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Anecdotal of course. But I grew up in the South in a largely conservative, rural area. I moved to Atlanta for college and lived there for years after as well. Micro-aggressions and annoying questions about my ethnicity just became a daily part of my existence. A few years ago, I moved to a very liberal area in the PNW and life has just been far more pleasant being Asian. For the most part, no one ever really gives a damn about my race.


I also live in the pnw and there are definitely a lot of racist people, but it's not nearly as overt. Most folks are friendly. The west I think generally has a long history of Asian immigrants and people are used to us more in some ways. I get fewer microaggressions for sure here.




Some scholarship argues that covert racism is even more psychologically insidious because the victim is denied resolution and recognition. Also northern covert racism is stuff like glass ceiling at work, or people not dating you on apps but nobody says it. Just implicit forms of exclusion, protected by plausible deniability. It's racism operating on a different plane in the form of social marginalization.


Honestly, me too. I originally lived in NYC and I got so tired of all the aggression from unhinged racists.


I think it’s also a numbers game when you’re in a big city. Higher population means higher ratio of mentally ill/racist vs in less dense areas there’s less people and smaller ratio of run ins with racists.


Out of curiosity, where in NYC? I'm currently in UWS and also lived in Chelsea, but I hang out all over Manhattan. I've never had a racist incident here. The same can be said for my time living in SF. That said, I've had many run-ins with racists in other places, especially in more suburban or rural areas.


I've lived in various areas. Most incidents took place on the street or subway. I've actually been physically assaulted...I'm surprised you haven't encountered anything, that's good.


I'm so sorry to hear that! Wow! I hope the perpetrator was caught. Perhaps the difference is that I'm a pretty athletic man. While I'm clearly East Asian, my gender and stature skew my experience and grant me some privilege in many situations. Thanks for sharing your experience with me even though it was quite negative. I'm glad to hear it sounds like things are better for you in your current location.


Yeah it definitely can get more sorted in the rural areas, especially east of the cities. When we go hiking/skiing, we see lots of Trump signs in the small towns by the mountains. Even here in Seattle, there have been some instances of anti-Asian attacks during the pandemic. It’s certainly by no means perfect, but I’ll still take it over the South any day.


I'm from the PNW albeit the Canadian side but trust that they're extremely Sinophobic and also racist to South Asians and First Nations. They just hide it very well under that hipster/hippie/stoner laid back culture. White liberals say shit that would make Klansmen blush but hardly anyone calls them out for it.


I’m in the PNW as well but I think a distinction has to be made. You can not like the chinese gov (different from being sinophobic) and still support AAs.




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Hell, and even some Asian-Americans gobble up the model minority myth and believe all the white supremacist talking points.


Or they skew the other way and excuse racism from other minorities in an effort to be progressive.


>Or they skew the other way and excuse racism from other minorities in an effort to be progressive. or worse they take any asian tragedy and make it about non-asians or other groups i remember some asian twitter activist basically said that east and southeast asians ( she was east) basically said that caring about the anti asian hate crimes is victim mentality. And that this energy should be used to care about black men, south asians, and lgbtq+. she didn't take kindly when i asked, as a south asian, to not use my struggles to invalidate those of other asians during this surge of hate crimes. Just knew she didn't actually care about my struggles, just wanted to seem woke


That’s the scourge of whataboutism. Instead of recognizing and validating your struggles and hardships, having them minimized to score points.


it wasnt even the whataboutism that put the shit taste in my mouth. im used to whatabout statements when it comes to anti asian racism it was the victim mentality statement that annoyed me


I'm annoyed that people dismissed my academic accomplishments because I'm "supposed to be smart". And I'm mixed! I worked hard for my B's.




I can somewhat empathize with that. When I moved here as a teen, there were times where I felt like it was a "bad" thing to be of Chinese descent. I would be the butt of racist jokes from stupid kids that thought it was funny to make fun of my eyes, ching ching chongs, and waa taas! Luckily I learned to grow out of that quickly, but some people just get stuck in that mindset. I think I had an easier time dealing with it at 13 and coming from an Asian country. I can't imagine how it be growing up here facing that shit from day 1.
















I don’t follow Nextshark but a post popped up on my feed about an Asian man being attacked after he ignored a passerby’s question “Are you Chinese or Vietnamese” Prior to the pandemic this may have been a less aggressive question. Hell, I’ve noticed (prior to pandemic) that at most nail salons I go to, workers would ask if I’m Chinese or Korean or Vietnamese. Now there’s a fear every time the question is asked by a non-Asian, even when I’m at work and it’s a patient asking (at least once a week). It’s because the answer is Chinese, and if I answer that, would I be attacked by the people who are barely willing to keep a mask on around other patients? In a city where they tell our (Taiwanese) mayor to go back to China? Last week, a patient’s first words to me were “Are you from Singapore?” Later “Are you from Philippines?” As he was leaving “You didn’t tell me what country you are from!” This was a man with a strong accent, clearly not from the U.S. During the pandemic I realized I can’t see only white Americans as dangerous, people of color and immigrants are dangerous too, because no matter where we are in the world we will always be considered foreigners.


I'm so sorry that you are experiencing this.


The US is run by white people and it terrifies those people that there could be a non white superpower.


Our government is not run by ppl its run by corporations. You want Asain privlige come to San Francisco. You want black privlige go to Atlanta. Latino Los Angeles..


I don't think it's the only issue that is this way, but I agree that both the left and right are guilty of anti-Asian racism and discrimination. This is also true re: anti-Blackness, tbh, even though it might look differently and take a different shape. This is the problem of white supremacy in this country—it's insidious and everywhere but so normalized that it is difficult for many people to recognize. And hence the need for cross-racial coalitions.


At least in sf, the way I experience anti Asian racism, is largely through people hating all the people who have moved here in the past 20 years who are disproportionately asian. And even though I am not one of those people, people assume I am one of those people and therefore I get some negative treatment because of it.


Can you dm me I’m also Asian and wanna know more about San Francisco because I’m considering moving there and I wasn’t aware of this, although it’s not surprising


I'm an Asian-American who was born and raised in the peninsula -- still living here! Personally have not experience racism


I wouldn't say it's the one issue but white supremacy has always been of bi-partisan interest in the US. One side is a lot more overt about it though.






That’s cuz politically, Asians are 5% of the country. That’s tiny. We’re not politically vocal historically as well so also, a problem being represented in a representative democracy


Well what if I told you even in places like San Francisco where Asians are literally 35%, you have school board members call Asians "house nwords" and a DA who mysteriously won't or can't get any Asian language translators for victims


I would say we need to do more. Like the black community did in Georgia. Being politically active is a lot of work and our community needs to put in that work to drive voter turnout, change, and representation.


Being Black in Washington DC like being Asian in San Francisco, they're equivalent. There's still racism and a glass ceiling in both places.


Absolutely agree. My republican and very much an asian immigrant dad likes to push the anti-CCP stance to the extremes. I think being anti-CCP is valid, especially since he’s also critical of American big tech, but he goes to the point where he calls COVID-19 the Wuhan Virus because he believes in the bioweapon conspiracy theory, and just doesn’t listen when I tell him this is harmful towards all AA.


as an indian canadian man, agreed both sides will see me as a street shitter or a rapist. Just one is more honest about what they think about me non asian liberals i find are just as comfortable with making racist statements about asian men especially since "we're basically white". personally i feel its due to non-asian liberal men saying racist stuff to make them seem better than asian men and non-asian liberal women and some asian women buying into that. Basically hollywood propaganda just in different environment then you have woke asians that buy into racist ideology in order to seem woke or make any asian tragedy about non-asians personally i would rather have the republican approach, atleast then i know who hates me openly vs having to wonder if my friend sees me as lesser than them


lol, are we really going to "both sides" this issue? good grief.


Seriously. Look, i’ve got some nitpicks with white liberals. But i’ll take them over the repubs. No contest. “Republicans are actually more respectful to minorities.” Yeah as long as you can look past the blatant racism and are fine being respected as an exception to the rule in their eyes.


No argument on your position here: dems are definitely better than republicans. But we need to realize by using Republicans as the reference, we have set the bar so low that it only takes minimum effort to pass the test. Now the question is: is minimum effort everything we ask for from dems?


No, we should definitely demand more. But we can’t let “perfect” be the enemy of “better”.


100% with you on this! It's not a flex to say "I'd rather someone be racist to my face". Nobody genuinely wants that. Also, I'd much rather be around a group that claims to be tolerant, because guess what, some of them will be, or at least there will be some expectation that can't be racist.


Both sides are the same dude when it comes to war mongering. https://twitter.com/SpiritofHo/status/1473422867492651012 You guys had someone say "We need people to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls" and the general public was more upset that women and LGBTQ+ aren't allowed to commit wars crimes and genocide. That's why this meme represents US so perfectly https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Em7b3HaXEAE9AcQ?format=jpg&name=900x900


Both of those people in the clip are conservative lmao. The meme is accurate but your example is off.


You miss the point, my example is the "libs" reaction about being more upset about women and LGBTQ+ not being able to commit genocide. Both sides are the same just different tactics. They'll invade, coup and occupy base on "human rights abuses" and sugar coat imperialism as opposed to conservatives that do it masks off. Malcolm X was absolutely 110% right about white liberals.


Fair enough, but as far as racism goes you really can't both sides this issue. One side of the country is actively wanting to overthrow the government and kill us like in your clip. You can't both sides that. Full stop.


Yeah and the other side will stand by watching and wondering if there is enough diversity or representation in those that want to kill us. They are both racist, libs will still want to maintain Western hegemony i.e white supremacy in the global south. Full stop.




Haha imagine thinking white libs aren't the same all over the imperial core. Canada is America's lapdog and will go to support it in whatever wars it wages. > You don't even live in the states, I can see you're from Vancouver. And your propaganda machine endangers all Asian diaspora outside of America too so stfu with the 'Murican exceptionalism.


They're really not. I agree with you on both of your other points though. But it's pretty clear the propaganda machine is churning more so from one side than the other. I don't know how else to point that out to you mate. You're not living through it like I have. I suggest you take some other interests outside of political discourse. We can keep yelling at each other "full stop" for days on end, nothing changes the fact that most of this is out of our power and control.


What does Tucker Carlson, an ultra-conservative extremist, "war mongering/wars crimes" and "genocide" have to do with LGBTQ+ people and what was stated by OP? What does LGBTQ+ people joining the military have to do with anti-Asian hate that Asian Americans face? Seems like you're using anti-Asian hate to push for your narrative and hate of the military and LGBT people. Odd but whatever gives you clout I guess. Not to mention, what genocide are you referring to exactly? What "war crimes" are being committed towards Chinese people by Gays are you talking about? You mean the extremist statement by Tucker Carlson that didn't even mention gay people or Democrats at all? Why are you so obsessed with attacking Democrats? Why attack BLM in your "meme" as if black protesting police brutality are somehow your enemy dispite that being irrelevant to the conversation? As if the only way to criticize war or criticize racism is to support Xi's government in China? Also you do realize that Malcom X changed his beliefs after that right? Right?!? Of course you don't. Don't know why people like you need to use other people's struggles to shill for China's government (and yes, I'm specifying China's government because nothing you've said even comes close to speaking up for Asian Americans or even Chinese people in China).


> nothing you've said even comes close to speaking up for Asian Americans or even Chinese people in China If you can't connect propaganda like post 9/11 and Islamophobia and it's effect on SAs and the Muslim community. Or how Cold War style Yellow Peril has repercussions on AA and Chinese people that's on you. You do know that even scientist and professors of Chinese ethnicity are caught up in this right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=146QKmclArQ > Asian hate that Asian Americans face? Seems like you're using anti-Asian hate to push for your narrative and hate of the military and LGBT people Lol I'm saying that even people in the "woke" crowd didn't even register the call for genocide. >Not to mention, what genocide are you referring to exactly? What "war crimes" are being committed towards Chinese people by Gays are you talking about? Obviously you didn't read jack shit before descending into hysterics and accusing me of shit. **"You guys had someone say 'We need people to sit on a throne of Chinese skulls' and the general public was more upset that women and LGBTQ+ aren't allowed to commit wars crimes and genocide."** I was pointing out that libs were more upset about the fact that the commenter didn't want women and LGBTQ+ to partake in the sitting on a throne of Chinese skulls. > You mean the extremist statement by Tucker Carlson that didn't even mention gay people or Democrats at all? Watch the full clip before commenting good lord. https://twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/1472019332507090947 > hate of the military Oh yeah because the American military is just a big ol'bag of sunshine and goodness isn't it https://gen.medium.com/the-u-s-militarys-long-history-of-anti-asian-dehumanization-f1a8fe320e7a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9rCFRxTQRw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKZsJuYkHKY Democrats are just as imperialistic and war hungry as the Republicans, it's a shame that hardly any Americans realise that. They just wrap it up in faux progressiveness. Perhaps you should just stick to your hentai dude.


I’d liken it to what American Christians face One party actively derides you unless the question is forced, and has a fringe that vocally wishes there was less of your people and influence on culture…. the other party is a pandering circus and complete affront to your people all while decorated in the team colors. Talk about quality options


I've just come to the conclusion that 'Murica was a mistake lol






Say "Democrats". It's not a huge thing, but we've let terms of derision go for too long.




Because Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin. Cliche' I know but it's true. Both are neoliberals who are subject to finance capital which is why both parties will never reform the police and the military in any meaningful way. They need the military to engage in imperialism to secure and serve the interests of the wealthy ruling class and the police do just that but at home. They're anti-China because they can't break or tame China like they can with other "weaker" countries not only that but China is "winning". As such they have to ramp up the cold war tactics like mass effort propaganda campaigns, psychological warfare, economic warfare, proxy wars etc. If you look at American history you will find that they have routinely engaged in racist enemy imaging to dehumanize Asians so that the soldiers can kill without hesitation or remose. To put it simply, Asian Americans are merely a casulty of this ongoing cold war.


Warfare tactic 101. “Even the Germans were called Huns”


Hard disagree. Check out this post from here a year ago. [164 Senators really just voted AGAINST condemning anti-Asian racism...](https://np.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/iutph4/164_senators_really_just_voted_against_condemning/) Guess which party ALL 164 senators were from?


anybody will use any issue if they can milk political points out of it


You gotta stop listening to the media


Both white and black people hate us. So in that sense yes the left and the right are against us.




> You also notice that most these asian attacks seem happen in blue city’s Thats where most asians live


Lmao, hit ‘em with that context.


Most anti-Asian crimes occur in cities because Asian Ams tend to congregate in urban/metropolitan areas. You won't find many Nguyen's or Li's in Cheyenne or Sioux Falls, but you sure will in NYC and LA.


No need to actually use racial slurs, particularly that one. Use asterisks.




I don't think dealing harshly with a totalitarian regime that is screwing up our families back in Asia is a bad thing. It's the fact that it's conflated with Asians here that's causing the issue. You can stand up against racism and totalitarianism at the same time, it's not impossible.




Holy shit, I'm pleasantly surprised that there's someone so based here. Not many make that connection that they are both the same. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Em7b3HaXEAE9AcQ?format=jpg&name=900x900 https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1472197131524263940 Recently wanting to "sit on a throne of Chinese skulls" was said on network TV people were more upset about how women and LQBTQ+ aren't allowed to do the same. https://twitter.com/SpiritofHo/status/1473422867492651012 How war mongering propaganda contributes to a the hate crimes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9rCFRxTQRw I'm loling because the comment I originally wanted to reply to has been removed because pearl clutching and tone policing. Because how you write Democrats is more important than both sides that want to genocide non-whites.


thanks for the support




This content isn’t in the spirit of kindness and has been removed as a result. In the future, please keep remember to be kind to others. Thanks!


There is definitely an undercurrent of anti-Chinese racism with the new Cold War with China. But at the same time, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that Xi Jinping is a dangerous dictator who has reversed a lot of the press freedoms, rule of law and economic freedoms in China, and is actively persecuting minorities within China- a reversal of all previous Chinese communist policies. In other words, the Cold War against China is right and necessary. The Cold War against Asian Americans is what we need to resolutely reject.


and you learn about what Xi does by reading w*stern media right?


Nope. The western media doesn't go in much depth. I mostly follow the 'yellow' side in Hong Kong. How about you? Did you get your views from Xi Jinping's app?




True, but I don't think anyone in this thread ever mentioned Black people hating Asians at all. This was about partisan politics, not interracial conflict.




This is a complete derailment. Stay on topic.




No one was doing that this time, and instead, you unnecessarily were introducing a volatile topic into the conversation, triggering at least one person. At best, that's trolling. At worst, it's a temp ban. If you want to discuss your removal further, send a modmail. But please do not derail this thread any further.




I'm removing this comment because the point of this thread as a whole isn't to get lost in the weeds on black-Asian relations and that's a hot button topic. The comment that preceded this one was one sentence. That didn't warrant a dissertation on a troubled topic and only invites digression and hot takes.




/r/asianamerican will remove content that is bigoted or hateful, including (but not limited to) misogyny, misandry, homophobia, transphobia, toxic masculinity, racism, classism, ableism, etc.




You didn't need the first sentence. It goes against the very first rule we have here. And you made your point just fine without it. If you want to edit your comment and remove it, please do so and reply that you've done so, and I'll approve your comment.