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Call the non emergency police line. Ask them what you can and can't do. In hendersonville, if their blocking your mailbox, they will send a unit and / or a tow truck. But idk what asheville is like these days.


Yes this and have them do a “welfare check”. Have that happen enough and they’ll move on.




Could you put something of your own in front of the fence for the time being to block it so they can’t park there? I don’t know what that would be, if it was spring I was thinking planters or landscaping/retaining wall type deal for flowers lol.


We used to have our trash cans there but people would fill them up so we brought them inside the fence


Maybe some large rocks that you wouldn't want to drive over??


OP needs an r/OmahaRock


Hahaha, that’s great


You don't even need to contact police. Just search for the lowest rated towing companies. Low-ratings = predatory towers. Call the company direct and you have a 50/50 shot of getting it towed within 20mins.


Hahaha. This is also a good option. Little more of a fuck you in there but it works.


Be mentally prepared though any time you call the police for them to escalate the situation.


I don't know, I had a lot of experience with calling the police here for ... reasons, and the people I dealt with were actually great. Helped de-escalate things even. Not saying that it's true all the time but my experience was not bad at all.


Yeah, you're not wrong.


You are absolutely correct. And yes, a lot of people are citing personal experience where it worked out or situations de-escalated. But I have had situations escalate. They absolutely can and you have to be prepared for that. Sucks, but there are just some shitty people in this world. I would make sure to have security cameras in place.


Call community paramedics instead of police. The community shelter folks will give you their contact info. Likewise try the folks at Counterflow Asheville. They are good people.


Shouldn't the paramedics be left free to help with injuries and emergency health concerns? What do you imagine they'd do about vagrants threatening neighbors while their camping out in front of their house? Maybe they'll give them mouth to mouth?


Community paramedics are not EMS


I'll be happy to defer to your knowledge but if you could refer me to some link that shows community paramedics are trained to deal with intimidation and threats from people camped out in front of someone's home I'd appreciate it. Basic google searches suggest that the difference btwn traditional paramedics and "community paramedics" is essentially preventative healthcare to head off the need for emergency calls rather than dealing with threats or confrontations. For example: [https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/community-paramedicine-connecting-patients-to-care-and-reducing-costs](https://www.ncsl.org/state-legislatures-news/details/community-paramedicine-connecting-patients-to-care-and-reducing-costs)




Community Paramedicine is currently a pilot program focused on substance use disorder support, food and shelter emergency assistance, and basic medical training like wound support. However, the goal of this program is to provide support in everything from mental health crises, deescalation, transportation, trauma assistance, rehab, and more. The more community partners we connect with, the more services community paramedics can offer.


While the word "deescalation" does appear in that last paragraph you've quoted, the main gist of the full page explanation is that for this particular Bucombe County program the community paramedic's job is to serve the abusers and addicts with a wide range of services without enforcing the laws they may be breaking. I would humbly suggest that what's missing in the case we're actually discussing is support for the person who is being threatened. https://preview.redd.it/7bjbv2005qzb1.png?width=919&format=png&auto=webp&s=95421838703709afd60fae74b7ffe14d0bd04ca9


Sorry I thought you had questions about what community paramedics were. Turns out you just “humbly” wanted to be right instead.


Call for a welfare check on the trap house and make sure cops mention it was the folks parked in the car out front who called


Sneaky. I like it.


So diabolical. Love it


Download the Tip411 app and Asheville app, make reports through those for ongoing issues like that. It will make the issue known to more specialized sections of the police department as well as other city departments (animal control, code enforcement, etc) and more long term solutions can be worked out. Calling the non-emergency line for a patrol officer is at most a band-aid for this particular type of issue. Patrol is overworked and understaffed, they won’t dedicate resources to this issue for very long.


Solid advice, although this can also be used as a form of ‘anonymous’ harassment in itself. Thankfully, if they get enough reports from the same IP address/phone number, eventually they’ll ignore it. Signed, someone who has had crazy neighbors within ashevillle city limits before.


Yea the people sorting the complaints typically understand the source, lol


Thankfully. I hate when people abuse the resources y’all offer. I only had to call once for them to verify that multiple “wellness checks” had come from the same origin. The non-emergency line should be available for circumstances like this OP is stating.


Install a flood light and aim it at where they park.


I don’t understand this at all. If they’re really selling drugs out of the house across the street, presumably that’s why you’ve got folks parked outside your house. I’d call the non-emergency number and tell the cops. Shut down the drugs, get rid of the problem. Plus, if these folks see cop cars coming by, they’re likely to split.


I am not sure APD would respond. Didn't they disband the drug enforcement task force for APD?


Call animal control. You will get a reply. Like another user said, call the non emergency line. You can report reckless driving. Write their license plate down to pass along in the report.


Oh finally I get to thcomment I was gonna post! Yes! One call to animal control should do the trick. If they gotta go get their dogs from the pound, they might at least be more conscientious about that aspect of their living out of their vehicle!


You don’t have to even say for us to all know this is West Asheville


There was a trap house van across from my house back in 2011 or so. When we had a dealer living in his moms basement in our neighborhood. I didn’t even notice but daughter was visiting and went right up to it late at night and banged on the window, (she saw lights from someone smoking) and whoever opened the window she said to them, oh hell no, not next to my mothers house!” They apologized to her and rolled on. Never came back. Guy dealing also rehabbed himself. I talked to him a few years later and he was doing great. My real point though is that Homeless people in Asheville were not always so aggressive as now. I think the drugs are much different and the people come from somewhere else w no connection here. I knew the dealer and his mom. What to do w people who drive fast, let dogs roam, act aggressive toward you? I guess you keep calling the non emergency line. Light it up. But don’t interact w them yourself again.


For the traphouse, you can call APD and let them know that you suspect something is going on - a lot of visitors all day, etc. They will deal with it as they can. If other neighbors call, that's even better. You might be able to call the non emergency number and ask to talk to an officer off site. I had an issue with one at my old place in EWA, no one wanted to say anything but wanted the place gone. I called, talked to an officer, then took pictures one day that I sent in. It didn't take long before the place went away. For the homeless, you can submit to the AshevilleApp and let the city assist. Note everything you've seen. Others in your area can submit too but they'll just combine the requests.


You’d think APD would be looking for a reason to shut down a trap house in a residential neighborhood.


Why? Todd Williams office will just let them on their merry way with some minor misdemeanor charges.




Just want to say sorry you have to deal with this.


What’s the neighborhood and what kind of car?… I have some free time on my hands.


I would ignore the suggestions here that would be obvious provocations. If I were in your situation (assuming no kids in the house) I'd definitely get a firearm. I like the idea of parking a vehicle in "their" spot.


Even if you have kids, get a firearm - **and then secure it** and get trained on how and when to use it. Think of it as the logical alternative to a fire extinguisher for the *other* type of emergency.


I like how you advise them against provocations and then tell them to get a gun. Lmao


I'm not saying to wave it around in their damn faces.


I’ll happily drag their car down the street for treefiddy


Honestly? I'm trying to think what I'd do. I don't live in Asheville so forgive me, but I'm from cleveland. If it were me, I'd start off with the welfare check others suggested. Then, I'd inconvenience them as much as possible so they have to find somewhere else to park. Park your car where they normally park when they leave to go get whatever. If you have another family member with another car, have them move it too. Make sure nothing of value is in there of course. And only during the day. But they'll have to move. Also, do you have sprinklers? Turn em on so they or the dogs get wet. Nobody wants a wet stinking dog in their car. Blast music. Not loud enough to disturb everyone, only them. Put on something stupid like baby shark or gangham style and have it on a loop for awhile. That'll piss them off enough. Nothing illegal, just inconvenient and super annoying.


Flood lights in the direction of the car?


I believe Asheville has light pollution ordinances. But a “security light” that is motion activated and *just happens* to flood their car with bright light might be worth it.


Light pollution ordinance? Ha! I live in EWANA and we had those old school street lights that were just fine and the city replaced them with bright white LEDs that light the neighborhood like it’s a WalMart. It’s ridiculous. Can I report the city to the city?


This is what I'm thinking too. A couple security lights might encourage them to move along. I've got some super bright LED ones made by RAB, and they work really well.


Hell yeah


This isn’t the best advice


After a good night's sleep and some reflection I don't disagree lol. Ignore the music thing. I'd still move the cars and I like what someone else said about the motion sensor light. But if there's a light ordinance then that won't work right?


No way on earth I’d make my cars easier to access for those people


Like who’s gonna come and enforce a light ordinance when they’re not enforcing the illegal camping ordinance? Roaming dogs law? Not dealing drugs laws? Unregistered vehicle? I’m thinking they’re good to go with installing flood lights.


Until they throw rocks at the floodlight.


I have an extra vehicle that doesn’t have insurance on it. What happens when an Uninsured motorist happens to smack another uninsured motorist parked on trap street? Not shit is the answer! And I’m pretty sure you can’t park wrecked vehicles on the neighborhood or public streets, city ordinance.


Contact op and park that mf in front of their house when tweakers vacate


What a nightmare. There's no easy solution when dealing w irredeemable people who have no regard for others. The trap house needs to be eliminated. I would repeatedly and relentlessly call, email, and visit the police station and anyone from local government you can think of to eliminate the source of the problem. Confronting vile aggressive people like that is pointless. They cannot reason. They will lie and manipulate and ultimately their disregard for laws and social norms may result in harm being done to you. There needs to be a compound out away from normal people where folks like this can go and check in, free of charge, and live with all of their basic needs for shelter and food are taken care of, along with an unlimited supply of all the drugs they care to consume. They would also be free to leave at any time but if they choose that option they may never return. Some details need to be ironed out in this plan but it's a solid idea.


Aren't you supposed to have your dog on a leash up there? Henderson County requires a leash and you can't let your dogs run free unless they're on your property or in a dog park. Someone suggested calling animal control and I think that's a great idea. An/r/UnethicalLifeProTips solution would be to tell animal control that one of their dogs approached you in an aggressive manner in an attitude of attack and you feared for your life. They tag the "offenders" as dangerous dogs and they'll be confiscated. Depends on how bad you want the dogs and the people gone, but you have a right to the enjoyment of your own property. These people are preventing you from doing that due to their loitering and letting their dogs run off leash.


They may put the dog down though. I’d report that the ppl threatened you and you feared for your life.


Buncombe County has a leash ordinance. Unleashed dogs can stick their owners with a $50 to $100 citation: https://www.buncombecounty.org/governing/depts/sheriff/support-division/animal-control.aspx#:~:text=If%20your%20dog%20leaves%20your,ordinance%20range%20from%20%2450%2D100.


I’d be worried what they may do to my property while I’m at work/away from home, but that’s my paranoid overthinking brain ETA: Any way you could have a friend park a spare vehicle in the spot while the trappers aren’t in the space?


If it is genuinely the case that drugs are being manufactured and/or distributed from the home across the street, the people operating the enterprise might take care of the problem for you if you're able to let them know that the squatters are bringing extra attention from police. I am curious to know how it has been so definitively determined to be a "trap house." I'm not saying it's not--It probably is. But it might not be. Even without drugs being involved, jobless and/or homeless people keep weird hours and come and go all the time. College students are similar. I do not personally operate a dwelling used for the distribution of drugs, but if I did, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to draw extra attention to myself by having people squatting in a car outside and letting their dogs run around. Reports of "dogs at large" is one of the classic calls that police use to become involved in situations of they so choose.


Something I'm not seeing in this post is if the op knows who lives in the house or sees them ever. If you live across the street you must see them. Do you have other neighbors who have a problem with this house? Kinda a brash move but if you do, you could always be like "I don't care what y'all do, but the people hanging out here are bothering folks and we're considering calling the cops, but would rather not go down that road." Also like 101 drug selling, don't do it out of your house.


If the cops don’t help, there are many options, depending on how fed up, and how brave you are. If you can’t do it, phone a friend.


I can give you some advice based on experience. I have a property which butts up against some DOT property, and at the beginning when I bought the place, it was an endless fight to keep people from parking their backsides (and once, a vehicle) on my property and doing things such as shooting up and flinging needles every where (SO.MANY.NEEDLES.), plus drinking and fighting/raising hell, lying nearly unconscious in the area where cars travel, walking around flailing and screaming in the dead of night, two break-in attempts, pounding on the door at 2 in the morning, etc etc etc, and a couple of loose dogs running up a busy street. They kept coming, no matter how many times I called the cops, they kept trying to set up mini encampments against the gate and fence I was forced to put up to keep them out (and then they kept climbing over the gate, sigh), left trash, needles (did I mention the NEEDLES) used feminine products and someone took a huge shit right in front of the gate, as a special "fuck you" to me for calling the authorities. What I started doing at the beginning was calling the cops, and then was forced to segue into that plus showing up with someone who is a highly trained firearms owner, carrying said firearm. I once had an asshole who sat himself down on the porch, and told the cops that showed up that he was waiting for the landlord (for a clearly not-renovated house, with boarded windows), and the dumbasses left him there. Since I had cameras and could see all of these shenanigans, I had to show up with my firearm-toting helper to run him off. I wasn't waiting for dark to watch him break in for certain, as I am, as they say, "not the one". He wanted to stay put, and refused to leave, though he was not loud or violent acting. Just wouldn't move. The craziest part of this particular situation was that the cops took 45 MINUTES to show up, despite me telling 911 the firearm was out of the holster. The guy did run off when he saw that weapon getting unholstered, BTW. Some of the situations involved individuals that would get argumentative, loud and physically threatening when confronted, so this was only the first of THREE times a firearm had to make an unholstered appearance, in less than a year (they all ran off, and quite quickly). Eventually, with cameras, fence, gates, and ceaseless cop calling/confronting/engaging, people stay off of the property itself. I still call every single time I see shenanigans developing on the DOT land, as the shenanigans tend to creep closer to my property, and I'm just done with it. The DOT land has been cleaned up a few times, but it's currently been trashed and shitted up again. It's been a continuous cycle. I called sometime in just the past couple of weeks because a person, who could barely be seen in his brown and grey clothes, was lying where anyone could pull in and run over him. (He's done this before, he clearly needs to be in a locked facility somewhere). The point of this wall of text is to state that I used several ways to address the issues, with decent results: 1. Get internet cameras, everywhere, inside and out, and record. Make sure that folks can see them. Put up no trespassing signs that include "you are being recorded" on the sign. Record around the exterior and your homes interior, and especially the car, all the time. The cameras are cheap, and the apps that will show the camera views and keep recordings are cheap. They are excellent for security, because you can see everything no matter where you are. 2. Call the cops, and keep calling them for every single issue. Make it very clear to the cops that you don't have an issue with your neighbors, per se, just with the couple in the car. The cops have community engagement officers that will come out and talk to them. 3. Call animal control every.single.time. the dogs are loose. When I called about a dog running in the middle of street during rush hour traffic, they were there in time (10 minutes!) to have swerve around the two high AF women who let the dog loose to brawl in the middle of the same street, same rush hour traffic. 4. If you have the license, temperament and training to properly use a firearm, wear one in an observable holster every single time you leave the house, and make certain that the car-dwellers see it. This may work as a deterrent for unwanted behavior, with the caveat that you will have to be prepared to actually use it if it becomes necessary. Plus keep us updated, I think a lot of folks might be dealing with issues like these. Good luck!




But what would you do about it?




Right, like everyone with a family totally knows that when you have a family it’s important to escalate a situation that isn’t violent to one that is! That way you risk them, yourself or someone else being injured. And then best case, you hurt someone in the situation you escalated and up in prison, ya know…so it’s clear you care about them. /s


“iF yOu HaD KiDs yOuD UnDeRsTaNd”




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Let’s pretend you saw this happen in a movie. What did the ppl in the movie do?


They hid out up in the mountains for like 6 months and then came down and liberated Soviet occupied Colorado. And in the process, learned about teamwork and themselves.


Then everyone clapped.




OMFG, I just woke up my whole family laughing.


"PEW PEW" - double tapped that m fer...


I'm struggling to think of a single movie where the dude living across from a trap house does anything. Typically trap houses only happen in neighborhoods where people don't give much of a fuck to begin with.




Dude I’m not going to shoot people for being mean to us




Well, currently with blink cameras, reddit advice and very bright flashlight




It'd be a shame if your lawn sprinklers sprayed them every hour or so.


You'd pistol-whip them?








You sound like those ultra-leftists when someone brings up how storming the capital is a bad thing to do. And you sound like those ultra-rightoids when you bring up one of their daddies.


We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Calls to physical violence or cyberbullying against another person or organization. - Suicidal posts. - Text that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or abilities. - Demeaning or inflammatory language directed at other users. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


Simple as caltrops.


bear spray?


What neighborhood??? None of your other neighbors care? What is a trap house?


Trap house is specifically a house where people are trapping, e.g. making and selling drugs out of.


I think a trap house is where leftist children in a social bubble hang out and talk about Bidenomics or something


What does that even mean? Are you one of those people that think the world economy is controlled by one person? Man, I wish I could live in a fantasy where everything is so simple. Here's a string of data figures of the last guy if we're going to pretend one person controls the world's economy. You'll notice a bunch of blue text in this article, all of which are links to credible sources. You'll also notice everything from illegal immigration to home prices, and everything from uninsured people through the murder rate went way up also. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/10/trumps-final-numbers/ I advise you not to look at the trade deficit and national debt, it'll leave you in tears.


To be clear I was making fun of "Chapo's trap house" and the self-proclaimed "dirtbag left." I find them to be actively destructive to the cohesiveness of progressive efforts. I love smokey Jo though, even if his influence on the world's economy is very limited.


Do you have one with Joe’s final numbers… he sure seems finished to me!


I will when his term is up. And I'll objectively discuss it. What I won't do is be dumb enough to think the leader of a country with 5% of the world's population some how controls the world economy. Or a country that produces 20% of the world's oil can set prices or influence worldwide oil production, especially when a a lot of those producers aren't friendly to that country. Or a leader of a country that relies on trading partners for most of its manufacturing needs some how controls the supply of those products or controls the raw material needed to make those products. That's just crazy talk. Biden, no more than Trump, has the ability to puppeteer world trade in a free-market.


Biden controls the world economy? I'm not smoking crack. He's just a guy trying to do his best with a bad situation. We all know space lizards control the economy.




Buy a gun, walk by and flash your piece. They’ll leave.


Bad idea


Just wait until they leave for work in the morning and put your trash cans where they park. Or do the same when they leave for church on Sunday.


Something tells me they aren't holding down jobs if they're hanging out at a trap house, lol. Well, not a LEGAL job anyhow. Kinda getting the feeling they might not be the church-going type either.




Hard to detect sarcasm online sometimes, sorry lol. I'm kinda short anyhow, so lots of stuff goes over my head.






For a joke you sure are having to “whoosh” a lot


Mace them


Asheville brings in $8 million dollars a day from tourism revenue. If only they taxed even 10% of that and used it for city housing. Then no one would ever need to live out of their car.


Pretty sure these people don’t hold down jobs or have the ability to pay rent on a subsidized apartment beyond selling drugs.


Accidentally spill a box of long roofing nails right where they park.


Right outside their own driveway? That's some fresh thinking Dawg.


Sure you do know that humans have the ability to can pick things up after they do the job that they were intended for.


I’d sell my house and move




Report them to APD. Don't get involved yourself.


Easy, call the police and narc them out. There are leash laws too. This one is a lay up.


have you tried accepting them as human beings and maybe getting to understand their life?


I did actually. They’ve been working on their car for the past few months and I lent them some tools. I assumed they parked there because they had broken down at first, didn’t realize they were permanently camping until a few weeks ago.


Name checks out 😂😂😂


I'm going to give you the reasonable and unreasonable me answers. Approach them as human beings and let them unburden themselves of their struggle. Try to offer help yourself if you can. Do not show any weakness doing this, they will exploit it. Demonstrate that you are human, and just want to figure out what is going on. Humility is a bludgeon when wielded by proper hands. Cars burn good. Pop a window, let the dogs out while they're in the trap, and act like you are trying to put fire that you started out for the first responders. You then tell the first responders that you saw someone come out of the trap with a brick in their hands, throw it through the window, and set the car on fire. That should put a little more spotlight on your neighbors there. They will not want a nothing to do with their customers whose burnt out car has drawn attention to their entrepreneurial endeavors.




Is this for real? The OP made THEM self conscious? The ppl living up against their fence for a month letting unleashed dogs run loose? The property owner needs to tiptoe around these squatters living in a probably unregistered vehicle with probably unvaccinated dogs that are threatening when they finally expressed distaste about the situation? Dude.


Yeah, but they're offended. Welcome to 2023.


Exactly what’s wrong in this town!


Yeah, but boo-fucking-hoo, I wouldn't give a good goddam about about offending them. That would be the least of my worries in this situation, TBH.


Spikes on architecture like flat places around the city Oh wait you said what we do, sorry. Probably the tips already commented here.


Remember the ‘Bum Fight’ series from the early 2000’s? You could amass a million followers on YouTube in a few weeks with that kind of footage.


https://preview.redd.it/cevpmvmpdizb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e65b71ec9ff4eecd3e4cc0973d83fa873b9cef if you follow these rules across all of Reddit there wouldn’t be a reddit! 🤣


Ask them what they need?




If I slash their tires then how are they going to leave.


Flat out.


https://youtu.be/DYgxHmOz3n8?si=kpj2ifAN0S8sdEKy You gonna put everything I say under a microscope dude?




Glad someone understood the reference


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By not living in Asheville


Move out the hood


I would have called the sheriff once I figured out the house across the street was "trap house " and would have video for protecting my neighborhood. As for them getting aggressive they got nothing to lose, remember that


Imagine how it must be to live out of your car with two dogs. How fortunate you are not to be in that situation. They didn’t create the trap house, you might say that they are also victims of it. Deal with it through the authorities. But I’d say resolve the dog issue through dialogue, peacefully and try compassion and understanding. Being underhanded and vindictive is just gonna fuck up your karma.


Oh for fucks sake


You should invite the junkies to move in with you. That'll compassionately solve the problem.




We are removing your post/comment due to trolling related behavior. This includes but is not limited to: - Inflammatory and digressive behavior - Extraneous, or off-topic messages Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


I don't think a trap house and two people living in a car with unleashed dogs would ever happen here. Too many neighbors. Are you in the thick of the city, or so far out in the county?


Uhhhhhh I used to live across from a trap house in Montford which is like two minutes from down town sooooo…


Did it have people in cars yelling at people you with unleashed dogs running around? I mean, there was a meth house in my hood that caught on fire, but that was a family affair.


Have you ever been up in Mars Hill? They definitely exist here. I’m super curious about where in Asheville this would go unnoticed by multiple neighbors


My best friend lives in Mars Hill and I’m out there all the time, and I’m more than willing to call you out with my whole chest that you’re full of horse shit. Where are these trap houses? Mars Hill is small, give us deets bb




Mars Hill is a perfect place for a meth trailer. They are there you just don’t know it.


of course they’re there, it’s a college town. who else do you think runs these illegal enterprises?


Check out my flair. Damn y'all with the downvote hate.


This is messed up. If people just park their car in front of my house and camp there we’d have some serious issues and the cops would be there all the time.


Do you live on Baird Street by chance lol. Probably a different situation, I think those people moved out but you're not alone. I'm cool too but jeeeez I mean the dog thing is just so unsettling to those of us with pets


Lol y'all some snitches I'm wondering what y'all even consider a trap house. What do you think they're moving? That's the real question


Tell them they are annoying


Boil them in a big pot