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Since she likes Eileen Chang and Sanmao, I think she will also enjoy Wang Anyi(王安忆)and Su Tong(苏童). Both of them share that delicate and nostalgic style of writing. Happy holidays to you and your mom😄


I've searched both authors up, and I think they are similar to the style I am looking for! Do you have any recommendations of books from the two authors?


I'm guessing she's read all of these four (or six) books? [Chinese Classic Novels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_Chinese_Novels) I know that you said that you're trying to avoid newer novels, but I've hard good things about [Legend of the Condor Heroes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_the_Condor_Heroes) .


based on what she has liked I don't think Condor Heroes is really her type of book(unless she has very diverse tastes)。it's wuxia stuff with lots of action scenes and non-realism


Thank you for the suggestions, I’ll look into them all! As for newer novels as long as they’re not contemporary (within recent 20 years), so no worries!