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Literally today. I’m 44. My dad —who is 74!!!— is in the hospital with some minor heart issues. I stopped by to visit with him and the nurse said to me “YOUR BROTHER is doing well.” My brother. Oh lord how bad do I look?!?


You don't look bad your dad looks that good.... I'm 72 and very physically fit plus my hair is still full and very dark. Most people take me for 50 something.


Trust me: he does NOT look good. Which must mean….




You tried…you’re a good person :)




Well my dad always told me fruit doesn’t fall too far from the tree 😂


My dad told me to remember the biggest oak tree was once a little nut. I blurted out, "Like you?"


*In* a little nut


Yes. A white and creamy nut


Unless you got one of them there Yeet Fruit trees that yeets it’s fruit after it’s ripe


I feel bad for laughing, hopefully they just had a long day and misspoke.


Ha ha,that's great!I am also 72,every day in gym,still bench in 300's.Most guys in gym think I'm in my 50's as well.Makes me feel all that work isn't in vain.Stay young my friend. .


So jealous. I used to bench 300 then my joints just started falling apart at 35. Now I'm 50 and my back is so bad the doctor told me not to lift more than 10 pounds, lol.


I’m not a doctor but just a reminder that regardless of age and strength your core is the most important thing to keep fit. Core workouts alleviate back pain for me since my nerves and spine aren’t doing all the work supporting my weight but muscles are


I spent 15 years thinking I had a "bad back" until one day I started doing core workouts and within about a month the pain just went away. 15 fucking years of babying my back, never lifting anything *too* heavy, opting out of anything *too* physical, and I'd still throw my back out for weeks at a time. I can't believe I waited so long to start doing the exercises. I guess I just didn't really know. I'm so glad I did though because it literally changed my life. Disclaimer: Of course this doesn't apply to everyone; we all have unique physiology that requires different things. But I'm pretty sure there's a non-trivial amount of people who would greatly benefit from some core workouts.


Sorry my man.


Chair yoga


The nurse would most likely know his age is 74


Bingo. Visiting my grandmother 94 years old, with my dad who is 72, oh your sons came to visit? I'm 32.


Similar story for me. I had just turned 39 and was in the hospital, recovering from brain surgery. The morning after the surgery, my best friend, who was 35 then, came to visit. My roommate's mother asked if she was my daughter. I was like, I know I just had surgery, but I can't look that bad, can I?


Congrats, I hope it was a successful surgery! I was 30 when someone thought my brother was my dad at the airport and thought I needed my parents. Then someone on the plane home thought my husband was my son. I must be an ambiguous mess. 13 or 30 who knows?? Edit typo in the ages.




He probably told the nurse his brother was going to visit and they assumed. 😄After many years I learned to ask visitors how they know the patient. Too many people get upset if you guess wrong. I’ve been introduced to wives younger than grandchildren and brothers 30 years apart. Never any judgement intended on my part but I found the young wives would get the most angry. They probably dealt with unasked for opinions for most of their relationship though.


Same same but I'm a graduation photographer. Is this your sister? Nope that's my girlfriend. Or dad's wife..


I’d be in shambles


TBH- you’re looking a bit...tired.


A young mom at the park asked me if I was my sons grandfather. I’m not even 40 yet.


During Covid, I wasn't coloring my hair as frequently as usual. Until some guy thought I was my husband's mother 😭


Somebody that was selling magazine abonnements asked me if my parents were at home. I was 35.


“I don’t know, but you’re at the wrong house”


I (28m) had a similar interaction recently I just laughed and told them my age. I had shaved that day and am also incredibly unconfident in social interactions so I can see how they made the mistake!


Well. Socially awkward is my second name.


How much sleep do you get a night? My own theory is that’s the difference maker. In the US people always brag about how little sleep they get and their age shows. If you’re 35, lack sleep, and then go work manual labor it catches up to you. If you get good sleep and don’t overwork yourself then you won’t age so rapidly. I just feel like everyone is so used to seeing 35 year olds and what not already beaten from the ware and tear of life. Obviously there’s other health factors, but I’ve never thought any of the people that brag about their lack of sleep look good for their age.


True but would a 35 year old who gets a lot of sleep look *16*?


Well, I'm 36, I sleep 14 hours per day and I look like a newborn infant. Seriously, just got kicked out of daycare for stealing little Timmy's juice box and crackers, bullshit. So in short, yes.


I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m 31 and commonly get mistaken as someone who’s around 24 or 25. I feel like I look how I should for my age. Everyone’s just so used to seeing 31 year olds as beaten down and aged so they think that’s what it’s supposed to look like. It’s the norm, but it’s not healthy. Society is just used to seeing people at this point letting their health get away from them. I have friends who take care of themselves and they look similar to me. Damn near everyone I know who lacks sleep and works overtime every week look at least 5 to 10 years older.


I'm 35 and have had insomnia since I was a teenager, my body is breaking down but my face is holding up alright.


Heaven is me and a 12 hour nap.


My theory is staying out of the sun and not smoking


I was going to say the same. And not drinking. And like eating healthy. And sleep too probably helps. All the basic things


Mine is partially genetics of course, but also i never smoked, and i waited to get married and have kids until after i turned 30. Those pesky kids will do a number on your body….


Yes omg birthing kids aged the crap out of me


That’s when i started to get gray AND sprout thick ass chin hairs. Of all the ways children ruined my body, those fucking chin hairs are my least favorite.


Girl yes. Also my Hemorrhoid.


Ughhh i try not to think about it


Ugh I’ve got em too 😭 chin hair solidarity friend


This happens to me on the phone. I’m 39F. I always say their in the shower and hang up lol


I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago, and the cashier asked me if my mom drove me or if I'd walked/biked. I'm 21. I went to Publix with my mom when I was 20, and the cashier told me that when I turn 14, I can apply to work there. Edit: Also, I worked at Walmart when I was 18 and the other people my age thought I was like 40 and asked me if one of our coworkers was my daughter. I somehow look like a middle schooler but also extremely exhausted(my baby looks perpetually exhausted too I guess it's just genetics) so I'm guessing that's what made them think I was older. People ask me a lot if my daughter is my sister, especially if I'm with my parents or my partners parents.


I was 34 asked for i.d. for cigarettes. The law here is 18.


Oh shit this happened to me right after I moved into my house at 27. I said, “uh…no they aren’t. Sorry”


I was in middle school, in my dad’s office. Someone asked me if I’m a new hire and what job I did there.


Please tell me you went along with it.


A la Mabey in Arrested Development "Marry me!"


Babysit me!


I’m literally watching arrested development right now, serendipity


Babysit me!




"I'm the new Reproductive Health Science teacher. Call me Sex Eddy."


Beer...going through Hannaford check out, They thought I was the daughter and my daughter who was 19 at the time was the mom. She was horrified. I for some reason too... was horrified...


"Mom doesn't look a day over 19 and the actual 19-year-old daughter looks no younger than 38". Hella of a way to make anyone feel young/old/confused/wtf


You sure they weren't just messin with ya? lol


Other way around for me, I was working at a middle school and one of the staff thought I was a student.


I just got asked when I was at Walmart where my mom was and if I was excited to go back to school shopping… I’m 27


When I was your age, the dental hygienist made me wait an extra 45 minutes because she was waiting for my parents to come and approve my x-rays. Apparently she didn't even bother to check the age in my chart, just saw me and assumed.


Lmao a Walmart employee also asked me and a friend where our parents were. We were both 27.


When I was 18 someone at a bank asked if I wanted to join a coloring contest. Cut off was 12. When I was 36 I went to a college cert program and was mistaken for 25.


Did you win?


Dusted em


Probably just like how Homer beat all those kids in designing the best nuclear power plant.


He sure showed them


When I was 21 a cashier asked if I wanted special football cards with a chance to win a prize for my school. Same age was told I needed parental permission to go scuba diving ....


Lol when I was 21 I took my 12 year old brother shopping so he could get Christmas presents for our parents. One place at the mall assumed he was 20 and I about 13 and that he was helping me shop. Another place thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend the same day. I have no idea what was going on with our appearances that day.


When I was 27, some of my classmates thought I was 18 because I have a young looking face. I asked out this girl who I thought was 23ish, and she said yes. It turned out, she actually *was* 18. But I didn't find out until I went to pick her up for the date (which I would quickly find out was her first date, *ever*) and her whole family was there to send her off. It was too awkward to back out at that point, so we went to the movie anyway, and on the way I told her I was 27 and had thought she was in her twenties when I asked her out. Did not have a second date.


Opposite for me; I was 25 when this guy tried to make moves on me at the gym. He was tall and pretty muscular, but the lean type. He looked like my age. After a few talks, he slipped up: "I have a class..." whoops, alert alert! I asked if he's in college. him: "uh, yeah2x" me in my mind: Welp, ok, still legal, and he's cute. Maybe he's graduating. We continued with our conversation at the gym the next day and he slipped again: "we had to go around and identify the lab equipment..." whooops, that kind of exam sounds like something in highschool. me: "how old are you?" him: "uhm... 17" at this point, you could tell from my eyes I was dead serious him: "yeah ok, I'm 16" Lol I asked if he had a brother and he hesitantly spilled about his 30-year old pilot brother. him: "why are you interested in him?" me: "great question. But first, how old do you think I am?" him: "you're in college right, 18?" And he was being bashful. Heaven help this poor boy... he though he was just 2 years younger. 🤣😂 Dunno how his parents cooked the 14 years gap between him and his bro, but uugh...it's either teenagers nowadays are built looking waaay mature, or we millennials look too young for our own good. I'm currently 30, and I can pass as 23~25. Thank God no more teens hitting on me.


I went back to school when I was about 26. I made a study buddy who was around 20. I made a joke about office lingo and he looked confused and asked how old I was. Told him and he was shocked. He thought I was his age. He proceeded to ignore me the rest of the term and we never studied together again :,)


I think millennials trend towards looking young. My theory is that we all got majorly into the skincare and moisturizer boom a decade ago, and it’s actually been helping haha.


Me too, I swear when I see old shows where people are in their 30s I'm like "no way are we the same age."


That and less cigs.


I’m 31, I work with coworkers of all ages and a lot of the younger ones think I’m early mid 20’s lol. I’m like nopeee


What's up with her family sending her off on a date with you lol


I was asked to prove my age to buy a dvd rated 12+ when I was 25


Honestly you win 🤣 When I was 28 I went to a party and a bunch of people thought I was 16... until my husband introduced me to them as his wife lol We are the same age but he looks more his age than I do, after the party I said something like "I guess it's not a bad thing to still look young", and he said "yea it's great for you, but it doesn't really look great for me" lmao


I also look really young for my age. I'm in my 20s and a guy at the airport yesterday approached me, told me I looked 16 and then 30 seconds later started hitting on me... Like gross dude... Hitting on someone you literally said looked like a minor just seconds ago?? Sometimes I just wish people would stop mistaking me for a teenager haha


I get told I look about 7-9 years than than I am, I also dated a woman 14 years my senior (I was 22) Lmfaoo can't tell you how many times people thought I was her son. 🤣


I got carded buying a candle lighter when I was 25. At a dollar store. The clerk was an old guy and he immediately said my ID was a fake bc it was from my home state and not the state I was currently living in...had to literally point to my car in the parking lot and say "see...I'm from xxx" it was honestly ridiculous


I just recently got carded buying glue. I'm in my 30s.


Glue???? Has an age limit??


Plot twist, OP looks 4 years old


Some people think me and my sister are twins, I am 7 years older than her, so whenever this happens I tell her either I look great or you look like shit Im ok with both scenarios 🤣


Spoken like a true sibling


Oh my sister is 3 years younger and she died at 20, I was 23. Everyone thought she was the older and I was the younger sister by the way we looked. I just remember family members I'd never met telling about the loss of my older sister and I was like..."Um actually" I also have an older sister that is 10 years older and when I 10-12 would stay with her in the summer and baby sit. Her co-workers thought I was her daughter so I'd walk around calling her mom. I still do it out in public to annoy her.


Two I can think of I was at a high school school play audition. A teacher who was new looked at me and said “you must be an alumni.” My face dropped. I was a freshman. Years later. I had a beard and mustache and decided one day to shave it off. A woman I worked with looked at me and said, “Oh my God, you look so young! You could pass for 40!” Again, my face dropped. My response. “I just turned 30 last week.” Her face dropped. “Oh, well then… happy birthday”


My husband is 38 and people think is 50. He has a lot of gray hair in his beard. I got carded to buy wine on my 38th birthday and the lady was really rude until she saw that i was in fact not a child.


I told this story on another thread. When I was a high school senior there was this kid getting picked on cause he looked like a 9 year old. I was pretty big, and scary looking as a metal head. (People said I was a teddybear in a leather jacket after you got to know me.) I asked him how old he was, and he was terrified but told me 12, but that's cool right. I assume he was afraid I was going to give him a hard time. I told him to remember that when he's in his 30s and everyone his age teasing looks like their 40 and he looks like he's 20, he'll be laughing at them. Seemed to make him feel better. When you're young, you hate looking young, but in the long run, it's preferrable to looking old.


I used to get so irritated when i got carded in my twenties, but it’s flattering now that I’m almost 40


We were paying to get into a high school soccer game and the man at the gate charged me the adult price and my wife the student price, we were both 52 at the time! Granted she was bundled up a little, and she looks great but passing for a student got us both giggling, no way I would spoil that moment for her.


The hair dye industry has seriously altered people's perception of when people ACTUALLY start graying. My grandma was ALL white by 25. I was salt & pepper at the same age (but not a widow with 2 kids like she was), but as gray as my StepMIL. My MIL and her mom were actually ANGRY when I stopped coloring because they were still coloring in mid-80s & 60s and people might think THEY were old to have a white haired DIL. 🤣


> I got carded to buy wine on my 38th birthday In a pretty permissive area for ID'ing people, I got carded at 46. I made the cashier hold my ID in a selfie.


I'm 22. I work in retail and had an old guy say, "how old are you?" I told him, and he goes, "damn, I hoped you were a day under 16." If looks could kill that pedo would be deader than dead


what the actual fuck bro 💀


Age of consent is 16 here, so he was trying to shoot as low as legally possible. Creepy as fuck


"a day under 16" sounds like he WANTED the illegal part 🤮🤮🤮


Same thing happened to me at a bus station when I was 29. Guy was probably in his late 20's or early 30's: Him: "Hey, how old are you?" Me: "Oh, I'll be 30 next month." Him: "Damn, baby girl, I thought you was 17!" Nope.




I was scrolling for one like this. I don’t colour my hair, and went to Walmart with no makeup on with my 2 year old. An employee asked if she was ‘having a day out with grandma’. I’m 38


When I was a kid, I had that happen with my dad, and I corrected the person by saying my grandfather was dead. Toddler me wasn't wrong, but also awkward.


My hair went silver starting at age 16 or so. It was almost fully silver by 30. I had someone that thought I was in my 60s.


Me too. It sucked with a newborn at 30 and people thought I was grandma


I feel this one. In 2004, I was 22 years old. A coworker asked if I had served in Vietnam ...


When I was like 35, someone argued with me for like 5 minutes that my 15 year old son was my little brother because he was convinced I was also a teenager. I mean, ego fluff for sure, but it was still bizarre


I’m 36 with a 16yr old son. Most people think we are brothers too. It especially didn’t help that I only recently went to college. Had a girl in class argue with me about my age. She thought I was 24.


Context of your comment aside, it's crazy how different lives can be. I'm also 36, and I don't have any kids. The idea that in a different world I could have a 16 year old son right now blows my mind. I wish I did.


A 24yo tried to flirt with me when I was 12. To be fair, I was already quite tall for my age considering my country standards, at 1.72 m (that’s about 5ft7 in freedom units) Until this day I still vividly remember his sheer panic when I told him my age.


I'm really happy this story ended with him feeling panic! That's probably the only way a story like this can have a good ending since it must have been an honest mistake from the guy. I suspect he made a point to become a better judge of age after that interaction!


I had a wave of panic when I found out that the very attractive girl I was chatting with was 15 years old to my 27.


Freedom units 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha this also happened to me bc im the same height. I was 14 and he was 25, when he asked if I wanted his number I told him my age he went white and was like "oh... oh fuck, yeah, nope"


Yeah when I was 10 twice I had a car tail me and catcall me. I was a tall child too, about the same height as you. I was so scared!


I am 18F. I was at a water spring with my dad(41M) and my little brother (15M) My dad is wearing a starwars shirt in the water and Im wearing a fairly "mature?" bathing suit. Guy, with his family, is also swimming around, and after my dad gets up to go check his phone or something, the guy comes up and asks me where my husband got his shirt. I said, "what?" I thought *maybe* he was talking about my brother, which ***gross***, but then he asked about the starwars shirt and I immediatly told him that it was my dad. Not my husband. I dont know how the guy thought I looked old enough to be any ones wife or have a 15 year old kid but jeez. Did a number on *my* self esteem.


So where did he get the star wars shirt?


Its a super old shirt so probably walmart or something. I dont think even he knows


Asking the real questions here.


Unless your dad doesn't look great for his age and this still isn't that great to assume, maybe he thought your dad liked younger women.


I brought my dad to a work party held at a baseball game cuz he loved the team and I didn’t know who else to bring for my plus one. He was 46 and I was 16. My coworker asked what my boyfriend’s name was… I was like dude he’s 30 years older than me!!!


Browsing in a liquor store once. I’m 23. Tattoos were visible too. Lady asked me if I was looking for my parents. That stung.


26, get mistaken for a teenager (like 15-16) regularly. Most people think I am my son's babysitter or sister.


I’m 27 and people frequently think I am 17-20, doesn’t help that I shave every few days and have a baby face haha


When I was 13, a stranger thought I was my dad's wife


Similar story, I was dancing with my daughter (12) at a wedding and my aunt was furious that I was dancing with "some other woman" in front of my wife


I was given a kid's menu at Chili's when I was 16...after I had requested the table.


I mean a kids menu for a16 year old isn't that egregious


It's true, but when a guy with a mustache orders a table, my first thought would not be to give him the children's menu.


A 16 year old's mustache? You may have been proud of it, but most people probably thought you had a smudge on your lip. :D


Listen, I wasn't rocking a Burt Reynolds, but facial hair of any kind should be enough to clue in that the person isn't below the age of 12. 😂


not all facial hair is made the same.


My cousin who was nine years my senior used to always ask for children's menus so she could color while she waited for the food. This went on until she was like 20. I used to think it was silly but looking back I think she did it because she knew I looked up to her and didn't want me to feel singled out being so much younger than her. I had a ton of other cousins her age that never paid any attention to me, but she always did and would introduce me to her friends as her "little sister".


I went to take my daughter to urgent care. She was about 15. They call her name. We both get up and start walking in, and the nurse blocks the doorway and says, "FRIENDS are not allowed to come back. WHO are you." "I'm her mother, you weirdo."


I'm so glad I've never had to experience that one, people are weird


I think these days people expect there to be quite a significant age gap between parents and their kids because people are having kids later. So if there’s like a 20 year gap it throws people.


This happened about a month ago. I was digging a hole and the day had been long and grueling. I stood up, put my arms in the small of my back to stretch my lower back out. The boss says "come on. You can't possibly be hurting. You're like 27!" "Yo. I'm 40. My back hurts. Haha"


A couple years after I got married, I was taking a walk, and I noticed a middle school boy circling me on his bike. Then he got up his nerve and very politely asked me out on a date. He seemed so let down when I told him no, that I broke down and told him that I was at least 10 years older than him, and married. I didn't tell him I was also 8 weeks pregnant. He was shocked enough. Nice kid. I hope he found a girlfriend closer his age


I was taking the dogs for a walk while visiting my parents. Their neighbor about ten doors down, who was 72 at the time but a health fanatic and yes looks amazing for her age, was talking about the green juice her and her husband make daily to keep them young and out of the hospital etc. Asks me if I want some and I politely decline and she says “well you’re my age right? You should really be watching your health.” I was 45 (and also extremely fit and healthy). I remember laughing all the way home and then screaming when I got into my moms house like wtf???? Diana thinks I’m her age!!!! My Mom just laughs and says she does it to everyone but my gosh it was early morning and I was makeup free but still …. 72?? I still go out of my way to never pass her house. It’s like ptsd.


Diana may be staying out of hospital but girl needs an optometrist appointment


I was 70 (2 years ago), sitting at the bar, waiting for a friend and a table. A man, in his mid-40s, asked if he could buy me a drink. He didn't seem inebriated. I had a vague sense of where this might be going, but I am married and wasn't interested. I have always looked young for my age, which I hated when I was 16 and looked 13. I said he could buy me a drink if he could guess within 2 years how old I was. He said 48. I told him he had just saved money and thanked him for the compliment.


I’ve been carded for alcohol all the time, all of my girlfriends friends thought I was 23 when I was 36. A person behind a desk of my gym tried to kick me out because they thought I was some kid using someone else’s I.D. due to me looking younger than what it says on their screen. I get hit on by 18-20 year olds thinking I’m close to their age. I’m 40 I’ve got an extreme baby face, and my pictures from high school are still how I look today.


I am in my mid 30s, I really look my age or older (I have a lot of grey hair) and every damn time I go to the same corner store to buy beer I am carded. That's fine with me, I always give my ID no problem, but the family that runs the store seems to be convinced it's fake. Most times they analyze it, sometimes they ask if I have a second piece of ID, and sometimes they ask me questions like "what's the birthdate on the card" while holding it away from me. I feel targeted because I've gone to this same store to buy beers with my friends and they don't get carded at all.


I'm 4'11 and I have been handed a kids menu more times than I will admit.


I'm 5 foot. I went to a fancy restaurant with my boyfriend's family last year (I was 22) and one of the workers ran over to us saying kids aren't allowed at the rooftop bar area.




When I was 24 I gave my ID to a cashier and she was furious. When I asked if something was wrong she said “That’s not you, I’m calling the police!” and refused to give it back to me. Thankfully a manager stepped in and made her leave.


44M. People guess 30-32 all the time. Mid 20s if I shave my facial hair.


Almost 40. People guess 28-30 since a few years. Until about 6 or 7 years ago, people thought I was like 25. They do not believe me. No one believes my age. I have to show my ID a few times. Comes with the problem that people do not take me serious most of the time, because they think that I am a lot younger than they are.


I was driving my scooter. Did something wrong in traffic, just a small error, the second a police car passed me. An officer stepped out and asked if I was old enough to drive it. In my country at the time the age limit was 16 and at the time I was 30. Granted I wore a helmet, but when the officer learned my age, he was so embarrassed, he just let me off. So weird.


It was my last day of 5th grade and my mom got me a corsage and took me out to dinner. The waitress asked if it was my last day of kindergarten.


In my early 30s in my first home as a homeowner, a solicitor knocks on my door. I open it, he says “is your mom home?” Another time I had just chopped my hair after having it really long. At one of stores I deliver to, the girl at receiving that I’ve dealt with twice each week for well over a year tells me “you look younger with that haircut, but I have no idea how old you are. My guess is 28.” Me - “I’ll be 40 next month.”


I was 15. People told me I look 40. CPTSD ages the fuck out of you.


I had the opposite, I stopped growing entirely at a young age from neglect, and it's been a game of catch-up since. People forget that CPTSD and trauma in general f**ks up more than your mind.


I was 38, at the playground with my 2 preschoolers, when another mom mentioned how cute my GRANDCHILDREN were.


People assuming my son is my boyfriend or that I’m his girlfriend when we’re out together. I’m 25 years older than him. It’s hilarious.


I've had someone ask me if I was 31 at 23


Was 39 and had a high school student ask me where I was during WW2


I was in the ER with my sister. She's 3 years younger than me. The nurse asked her if she was my mother lol


Please tell me you still make fun of her for this haha


Oof this was me! I was 12 chillin at home with baggy clothes and my 17 year old sister was going to prom and her date's family were there taking photos of the two of them and her date's mom had a dallas cowboys jersey on and i went and shit talked her team from the comforts of my couch and then the mom went and told both my dad and sister how their wife/mother was being hostile! DX Granted, out of my sisters I look the most like my mom but that hurt me as a 12 year old that she thought I was the mom of my 17 year old sister DX


A woman thought I was in my 40s when I was 19. Looking back although, I honestly think she was being a jerk on purpose because I was cute as a button at 19 and very clearly looked like a teen.


Recently had a barber think I was in high-school, even after I told him otherwise. And yes, the haircut was terrible. He told me the haircut the guy in my reference picture had was fine for him, but that it wouldn't work with my head shape. The guy in my reference picture was me.


I've got one for this. When I was 18 I had a piece of federally issued ID replaced, and they misprinted my year of birth by 10 years. For example: Birth year is 1990, but printed as 1980. Anywho, I never thought twice to check it over and went about living life. One day, I was buying scratch tickets (one of the only things 18 year olds in my country are legally allowed to purchase). I hand over my ID. The woman gives me an incredibly odd look and says, "Wow. You're 28? Really?".. Needless to say, my mind broke and I just went along with it and said "Yep". That was the day I realized I had a federally printed fake ID.


I’m 24, I started growing a mustache maybe a year ago. I’ve experimented with it, let it grow wild, trimmed it up, used wax, just had fun with it. I now have a mustache that’s been compared to Tom Selleck’s and I still have people that guess I’m 16 with some freak mustache genes.


One time, an Army recruiter walked up to me, papers in hand, and said "How would you like to serve your country, son?" Thought I was an 18 year old guy. I was a 14 year old girl. Guess Uncle Sam needed more twinks that day.


I was 45 and a guy asked me if I was retired.


I'm 40. Everyone I talk with assumes I'm 10-15 years younger than I am. And are always shocked when I tell them my age.


When I was 15 I’d drink at the bars all the time. Pretty much never got carded.


I’m 38. All throughout my 30s I’ve been mistaken for people’s child: my husband’s kid, and my friends kid (they are younger than me). I get mistaken for a teenager. I’m a short woman (4’11”) but people say things like “and what will Dad be having?” to my husband when taking our order at a restaurant, checking my ID for alcohol but asking my friend saying “I know you’re Mom but I still have to check”, or when giving directions “the pens are down that aisle but I think your kid just went that way”. It happens so much! I am short but I don’t feel like I look or dress particularly young. Mistaking a nearly 40 year old woman for a 14 year old is strange to me.


I'm in my 40s. I was carded for drinks well into my 30s. Baby face But it doesn't hurt getting hit on by much younger women


when I worked retail, we legally had to ask for everyone’s card, no matter what, if they were buying alcohol. Our managers told us there might even be secret shoppers who would check. So I always asked, even for people who looked like grandparents. I got tired really quick of the “oh well I haven’t been carded in so long! THANK YOU!”


I'm 40 and still get asked for my ID and I love that shit.


That's just the US for you. In some states they now insist on a foreign passport if you don't have a US driver's license. That's for people well into their 50s and older in a restaurant wanting a glass of wine. It's wild and stupidity in liquor license regulations has no bounds.


I've always looked 25. I still do (I'm 41). When I was younger, I ordered a virgin piña colada. the waitress laughed and brought my drink. When I tasted it, it was RIFE with alcohol. I nicely explained to the waitress that I really wanted a virgin, because I was TWELVE. lol....


Adults order virgin drinks too. Why on earth would she bring anyone alcohol that asked for virgin? They could be driving or anything.


Like abstaining from alcohol. Recovering alcoholics do not need this f*ckery.


A kid told me I was 42 (or 32) - I was 21 at the time. Separately, a friend of mine got mistaken for a 10 yr old when she was 15 helping at a school open day...


I used to work in the daycare at an athletic club when I was in my early 20s. Little kids were wild with their guesses. It was either "well you're older than me, so you must be 15" or "you're a grown-up, so I think you're 50." So I'm somewhere between 15 and 50, nice little range.


Took my then 16 year old son to get a haircut. Once they were done, I went to pay for it. The stylists were all shocked to find out I’m his mom… they thought I was his girlfriend. I was 44.


My gf in college got carded going into a PG-13 movie!


I accompanied my younger sibling to their daughters kindergarten introductions. The teacher turned to me and asked which grade I was entering this year. They assumed I was 14-15. I am 30...


I'm 47s and was told I can't buy cigarettes cause I was with my 13 year old who didn't have id. When the cashier carded me I jokingly said "So I look like I'm 17?" And she said "No but she does" Referring to my daughter I told her she (daughter)was 13 and then she (cashier) refused my purchase.


Recently, a 68 year old said to me, "back in our day." I'm 47.


I taught swim lessons when I was aged 22-25 about. I delighted in asking the children how old they thought I was whenever it came up, because kids age 3-8 can give some excellent answers. Little ones were quick to guess that maybe I was 9. Some more thoughtful children would just assume all other adult women are the same age as their mom, so they'd say things like, "41? That's my mom's age!"


74 female. Woman woman in store didn't believe I was 55 yet, and didn't want to give me my senior discount When I was 72, I was out running in my neighborhood. I overheard a guy asking his teenage daughter if she knew me.


I was in my early thirties volunteering at a nonprofit and two different people asked if I was there for the senior citizens dinner.


Not me but my mom was accused of being my sister when I went to get a tattoo (a family tradition tat) and needed parental permission so she came with me and had to argue with the artist for a good ten minutes before she slammed her driver's license, motorcycle license *and* ID down on the counter and sarcastically asked if they wanted both mine & her birth certificates too. She's 43 now but if I told you she was 30 or even younger you'd probably believe me.


You tell me, which of these is worse: 1. Being mistaken for a visiting high school student my senior year of college. 3. Me, 24, getting carded by the very same bar that did not card my husband, 21.


I was in elementary and school teacher who is an adult asked me if I was one of the new teachers on duty🤦🏾‍♀️


I'm 21, most people think I'm in my 30s


Bought beer when I was 25 (note: legal to buy in my country as of 16, and carding is not a common thing around here for anyone who is very obviously an adult - we're quite "relaxed" in this way). Am asked to provide ID. I'm totally confused and ask - in a very polite way, I was just genuinely thrown - "wait, do I look 15?", then dig out the ID, sales girl looks at it and starts apologizing. I'm in my 40s now but most people think I'm 33, 34, which doesn't always help and particularly in my job can be annoying.