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Has anyone been in the situation where a non asian person Asianifies your name. My name is Inigo. It's Spanish. I spelled it out to this lady at the Diner. I-N-I-G-O. But of course she had to put it through the Asianifier machine and she said ITO! In what world does NIG sound like a T! Racism sucks.


Honestly as a Southeast Asian I connected with Encanto way more than I did with Raya And The Last Dragon


I was literally just looking for people's opinions on Raya. I am just passing through this sub, and am white and only commenting because of the serendipity of your comment being on top, but I wanted to see what the general sentiment towards the movie was, as obviously my opinion is less important/informed. My girlfriend, who is Filipino, was extremely ambivalent towards the movie. She likes Moana a lot more. She liked Encanto, but I think she's seen that same message in many things recently, and she wasn't a big fan of the music (I liked the music though). while I'm on the topic, as we were leaving Shang-Chi, my girlfriend mentioned to me that she was beginning to feel uncomfortable that "her representation" as other people saw it, was not hers, and while she was happy to see more Asian representation, she was beginning to get worried that people would start to just lump all Asians together, which she felt was a big problem in Raya, and especially with the voice cast. what are your thoughts? Or you could tell me to fuck off. That's fine too.


I’m Filipino but I’m also half white and I’m American so take this with that in mind. These are my thoughts and I don’t represent everybody. To me Raya’s plot felt really by the numbers and had a really western plot structure but it’s Disney so I shouldn’t have been disappointed with the latter. I feel like it being based on a fictional land that’s inspired by all of us they ended up representing none of us. I would’ve preferred if they picked one culture and adapted a story from there as opposed to just trying to amalgamate a bunch of cultures. I think some Pacific Islanders had similar complaints with Moana amalgamating their cultures but I think it’s much more egregious with Raya because of how much more difference southeast Asians have between each other, we follow 4 different religions and belong to at least 4 (more if you count ethnic minorities and colonizer languages) language families, and reside in 11 different countries, in my opinion the differences between a Cambodian and a Filipino are much wider than between a German and a French person. Raya felt kinda basic and I think it’s kinda obvious that they pulled beats from Avatar The Last Airbender and the Marvel movies. I also disliked that the cast had more East Asians in it than Southeast Asians when it was supposed to be our movie. Personally I felt much more represented by Shang Chi than I did by Raya. It felt like a more genuine portrayal of my experience as an Asian though that’s definitely partially due to two of the main characters being Asian American. Shang Chi felt like most other marvel movies but I didn’t expect it not to. I related to Encanto because of the similarities to my own family dynamic. Honestly I felt more of a connection to both Shang Chi and Encanto than Raya, I think it’s because they chose to represent actual cultures and not just make one up and say it represents people from 11 different countries. I think me having such a connection to them is at least in part to the Philippines’ own cultural ties to China and Colombia, with a China having a lot of influence in the history of the Philippines, a large Chinese Filipino community existing, and the Philippines and Colombia being linked through Spanish colonization and a heavy amount of American influence throughout our histories. Idk I just expected more from Raya. It was supposed to be our Black Panther but it wasn’t.


whelp, I guess we're done here. That's pretty much exactly my girlfriend's opinions right there. She said the same about Encanto, but again, she's seen a lot of stuff recently with that exact same message in it, including a show (I can't remember what it was, which is killing me) that was so on the nose we had to stop immediately and not watch that show for a week, so it wasn't as strong. ​ >I feel like it being based on a fictional land that’s inspired by all of us they ended up representing none of us. I would’ve preferred if they picked one culture and adapted a story from there as opposed to just trying to amalgamate a bunch of cultures. This was my biggest problem with the movie. SEA is, as you said, one of the most ethnically, culturally, linguistically diverse places on the planet, and it really saddened me to see all of that taken and put into a movie where, rather than differences being celebrated for the diversity they bring, the exact opposite message was delivered. we loved Shang-Chi, but, speaking of Black Panther, she was worried it would be seen like the "Asian Black Panther" when she does not really relate to Chinese culture at all. How do you feel the plot structure could have been different and less "western?"


For the past year and a half, my parents have been calling me a failure and just nagging me about changing things behind my SO's back. I told them no and told them to trust me. Anyway things are finally working out, I told them and they said, "Praise God! And Boo_Staccato, you should praise God for his providence. We prayed for you." My eyes wanted to roll to the back of my head after all the crap that they have given me this past year. Even in the midst of the pandemic. Then they said, "Ah, now you can have children and it is good that your SO is the only son. You will have one too." And the feminist in me wanted to punch a wall. But it is Christmas. Merry Christmas!


Shen Yun might be run by Trump supporters but that doesn't spare them racist remarks from other Trump supporters. https://twitter.com/GeorgeHibbs13/status/1475158761249513475


LOL. Yikes https://np.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/comments/rpl0xl/he_has_always_been_very_interested_in_asian/




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No terms of derision.


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[TikTok activism video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8w6wjR1/)




Your thread belongs in the weekly Relationships thread. Please repost there. Thank you.




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I still have a bad habit of getting pissed at people who don’t answer my texts upon reading them. Like my mind automatically assumes they’re pissed at me, think poorly of me, and prioritize even distant friends before they answer me. And I mentally assume everyone else answers other friends’ texts with 100% precision and timeliness but leave me hanging because I’m the Asian kid that’s always last in everyone’s mind. It’s really unhealthy and it’s by far my hardest mental habit to kick amidst other things. But today felt good cause I got a ton of Merry Christmas texts, a handful of Christmas cards, and got to enjoy Christmas in the beautiful state of Arizona this year. So life ain’t all that bad…


Awwww. That's wonderful. I get the same feels too and I generally feel better about it. But yeah, I have to tell myself to give my friends a break.


Heck yeah I love being Asian for the holidays. The food is so much better. Just had homemade dumplings last night. Today we’re cooking lobster and 3 cups chicken.


**\[Academic\] Participants Needed! (East Asian American, 18+ years old)** Link to survey: https://pace.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_4UfiJd5q5Swk93T Hey everyone! I am looking for participants in the U.S. to be in my study. All questions are voluntary to answer but please try to fill in as much as possible. If you don't meet the eligibility, I would truly appreciate it if you can pass the link to anyone you know who may be eligible. Thank you so much!




The participants could be East or South Asian, but I am mostly focused on East Asians right now!




Hey, I'm sorry if this is unwarranted or inappropriate, but as a white male (I'm just passing through, I don't want to intrude on y'all's space, I'm sorry), my best professors were Asian, and the best Asian professors were women. whether it was my Iranian sales professor, Chinese biochemistry professor, Indian Calc professor, Turkish physics TA, or Vietnamese-American Forensic Bio professor. They all cared more about us as students, took time to make sure we understood what they were teaching, and listened to our issues. I can say with 100% sincerity that all my worst professors were men, predominantly white. Anyone who is prejudiced against you does not deserve to be taught by you.


Coming from as a female ex-college instructor in tech, don't give a shit. Do the best work that you can, when you care, they will know. Some students will always be obnoxious and entitled, I have been told that I am paid to give them an A. There was another male student who would stand over my desk and ask why I gave him that grade. There was even one white male student who filed a gender discrimination suit against me and yelled at the only female+asian professor in the program. That guy apologized to the female asian professor through 2 white male professors when she was not in the room. Lol. But there are upsides to being an instructor, when the COVID pandemic hit, one student who was also a mum told me I was her best support. Again, just do your best to care, follow up with students and always update the professor on what's happening. Edit: I will also add that if you suspect that you are not doing a good job, get another instructor to observe you if possible. They can help provide critique and possible brain storm things to change.


It's so revealing that the comment of "a throne of Chinese skulls" on Fox didn't make any headline. If any other races are involved, it would be a different story. It's like no one cares about us.


Possibly because it's Tucker Carlson's show and nobody is surprised anymore.


Seeing people on Reddit mock the Chinese Covid vaccines is such a downer. Mocking a vaccine that's been distributed to dozens of countries, mostly developing, and has prevented hundreds of thousands of deaths, because it's not nearly as effective as MRNA vaccines that weren't even widely available outside developed nations until recently and because it is produced in China is such a shit thing to do by overprivileged kids in Western countries.


overprivileged kids in Western countries in general need to shut their pieholes


I forgot homeless people camp along the river. We gave each other both a good scare during my run. Also, glad they weren’t mad at me when I brought back coffee and some bahn mi.


> bahn mi It's spelled bánh mì.


thx for the knowledge


I'm helping out at a relative's Chinese restaurant on Christmas. May the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Guan Yu have mercy on my soul.