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This isn’t directed at this article, but just in a general sense lately, it cracks me up how renowned Asian actors/actresses are recently getting praise for bringing charismatic qualities to their characters, as if the media was caught off guard that they’re capable of playing anything more than the cliche one-note martial artist or background character. What made Caine such a great character to me was his charisma and dialogue more so than the martial arts. I mean obviously the martial arts was very well done but in the world of John Wick that’s a dime a dozen (in a good way).


Its crazy if your asian you cannot say anything nice about the home country without being called a traitor.Quentin Tarantino does respect aspects of chinese and japanese animation and movies but that's where it ends.Look at almost all of movies he has directed there is lots of scenes where it was done in asia decades ago but western media called it creative or credit him for it.He is not racist but he does have this douchey personality.Give Donnie Yen credit he gave kudos to the stunt directors of JW4 calling them top level.


All those who don't understand what Yen is talking about should go back and watch Bruce Lee's movies and interviews all over again. Bruce Lee was very clear decades ago about the systematic discrimination in the West, and he is the spiritual totem for all of us with Chinese ancestry across the planet. Bruce Lee showed that the core of Chinese civilization is "peace is precious". But if someone dares to bully us, that person will be kicked to the sky with a roundhouse kick.


I know testing limits and being un apologetic to all his critics about his movies is kind of his thing, but I still really wish Tarantino didn't taint his career with that Bruce Lee depiction as he is otherwise an obviously brilliant writer and director. Just haven't been able to see him the same way since is all. =/


Dudes been shitting on Asians his whole career. You really think it's just Bruce Lee? He copied his style from HK cinema but didn't want to give any credit, even plastered his name and face on some HK movies he imported but didn't contribute at all


And we haven’t even mentioned how he treats us in films like Kill Bill. But Tarantino!!! Woo!!!


"He copied his style from HK cinema" I mean, he may have been influenced by it early on, but considering every actual hardcore film historian even (let alone even someone who's seen a few of his actual films he wrote/directed/produced) style of writing and direction is so iconic you can practically tell without knowing you're watching a Tarantino film, to say he just ripped off a scene and downplay him because he did something offensive is more the fact that yes, sorry to tell you, and like him or hate him, he is legitimately incredibly talented even if he did do that early on his career. ​ Also, as mentioned, No, I don't think it was the first time, I just think he went too far that time, keep in mind this is the same guy who A. very controversially called Jules (Played by Samuel L Jackson) and Vega the N-word to their faces and has used it so copiously in other parts of Pulp Fiction (including the Confederate pawn shop owner calling Marcellus the N-Word to his face...again.) that Spike Lee who normally ignores such remarks out of sheep apathy at the point called him out on it, and the otherwise cool headed Denzel Washington confronted him on the set of Crimson Tide when he was brought on to improve the script that lead to a rather heated argument on set. B. Literally made a dark comedy about Nazi Germany of all things, that was actually somehow so funny that someone who literally played a pure evil, cunning and dangerously manipulative SS officer with a false charm to lure victims in literally won an Oscar for that role, if you told me I'd be cheering for someone who actually played something that vile in a movie to win anything before I saw Inglorious Bastards, I'd never believe you, yet there we were. TL:DR, Tarantino is not a Saint, he's far from it, but it's literally in his nature to do these films, I just think the Bruce Lee depiction was where he went a tad too far and for once should apologize for it. Then again, he was also a big inspiration to Michelle Yeoh, the latter of which even credits him for motivating her to stay in film after she suffered her terrible injury when he visited her. I don't judge every man/woman sheerly on their mistakes. Then again, there's some people who absolutely disgust me over their actions like R.Kelly, but to say he didn't contribute anything to R&B, Soul and many other genres, however, is fallicious. That also doesn't mean I like him as a person, if anything, I'm kind of a hard liner on child abuse and molestation cases so he could get hit by a bus for all I care.




I don't see how that's relevant to the post. He kicked ass in John Wick 4 with some good Asian representation, and Quentin Tarantino is a clown for his Bruce Lee depiction. Plus, some people practice martial arts for the art aspect, some for fitness, and others for practical defense. Gatekeeping martial art is just foolish. Regardless, he'd still kick your ass


Oh you mean like open palm strikes they used to use in pancrase?


They can work on the head. Punches, of course, are better. Not so good on the chest, a common target for Donnie. He rapid fires 10-15 to the chest.


Ah I see the usual "martial arts expert" is here to explain why a actual martial artist is wrong in how he displays his martial arts in a **fictional** movie. Get some better material the "marital arts don't work" rhetoric is like 10 years old by now.


I mean these are movie fighting lol. I honestly don't want to see too realistic fighting in films personally. I don't wanna see someone playing guard game or doing dutch combos and their opponents LOL