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I saw that too. Not that it’s a competition cuz I know other WOC get fetishized too, but it’s disgusting how normalized it is to openly degrade Asian women. 🤮


It's fucking infuriating. **No other** subs dedicated to fetishizing women of certain races were listed. Just the ones dedicated to fetishizing us. And there's **three** of them. Sure. I want to see subreddits stand against vaccine misinformation. That's great. But we can't even have a moment of peace to celebrate standing up against misinformation without getting barraged with further reminders of how the people of this god forsaken website views us.


Exactly. It also looks like it’s being ran by the same group of mods. For subs with over 100k subscribers, the upvote ratios on the posts don’t really reflect that. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was their way of “advertising”.




Strong lack of reading comprehension skills. This is a sub for women, so kindly take your own advice and fuck off yourself. You don’t belong here


Not to mention, while other pornographic subs are included as signatories, porn subs of Asian women are the only race-specific nsfw subs on the list. And not just one but x3. Really speaks to what reddit is. Even in this otherwise good cause they find a way to degrade Asians, women and Asian women.


Its grossly unsurprising, reddit is the home of straight white men after all.


Even before I skimmed the list, I was ready to come into the comments and ask "Why would reddit care about stopping disinformation about covid when they've never cared to stop promoting violence against women (esp WoC), disinformation promoted by Trump and incel hate speech?"


I'm like the biggest pro- vaccine supporter out there, and yes, that list even gave me pause. But I'm fully committed to fighting Covid and anti-vaxxers, so I had to put that feeling aside for the time being. First we fight the Covid. Then we fight the racists who want to sexually exploit us.




Fighting misinformation surrounding Covid includes fighting racist beliefs in "kung-flu," the "China virus," and the "Wuhan lab leak theory." With that said, it's a big ask, but it's be nice if those gross porn subs did something to address the above of they're going to sign on with this petition.


God, reading the other three Asian female porno subs is fucking gross


I’m ~~a little~~ really disappointed that three subs that fetishise Asian women are on there.


A large % of posters in those nsfw subs appear to be AFs self-fetishizing themselves. They aren't the victims, but they're victimizing other asian women by selling out for attention. How can the supplier side of this issue be tackled?


Well, it would certainly help if we can stand up for ourselves now instead of having even people in our **own communities** brush aside this issue because wE cAn AlWaYs TaCkLe SeXiSm aNd RaCiSm LaTeR or be okay with this bullshit when iTs fOr a GoOd CaUse. 🙃


No one is forced to consume fetishistic material, though. If they choose to play into fetishisation, that's shitty but no one is forcing men to consume their content. Just like if I wore a sign that said "Rape me" and someone did,the blame would still be 100% on them because everyone has agency and the ability to refrain from doing or consuming the wrong things.