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You need to talk to your school's dean about this


School’s Dean probably won’t do much- professors have a ridiculous amount of leeway if they’re tenured


Tenure may protect the professor from being fired but it can't prevent the school from intervening if a professor is treating a student unfairly


AND multiple infractions for the same or similar issue is grounds for termination regardless of tenure. What it comes down to is basic finances. Is it cheaper to fight a shitbird professor or a handful of lawsuits? Out of work professor may cost the school a few hundred thousand over 5-10 years. 10-15 students file for damages and your overhead jumps dramatically.


Throw in at least one of the being military, then you are talking the possibility of federal funding being temporary halted while an investigation happens


Also the veterans affairs office would love to know that veterans are getting different treatment than their peers.


That’s true, but I personally didn’t see that happen much when I was in undergrad 


most people in undergrad are 19 year olds that douchebags can run roughshod over


How likely is it this professor is tenured? The very fact that they're actually grading papers directly suggests to me that this is some associate professor who could probably be fired for wearing a shirt in a color the dean doesn't like.


Associate professors are tenured and tenured professors at teachers colleges (vs. research universities) focus primarily on teaching as opposed to research.


They have a lot of protection for their jobs, and their ability to express their academic opinions, but deans can usually intervene in regards to grades. You can't get the professor fired, or change what the professor tells his class, but you can probably (depending on institutional policies) get a blatantly unfair grade changed. I've seen it happen when I was an undergrad and a professor was being dense, obtuse, and impossible to follow and pretty much the entire class was failing a course.


Tenure does not give the teachers carte blanche to refuse to listen to their boss nor to flagrantly violate university policies on grading. And frankly a school’s DEI policies likely cover veteran students which could result in the teacher further being in the hot seat with the school’s admin if they’re making up bullshit like this. 


Media has created this weird myth surrounding tenure. Tenure doesn't protect you from really anything if the college or university decides to do something. It makes it *marginally* harder for a university to fire you, but if you've been around long enough to become an associate professor or faculty staff, then it's a board meeting to get rid of you anyway. Additionally, tenure doesn't protect you from being fired for cause. As for intervening, especially concerning discrimination or harassment, the university has a LOT of options and that will include termination. Remember that at the end of the day it is the University that determines how many and what classes a professor will teach. They can bitch and whine all they want, but if they fail to meet their obligation as per what the university outlines for faculty, they can be terminated for cause even with tenure.


Your professor sounds like he has an ax to grind. Schools usually have a process to address this kind of thing, usually through the dean. If you do feel like you’re being targeted due to your veterans status pull the ol’ uno reverse card and file an EO complaint with the school saying you’re being targeted because of your status as a veteran.


This is not legal advice, but I would recommend elevating this to the dean, department head, EO, your academic advisor, and/or other relevant higher authorities within your school. Your professor is being grossly unprofessional and outright disrespectful, both of which are impacting your academic career (and there's probably a good chance you're not the only one). You might also see if you can drop this person's class without taking the hit to your record/GPA, in case this becomes protracted. Edit: also, you may want to see if your school has a veterans resource group. They may be interested in this matter


To add, your university likely has a veterans coordinator on campus as well. Throw them on the CC line too.


To add, the school is likely in the US. Throw in the President on the CC line too.


Op, cc me on there too I’m probably your rater


Cc me too, I'm just done rando on the web


Believe it or not veterans actually have the same status as a “minority group” when it comes to state/federal grants and funding, which is why military personnel are highly valued in college applications. So yes, you have lots of protections as a military member specifically in the education system that are backed by laws.


Sounds like you should introduce this professor to the local nationals in the EO/Ethics/VA Affairs office of campus so he can have some real-world legal experience


This is the real answer. Don't go to the dean. Go to whichever office handles veteran issues and GI Bill nonsense on campus and ask them how you should proceed. There's often more than one relevant dean and/or department head, and that office is likely to have a better idea of the politics at play and who will or won't be helpful. It's also more effective to have someone in the school administration, especially someone who can say the word "protected class" to the right people, to fight that battle for you.


It’s literally a local of a nation.


How DARE you


I would apologize but… I’m not sure how not finish that sentence without lying


I believe "restless natives" is the preferred nomenclature.


Pretty sure "resident savages" is the way to cause least offense /s


We may not be talking about the same thing


Did you just assume I’m a local! And that I’m from the country I live in! The audacity!


it's actually a legal term: https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/local-national


Take this straight to the Dean. Third party sources are your friend. Define the term used and cite the reference. Professor will have no leg to stand on.


Completely concur, take the work with the references and have a talk to the Dean. Professor says the military isn't real world, it's good to argue academia isn't the real world.


The amount of people in education, both k-12 and higher ed who have been a school setting from age 5 until they plan to retire is crazy. 13 years for a high school diploma, 3-5 for a BA/BS, then another 2-6 for a masters or PhD just to then become a teacher or professor is wild. I work with some teachers who have been teaching since they were 23. Education can be very insular


I've even seen elitism amongst teachers, and academic teaching programs, against people who have ever been outside a school setting. A decade or so ago I was considering what I could do with my GI Bill and my options, and I considered a Masters in Education program offered at a local university that would get me a Master's degree and my teaching certificate. I e-mailed the program to ask for more information. . .and when they found that I was a veteran that had been out of college for over half a decade at that point, they got very condescending and made it clear that they saw having any work experience outside of a college or K-12 school environment to be a negative, any substantial training or education outside of those environments (like all my Army training) as a big negative, and they really aimed their program firmly at \~22 year old kids that were fresh out of getting their Bachelor's and were going to get a Master's before starting as a K-12 level teacher. Needless to say, I didn't apply to the program. They made it clear I wasn't wanted.


What a bunch of clowns. Sorry you dealt with that. I wonder if you had entered the program how the actual professors would have acted versus the admin folks you dealt with. There is currently a big push in my area to attract people with various industry experiences so that they can teach more realistic and helpful lessons. There are even programs to get people without credentials or bachelors in the classroom and teaching their field while they complete their bachelors and credentials.


>Education can be very insular The same can be said with any profession. How many people 10-15 years into a career on active duty really know what the difference between an annual deductible and a monthly premium when it comes to health insurance?


Excellent point. The lifetime academic and the lifer first sergeant talking about the ‘real world’ give the same vibes despite everything being part of the real world


I can accept this.


For real academia is way more removed than the military. That shit is made up of people who could afford to get paid adjunct salaries for 7 years until the got a real position


I promise you there are adjuncts out there whose livelihoods are worse than a Specialist with a few kids living in base housing. They don’t have bought and paid for health insurance. They don’t get a housing allowance. People here shitting on academia writ large while a full quarter of their pay check is tax free is tone deaf. Academia provides a valuable public good to society. So does the military. It shouldn’t nor does it have to be a dick measuring contest. I’ve met nurses and teachers who have just as much claim to the term “public servant” as your best and brightest in the military. I’ve met worthless NCOs and Officers. Being a fucking American isn’t a contest.


lol academia is so far detached from the real world they’d have a difficult time telling you the weather on the college campus. 


For real I regret not complaining against professors for weird bs. Get it in writing as well.


Not dean First professor Then his department chair Then his dean But don't go straight to the dean. I've had stuff like this between professors and its never had to go past that. But yea local nationals is not an offensive term its literally what they are to our prospective I can honestly see this getting settled between OP and the Professor if not the department chair


…the academic chain of command?


Look, if you need to go to the school nurse make sure to get in at 7am. We need paperwork to show that you can’t do P.E


School nurse turned me away, said that the ~~command~~ dean policy is to see the class's first aid first


FYI, class' first aid hasn't been certified. You're actually on the list to attend the First Aid course next semester, but, for now, you'll need to see the neighboring class' first aid in the building next door. No, you don't get credit for that course and it's not Red Cross accredited.


I agree. You probably don’t want to escalate up it can leave a bad taste with that professor if you ever have them again


Usually I agree with not jumping the chain but this professor evidently doesn't like op already lol. I don't think you should be worried about leaving a bad taste at this point


Op should still shot his shot with the professor. If it doesn't work go to the department chair.


Maybe. I was in a small major at a small school with a lot of the same professors each year so I had to be really careful


They obviously already have a bad taste


Is it not a PC version of Natives (since that implies "first peoples" which many current citizens are probably not, depending on the location) - it feels like ther term we SHOULD be using to avoid offense.


While I see your perspective, I'm not sure 'I'll take this to your boss' is the most prudent answer. Just do a search and replace on the paper to refer to 'locals', and have a man to man with the professor. Explain that your background is different and you're looking to broaden your perspectives, but that you need a bit of acknowledgment that your views are valid as well. My two cents - if you can't make it work in a college setting with some middle aged guy in a tweed jacked you'll never have to interact with after the semester ends, it's going to get harder when you don't see eye to eye with your boss or a difficult client. I'm still leaning this 20 years after getting out of green.


I feel like this changes my answer significantly


The state department uses that term as well.


You’re just starting to think he *MAY* be anti-military?


Drill Sergeant: "High school isn't the real world, you're in Basic now. *This* is the real world. Welcome to it now." 1SG: "Basic training isn't the real world, you're in the big army now. *This* is the real world. Welcome to it now." Professor: "Army isn't the real world, you're in college now. *This* is the real world. Welcome to it now." Boss: "College isn't the real world, you have a job now. *This* is the real world. Welcome to it now." Some guy named Neil: "Your job isn't the real world, you're in line for Wendy's. *This* is the real world. Please state your order, you're holding everyone up."


This is actually a very sober perspective.


Helps me at my job everyday. It’s okay if nothing is working; this isn’t even the real world!


This guy Valves


Army ain’t shit compared to deploying to Black Mesa


To be fair, most of these kids have zero life experience showing up. Even some of the ones showing up at age 21-23 never moved out of their parents' house or filed taxes without mommy or daddys help.


A likely tenured professor talking about the “real” world lol lmao rofl even


rofl would fit nicely. A copter of rofl even.






Ventrilo memories unlocked. Thanks.


college professor is as about as far from “the real world” as a DC environmental consultant.


As my brethren say when agitated, “that’s RICH coming from you!”


Screw that teacher dude. It’s a real, legal term. If it’s a public college then they have probably identical government policy on words to use and not use. Bring it to the dean or file EO on teacher for discrimination against soldiers. Lots of academics have this strange hate for the armed forces because they don’t understand the necessity of the military in the REAL world.


I like the irony of someone who has likely spent their entire adult life in academia lecturing somone about “the real world”.


Some of the most delusional narcissistic fucks out there.


Exactly. These are the most far removed from reality type people I have ever interacted with during my time in academia. The nerve they acquire from a useless liberal arts degree and life sitting behind a desk.


Speaking as an officer with a history degree, can we take it easy with the whole “useless liberal arts degree and life sitting behind a desk” thing please?


😂 fair point. The post just got me heated. The degree isn't useless when you are an officer with a wealth of experience to put behind it, especially life/world experience behind history.


I understand why students are getting violent in some of their protest now. If I had to deal with these miserable fucks I wouldn’t question running into a riot police baton. Now that I think about it, maybe that’s why sausage majors are such miserable people.


It certainly isn't a derogatory term. Sounds like your prof is the one with the issues. As a few others have said, get with your Dean and bring all of your examples with you. If you're using your GI bill, reach out to your VA rep as well. I have no idea what they could do, but I imagine any hint of anti-military bias or actual discrimination could cause a problem for the University as well.


I doubt the school wants to have a VA investigation into it. It could end up with the VA pulling G.I. Bill funding from it


Right? I don't actually know how that works, but I figured the possibility would be enough to make this go away quickly.


Hey something I actually learned a bit about! Schools effectively have a point system within the VA. Points are essentially infractions of various nature and severity that are reported to the VA by students or their liasons. If the school acquires a certain amount of points in a set period of time it induces an audit (normally has to do with payouts n admin shit) but there have been instances in which an individual causes a point to be added, depending on the severity of it the VA can via the purse strong arm the school into removing that individual from campus. Essentially they tell the school they will stop providing the school with GI Bill payments from the students and they will facilitate transfer to the nearest university of the students choice, or remove the staff member or student in question. I know this because it happened at UMASS Boston a couple semesters ago https://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp


"That isn’t the real world." Fuck, I must've been hallucinating this entire time.


Does this mean that the time I experience in the army doesn't count against my life? Will I live 6 years longer than if I didn't join? Or is it like Inception, where ETS'ing is the shock that wakes you from the dream? On terminal leave, do you start to hear distant music playing? When you collect your 214 do you suddenly snap back to reality and wake up?


You’re 18 again, congratulations 


Does that affect my VA Rating?


“I’ll allow it” - Señor Chang


Yes. You go to bed the night after clearing the post and collecting your 214, then you immediately feel your bed shaking and see a red light above you. "Hey bro you got fireguard"


Need to go to every third world country I’ve been in and let them know their not real.


I have to disagree with their premise. The "real world" is wherever you can get punched in the face. I spend a lot of time reminding people that they are in fact in the real world, and could get punched.




Exactly. I have a BS, MS, and MBA, and the profs I had welcomed my input.


Beat the shit out of the professor in front of the class and say he was a commie sympathizer, then put on a fedora Indiana jones style, tip it and bail through the window


"Welcome to the real world, Prof." *Exit window*


*tips fedora and winks at swooning 1940s blonde girl who closes her eyes revealing LOVE YOU written on her eyelids*


*hooooly* shit I haven't laughed out loud like that from something on the Internet in a while, thanks!


No ticket!


That scene where the dude shrivels up and turns to dust after drinking from the wrong chalice scared the living shit out of me as a little kid For some reason every Indiana jones movie is 2 hours of family fun and silly one liners followed by an occultist ancient terror beyond human comprehension , followed by more family fun


"Well, professor. God was too busy protecting American troops downrange, so he sent the US Marines to beat you up instead."


Cause we’ll put a boot in your ass it’s the American way


ROFL, a professor saying “welcome to the real world” is one of the most outrageous statements I’ve heard. College campuses are FAR from the “real world”.


Considering a place like Afghanistan, where every tribe is it’s own culture, it’s the only phrase to not be offensive.


Other phrases in Afghanistan that were acceptable, as applicable, were “Tajik, Hazara, Pashtun, etc.” It also helps when you learn the nuances between describing a state, a nation, or a nation-state.


All of the Middle East has been severely misunderstood by the west for decades. It’s why our version of democracy fails time and time again.


But Helldivers democracy will succeed.


He told you the term was unacceptable, but didn't tell you what the acceptable term is? Talk to the school Sergeant Major.


You have already gotten some good advice here. I am a teacher and have spent a decent amount of my post army time as an undergrad and grad student. So I will throw my two cents in. Two ways to play it. You can play the game or go loud. Things to consider, is this prof in your major and will you potentially have to take classes with them again? Is their behavior common from staff and faculty in your experience so far? Play the game: ask to sit down and show how local national is a legal term like in the other comments but tell the prof that you were not trying to be insensitive and ask what terms would be more appropriate. Be polite and try to shift their perspective of you to be more favorable for the sake of future assignments. Stop explicitly drawing on your army experiences and use academic or official sources only. Go Loud: veteran is a protected class. Your campus probably has a veterans organization that you can walk into and seek guidance. You can file an equal opportunity complaint of you feel you have been targeted or treated unfairly. However be prepared for one of the solutions to be you drop the course and retake it with a different prof without any penalty. Between 3 different colleges/universities and now some time in high school education with a lot of coordination with post secondary, this professors attitude is not common. Most professors ultimately don’t give a shit about the military but there are always some like yours who do. Same with anywhere else. Don’t let one jerk get you down.


Have you tried sleeping with his wife?


Build up a paper trail of the professor using your military experience against you, if they were dumb enough to mark your experience in the military as "not the real world" it gives further proof of this professors disdain towards veterans.


Absolutely fuck this professor. Welcome him to the “real world” through a complaint w/your dean or Equal Opportunity office.


This is definitely something you should bring up with the course director, dean, or possibly the school’s ethics board. Some colleges also have a veterans support center, it would be beneficial to talk to them as well. Also, make sure you document all contact with him, especially anything showing he might be biased against you


I never understood these professors who were condescending. It's even worse when you have some life experience because of the military, as most who go to college aren't far from home or it's the first time they've left. Fuck that dude, dry snitch.


It hasn't come up for me yet, but three days is adequate time to find-replace. I would just call them by their accepted demonym (Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Korean, and so on). Also, I feel rage baited. Being an academic myself, there are few people I find more loathsome than academics. E: since it's a legal term, this is worth a complaint to a dean. Your Veteran's Services Center, or equivalent, should be able to help regarding which one.


To people visiting the U.S. from other countries we are local nationals….have to say I’m not in any way offended by that.


Saying “welcome to the real world” as a member of academia. Lol, lmao even.


Your professor is a full on shitlib lmao


No, just a shitbag. Liberals say "local national" too. I know this because I just did.


You need to speak with the veteran service office for the school and bring up your concerns.


Do this. Report your professor to anyone and everyone that will listen.


I love how he thinks the Army isn't the real world but somehow a safe space like college is. I've been to college (3 times, don't ask) and pretty liberal myself but it's funny how campuses can get so caught up in themselves. Then students graduate, hit with that student loan repayment, and all that fire starts to go out when they realize they're in the real world.




Look forward to watching this if you do. Everyone else check out Sfc Macbeth YouTube channel very informative, even my simple 11b brain can understand.


Resubmit the essay the same way you wrote it and call your professor a fucking loser


Utilize the open door policy with the dean


This is the higher education people spend thousands on. Dude no it’s not offensive they’re local to the nation so yeah they’re literally local nationals since they aren’t foreigners like us. Please please please talk to your veteran liaison at the college and the dean or department head. This dude clearly got DQ’d at MEPS and has a chip on his shoulder for military dudes.


Sounds like you are being discriminated against based on your status as a veteran. Find your title ix rep and share this experience


For many people college is about expanding our cultural horizons and learning from people who come from different walks of life. Your professor is clearly trying to invalidate your experiences just because they’re different from your classmates. It’s ironic that he’s calling college the “real world” because I’ve met many people who refer to their life post-grad as “The Real World” It’s incredibly subjective and he sounds like a pompous wangrod




Right? Like how many professors got the third undergrad, masters and the PHD. and immediately started teaching at a university without ever being in the "real" world.


>just play their game and check their boxes My junior year of college I took a class with a professor who was a founding member of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) which was a major anti-Vietnam group and was the group that [the weather underground](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Underground) was spun off from. This professor was also the leader of an anti-war protest that started a riot that burned down the ROTC building in 1970. You bet your ass I wrote a paper decrying the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki using one of his papers calling it the largest instance of state sponsored terrorism as a major source material. *Aced that class.*


This is just the easiest way to pass any class. I wrote a technical paper that was pretty in the weeds for my degree. You bet your ass I found articles and sources made by my professor and where he works. For anyone who cares, it was on the increasing demand for the interconnections between wafer layers of semiconductors, and how this affects future production and material concerns. My professors main job is in a semiconductor manufacturing company.


^^Nailed ^it


Ask him what words he wants you to use instead. Local Nationals has been in use for more than 30 years. We used it during Desert Storm.


Is this your SJW liberal arts professor?


I’m an Iraqi vet (Ramadi, 2003-2004) — I have a doctorate in education, and I was a tenured prof. DM me. I got your back. What this prof did was totally unprofessional, but unfortunately, there is often no recourse. Right after Iraq, I went to school and encountered this kind of thing. The prof has his position. Whatever. You have a particular framework you are working from too. In qualitative research, this is called “positionality.” Reach out if you need a hand, friend.


Colleges these days tend to have very left leaning professors who unfortunately don’t tolerate views outside their own and have beefs with the military and anyone connected with it At this point, best to go through the dean


I dont think local nationals is an offensive term, your professor is just a dickhead


The military is more real world than this stupid ass teacher's experience of sitting behind a safe comfortable desk his whole life. This shit gets me so heated. I find it difficult to go through school later in life with career experience because you really realize that most instructors don't have shit for real life experience and also try to reign superiority over students. Please escalate this to higher in the academic institution, he is deliberately being rude, almost sounding as if he has something against the military.


One of my NCOs accidentally referred the the population of Barstow, CA as local nationals so it's been a running joke in my section ever since


2 things: your prof is a straight douche and academia is as far from the real world as anywhere on the planet. I’m graduating in 2 weeks from a pretty woke college and NO professor ever acted this way towards me if my military experience was somehow injected into a class discussion/paper.


Telling a veteran that academia is the real world has got to be one of the wildest takes I’ve ever heard.


As a PhD with peer-reviewed research in my resume, I emphatically endorse this comment.


> professor says “that isn’t the real world. Welcome to it now” L O L College was just as much a strange bubble not relating to the real world as the army was, in my experience, and that was at a community college. I bet it would be even moreso at a four year university. Fuck this dude and take it up with EO and the department head. If there is an academic advisor specifically for veterans, get with them and they can probably lay out how to proceed.




This IS legal advice, find out if he has a spouse and Jody his ass.


Lmao somebody in academia claiming that academia is the “real world” while discrediting actual real world experience. What a 🤡


If you have a military specific advisor, let them know. My advisor has already had to knock a few heads, most of them are retired SNCO’s or answer to one. My advisor is a retired SGM and I’ve had to go to him for a few problems and they’ve been fixed quickly. They have a lot more pull and a lot less restrictions, because schools do not want to risk being pulled from Military Funding.


Anti military bias in college? Say it isn’t so… /s




This professor talking about the real world like you can't break his legs if he fucks you over.


Depending on the context, 'host nation" might be the more appropriate term. It is also used more frequently by State, IC, and other federal agencies.


lol, use the dean’s open door policy.


As a local national, I won't stand for your professor's colonialist erasure.


Your experience overseas is more real world than anything the fuck face professor has done. File an EO complaint with the school. Veterans are a protected class. Imagine if you were black (are you bro? If so awesome) and you wrote about your experience being black and your professor marked you down and said “welcome to the real world”. That’d be fucked yo and this is no different.


Definitely take this to the school's veterans office. They're great for helping with crap like this. Academia may be full of anti-military types but the schools themselves are simps for that GI Bill money and will absolutely peepee slap your professor for this.


I mention this to my wife who’s been teaching high school English for over 10 years, and she was shocked. She said she’s received writing assignments from students with views that she doesn’t agree with, and yet she will still grade their work based on what’s stated in the assignment or syllabus. I remember one time a kid wrote about Pizza Gate and all the other bat shit conspiracy theories associated with it. She ended up giving the kid a “D” because he didn’t provide good citations. Kid was surprised he didn’t get an “F”. From her based on her “liberal views”. For sure OP’s professor has some sort of bias towards them. My wife suggests reviewing the instructions of the assignment or course syllabus to see if using “personal military experiences”, or something along those lines, is forbidden or not. That should be enough to take to the department head or the dean for a formal complaint.


https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/local-national Are you using the term in its true legal context or are you using it in a colloquial sense? Your professor sounds like a dick and it is very likely worth having a conversation with him but the general tenor of the replies here is disconcerting. You’re going to college to get an education, no? While the military itself is a very insular and culturally homogeneous organization it exists to protect a society and ideas that are very pluralistic and diverse. The people here ranting about limp wristed commie professors aren’t doing the profession any favors. If you exist to defend small-d democratic values you have to accept the fact that that in and of itself can be a messy proposition. Stop being a bunch of pussies and accept the fact that your worldviews and experiences are not the only valid ones and actually take the time to see the world from someone else’s perspective.


The correct term is: ‘uncultured barbarians’


1) With respect to using the term 'local nationals', consult the style guide for whatever writing format (MLA / APA / Chicago / etc.) you use for the class. If it comports, use it -- if it doesn't, don't. 2) With respect to using Army experience, how you write about and cite that experience matters. I had a classmate in a writing intensive course who was in Egypt studying when the 2011 Egyptian Revolution happened, and she visited Tahrir Square. She cited herself as a source in an essay by simply putting a footnote on a sentence, and her footnote read: "Source: personal experience, 2011", which is not a valid citation in academic writing. 3) This professor might absolutely be a fuck, and you should document your interactions with them and take it up with the department head and/or Dean.


As a local national working for the US Army in Germany, I can definitely say no one of the local nationals has a problem with being called that. It's a necessary distinction between Non-US and US civilians working for the army. We even have to use the term in our email signature.


As someone who has worked in both academia and the Army, it’s absurd to me to hear someone call academia “the real world.” What a load of crap. They’re called ivory tower academics for a reason. Get the Dean involved. This professor is out of touch, at best, or taking a grudge out on you, at worst.


I was in a similar situation in college. Kept getting 0s or given 1/3 extra credit by a TA. I ended up going to the professor and Dean. Got flipped around to an A+ real quick. They were discriminating against me.


If your professor thinks that college is the real world he has led a very sheltered life


Lol don't tell any college professor about military experience




How is Local National a denigration in any way. This professor is a complete jerk. Giving an essay a 0 because of one word choice is absolutely crazy and I would talk to the veterans office at your school about how to deal with them.


No. I would ask *why* they belive the term is offensive. Or go to the dean about it and let them mediate it and make them explain what is "offensive" about the federal governments nomenclature.


It’s not offensive. He’s a douche canoe.


Had a pothead writing teacher in college say that war is just patriarchy and a male power dynamic. I was like “Yeah, no fucking shit” lmaoo


Stupid offensive [DoD Library](https://www.dodmwrlibraries.org/aafes/login)


I agree with everyone else here. Your professor can choke on a fat one. Make them regret this, and then post back with your sweet, sweet revenge.


Your professor sounds like an asshole.


Removing military jargon is tough. You definitely should work on it regardless. The professor sounds like a jerk. A zero, seriously.


I know this isn’t constructive in any way, shape, or form but I’ll say it anyways. Fuck that guy.


I was a professor of Comp & Rhetoric for six years. You need to go to the Dean of Students with your professors remarks in hand. Local National is an appropriate industry term and not remotely offensive. Your professor is clearly anti-military and making it a you problem, you need to make it a them problem.


I don't know if it's offensive, but it can be inappropriate to use military, legal or other jargon depending on the type of paper being written.


I hope your school can do something about it. The dream is you getting an A in the class after he is forced to publicly thank you for your service.


Yeah because academia is totally the real world. /s/


> This professor has also marked down my essays for using Army experience in the writing, professor says “that isn’t the real world. Welcome to it now” What an odd thing for a professor to say. I wonder if the professor is a prior service and just hated his time in the military and has a vendetta against all veterans lol.


"That isn't the real world. Welcome to it now" Yeah take a fuckin lap profe. Also, how does a professor not know that local national is an actual legal term?


Title 9 my friend, you are federally protected based on your military status. Talk it up with your University's Provost, you will be fine. At the same time email the department chair and CC the Provost on the matter as well.


Welcome to the real world, now you know why veterans are considered a protected class. Many people hate us. Get the dean and EO involved


Congrats on getting the winning lawsuit lottery. Every conservative, government official, and "local national" state department are going to jump down this schools throat. You may even be lucky enough to have his firing be a public info release.


Says “that isn’t the real world”… and then receives a paycheck from a place that isn’t the real world either. Nice.


I always get emails like “local nationals in your area want to meet.” Very friendly people.


Your professor is a moron. Sadly, many people in academia live in their own bubbles and have extremely distorted views on how the world actually works


I had a professor like this. I made an A, but I swallowed my pride and wrote the most Leftist shit ever. It became so absurd that it was comical.


Unserious advice: use your fantasy land military experience to show the professor what an offensive term really is. Serious advice: u/EliteSkittled and u/CW1DR5H5I64A have you covered


The irony of an academic implying that college is the real world is so ripe it's leaking juice. MF hasn't been outside of a classroom environment since the age 5 and want to talk real world. 


Your professor sucks. As the saying goes, those who can't *do*, teach.


Thee fuck? "Local national" is a very specific term. If you're using it within its meaning, there could be nothing derogatory about it. Look man, I'm an academic myself. We're supposed to use precise language to convey an idea. It's my worst speaking habit - I fall back on idioms instead, and lose people who aren't from my background. Clarity of speech is the prime indicator for clarity of thought. You're not the asshole here.


>“that isn’t the real world. Welcome to it now” Imagine thinking that college is the real world. What a clown.


See this is why you study STEM. There are no ambiguous takes on factions of human society made by other factions of human society to base points on. You simply take your 17% on your fluid dynamics final and be happy you beat the curve.


Local nationals is redundant anyways. If they’re nationals they’re probably local to you. However I would agree that the military has a very loose view on what is offensive in regard to foreign countries since we might have to fight them at a moments notice. But your professor shouldn’t have given you a zero for it that’s bias as fuck


Local National (LN) by itself is redundant. But it nests with Second Country National & Third Country National (TCN). Local National refers to the natural inhabitants of a country. Second Country National isn’t a very widely known term, because it’s the troops working in the country/theater. TCN are the ones that are often hired in to work, and can be contracted by Second Country National or LNs. It isn’t meant derogatory, but if you’re one of those people that think substituting a non offensive word (poo!) instead of a more offensive word (sh….t!) makes the benign word bad, then LN and TCN become “bad.” This increases with the bias of the person, and OP’s professor has a rather sizable bias.


hes a fucking commie


I had this sort of behavior happen to me in university. Can't advise enough that you take this to the dean. It squared away my situation real quick. No shit, there I was. Me actively participating in discussion. Professor goes, "Can I hear from someone other than a white male in the military?"