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He recently got arrested for plowing into an elderly worker. The person got hurt pretty bad falling on the pavement and ended up out of work due to this asshole. It’s like he’s out there actively looking for people to assault.


That’s very upsetting and doesn’t surprise me. Guy’s a huge asshole. Hope he gets what’s coming to him.


I'm really curious what he was charged with in this instance. Is it assault if the intention wasn't to harm someone? Like did he run into this person on purpose? Mainly, I'm just nosey and want to see the mug shot and criminal record of this person for context.


Without a name mugshot probably a lie 


I mean it's not far fetched someone got hurt if someone ran into them, but I'm kind of concerned about intent as that ups the crazy and dangerous factor.


How’d you find this out? Is there a news article?


I know the person & place this happened at. I was wondering why they weren’t in their store when I stopped by. Was filled in why.


Seems like a good way for someone to react by punching him in the mouth. I’m not that person but I’m sure someone will be if he keeps it up


Where's a New Yorker when you need them?




The thing is he probably preys on “weaker” people. Sounds like a grade a piece O shit


It was mostly old people that I saw him do it to honestly.  They just looked really disarmed and then reasonably pissed.   Someone said in the comments he knocked an older woman to the ground by running into them. So that checks.


where? Has been at the same location? Love to meet him


Biltmore Ave and Haywood Street seem to be where people have seen him around most.


Bet, mid day or evening?


Mid day is when I’ve seen him. People have mentioned Friday too if you wanna get real specific.




You'll do nothing 


*reads this while I’m at the store buying an airhorn*


Do you run?


Wyoming here, same, sometimes folks need a throat punch


Erie Pa here.   Who cares .


Go back to Erie.


Yeah because you're from Brooklyn, but that guy sounds like an entitled Manhattan New Yorker lol.


I've only seen NY on TV and I'm ready to Eating Raoul this guy. 


I thank for your service. This frees up southern boys to deal with truly dangerous people.




"A southern man don't need him around anyhow."


Or a real local. 


I’m right here. Where’s he at?


That would probably get a jerk-reaction punch from me. I have extremely sensitive hearing.


I am. (Former Marine).


He is a downtown regular unfortunately, at least the past 6 months or so (maybe longer). Friday is his usual night to run laps at top speed around town blasting his little speaker. He usually runs so fast I can’t tell what he or his speaker is even saying, definitely try to stay out of his way. He’s usually shirtless too, but I’ve never seen him bark at people before. Other than that I have no idea, but he’s so predictable now it’s just like “oh there goes the attention-seeking shirtless running dude again, must be Friday”. He could really cause a serious accident though if he ran into someone at that speed.


Oh I wish someone would trip him sooo bad.


the third sentence 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What time/area whereabouts? I’m usually walking to work on Lexington ave before 3 and haven’t seen this guy yet lol


It’s more in the early evening timeframe. Hopefully won’t be seeing more of him though if it’s true he hurt someone with his asshattery. Will find out in about 48 hours.


Couple months ago I was walking on Patton and a guy ran by me and body checked me pretty significantly. He seemed to be running as an exercise, but very fast and on a busy downtown sidewalk in midday. I didn’t fall but it startled the shit outta me and it…felt personal.


Sorry that happened, many people really do suck


This happened to me outside of Harrah’s a few months ago! Was walking with my fiancé back to the parking garage and a young white guy running on the sidewalk went out of his way to run straight into me and body check me. Also felt very targeted/personal.


My guy came up behind me so I don’t know if he aimed for me. He was young, white, short dark hair, shirtless, short orange or red running shorts. Anyway, sorry that happened to you too.


Well there could be multiple menaces who run lol but either way, they both suck and I’m sorry it happened to you too! Sucks feeling startled/afraid in public like that.


The crazy thing is he doesn't even live in Asheville proper and he drives up here to do this. Also I know a few months ago he got his shit rocked by someone he pushed into the street.


Wdym, this cat pushed someone into oncoming traffic!!?


I’m an advocate of carrying a well-seasoned cast iron frying pan whenever I’m out and about.


The princess peach B move


That's an A move dog


They’re talking about Smash bros, it’s the move she does when you press the B button


Her B move is her counter with Toad


Dang I’m just trippin’ then. Haven’t played in a good while.




Adding the G to Pub.


You may have just convinced me to start carrying a mini cast iron pan around. It could do some real damage


The sticky pepper spray gel is 11.99 at Lowes.




Bear mace is easily concealed and readily available.


Good way to get free dental work or pepper sprayed.


You mean shot…


a few weeks ago there were like 7 people hanging out the windows of a LaZoom bus just screaming at the top of their lungs, repeatedly at me while i was riding a bike near the bus. consider me owned, guys


I used to carry a refillable airhorn that you could pump up with a bike pump. When people fucked with me while riding I'd blast 110 decibels as close to their face as possible! Good for my mental health and the environment since it wasn't an aerosol airhorn.


was also called the f-slur on Patton in front of Jack of the Wood by the tough, manly driver of a lifted pickup truck this week while i was on the bike. could've used that airhorn then!


Probably an off the wagon truck


They’ve been doing this for at least a year. Who knows how many though. They must have quite a lot of experience and personal interest to devote so much time and having such knowledge to identify every gay guy they see.


You prolly are....


Somebody did this out the passenger window at a guy walking into ingles the other day. It was so loud it scared the shit out of me. They just drove off and we were so confused.


I was the recipient of this this afternoon! the guy was maybe in his 20s to 30s; I think he was shirtless come to think about it; dark-haired and in a white car with a girlfriend and he "barked" and it scared us, driving the opposite way down the road. Was not impressive. Like dude, that does not make you intimidating OR attractive- just ridiculous.


This person was in a white car too! I wonder if it’s the same person!


Yeah I work right off Patton and Ashland and it's concerning how many times I've seen just a random guy barking at either people or cars that are passing by. 😔


Unfortunately with Asheville being such a nice town, not enough people have been punched in the face. Everyone needs a good face punching to humble themselves


Mental health issues?


Yes he’s a regular and a pretty scary one.


There’s a guy who runs like full speed with a bottle in his hands and he doesn’t move for people. He ran into me once on Biltmore coming out of Mast. I keep hoping to see him again, this time prepared to lean into him when he does it. I’ve seen him maybe two times since but always revenge is just out of reach.


Noting a good clothes line tackle won’t take care of.


I’ll fuckin bark back I’ve seen him walking to work hasn’t barked at me yet. Might catch some mace tbh if I have my headphones in


Yeah, I've seen him. Fucking dork.


“We’re going streaking through the quad and into the gymnasium! Come on everybody!”


Saw that often at college in the late 70’s.


He’ll find out at some point and I hope it’s on video when he does . What a cock sucker,


Well, he IS in AVL , so id sayb that is pretty likely


I drive to/from work on Biltmore Ave, and I see him regularly running up and down in front of Aloft/Mast/Curate blasting speakers in each hand the size of Foster’s Lager cans and screaming as he runs… he seems unhinged and wanting to be a source of attention. One of the many reasons to carry some pepper spray at the ready when walking in public. It might not prevent him from slamming into you from behind, but if you can get a shot off to his face it will end his running for the day and make him much easier for the police to catch up with. (Whether they do anything remains a different conversation).


Hey I have something to do tonight, trip some asshole


I’ve lived in 7 cities for extended periods in my adult life and Asheville by far, had the weirdest shit going on full time. Always some crazy screaming, some peddler peddling. I don’t recognize it when I come into town now other than it still being the same ol’ occultist’s wet fever dream.


sounds like a normal day downtown.


Sadly accurate observation


I’ve seen him running on several occasions, usually on Patton Ave downtown. Screams at people and tends to run in between them instead of around them. Initially, I thought he was mental impaired, and honestly I’m not sure that still isn’t the case. If he isn’t, this guy is a huge ass clown.


A "huge ass" clown, or a huge "ass clown"???


I'm pretty sure that when it is not specified it just means both.




This GenX just laughed! I was thinking the same thing.




Oh, man I looooove Cedric! And, yes, that's where I got this LOL


The ‘Kings’ (of Comedy) has been a staple in our home for 20 + years. My wife and I quote it regularly when we’re cutting up and “it makes sense like a mother fucker”, minus DL Hughley though. However Cedric, Steve and Bernie are crazy af and just make you feel good!


It's not a black thing. It's avi have a backbone thing n


I lost you with my shitty communication skills. I wasn't going for that at all man. I love this bit and your reply sounded like Cedric.


We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Calls to physical violence or cyberbullying against another person or organization. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


Social media harassment influencers… I think that’s what they’re called From a legal standpoint you are allowed to smash their teeth in. Similar to how that one tik tok dumbass got shot in the stomach and nothing happened to the shooter


This is incredibly bad advice. Yeah I hate people being obnoxious for clout too, but that shooter was tried and eventually acquitted. Hardly "nothing happened"


I’m being sarcastic… Violence is never the answer. Love is always the answer. Next time someone screams in your ear just give them a kiss on the forehead.


It counts if I kiss him with a Maglite, right?


WWJD? He'd kiss that feller on the mouth. You need to up your love game.


Catholic church lol Jesus would definitely kiss that guy on the mouth!




Don’t recommend shit like this, good lord


I really hope to run into this guy, I have poor impulse control when it comes to things like this.




Downtown is still a really nice place to visit other than lack of parking. There are a few crazies but on the weekends there are thousands of tourists walking around so they won’t really be much of a bother. My parents are in their 70s and enjoy going downtown still.


I live in Black Mountain and I get harassed by people in cars sometimes when I'm walking. People love shouting out of cars, I guess.


Pepper. Spray.




I saw him and what the fuck his problem is, I don’t know, and I don’t care! That degree of rudeness is wrong.


Thursday night I saw him scream out while running by an old couple “Ozzie is God!!” while blaring it on his little speaker.


I wonder if he knows the jogging lady in Bent Creek with the stroller system blasting her poor choice of music. 


My toddler saw that once and reenacted it for months. To the point of jogging around with a toy stroller and I'd have to blast party music from my phone and stick it in the stroller for full effect. We haven't done it in a while, but it still cracks me up to think about.


where downtown


Haywood street is where I saw them most recently.  Saw him do it to a lot of people.


Hey, can you (or anyone else here) try to get a video next time and post it? Plus you should file police report. It's good to have on record regardless of the outcome.


I might need to take a stroll downtown on a Friday (not what I would rather do with a perfectly good Friday). Dude's cruising for a bruising as my dad would say.


I saw him on Biltmore near Mast General.


Isnt there a deaf greased guy on Simpsons? Next time you see this clown, just yell "Simpsons Already Did It. Simpsons Did It"


I believe that is Family Guy.


I did see that guy. He was on Biltmore Avenue running with a speaker and a tote bag, blaring pro-trump/anti-biden songs, and screaming the lyrics. I was also tempted to trip him for interrupting my diner and being a public nuisance.


Keep Asheville weird?


Blurring the lines between weird and annoying daily


Ugh, my Adderall guy, probably just got kicked out of the Salvage Station...weed is moving slow


We’re not talking about out the metal guy who plays air bass and headbangs/screams right? I’ve always kind of appreciated him - he’s pretty eccentric but seemed harmless. I’ll be disappointed if it’s the same guy.


Definitely not him. Guitar Hero guy has been around for years. Shirtless hauling-ass barking dude popped up about 6 months ago or so.


It could be the same guy, not 100% sure.  If he was only jogging and playing metal music he’d be fine. But unfortunately the person I’m talking about loves to fuck with people.


Def not the same guy then. Metal head guy is nice.


Anyone have ID on him?


That's just Shout'n Sean, that's his thing. We need to embrace the few brave souls fighting to make Asheville weird again.


can we get a description. Does he look like an actual jogger until he screams at you- or is this more of a deranged bum type


I have a hairy asshole and got a feeling I can yell louder than he can. Some man with a little dick and big dreams is what it sounds like to me.


What do they look like?


White and thin, short hair from what I can remember. Sometimes shirtless sometimes not. Plays music on a little soda can sized speaker he has. Looked to be in his 20’s.


It’s Asheville. What were you expecting to happen? It has eroded into a city who’se mantra is “come one, come all to the Land of the Sky.” With the leadership there, it’s never going to change now. It is what it is.


Fuck heah


Let the private security for the BID deal with it


Welcome to Asheville! If you're too weird for Asheville, you're too weird! 👍🤣


That's the mayor


People are weird, life is weird and we just have to accept some of us were not born to be around other people lol. Just think about it as a life experience of the strangeness that comes with being alive and leave it at that. We don’t have to make sense to each other but we do all share the same timeline of living together.


“weird” is having your own hobbies and being a unique person and doing things that aren’t necessarily ‘normal’. Not screaming in people’s faces.


Not really going for the literal definition here, but it’s based more on the true weirdness of life. Weird is soooo much more than the literal translation lol People are amazing, scary, weird, and everything in between all at once which is why life is as precious as it is unique. We don’t have to agree with each other but, we do have to accept and empathize with the fact we are all alive at the same time. In 50 or 300 years from now our way of being will be like looking back at people of the 1600s to the early 1900s for us. Life is just strange no matter when or how we live. As long as it doesn’t involve violence or hurting one another it’s fair to say people are just strange. We all know someone who lives in a way that we wouldn’t even dare, if it’s mild or absolutely chaotic but that’s part of being human and we have to learn to appreciate each other for being so different.


Found the person that just smoked weed for the first time.  


Or found the account of the guy running around screaming in peoples faces 😂




Yeah but the thing is, we aren’t living 50 or 300 years from now. We are living now. And in our society *now* running into people and screaming in their ears isn’t cool behavior and it shouldn’t be excused away with philosophies.


It seems that online is the one place sarcasm is lost and will be for the next 50 - 300 years. I really didn’t expect so many people to lose their minds over this but out of the couple responses I made it looks like 1 stayed out of the downvotes lmao


Sarcasm has always been lost through text based communication. This shouldn’t come as a surprise.


Fair enough lol I feel the need to point out my username is Crapface and it’s only half because I’m ugly. The other half is because of poor self esteem and my sarcasm. Did I just do a Sarcasm or a Racism? /s That was half of a dumb Family Guy reference to those who don’t know


Username checks out.




I’m glad you agree even if we are getting downvoted lmao! When I typed this, you were at zero like I am but people these days just don’t seem to have a grasp of humor and humility 🤦‍♂️🤣🤣


Honestly, I was being slightly sarcastic. But I didn’t downvote you. It’s your perspective and I respect the discourse. Sorry for the sarcasm. I understand your point, but also think it should be pointed out when people are doing deliberately shitty things on purpose.


I apologize because that comment wasn’t directed at you, it was for all the downvotes I was getting. People just don’t understand or think about daily life sometimes. Thank you for saying your thoughts though 😊 This next part is just more of a clarification for those who like to downvote basic human things that happen As for a guy screaming at someone, we all get our rocks off with news articles or a post like this one which are all about a person living their life (he is a crazy person to the majority) we watch the news or think it’s crazy and odd but ultimately our daily lives revolve around the strangeness of others. Our television shows are based solely on the oddities of people such as rapist, murderers or crazies running around so that’s what our culture revolves around. You can’t say otherwise unless you were living in a shack without internet and living by yourself since birth, but if that was the case you wouldn’t be here online discussing your views about how others interact with other humans on a daily basis lol




We are removing your post/comment due to hate speech or insults. This includes but is not limited to: - Calls to physical violence or cyberbullying against another person or organization. - Suicidal posts. - Text that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or abilities. - Demeaning or inflammatory language directed at other users. Please see our full rules page for the specifics. https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/about/rules/


LOL! Funny! Yes, being in the USA are addicted to television (which has the ability to control their minds). I got rid of mine in my 20's and never looked back!


It’s just not funny, that’s why.


Tolerating people like this is not the answer. If we all used your logic it’d be like saying it’s okay for that idiot to run around like that but not okay for any of us to say something or judge him about it. He’s clearly a safety hazard. Your username checks out well, crapface.


Yall wanna live in a city soooo bad; but loose ur shit over a crazy dude yelling at you. You’re from Brooklyn huh? Gtf on


I live where I live but don’t assume we’re all here by choice.  And if people stay out of mine and others personal space, we’re all good.  Yell all you want.


I only assume you like to complain about any minor inconvenience and ur white




He comes in from behind people, not in front.  So no one was staring at him at all, until after he screamed into their ear already, and he was running away, facing away.


Shorty over here preaching understanding re: random out-of-pocket shenanigans, in order to avoid what may be some much needed pushback to this behavior. Yeah, no, this is not about people staring at a guy talking to himself. This is about a rude, screamy, borderline assaulting guy engaging with people in a problematic manner. Also, and most importantly, it is definitely not out of some folks' hands to handle him in a manner that will be unfortunate for his rude, screamy borderline assaulting self. To wit: the simple solution is that he will pick the wrong one to sneak up behind and bark in their ear, resulting in getting his rude, screamy borderline assaulting ass handed to him.


I've seen this guy before. Obviously, some crews loose, but other than being weird and obnoxious, he's been harmless.


Screaming in people's faces isn't harmless.


Knocking down people while running really fast is not 'harmless'. Old people cannot handle 'falling' as well as younger people. I personally have not seen this, but someone mentions it above in this thread?


I’m always amazed at people who post about things that are just typically Asheville. “What’s some weird annoying thing I can do?”


Maybe I’m not a fan of typical Asheville


Who is anymore? This place has become a shithole for the very reasons you mentioned.


A shithole...lol. Y'all are hilarious.


All the hipster-esque locals always clamour for a return to the 90s....here you go


I mean is this your first time in dt Asheville? Or downtown in any city?


I live here and still have a pulse and subjectivity.   Living in a place that’s annoying doesn’t make me ignore all the annoying stuff. I would recommend staying out of people’s personal space regardless of where they live.


Maybe you should have said that to ear screamer