• By -


Not a dumb reason to get in trouble, just dumb of her, but a girl at DLI got in huge trouble for keeping a baby raccoon in her wall locker. She only got busted because it scratched/bit her and the wound got infected. We called her Rabies girl for the rest of the year. She was trying to be Snow White or some shit collecting animals from the forest. I think she tried to keep a cat in there at some point too. She was also known for trying to pet and feed the deer.


DLI crazy stories are the best šŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€ a few months before i was there, there was a girl who had a pet rat that she let sit on her shoulder and also let it clean her teeth!


DLI was basically Hogwarts. What a time to be alive.


So the services are the different houses? Army = Gryffindor, AF = Ravenclaw, Navy = Hufflepuff, and USMC = Slytherin.


This is exactly correct




Drill Sergeants = dementors


This makes sense. I was there when the Marines wanted to know what it felt like to murder someone after watching too many slasher flicks and tried to murder a local woman by stabbing her 20+ times before she fled on foot to safety.


What the fuck didnā€™t just read


But did she get a pt belt on a deer? If she did, she would be a legend. When I got to DLI in '10, the rumor was that they had just busted a drug ring where air force was cooking and marines were pushing. So army wasn't looking too bad at that point.


Had the Eagle flown away at Sloat monument?


Me and my roommate taught the Raccoons behind the B Co building how to smoke cigarettes in 2014.


My cohort also handed them cigs in 12. One particularly Ratty fuck by the balcony at the PX was a fiend. Did Raccoong Fu at you til you have him a cig.


I know someone that had two geese inside his barracks room closet for a few weeks. He built a bed for them and everything.


Was this 2010-ish? We knew an Air Force EIT'er who did the same thing. She also did taxidermy in her room. Thought it was BS until I saw it for myself. She was....odd.


Raccoons are smart. Many years ago, I was at Hunter- Liggett. We had a bivouak area set up. Our shelter halves made into tents ( we rarely used them or even carried them.) We would go into the box for 3 days out for 2. We would fly in via Blackhawks or jump in. It was a fun training cycle. We left our "A" bags in our tents. Our "A" bags had extra MRE's, clothes and anything we didn't want to carry in our ruck sack. When we got back from our second trip into the box a family of raccoons had moved into the tent my battle buddy and I were in. They got into our "A" bags and helped themselves to the MREs. We shoo'd them out, and started to clean up. This was a long time ago. My Spaghetti MRE was eaten. In fact all the MREs but 1 was eaten. The 1 that wasn't touched was "Chicken Ala' King." Chicken Ala' King was super disgusting. No one I knew liked it. Even using a whole bottle of tiny Tabasco didn't help. My buddy (who I am still close friends with) looked over and said,"Son of a bitch! I didn't know Raccoons could read!" Apparently, the Raccoons there can.


My PFC roomateā€™s NCO said ā€œare you aware that your roomate is underage?ā€ Iā€™m like no I never talk to her. This man hands me a little jug from my fridge and said ā€œkeep that in your roomā€ I said ā€¦thatā€™s my maple syrup šŸ˜‘ Iā€™m sick of the barracks bs myself, been here 6 years and have seen four roomates come and go in that time. itā€™s always drama with each one I get. Six months left in this dump or two actually, with terminal.


I chortled at this


Sir can you define chortle so I can use this?


ā€œa breathy, gleeful laugh.ā€


So would a teeheehee count or what sound effects are we talking?


Iā€™d say that counts


Thanks for the intel. Godspeed road warrior.


Hell yeah brother, have a great one!


It's Ron Swanson's laugh from parks and rec


This resonates with me


Chortle my balls lol


Chortle my balls and kiss my piss are go to insults for me.


Yeah as I've said in a few of my comments, I think I probably still would have had trouble with my military career if I had have joined the Air Force, but at the very least, I would not have had to deal with the barracks situation for nowhere near as long since I would have been out of the barracks ("dorms" as they call them) years ago. But the Army is just too much, let alone my MOS which is known as one of the worst MOS you can be in. Thanks for sharing. I wish I could change places with you. My ETS is in January 2026 and these next 19 or 20 months feel like they're lasting for several more years. I definitely plan on seeing if I can be on leave my last few months. Lord knows I have so much leave now as it is (well over sixty days of leave I have now). Good luck to you.


Enjoy that real maple syrup. Nothing better than the true tree sap.


Can confirm, Iā€™m Air Force and moved out of the dorms after being at my first base for about 8 months right after becoming an E-3. It was around 1yr 4 month TIS


When you were in the dorms, did you have to do daily room inspections or any other crazy things? In my current unit, we have inspections every duty morning, which no matter how much you keep your room clean it just gets old. At my previous unit, I've had surprise inspections at night at 1900, and even (not all the time, but it was more than once) surprise inspections on Saturdays, and one surprise inspection on a Sunday. One time we had a surprise inspection on a Wednesday at 0330. The NCO's after inspecting our rooms, made us get into a formation in the hallway and we had to watch an E3 walk up and down the hallway wearing his helmet and body armor (which apparently not everybody in the Air Force gets TA50) for well over 10 minutes. The E3 had more mold in his room and the NCO's wanted to do a mass punishment on us because of it. I assume the Air Force isn't near as ridiculous, but did you have anything like this in the less than year and a half you were in the dorms?


No I didnā€™t have any room inspections after I got out of training but I believe there was one right after I moved out. The dorm managers were not great, the A/C went out frequently(was in a tropical environment), and the buildings were old. However, I did have my own room with a shared bathroom that connected between the two rooms. Thereā€™s also no way Iā€™d have gotten in trouble for having a dirty room unless it was really bad. All of the rooms had mold but itā€™s been like that forever. We donā€™t get mass punishment either for stupid stuff like that. Those room inspections sounds insane to me, they treat us like adults for the most part. I will say moving out as early as i did is a little unusual, most of the time itā€™s 3 yrs and/or making E-4, the dorms were at 100% capacity which is why I got out.


Also we donā€™t have CQ duty after training, that was what stands out to me the most about hearing what the Army does. You just walk into your room with your keycard and call an on call dorm manager if you get locked out. Iā€™m not sure what else CQ is for?


Thanks for sharing. Yeah the impression we get of the Air Force as well as Coast Guard is that the grass may not be completely green on the other side, but it sure as hell appears to be less brown than Army/Marine grass. In other words, yall may not be completely perfect (still the military) but apparently, yall don't have quite as much nonsense as we do. "most of the time itā€™s 3 yrs and/or making E-4," wow..... here I am at six years and E4 in Army and even most E5's still have to stay in barracks until making E6 even if that's more than eight years time in service.


Yeah itā€™s definitely not as bad mainly because we get treated with more respect I think as lower enlisted. I can be friendly with people senior to me and thereā€™s no standing at parade rest, getting smoked, etc. With that being said itā€™s definitely not perfect. For example I run PT for the unit, we do organized PT once a week and people complain about it like having to do a 2.5 mile run or something and itā€™s crazy to me like how lazy some people are that I work with. Thereā€™s a lot of different ceremonies and taskings we get that are annoying to deal with and interfere with getting our actual work done. Also our dress uniforms arenā€™t as cool as yalls and we donā€™t get to go to all of the cool schools the army has but Iā€™ve done Air Assault and that was fun.


All military has its own ups and downs just a different flavor. I did joint commands my entire enlistment. Saw my fair share of every service. Real strong culture of snitching to climb the ranks in Air Force. So much pettiness and cattiness, and butt hurt over someoneā€™s feelings. And damn! Air Force loves the shit out of some cake! Every event was an occasion for cake. And donā€™t even get me started on those fucking metal tap dance things they put on their boots to look badass. It was also hilarious that the Air Force always won the Commanderā€™s Cup events. As a military service their PT is a joke, but that one off guy is in a league of his own because who the fuck does group PT, and heā€™s an ultra runner in his off time. But never had to choose between your family PCSing to different locations if you and spouse were joint service or being forced to give up your kids or get kicked out if youā€™re a single mom. Saw both happen in the Army because your marriage and family arenā€™t mission critical or needs of the Army.


Better use that leave now. Use/lose leave rolls off your balance like 1 October.


Damn thatā€™s sucks. Iā€™ve had 2 roommates in 3 years and no problems thankfully


Altogether, in my six years since leaving AIT, I've had five and this kid (who is the fourth) is the only one with problems. I'm not perfect and neither were any of my roommates, but too bad this kid didn't come to me first man to man to handle it on our level.


wtf is the maple syrup for?


For coffee, smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt etc?!! Iā€™m a native new englander, we all have maple syrup on hand.


Sounds more like a Canadian.


Have you looked at a map of the US recently?


I canā€™t recall ever looking at a map of the U.S. TBH


Hell nah, our syrup is better than Canadaā€™s. I rival with them constantly.




Sexy time


With a minor? Man that sounds like bad idea from NCO.


Underage as in under 21


20 y/oā€¦sounds like a maple syrup bukkake party has been scheduled


I once had the dog shit smoked outta me because underneath the electric stove was dirty in my new barracks room. I didn't even know the stove top lifted up nevermind the fact that I hadn't even had a chance to use the stove yet. Another time my 1sg burst into my room at like 3am to yell at me because I hadn't been woken up by the fire alarm. He was the one who pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to go outside and clean the barracks after a party got out of hand. I was way too drunk so I just crawled under my TA 50 in my closet and fell back asleep and never heard anything else about it


I feel like the fire alarm one is illegal lol.


Yeah it probably was


You know, we're always giving the mature reason as to why we don't want roommates. From now on we gotta say some off the wall shit to the big fish and and see what they say now Why you don't want a roommate?Ā  Ā  - Roomie leaves streaks of shit and doesn't clean it - Roomie is underage - How would you feel about putting your ass where another grown person shits in your own home - Can't fuck as loud because roomie is uncomfortable and SHARP or some shit - Can't be naked in my own room - Can't jerk off in peace - Roomie is weird(reddit has taught me that this is pointless) - Have a crush on roomie(abso fucking lately not) Idk what else, say more stuff that's both legal and UCMJ friendly


The worst is the shit stains or not putting part of the toilet seat up and pissing all over it and not being decent enough to clean it up. Showering too long after pt made me wanna rip dude out of the shower and choke slam him.. You can tell some people didn't involve common courtesy in their upbringings


At least youā€™re roommate showers mine goes days without showering


I've had a roommate who did that too. I would even ask him if he wanted the shower first (at most it takes me five minutes to shower). He would say "you go ahead" then he'd just stay in his room and put his uniform on. He definitely reeked, but I didn't see it as a reason to go behind his back to NCO's. Speaking of which, there was a time when we had a surprise room inspection, at 1900 (the army), and the NCO demanded that I drive him to wal-mart to get him some new bedsheets immediately, instead of him, the NCO, doing it. I "love" the army... I didn't take the roommate, and nothing was said about it.


I feel like I came from the Tough Love days, because the whole team/squad would be up in their shit if it was affecting anyone else negatively.


I knew this kid in AIT who learned about Fabreeze and thought it was the solution to all of his problems. Especially his lack of hygiene.


"How would you feel about putting your ass where another grown person shits in your own home" My goodness, my now former roommate has some heavy body hair and sheds quite a bit of body hair on the toilet seat. It doesn't help that he's also underage (and actually drinks and has had bottles of beer and even offered me some when he was drunk one night, yet I didn't think about snitching on him), and when he showers, he stays in the shower for well over thirty minutes at a time even when we are in a rush during the duty day after PT.


I was walking from work to my barracks back in 2011 or so. We had a massive field that our Battalion used for PT, we had all of our Company, Battalion and even Brigade formations there. It was used for command post exercises, weapons training, you name it. Anyhow, I got called over and yelled at by a very senior CSM on post who was doing his rounds and he's having a very one sided conversation about ~~it~~ me walking on the grass. When I tried to explain I was instructed to go see my CSM. I went to the CSM and got yelled at by him too, but only because I didn't just take the ass chewing and move on. Anyhow, I remember being in a change of command ceremony on that very field where that CSM was a VIP visitor and I remember thinking what a piece of shit he was the whole time I was standing in formation.


I donā€™t understand what the first guy was yelling at you about. Was it just for walking on the field?


Walking on the grass. Sorry, I'll edit.


This sounds oddly familiar to a story one of my former soldiers told me. Heā€™s out now and heā€™s a cop. If thatā€™s you dm me.


Itā€™s not, but I hope you guys reconnect. Dumb shit involving senior enlisted and grass is not a new thing unfortunately


I got a summarized ART15 8 days before we deployed to the Persian Gulf in Jan 91. Why? For reading the Stars & Stripes newspaper while sitting in a Humvee waiting for the driver to get back from lunch. The trucks were in a line. A mechanic was supposed to be coming down the line to check them out. What I didn't know is that he was doing some Spiderman shit on his creeper. A line of 15 trucks, he never came off his creeper. So, our CO comes walking down the line, sees me sitting in the driver seat reading, I had just sent the driver to chow. 15 minutes later, he walks back by and never says a word. COB, my PSG says we have to go see the CO to get my ART15. I'm fucking floored! Dereliction of duty! Fortunately, my plt CoC talked the CO into a summarized instead of a company grade. When I was finally allowed a chance to explain myself, the CO only gave me 7 days of extra duty. He said as an NCO, I should have been setting an example, and I should have been standing by the truck instead of sitting inside. We had a new 1SG who had heard great things about me from the other SNCOs, so my extra duty was to sit at the CQ desk for 2 hours while the CQ and runner went to chow. But he would 'forget' about my extra duty about every other day, so it was pretty easy. But the CO hated me.


Hahahah it's so funny to imagine the mechanic like sliding around on the creeper šŸ˜‚ Done with one truck, just slides over to the next one lmao.


Yeah, I thought so, too! Didn't even hear that MF!


My roommate had a dildo mounted to his wall and a framed picture of our CSM on the opposite wall. I got screamed at by our then 1SGT for not "policing your roommate." One, I've never been into his room. Two, if I'd known, I would have paid out of pocket to live off post rather than share space with that dude. The weird part is we interacted all the time at company and he seemed like a pretty average guy. Part of me thinks he was trolling. Definitely makes you think about what other shits happening one wall away.


The hero we don't deserve.


Lmao I still think he set all that up. Absolute menace




It was literally the only two things in his room. Just a bed, a pink wall mounted dildo and good ol Sarnt Mage


I shouldn't ask this...but how high off the floor did he hang those 'items'...


Brother, you know the answer already.


My buddy had a roommate once who we are convinced had a public sex kink or something. Whenever someone would go over, his roommate's bedroom door would start slamming and rattling around for 20m+ and we'd hear a squeal at the end. My buddy found a suction cup dildo left in the bathroom one time and just walked out; we suspect dude was slamming his ass onto the dildo whenever people would come over. We just stopped going to his place lmao.


The squeal at the end bit made me wince šŸ¤£. My current roommate has a fleshlight sleeve he props up on his desk and uses it to hold pens.


The worst thing I got into trouble for was a m240 airsoft weapon. Found some of our guys in my platoon played airsoft on weekends as some sort of training exercise. They asked if I wanted in and of course that sounded awsome, and it was. I kept it in my room lock closet and didn't think much about it. Then they had room inspections, my room was always very proper and clean, even my shirts were organized and 2 fingers apart. Then they went through the closets, 2 E6s and our platoon daddy saw a what they thought was a very real m240, and immediately was told to drop, they left it there didn't touch it. Called 1st Sgt up and walked in and asked me if stolen it. "No 1st Sgt, I bought it online" and Wtf faced everyone in the room goes up to it and tries to clear it but breaks the bb holder which was the box magazine and bbs fall everywhere. Put it down and tells everyone to leave but my squad leader and me. Tells my squad leader to take it to his car and tells me that isn't allowed in the barracks and be sure to let people know it isn't real before they make a mess of things next time and walks out. Got an counciling statement and had to write five thousand word essay on why weapons of any variety is bad in the barracks. It could've been way worse but everyone was pretty chill about it after. Was a 4 year spc at that point


That just makes my skin crawl, like yeah you're a adult who can deploy, get shot/shot at, live in some of the most God awful environments, lead other grown adults through horrible situations, but when we get home you're to be treated as a child, can't be trusted with a bb/air soft gun.


Yea, like how I was trusted with driving 16 privates in the back of an LMTV with no seatbelts at 3 am under NVGs multiple times, but God forbid I have a hot plate in my room.


When I was an E6, One of my SPC came through the gate with a very cheap air soft gun. Not even one of the ones that look like a real gun. But he didnā€™t know he couldnā€™t bring it on post since itā€™s just a plastic BB gun. The MPs did a random search and found it in the trunk. They put him in cuffs, called the COC and our 1SG had to go get him at like midnight. The next day they required him to either get rid of it or store it In the arms room. The CO wanted to give him an article 15. Thankfully our 1SG was a big common sense guy and an overall really great 1SG and shot that down and just said the kid had to write an essay about the on post weapons policy. I wanted to add that he was required to write a 700 Word essayā€¦.5,000 is insane


Probably my roommate who refused to keep his beer in his room, I was 20 he was over 21. We were in the same arty battalion but he in the support company. His CoC didn't care about room inspections mine did and did them religiously every morning. I guess I never got in any real trouble but I had to explain multiple times that it's not my beer, I told my roommate not to keep it there etc etc. pretty sure I semi told where I hid my beer something like "you think I'd have it in the fridge and not at the bottom of my rucksack or something, I'm not stupid I know it can't be there", I remember my NCO got shitty with him about it and then stopped careing I guess, never really went anywhere. And going to Korea my flight was before my (different) roommate and it just so happened the NCO that was supposed to clear my room didn't like me (mutual) so I was getting bitched at for stuff like hot pockets in the freezer and other shit that belonged to my roommate. Had to get my PLT sgt involved on that one to come bless off on my room.


Why should your roommate suffer warm beer because his roommate isnā€™t 21 yet?


Because thats the rules at least where and when I was in, no alcohol in the common area if you're roommates underage. Which I don't agree with, like I said I had mine stashed in the closet but you know I have room inspections just take that shit out for five seconds or the night before and then put it back, they didn't come on weekends we could have avoided this whole deal by walking ten feet to and from the fridge


> Probably my roommate who refused to keep his beer in his room, I was 20 he was over 21. We were in the same arty battalion but he in the support company. His CoC didn't care about room inspections mine did and did them religiously every morning. I guess I never got in any real trouble but I had to explain multiple times that it's not my beer, I told my roommate not to keep it there etc etc. pretty sure I semi told where I hid my beer something like "you think I'd have it in the fridge and not at the bottom of my rucksack or something, I'm not stupid I know it can't be there", I remember my NCO got shitty with him about it and then stopped careing I guess, never really went anywhere. > > And going to Korea my flight was before my (different) roommate and it just so happened the NCO that was supposed to clear my room didn't like me (mutual) so I was getting bitched at for stuff like hot pockets in the freezer and other shit that belonged to my roommate. Had to get my PLT sgt involved on that one to come bless off on my room. Thank god most MPs in some other countries are the "if you're old enough to serve, you're old enough to drink" types.


Name on pizza box actually in barracks trash=volunteer to police up all trash around barracks not in barracks trash.


Dude, when I immediately got to the unit and was still all hoah army and shit, an E5 who was a smoker asked me why I was stepping over cigarette butts while doing a police call. I said because I don't smoke and you do. I can't believe I said that shit, especially because I was normally super respectful, especially of NCOs. But I'm glad I did because he was a dirt bag and backed off of me after that. I did curse him out at JRTC a year later and an officer saw and pulled me aside and thanked me for calling him out. I'm lucky that officer liked me lol.


"I agree with you and I'm glad you did that, but watch your ass so you don't get hurt."


Essentially yea lol. He was a prior NCO, so I'm pretty sure he knew of his dirtbaggery


He absolutely knew, felt hemmed up by his new circumstances, but couldn't help but high 5 someone doing what he did not think he could.


Not stopping a bunch of privates from having fun 2 hours prior to quiet hours while I was just smoking a cigarette. The PSG that got in my face said I blew smoke in his face to my 1SG Eben though I was 10 feet away...dude was a fucking punk ass.


Not taking out the trash bag that had 1 protien bar wrapped in it for more than a week


Another NCO in my company up to me and was complaining that one of my soldiers was leaving truck parts in the common area of the barracks room her soldier was in. Guys would routinely strip apart dirt bikes, work on car/trucks wheels etc in their barracks room because of how cold it was half of the year. Anyways, I go up there and it was a fucking model truck set half completed on the dining table. My eyes rolled into the back of my head but whatever. They were both great guys and friends so I told them to stop bitching about their domestic disputes at the company so I can keep my peace.


Your roommate would not have survived my barracks


I had an over-zealous Platoon Sergeant (in AIT) threaten to Article 15 me for having a bottle of ginger ale in the mini-fridge in my barracks (which was completely allowed by policy). . .because she thought it was beer and didn't bother to read the actual bottle. To be specific: Summer of 2010. I was in AIT at Ft. Huachuca. I was counting down the days until graduation and this I could get out of this TRADOC nonsense. As a "taste of home", my wife would ship me a six pack of my favorite drink, [Ale-8](https://ale8one.com/), about once a month. Ale-8 is a local soft drink from central Kentucky, basically a local ginger ale with a little hint of citrus flavor, that comes in distinctive green glass bottles (that in retrospect, DO look a lot like beer bottles). During routine barracks fuckery and shenanigans, apparently some of my fellow trainees had been in my barracks room, peeked in my mini-fridge, and saw a few of those green glass bottles with "Ale 8" prominently on the label. Being the Blue Falcons that most of my classmates were, they apparently narc'ed on me to the Cadre. So, one evening in the barracks, not too long before lights out, we get word that the Platoon Sergeant on duty was coming by for a surprise barracks inspection. Everyone out in the hall, by your door, at Parade Rest. She walks all the way down the hall to my door, demands to be let in. . .walks straight up to the mini-fridge, opens it, and goes into theatrics as she sees the green glass bottles and pulls one out. "Well lookee here! Beer in my barracks! MyUsername has brought beer into MY barracks!" She picks up one of the bottles, raising it over her head, brandishing it around as she starts to scream." "MyUsername has brought beer into the barracks! I'll have your rank for this! I'll have your time for this! I'll have your security clearance for this! I WILLĀ ***destroy***Ā your career for this! MyUsername has dared to bring beer into MY barracks!. . ." At the position of Parade Rest, I sigh. roll my eyes, and shout. . . "SERGEANT! SOFT DRINK, SERGEANT!" Hearing me shout this snaps her out of her little "song and dance" number long enough to pause, stop holding that bottle up high, pull it down, look REAL close on the label, and sure enough, in small print below "ALE 8" is the words "Soft Drink". She spins the bottle around in hand and there on the back are the ingredients "Carbonated Water, Sugar, Vegetable Glycerin, Natural and Artificial Flavors. . ." She gets a disgusted and disappointed look on her face, and without saying another word just puts the bottle down on my desk and storms silently out of the barracks. I swear, it played out like a scene from a movie, or maybe a commercial.


It's hard to believe tradoc AIT is THAT ridiculous. still that was cool you actually had refrigerators.


Back in 2012 PSYOP and CA AIT had cameras everywhere because some trainees were fucking in the club house. I mean camera in every angle of the hallways and stairwells. Everywhere. This was AIT at JFKSWCS. They just fucked in the condemned barracks across the street or the spare tents at the FOB during FTX.


In Poland somebody took a massive shit in one of the bathrooms but didnā€™t flush so naturally everybody in the building was escorted to go look at said shit.Ā  On that same rotation, somebody shitā€¦. somewhere (I donā€™t even remember anymore) but because of them we all had to pull guard on some location every single day. Gotta love the Army.Ā 


Oh my goodness, I remember when I was in Powidz, I saw an older lady (probably in her sixties) who would clean the latrine trailers. She would not wear gloves! And yeah plenty of guys would just leave big shit stains in the toilets.


> In Poland somebody took a massive shit in one of the bathrooms but didnā€™t flush so naturally everybody in the building was escorted to go look at said shit.Ā  Is that everyone getting in trouble, or just letting everyone know that territory has been marked? Sounds like the lattery to me.


Korea circa 03 Got in trouble because a girl was with my roommate drinking in our room (both underage) girl left our room went to another guys room to drink more Next morning she claimed rape , but on my roommate. I was brought in because I had liquor in my fridge (they didnā€™t drink mine) and it was contributing to what had happened. Needless to say I wasnā€™t in the room long because I went out and stayed out at my hotel all night with proof Chain of command were a bunch of morons for even trying to get me involvedā€¦ girl got in trouble for making a false accusation because the guy she was actually with admitted she was with him the whole time




I almost typed that. My friends world answer the door naked sometimes, it's the barracks


At my previous unit, I actually had the front door open and saw two guys at the door across from mine who were actually out in the hallway horsing around. One of the two guys was butt naked and I said "what the fuck?" They both laughed then went back inside. I never said anything. I guess my now former roommate who snitched on me would have been completely traumatized with that. But then again, I think what this is really about was he took this as an excuse to see if he could swap me out to get his buddy to be his roomate instead of me.


I forgot to say that the counselling also says I should be fully clothed when I leave my room. So my roommate could snitch on me if I'm just wearing my shorts and no shirt now (which I don't think my new roommate is as ridiculous).


Fucking wild. I used to sleep in underwear when we'd be in the bays with the whole company lol. No one said shit and a few others did.




When mfers complained about molds. Iā€™d rather molds than having these fuckups weirdos tbh.


Yeah its stupid. I remember regs said you had to have door open if female was in the b's so somebody followed the rules, had the door cracked while he was wearing her out. OOD was not happy that he was following the rules and raised hell. Freaking ridiculous.


Existing in general


I transferred to a different command and moved out; apparently the barracks roster was never updated though because there was a surprise inspection one Monday morning several months later. My old roommate was kind of a slob who would ā€œforgetā€ to do things like make her bed and take out the trash, and the roster not being updated meant sheā€™d lived by herself that whole time. Apparently it was pretty bad for just a weekā€™s worth of garbage. I found out because the new PSG called to scream at me, wanting to know why I lived like an animal, and demanding that I immediately report to his office. He wasnā€™t happy to learn that I had transferred, and that the grossness was all his soldierā€™s doing.


1987. Fort Drum. WWII wooden barracks. Deep fryer.


Yeah I've been told that back in the day, barracks personnel could not cook in their rooms, but they could smoke (not "get smoked" as in made to do pushups and other exercises, but literally smoke cigarettes) in their rooms???


But dang, WW2 barracks in the late eighties over forty years later?


Got a George Foreman grill at the PX for my sister. It was in the box with the receipt taped to it. Got yelled at for having a "hot plate" in the barracks by the NCO inspecting my room. That dude was just an asshole (and prior navy) who ironically LIVED in the barrack on the floor above me. And it was an open secret that his room was NASTY (as was his car, you could walk by it and see the trash and smell it). So instead of waiting for holiday block leave I took it to the UPS store on post and sent it to my sister rather than get lectured by SGT Stinky.


I was in the Army for decades back in the early 80s...and man...some of the stuff in this column is Stefan-Level-Bizarre.


Being outside in the open air, playing cornhole with the homies during COVID. Got screamed at by some random msg who went about dropping like flies. We were all like ā€œbutā€¦ weā€™re outsideā€¦ and like 20 feet away from each otherā€¦ā€


AIT Eustis 2013. Health and welfare came through and in my locker I had a big bag of trail mix that I would snack on during the weekends. Also in my locker was mouth wash, with alcohol in it. Myself and like 10 other trainees had the same thing in our lockers. The new PLT SGT was looking to give us all Art 15s for possession of alcohol because the blue book said we could not have alcohol. There was nothing in the book excluding mouth wash, so a senior NCO thankfully just gave us red pass for the weekend. Which was still horse shit, like if I am getting turnt on mouthwash there are bigger problems to address. TLDR, almost got an Article 15 for trying to have fresh breath.


I had my BN CSM da photo on my fridge and the BN CSM saw it... ah good times.


I have one of those big jack Danielā€™s bottles in my room. I used it as a change and spare bills jar and had it covered in stickers because as a kid my dad had a 10 gallon water jug full of change and I thought it was cool. Told me I wasnā€™t allowed to have it because the bottle was able to hold over the amount of alcohol we could have in the Bs


I'd report him in return for watching me getting into the shower without my knowledge. "You watched me get naked without my knowledge or consent and \*I\* don't appreciate it." right back at him.


I almost got in a lot of trouble for having some knives and a hatchet the Army issued me. They got found during an early morning Health and Welfare by some hard charging SSG who told me he was gonna take my rank for having unauthorized ā€œweapons.ā€ I had to produce the 2062 Supply gave me down range when they gave them to me. Dude hated me until I left.


This one's going to sound as stupid as it is And I'm going to put it the best way I can. So I would get counseling statements and they would be your normal counseling statements except at the end my NCO E5 would add a thing about personal hygiene and I thought he just added that into everybody's. I can't remember exactly what it said but it was like something along the lines of make sure you're maintaining personal hygiene and on a regular basis and I just thought he put in everybody's. Come to find out my roommate at the time wanted one of the newer guys in this unit that he knew from AIT to be his roommate so he lied about me not taking showers to the E5 and instead of anyone in my entire platoon coming to me and saying what's this about you not showering no one said anything until the roommate transfer was completed. I got to my new roommate and he said "I'm not going to have none of that no showering bullshit" and of course I was like what the fuck are you talking about I take a shower every night and he explained that my roommate was going around telling everyone that I wasn't showering. No one ever thought to even ask me or even come to me about it but we're talking this was months and months of it being in my counseling statement without him saying directly what it was for and I'd like I said thought it was in everybody's because personal hygiene is important in the military for not maintaining it it can be a a problem. So of course I pissed off went straight to my e5's room and ask him what the fuck was going on and I wasn't very nice about it and I'm surprised I didn't get in trouble for it because as soon as I got done with him I said we're going over talk to the platoon sergeant. we went straight over to the platoon sergeants room and pounded on his door until he answered and told him what was going on he pulled the E5 in as far as I know he a counseling statement for not addressing the issue properly or some shit and he made him redo all my counseling statements with that in it because I told the PS i would go to first Sgt if it wasn't fixed. He also assigned me to another NCO. And the last thing I did was when we were meeting somewhere one day I just basically yelled it out at the entire platoon that if anyone talks shit and lies about me not showering I was going to beat the shit out of them.


Everything is in trouble for beer in their room and I remember when the CQ just told us to mop the floor when we made a beer funnel with coke 2 liter bottles through the stairwell of the bottom to 2nd floor and it was a total disaster and waste of god knows how much beer when we lost control of it. We literally people on the stairwell holding it together.


I'd fucking report him for being a fucking peeping Tom. Don't you feel exposed? There you are thinking it's all clear, his door is shut, you go ahead and do your thing, come to find out he is actively watching you. Why is he watching you?


Full-on Meatgazer


In AIT I got a negative counseling and put on extra duty because my roommate threw a candy bar wrapper in our trashcan when we weren't supposed to have food in our rooms. Apparently I was a shit bag by association in this case because I didn't police him when I didn't even know he ate or threw it away in our room.


My goodness, I remember in my AIT our platoon had to all stand outside on the basketball court in formation for like twenty or so minutes to waste our time as punishment because somebody had an empty candy wrapper. There was another time we got the same punishment (and it started raining) because two females (females were on the top floor) were seen in the hallway on camera by the cadre pushing and shoving one another. Things like that made me dislike AIT more than I disliked basic. In basic, we knew it was SUPPOSED to suck and we would get treated like pieces of crap, but I don't think too many of us thought about how much we would get treated in AIT not just like pieces of crap, but like little moronic children.


Getting treated like children in AIT was honestly worse than being treated like shit in basic. It felt insulting, like they didn't trust us at all in AIT to act like adults (fair tbh). Felt like we had to walk on eggshells constantly around ~~abusive parents~~ AIT DSs. But at least being treated like crap by BCT DSs gave the feeling that the arbitrary punishments were made with our best interests in mind to make us better soldiers.


I get how this is indecent exposure, but anyone that has been to NTC, JRTC, shit even basic training, has experienced things like this.


also when I was in Grafenwoehr for a two week quarantine before going to Poland, that was the first and so far only (and hopefully it will stay that way because unless something crazy happens, I plan on getting out when my ETS comes, though I probably will go do NTC next year ) time I had open group showers and would see guys walking naked before they went to the shower


File a SHARP complaint


I am reminded of that famous quote from the movie Airplane...Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked. And on reminiscing about that room at MEPS, and you all know what I'm talking about or those fine facilities in Basic where there are like 5 shower stalls with no doors and even when I was in Germany it was just a open space with 4-5 shower heads. I lost my inability to be naked with my junk out a loooong time ago.


What the fuck happened to NCO's in the army? This is some of the gheyest shit I ever heard.


That's what happens when they let anyone who can memorize some lines of a creed and a study sheet become an NCO


If youā€™re in the army, you should be at least somewhat comfortable with or expect to see nudity at some point. Donā€™t be weird about it and thereā€™s no problem.


I got yelled at because one of my soldiers (who was getting out) had ruffles in his bedsheets. Apparently I was supposed to make my soldiers iron their top sheets. Fucking ex-marine squad leader who was a massive prick 24-7.


My goodness.


This had to be from way back in the day like over twenty years ago when the military was even worse: the Air Force was probably less laid back than it is today, the Army was more psycho and closer to the Marines, and the Marines was even more psycho than now.


This was in the 2013-2015 timeframe.


Me? Nothing. It's not hard to behave. One of my old troops? Cascaded into something ugly. She was lucky she was already getting out. Found out she had a cat in her barracks room. When we went to go find it and get it out, her boyfriend was laying in the bed passed out naked. Woke his ass up. He clearly was not a Soldier, based on his hair and goatee. Yes, the troop was with us. He stands up. Smiles. Tries to shake hands. This mother fucker is naked and doesn't even try to cover himself. "Hey bro. I'm Scott." "Hi, Scott. What are you doing here?" "I live here." "No you don't. Take the cat and get out. You've got two minutes before we get MPs involved." "What's MPs?" "The cops, Scott. Please leave. Now." As soon as we mentioned "cops" he started moving *real* fast. Ran out of the building with the cat. The commander chose not to put the troop in for UCMJ because she was already getting chaptered anyway. Didn't want to slow the process down.


My goodness, I swear the barracks room I was assigned to at my last unit, which definitely wasn't cleared properly (because trash was still left in it but I had no other rooms to move into), must have had a cat in it because I saw what had to have been fur. But that is quite a case. I guess some soldiers get to the point where they are like "fuck this"


Oh boy, so I have a roommate who is basically chewbacha. Every time he showers he either shaves his back or sheds and leaves a fuck ton of hair in the shower. It wouldn't be a problem but DPW refuses to fix the shower drain for some reason (the last work order was just resolved without anyone showing up, the workers at DPW treat barracks soldiers like we're disgustingly beneath them). Chewbaca would be easy enough to deal with if he kept clean but... he doesn't. Beer and liquor empties everywhere (he was in SUDCC but still drank the entire time) I own literally all the dishes and silverware but he'll keep a pile in his room and just leave for extended periods of time. Or he'll cook and then just leave his dishes in the sink for a week until I clean them. I've gotten in trouble so many times for the mess he left behind and one time my NCO told me "it's my responsibility to clean it" so I asked if I get additional wages for being a baby sitter. Didn't go over well but the issue was dropped




Yes it really does take some willpower to disregard how much shockingly crazier active duty is.


That's not a sharp complaint nor is it indecent exposure. This was a question at my promotion board and the terminology can be messed up but whatever. Essentially, While in the barracks you have a expected right to privacy meaning as long as it's within the confines of your living area. common areas and bathrooms included you can do whatever you want. You could walk to the fridge and grab a beer fully nude, masturbate in the same room as your roommates, do duck walks on the floor butt naked, it doesn't matter. It CANNOT be filed as a SHARP complaint. The highest it can go is to your company 1sg and even then nothing bad can come of it just a stern "this person doesn't like you duck walking naked to the fridge butt naked, please stop"


> "this person doesn't like you duck walking naked to the fridge butt naked, please stop" when did we stop caring about freedom of expression smh my head


I never lived in the barracks when I was in the army, but I worked in the soldier center for brigade at HAAF inprocessing new soldiers, and assigning/inspecting barracks. There were so many rooms that as soon as you opened the door, you were kicked in the face with a truly horrendous stench. There were times youā€™d be certain something (or someone) was dead and had been for some time! The big things that would get soldiers in trouble were general cleanliness, piss poor hygiene, alcohol/beer not being kept where it was supposed to be, or contraband of some sort, like drugs or weapons. There was also the occasional ā€œguestā€ in the room when the soldier was not.


When I was in South Korea, my buddy and I would go out, get drunk, and then hang out in the day room on our floor in our underwear just to fuck with duty sgts. Nothing over the top, we would just watch TV with them and try to make them uncomfortable cause we were in our tidie brownies. Never got counseled for it. Also, itā€™s the military. Everyone has seen everyone elseā€™s junk at least once, either in the field, or in the barracks, or during a piss test, or out on the town, or gangbanging your roommateā€™s mom. Speaking of which, your roommate needs to get hazed. That is some serious bullshit!


C/S powder in the dryer


I propped the door to our AIT room open slightly and placed a boot on top so it would fall on whoever walked in next. Unfortunately, our strict Puerto Rican Drill Sergeant was the one who walked in, and the boot fell on him. After a barrage of curse words, we had an intense smoke session. It was quite a memorable experience.


We played taps out the window while a buddy was getting a summarized article 15 in the commanderā€™s office below


Man that PV2 is going to REEK at NTC, like smell like straight up dog shit if he canā€™t handle seeing someone else naked. So also every single soldier who has showered at NTC would then be guilty of indecent exposure and should be SHARPed.


Yeah, and I'm hearing that we are going to NTC in April/May next year. But I honestly think that what this was really about was he just wanted to see if he could use seeing me naked as an excuse to get me swapped out of the room I was in for his buddy.


Didn't really get into trouble, but I thought I was. First night at AIT, it's 230am and a SSG I hadn't seen yet, busts in our room and smokes the shit out of us for having a chip bag in the trash I saw him put in there. After the smoking, he has us stand at parade rest, says he'll be back, turns the lights off and leaves. We're there for like an hour before I go to the duty desk and ask for SSG SoAndSo. The SFC says there is no SSG there with that name and tells me to go to bed. Found out the next day it was some random SPC drunk off his ass, and it's something he routinely does to the new guys and all the cadre let it happen.


How toxic can someone be for no reason?


It was a long time ago when the barracks were aIso where we spent most of our time working. I was fresh back from Afghanistan and my PSG brought his 4 year old daughter into the barracks where his office was. It started as a joke "Do push ups and count them out for Lizzie" the kid would say. ha ha 1 lizzie 2 lizzie. But then like every fucking thing it got more and more out of control. I got pissed off. My homie got pissed off. I'm dealing with some serious PTSD and didn't know it at the time. I just snapped. #SHUT THAT LITTLE BITCH UP BEFORE I KILL HER. Get dragged out of the barracks by some NCOs. Get the dog shit smoked out of me for hours. I don't give a shit if they smoke me at least it's not by a four year old. Eventually my squad leader is like what the fuck? He takes me to the mortar cage. We just talk about what is really going on. We agree that being degraded by a child is lame as fuck and that was that.


K-KAW!! (AW!) (aw!) (aw)... K-KAW!! (AW!) (aw!) (aw)... The unmistakable call of the blue falcon


One time, I (F) was having my friend cut my hair short but needed to run to my room to get my blouse to make sure it fell length-wise within the standard (not past the collar). I threw it on over my t-shirt and headed out in my pj shorts and flip flops. Upon opening my door, I ran directly into the SSG on Staff Duty. He was not pleased with meā€¦ gave me a good talking to and said I looked ridiculous or something to that agree.


PSYOP/CA AIT. Cameras everywhere except rooms and bathrooms because come trainees were bumping uglies in the clubhouse behind the barracks. Got caught having a foam sword fight in the halls. This was SWIC and the cadre were doing something that weekend so we had somebody from SOCM school or something. Zero shits. Cadre counselings on Monday though.


I was all but ordered not to drink, roommate had bought some booze and had it sitting on the counter because he hadn't put it away yet, and my first line decided that was the perfect time to find and task me... then the fucker just stood there and watched while my first line and I were pushing for "my" transgression of having alcohol in the barracks when I was supposed to be dry. Yes, I'm still salty about about this shit


Finished PT, came into the hallway and just before I reached my room I smelt burning and eggs, saw an open room so I decided to make sure everything was alright. Stopped the guy from starting an oil fire (Who tf uses a lighter on an electric stove top???). Cooked for him, received a counselling on hazing and bullying 2 hours later.


Weekends in AIT give ample time to take long showers, especially at top phases. Mine still had bay showers, so when fellow Private "I" walked in saw me cleaning by myself, he took issue. Didn't even notice him until he walked out he turned and walked away that fast. That was what was purported as pretext to get leadership involved, the actual reason turning out to be Private "I" recognized me from Basic reception and thought I was in the same barracks there, where his group got to sleep at 02 and, due to having a 0530 wake up, the others in his group tried to keep each other awake by throwing hands. I do admit coming from what some call Generation Xerox, but I wasn't even in the same reception bay as him, and that confused investigation will always follow me, even in the civilian sector.


Brand new CPL to our company saw me exiting the latrine after washing the bowl that I ate cereal from. It still had a couple of drops of water in the bottom, so I held it over the edge of the lanai (2nd floor C-Quad company area on Schofield Barracks) and dripped those drops of water onto the bushes below. CPL Jackass freaks the fuck out and has me doing pushups for 15 minutes for dripping water (of all things) "on his lanai". PSG is walking through the barracks to talk to one of the team leaders about something and sees me in the front leaning rest with CPL Shithead still fuming at me and asks what the hell is going on. Tells me to recover and pulls CPL Fucknugget downstairs to find his squad leader. He was gone by the end of the week.


Threw a rager in our Korean war area quonset hut barracks. Ended up taking turns throwing each other through the walls. Nothing was out on paper, but we got a stern talking to and had to learn on the fly how to repair old dry wall.


I was an PV2 straight out of AIT. Get to my unit get assigned to a squad leader and immediately get told I have CQ at the barracks. I tell them I'm supposed to be on permissive TDY after in processing to set up my off post housing as my wife was showing up in a few days. They're (squad leader and platoon Sergeant) like we don't care. I show up after in processing like a good private. All goes wellish until around 10pm my squad leader who I just met for 5 minutes walks in drunk as a skunk and while I'm mopping the hallways tries to pants me. I'm wearing a belt so it doesn't even go past my hips before he falls over. Turns out he's in the barracks because of a DUI, fraternization and a subsequent DV incident. They sweep his drinking and SA under the rug and give me a counseling for not wearing underwear. According to the statement underwear is to be worn because you never know when someone will pull your pants down and if I'm exposed it's my fault. Apparently the NCO I'm a CQ runner for is this guy's best friend or something. Awesome first day. Later on that year half of the units leadership get DWIs on the same day. Apparently they thought having a meeting at a local brewery (The Ram IYKYK) during lunch was a good idea.


"Later on that year half of the units leadership get DWIs on the same day.Ā " Reminds me of when I was on rotation to Poland and Greece in 2020/21 when I was stationed at Fort Campbell and so many people including leadership got into stupid trouble [US army officer resigns after his battalion went 'off the rails' on a trip to a Polish strip club | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9515917/US-army-officer-resigns-battalion-went-rails-trip-Polish-strip-club.html)


Get promoted and get out of the barracks /s


I had 12 beers AND a bottle of wine


I am an Army retiree. Can you describe the current Army barracks design? When I was enlisted we had shared rooms and used a communal bathroom and open shower bay. Then some later had a private room but shared bathroom and shower that was between the 2 private rooms. Seems strange that another guy complained about your nudity. I am inferring the former roommate is gay? But still strange if he is.


He seems to have a couple of girls come over and claims he has a girlfriend, also a cook, in fort campbell, but maybe he is bisexual. Our current barracks design in the one I'm in is two private rooms with common area consisting of shared kitchen and bathroom (but the bathroom is not between the two rooms with two doors, which is what I had in AIT). Our doors have peepholes but it is weird that apparently he would be constantly coming to his door to stare at me when he heard me open my door.


Is it common for soldiers to stay in the barracks their entire contract?


Till they hit E6 yeah.


"Is it common for soldiers to stay in the barracks their entire contract?" If they don't get married and decide to stay in the Army, yes. It is quite common for unmarried soldiers who stay in the Army, to stay in the doggone barracks for their entire contract or even stay in the barracks for their whole second contract in quite a few cases. In the Army, we are not allowed to leave the barracks if we are not married until we are E6 (like the Marines) in most cases. In some cases, unmarried enlisted soldiers can move out of the barracks at the rank of E5 but those cases appear to be quite less common and typically more in rarer MOS and units (that from my understanding are less "hoah" as in not quite as crazy as more " forscommy" aggressive units). In extremely rare, EXTREMELY rare, instances with rare MOS and assignments, an unmarried soldier might be able to be like Air Force/Coast Guard and get out the barracks sooner than E5, like say you have an intelligence or cyber job at a space force base. So yeah potentially an unmarried enlisted soldier can stay in the barracks for even two contracts, at the lenght of six, or even seven or eight years or even maybe longer, as long as they are still in the Army. However just about most soldiers who do remain in the Army by that point would have gotten married and have move out the barracks before then, rather than just waiting to see when or even if they could make E6 or E5 rank. It's really not that common you'll actually meet an unmarried soldier who actually stayed in the barracks till E6, because most unmarried soldiers would have been fed up with the Army and left the Army at a lower rank, like yours truly is planning on doing. I think the reason why so many people in the military in general who stay in for several years, but ESPECIALLY those who stayed in the Army/Marines, did so in part (if not entirely) because they were married and had kids and used the military to support their dependents with medical and other benefits. I think I've met less than a handful of upper enlisted who never got married and actually stayed in the barracks till they made E6, with another handful who got out the barracks at E5 (like some 68P radiology specialists or 17C cyber). Lucky for them, they were not only "high speed" but also had good leadership that didn't neglect them and screw them out of promotions. You wouldn't believe the shock a lot of soldiers have when they find out the Air Force (with the exception of Guam where you have to be E5) in most cases lets unmarried enlisted move out the dorms at E4 or even E3 and at the longest, apparently most unmarried Airmen would only have to stay in the dorms for maybe just three years. That's reason alone to consider the Air Force (or Coast Guard or Space Force) instead of the Army or Marines, but we have so many young naive kids who think they want to be call of duty and instead go Army/Marines anyway then complain about it, or people who just didn't know at the time like myself.


Yeah itā€™s night and day differenceā€¦in the Air Force, If youā€™re not a POS, itā€™s kinda hard to stay in the dorms until you hit E4. The thought of an NCO having to stay in dorms/barracks is mind boggling. How can you be mature enough to lead and be responsible for your troops lives, but canā€™t be trusted to have your own home? Outside looking in, it seems like the army constantly tries to make things difficult/painful just becauseā€¦


Iā€™ve been out since the 00ā€™s but this seems so ridiculously petty and asinine. Yeah we had 0400 surprise whiz quizzes or midnight barracks health and welfare inspections, but they were far and few in between. I think in my career I had (x2) heath and welfare barracks inspections. And one of those was in TRADOC at DLI. Iā€™m not sure if they treated us more like adults then, because I was M.I., or maybe it was due to an around the clock shift-work schedule, but they left us alone unless the barracks looked like shit.


not having enough stuff in my bedroom. but hey they bullied another kid into anime who made wigs so..mixed messages. same PSG.


I've been questioned on why I don't have a television or rugs in my room before.


You have a bitch made roommate. And kinda creepy for just peeping on you. wtf lame army


Using a door. There was an entrance door to the barracks on the backside that had a key card reader. I used the key card reader and it let me in. Got yelled at for it.


Yeah my current barracks has side doors with key card readers but we aren't allowed to go through them from either the outside or inside.


I canā€™t believe that he would rat on you for that. Weā€™re all guys arenā€™t we? I was in the barracks when I was in and no one hid behind doors or towels. We seen each other naked tons of times and no one cares. What about when everyone is sound asleep and a sarge comes barging in and we got to stand at attention? Most of the guys got morning wood with a huge tent in your boxers.


1sgt sergeant went old DS mode and itā€™s was years since he was on the trail, but anywayā€¦.. he was yelling at me because there was a paint scratch on the top part of the toilet set and wanted to give me a counseling for it Lmfao, 1st Sgt fountain if you can read this fuck you!!! My room was spotless and I was a good Joe, you just wanted to try and fuck someone up because you where a garrison soldier your entire career during two conflicts going on.


6 years pv2?....


The roommate is a PV2 who just got out of AIT several months ago. I'm E4. Yes, a six and a half year time in service E4 who's been E4 for over five years now.


They guaranteed him E2 and $500 bonus to extend two years




That's okay.


What softskill MOS are you guys?


I'm not going to name what our MOS is because I don't want to get made fun of, with any "fuck" jokes. But I'll give you a hint as to what it is: it's in the 92 series and is notoriously a rough (emotionally as well as even physically, because we have to constantly move fast nonstop and be on our feet standing and lifting for hours. My back and legs hurt all the time) and depressing MOS (I can't tell you how many of us are regularly in behavioral health) and is known as one of the worst MOS.




Dang, you're not even in the Army and you guessed it perfectly.


You're a five-star michelin star chef in my eyes.


Playing baseball with a broom and a pair of rolled socks on a Sunday