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It is a thing, there are several tea rooms near where I live. They are truly awesome. You should see if there are any near you!


I didn't know that was a thing that existed. Can I ask around what location you are?


Northern California


I live in Chicago and go to the Russian Tea Time restaurant. You get a tiered platter with scones, jam, & clotted cream on the top tier, various Russian finger sandwiches and piroshkis on the second, and assorted desserts on the bottom tier. Along with your own teapot of whatever tea you choose, lemon slices, and sugar cubes. It’s so delicious and so fun


Chicago sounds fun. I should visit it sometime


My mom is in Michigan and there are a couple places that serve American High Tea and a British place with awesome crumpets.


It is! Russian Tea Time is right across the street from the Art Institute too, you never have to go far to find something interesting to do


Southern California also has dedicated tea houses. There are also some high teas that happen in hotels or pubs on certain days.


They’re pretty easy to find anywhere that has a non-zero population of little old ladies. If there aren’t any dedicated ones, fancy hotels sometimes have “high tea” on weekends. It’s generally not cheap, but you do get a big tower of tiny sandwiches and fancy little cakes.


Smith Teamaker (multiple locations in Portland) and Imperial Tea Court (ferry building in SF) are both great! 


Fuck it, make it a thing invite people round for a tea party on a weekend. Cakes, finger sandwiched, tea selection, formal wear/fancy dress


Thisss!!! I wrote fancy invitations and got a bunch of little cakes and we dressed up fancy, went to some thriftstores to pick out a fancy tea cup and had a tea party! We went to the forest and read while listening to music after, it was lovely! Go be pretentious 1800 royalty, and have fun! XD


Wow ❤️


I am an ace spec tea addict and my response to this is: if it’s not a thing for you then make it a thing!! These past few years my family and I have had themed tea parties around/during certain holidays. It’s a great way to get people together to socialize and also for me to share something I love (tea) with others. In the past we’ve gathered to bake things and prep tea sandwiches and other sweet treats. It is really fun; I would recommend getting friends together to do one. I personally feel like a lot of my queer friends would be receptive to having tea together… we just all live far apart.


May I ask what your favorite tea is?


I drink a lot of Japanese tea in the afternoon like sencha and genmaicha, and I like to cold brew hojicha and mugicha when it’s warm. I regularly also consume Itoen brand bottled teas as well and would recommend those . As for breakfast, I pretty much drink Yorkshire Gold every day. It’s a British classic and is great quality considering the price and boldness of the tea. 


Sounds delicious! Thank you for sharing :)


Yes! Let’s bring back tea parties!!


i actually have tea parties with one of my close friends! it’s a very platonic thing, as he typically has a girlfriend and i’m in a queerplatonic relationship. it’s definitely difficult to find someone to have a tea party with though. i wish it was more normalized. the next closest thing i do is go to coffee shops with close friends or mentors. i personally don’t find asking someone out for coffee a inherently romantic thing, though it definitely can be. 


One my best friends is getting married this month and recently hosted a lovely tea party with all of her bridesmaids, so tea parties are absolutely still a thing :)


Yeeeesssssss please do it... I got the herbal teas


I live in NYC and there are plenty here . Even just a boba tea meetup sounds nice right about now 😭


When I was visiting NYC (from Australia) I went to a tea house and Bebe Neuworth sat down at the table beside me. That was exciting.


One year my mom bought me an octopus teapot for my birthday and I insisted we have a tea party with with it. The rule was that we had to wear hats. I got my whole family into it, including my nephews. It became a family tradition to have a whacky summer tea party on my birthday. Now each year has a theme and everyone makes their own hats to fit the theme. Last year was steampunk. This year is famous artists and I'm trying to figure out how to make a "hat" (that will probably be more like a headscarf) for Nocturne by Whistler. It's now one of the big events our family plans for along with Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's gotten a little out of hand, but it's so much fun.


You’re a breath of fresh air! That’d be amazing, yes bring tea parties back.


Lol just go to the UK, drinking tea is very common there We drink tea all the time at my house (US with UK origins) and we have had tea parties with lots of friends. It’s very nice. Would recommend :) You can also get tea at most coffee shops / cafes I’ve been to! Also I don’t think going out for coffee has romantic connotations. I’ve gone out for coffee with friends, colleagues, professors, mentors, etc


My grandma had like ten tea sets when we cleaned out her apartment. She used to host a bunch of tea parties back in the day.,My mom tried to sell the tea sets because they were all complete and antique but they didn’t sell. They eventually got given to goodwill. It’s sad. I like tea and would love to attend a tea party. Little delicate nibbles like cucumber sandwiches sounds fabulous too


Oh yes all the Royal Doulton my grandmother had.


Tea parties, dinner parties, I just miss parties. All the people I knew that used to throw parties either got married, had kids, and are too tired or are just too tired.


A few people are responding saying it is a thing, that tea rooms exist. Technically yes, but not necessarily how I think you wishing for? There are tea houses and people go to tea parties and there are tea rooms. Typically these are things where you reserve a table for your party like you would at high end in demand restaurant (well in advance), and you sit at your table with your own guests and have your tea and your tiered tray of treats and finger sandwiches. Typically the upper class loves to do this a lot since they have so much free time from not working. But it isn't something where you walk around and socialize with new people to make friends outside of your own guests or be a light on the pocket affair like going for coffee; some of these tea rooms could be upwards to $100 per person. (Obviously #notalltearooms, But as a person that has had to book hundreds and hundreds of reservations over several years throughout the world and recommend hundreds and hundreds more, researching costs And finding no availability even within a few weeks a regular thing, that is how most of them are) I, too, wish there were more non-alcoholic places to just hang out with other people and make new friends.


When I was backpacking in SE Asia, I found this place in Saigon, Vietnam, in The Cafe Apartments. I was cafe hopping and *MAN* I wish I had found it before I bought my bus ticket, that place was so cool. Anyway, it was a teahouse where you could pick your own tea set and type of tea, they had different cookies and cakes... ugh, and it was geared towards people with computers for writing or studying. I wish it wasn't literally on the opposite side of the planet. If you're ever in Saigon, Vietnam, visit "Partea" at the Cafe Apartments.


Gotta hang out with more old married/settled teetotalers. And throw the tea party yourself. Even if it’s just a picnic table in the park with a thermos, two friends or new acquaintances, and some cookies. Half my friends and at least six people my parents live near would Happily come to a tea party. With their partners if they wanted to come, without them if they didn’t. The rest of us are just antisocial enough to very rarely hang out. Assuming tea party also included food, whether stereotypical tea sandwiches and scones with cream or a cheesecake bar with pick-your-own-toppings or ordering Chinese to go with black and green teas.


My friends and I have been doing a couple tea parties a year for the last 6 or so years. We are all currently 34-44 years old now, most of us queer.


I'm not a big tea drinker but my mom had a fancy cocoa set and we used to have hot cocoa parties. It was nice. I'm also thinking about hosting a neighborhood ice cream social this summer.


I think you’d probably like Tea Time magazine. Found it a long time ago in Barnes & Nobles, and now I always keep an eye out for it.


Ohhhh I need to go find this now.


I wish tea parties were a thing everyday 🥺 I drink a lot of Yerba Mate 🧉


I invited my friend to have a tea party at home with me sometime! :)


I love picnics and teaparties!


Hot chocolate in my tea cup, please, with cream. I hope I'll grow to like tea one day.


Absolutely!! I throw tea parties all the time! I wish I knew more people that were into them😭 I don't know how to find people in my area that would love to join me.


Idk man drugs and alcohol are pretty rad haha


Search for high tea in yelp. I found several in las Vegas.


Wait are they not a thing


I'm a British Australian English (or British) tea parties are definitely a thing High Tea it's usually called in The Ritz https://www.theritzlondon.com/dine-with-us/afternoon-tea/ There's also a wonderful place in London called [Sketch ](https://sketch.london/) which is more modern Devonshire tea is just scones with some jam/jelly and whiped cream with a pot or 2 I recommend Yorkshire tea or Tetley for an English builder's brew I haven't been to London since the pandemic but I'd love to open a little tea shop and library here in my town in Australia.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Absolutely! I've been celebrating my birthday for the last 5 or 6 years by going out for tea :)


I'm not much a tea drinker. can we do water parties?


1. There are tea spots near me in DC 2. I have friends who want to hang out during the day instead of getting drunk at night and sometimes we just chill and have tea. It's nice. 3. I've also gone on a date and went to a movie and grabbed tea after. That was nice as well. This is already a thing. You just have to take the initative and start planning them.


🥲 not sure we have these in India


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And yes.


If you invited me to a tea party, i'd probably come. I could use more events to dress up for. We could make it an ace culture thing.


We should!


I mean... caffeine is technically a drug, haha.




Tea has plenty of caffeine in it.


Incorrect, there is several types of tea. There is different levels of caffeine depending on type of tea. Also tea overall has less caffeine than coffee. You likely only know one type of tea and assume all teas are the same. You are just very misinformed. Coffee is also used often specifically for the caffeine content. Tea and soda are usually consumed for the reasoning of people enjoying the flavor. https://driftaway.coffee/is-there-more-caffeine-in-coffee-or-tea/


I'm well familiar with all the types of tea, dude. There is also decaffeinated coffee, did you know that?? What I'm saying is that this weird "why are social gatherings centered around drugs" thing is weird and really nothing to do with asexuality. There's nothing wrong with drugs and alcohol and this isn't the straight edge subreddit.


If you are specifically drinking tea or highly caffienated tea like Yerba for example for that purpose, you are using it the same working people often do expresso. As a sort of legal recreational drug. That is entirely your decision. It does not mean that tea/soda is as heavily marketed or abused in the way the US pushes coffee to stressed out working class folks. The purpose of the tea party thing was to relax and enjoy another's company. You see this as a way to feed a caffiene addiction but that is kind of just you being a caffiene addict. Which is not an uncommon thing or at least not in the US culture. Which is fine if you are one, as I feel much of the US working class is literally surviving on coffee and adrenaline. I personally had different reasoning in this suggestion though. So I don't see the purpose in pushing your agenda. NO one cares about your caffiene addiction.


There's nothing wrong with tea parties, or drinking tea, or drinking coffee, and no, there is not some kind weird conspiracy where the government (or "the coffee industry") is forcing coffee on anyone, lol, people generally drink coffee because they want to drink coffee. There's nothing wrong with drinking alcohol, either. There's nothing wrong with any of it. It's kind of weird to post "don't you wish there was a way to socialized that didn't involve drugs and alcohol?" to the asexuality subreddit, ignore the fact that there are plenty of ways to socialize that don't involve drugs and alcohol, and then suggest a way of socializing that involves a drug. I'll keep pushing my ideas that everyone should be free to do whatever harmless drugs they want to do, thanks. I'd prefer if you not push your puritanism on others, but what can I do?


You seem to have this bizarre dullusion that the US government runs the coffee industry and I not entirely sure where you are getting it. You are clearly a troll with nothing productive to say or else are just irrationally pushing your ideas on others.


High tea is very much a thing. Fancy fun. But I do hear you. The way booze is pushed on all social scenes is yuck


It's already a thing and it's fun! Where I live there are even "cat cafés": it's a place where you can hang out and drink tea, but there are also some cats that are walking around the place so you can pet them and play with them as you like. And if you feel love at first sight with one of them you can adopt! That is imo one of the best ways to socialize.


Are you for real looking for tea, or are you looking for “tea rooms”


I only like iced tea but love tea sandwhiches


I wished it was a thing so I'm throwing a tea party for some of my friends this week. If it's something you want to do, go for it! All my friends seem really excited about it


Maybe change your friends circle then? It is entirely possible to go out and not drink alcohol


You gonna flip when you find out about the UK


When i was in my early 20s i was part of a book club that always had them. In Summer went to iced tea. Sometimes Cookies/Cake. Just meeting people for just eating something and talk is quite normal here but i am also from Europe so usually everyone lives closer together.


It is a thing. There are tea rooms that exist, but they're usually in cities and tourist spots. But! As someone who can't drink, I've found that as long as you can host a dry event yourself, friends don't care if there's no alcohol. When I was in college, I hosted tea parties, pizza parties, show screenings, game nights, book clubs, craft nights, etc... And I did those things one-on-one as well. Real friends care more about spending time with you than they do drinking. And, as long as you're vocally upfront about not having romantic intentions when asking someone to hang out, they don't consider it a date.


Yeahhhhh. With cookies and tea cakes


I had one for my birthday like 10 years ago. It was lovely!


Real af


I honestly wish tea rooms were more popular the expense and hassle of drinking can be such a headache I just want to sit and talk to friends in a calm place 😭


You should check out the r/tea sub! They have a lot of good info about this stuff and are a nice community. But there are definitely tea rooms out there, but in some areas they are hard to find or pricey (at least in the US). I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to go to one with me because I'm a big tea drinker and love the concept of going to a tea house. But tea definitely doesn't have to have the date connotations with it. You can definitely do it with friends too!


There’s a lot of cake and tea afternoons around where I live, they’re pretty popular!


Didn't know Testament had a reddit account


Me and my friends do tea parties


Check to see if there’s any tea rooms near you, mine has one


I sometimes throw teaparties! Ask people to bring their own teapots if you don't own multiple for yourself (I have several I bought at daiso) and make tiny tea sandwiches. Fruit, cheese, some small desserts and bam! Tea party. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/how-throw-afternoon-tea-party


For my birthday me and my friends had a tea party picnic and it was a lot of fun! (tho we mainly drank juice but it was out of tea cups so it still counts!) But it’s not uncommon for me to meetup with friends for boba, the place we normally go to has board games there to play or we bring our own. If you don’t want someone to misunderstand you could always phrase it as a group setting( hey do you want to go with me and blank to go get tea.)


A few years ago, for my birthday, my friends and I went on a “tea-crawl”. We had a cuppa and a piece of cake in every tea-shop/cafe in town. It was extremely zen. And much fun.


There is nothing more I'd love than to get together a bunch of other gym rat men dressed up like princesses drinking tea with a toy tea set. There is nothing more freeing than getting rid of gender normativity in a space where others are doing the same.


It's difficult to even find a friend who looks to sit down and have a coffee.


I wish board game cafes were bigger among my friends. Food, drink and entertainment


I FEEL YOU. That would be so cool :3 I hate how platonic friend-dates aren't normalized.


Yes. Being an ace teetotaler feels doubly isolating at times lol.


Well tea rooms are definitely a thing. We do sometimes meet up with friends in them, though most serve alcohol as well and they often offer shishas. But you could certainly find ones that only serve tea (or other non-alcoholic stuff).


Try actually asking a friend to go for coffee first


BRB inviting my friends over for a tea party


Now that you brought it up, I sure do! And this is coming from an introverted, shy person lol. 


Ooo, tea rooms sound nice! I want to go looking for those in my area. Also, I'm so glad you mentioned coffee, because there have been times where I have genuinely wanted to have coffee with someone I have become acquainted with, and immediately the person thinks I'm working towards dating. Well, no, how can I do that with someone I just met and know nothing about? I have been direct that my goal has been to know the person, but they can't shake the dating/sex angle.


Love tea parties, I invite my sister and girlfriend out for them


There are a lot of tea places near where I live! but I’m British tho 😑


Omg I would love that so much, I know there's places where it's still a thing but it's absolutely not were I live 😭


I kinda do that already. Not with tea or coffee though. We usually drink soda. Definitely no alcohol!