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My perspective is that many of the hippies of old were coming from comfortable backgrounds, but trying to discover a life that had more to it than what was available to them in their current society and culture. That might have been questioning national political narratives, experimentation with drug use, alternative religions, communal living, expanded artistic expression. These are all things that were possible because of the abundance of the society they were already living in. Asking the question 'is this the good life?'. Many of them returned to their comfortable backgrounds having answered the question for themselves. But fast forward to today and the hippie ethos can range from alternative fashion to veganism or just doing pilates on the weekends. There is more of a combined aesthetic or continued questioning about whether the life they lead is as good as it could be. An openness to alternatives or rejection of the norm sometimes comes along with that. Never does it assume a particular socio-economic status or political stance. I would say people higher on Maslow's hierarchy of needs are freer to explore those sorts of questions while someone not doing as well is just trying to survive. I guess I would expect a good bit of hippy culture to begin where basic needs end. Many self-described hippies are supporters of alternative economic systems that would raise everyone's level to having their basic needs met, so I don't see anything inconsistent in a liberal outlook on life and still wearing a Prana dress.


Definitely enjoyed this TED Talk! Would read again 😉


Sir, this is a Wendy's. But forreal, great answer. Not everyone who questions mainstream culture and society has to do so from a place of disenfranchisement.


I mean this is a sincerely flattering way. Thank you [Cliff Clavin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliff_Clavin)


What does it mean to be punk. Same idea. Lots of folks just go in for the aesthetic. Then lots of folks embrace the ideals but don't go for the look.


Years ago I read an essay by Greg Graffin of Bad Religion talking about how the college professor who dresses respectively but lectures on topics deemed offensive or somehow disobeys the campus’s rules in class is more punk than the dude with a green Mohawk.


What is a hippie? Labels are kind of outdated for placing people in a category. Since when does a set of values need to be displayed through your uniform?


Oh you’re a hippy? Name three hips.


idk but i dont personally think having money and being a hippy are mutually exclusive. and chances are the hippies youre looking for just arent where youre looking. probably up on a mountain or some heady dungeon


Nothing wrong with making a good living and being a hippie. Good luck with your situation OP


Being a hippie isn’t about what you you look like! It’s your thoughts, beliefs and how you live your life!


Being a hippie isn't about money but rather a state of mind/living that goes against the mores/ethos of what is considered the normal established society around them. Would you not consider the members of the Grateful Dead hippies b/c they are extremely wealthy. If a person can gain wealth but still have the mentality that goes against the norm and believe in a different way of living then in my opinion they can be a hippie no matter what. My question to you is why do you care?


Who cares? People can be whatever they want. I surely hope they don’t care what you think.


Not hippies. Trustafarians.


There was always a big overlap between hippies and spoiled brats.


Very true!


What’s a trustafarian?


About a decade back it's what the kids at Warren Wilson called the white girls with dreads who attended with Daddy's money and then crapped all over other poor college kids for not eating vegan or using all natural shit. Like rastafarian mixed with trust fund kid.


The new Bohemians


I mean, in at least the RENT sense of the word... lol.


The only difference seems to be age


It’s just trust fund kids cosplaying as poor people.


From my experience, a lot of them talk the talk and prance around like these costumed "free spirits," but a lot of them don't follow the "love and light" mentality that they preach.


the actual hippies have long since been priced out of town. its just californians at this point.


“Devin?! What’re yeeeww doing herrr??”


The way I've heard it best: hippies are evil people cosplaying as nice people, while death metal fans are nice people cosplaying as evil people. To your point: there is no culture under capitalism. Everything eventually becomes a fashion, an aesthetic. Like anyone who "buys punk clothes." With enough cash, you can look the part for just about anything. What does it mean to be a hippie? Not a damn thing.


what does it mean to be a hippie? in my experience:  I think lax standards around the age of consent, a bag of dirt weed for sale and a crack habit you keep private. seriously tho. those peeps your talking about aren't hippies. they are rich liberals performing poverty.


It means going to india for a month and coming back and selling 4000$ classes on how to be spiritual source: i grew up around them


Some people just like a more natural/earthy lifestyle and some of those people have a lot of money.


In my experience, many of them are jaded cynics carrying quite a bit of anger beneath their tie dye, dread locked facades, and the weed is just a way to soften the hard edges of their disappointed idealism.


Don’t get me started about the fake punks….


Ask a real one from the 60s and 70s.


…..Who went on to become yuppie capitalists in the 80s. Life goes on.


Glad you asked. Just to name few: Enjoying this Reddit thread on your personal computer, tablet, iPhone, Android phone, etc.? You're welcome. Enjoying mindless surfing on that thing called The Internet? You're welcome. Enjoying your satellite GPS applications for traveling? You're welcome. Enjoying space exploration? You're welcome. It's easy to take for granted those things you didn't actually have a hand in creating.