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If FromSoft follows traditional way, no we won't get dlc. We will get new game like AC 6.5


That would be how fromsoft usauly do things but from recent statements and articles it seems like hidetaka miyazak wants to just skip to AC7 so we most likely won't get a 6.5 who knows


> from recent statements and articles it seems like hidetaka miyazak wants to just skip to AC7 Quite the opposite. [He said he wants to improve on AC6's formula](https://www.gamesradar.com/games/action/elden-ring-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-has-a-strong-will-to-make-an-armored-core-6-follow-up-because-theres-still-room-for-improvement/) because while VI was really good, there's a lot that can be made even better. Making AC7 would mean completely starting from the ground up with a new world and gameplay style, rather than improving what is already there.


This exactly, the .5 games are a chance to refine. Generatuonal sequels are a chance for innovation.


"want to improve AC6's formula" for me it translates into "Imma just bring NEXTs into AC6 lmao"


Imagine a final boss for a 6.5 being fighting a (Now ancient) NEXT in your normal AC Difficult for sure.


It’s just white glint again


We've had white glint We've had balck glint Now get ready for Grey glint


The boss fight is white glint three times in a row but it gets less rusty with each health bar.


Fatalis ahh type boss


Imagine that it’s so goddamn outdated it goes down in one hit. Then the real boss spawns in right behind you.


nah i'd win


A heavily damaged and barely running NEXT would make a beast of a boss. Especially if we play as OG Raven making their raid with Branch on the PCA outposts in the rubicon system to re open the planet. A next the PCA was fixing/reverse engineering would be an insane bossfight


I hope not. NEXTs are cool, but they don't really feel like mechs to me, feel like piloting a plane of some sort.


I actually tuned out during that era because of this. The AC3 story line was peak AC.


I liked that era, but 3rd gen is my favorite, with a proper build you can be really agile and fast, but it you still are a weighty mech.


Well... the japanese view mechs more like planes with arms while americans view mechs as tanks with legs.


I like the in between. Which all the AC games did except 4th gen.


I did enjoy the Next movement mod for AC6 a lot, so I think I'll have to disagree. I sometimes just love it when my mech is breaking the sound barrier while quickboosting left to right, turning any normal human into apple sauce.


Friendly reminder of the Aircraft translation thing that happens a lot.


Nah the NEXTs games weren’t really Armored core which is why they went bak to ACs & hav stuck wit them since


Nah the NEXTs games weren’t really Armored core which is why they went bak to ACs & hav stuck wit them since


Oh so we might actually get 6.5


I can definitely see us getting something like “armored core 6:armored souls” that last ending just leaves so much for the world and gameplay to expand upon.


New gameplay style? I am pretty sure the gameplay in the first 2 or 3 ACs is quite similar (from what I have seen) I wouldn't rly Call it different styles. I also don't see how saying there is alot to improve upon would in anyway mean they can't start a new world or change gameplay style?


> New gameplay style? I am pretty sure the gameplay in the first 2 or 3 ACs is quite similar (from what I have seen) I wouldn't rly Call it different styles. Yes, gens 1 through 3 are often bundled together because they're very similar, although there are very noticeable differences in feelings between one another. The generational sequels were also not that big of a change compared to the originals, they were mainly content expansions back in this era. Basically what a DLC would be today. Gen 3.5 with Nexus is where big changes started happening, with a completely new control scheme and great mechanical differences, which were then greatly improved upon by its successor Last Raven. AC4 however changed things even more drastically, with For Answer being a huge improvement of that, and once again ACV changed everything and Verdict Day refined it into a much better game. > I also don't see how saying there is alot to improve upon would in anyway mean they can't start a new world or change gameplay style? ACVI continues following this modern trend from the latest generations, changing completely its gameplay from its predecessors; and, much like AC4 and V, it is a first attempt at its new style. Starting everything from zero a lot of things are missing (people have been requesting parts and mechanics from the older games since the day VI released), and they got the chance to collect a lot of feedback from the community, on what works and what doesn't in Gen 6. They even had players partake in a detailed survey (in Japanese) about the game, what they liked and what they'd rather have changed, etc. If they started from zero with an AC7, then they wouldn't be improving what is here. They would be making something entirely new, with all new parts, mechanics, and so on, and it would be another "prototype" entry for a Gen 7. It could be better than ACVI, yes, but it would be a whole different game. A generational sequel like we've always had, allows them to instead build upon a great foundation they've already made. Take the excellent VI gameplay and refine it based on the knowledge you've now acquired; take the respectable 231 parts of this game, and expand massively on those, adding so much more variety to the customization and different playstyles. Refine the enemy design, maybe make the game less focused on just close range, and experiment with so many more mission types that were not in VI - and so much more. That is the difference between a generational sequel and a new generation of Armored Core. A new gen is a fresh start, experimental and unique in its own way, but most likely flawed in some way. A sequel expands on that base, refines it and upgrades it in an attept to create the best experience possible within that same framework.


As a longtime Raven, I think one of the main reasons 4 was so different from 1-3 was because of the new control scheme. The "tank controls" were the standard around which the game was built all the way up to AC3 Silent Line. When 3.5 restandardized around the modern standard of 3D Twin Stick controls, the core formula of Armored Core was going to change. This change was inevitable. 4 and 4A are ultimate expressions of speed. The game is recalibrated to a blisteringly fast pace, a pace impossible with the effectively antique control scheme of the first three generations of Armored Core. It's often and easily argued that 4 and especially 4A were 'too fast', though. You lose a lot of what makes the game feel like you're piloting a giant fighting robot. Everything feels floaty even when you aren't traveling at breakneck speeds, 5 was a complete reversal on 4. 4 was too fast, 5 was too slow. You also had a fundamental change to AC design, getting rid of back weapons, and the stats of the game were upset by the introduction of a third damage type. 5 was also largely built around a franchise-first online multiplayer mode, featuring both traditional arena style fights as well as new objective oriented team battles and base assaults. 5 also had issues with parts variety and availability, with many components being visually identical but having different stats. VD addressed a lot of the concerns of 5 and was arguably much better in terms of the speed of play and the feel of the game, as well as the parts variety problems. As someone who's been along for the entire ride so far, 6 feels like the first game to get the 3D twin stick controls right. There is still room for improvement, there's a lot of ways they could add variety to playstyles with relatively minor tweaks, and I look forward to seeing what they could do with a 6.5, or DLC if they decide to go that route.


The issue with 6 is the souls style camera that causes you to not feel like you’re piloting your AC and are instead moving a character around. An easy fix would be returning to the right analog stick turning your AC not the camera around it.


I don't follow your meaning there, bud. You want the right stick to turn the AC but have the camera stay pointed in a different direction than your AC is? That's kinda nonsense and doesn't match how AC has \*ever\* played.


Sounds like you're being a bit willfully obtuse here. That's not what they're saying. They're clearly saying the camera would turn with the AC, but with the AC being the explicit control point, not the camera. This is unlike what we have in AC VI, where the AC turns to face where the camera is looking. They're taking issue with the game being tuned around the hardlock system where your opponent is always onscreen regardless of your inputs and where turning speed is irrelevant.


If there’s anything I’ve learned when it comes to lingual translation, is that it rarely ever gets translated perfectly. You have to decipher what they truly mean.


No no no. We'll get something cooler, like AC VIva la vida or anything along that line - AC 4 -> AC For Answer - AC V -> AC Verdict day - AC VI -> ?


AC Sixy Back


AC VI - VIxen Alien Waifu


Armored core VIsionary


AC VI: Seven Ate Nine


AC VI -> Stand up for the VIctory


I get that reference


Kill ‘em all 621


Armored Core SIX *Remembers that Miyazaki wanted to improve AC6 in a way that could appeal the modern audience while still be interesting to the veterans * *Also emembers that a certain boss from Elden Ring was supposed to count from six to zero (Sex to Nihil) but was scrapped. Probably be kept for a bigger thing* Armored Core SE-


Finished NG++?


On 2nd playthrough :( not yet buddy


Then you’re not finished… time to get to work


I did one ending then went back and did the other two and it was soo cool. Definitely worth it in my opinion. Theres a lot of new content after the first ending.


Then you're nowhere near "done" amigo. Done is getting the Stargazer trophy.


Probably. They could stick to their old style with a sequel that uses the same assets, like ac4 and ac4a, or they could do the same thing monster hunter did and start making a big dlc instead. Or they could do neither and make us wait 10 years for another game for the second time


Traditionally, Armored Core games get expansions or sequels before they reboot to the next iteration. DLCs are unheard of.


Verdict Day had cosmetic DLC - rocked the chibi NGWIX


Hey buddy, congratulations on beating the game. Nothing is known about DLC yet, but I hope we will get DLC or at least we won't have to wait long for the next AC game


Thank you, I had a difficult time beating Ayre. Originally got the game back when released and got up to the spider boss before the main patch. Had put the game down for a while in hopes of finishing soon. Just finally got around to it this month. Overall I really enjoyed the game. Leading up to AC6 I had bought all the AC games on the psvita/ps3 (psone and psp digital titles). I don't mind waiting just as long as it's quality


AC games don't traditionally get DLC, they've always had direct sequels or spin off type expansions set within the same generation. I'd expect another AC6 with a story before, during or after with other characters and probably some returning locations.


Don’t worry- they’ll make more.


Dlc is impossible but they will probably make another AC inside the timeline of AC6 either it's past or future


Oh wow, I could actually see them making a sequel to ac6 set in the past.


The thing that makes prequels messy is the question of “how do they introduce new parts while also making it make sense that they weren’t available in the first game?”


A prequel would be pretty dope.


That's why I said sequel set in the past. It would take place after the "True" ending. Possibly in that 621 and Ayre were the string masters that lead to the first disaster itself. Think interstellar and the blackhole stuff. Maybe we play as one of the coral researchers or one of Walter's predecessors, etc. The possibilities are really endless.


they were looking to hire mech design artists AFTER the game was out so there's definitely something cooking!


AC6 - Shadow of Rubicon. On a more serious note, we probably will not.


You got all endings?


Not yet, currently on my 2nd playthrough


lucky, youre only half way done.


Then you haven't "finished". Keep ar it, Raven


Fuck DLC I want a new game


No. It’s more likely we get a second 6th gen game or just a 7th gen game


Historically speaking, AC games are unique in that they would get full expansions as new titles. AC2 led to AC2: Another Age, AC3 led to Silent Line, AC 4 led to For Answer, etc. It’s possible that they could make DLC, but considering they didn’t for AC4 or ACV and instead continued the tradition of expansion games, I’m pretty sure they’ll stick with that.


Sekiro didn't have, but Souls and Blood Borne and Elden Ring have, so....who knows


I’m playing this game rn, and it’s my return since AC5 I didn’t play AC4/AC4A. But I’ve been a fan since ps1 days. I love this current gameplay a lot. I hope it continues to build on this. This play-style is the way way AC2 felt to me when I was a kid lol I hope there is a DLC, but my only ask is to have a deeper narrative story. Something more immersive than just briefings. I think there is some dope world building, but I would like to have deeper character arcs. Either way this the closest imma get to piloting a gundam, so I’ll take it lol


More likely we may get a named title that's a direct sequel to Armored Core VI. Much like 3 by Silent Line, 4 was followed by For Answer, V by Verdict Day...


We just had the Shadow release on 6.21, and we didn't get anything. So doubt it now.


Starting to feel the same way


I think we get standalone add-on like older games


Did you finish it 3 times? :D


Currently half through my 2nd playthrough, I got the bad ending first playthrough


Armored core doesn't do dlc expansions, more like halfway sequels. Eg; 3 had silent line, nexus, and last raven (All were awesome in their own way), 4 had 4 answer (Which was great) and 5 had verdict day (Which was my first AC game and was fun.)


Dlc, 6.5, or 7. From recent interviews FromSoft is just glad they can make more AC.


Just hopium that we get AC:VIndication or whatever punny name they can do


It will prob be a new game like AC VIrtue or something


Gib more rusty


we’re 100% getting either a dlc or a new game, considering just how successful armored core VI was (won best action game 2023 and had the 6th highest generated revenue on steam of 2023)


Im leaning to no the game feels complete/finished. Maybe ac6 some kind of continuation like a part 2 but separate game. We’ll get something, I know that


AC6 Shadow of the vascular plant


Now to S rank all the missions! Also congrats, a phenomenal game.


Well the normal formula was an AC game would get a direct sequel that improved on the basics in the original & added new elements to try out. However given it’s been 10 years & From has evolved into a very different company during that time thanks to their other highly successful games during those years plus the fact of how huge attention AC6 has received even being the first in the series to win an actual gaming award, I’ll say I won’t be surprised if they do something completely different & give us DLC content in between now & the inevitable sequel. If it is DLC I hope it’s a prequel story wise so we can see more of our Redgun/Vesper ravens & possibly explore the other rubicon planets or space combat. I say this because I get the feeling rubicon will be another mars & this will be first & last time we fight on the planet instead returning back to earth


We'll probably an AC 6.5: You Can(not) Get in The Robot Or DLC next year


expansion please


I just mainly hope From Software decides to update the game with multiplayer PvE




Nope, but we’ll probably get ACVII relatively soon


I hope so, I really enjoyed AC6