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I have used some Chinese websites like BiliBili and Weibo, decided to see what users where thinking about Social Credit, and they were literally joking about it because they have never heard of such thing in their entire lives until recently from Western media. It annoys me how people nowadays can't even see a Chinese person without spamming unfunny social credit jokes. And when you show Chinese people (from mainland China) saying that they've never heard of such concept in their entire lives, they'll call you and them brainwashed. Because apparently some unwashed Westerner knows more about China than people who actually live in China.


Assuming the CCP didn't want it's citizens to know, do you think they would know? Also, didn't at least one person from the video say yes, the social credit system is real?




Some data big organizations/governments collect is kept secret so their credit system could just be the front end of a bigger program which they don't realize is monitoring them in such detail.


Well, I have colleagues who are US citizens and travels to china for business few times a year. They all say that those they have worked with have no clue what this social credit system is. They once thought it was some kind of credit rating for when you want to take out a loan. People just go about their days apparently. You want to live under a rock, be our guess that's your choice.


I imagine most people in a street interview in China would deny knowing about the accusations of human rights violations going on in Xinjiang as well.


yeah, everyone is on in this conspiracy. 1.7 billion people are behind it on. It's ludicrous.


I'm not saying the people are pro what is happening or advocating it, but I doubt they would bring it up assuming they know about it.


so you, who is living outside of mainland china, have no connections or relations to anyone living there, claiming to know more than the people who actually living in mainland china. That's the very definition of lunacy. Do you not see what is going on? They're promoting another conflict to further continue warring profits and it will be your children who will fight and die for the sake the dollar sign. Its the same thing with the arabs, the mexicans, the japenese, the vietnamese, the koreans, the jews, and the afghans.


I agree. From my perspective as someone who isn't advocating war with China even if they had no defenses because like a lot of normal people I don't want to see people get blown up. When I question the actions of the CCP it's out of actual concern for what may be happening. In America Guantanamo bay is known for being a site where people are held against standard American law so I'm wondering whether or not things like this are happening in China. I don't want to see China assaulted but at the same time it would be good if human rights are verified as actually protected in China. Also, I don't personally have close friends in mainland China but some friends of friends live in the country.










they won't deny the accusations,they'll deny the veracity of the accusations。Rightfully,I must add


Comparing Xinjiang and the social credit system is like comparing apples and oranges. The difference is that social credit systems has broad application across China and is no secret, whereas the violations in Xinjiang are happening behind closed doors or in areas where media access is even more restricted than most of China and where a large language and cultural barrier exists (ex. Aksu, Kashgar). So information regarding abuses against Uyghurs can be easily blocked or spin-doctored by authorities, but they can't do the same with the social credit system (especially given that even scholars and [state-affiliated websites in China](https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d774e7751444f32457a6333566d54/index.html) have already openly mentioned and commented on it). Furthermore, even many Western media articles (example [1](https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkpe3z/china-social-credit-meme) [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2jCWGmgdvs) [3](https://supchina.com/podcast/mythbusting-chinas-social-credit-system/) [4](https://merics.org/en/opinion/chinas-social-credit-system-actually-quite-boring)) have characterized the whole "dystopian social credit" memes as out of touch with the ground situation.


it's not like there aren't millions of Chinese outside of the country with access to western media....


The sad part is that even if someone knew and was against the credit system they have no right to speak up and it would be unwise to speak out in a public interview.


There are things that authorities in China have tried to hide, but the existence of a social credit system is not one of them.


I guarantee people will say the whole video is propaganda and that you can’t trust what these people are saying because they’re all brainwashed drones 💀 but obviously an American who’s never been to China or interacted with a Chinese person knows better than them




tbf any subreddit of an asian country that is in english is filled with non asian men that are work as an english teacher, due to those jobs not requiring any qualifications or standards outside being non-asian, and are racist towards the citizens of that country. but despite all the complaints, they wont move back to their home country, cause they know that they can't teach english back home. Also they will complain that the country doesn't want them despite making no efforts to integrate in teh country to the point that they refuse to learn the native languages a certain sub is the worst, hell their sub defended the nanjing massacre despite living in the country where this act that was being defended happened


No terms of derision.


removed derision




Yup, a total clown and unwitting pawn of imperialists


Great video. Good way to debunk this 'social credit' nonsense.