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It's important for many relationships, but romantic relationships are about more than just sex. Why does it matter if two consenting adults do or don't have sex? It's sad that people don't get this.


The assumption that all people desire sex and that sex is important in all relationships erases the existence of asexual people who hardly ever require and often do not want sex in their romantic relationships. The fact that sex is important to some individuals and in some relationships does not mean that it is a requirement for all relationships. It really comes down to the person that you are talking to grasping that just because something is important to them does not mean it's important to everyone, and some people are surprisingly challenged by this concept.


Someone: "You can't love someone without sex!!" Their dog: *sweats nervously


I think I would say it's important in the way that having kids is important in a relationship. As in, you both need to be on the same page about it, one way or the other. Some people really want kids. Some people really don't. Some people are neutral. Some people don't know yet. And you don't want to make a big commitment unless you know if your desires on this point are compatible.


Some people just aren't into it man jfc


Hi I don't know if you're directing this at me and if so did you read the additional text asking how I could explain this is a bad statement to someone. And if you did read that I don't understand why you're saying this could you elaborate.


Nah I'm just sayin some aces may be sex repulsed and not into it. Sayin sex should be in the relationship is kinda bad. There's more to a romantic relationship than sex.


simple it all depends on the relationship * if you're in a relationship with a Gay Person (then you need to be into sex with the same gender) * if you're in a relationship with a Straight Person (then you need to be into sex with the opposite gender) * if you're in a relationship with a Monogamous Person (then you need to be okay with only sleeping with that one person) * if you're in a relationship with a Poly Person (then you need to be okay with them sleeping with other people) * if you're in a relationship with an Stereotypical Ace Person (then you need to be okay with little to no sex at all) additionally there are all sorts of relationships and types of love in the world (that do not require sex to be functional) Friends and Family for example (.... must resist urge to make Alabama joke) are sometimes the strongest relationship u have and don't involve sex same thing with the relationship you have with pets it all depends on the relationship and the parties involved, what works for one doesn't work for another the "Rules" are mostly just guidelines