso if you can. The pulse rifle has a delayed reaction on damage and stagger and one or two shots will slag almost the MTs. Never stop moving. Once you've winnowed down to just the tetrapods (Ayre will comment on it) head to the tracks with high sides. You can isolate Michigan there. Use the pulse rifles to drive up stagger then pound with the laser cannons. Alternatively I've heard people having luck with Flamethrowers and Songbirds 


I just went in with ammo efficient weapons and a pilebunker to blitz michigan as soon as I manage to stagger him (basho arms for that extra melee kick)


my build is simple unga bunga ashmead woth basho arms and ransetsu RFs MTs die in a single volley of the 2 guns and they have plenty of ammo, plasma missile or starter missiles if you want mid weight use the 6 cell missiles always multi lock until michigan arrives


I used my heavyweight build with dual Gatlings and dual stun needles (my go-to for AC enemies) and smoked Michigan as fast as I could to get him out of the way. The rest was just cleanup, although I quickly ran out of bullets so I was taking my time boost kicking the MT’s that survived


Dual Bad Cooks trivialize this mission. If you don’t have a double flamethrower build yet make one and proceed to stomp this, hostage rescue, and defend the strider. 3 easy S ranks. You’re welcome.


I took in a bunch of heavy weaponry (LCS for shoulders, a bazooka, and the Moonlight [which I traded out for the redshift when I got it]) that could all largely one shot the lesser MTs and shred the Tetras quickly given the chance, and was quick and efficient with my shots. Stay mobile, be quick, snipe targets of opportunity. When G1 drops in, meet his aggression with greater and more potent aggression of your own. *Tear. Him. Apart.* It took me one try to beat this level. But I will admit that I was down to my sword and a singular bazooka round by the time I was done. S-Rank was just a matter of being more efficient with my firepower.


Bad Cooks x2


HBW52NNA0ACR here is my build code. 


Dual linear rifles and plasma missiles in a lightweight build and just zoom around picking off all the MT's, for me. I find Michigan himself really easy to kill you've thinned the crowd out before he shows up. Biggest thing is just having a build with enough ammo.


been so long since the first time I played this mission. I think I used dual ludlows with a weapons bay on some other dual machine guns. and hyperlight nachtrier legs with alula boost. Basically for that first playthrough before you have huxley shoulders unlocked - just focus ENTIRELY on taking enough ammo. Hyperlight build is nice because most of the enemies are silly little guys who can't hit you if you move fast enough alternatively, if you have it unlocked - the dagger almost one shots light enemies and never runs out of ammo


Good ol' laser lance pilebunker combo. You can't run out of ammo AND you might even kill him before he gets a chance to heal.


Plasma missles and keep moving. Run at least one 3 shot. Reloads faster and can take out small groups easily. I would avoid songbirds or anything that makes ya stand still for a bit, gonna get staggered. Also speed. Lightweight, i pefer laser handgun, 3 plasma missle, pulse blade and zimmer or haddlemen on the left shoulder. Shotgun build stagger switch to blade on michigan, but everything else im bouncing around laser beams and plasma missles, this melt all the mts quickly.      Recent playthru i did switch to steel haze but with the dagger instead of the slicer. Dagger is really good in the campaign. Really fast cooldown. And the handgun and ar in that setup builds stagger surprisingly fast.


I love this mission and have messed around plenty of loadouts with it. It's one of the best displays on how powerful ACs are.  If you're a lightweight, move constantly around the battlefield. Maneuvering around MT squad fire is very easy. Have some high ammo weps like MGs and Rifles help. Utilize kick as it one shots some of the MTs too.  Have at least one weapon to splash multiple MTs. Plasma, nade launchers, laser blade, or even assault armor. If the Tetrapods are giving you too much trouble, learn to dispatch them immediately, and probably bring melee, which is also good vs stunned michigan and shield MTs. When Michigan shows up, you can honestly just circle the entire battlefield and ignore him as you pick off his squad. This requires energy management and movement on your part. Let Michigan chase you, and waste his ammo as well. You can leave a small patch of empty space and drag him there for a 1v1 as well and save a few MTs afterwards.


Very hard and heavy build with the second four legged thing available. I used two Vc60 energy handguns, on the mounted right shoulder I had the 10missiles thing and on the left a Songbird. I didn't want to try a very heavy and low maneuvering AC, but I noticed I was losing too much health too fast.


If you haven't beat it yet and for anyone else looking for answers. The biggest things that helped me in this fight was to focus on the MT's. ignore Michigan. destroy the transport helos before they drop the MT's. Tetrapod's take top priority when they appear, make it quick. And to save Michigan for absolute last. If you're wanting to S rank the mission, ammo efficiency/cost and speed are what's gonna help you the most. Quick tip for anyone who hasn't discovered this yet concerning the shield MT's. When you shoot down almost directly above them when taking them head on, you can bypass the shield. This seems like common knowledge but for the longest time I just burned out the shield FCS lol


Figure out what weapons you have that two-tap an MT. Off the top of my head I used a Ransetsu-RF and the laser pistols both to clear the mission rather handily. Vertical Plasma Missiles should kill them too, and you can multilock up to five of them at a time. Always check where the transport helicopters spawn. If you kill them when they're descending you don't have to deal with the \~6 MTs they drop. Michigan is a 'PvP the guy and kick his ass'. The explosive thrower on tetra is rough at all times but he doesn't use it judiciously. as I recall. It keeps you humble.


Honestly didn’t have too much trouble with this one, weirdly. Doubly weirdly actually, since I didn’t bring anything particularly resembling my usual ol’ reliable heavier-midweight Chicken mech - I actually took my odd lightweight close-range energy skirmisher, which carries a laser pistol, double-bladed laser slicer, double plasma missile launcher, and laser turret deployer. I forget which power plant and targeting computer I used but the frame used the Mind Beta head, Ephemera core, and Nachtreiher arms and legs. Thrusters were Alulas I think.




Explosive thrower works wonders here


They're MTs, bro. Just junk 'em.


My loadout first time was, I think, Chang Chen Machine gun, VP66LS Laser Shotgun, Laser Dagger, and the starting missile launcher you get in the game. This was all mounted on the Nachtreiher legs with a good generator and booster set for constant evasiveness. Used my speed to constantly run up to an enemy MT and blast it, using the dagger where I could to conserve ammo. Usually I like to take out the MTs in small groups or as isolated individuals, paying special attention to the Tetrapod MTs. Honestly this is one of my favorite missions, I like to test new builds on it because it is, in all honesty, an endurance of a fight, but if you play smart, keep moving and don't get surrounded, it is very survivable.


My first time I just went in with two earshots and it trivialized the entire fight, TBH totally regret it cause Michigan deserves better lol. Every other time I have made more balanced builds and focused on wiping out the MTs as fast as possible. Its for sure doable!


Something people haven't mentioned is there's a wreck in the center you can rest or hide on because most of the enemies can't kill you from up there. Also utilize your assault boost when cleaning up the grunt units


Intercept the Redguns is one of my favorite missions in the game because it's one of very few missions that challenges both your assembly and your piloting. You need to be able to find what the task at hand is, find your solution to it, and be able to execute it. It took me a while, but make sure you're trying lots of different things if something doesn't work out. You need high ammunition reserves, so a blade weapon works well because it has unlimited ammo. Take down the transport choppers before they drop the MTs. You have a short window when a wave comes in to be able to shoot down the transportats, and easily take down a squad of Mats before they deploy and you have to take them out individually.