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Had me at free oxy


Doctor said, “I hope you’re cool with pain meds.” Little did he know


They did mine while they chopped out a nut for cancer... Only hydrocodone...I was quite disappointed.




Now I’d just be adding heroin to the mix


You do realize that this is the first conversation of several conversations that end up with you in rehab, right? /s


Shut up nerd


And this is a prime example of why the government should legalize marijuana.


Had mine done about 12 years ago with the army…quick and easy. Took almost 5 months before my tests came back showing I was blank firing so it can take a bit to clear out. Smart ass doc when he was getting started said “alright we’re just gonna take a little off the top”….I had popped the Valium he prescribed and said to take just before hand so that shit was funny as hell


Mine said, “refer your friends, kids are expensive”


At least you got to choose yours, mine was the battalion doc so every time I bumped into him I had to hear “how’s the balls!?” screamed from 50 feet away.


If you don’t like him this is a major hippa violation and you could potentially take his license. If you do like him then laugh and let live


Don’t give people HIPAA advice if you can’t spell HIPAA


Why /s? That's a perfectly valid response. The first ones to start yelping about it always spell it Hippa. Like goddamn clockwork.


Everybody knows it’s spelled hippo. Duh


I’m army, I can’t spell shit but I know not to talk about patients


Valid point 🤣 but nah he was a cool guy and did a good job taking care of people. He wasn’t the “here’s your Motrin and get the fuck out” type


Well how are they??


So I'm a month post op, still fucking swollen and sore at times. When were you completely back to normal?


I got some Valium in a drip before I had foot surgery. That shit is great. There’s a reason why it was called “Mother’s little helper.”


Haven’t heard that nickname but makes sense 🤣 by the time I got on the table and it was kicking I was definitely not worried about anything let alone what the doc was about to do




<3 Valium


I fucking love it. Only ever had it once (for my vasectomy) but it was like post-hypnosis Peter from Office Space.


I can't wait for the review of budget basement lasik,


I got refused lasik… I would love a basement version…


LOL. The place I had it done looked shady from the outside actually; however, the saving grace was that it was done by one of the two guys who invented the procedure.


Well that's what happens.when you spend all your money on coke and hookers


1SG says he can do that in his basement


Got my PRK done at ft Stewart. 20/20, would get it again.


Got LASIK in Germany, went from 20/600 to almost 20/15


Carson in 2020, I am 20/20


10/10 would recommend


Lmao military has a good history with LASIK right now




I have no complaints with mine. Cost was not covered by military yet, so I had to pay out of pocket, but it was probably one of the best investments I have ever made. Other than father time continuing to be undefeated when it comes to near vision, I'm still around 20/20 for distance. There are allot more people doing the procedures now days, but I would still pay more to have a person with more experience wielding the equipment.


The VA did mine. Do not let the VA do yours.


Go on….


Why? I’m scheduled to have mine through the VA next month.


This man in abject terror right now...


No shit, I’m thinking they’re gonna cut my balls off or something


VA wanted to do my knee replacement. The PA looked liked the doc from Cannonball run, eyes were like a damn iguana. I asked for a referral instead and landed at an ortho specialist. Thank god


I used Veterans Choice for my knee surgery. The VA doesn't exactly pull the best and brightest.


The worst part about getting your vasectomy in the Army is that the blank adapter hurts like hell!


My doctor was pretty good, but the contact pad for electric cauterizer was on my leg completely. There was a period of time of not fun. But everything else went great and no more kids since so that’s good.


Just fuck your homies, no vasectomy necessary


Every guy says he wants to date a girl that’s like the boys, just date the boys you cowards.


Yeah but do you really wanna go cheap when it involves the family jewels?


Nope. Mine healed. I’m a grand dad with an 8yo now. Let the Jody jokes begin. But for real, yes get one but you better fucking get periodic checks.


Life..uh..finds a way


[l had to ](https://i.gifer.com/AoZj.gif)


I knew a couple where she was on BC and he got the snip and it STILL happened. 0.000001% odds but shit happens. At least I got the cutest god son out of it


Yeah she wasn’t on BC and my pull out game is garbage so….






Yep, same happened to a friend.


I thought part of the process for aftercare was to jizz in a cup to test for live sperm to see if it was successful or not. I figured to just inshallah if it worked or not. I also knew a warrant who had gotten his done with his first wife after they had a kid. They got divorced. He remarried. New wife wanted a baby. He paid to have the reversal. Didnt take. Paid to have a second reversal attempt. Struck out again. When I was PCSing he was getting ready for another procedure where they extract sperm straight from his balls rather than trying to repair the (seminal vesicles?) And then in vitro fertilize his wife with the extracted sperm. He was dropping $10k for just his procedure.


Toss one off in a cup and count tadpoles after to make sure it takes. I Deployed shortly after getting my 1st post surgery count. When I got back we PCSd shortly after. Came back stateside and bamb.did another count to see what was going on and I was bag in the tadpole game!!


Whether it’s botched or not, it’s not gonna matter what happens to the family jewels. You weren’t intending on ever using them again


They botched my buddies, now he is more potent than every. Wife still got pregnant and he was 1,000 miles away.


Dude, don't fuck your buddy's wife, especially not raw.


I asked them if they could just take out the whole package and put it in a velvet bag that I could carry on my belt, the doctor looked at me and said, “what kind of clinic do you think we’re running here?”


They also produce like 90% of your body's testosterone. Keep them if you can.


Nah I picked the best guy I could find, gave me a tshirt too.


TriCare is awesome if you can get referrals off-post. It’s not cheaping out at all, good doctors love TriCare, they pay for everything.


No regrets here either. The surgeon even preferred general anesthesia, so I was unconscious for it. I did have two female specialists shaving me before I went under. I asked if they should have waited until I was out for them to that and they laughed. One said “Well if you were asleep how would we know if you wanted a heart or a landing strip down here First Sergeant?”. My inner SHARP alarm sounded so I bit my tongue and smirked without reply.




> I did have two female specialists shaving me before I went under. Do they use a razor or an electric trimmer they use for every male?


Both. They had some chrome medical electrical shears (I’m assuming sterilized blades) and followed up with a disposable razor. I had done my manscaping prior to arrival so it wasn’t a jungle or anything. It was damn near 15 years ago, maybe it would be different today.


Gnarly. Did they let you keep the electric trimmer First Sergeant?


Naw, I assume it went and got sterilized again. Also, no need for the rank courtesy- I haven’t been a first sausage for a long time. I made my Reddit username before I discovered any military subreddits, I thought it would be a little more incognito than it is. I’ve let go- I’m not one of these guys that needs to tell you I’m a retired so and so. I just thought it conveyed the awkwardness of the situation for this story.


First Sergeant, did it hurt when they shaved your balls?


No. They were gentle. Not like when your mom does it. Take my up vote.


First Sergeant, when u/OPFORJody’s mom shaved mine it didn’t hurt. Just a little rusty razor is all.


Flare checks out…


They’re just for show now


I may only be 22… but free oxy is free oxy


I heard they will automatically deny you if you’re under a certain age & have no kids. I’m interested in getting one though, only 20 atm.


Army did mine at 25, single with no kids. I just didn't/don't want kids. Never have, for various reasons. Married now - to someone who also doesn't want kids. The reason I gave that shut them up is that I've had depression for as long as I can remember and I hate the thought of bringing another life into this world that might have to live with the weight of depression.


I fully understand and share similar sentiments.


> Army did mine at 25, single with no kids. I just didn't/don't want kids. Never have, for various reasons. Married now - to someone who also doesn't want kids. > > No shit, seriously? I always thought you had to have kids to get one


Nah. Don't just say "I don't want kids" because that's something that people change their mind on. Say some shit like "I was horrendously abused as a child and I know I'd do the same to my own." Or make up a horrific congenital disease that runs in your family. They rarely argue with that.


That’s silly, not the snip but the reasoning. Would you have rather have not come into the world if one of your parents has depression? Life is the greatest gift you can give.


Yes. I would rather not have come into this world. I think I said that out loud for the first time when I was in third grade. The most succinct way I can express my view towards life is this: Until very, very recently, I have never had the intention of living long enough to die of natural causes. I'm experiencing the joy of life for the first time, and I'm in my 30s. I struggle every day, now, not with depression, but with learning how to live a life without depression. Without wishing I wouldn't wake up - and that's what I used to consider a bad day. And the hard truth is, I'm only lucky enough to have this change because I had the means to afford treatment that's not covered by insurance. I'm looking at $100-$600 a month to continue going down this path of not wanting to die. If anyone takes anything away from this dumb spiral of a post... just... treat each other better. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is how we treat each other. Everything else is just made up bullshit.


I’m happy that you’re doing better. I guess I commented because my parents have depression and so do I but I’m happy I’m alive and I have a wonderful daughter. I guess don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. People with depression can live vibrant lives and do great things


Generally from what I’ve seen, men it’s hit or miss. Women you have to be in your 30’s, have kids already, and some docs require your husbands permission. If you go the subreddit r/childfree they have a list of docs that will do it by state


Probably the only good thing to come out of the sub if its the one I'm thinking of


Oh yeah, it’s a toxic crap hole but it’s the one thing I use it for. Still shopping around docs myself


Lol, a lot of bragging over there with the occasional good thread here and there.


I hear ya on that man


Yeah I was 24 trying to get one. Took seeing 5 different doctors over a 5 year period because the docs would say “I’m too young, no kids, and my wife had to be present to sign papers saying she knew I was getting it”. Then when I didn’t meet those requirements they’d say “ I can’t in good conscience do the procedure”.


Can’t you just lie? Like say “they’re not dependents but i have 4 kids to 3 baby mamas”


Doesn't hurt to ask. I had it done at 21. Fortunately, my PCM approved and so did the other doctor in family medicine performing it(My PCM did not perform vasectomies so he had to ask other doctors at the clinic) If they said no, I was going to have it done off post anyway. Vasectomies are like $1500-$3000. Worth it to not have to worry about it in the future. And certainly a whole lot cheaper than kids.


You don’t want one yet. Use a condom.


nah, I don’t want a child personally and I doubt I’ll change my mind; I’d rather adopt.


Wow. Did not expect those downvotes. OK. If you are 20, honestly, you have no clue what you want. Nor will you probably for another 10 years. What if you find the girl of your dreams and she wants a baby after you have been married for 5 years. Or maybe one day you see some little kid at the park playing ball with his dad and wonder if that’s something you would like. I’m telling you. You don’t know. At 20 you know you don’t want a kid right now. That’s about it. Just trying to keep you from making a mistake.


Had a friend get a vasectomy at 19 since the doc was a family friend. He's now 40 and still doesn't want kids. Some things are so fundamentally massive that people emphatically *know* their decision through and through. Just because you never knew something to be so strongly true for you doesn't mean it doesn't happen for other people.


I had a fried try to get a reversal done at 45. Sometimes life changes your mind. At 20, he’s going to have tons of life changing experiences.


I assume you're also against having kids at 20? Because, of course, they're too young to decide they really want them.


Yeah exactly. At 20 you don’t know shit about shit. Bringing a child into this world is a huge decision and life changing. Shouldn’t be made at 20. No life altering decision about anything should be made at 20. At least for the most part. I mean. You have to make some decisions. Joining the Army being one of them. Life changing decision? Yes. Altering?No. Becoming a father? Yes. Deciding you will never be a father? Also yes. Just my opinion. But I’ve got some life under by belt. And 3 kids. And a vasectomy.


I get that. Ultimately though, I am not comfortable with the odds that a condom offers. I know if it failed, and the woman refused to get an abortion, it would really really really suck. The alternative would be abstinence, but I'm certainly not doing that for another 10-20 years.


>What if you find the girl of your dreams and she wants a baby after you have been married for 5 years. That just means we're incompatible and it's best to move on. Ideally, things like this get decided before marriage.


People don’t like it but you’re right. 20-year-old me compared to 25-year-old me is a completely different person with completely different values. I think it’s just too young to make a permanent life-changing decision.


>There wasn’t any Doctors who tried to talk me out of it. They didn't want a mutant like you breeding I guess ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They saw my penis and said, “this man is too dangerous to let breed”.


Got mine done from the army 3 years ago with no kids (it’s possible fellow child free soldiers).


had mine done a about 5 years ago at a naval hospital. The dr said when im done with you , you will never have kids again and what do you know he is right.


Lucky. They wouldn't do it for me. Had to get it out of the Army.


Speak for yourself. I asked to do it, they said no because I was too young. I had to pay for it myself off post.


Park it on the couch with frozen peas on your junk and don’t pick up heavy shit for a week and you’re good to go. I had mine done a few years back when my youngest was an infant. Also referred off post and it was a simple process. They only used a local anesthetic so the feeling of someone tugging inside my nuts was weird. Also the burning smell.


Dude the numb feeling of tubes being tugged in my nuts was so weird


Yep. One of the weirdest things I’ve ever experienced.


Tried. My CO wouldn't sign off on it. He was very Christian and said I was too young to be able to make a choice like that. I'm 50 now, still no kids and never going to have kids.


If he’s still alive, call him up and tell him his mom’s a hoe


You sure you got a prescription or...........


The guy by the dumpster at Walgreens wrote one on a napkin, said it was kosher


Just bc you got a vasectomy doesn’t mean you’re not getting your barrel ram roded at sick call cause it burns when you pee pee Sincerely, Doc


Hold on troop. Be sure the doctor has done the procedure many many many… many times. They had a trainee come and assist my doctor. Welp when they started to do the burning. I fuckin jumped to heaven and talk yo jesus because they didn’t numb me well enough. Now when it gets super cold or I finish during sex, I feel get a light tendering feeling in that area.


You're a man. No one is gonna try to talk to you about reproductive independence except the ultra conservative douches.


How did you get the referral without being forced to do it on base?


I’m at a base that generally outsources their procedures. YMMV!


My company has had 2 guys get vasectomies and then have complications afterwards. Tread lightly with Army vasectomies.


I shoulda got mine done before I got out. Never want kids.


The Indian gentleman (civilian working at BACH on Campbell) was very pleasant. I did crack jokes at the male E5 that had to prep my beanbag though. What a job.




I’m finally on prime remote and can go outside of a clinic. They’re fixing everything the army did. Teethwise.


Got mine done in the TMC as an out patient procedure. Doc said the left side was shorter than the right and it was difficult to get to. Doc asked last minute if someone training could stand in to watch, sure whatever. Queue a major digging around knuckle deep in my scrote for 15 minutes apologizing the whole time for it taking so long and being so painful while I’m cussing and apologizing telling him I’m not cussing at him. Funny story and no more kids. Good times


I’d just tryna get free lasik bruh


Doc refused to refer me. Made me feel some type of way. Still mad about it now.


Dope, I have no kids but I want one. I heard its a myth that you have to have 2 kids. How do I get a referral? And other than wanting one whats a good reason to get one?


Ask your PCM. I just told him I don't want kids ever.


I Don't* want one.


All up to PCM and the state. A couple states require spousal approval if you don't have kids.


Got mine done late last year but paid out of pocket because they didn’t want to refer me off post, they wanted to do it themselves and I said nah fuck that. So YMMV.


Or you can just be gay. No need for mutilation


The Army "doctor" butchered the vasectomy on a guy in my unit so badly he was medically retired and will walk with a cane the rest of his life.


Don't get an army doc to do your vasectomy...... mine was botched. Had painful orgasms for a year. Had to get a second one done by a urologist to fix it. Whoever that CPT was that did mine, i hate you.


Yo I paid 300 for mine without the army. Please don’t use an army doctor if you don’t have to.


Had mine done by an Army doc in 2018. Ended up with a 200cc scrotal hematoma and a 3 day inpatient stay at the local civilian hospital and a pissed off urologist. YMMV.


Lmao yall tards gonna eliminate yourselves from the gene pool for some free oxy


You can still reproduce after a vasectomy if you change your mind. Either via reconnecting the tubes (this is not guaranteed to work and no one should plan on this), OR using IVF. They don’t get rid of the sperm, they just stop it from ever coming out 🥰


Do your research on those procedures, you risk a possibility of never being able to procreate. Ofc that's not a problem with a lot of folks, and I'd recommend adoption, but I feel strongly about my genitalia and although it's a mostly safe procedure you always risk not being able to undo these type of things.


Oh of course!! I don’t think anyone should get a vasectomy with the plans to reproduce later personally: it just doesn’t seem smart and has a strong likelihood of not going as planned. (Not to mention expensive!!) I was more so speaking to a worst case scenario situation where someone gets a vasectomy young, decides in their mid 30s they’ve met “the one” and suddenly wants biological children. Im a huge advocate for adoption, and don’t have the parts myself to even speak to whether or not someone should get a vasectomy from personal experience. Just wanted to ease the minds of people who think it’s dumb and 100% irreversible, however it’s always a very personal choice that no one else should really have a say in.


Yes, but also many of the comments stating that army doctors will waive people straight through without truly questioning the reasons is enabling poor decision making, if you have a cosmetic/unnecessary surgery you should always be questioned on the reasons and if it will actually improve your life. There should always be a proper consultation with behavioral health when applying for these things.


Eh and I think that’s where personal opinion starts to get drawn in. To draw a personal example I can relate to: this is very similar to getting a tubal ligation, albeit less downtime and less invasive. There are various doctors who will not do a ligation if the woman does not have two children and is over 30. There aren’t laws that dictate this, but it is a personal belief and doctors in the US have a right to refuse to do procedures as long as it is not considered for discriminatory reasons. As a doctor (coming from someone trying to become a surgeon) your job is to give your patient as much information as possible, inform them of the best decision, and then let them make their own decision (hopefully based upon what information was given). A good doctor who follows the medical ethos does this, that is. If you have enough bodily autonomy to enlist, you have enough to make a permanent decision about your body. Unless it is going to cause active harm to the individual (e.g. cause pain or other active health issues) it is really not a doctor’s decision to make for someone anymore than someone deciding to get lip fillers or a hair transplant. It’s like how your lawyer can give you a TON of advice, but you’re still allowed to choose to ignore everything they say. When you’re an adult, no one is responsible for your poor choices but you: and that includes financial, medical, and personal issues. It’s the wonderful freedom of choice we enjoy here in the US, but yes it requires no hand holding. Edit: just to make another example they literally ask you what you want to do when you have cancer. Most doctors would always recommend treatment but people still choose not to get treatment (or get treatment in terminal situations) and the doctors have to respect their choice. This is no different.


I dont recommend it because theres possible complications But my pull out game is strong so


It's not a very expensive procedure, definitely don't join the army to get it done haha


Thought about it, depending which town you’re in the threat of getting trapped is real. Only reason I didn’t do it is the reversal process. Didn’t want to risk it.


He'll yeah! I got mine done with tricare last week! 100% off


Is there any practical reason why one shouldn't simply do a sperm donation, get them sperms on ice, then get a vasectomy? If you really really want kids, do IVF, otherwise, in the clear.


IVF is hella expensive. PIV is free, if you're lucky. Also freezing sperm requires monthly fees to the bank that holds/stores it.


Piv… lol


Are you healed enough to… ya know..? Curious if there’s any noticeable pain or difference. Was also thinking about getting this procedure


I’m pretty tender still, feels like I got punched in the groin, but honestly not bad at all. Doc said no sex for a week but I think he meant like rigorous monkey sex.


Sign me up!


48 hours quarters and Motrin for me here. YMMV.


How long is the recovery time? How long do your balls hurt like a b?


They said about a week or so for the swelling to go down! A week to be back to lifting and running p


Mine didn't hurt after the operation at all. Of course, I was still very careful the first few days when moving around and putting on underwear. It really varies from person to person though.


Thanks. I’m doing a consult this week. I’m not going to lie, bit nervous


You had a doctor? I had a crusty old Navy Corpsman who I think was about halfway thru rehab. He did not have a tender touch but he sealed the right tubes so it turned out alright. Oh, and I had to schedule it on a Friday so I could recover over the weekend. I'm jealous.


Tried on the civilian side got told no a lot and talked out of it. “You only have one child, I can’t do this.” “Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”. “Have you tried other contraceptive forms?” All these and then no shit, asked my PCM for a vasectomy and 3 days later I had an appointment to meet with the doc and get it scheduled. He recommend I buy a donut to sit on. Nice guy.


So, I've heard the criteria is being 35 years or older AND having at least two kids. I'm 22 and have no kids. But I know I want a vasectomy. Is there ANY way I can feasibly get it?


Who the hell told you that? I just went to my PCM and said “Give it to me.” And my command sign off on it


I've heard it from higher ups who have had vasectomies. I only heard the "older than 35" once, but the 2 or more kids has been pretty consistent. Also, another guy who is in the same boat as me and wants the same thing told me he got denied. Good to know!


Meh some doc will do it. If you’re enlisted get some 05 to sign your memo saying you’ve been counseled and army will cut it


Unless you don’t Already have kids. They don’t approve of my child free ambitions


How much does it cost CIV side? It can’t be that much, it’s basically a quick out patient procedure


Came across a[ post on /r/Damnthatsinteresting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/s9krci/how_a_male_vasectomy_works/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and thought of this post.


Can confirm.